path: root/activemodel/lib/active_model
diff options
authorRafael Mendonça França <rafaelmfranca@gmail.com>2012-10-14 20:00:57 -0300
committerRafael Mendonça França <rafaelmfranca@gmail.com>2012-11-28 22:46:49 -0200
commitccecab3ba950a288b61a516bf9b6962e384aae0b (patch)
treef00e408870bb2230d7a210e6ae170feef0a80308 /activemodel/lib/active_model
parente38d310912a610ffe8a0944a533bfb9e5950f3a5 (diff)
Remove observers and sweepers
They was extracted from a plugin. See https://github.com/rails/rails-observers [Rafael Mendonça França + Steve Klabnik]
Diffstat (limited to 'activemodel/lib/active_model')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 525 deletions
diff --git a/activemodel/lib/active_model/observer_array.rb b/activemodel/lib/active_model/observer_array.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 77bc0f71e3..0000000000
--- a/activemodel/lib/active_model/observer_array.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-require 'set'
-module ActiveModel
- # Stores the enabled/disabled state of individual observers for
- # a particular model class.
- class ObserverArray < Array
- attr_reader :model_class
- def initialize(model_class, *args) #:nodoc:
- @model_class = model_class
- super(*args)
- end
- # Returns +true+ if the given observer is disabled for the model class,
- # +false+ otherwise.
- def disabled_for?(observer) #:nodoc:
- disabled_observers.include?(observer.class)
- end
- # Disables one or more observers. This supports multiple forms:
- #
- # ORM.observers.disable :all
- # # => disables all observers for all models subclassed from
- # # an ORM base class that includes ActiveModel::Observing
- # # e.g. ActiveRecord::Base
- #
- # ORM.observers.disable :user_observer
- # # => disables the UserObserver
- #
- # User.observers.disable AuditTrail
- # # => disables the AuditTrail observer for User notifications.
- # # Other models will still notify the AuditTrail observer.
- #
- # ORM.observers.disable :observer_1, :observer_2
- # # => disables Observer1 and Observer2 for all models.
- #
- # User.observers.disable :all do
- # # all user observers are disabled for
- # # just the duration of the block
- # end
- def disable(*observers, &block)
- set_enablement(false, observers, &block)
- end
- # Enables one or more observers. This supports multiple forms:
- #
- # ORM.observers.enable :all
- # # => enables all observers for all models subclassed from
- # # an ORM base class that includes ActiveModel::Observing
- # # e.g. ActiveRecord::Base
- #
- # ORM.observers.enable :user_observer
- # # => enables the UserObserver
- #
- # User.observers.enable AuditTrail
- # # => enables the AuditTrail observer for User notifications.
- # # Other models will not be affected (i.e. they will not
- # # trigger notifications to AuditTrail if previously disabled)
- #
- # ORM.observers.enable :observer_1, :observer_2
- # # => enables Observer1 and Observer2 for all models.
- #
- # User.observers.enable :all do
- # # all user observers are enabled for
- # # just the duration of the block
- # end
- #
- # Note: all observers are enabled by default. This method is only
- # useful when you have previously disabled one or more observers.
- def enable(*observers, &block)
- set_enablement(true, observers, &block)
- end
- protected
- def disabled_observers #:nodoc:
- @disabled_observers ||= Set.new
- end
- def observer_class_for(observer) #:nodoc:
- return observer if observer.is_a?(Class)
- if observer.respond_to?(:to_sym) # string/symbol
- observer.to_s.camelize.constantize
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "#{observer} was not a class or a " +
- "lowercase, underscored class name as expected."
- end
- end
- def start_transaction #:nodoc:
- disabled_observer_stack.push(disabled_observers.dup)
- each_subclass_array do |array|
- array.start_transaction
- end
- end
- def disabled_observer_stack #:nodoc:
- @disabled_observer_stack ||= []
- end
- def end_transaction #:nodoc:
- @disabled_observers = disabled_observer_stack.pop
- each_subclass_array do |array|
- array.end_transaction
- end
- end
- def transaction #:nodoc:
- start_transaction
- begin
- yield
- ensure
- end_transaction
- end
- end
- def each_subclass_array #:nodoc:
- model_class.descendants.each do |subclass|
- yield subclass.observers
- end
- end
- def set_enablement(enabled, observers) #:nodoc:
- if block_given?
- transaction do
- set_enablement(enabled, observers)
- yield
- end
- else
- observers = ActiveModel::Observer.descendants if observers == [:all]
- observers.each do |obs|
- klass = observer_class_for(obs)
- unless klass < ActiveModel::Observer
- raise ArgumentError.new("#{obs} does not refer to a valid observer")
- end
- if enabled
- disabled_observers.delete(klass)
- else
- disabled_observers << klass
- end
- end
- each_subclass_array do |array|
- array.set_enablement(enabled, observers)
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/activemodel/lib/active_model/observing.rb b/activemodel/lib/active_model/observing.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b4e40bada4..0000000000
--- a/activemodel/lib/active_model/observing.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-require 'singleton'
-require 'active_model/observer_array'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/module/remove_method'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/enumerable'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/object/try'
-module ActiveModel
- # == Active \Model Observers Activation
- module Observing
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- included do
- extend ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker
- end
- module ClassMethods
- # Activates the observers assigned.
