path: root/activemodel/test/cases/serializers
diff options
authorJosé Valim <jose.valim@gmail.com>2011-11-30 18:38:28 +0100
committerJosé Valim <jose.valim@gmail.com>2011-11-30 18:48:17 +0100
commit5b2eb64ceb08cd005dc06b721935de5853971473 (patch)
tree6af4ba143b6948c6c97d7fb0937397a425a2e17c /activemodel/test/cases/serializers
parentbe99f0c7eb4734011b9ee435bb5ac4a0b916a065 (diff)
Revert "Implement ArraySerializer and move old serialization API to a new namespace."
This reverts commit 8896b4fdc8a543157cdf4dfc378607ebf6c10ab0. Conflicts: activemodel/lib/active_model.rb activemodel/lib/active_model/serializable.rb activemodel/lib/active_model/serializer.rb activemodel/test/cases/serializer_test.rb
Diffstat (limited to 'activemodel/test/cases/serializers')
2 files changed, 429 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/serializers/json_serialization_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/serializers/json_serialization_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ac5fb1779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/serializers/json_serialization_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+require 'cases/helper'
+require 'models/contact'
+require 'models/automobile'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/object/instance_variables'
+class Contact
+ extend ActiveModel::Naming
+ include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
+ include ActiveModel::Validations
+ def attributes=(hash)
+ hash.each do |k, v|
+ instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v)
+ end
+ end
+ remove_method :attributes if method_defined?(:attributes)
+ def attributes
+ instance_values
+ end
+class JsonSerializationTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @contact = Contact.new
+ @contact.name = 'Konata Izumi'
+ @contact.age = 16
+ @contact.created_at = Time.utc(2006, 8, 1)
+ @contact.awesome = true
+ @contact.preferences = { 'shows' => 'anime' }
+ end
+ test "should include root in json" do
+ json = @contact.to_json
+ assert_match %r{^\{"contact":\{}, json
+ assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
+ assert_match %r{"age":16}, json
+ assert json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}))
+ assert_match %r{"awesome":true}, json
+ assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json
+ end
+ test "should not include root in json (class method)" do
+ begin
+ Contact.include_root_in_json = false
+ json = @contact.to_json
+ assert_no_match %r{^\{"contact":\{}, json
+ assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
+ assert_match %r{"age":16}, json
+ assert json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}))
+ assert_match %r{"awesome":true}, json
+ assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json
+ ensure
+ Contact.include_root_in_json = true
+ end
+ end
+ test "should include root in json (option) even if the default is set to false" do
+ begin
+ Contact.include_root_in_json = false
+ json = @contact.to_json(:root => true)
+ assert_match %r{^\{"contact":\{}, json
+ ensure
+ Contact.include_root_in_json = true
+ end
+ end
+ test "should not include root in json (option)" do
+ json = @contact.to_json(:root => false)
+ assert_no_match %r{^\{"contact":\{}, json
+ end
+ test "should include custom root in json" do
+ json = @contact.to_json(:root => 'json_contact')
+ assert_match %r{^\{"json_contact":\{}, json
+ assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
+ assert_match %r{"age":16}, json
+ assert json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}))
+ assert_match %r{"awesome":true}, json
+ assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json
+ end
+ test "should encode all encodable attributes" do
+ json = @contact.to_json
+ assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
+ assert_match %r{"age":16}, json
+ assert json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}))
+ assert_match %r{"awesome":true}, json
+ assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json
+ end
+ test "should allow attribute filtering with only" do
+ json = @contact.to_json(:only => [:name, :age])
+ assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
+ assert_match %r{"age":16}, json
+ assert_no_match %r{"awesome":true}, json
+ assert !json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}))
+ assert_no_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json
+ end
+ test "should allow attribute filtering with except" do
+ json = @contact.to_json(:except => [:name, :age])
+ assert_no_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
+ assert_no_match %r{"age":16}, json
+ assert_match %r{"awesome":true}, json
+ assert json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}))
+ assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json
+ end
+ test "methods are called on object" do
+ # Define methods on fixture.
+ def @contact.label; "Has cheezburger"; end
+ def @contact.favorite_quote; "Constraints are liberating"; end
+ # Single method.
+ assert_match %r{"label":"Has cheezburger"}, @contact.to_json(:only => :name, :methods => :label)
+ # Both methods.
