path: root/actionview
diff options
authorMarek <marek.kirejczyk@gmail.com>2016-06-27 19:00:54 +0200
committerMarek <marek.kirejczyk@gmail.com>2016-06-27 19:00:54 +0200
commita65a3bde0bee7d3d28c30775ec955260ed61e96c (patch)
tree544fab93937e39f8b6c4219a0091cb701fc6535c /actionview
parentffded19faf497c0a0bb392c07f98d9eee62f6925 (diff)
New syntax for tag helpers i.e. tag.br instead of tag(br) #25195
Diffstat (limited to 'actionview')
6 files changed, 364 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/actionview/CHANGELOG.md b/actionview/CHANGELOG.md
index 099842025c..ab4b46c56e 100644
--- a/actionview/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/actionview/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,28 @@
+* New syntax for tag helpers. Avoid positional parameters and support HTML5 by default.
+ Example usage of tag helpers before:
+ ```ruby
+ tag(:br, nil, true)
+ content_tag(:div, content_tag(:p, "Hello world!"), class: "strong")
+ <%= content_tag :div, class: "strong" do -%>
+ Hello world!
+ <% end -%>
+ ```
+ Example usage of tag helpers after:
+ ```ruby
+ tag.br
+ tag.div tag.p("Hello world!"), class: "strong"
+ <%= tag.div class: "strong" do %>
+ Hello world!
+ <% end %>
+ ```
+ *Marek Kirejczyk*, *Kasper Timm Hansen*
* Change `datetime_field` and `datetime_field_tag` to generate `datetime-local` fields.
As a new specification of the HTML 5 the text field type `datetime` will no longer exist
diff --git a/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/form_options_helper.rb b/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/form_options_helper.rb
index b277efd7b6..06b696f281 100644
--- a/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/form_options_helper.rb
+++ b/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/form_options_helper.rb
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ module ActionView
html_attributes[:disabled] ||= disabled && option_value_selected?(value, disabled)
html_attributes[:value] = value
- content_tag_string(:option, text, html_attributes)
+ tag_builder.content_tag_string(:option, text, html_attributes)
diff --git a/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/tag_helper.rb b/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/tag_helper.rb
index 42e7358a1d..09923be568 100644
--- a/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/tag_helper.rb
+++ b/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/tag_helper.rb
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ require 'set'
module ActionView
# = Action View Tag Helpers
module Helpers #:nodoc:
- # Provides methods to generate HTML tags programmatically when you can't use
- # a Builder. By default, they output XHTML compliant tags.
+ # Provides methods to generate HTML tags programmatically both as a modern
+ # HTML5 compliant builder style and legacy XHTML compliant tags.
module TagHelper
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
include CaptureHelper
@@ -26,7 +26,167 @@ module ActionView
PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS[:textarea] = "\n"
PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS["textarea"] = "\n"
+ class TagBuilder #:nodoc:
+ include CaptureHelper
+ include OutputSafetyHelper
+ VOID_ELEMENTS = %i(base br col embed hr img input keygen link meta param source track wbr).to_set
+ def initialize(view_context)
+ @view_context = view_context
+ end
+ def tag_string(name, content = nil, escape_attributes: true, **options, &block)
+ content = @view_context.capture(self, &block) if block_given?
+ if VOID_ELEMENTS.include?(name) && content.nil?
+ "<#{name.to_s.dasherize}#{tag_options(options, escape_attributes)}>".html_safe
+ else
+ content_tag_string(name.to_s.dasherize, content || '', options, escape_attributes)
+ end
+ end
+ def content_tag_string(name, content, options, escape = true)
+ tag_options = tag_options(options, escape) if options
+ content = ERB::Util.unwrapped_html_escape(content) if escape
+ "<#{name}#{tag_options}>#{PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS[name]}#{content}</#{name}>".html_safe
+ end
+ def tag_options(options, escape = true)
+ return if options.blank?
+ output = ""
+ sep = " ".freeze
+ options.each_pair do |key, value|
+ if TAG_PREFIXES.include?(key) && value.is_a?(Hash)
+ value.each_pair do |k, v|
+ next if v.nil?
+ output << sep
+ output << prefix_tag_option(key, k, v, escape)
+ end
+ elsif BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES.include?(key)
+ if value
+ output << sep
+ output << boolean_tag_option(key)
+ end
+ elsif !value.nil?
