path: root/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/dispatcher
diff options
authorDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2007-11-21 15:17:04 +0000
committerDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2007-11-21 15:17:04 +0000
commit9b83e3396180d0dbcb23ec3d71adb198eae7629b (patch)
tree01ea5352514acfede892ada48c58ec7f28be2a8e /actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/dispatcher
parent440f2890af5462402d1a77daaf1751a66742b974 (diff)
Ousted ActionWebService from Rails 2.0
git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@8180 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
Diffstat (limited to 'actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/dispatcher')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 586 deletions
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/dispatcher/abstract.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/dispatcher/abstract.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cb94d649e7..0000000000
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/dispatcher/abstract.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-require 'benchmark'
-module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
- module Dispatcher # :nodoc:
- class DispatcherError < ActionWebService::ActionWebServiceError # :nodoc:
- def initialize(*args)
- super
- set_backtrace(caller)
- end
- end
- def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
- base.class_inheritable_option(:web_service_dispatching_mode, :direct)
- base.class_inheritable_option(:web_service_exception_reporting, true)
- base.send(:include, ActionWebService::Dispatcher::InstanceMethods)
- end
- module InstanceMethods # :nodoc:
- private
- def invoke_web_service_request(protocol_request)
- invocation = web_service_invocation(protocol_request)
- if invocation.is_a?(Array) && protocol_request.protocol.is_a?(Protocol::XmlRpc::XmlRpcProtocol)
- xmlrpc_multicall_invoke(invocation)
- else
- web_service_invoke(invocation)
- end
- end
- def web_service_direct_invoke(invocation)
- @method_params = invocation.method_ordered_params
- arity = method(invocation.api_method.name).arity rescue 0
- if arity < 0 || arity > 0
- params = @method_params
- else
- params = []
- end
- web_service_filtered_invoke(invocation, params)
- end
- def web_service_delegated_invoke(invocation)
- web_service_filtered_invoke(invocation, invocation.method_ordered_params)
- end
- def web_service_filtered_invoke(invocation, params)
- cancellation_reason = nil
- return_value = invocation.service.perform_invocation(invocation.api_method.name, params) do |x|
- cancellation_reason = x
- end
- if cancellation_reason
- raise(DispatcherError, "request canceled: #{cancellation_reason}")
- end
- return_value
- end
- def web_service_invoke(invocation)
- case web_service_dispatching_mode
- when :direct
- return_value = web_service_direct_invoke(invocation)
- when :delegated, :layered
- return_value = web_service_delegated_invoke(invocation)
- end
- web_service_create_response(invocation.protocol, invocation.protocol_options, invocation.api, invocation.api_method, return_value)
- end
- def xmlrpc_multicall_invoke(invocations)
- responses = []
- invocations.each do |invocation|
- if invocation.is_a?(Hash)
- responses << [invocation, nil]
- next
- end
- begin
- case web_service_dispatching_mode
- when :direct
- return_value = web_service_direct_invoke(invocation)
- when :delegated, :layered
- return_value = web_service_delegated_invoke(invocation)
- end
- api_method = invocation.api_method
- if invocation.api.has_api_method?(api_method.name)
- response_type = (api_method.returns ? api_method.returns[0] : nil)
- return_value = api_method.cast_returns(return_value)
- else
- response_type = ActionWebService::SignatureTypes.canonical_signature_entry(return_value.class, 0)
- end
- responses << [return_value, response_type]
- rescue Exception => e
- responses << [{ 'faultCode' => 3, 'faultString' => e.message }, nil]
- end
- end
- invocation = invocations[0]
- invocation.protocol.encode_multicall_response(responses, invocation.protocol_options)
- end
- def web_service_invocation(request, level = 0)
- public_method_name = request.method_name
