path: root/activemodel/test/cases/serializers/json_serialization_test.rb
diff options
authorJosé Valim <jose.valim@gmail.com>2011-11-23 23:18:13 +0000
committerJosé Valim <jose.valim@gmail.com>2011-11-23 23:18:15 +0000
commit8896b4fdc8a543157cdf4dfc378607ebf6c10ab0 (patch)
tree5deca0d54d2c103d0a9e6167a756d638fc25e9ec /activemodel/test/cases/serializers/json_serialization_test.rb
parent0536ea8c7855222111fad6df71d0d09b77ea4317 (diff)
Implement ArraySerializer and move old serialization API to a new namespace.
The following constants were renamed: ActiveModel::Serialization => ActiveModel::Serializable ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON => ActiveModel::Serializable::JSON ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml => ActiveModel::Serializable::XML The main motivation for such a change is that `ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON` was not actually a serializer, but a module that when included allows the target to be serializable to JSON. With such changes, we were able to clean up the namespace to add true serializers as the ArraySerializer.
Diffstat (limited to 'activemodel/test/cases/serializers/json_serialization_test.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/serializers/json_serialization_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/serializers/json_serialization_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a754d610b9..0000000000
--- a/activemodel/test/cases/serializers/json_serialization_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-require 'cases/helper'
-require 'models/contact'
-require 'models/automobile'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/object/instance_variables'
-class Contact
- extend ActiveModel::Naming
- include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
- include ActiveModel::Validations
- def attributes=(hash)
- hash.each do |k, v|
- instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v)
- end
- end
- def attributes
- instance_values
- end unless method_defined?(:attributes)
-class JsonSerializationTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
- def setup
- @contact = Contact.new
- @contact.name = 'Konata Izumi'
- @contact.age = 16
- @contact.created_at = Time.utc(2006, 8, 1)
- @contact.awesome = true
- @contact.preferences = { 'shows' => 'anime' }
- end
- test "should include root in json" do
- json = @contact.to_json
- assert_match %r{^\{"contact":\{}, json
- assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
- assert_match %r{"age":16}, json
- assert json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}))
- assert_match %r{"awesome":true}, json
- assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json
- end
- test "should not include root in json (class method)" do
- begin
- Contact.include_root_in_json = false
- json = @contact.to_json
- assert_no_match %r{^\{"contact":\{}, json
- assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
- assert_match %r{"age":16}, json
- assert json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}))
- assert_match %r{"awesome":true}, json
- assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json
- ensure
- Contact.include_root_in_json = true
- end
- end
- test "should include root in json (option) even if the default is set to false" do
- begin
- Contact.include_root_in_json = false
- json = @contact.to_json(:root => true)
- assert_match %r{^\{"contact":\{}, json
- ensure
- Contact.include_root_in_json = true
- end
- end
- test "should not include root in json (option)" do
- json = @contact.to_json(:root => false)
- assert_no_match %r{^\{"contact":\{}, json
- end
- test "should include custom root in json" do
- json = @contact.to_json(:root => 'json_contact')
- assert_match %r{^\{"json_contact":\{}, json
- assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
- assert_match %r{"age":16}, json
- assert json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}))
- assert_match %r{"awesome":true}, json
- assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json
- end
- test "should encode all encodable attributes" do
- json = @contact.to_json
- assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
- assert_match %r{"age":16}, json
- assert json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}))
- assert_match %r{"awesome":true}, json
- assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json
- end
- test "should allow attribute filtering with only" do
- json = @contact.to_json(:only => [:name, :age])
- assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
- assert_match %r{"age":16}, json
- assert_no_match %r{"awesome":true}, json
- assert !json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}))
- assert_no_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json
- end
- test "should allow attribute filtering with except" do
- json = @contact.to_json(:except => [:name, :age])
- assert_no_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
- assert_no_match %r{"age":16}, json
- assert_match %r{"awesome":true}, json
- assert json.include?(%("created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}))
- assert_match %r{"preferences":\{"shows":"anime"\}}, json
- end
- test "methods are called on object" do
- # Define methods on fixture.
- def @contact.label; "Has cheezburger"; end
- def @contact.favorite_quote; "Constraints are liberating"; end
- # Single method.
- assert_match %r{"label":"Has cheezburger"}, @contact.to_json(:only => :name, :methods => :label)
- # Both methods.
- methods_json = @contact.to_json(:only => :name, :methods => [:label, :favorite_quote])
- assert_match %r{"label":"Has cheezburger"}, methods_json
- assert_match %r{"favorite_quote":"Constraints are liberating"}, methods_json
- end
- test "should return OrderedHash for errors" do
- contact = Contact.new
- contact.errors.add :name, "can't be blank"
- contact.errors.add :name, "is too short (minimum is 2 characters)"
- contact.errors.add :age, "must be 16 or over"
- hash = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new
- hash[:name] = ["can't be blank", "is too short (minimum is 2 characters)"]
- hash[:age] = ["must be 16 or over"]
- assert_equal hash.to_json, contact.errors.to_json
- end
- test "serializable_hash should not modify options passed in argument" do
- options = { :except => :name }
- @contact.serializable_hash(options)
- assert_nil options[:only]
- assert_equal :name, options[:except]
- end
- test "as_json should return a hash" do
- json = @contact.as_json
- assert_kind_of Hash, json
- assert_kind_of Hash, json['contact']
- %w(name age created_at awesome preferences).each do |field|
- assert_equal @contact.send(field), json['contact'][field]
- end
- end
- test "from_json should set the object's attributes" do
- json = @contact.to_json
- result = Contact.new.from_json(json)
- assert_equal result.name, @contact.name
- assert_equal result.age, @contact.age
- assert_equal Time.parse(result.created_at), @contact.created_at
- assert_equal result.awesome, @contact.awesome
- assert_equal result.preferences, @contact.preferences
- end
- test "from_json should work without a root (method parameter)" do
- json = @contact.to_json(:root => false)
- result = Contact.new.from_json(json, false)
- assert_equal result.name, @contact.name
- assert_equal result.age, @contact.age
- assert_equal Time.parse(result.created_at), @contact.created_at
- assert_equal result.awesome, @contact.awesome
- assert_equal result.preferences, @contact.preferences
- end
- test "from_json should work without a root (class attribute)" do
- begin
- Contact.include_root_in_json = false
- json = @contact.to_json
- result = Contact.new.from_json(json)
- assert_equal result.name, @contact.name
- assert_equal result.age, @contact.age
- assert_equal Time.parse(result.created_at), @contact.created_at
- assert_equal result.awesome, @contact.awesome
- assert_equal result.preferences, @contact.preferences
- ensure
- Contact.include_root_in_json = true
- end
- end
- test "custom as_json should be honored when generating json" do
- def @contact.as_json(options); { :name => name, :created_at => created_at }; end
- json = @contact.to_json
- assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
- assert_match %r{"created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}}, json
- assert_no_match %r{"awesome":}, json
- assert_no_match %r{"preferences":}, json
- end
- test "custom as_json options should be extendible" do
- def @contact.as_json(options = {}); super(options.merge(:only => [:name])); end
- json = @contact.to_json
- assert_match %r{"name":"Konata Izumi"}, json
- assert_no_match %r{"created_at":#{ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.utc(2006, 8, 1))}}, json
- assert_no_match %r{"awesome":}, json
- assert_no_match %r{"preferences":}, json
- end