path: root/activemodel/lib/active_model/serializers/xml.rb
diff options
authorRafael Mendonça França <rafaelmfranca@gmail.com>2015-08-07 17:51:03 -0300
committerRafael Mendonça França <rafaelmfranca@gmail.com>2015-08-07 17:51:03 -0300
commit9645820bdb4d8cd131c855a243d2fbc636a11908 (patch)
treec637568aec9ceb032059d17756054a66ef47f49a /activemodel/lib/active_model/serializers/xml.rb
parent752432e82f3032e96ba609b65437cd8e8b8d3939 (diff)
parentf7ebdb1ac51f26cff76e5642a75717df1b446746 (diff)
Merge pull request #21161 from rails/rm-xml-serializer
Remove XML Serialization from core
Diffstat (limited to 'activemodel/lib/active_model/serializers/xml.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 238 deletions
diff --git a/activemodel/lib/active_model/serializers/xml.rb b/activemodel/lib/active_model/serializers/xml.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e33c766627..0000000000
--- a/activemodel/lib/active_model/serializers/xml.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-require 'active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/array/conversions'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/slice'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/time/acts_like'
-module ActiveModel
- module Serializers
- # == \Active \Model XML Serializer
- module Xml
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- include ActiveModel::Serialization
- included do
- extend ActiveModel::Naming
- end
- class Serializer #:nodoc:
- class Attribute #:nodoc:
- attr_reader :name, :value, :type
- def initialize(name, serializable, value)
- @name, @serializable = name, serializable
- if value.acts_like?(:time) && value.respond_to?(:in_time_zone)
- value = value.in_time_zone
- end
- @value = value
- @type = compute_type
- end
- def decorations
- decorations = {}
- decorations[:encoding] = 'base64' if type == :binary
- decorations[:type] = (type == :string) ? nil : type
- decorations[:nil] = true if value.nil?
- decorations
- end
- protected
- def compute_type
- return if value.nil?
- type = ActiveSupport::XmlMini::TYPE_NAMES[value.class.name]
- type ||= :string if value.respond_to?(:to_str)
- type ||= :yaml
- type
- end
- end
- class MethodAttribute < Attribute #:nodoc:
- end
- attr_reader :options
- def initialize(serializable, options = nil)
- @serializable = serializable
- @options = options ? options.dup : {}
- end
- def serializable_hash
- @serializable.serializable_hash(@options.except(:include))
- end
- def serializable_collection
- methods = Array(options[:methods]).map(&:to_s)
- serializable_hash.map do |name, value|
- name = name.to_s
- if methods.include?(name)
- self.class::MethodAttribute.new(name, @serializable, value)
- else
- self.class::Attribute.new(name, @serializable, value)
- end
- end
- end
- def serialize
- require 'builder' unless defined? ::Builder
- options[:indent] ||= 2
- options[:builder] ||= ::Builder::XmlMarkup.new(indent: options[:indent])
- @builder = options[:builder]
- @builder.instruct! unless options[:skip_instruct]
- root = (options[:root] || @serializable.model_name.element).to_s
- root = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key(root, options)
- args = [root]
- args << { xmlns: options[:namespace] } if options[:namespace]
- args << { type: options[:type] } if options[:type] && !options[:skip_types]
- @builder.tag!(*args) do
- add_attributes_and_methods
- add_includes
- add_extra_behavior
- add_procs
- yield @builder if block_given?
- end
- end
- private
- def add_extra_behavior
- end
- def add_attributes_and_methods
- serializable_collection.each do |attribute|
- key = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key(attribute.name, options)
- ActiveSupport::XmlMini.to_tag(key, attribute.value,
- options.merge(attribute.decorations))
- end
- end
- def add_includes
- @serializable.send(:serializable_add_includes, options) do |association, records, opts|
- add_associations(association, records, opts)
- end
- end
- # TODO: This can likely be cleaned up to simple use ActiveSupport::XmlMini.to_tag as well.
- def add_associations(association, records, opts)
- merged_options = opts.merge(options.slice(:builder, :indent))
- merged_options[:skip_instruct] = true
- [:skip_types, :dasherize, :camelize].each do |key|
- merged_options[key] = options[key] if merged_options[key].nil? && !options[key].nil?
- end
- if records.respond_to?(:to_ary)
- records = records.to_ary
- tag = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key(association.to_s, options)
- type = options[:skip_types] ? { } : { type: "array" }
- association_name = association.to_s.singularize
- merged_options[:root] = association_name
- if records.empty?
- @builder.tag!(tag, type)
- else
- @builder.tag!(tag, type) do
- records.each do |record|
- if options[:skip_types]
- record_type = {}
- else
- record_class = (record.class.to_s.underscore == association_name) ? nil : record.class.name
- record_type = { type: record_class }
- end
- record.to_xml merged_options.merge(record_type)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- merged_options[:root] = association.to_s
- unless records.class.to_s.underscore == association.to_s
- merged_options[:type] = records.class.name
- end
- records.to_xml merged_options
- end
- end
- def add_procs
- if procs = options.delete(:procs)
- Array(procs).each do |proc|
- if proc.arity == 1
- proc.call(options)
- else
- proc.call(options, @serializable)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # Returns XML representing the model. Configuration can be
- # passed through +options+.
- #
- # Without any +options+, the returned XML string will include all the
- # model's attributes.
- #
- # user = User.find(1)
- # user.to_xml
- #
- # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- # <user>
- # <id type="integer">1</id>
- # <name>David</name>
- # <age type="integer">16</age>
- # <created-at type="dateTime">2011-01-30T22:29:23Z</created-at>
- # </user>
- #
- # The <tt>:only</tt> and <tt>:except</tt> options can be used to limit the
- # attributes included, and work similar to the +attributes+ method.
- #
- # To include the result of some method calls on the model use <tt>:methods</tt>.
- #
- # To include associations use <tt>:include</tt>.
- #
- # For further documentation, see <tt>ActiveRecord::Serialization#to_xml</tt>
- def to_xml(options = {}, &block)
- Serializer.new(self, options).serialize(&block)
- end
- # Sets the model +attributes+ from an XML string. Returns +self+.
- #
- # class Person
- # include ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml
- #
- # attr_accessor :name, :age, :awesome
- #
- # def attributes=(hash)
- # hash.each do |key, value|
- # instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)
- # end
- # end
- #
- # def attributes
- # instance_values
- # end
- # end
- #
- # xml = { name: 'bob', age: 22, awesome:true }.to_xml
- # person = Person.new
- # person.from_xml(xml) # => #<Person:0x007fec5e3b3c40 @age=22, @awesome=true, @name="bob">
- # person.name # => "bob"
- # person.age # => 22
- # person.awesome # => true
- def from_xml(xml)
- self.attributes = Hash.from_xml(xml).values.first
- self
- end
- end
- end