- invocation = Invocation.new
- invocation.protocol = request.protocol
- invocation.protocol_options = request.protocol_options
- invocation.service_name = request.service_name
- if web_service_dispatching_mode == :layered
- case invocation.protocol
- when Protocol::Soap::SoapProtocol
- soap_action = request.protocol_options[:soap_action]
- if soap_action && soap_action =~ /^\/\w+\/(\w+)\//
- invocation.service_name = $1
- end
- when Protocol::XmlRpc::XmlRpcProtocol
- if request.method_name =~ /^([^\.]+)\.(.*)$/
- public_method_name = $2
- invocation.service_name = $1
- end
- end
- end
- if invocation.protocol.is_a? Protocol::XmlRpc::XmlRpcProtocol
- if public_method_name == 'multicall' && invocation.service_name == 'system'
- if level > 0
- raise(DispatcherError, "Recursive system.multicall invocations not allowed")
- end
- multicall = request.method_params.dup
- unless multicall.is_a?(Array) && multicall[0].is_a?(Array)
- raise(DispatcherError, "Malformed multicall (expected array of Hash elements)")
- end
- multicall = multicall[0]
- return multicall.map do |item|
- raise(DispatcherError, "Multicall elements must be Hash") unless item.is_a?(Hash)
- raise(DispatcherError, "Multicall elements must contain a 'methodName' key") unless item.has_key?('methodName')
- method_name = item['methodName']
- params = item.has_key?('params') ? item['params'] : []
- multicall_request = request.dup
- multicall_request.method_name = method_name
- multicall_request.method_params = params
- begin
- web_service_invocation(multicall_request, level + 1)
- rescue Exception => e
- {'faultCode' => 4, 'faultMessage' => e.message}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- case web_service_dispatching_mode
- when :direct
- invocation.api = self.class.web_service_api
- invocation.service = self
- when :delegated, :layered
- invocation.service = web_service_object(invocation.service_name)
- invocation.api = invocation.service.class.web_service_api
- end
- if invocation.api.nil?
- raise(DispatcherError, "no API attached to #{invocation.service.class}")
- end
- invocation.protocol.register_api(invocation.api)
- request.api = invocation.api
- if invocation.api.has_public_api_method?(public_method_name)
- invocation.api_method = invocation.api.public_api_method_instance(public_method_name)
- else
- if invocation.api.default_api_method.nil?
- raise(DispatcherError, "no such method '#{public_method_name}' on API #{invocation.api}")
- else
- invocation.api_method = invocation.api.default_api_method_instance
- end
- end
- if invocation.service.nil?
- raise(DispatcherError, "no service available for service name #{invocation.service_name}")
- end
- unless invocation.service.respond_to?(invocation.api_method.name)
- raise(DispatcherError, "no such method '#{public_method_name}' on API #{invocation.api} (#{invocation.api_method.name})")
- end
- request.api_method = invocation.api_method
- begin
- invocation.method_ordered_params = invocation.api_method.cast_expects(request.method_params.dup)
- rescue
- logger.warn "Casting of method parameters failed" unless logger.nil?
- invocation.method_ordered_params = request.method_params
- end
- request.method_params = invocation.method_ordered_params
- invocation.method_named_params = {}
- invocation.api_method.param_names.inject(0) do |m, n|
- invocation.method_named_params[n] = invocation.method_ordered_params[m]
- m + 1
- end
- invocation
- end
- def web_service_create_response(protocol, protocol_options, api, api_method, return_value)
- if api.has_api_method?(api_method.name)
- return_type = api_method.returns ? api_method.returns[0] : nil
- return_value = api_method.cast_returns(return_value)
- else
- return_type = ActionWebService::SignatureTypes.canonical_signature_entry(return_value.class, 0)
- end
- protocol.encode_response(api_method.public_name + 'Response', return_value, return_type, protocol_options)
- end
- class Invocation # :nodoc:
- attr_accessor :protocol
- attr_accessor :protocol_options
- attr_accessor :service_name
- attr_accessor :api
- attr_accessor :api_method
- attr_accessor :method_ordered_params
- attr_accessor :method_named_params
- attr_accessor :service
