path: root/activerecord/CHANGELOG
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authorDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2004-11-24 01:04:44 +0000
committerDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2004-11-24 01:04:44 +0000
commitdb045dbbf60b53dbe013ef25554fd013baf88134 (patch)
tree257830e3c76458c8ff3d1329de83f32b23926028 /activerecord/CHANGELOG
git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@4 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/CHANGELOG')
1 files changed, 757 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/CHANGELOG b/activerecord/CHANGELOG
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index 0000000000..538acf172e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/CHANGELOG
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+* Added ADO-based SQLServerAdapter (only works on Windows) [Joey Gibson]
+* Fixed problems with primary keys and postgresql sequences (#230) [Tim Bates]
+* Fixed problems with nested transactions (#231) [Tim Bates]
+* Added reloading for associations under cached environments like FastCGI and mod_ruby. This makes it possible to use those environments for development.
+ This is turned on by default, but can be turned off with ActiveRecord::Base.reload_dependencies = false in production environments.
+ NOTE: This will only have an effect if you let the associations manage the requiring of model classes. All libraries loaded through
+ require will be "forever" cached. You can, however, use ActiveRecord::Base.load_or_require("library") to get this behavior outside of the
+ auto-loading associations.
+* Added ERB capabilities to the fixture files for dynamic fixture generation. You don't need to do anything, just include ERB blocks like:
+ david:
+ id: 1
+ name: David
+ jamis:
+ id: 2
+ name: Jamis
+ <% for digit in 3..10 %>
+ dev_<%= digit %>:
+ id: <%= digit %>
+ name: fixture_<%= digit %>
+ <% end %>
+* Changed the yaml fixture searcher to look in the root of the fixtures directory, so when you before could have something like:
+ fixtures/developers/fixtures.yaml
+ fixtures/accounts/fixtures.yaml
+ ...you now need to do:
+ fixtures/developers.yaml
+ fixtures/accounts.yaml
+* Changed the fixture format from:
+ name: david
+ data:
+ id: 1
+ name: David Heinemeier Hansson
+ birthday: 1979-10-15
+ profession: Systems development
+ ---
+ name: steve
+ data:
+ id: 2
+ name: Steve Ross Kellock
+ birthday: 1974-09-27
+ profession: guy with keyboard
+ ...to:
+ david:
+ id: 1
+ name: David Heinemeier Hansson
+ birthday: 1979-10-15
+ profession: Systems development
+ steve:
+ id: 2
+ name: Steve Ross Kellock
+ birthday: 1974-09-27
+ profession: guy with keyboard
+ The change is NOT backwards compatible. Fixtures written in the old YAML style needs to be rewritten!
+* All associations will now attempt to require the classes that they associate to. Relieving the need for most explicit 'require' statements.
+*1.1.0* (34)
+* Added automatic fixture setup and instance variable availability. Fixtures can also be automatically
+ instantiated in instance variables relating to their names using the following style:
+ class FixturesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ fixtures :developers # you can add more with comma separation
+ def test_developers
+ assert_equal 3, @developers.size # the container for all the fixtures is automatically set
+ assert_kind_of Developer, @david # works like @developers["david"].find
+ assert_equal "David Heinemeier Hansson", @david.name
+ end
+ end
+* Added HasAndBelongsToManyAssociation#push_with_attributes(object, join_attributes) that can create associations in the join table with additional
+ attributes. This is really useful when you have information that's only relevant to the join itself, such as a "added_on" column for an association
+ between post and category. The added attributes will automatically be injected into objects retrieved through the association similar to the piggy-back
+ approach:
+ post.categories.push_with_attributes(category, :added_on => Date.today)
+ post.categories.first.added_on # => Date.today
+ NOTE: The categories table doesn't have a added_on column, it's the categories_post join table that does!