+ methods_json = @contact.to_json(:only => :name, :methods => [:label, :favorite_quote])
+ assert_match %r{"label":"Has cheezburger"}, methods_json
+ assert_match %r{"favorite_quote":"Constraints are liberating"}, methods_json
+ end
+ test "should return OrderedHash for errors" do
+ contact = Contact.new
+ contact.errors.add :name, "can't be blank"
+ contact.errors.add :name, "is too short (minimum is 2 characters)"
+ contact.errors.add :age, "must be 16 or over"
+ hash = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new
+ hash[:name] = ["can't be blank", "is too short (minimum is 2 characters)"]
+ hash[:age] = ["must be 16 or over"]
+ assert_equal hash.to_json, contact.errors.to_json
+ end
+ test "serializable_hash should not modify options passed in argument" do
+ options = { :except => :name }
+ @contact.serializable_hash(options)
+ assert_nil options[:only]
+ assert_equal :name, options[:except]
+ end
+ test "as_json should return a hash" do
+ json = @contact.as_json
+ assert_kind_of Hash, json
+ assert_kind_of Hash, json['contact']
+ %w(name age created_at awesome preferences).each do |field|
+ assert_equal @contact.send(field), json['contact'][field]
+ end
+ end
+ test "from_json should set the object's attributes" do
+ json = @contact.to_json
+ result = Contact.new.from_json(json)
+ assert_equal result.name, @contact.name
+ assert_equal result.age, @contact.age
+ assert_equal Time.parse(result.created_at), @contact.created_at
+ assert_equal result.awesome, @contact.awesome
+ assert_equal result.preferences, @contact.preferences
+ end
+ test "from_json should work without a root (method parameter)" do
+ json = @contact.to_json(:root => false)
+ result = Contact.new.from_json(json, false)
+ assert_equal result.name, @contact.name
+ assert_equal result.age, @contact.age
+ assert_equal Time.parse(result.created_at), @contact.created_at
+ assert_equal result.awesome, @contact.awesome
+ assert_equal result.preferences, @contact.preferences
+ end
+ test "from_json should work without a root (class attribute)" do
+ begin
+ Contact.include_root_in_json = false
+ json = @contact.to_json
+ result = Contact.new.from_json(json)
+ assert_equal result.name, @contact.name
+ assert_equal result.age, @contact.age
+ assert_equal Time.parse(result.created_at), @contact.created_at
+ assert_equal result.awesome, @contact.awesome
+ assert_equal result.preferences, @contact.preferences
+ ensure
+ Contact.include_root_in_json = true
+ end
+ end
+ test "custom as_json should be honored when generating json" do
+ def @contact.as_json(options); { :name => name, :created_at => created_at }; end
+ json = @contact.to_json
+ assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
+ assert_match %r{"created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}}, json
+ assert_no_match %r{"awesome":}, json
+ assert_no_match %r{"preferences":}, json
+ end
+ test "custom as_json options should be extendible" do
+ def @contact.as_json(options = {}); super(options.merge(:only => [:name])); end
+ json = @contact.to_json
+ assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
+ assert_no_match %r{"created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}}, json
+ assert_no_match %r{"awesome":}, json
+ assert_no_match %r{"preferences":}, json
+ end
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/serializers/xml_serialization_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/serializers/xml_serialization_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38aecf51ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/serializers/xml_serialization_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+require 'cases/helper'
+require 'models/contact'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/object/instance_variables'
+require 'ostruct'
+class Contact
+ extend ActiveModel::Naming
+ include ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml
+ attr_accessor :address, :friends
+ remove_method :attributes if method_defined?(:attributes)
+ def attributes
+ instance_values.except("address", "friends")
+ end
+module Admin
+ class Contact < ::Contact
+ end
+class Customer < Struct.new(:name)
+class Address
+ extend ActiveModel::Naming
+ include ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml
+ attr_accessor :street, :city, :state, :zip
+ def attributes
+ instance_values
+ end
+class SerializableContact < Contact
+ def serializable_hash(options={})
+ super(options.merge(:only => [:name, :age]))
+ end
+class XmlSerializationTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @contact = Contact.new
+ @contact.name = 'aaron stack'
+ @contact.age = 25
+ @contact.created_at = Time.utc(2006, 8, 1)
+ @contact.awesome = false
+ customer = Customer.new
+ customer.name = "John"
+ @contact.preferences = customer
+ @contact.address = Address.new
+ @contact.address.street = "123 Lane"
+ @contact.address.city = "Springfield"
+ @contact.address.state = "CA"
+ @contact.address.zip = 11111
+ @contact.friends = [Contact.new, Contact.new]
+ end
+ test "should serialize default root" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml
+ assert_match %r{^<contact>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</contact>$}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize namespaced root" do
+ @xml = Admin::Contact.new(@contact.attributes).to_xml
+ assert_match %r{^<contact>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</contact>$}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize default root with namespace" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml :namespace => "http://xml.rubyonrails.org/contact"