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/dispatcher/action_controller_dispatcher.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/dispatcher/action_controller_dispatcher.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f9995197a0..0000000000
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/dispatcher/action_controller_dispatcher.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-require 'benchmark'
-require 'builder/xmlmarkup'
-module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
- module Dispatcher # :nodoc:
- module ActionController # :nodoc:
- def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
- class << base
- include ClassMethods
- alias_method_chain :inherited, :action_controller
- end
- base.class_eval do
- alias_method :web_service_direct_invoke_without_controller, :web_service_direct_invoke
- end
- base.add_web_service_api_callback do |klass, api|
- if klass.web_service_dispatching_mode == :direct
- klass.class_eval 'def api; dispatch_web_service_request; end'
- end
- end
- base.add_web_service_definition_callback do |klass, name, info|
- if klass.web_service_dispatching_mode == :delegated
- klass.class_eval "def #{name}; dispatch_web_service_request; end"
- elsif klass.web_service_dispatching_mode == :layered
- klass.class_eval 'def api; dispatch_web_service_request; end'
- end
- end
- base.send(:include, ActionWebService::Dispatcher::ActionController::InstanceMethods)
- end
- module ClassMethods # :nodoc:
- def inherited_with_action_controller(child)
- inherited_without_action_controller(child)
- child.send(:include, ActionWebService::Dispatcher::ActionController::WsdlAction)
- end
- end
- module InstanceMethods # :nodoc:
- private
- def dispatch_web_service_request
- method = request.method.to_s.upcase
- allowed_methods = self.class.web_service_api ? (self.class.web_service_api.allowed_http_methods || []) : [ :post ]
- allowed_methods = allowed_methods.map{|m| m.to_s.upcase }
- if !allowed_methods.include?(method)
- render :text => "#{method} not supported", :status=>500
- return
- end
- exception = nil
- begin
- ws_request = discover_web_service_request(request)
- rescue Exception => e
- exception = e
- end
- if ws_request
- ws_response = nil
- exception = nil
- bm = Benchmark.measure do
- begin
- ws_response = invoke_web_service_request(ws_request)
- rescue Exception => e
- exception = e
- end
- end
- log_request(ws_request, request.raw_post)
- if exception
- log_error(exception) unless logger.nil?
- send_web_service_error_response(ws_request, exception)
- else
- send_web_service_response(ws_response, bm.real)
- end
- else
- exception ||= DispatcherError.new("Malformed SOAP or XML-RPC protocol message")
- log_error(exception) unless logger.nil?
- send_web_service_error_response(ws_request, exception)
- end
- rescue Exception => e
- log_error(e) unless logger.nil?
- send_web_service_error_response(ws_request, e)
- end
- def send_web_service_response(ws_response, elapsed=nil)
- log_response(ws_response, elapsed)
- options = { :type => ws_response.content_type, :disposition => 'inline' }
- send_data(ws_response.body, options)
- end
- def send_web_service_error_response(ws_request, exception)
- if ws_request
- unless self.class.web_service_exception_reporting
- exception = DispatcherError.new("Internal server error (exception raised)")
- end
- api_method = ws_request.api_method
- public_method_name = api_method ? api_method.public_name : ws_request.method_name
- return_type = ActionWebService::SignatureTypes.canonical_signature_entry(Exception, 0)
- ws_response = ws_request.protocol.encode_response(public_method_name + 'Response', exception, return_type, ws_request.protocol_options)
- send_web_service_response(ws_response)
- else
- if self.class.web_service_exception_reporting
- message = exception.message
- backtrace = "\nBacktrace:\n#{exception.backtrace.join("\n")}"
- else
- message = "Exception raised"
- backtrace = ""
- end
- render :text => "Internal protocol error: #{message}#{backtrace}", :status => 500
- end
- end
- def web_service_direct_invoke(invocation)
- invocation.method_named_params.each do |name, value|
- params[name] = value
- end
- web_service_direct_invoke_without_controller(invocation)
- end
- def log_request(ws_request, body)
- unless logger.nil?