+* Fixed that :exclusively_dependent and :dependent can't be activated at the same time on has_many associations [bitsweat]
+* Fixed that database passwords couldn't be all numeric [bitsweat]
+* Fixed that calling id would create the instance variable for new_records preventing them from being saved correctly [bitsweat]
+* Added sanitization feature to HasManyAssociation#find_all so it works just like Base.find_all [Sam Stephenson/bitsweat]
+* Added that you can pass overlapping ids to find without getting duplicated records back [bitsweat]
+* Added that Base.benchmark returns the result of the block [bitsweat]
+* Fixed problem with unit tests on Windows with SQLite [paterno]
+* Fixed that quotes would break regular non-yaml fixtures [Dmitry Sabanin/daft]
+* Fixed fixtures on windows with line endings cause problems under unix / mac [Tobias Luetke]
+* Added HasAndBelongsToManyAssociation#find(id) that'll search inside the collection and find the object or record with that id
+* Added :conditions option to has_and_belongs_to_many that works just like the one on all the other associations
+* Added AssociationCollection#clear to remove all associations from has_many and has_and_belongs_to_many associations without destroying the records [geech]
+* Added type-checking and remove in 1-instead-of-N sql statements to AssociationCollection#delete [geech]
+* Added a return of self to AssociationCollection#<< so appending can be chained, like project << Milestone.create << Milestone.create [geech]
+* Added Base#hash and Base#eql? which means that all of the equality using features of array and other containers now works:
+ [ Person.find(1), Person.find(2), Person.find(3) ] & [ Person.find(1), Person.find(4) ] # => [ Person.find(1) ]
+* Added :uniq as an option to has_and_belongs_to_many which will automatically ensure that AssociateCollection#uniq is called
+ before pulling records out of the association. This is especially useful for three-way (and above) has_and_belongs_to_many associations.
+* Added AssociateCollection#uniq which is especially useful for has_and_belongs_to_many associations that can include duplicates,
+ which is common on associations that also use metadata. Usage: post.categories.uniq
+* Fixed respond_to? to use a subclass specific hash instead of an Active Record-wide one
+* Fixed has_and_belongs_to_many to treat associations between classes in modules properly [Florian Weber]
+* Added a NoMethod exception to be raised when query and writer methods are called for attributes that doesn't exist [geech]
+* Added a more robust version of Fixtures that throws meaningful errors when on formatting issues [geech]
+* Added Base#transaction as a compliment to Base.transaction for prettier use in instance methods [geech]
+* Improved the speed of respond_to? by placing the dynamic methods lookup table in a hash [geech]
+* Added that any additional fields added to the join table in a has_and_belongs_to_many association
+ will be placed as attributes when pulling records out through has_and_belongs_to_many associations.
+ This is helpful when have information about the association itself that you want available on retrival.
+* Added better loading exception catching and RubyGems retries to the database adapters [alexeyv]
+* Fixed bug with per-model transactions [daniel]
+* Fixed Base#transaction so that it returns the result of the last expression in the transaction block [alexeyv]
+* Added Fixture#find to find the record corresponding to the fixture id. The record
+ class name is guessed by using Inflector#classify (also new) on the fixture directory name.
+ Before: Document.find(@documents["first"]["id"])
+ After : @documents["first"].find
+* Fixed that the table name part of column names ("TABLE.COLUMN") wasn't removed properly [Andreas Schwarz]
+* Fixed a bug with Base#size when a finder_sql was used that didn't capitalize SELECT and FROM [geech]
+* Fixed quoting problems on SQLite by adding quote_string to the AbstractAdapter that can be overwritten by the concrete
+ adapters for a call to the dbm. [Andreas Schwarz]
+* Removed RubyGems backup strategy for requiring SQLite-adapter -- if people want to use gems, they're already doing it with AR.
+*1.0.0 (35)*
+* Added OO-style associations methods [Florian Weber]. Examples:
+ Project#milestones_count => Project#milestones.size
+ Project#build_to_milestones => Project#milestones.build
+ Project#create_for_milestones => Project#milestones.create
+ Project#find_in_milestones => Project#milestones.find
+ Project#find_all_in_milestones => Project#milestones.find_all
+* Added serialize as a new class method to control when text attributes should be YAMLized or not. This means that automated
+ serialization of hashes, arrays, and so on WILL NO LONGER HAPPEN (#10). You need to do something like this:
+ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
+ serialize :settings
+ end
+ This will assume that settings is a text column and will now YAMLize any object put in that attribute. You can also specify
+ an optional :class_name option that'll raise an exception if a serialized object is retrieved as a descendent of a class not in
+ the hierarchy. Example:
+ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
+ serialize :settings, :class_name => "Hash"
+ end
+ user = User.create("settings" => %w( one two three ))
+ User.find(user.id).settings # => raises SerializationTypeMismatch
+* Added the option to connect to a different database for one model at a time. Just call establish_connection on the class
+ you want to have connected to another database than Base. This will automatically also connect decendents of that class
+ to the different database [Renald Buter].