+ output << sep
+ output << tag_option(key, value, escape)
+ end
+ end
+ output unless output.empty?
+ end
+ def boolean_tag_option(key)
+ %(#{key}="#{key}")
+ end
+ def tag_option(key, value, escape)
+ if value.is_a?(Array)
+ value = escape ? safe_join(value, " ".freeze) : value.join(" ".freeze)
+ else
+ value = escape ? ERB::Util.unwrapped_html_escape(value) : value
+ end
+ %(#{key}="#{value}")
+ end
+ private
+ def prefix_tag_option(prefix, key, value, escape)
+ key = "#{prefix}-#{key.to_s.dasherize}"
+ unless value.is_a?(String) || value.is_a?(Symbol) || value.is_a?(BigDecimal)
+ value = value.to_json
+ end
+ tag_option(key, value, escape)
+ end
+ def respond_to_missing?(*args)
+ true
+ end
+ def method_missing(called, *args, &block)
+ tag_string(called, *args, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns an HTML tag.
+ #
+ # === Building HTML tags
+ # Builds HTML5 compliant tags with a tag proxy. Every tag can be built with:
+ #
+ # tag.<tag name>(optional content, options)
+ #
+ # where tag name can be e.g. br, div, section, article, or any tag really.
+ #
+ # ==== Passing content
+ # Tags can pass content to embed within it:
+ #
+ # tag.h1 'All shit fit to print' # => <h1>All shit fit to print</h1>
+ #
+ # tag.div tag.p('Hello world!') # => <div><p>Hello world!</p></div>
+ #
+ # Content can also be captured with a block. Great for ERB templates:
+ #
+ # <%= tag.p do %>
+ # The next great American novel starts here.
+ # <% end %>
+ # # => <p>The next great American novel starts here.</p>
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ # Any passed options becomes attributes on the generated tag.
+ #
+ # tag.section class: %w( kitties puppies )
+ # # => <section class="kitties puppies"></section>
+ #
+ # tag.section id: dom_id(@post)
+ # # => <section id="<generated dom id>"></section>
+ #
+ # Pass true for any attributes that can render with no values like +disabled+.
+ #
+ # tag.input type: 'text', disabled: true
+ # # => <input type="text" disabled="disabled">
+ #
+ # HTML5 <tt>data-*</tt> attributes can be set with a single +data+ key
+ # pointing to a hash of sub-attributes.
+ #
+ # To play nicely with JavaScript conventions sub-attributes are dasherized.
+ #
+ # tag.article data: { user_id: 123 }
+ # # => <article data-user-id="123"></article>
+ #
+ # Thus <tt>data-user-id</tt> can be accessed as <tt>dataset.userId</tt>.
+ #
+ # Data attribute values are encoded to JSON, with the exception of strings, symbols and
+ # BigDecimals.
+ # This may come in handy when using jQuery's HTML5-aware <tt>.data()</tt>
+ # from 1.4.3.
+ #
+ # tag.div data: { city_state: %w( Chigaco IL ) }
+ # # => <div data-city-state="[&quot;Chicago&quot;,&quot;IL&quot;]"></div>
+ #
+ # The generated attributes are escaped by default, but it can be turned off with
+ # +escape_attributes+.
+ #
+ # tag.img src: 'open & shut.png'
+ # # => <img src="open &amp; shut.png">
+ #
+ # tag.img src: 'open & shut.png', escape_attributes: false
+ # # => <img src="open & shut.png">
+ #
+ # The tag builder respects
+ # [HTML5 void elements](https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#void-elements)
+ # if no content is passed, and omits closing tags for those elements.
+ #
+ # # A standard element:
+ # tag.div # => <div></div>
+ #
+ # # A void element:
+ # tag.br # => <br>
+ #
+ # === Legacy syntax
+ # Following format is legacy syntax. It will be deprecated in future versions of rails.