+ assert_match %r{^<contact xmlns="http://xml.rubyonrails.org/contact">}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</contact>$}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize custom root" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml :root => 'xml_contact'
+ assert_match %r{^<xml-contact>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</xml-contact>$}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should allow undasherized tags" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml :root => 'xml_contact', :dasherize => false
+ assert_match %r{^<xml_contact>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</xml_contact>$}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{<created_at}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should allow camelized tags" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml :root => 'xml_contact', :camelize => true
+ assert_match %r{^<XmlContact>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</XmlContact>$}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{<CreatedAt}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should allow lower-camelized tags" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml :root => 'xml_contact', :camelize => :lower
+ assert_match %r{^<xmlContact>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</xmlContact>$}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{<createdAt}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should use serialiable hash" do
+ @contact = SerializableContact.new
+ @contact.name = 'aaron stack'
+ @contact.age = 25
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml
+ assert_match %r{<name>aaron stack</name>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{<age type="integer">25</age>}, @xml
+ assert_no_match %r{<awesome>}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should allow skipped types" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml :skip_types => true
+ assert_match %r{<age>25</age>}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should include yielded additions" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml do |xml|
+ xml.creator "David"
+ end
+ assert_match %r{<creator>David</creator>}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize string" do
+ assert_match %r{<name>aaron stack</name>}, @contact.to_xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize nil" do
+ assert_match %r{<pseudonyms nil=\"true\"></pseudonyms>}, @contact.to_xml(:methods => :pseudonyms)
+ end
+ test "should serialize integer" do
+ assert_match %r{<age type="integer">25</age>}, @contact.to_xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize datetime" do
+ assert_match %r{<created-at type=\"datetime\">2006-08-01T00:00:00Z</created-at>}, @contact.to_xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize boolean" do
+ assert_match %r{<awesome type=\"boolean\">false</awesome>}, @contact.to_xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize array" do
+ assert_match %r{<social type=\"array\">\s*<social>twitter</social>\s*<social>github</social>\s*</social>}, @contact.to_xml(:methods => :social)
+ end
+ test "should serialize hash" do
+ assert_match %r{<network>\s*<git type=\"symbol\">github</git>\s*</network>}, @contact.to_xml(:methods => :network)
+ end
+ test "should serialize yaml" do
+ assert_match %r{<preferences type=\"yaml\">--- !ruby/struct:Customer(\s*)\nname: John\n</preferences>}, @contact.to_xml
+ end
+ test "should call proc on object" do
+ proc = Proc.new { |options| options[:builder].tag!('nationality', 'unknown') }
+ xml = @contact.to_xml(:procs => [ proc ])
+ assert_match %r{<nationality>unknown</nationality>}, xml
+ end
+ test 'should supply serializable to second proc argument' do
+ proc = Proc.new { |options, record| options[:builder].tag!('name-reverse', record.name.reverse) }
+ xml = @contact.to_xml(:procs => [ proc ])
+ assert_match %r{<name-reverse>kcats noraa</name-reverse>}, xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize string correctly when type passed" do
+ xml = @contact.to_xml :type => 'Contact'
+ assert_match %r{<contact type="Contact">}, xml
+ assert_match %r{<name>aaron stack</name>}, xml
+ end
+ test "include option with singular association" do
+ xml = @contact.to_xml :include => :address, :indent => 0
+ assert xml.include?(@contact.address.to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true))
+ end
+ test "include option with plural association" do
+ xml = @contact.to_xml :include => :friends, :indent => 0
+ assert_match %r{<friends type="array">}, xml
+ assert_match %r{<friend type="Contact">}, xml
+ end
+ test "multiple includes" do
+ xml = @contact.to_xml :indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :include => [ :address, :friends ]
+ assert xml.include?(@contact.address.to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true))
+ assert_match %r{<friends type="array">}, xml
+ assert_match %r{<friend type="Contact">}, xml
+ end
+ test "include with options" do
+ xml = @contact.to_xml :indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :include => { :address => { :only => :city } }
+ assert xml.include?(%(><address><city>Springfield</city></address>))
+ end
+ test "propagates skip_types option to included associations" do
+ xml = @contact.to_xml :include => :friends, :indent => 0, :skip_types => true
+ assert_match %r{<friends>}, xml
+ assert_match %r{<friend>}, xml
+ end