+* Added transactional protection for Base#save. Validations can now check for values knowing that it happens in a transaction and callbacks
+ can raise exceptions knowing that the save will be rolled back. [Suggested by Alexey Verkhovsky]
+* Added column name quoting so reserved words, such as "references", can be used as column names [Ryan Platte]
+* Added the possibility to chain the return of what happened inside a logged block [geech]:
+ This now works:
+ log { ... }.map { ... }
+ Instead of doing:
+ result = []
+ log { result = ... }
+ result.map { ... }
+* Added "socket" option for the MySQL adapter, so you can change it to something else than "/tmp/mysql.sock" [Anna Lissa Cruz]
+* Added respond_to? answers for all the attribute methods. So if Person has a name attribute retrieved from the table schema,
+ person.respond_to? "name" will return true.
+* Added Base.benchmark which can be used to aggregate logging and benchmark, so you can measure and represent multiple statements in a single block.
+ Usage (hides all the SQL calls for the individual actions and calculates total runtime for them all):
+ Project.benchmark("Creating project") do
+ project = Project.create("name" => "stuff")
+ project.create_manager("name" => "David")
+ project.milestones << Milestone.find_all
+ end
+* Added logging of invalid SQL statements [Suggested by Daniel Von Fange]
+* Added alias Errors#[] for Errors#on, so you can now say person.errors["name"] to retrieve the errors for name [Andreas Schwarz]
+* Added RubyGems require attempt if sqlite-ruby is not available through regular methods.
+* Added compatibility with 2.x series of sqlite-ruby drivers. [Jamis Buck]
+* Added type safety for association assignments, so a ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch will be raised if you attempt to
+ assign an object that's not of the associated class. This cures the problem with nil giving id = 4 and fixnums giving id = 1 on
+ mistaken association assignments. [Reported by Andreas Schwarz]
+* Added the option to keep many fixtures in one single YAML document [what-a-day]
+* Added the class method "inheritance_column" that can be overwritten to return the name of an alternative column than "type" for storing
+ the type for inheritance hierarchies. [Dave Steinberg]
+* Added [] and []= as an alternative way to access attributes when the regular methods have been overwritten [Dave Steinberg]
+* Added the option to observer more than one class at the time by specifying observed_class as an array
+* Added auto-id propagation support for tables with arbitrary primary keys that have autogenerated sequences associated with them
+ on PostgreSQL. [Dave Steinberg]
+* Changed that integer and floats set to "" through attributes= remain as NULL. This was especially a problem for scaffolding and postgresql. (#49)
+* Changed the MySQL Adapter to rely on MySQL for its defaults for socket, host, and port [Andreas Schwarz]
+* Changed ActionControllerError to decent from StandardError instead of Exception. It can now be caught by a generic rescue.
+* Changed class inheritable attributes to not use eval [Caio Chassot]
+* Changed Errors#add to now use "invalid" as the default message instead of true, which means full_messages work with those [Marcel Molina Jr]
+* Fixed spelling on Base#add_on_boundry_breaking to Base#add_on_boundary_breaking (old naming still works) [Marcel Molina Jr.]
+* Fixed that entries in the has_and_belongs_to_many join table didn't get removed when an associated object was destroyed.