+ #
+ # tag(tag_name, options)
+ #
+ # === Building HTML tags
# Returns an empty HTML tag of type +name+ which by default is XHTML
# compliant. Set +open+ to true to create an open tag compatible
# with HTML 4.0 and below. Add HTML attributes by passing an attributes
@@ -72,8 +232,12 @@ module ActionView
# tag("div", data: {name: 'Stephen', city_state: %w(Chicago IL)})
# # => <div data-name="Stephen" data-city-state="[&quot;Chicago&quot;,&quot;IL&quot;]" />
- def tag(name, options = nil, open = false, escape = true)
- "<#{name}#{tag_options(options, escape) if options}#{open ? ">" : " />"}".html_safe
+ def tag(name = nil, options = nil, open = false, escape = true)
+ if name.nil?
+ tag_builder
+ else
+ "<#{name}#{tag_builder.tag_options(options, escape) if options}#{open ? ">" : " />"}".html_safe
+ end
# Returns an HTML block tag of type +name+ surrounding the +content+. Add
@@ -81,6 +245,7 @@ module ActionView
# Instead of passing the content as an argument, you can also use a block
# in which case, you pass your +options+ as the second parameter.
# Set escape to false to disable attribute value escaping.
+ # Note: this is legacy syntax, see +tag+ method description for details.
# ==== Options
# The +options+ hash can be used with attributes with no value like (<tt>disabled</tt> and
@@ -104,9 +269,9 @@ module ActionView
def content_tag(name, content_or_options_with_block = nil, options = nil, escape = true, &block)
if block_given?
options = content_or_options_with_block if content_or_options_with_block.is_a?(Hash)
- content_tag_string(name, capture(&block), options, escape)
+ tag_builder.content_tag_string(name, capture(&block), options, escape)
- content_tag_string(name, content_or_options_with_block, options, escape)
+ tag_builder.content_tag_string(name, content_or_options_with_block, options, escape)
@@ -140,56 +305,8 @@ module ActionView
- def content_tag_string(name, content, options, escape = true)
- tag_options = tag_options(options, escape) if options
- content = ERB::Util.unwrapped_html_escape(content) if escape
- "<#{name}#{tag_options}>#{PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS[name]}#{content}</#{name}>".html_safe
- end
- def tag_options(options, escape = true)
- return if options.blank?
- output = ""
- sep = " ".freeze
- options.each_pair do |key, value|
- if TAG_PREFIXES.include?(key) && value.is_a?(Hash)
- value.each_pair do |k, v|
- next if v.nil?
- output << sep
- output << prefix_tag_option(key, k, v, escape)
- end
- elsif BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES.include?(key)
- if value
- output << sep
- output << boolean_tag_option(key)
- end
- elsif !value.nil?
- output << sep
- output << tag_option(key, value, escape)
- end
- end
- output unless output.empty?
- end
- def prefix_tag_option(prefix, key, value, escape)
- key = "#{prefix}-#{key.to_s.dasherize}"
- unless value.is_a?(String) || value.is_a?(Symbol) || value.is_a?(BigDecimal)
- value = value.to_json
- end
- tag_option(key, value, escape)
- end
- def boolean_tag_option(key)
- %(#{key}="#{key}")
- end
- def tag_option(key, value, escape)
- if value.is_a?(Array)
- value = escape ? safe_join(value, " ".freeze) : value.join(" ".freeze)
- else
- value = escape ? ERB::Util.unwrapped_html_escape(value) : value
- end
- %(#{key}="#{value}")
+ def tag_builder
+ @tag_builder ||= TagBuilder.new(self)
diff --git a/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/tags/base.rb b/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/tags/base.rb
index d57f26ba4f..086eaa4aab 100644
--- a/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/tags/base.rb
+++ b/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/tags/base.rb
@@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ module ActionView
def add_options(option_tags, options, value = nil)
if options[:include_blank]
- option_tags = content_tag_string('option', options[:include_blank].kind_of?(String) ? options[:include_blank] : nil, :value => '') + "\n" + option_tags