- #
- # class ORM
- # include ActiveModel::Observing
- # end
- #
- # # Calls PersonObserver.instance
- # ORM.observers = :person_observer
- #
- # # Calls Cacher.instance and GarbageCollector.instance
- # ORM.observers = :cacher, :garbage_collector
- #
- # # Same as above, just using explicit class references
- # ORM.observers = Cacher, GarbageCollector
- #
- # Note: Setting this does not instantiate the observers yet.
- # <tt>instantiate_observers</tt> is called during startup, and before
- # each development request.
- def observers=(*values)
- observers.replace(values.flatten)
- end
- # Gets an array of observers observing this model. The array also provides
- # +enable+ and +disable+ methods that allow you to selectively enable and
- # disable observers (see ActiveModel::ObserverArray.enable and
- # ActiveModel::ObserverArray.disable for more on this).
- #
- # class ORM
- # include ActiveModel::Observing
- # end
- #
- # ORM.observers = :cacher, :garbage_collector
- # ORM.observers # => [:cacher, :garbage_collector]
- # ORM.observers.class # => ActiveModel::ObserverArray
- def observers
- @observers ||= ObserverArray.new(self)
- end
- # Returns the current observer instances.
- #
- # class Foo
- # include ActiveModel::Observing
- #
- # attr_accessor :status
- # end
- #
- # class FooObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
- # def on_spec(record, *args)
- # record.status = true
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Foo.observers = FooObserver
- # Foo.instantiate_observers
- #
- # Foo.observer_instances # => [#<FooObserver:0x007fc212c40820>]
- def observer_instances
- @observer_instances ||= []
- end
- # Instantiate the global observers.
- #
- # class Foo
- # include ActiveModel::Observing
- #
- # attr_accessor :status
- # end
- #
- # class FooObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
- # def on_spec(record, *args)
- # record.status = true
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Foo.observers = FooObserver
- #
- # foo = Foo.new
- # foo.status = false
- # foo.notify_observers(:on_spec)
- # foo.status # => false
- #
- # Foo.instantiate_observers # => [FooObserver]
- #
- # foo = Foo.new
- # foo.status = false
- # foo.notify_observers(:on_spec)
- # foo.status # => true
- def instantiate_observers
- observers.each { |o| instantiate_observer(o) }
- end
- # Add a new observer to the pool. The new observer needs to respond to
- # <tt>update</tt>, otherwise it raises an +ArgumentError+ exception.
- #
- # class Foo
- # include ActiveModel::Observing
- # end
- #
- # class FooObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
- # end
- #
- # Foo.add_observer(FooObserver.instance)
- #
- # Foo.observers_instance
- # # => [#<FooObserver:0x007fccf55d9390>]
- def add_observer(observer)
- unless observer.respond_to? :update
- raise ArgumentError, "observer needs to respond to 'update'"
- end
- observer_instances << observer
- end
- # Fires notifications to model's observers.
- #
- # def save
- # notify_observers(:before_save)
- # ...
- # notify_observers(:after_save)
- # end
- #
- # Custom notifications can be sent in a similar fashion:
- #
- # notify_observers(:custom_notification, :foo)
- #
- # This will call <tt>custom_notification</tt>, passing as arguments
- # the current object and <tt>:foo</tt>.
- def notify_observers(*args)
- observer_instances.each { |observer| observer.update(*args) }
- end
- # Returns the total number of instantiated observers.
- #
- # class Foo
- # include ActiveModel::Observing
- #
- # attr_accessor :status
- # end
- #
- # class FooObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
- # def on_spec(record, *args)
- # record.status = true
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Foo.observers = FooObserver
- # Foo.observers_count # => 0
- # Foo.instantiate_observers
- # Foo.observers_count # => 1
- def observers_count
- observer_instances.size
- end
- # <tt>count_observers</tt> is deprecated. Use #observers_count.
- def count_observers
- msg = "count_observers is deprecated in favor of observers_count"
- ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn msg
- observers_count
- end
- protected
- def instantiate_observer(observer) #:nodoc:
- # string/symbol
- if observer.respond_to?(:to_sym)
- observer = observer.to_s.camelize.constantize
- end
- if observer.respond_to?(:instance)
- observer.instance
- else
- raise ArgumentError,
- "#{observer} must be a lowercase, underscored class name (or " +
- "the class itself) responding to the method :instance. " +
- "Example: Person.observers = :big_brother # calls " +
- "BigBrother.instance"
- end
- end
- # Notify observers when the observed class is subclassed.
- def inherited(subclass) #:nodoc:
- super
- notify_observers :observed_class_inherited, subclass
- end
- end
- # Notify a change to the list of observers.