+* Fixed unnecessary calls to SET AUTOCOMMIT=0/1 for MySQL adapter [Andreas Schwarz]
+* Fixed PostgreSQL defaults are now handled gracefully [Dave Steinberg]
+* Fixed increment/decrement_counter are now atomic updates [Andreas Schwarz]
+* Fixed the problems the Inflector had turning Attachment into attuchments and Cases into Casis [radsaq/Florian Gross]
+* Fixed that cloned records would point attribute references on the parent object [Andreas Schwarz]
+* Fixed SQL for type call on inheritance hierarchies [Caio Chassot]
+* Fixed bug with typed inheritance [Florian Weber]
+* Fixed a bug where has_many collection_count wouldn't use the conditions specified for that association
+* Expanded the table_name guessing rules immensely [Florian Green]. Documentation:
+ Guesses the table name (in forced lower-case) based on the name of the class in the inheritance hierarchy descending
+ directly from ActiveRecord. So if the hierarchy looks like: Reply < Message < ActiveRecord, then Message is used
+ to guess the table name from even when called on Reply. The guessing rules are as follows:
+ * Class name ends in "x", "ch" or "ss": "es" is appended, so a Search class becomes a searches table.
+ * Class name ends in "y" preceded by a consonant or "qu": The "y" is replaced with "ies",
+ so a Category class becomes a categories table.
+ * Class name ends in "fe": The "fe" is replaced with "ves", so a Wife class becomes a wives table.
+ * Class name ends in "lf" or "rf": The "f" is replaced with "ves", so a Half class becomes a halves table.
+ * Class name ends in "person": The "person" is replaced with "people", so a Salesperson class becomes a salespeople table.
+ * Class name ends in "man": The "man" is replaced with "men", so a Spokesman class becomes a spokesmen table.
+ * Class name ends in "sis": The "i" is replaced with an "e", so a Basis class becomes a bases table.
+ * Class name ends in "tum" or "ium": The "um" is replaced with an "a", so a Datum class becomes a data table.
+ * Class name ends in "child": The "child" is replaced with "children", so a NodeChild class becomes a node_children table.
+ * Class name ends in an "s": No additional characters are added or removed.
+ * Class name doesn't end in "s": An "s" is appended, so a Comment class becomes a comments table.
+ * Class name with word compositions: Compositions are underscored, so CreditCard class becomes a credit_cards table.
+ Additionally, the class-level table_name_prefix is prepended to the table_name and the table_name_suffix is appended.
+ So if you have "myapp_" as a prefix, the table name guess for an Account class becomes "myapp_accounts".
+ You can also overwrite this class method to allow for unguessable links, such as a Mouse class with a link to a
+ "mice" table. Example:
+ class Mouse < ActiveRecord::Base
+ def self.table_name() "mice" end
+ end
+ This conversion is now done through an external class called Inflector residing in lib/active_record/support/inflector.rb.
+* Added find_all_in_collection to has_many defined collections. Works like this:
+ class Firm < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_many :clients
+ end
+ firm.id # => 1
+ firm.find_all_in_clients "revenue > 1000" # SELECT * FROM clients WHERE firm_id = 1 AND revenue > 1000
+ [Requested by Dave Thomas]
+* Fixed finders for inheritance hierarchies deeper than one level [Florian Weber]
+* Added add_on_boundry_breaking to errors to accompany add_on_empty as a default validation method. It's used like this:
+ class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
+ protected
+ def validation
+ errors.add_on_boundry_breaking "password", 3..20
+ end
+ end
+ This will add an error to the tune of "is too short (min is 3 characters)" or "is too long (min is 20 characters)" if
+ the password is outside the boundry. The messages can be changed by passing a third and forth parameter as message strings.
+* Implemented a clone method that works properly with AR. It returns a clone of the record that
+ hasn't been assigned an id yet and is treated as a new record.
+* Allow for domain sockets in PostgreSQL by not assuming localhost when no host is specified [Scott Barron]
+* Fixed that bignums are saved properly instead of attempted to be YAMLized [Andreas Schwartz]
+* Fixed a bug in the GEM where the rdoc options weren't being passed according to spec [Chad Fowler]
+* Fixed a bug with the exclusively_dependent option for has_many
+* Correctly guesses the primary key when the class is inside a module [Dave Steinberg].
+* Added [] and []= as alternatives to read_attribute and write_attribute [Dave Steinberg]
+* has_and_belongs_to_many now accepts an :order key to determine in which order the collection is returned [radsaq].
+* The ids passed to find and find_on_conditions are now automatically sanitized.
+* Added escaping of plings in YAML content.