- name = ws_request.method_name
- api_method = ws_request.api_method
- params = ws_request.method_params
- if api_method && api_method.expects
- params = api_method.expects.zip(params).map{ |type, param| "#{type.name}=>#{param.inspect}" }
- else
- params = params.map{ |param| param.inspect }
- end
- service = ws_request.service_name
- logger.debug("\nWeb Service Request: #{name}(#{params.join(", ")}) Entrypoint: #{service}")
- logger.debug(indent(body))
- end
- end
- def log_response(ws_response, elapsed=nil)
- unless logger.nil?
- elapsed = (elapsed ? " (%f):" % elapsed : ":")
- logger.debug("\nWeb Service Response" + elapsed + " => #{ws_response.return_value.inspect}")
- logger.debug(indent(ws_response.body))
- end
- end
- def indent(body)
- body.split(/\n/).map{|x| " #{x}"}.join("\n")
- end
- end
- module WsdlAction # :nodoc:
- XsdNs = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'
- WsdlNs = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/'
- SoapNs = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/'
- SoapEncodingNs = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/'
- SoapHttpTransport = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http'
- def wsdl
- case request.method
- when :get
- begin
- options = { :type => 'text/xml', :disposition => 'inline' }
- send_data(to_wsdl, options)
- rescue Exception => e
- log_error(e) unless logger.nil?
- end
- when :post
- render :text => 'POST not supported', :status => 500
- end
- end
- private
- def base_uri
- host = request.host_with_port
- relative_url_root = request.relative_url_root
- scheme = request.ssl? ? 'https' : 'http'
- '%s://%s%s/%s/' % [scheme, host, relative_url_root, self.class.controller_path]
- end
- def to_wsdl
- xml = ''
- dispatching_mode = web_service_dispatching_mode
- global_service_name = wsdl_service_name
- namespace = wsdl_namespace || 'urn:ActionWebService'
- soap_action_base = "/#{controller_name}"
- marshaler = ActionWebService::Protocol::Soap::SoapMarshaler.new(namespace)
- apis = {}
- case dispatching_mode
- when :direct
- api = self.class.web_service_api
- web_service_name = controller_class_name.sub(/Controller$/, '').underscore
- apis[web_service_name] = [api, register_api(api, marshaler)]
- when :delegated, :layered
- self.class.web_services.each do |web_service_name, info|
- service = web_service_object(web_service_name)
- api = service.class.web_service_api
- apis[web_service_name] = [api, register_api(api, marshaler)]
- end
- end
- custom_types = []
- apis.values.each do |api, bindings|
- bindings.each do |b|
- custom_types << b unless custom_types.include?(b)
- end
- end
- xm = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target => xml, :indent => 2)
- xm.instruct!
- xm.definitions('name' => wsdl_service_name,
- 'targetNamespace' => namespace,
- 'xmlns:typens' => namespace,
- 'xmlns:xsd' => XsdNs,
- 'xmlns:soap' => SoapNs,
- 'xmlns:soapenc' => SoapEncodingNs,
- 'xmlns:wsdl' => WsdlNs,
- 'xmlns' => WsdlNs) do
- # Generate XSD
- if custom_types.size > 0
- xm.types do
- xm.xsd(:schema, 'xmlns' => XsdNs, 'targetNamespace' => namespace) do
- custom_types.each do |binding|
- case
- when binding.type.array?
- xm.xsd(:complexType, 'name' => binding.type_name) do
- xm.xsd(:complexContent) do
- xm.xsd(:restriction, 'base' => 'soapenc:Array') do
- xm.xsd(:attribute, 'ref' => 'soapenc:arrayType',
- 'wsdl:arrayType' => binding.element_binding.qualified_type_name('typens') + '[]')
- end
- end
- end
- when binding.type.structured?
