path: root/activemodel/test/cases/serializable/xml_test.rb
diff options
authorJosé Valim <jose.valim@gmail.com>2011-11-23 23:18:13 +0000
committerJosé Valim <jose.valim@gmail.com>2011-11-23 23:18:15 +0000
commit8896b4fdc8a543157cdf4dfc378607ebf6c10ab0 (patch)
tree5deca0d54d2c103d0a9e6167a756d638fc25e9ec /activemodel/test/cases/serializable/xml_test.rb
parent0536ea8c7855222111fad6df71d0d09b77ea4317 (diff)
Implement ArraySerializer and move old serialization API to a new namespace.
The following constants were renamed: ActiveModel::Serialization => ActiveModel::Serializable ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON => ActiveModel::Serializable::JSON ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml => ActiveModel::Serializable::XML The main motivation for such a change is that `ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON` was not actually a serializer, but a module that when included allows the target to be serializable to JSON. With such changes, we were able to clean up the namespace to add true serializers as the ArraySerializer.
Diffstat (limited to 'activemodel/test/cases/serializable/xml_test.rb')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/serializable/xml_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/serializable/xml_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..817ca1e736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/serializable/xml_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+require 'cases/helper'
+require 'models/contact'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/object/instance_variables'
+require 'ostruct'
+class Contact
+ extend ActiveModel::Naming
+ include ActiveModel::Serializable::XML
+ attr_accessor :address, :friends
+ def attributes
+ instance_values.except("address", "friends")
+ end
+module Admin
+ class Contact < ::Contact
+ end
+class Customer < Struct.new(:name)
+class Address
+ extend ActiveModel::Naming
+ include ActiveModel::Serializable::XML
+ attr_accessor :street, :city, :state, :zip
+ def attributes
+ instance_values
+ end
+class SerializableContact < Contact
+ def serializable_hash(options={})
+ super(options.merge(:only => [:name, :age]))
+ end
+class XmlSerializationTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @contact = Contact.new
+ @contact.name = 'aaron stack'
+ @contact.age = 25
+ @contact.created_at = Time.utc(2006, 8, 1)
+ @contact.awesome = false
+ customer = Customer.new
+ customer.name = "John"
+ @contact.preferences = customer
+ @contact.address = Address.new
+ @contact.address.street = "123 Lane"
+ @contact.address.city = "Springfield"
+ @contact.address.state = "CA"
+ @contact.address.zip = 11111
+ @contact.friends = [Contact.new, Contact.new]
+ end
+ test "should serialize default root" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml
+ assert_match %r{^<contact>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</contact>$}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize namespaced root" do
+ @xml = Admin::Contact.new(@contact.attributes).to_xml
+ assert_match %r{^<contact>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</contact>$}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize default root with namespace" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml :namespace => "http://xml.rubyonrails.org/contact"
+ assert_match %r{^<contact xmlns="http://xml.rubyonrails.org/contact">}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</contact>$}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize custom root" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml :root => 'xml_contact'
+ assert_match %r{^<xml-contact>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</xml-contact>$}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should allow undasherized tags" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml :root => 'xml_contact', :dasherize => false
+ assert_match %r{^<xml_contact>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</xml_contact>$}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{<created_at}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should allow camelized tags" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml :root => 'xml_contact', :camelize => true
+ assert_match %r{^<XmlContact>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</XmlContact>$}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{<CreatedAt}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should allow lower-camelized tags" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml :root => 'xml_contact', :camelize => :lower
+ assert_match %r{^<xmlContact>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{</xmlContact>$}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{<createdAt}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should use serialiable hash" do
+ @contact = SerializableContact.new
+ @contact.name = 'aaron stack'
+ @contact.age = 25
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml
+ assert_match %r{<name>aaron stack</name>}, @xml
+ assert_match %r{<age type="integer">25</age>}, @xml
+ assert_no_match %r{<awesome>}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should allow skipped types" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml :skip_types => true
+ assert_match %r{<age>25</age>}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should include yielded additions" do
+ @xml = @contact.to_xml do |xml|
+ xml.creator "David"
+ end
+ assert_match %r{<creator>David</creator>}, @xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize string" do
+ assert_match %r{<name>aaron stack</name>}, @contact.to_xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize nil" do
+ assert_match %r{<pseudonyms nil=\"true\"></pseudonyms>}, @contact.to_xml(:methods => :pseudonyms)
+ end
+ test "should serialize integer" do
+ assert_match %r{<age type="integer">25</age>}, @contact.to_xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize datetime" do
+ assert_match %r{<created-at type=\"datetime\">2006-08-01T00:00:00Z</created-at>}, @contact.to_xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize boolean" do
+ assert_match %r{<awesome type=\"boolean\">false</awesome>}, @contact.to_xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize array" do
+ assert_match %r{<social type=\"array\">\s*<social>twitter</social>\s*<social>github</social>\s*</social>}, @contact.to_xml(:methods => :social)
+ end
+ test "should serialize hash" do
+ assert_match %r{<network>\s*<git type=\"symbol\">github</git>\s*</network>}, @contact.to_xml(:methods => :network)
+ end
+ test "should serialize yaml" do
+ assert_match %r{<preferences type=\"yaml\">--- !ruby/struct:Customer(\s*)\nname: John\n</preferences>}, @contact.to_xml
+ end
+ test "should call proc on object" do
+ proc = Proc.new { |options| options[:builder].tag!('nationality', 'unknown') }
+ xml = @contact.to_xml(:procs => [ proc ])
+ assert_match %r{<nationality>unknown</nationality>}, xml
+ end
+ test 'should supply serializable to second proc argument' do
+ proc = Proc.new { |options, record| options[:builder].tag!('name-reverse', record.name.reverse) }
+ xml = @contact.to_xml(:procs => [ proc ])
+ assert_match %r{<name-reverse>kcats noraa</name-reverse>}, xml
+ end
+ test "should serialize string correctly when type passed" do
+ xml = @contact.to_xml :type => 'Contact'
+ assert_match %r{<contact type="Contact">}, xml
+ assert_match %r{<name>aaron stack</name>}, xml
+ end
+ test "include option with singular association" do
+ xml = @contact.to_xml :include => :address, :indent => 0
+ assert xml.include?(@contact.address.to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true))
+ end
+ test "include option with plural association" do
+ xml = @contact.to_xml :include => :friends, :indent => 0
+ assert_match %r{<friends type="array">}, xml
+ assert_match %r{<friend type="Contact">}, xml
+ end
+ test "multiple includes" do
+ xml = @contact.to_xml :indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :include => [ :address, :friends ]
+ assert xml.include?(@contact.address.to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true))
+ assert_match %r{<friends type="array">}, xml
+ assert_match %r{<friend type="Contact">}, xml
+ end
+ test "include with options" do
+ xml = @contact.to_xml :indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :include => { :address => { :only => :city } }
+ assert xml.include?(%(><address><city>Springfield</city></address>))
+ end
+ test "propagates skip_types option to included associations" do
+ xml = @contact.to_xml :include => :friends, :indent => 0, :skip_types => true
+ assert_match %r{<friends>}, xml
+ assert_match %r{<friend>}, xml
+ end