+* Multi-parameter assigns where all the parameters are empty will now be set to nil instead of a new instance of their class.
+* Proper type within an inheritance hierarchy is now ensured already at object initialization (instead of first at create)
+* Fixed bug with using a different primary key name together with has_and_belongs_to_many [Investigation by Scott]
+* Added :exclusively_dependent option to the has_many association macro. The doc reads:
+ If set to true all the associated object are deleted in one SQL statement without having their
+ before_destroy callback run. This should only be used on associations that depend solely on
+ this class and don't need to do any clean-up in before_destroy. The upside is that it's much
+ faster, especially if there's a counter_cache involved.
+* Added :port key to connection options, so the PostgreSQL and MySQL adapters can connect to a database server
+ running on another port than the default.
+* Converted the new natural singleton methods that prevented AR objects from being saved by PStore
+ (and hence be placed in a Rails session) to a module. [Florian Weber]
+* Fixed the use of floats (was broken since 0.9.0+)
+* Fixed PostgreSQL adapter so default values are displayed properly when used in conjunction with
+ Action Pack scaffolding.
+* Fixed booleans support for PostgreSQL (use real true/false on boolean fields instead of 0/1 on tinyints) [radsaq]
+* Added static method for instantly updating a record
+* Treat decimal and numeric as Ruby floats [Andreas Schwartz]
+* Treat chars as Ruby strings (fixes problem for Action Pack form helpers too)
+* Removed debugging output accidently left in (which would screw web applications)
+* Added MIT license
+* Added natural object-style assignment for has_and_belongs_to_many associations. Consider the following model:
+ class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_one_and_belongs_to_many :sponsors
+ end
+ class Sponsor < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_one_and_belongs_to_many :sponsors
+ end
+ Earlier, you'd have to use synthetic methods for creating associations between two objects of the above class:
+ roskilde_festival.add_to_sponsors(carlsberg)
+ roskilde_festival.remove_from_sponsors(carlsberg)
+ nike.add_to_events(world_cup)
+ nike.remove_from_events(world_cup)
+ Now you can use regular array-styled methods:
+ roskilde_festival.sponsors << carlsberg
+ roskilde_festival.sponsors.delete(carlsberg)
+ nike.events << world_cup
+ nike.events.delete(world_cup)
+* Added delete method for has_many associations. Using this will nullify an association between the has_many and the belonging
+ object by setting the foreign key to null. Consider this model:
+ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_many :comments
+ end
+ class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
+ belongs_to :post
+ end
+ You could do something like:
+ funny_comment.has_post? # => true
+ announcement.comments.delete(funny_comment)
+ funny_comment.has_post? # => false
+* Active Record is now thread safe! (So you can use it with Cerise and WEBrick applications)
+ [Implementation idea by Michael Neumann, debugging assistance by Jamis Buck]
+* Improved performance by roughly 400% on a basic test case of pulling 100 records and querying one attribute.
+ This brings the tax for using Active Record instead of "riding on the metal" (using MySQL-ruby C-driver directly) down to ~50%.
+ Done by doing lazy type conversions and caching column information on the class-level.
+* Added callback objects and procs as options for implementing the target for callback macros.
+* Added "counter_cache" option to belongs_to that automates the usage of increment_counter and decrement_counter. Consider:
+ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_many :comments
+ end
+ class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
+ belongs_to :post
+ end
+ Iterating over 100 posts like this:
+ <% for post in @posts %>
+ <%= post.title %> has <%= post.comments_count %> comments
+ <% end %>
+ Will generate 100 SQL count queries -- one for each call to post.comments_count. If you instead add a "comments_count" int column
+ to the posts table and rewrite the comments association macro with:
+ class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
+ belongs_to :post, :counter_cache => true
+ end
+ Those 100 SQL count queries will be reduced to zero. Beware that counter caching is only appropriate for objects that begin life
+ with the object it's specified to belong with and is destroyed like that as well. Typically objects where you would also specify
+ :dependent => true. If your objects switch from one belonging to another (like a post that can be move from one category to another),
+ you'll have to manage the counter yourself.