- xm.xsd(:complexType, 'name' => binding.type_name) do
- xm.xsd(:all) do
- binding.type.each_member do |name, type|
- b = marshaler.register_type(type)
- xm.xsd(:element, 'name' => name, 'type' => b.qualified_type_name('typens'))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # APIs
- apis.each do |api_name, values|
- api = values[0]
- api.api_methods.each do |name, method|
- gen = lambda do |msg_name, direction|
- xm.message('name' => message_name_for(api_name, msg_name)) do
- sym = nil
- if direction == :out
- returns = method.returns
- if returns
- binding = marshaler.register_type(returns[0])
- xm.part('name' => 'return', 'type' => binding.qualified_type_name('typens'))
- end
- else
- expects = method.expects
- expects.each do |type|
- binding = marshaler.register_type(type)
- xm.part('name' => type.name, 'type' => binding.qualified_type_name('typens'))
- end if expects
- end
- end
- end
- public_name = method.public_name
- gen.call(public_name, :in)
- gen.call("#{public_name}Response", :out)
- end
- # Port
- port_name = port_name_for(global_service_name, api_name)
- xm.portType('name' => port_name) do
- api.api_methods.each do |name, method|
- xm.operation('name' => method.public_name) do
- xm.input('message' => "typens:" + message_name_for(api_name, method.public_name))
- xm.output('message' => "typens:" + message_name_for(api_name, "#{method.public_name}Response"))
- end
- end
- end
- # Bind it
- binding_name = binding_name_for(global_service_name, api_name)
- xm.binding('name' => binding_name, 'type' => "typens:#{port_name}") do
- xm.soap(:binding, 'style' => 'rpc', 'transport' => SoapHttpTransport)
- api.api_methods.each do |name, method|
- xm.operation('name' => method.public_name) do
- case web_service_dispatching_mode
- when :direct
- soap_action = soap_action_base + "/api/" + method.public_name
- when :delegated, :layered
- soap_action = soap_action_base \
- + "/" + api_name.to_s \
- + "/" + method.public_name
- end
- xm.soap(:operation, 'soapAction' => soap_action)
- xm.input do
- xm.soap(:body,
- 'use' => 'encoded',
- 'namespace' => namespace,
- 'encodingStyle' => SoapEncodingNs)
- end
- xm.output do
- xm.soap(:body,
- 'use' => 'encoded',
- 'namespace' => namespace,
- 'encodingStyle' => SoapEncodingNs)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # Define it
- xm.service('name' => "#{global_service_name}Service") do
- apis.each do |api_name, values|
- port_name = port_name_for(global_service_name, api_name)
- binding_name = binding_name_for(global_service_name, api_name)
- case web_service_dispatching_mode
- when :direct, :layered
- binding_target = 'api'
- when :delegated
- binding_target = api_name.to_s
- end
- xm.port('name' => port_name, 'binding' => "typens:#{binding_name}") do
- xm.soap(:address, 'location' => "#{base_uri}#{binding_target}")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def port_name_for(global_service, service)
- "#{global_service}#{service.to_s.camelize}Port"
- end
- def binding_name_for(global_service, service)
- "#{global_service}#{service.to_s.camelize}Binding"
- end
- def message_name_for(api_name, message_name)
- mode = web_service_dispatching_mode
- if mode == :layered || mode == :delegated
- api_name.to_s + '-' + message_name
- else
- message_name
- end
- end
- def register_api(api, marshaler)
- bindings = {}
- traverse_custom_types(api, marshaler, bindings) do |binding|
- bindings[binding] = nil unless bindings.has_key?(binding)
- element_binding = binding.element_binding
- bindings[element_binding] = nil if element_binding && !bindings.has_key?(element_binding)
- end
- bindings.keys
- end
- def traverse_custom_types(api, marshaler, bindings, &block)
- api.api_methods.each do |name, method|
- expects, returns = method.expects, method.returns
- expects.each{ |type| traverse_type(marshaler, type, bindings, &block) if type.custom? } if expects
- returns.each{ |type| traverse_type(marshaler, type, bindings, &block) if type.custom? } if returns
- end
- end
- def traverse_type(marshaler, type, bindings, &block)
- binding = marshaler.register_type(type)
- return if bindings.has_key?(binding)
- bindings[binding] = nil
- yield binding
- if type.array?
- yield marshaler.register_type(type.element_type)
- type = type.element_type
- end
- type.each_member{ |name, type| traverse_type(marshaler, type, bindings, &block) } if type.structured?
- end
- end
- end
- end