+ option_tags = tag_builder.content_tag_string('option', options[:include_blank].kind_of?(String) ? options[:include_blank] : nil, :value => '') + "\n" + option_tags
if value.blank? && options[:prompt]
- option_tags = content_tag_string('option', prompt_text(options[:prompt]), :value => '') + "\n" + option_tags
+ option_tags = tag_builder.content_tag_string('option', prompt_text(options[:prompt]), :value => '') + "\n" + option_tags
diff --git a/actionview/test/fixtures/test/_builder_tag_nested_in_content_tag.erb b/actionview/test/fixtures/test/_builder_tag_nested_in_content_tag.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ddad7ec3ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionview/test/fixtures/test/_builder_tag_nested_in_content_tag.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<%= tag.p do %>
+ <%= tag.b 'Hello' %>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/actionview/test/template/tag_helper_test.rb b/actionview/test/template/tag_helper_test.rb
index f3956a31f6..4ed3252c63 100644
--- a/actionview/test/template/tag_helper_test.rb
+++ b/actionview/test/template/tag_helper_test.rb
@@ -11,6 +11,24 @@ class TagHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal "<br>", tag("br", nil, true)
+ def test_tag_builder
+ assert_equal "<span></span>", tag.span
+ assert_equal "<span class=\"bookmark\"></span>", tag.span(class: "bookmark")
+ end
+ def test_tag_builder_void_tag
+ assert_equal "<br>", tag.br
+ assert_equal "<br class=\"some_class\">", tag.br(class: 'some_class')
+ end
+ def test_tag_builder_void_tag_with_forced_content
+ assert_equal "<br>some content</br>", tag.br("some content")
+ end
+ def test_tag_builder_is_singleton
+ assert_equal tag, tag
+ end
def test_tag_options
str = tag("p", "class" => "show", :class => "elsewhere")
assert_match(/class="show"/, str)
@@ -21,19 +39,36 @@ class TagHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal "<p />", tag("p", :ignored => nil)
+ def test_tag_builder_options_rejects_nil_option
+ assert_equal "<p></p>", tag.p(ignored: nil)
+ end
def test_tag_options_accepts_false_option
assert_equal "<p value=\"false\" />", tag("p", :value => false)
+ def test_tag_builder_options_accepts_false_option
+ assert_equal "<p value=\"false\"></p>", tag.p(value: false)
+ end
def test_tag_options_accepts_blank_option
assert_equal "<p included=\"\" />", tag("p", :included => '')
+ def test_tag_builder_options_accepts_blank_option
+ assert_equal "<p included=\"\"></p>", tag.p(included: '')
+ end
def test_tag_options_converts_boolean_option
assert_dom_equal '<p disabled="disabled" itemscope="itemscope" multiple="multiple" readonly="readonly" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" seamless="seamless" typemustmatch="typemustmatch" sortable="sortable" default="default" inert="inert" truespeed="truespeed" />',
tag("p", :disabled => true, :itemscope => true, :multiple => true, :readonly => true, :allowfullscreen => true, :seamless => true, :typemustmatch => true, :sortable => true, :default => true, :inert => true, :truespeed => true)
+ def test_tag_builder_options_converts_boolean_option
+ assert_dom_equal '<p disabled="disabled" itemscope="itemscope" multiple="multiple" readonly="readonly" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" seamless="seamless" typemustmatch="typemustmatch" sortable="sortable" default="default" inert="inert" truespeed="truespeed" />',
+ tag.p(disabled: true, itemscope: true, multiple: true, readonly: true, allowfullscreen: true, seamless: true, typemustmatch: true, sortable: true, default: true, inert: true, truespeed: true)
+ end
def test_content_tag
assert_equal "<a href=\"create\">Create</a>", content_tag("a", "Create", "href" => "create")
assert content_tag("a", "Create", "href" => "create").html_safe?
@@ -45,43 +80,96 @@ class TagHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
content_tag(:p, '<script>evil_js</script>', nil, false)
+ def test_tag_builder_with_content
+ assert_equal "<div id=\"post_1\">Content</div>", tag.div("Content", id: "post_1")
+ assert tag.div("Content", id: "post_1").html_safe?