+* Added natural object-style assignment for has_one and belongs_to associations. Consider the following model:
+ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_one :manager
+ end
+ class Manager < ActiveRecord::Base
+ belongs_to :project
+ end
+ Earlier, assignments would work like following regardless of which way the assignment told the best story:
+ active_record.manager_id = david.id
+ Now you can do it either from the belonging side:
+ david.project = active_record
+ ...or from the having side:
+ active_record.manager = david
+ If the assignment happens from the having side, the assigned object is automatically saved. So in the example above, the
+ project_id attribute on david would be set to the id of active_record, then david would be saved.
+* Added natural object-style assignment for has_many associations [Florian Weber]. Consider the following model:
+ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_many :milestones
+ end
+ class Milestone < ActiveRecord::Base
+ belongs_to :project
+ end
+ Earlier, assignments would work like following regardless of which way the assignment told the best story:
+ deadline.project_id = active_record.id
+ Now you can do it either from the belonging side:
+ deadline.project = active_record
+ ...or from the having side:
+ active_record.milestones << deadline
+ The milestone is automatically saved with the new foreign key.
+* API CHANGE: Attributes for text (or blob or similar) columns will now have unknown classes stored using YAML instead of using
+ to_s. (Known classes that won't be yamelized are: String, NilClass, TrueClass, FalseClass, Fixnum, Date, and Time).
+ Likewise, data pulled out of text-based attributes will be attempted converged using Yaml if they have the "--- " header.
+ This was primarily done to be enable the storage of hashes and arrays without wrapping them in aggregations, so now you can do:
+ user = User.find(1)
+ user.preferences = { "background" => "black", "display" => large }
+ user.save
+ User.find(1).preferences # => { "background" => "black", "display" => large }
+ Please note that this method should only be used when you don't care about representing the object in proper columns in
+ the database. A money object consisting of an amount and a currency is still a much better fit for a value object done through
+ aggregations than this new option.
+* POSSIBLE CODE BREAKAGE: As a consequence of the lazy type conversions, it's a bad idea to reference the @attributes hash
+ directly (it always was, but now it's paramount that you don't). If you do, you won't get the type conversion. So to implement
+ new accessors for existing attributes, use read_attribute(attr_name) and write_attribute(attr_name, value) instead. Like this:
+ class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # Uses an integer of seconds to hold the length of the song
+ def length=(minutes)
+ write_attribute("length", minutes * 60)
+ end
+ def length
+ read_attribute("length") / 60
+ end
+ end
+ The clever kid will notice that this opens a door to sidestep the automated type conversion by using @attributes directly.
+ This is not recommended as read/write_attribute may be granted additional responsibilities in the future, but if you think
+ you know what you're doing and aren't afraid of future consequences, this is an option.
+* Applied a few minor bug fixes reported by Daniel Von Fange.
+* Added ActiveRecord::Reflection with a bunch of methods and classes for reflecting in aggregations and associations.
+* Added Base.columns and Base.content_columns which returns arrays of column description (type, default, etc) objects.
+* Added Base#attribute_names which returns an array of names for the attributes available on the object.
+* Added Base#column_for_attribute(name) which returns the column description object for the named attribute.
+* Added multi-parameter assignment:
+ # Instantiate objects for all attribute classes that needs more than one constructor parameter. This is done
+ # by calling new on the column type or aggregation type (through composed_of) object with these parameters.
+ # So having the pairs written_on(1) = "2004", written_on(2) = "6", written_on(3) = "24", will instantiate
+ # written_on (a date type) with Date.new("2004", "6", "24"). You can also specify a typecast character in the
+ # parenteses to have the parameters typecasted before they're used in the constructor. Use i for Fixnum, f for Float,
+ # s for String, and a for Array.
+ This is incredibly useful for assigning dates from HTML drop-downs of month, year, and day.
+* Fixed bug with custom primary key column name and Base.find on multiple parameters.
+* Fixed bug with dependent option on has_one associations if there was no associated object.
+* Added transactional protection for destroy (important for the new :dependent option) [Suggested by Carl Youngblood]
+* Fixed so transactions are ignored on MyISAM tables for MySQL (use InnoDB to get transactions)
+* Changed transactions so only exceptions will cause a rollback, not returned false.