- #
- # class Foo
- # include ActiveModel::Observing
- #
- # attr_accessor :status
- # end
- #
- # class FooObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
- # def on_spec(record, *args)
- # record.status = true
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Foo.observers = FooObserver
- # Foo.instantiate_observers # => [FooObserver]
- #
- # foo = Foo.new
- # foo.status = false
- # foo.notify_observers(:on_spec)
- # foo.status # => true
- #
- # See ActiveModel::Observing::ClassMethods.notify_observers for more
- # information.
- def notify_observers(method, *extra_args)
- self.class.notify_observers(method, self, *extra_args)
- end
- end
- # == Active \Model Observers
- #
- # Observer classes respond to life cycle callbacks to implement trigger-like
- # behavior outside the original class. This is a great way to reduce the
- # clutter that normally comes when the model class is burdened with
- # functionality that doesn't pertain to the core responsibility of the
- # class.
- #
- # class CommentObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
- # def after_save(comment)
- # Notifications.comment('admin@do.com', 'New comment was posted', comment).deliver
- # end
- # end
- #
- # This Observer sends an email when a <tt>Comment#save</tt> is finished.
- #
- # class ContactObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
- # def after_create(contact)
- # contact.logger.info('New contact added!')
- # end
- #
- # def after_destroy(contact)
- # contact.logger.warn("Contact with an id of #{contact.id} was destroyed!")
- # end
- # end
- #
- # This Observer uses logger to log when specific callbacks are triggered.
- #
- # == \Observing a class that can't be inferred
- #
- # Observers will by default be mapped to the class with which they share a
- # name. So <tt>CommentObserver</tt> will be tied to observing <tt>Comment</tt>,
- # <tt>ProductManagerObserver</tt> to <tt>ProductManager</tt>, and so on. If
- # you want to name your observer differently than the class you're interested
- # in observing, you can use the <tt>Observer.observe</tt> class method which
- # takes either the concrete class (<tt>Product</tt>) or a symbol for that
- # class (<tt>:product</tt>):
- #
- # class AuditObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
- # observe :account
- #
- # def after_update(account)
- # AuditTrail.new(account, 'UPDATED')
- # end
- # end
- #
- # If the audit observer needs to watch more than one kind of object, this can
- # be specified with multiple arguments:
- #
- # class AuditObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
- # observe :account, :balance
- #
- # def after_update(record)
- # AuditTrail.new(record, 'UPDATED')
- # end
- # end
- #
- # The <tt>AuditObserver</tt> will now act on both updates to <tt>Account</tt>
- # and <tt>Balance</tt> by treating them both as records.
- #
- # If you're using an Observer in a Rails application with Active Record, be
- # sure to read about the necessary configuration in the documentation for
- # ActiveRecord::Observer.
- class Observer
- include Singleton
- extend ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker
- class << self
- # Attaches the observer to the supplied model classes.
- #
- # class AuditObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
- # observe :account, :balance
- # end
- #
- # AuditObserver.observed_classes # => [Account, Balance]
- def observe(*models)
- models.flatten!
- models.collect! { |model| model.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? model.to_s.camelize.constantize : model }
- singleton_class.redefine_method(:observed_classes) { models }
- end
- # Returns an array of Classes to observe.
- #
- # AccountObserver.observed_classes # => [Account]
- #
- # You can override this instead of using the +observe+ helper.
- #
- # class AuditObserver < ActiveModel::Observer
- # def self.observed_classes
- # [Account, Balance]
- # end
- # end
- def observed_classes
- Array(observed_class)
- end
- # Returns the class observed by default. It's inferred from the observer's
- # class name.
- #
- # PersonObserver.observed_class # => Person
- # AccountObserver.observed_class # => Account
- def observed_class
- name[/(.*)Observer/, 1].try :constantize
- end
- end
- # Start observing the declared classes and their subclasses.
- # Called automatically by the instance method.
- def initialize #:nodoc:
- observed_classes.each { |klass| add_observer!(klass) }
- end
- def observed_classes #:nodoc:
- self.class.observed_classes
- end
- # Send observed_method(object) if the method exists and
- # the observer is enabled for the given object's class.
- def update(observed_method, object, *extra_args, &block) #:nodoc:
- return if !respond_to?(observed_method) || disabled_for?(object)
- send(observed_method, object, *extra_args, &block)
- end
- # Special method sent by the observed class when it is inherited.
- # Passes the new subclass.
- def observed_class_inherited(subclass) #:nodoc:
- self.class.observe(observed_classes + [subclass])
- add_observer!(subclass)
- end
- protected
- def add_observer!(klass) #:nodoc:
- klass.add_observer(self)
- end
- # Returns true if notifications are disabled for this object.
- def disabled_for?(object) #:nodoc:
- klass = object.class
- return false unless klass.respond_to?(:observers)
- klass.observers.disabled_for?(self)
- end
- end