+* Added support for non-integer primary keys [Aredridel/earlier work by Michael Neumann]
+ User.find "jdoe"
+ Product.find "PDKEY-INT-12"
+* Added option to specify naming method for primary key column. ActiveRecord::Base.primary_key_prefix_type can either
+ be set to nil, :table_name, or :table_name_with_underscore. :table_name will assume that Product class has a primary key
+ of "productid" and :table_name_with_underscore will assume "product_id". The default nil will just give "id".
+* Added an overwriteable primary_key method that'll instruct AR to the name of the
+ id column [Aredridele/earlier work by Guan Yang]
+ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
+ def self.primary_key() "project_id" end
+ end
+* Fixed that Active Records can safely associate inside and out of modules.
+ class MyApplication::Account < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_many :clients # will look for MyApplication::Client
+ has_many :interests, :class_name => "Business::Interest" # will look for Business::Interest
+ end
+* Fixed that Active Records can safely live inside modules [Aredridel]
+ class MyApplication::Account < ActiveRecord::Base
+ end
+* Added freeze call to value object assignments to ensure they remain immutable [Spotted by Gavin Sinclair]
+* Changed interface for specifying observed class in observers. Was OBSERVED_CLASS constant, now is
+ observed_class() class method. This is more consistant with things like self.table_name(). Works like this:
+ class AuditObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
+ def self.observed_class() Account end
+ def after_update(account)
+ AuditTrail.new(account, "UPDATED")
+ end
+ end
+ [Suggested by Gavin Sinclair]
+* Create new Active Record objects by setting the attributes through a block. Like this:
+ person = Person.new do |p|
+ p.name = 'Freddy'
+ p.age = 19
+ end
+ [Suggested by Gavin Sinclair]
+* Added inheritable callback queues that can ensure that certain callback methods or inline fragments are
+ run throughout the entire inheritance hierarchy. Regardless of whether a descendent overwrites the callback
+ method:
+ class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
+ before_destroy :destroy_author, 'puts "I'm an inline fragment"'
+ end
+ Learn more in link:classes/ActiveRecord/Callbacks.html
+* Added :dependent option to has_many and has_one, which will automatically destroy associated objects when
+ the holder is destroyed:
+ class Album < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_many :tracks, :dependent => true
+ end
+ All the associated tracks are destroyed when the album is.
+* Added Base.create as a factory that'll create, save, and return a new object in one step.
+* Automatically convert strings in config hashes to symbols for the _connection methods. This allows you
+ to pass the argument hashes directly from yaml. (Luke)
+* Fixed the install.rb to include simple.rb [Spotted by Kevin Bullock]
+* Modified block syntax to better follow our code standards outlined in
+ http://www.rubyonrails.org/CodingStandards
+* Added object-level transactions [Thanks to Austin Ziegler for Transaction::Simple]
+* Changed adapter-specific connection methods to use centralized ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection,
+ which is parametized through a config hash with symbol keys instead of a regular parameter list.
+ This will allow for database connections to be opened in a more generic fashion. (Luke)
+ NOTE: This requires all *_connections to be updated! Read more in:
+ http://ar.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Base.html#M000081
+* Fixed SQLite adapter so objects fetched from has_and_belongs_to_many have proper attributes
+ (t.name is now name). [Spotted by Garrett Rooney]
+* Fixed SQLite adapter so dates are returned as Date objects, not Time objects [Spotted by Gavin Sinclair]
+* Fixed requirement of date class, so date conversions are succesful regardless of whether you
+ manually require date or not.
+* Added transactions
+* Changed Base.find to also accept either a list (1, 5, 6) or an array of ids ([5, 7])
+ as parameter and then return an array of objects instead of just an object
+* Fixed method has_collection? for has_and_belongs_to_many macro to behave as a
+ collection, not an association
+* Fixed SQLite adapter so empty or nil values in columns of datetime, date, or time type
+ aren't treated as current time [Spotted by Gavin Sinclair]
+* Fixed the install.rb to create the lib/active_record/support directory [Spotted by Gavin Sinclair]
+* Fixed that has_association? would always return true [Spotted by Daniel Von Fange]