+ assert_equal tag.div("Content", id: "post_1"),
+ tag.div("Content", "id": "post_1")
+ assert_equal "<p>&lt;script&gt;evil_js&lt;/script&gt;</p>",
+ tag.p("<script>evil_js</script>")
+ assert_equal "<p><script>evil_js</script></p>",
+ tag.p('<script>evil_js</script>', escape_attributes: false)
+ end
+ def test_tag_builder_nested
+ assert_equal "<div>content</div>",
+ tag.div { "content" }
+ assert_equal "<div id=\"header\"><span>hello</span></div>",
+ tag.div(id: 'header') { |tag| tag.span 'hello' }
+ assert_equal "<div id=\"header\"><div class=\"world\"><span>hello</span></div></div>",
+ tag.div(id: 'header') { |tag| tag.div(class: 'world') { tag.span 'hello' } }
+ end
def test_content_tag_with_block_in_erb
buffer = render_erb("<%= content_tag(:div) do %>Hello world!<% end %>")
assert_dom_equal "<div>Hello world!</div>", buffer
+ def test_tag_builder_with_block_in_erb
+ buffer = render_erb("<%= tag.div do %>Hello world!<% end %>")
+ assert_dom_equal "<div>Hello world!</div>", buffer
+ end
def test_content_tag_with_block_in_erb_containing_non_displayed_erb
buffer = render_erb("<%= content_tag(:p) do %><% 1 %><% end %>")
assert_dom_equal "<p></p>", buffer
+ def test_tag_builder_with_block_in_erb_containing_non_displayed_erb
+ buffer = render_erb("<%= tag.p do %><% 1 %><% end %>")
+ assert_dom_equal "<p></p>", buffer
+ end
def test_content_tag_with_block_and_options_in_erb
buffer = render_erb("<%= content_tag(:div, :class => 'green') do %>Hello world!<% end %>")
assert_dom_equal %(<div class="green">Hello world!</div>), buffer
+ def test_tag_builder_with_block_and_options_in_erb
+ buffer = render_erb("<%= tag.div(class: 'green') do %>Hello world!<% end %>")
+ assert_dom_equal %(<div class="green">Hello world!</div>), buffer
+ end
def test_content_tag_with_block_and_options_out_of_erb
assert_dom_equal %(<div class="green">Hello world!</div>), content_tag(:div, :class => "green") { "Hello world!" }
+ def test_tag_builder_with_block_and_options_out_of_erb
+ assert_dom_equal %(<div class="green">Hello world!</div>), tag.div(class: "green") { "Hello world!" }
+ end
def test_content_tag_with_block_and_options_outside_out_of_erb
assert_equal content_tag("a", "Create", :href => "create"),
content_tag("a", "href" => "create") { "Create" }
+ def test_tag_builder_with_block_and_options_outside_out_of_erb
+ assert_equal tag.a("Create", href: "create"),
+ tag.a("href": "create") { "Create" }
+ end
def test_content_tag_with_block_and_non_string_outside_out_of_erb
assert_equal content_tag("p"),
content_tag("p") { 3.times { "do_something" } }
+ def test_tag_builder_with_block_and_non_string_outside_out_of_erb
+ assert_equal tag.p,
+ tag.p { 3.times { "do_something" } }
+ end
def test_content_tag_nested_in_content_tag_out_of_erb
assert_equal content_tag("p", content_tag("b", "Hello")),
content_tag("p") { content_tag("b", "Hello") },
+ assert_equal tag.p(tag.b("Hello")),
+ tag.p {tag.b("Hello") },
+ output_buffer
def test_content_tag_nested_in_content_tag_in_erb
assert_equal "<p>\n <b>Hello</b>\n</p>", view.render("test/content_tag_nested_in_content_tag")
+ assert_equal "<p>\n <b>Hello</b>\n</p>", view.render("test/builder_tag_nested_in_content_tag")
def test_content_tag_with_escaped_array_class
@@ -95,6 +183,17 @@ class TagHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal "<p class=\"song play\">limelight</p>", str
+ def test_tag_builder_with_escaped_array_class
+ str = tag.p "limelight", class: ["song", "play>"]
+ assert_equal "<p class=\"song play&gt;\">limelight</p>", str
+ str = tag.p "limelight", class: ["song", "play"]
+ assert_equal "<p class=\"song play\">limelight</p>", str
+ str = tag.p "limelight", class: ["song", ["play"]]
+ assert_equal "<p class=\"song play\">limelight</p>", str
+ end
def test_content_tag_with_unescaped_array_class
str = content_tag('p', "limelight", {:class => ["song", "play>"]}, false)
assert_equal "<p class=\"song play>\">limelight</p>", str
@@ -103,21 +202,43 @@ class TagHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal "<p class=\"song play>\">limelight</p>", str
+ def test_tag_builder_with_unescaped_array_class
+ str = tag.p "limelight", class: ["song", "play>"], escape_attributes: false
+ assert_equal "<p class=\"song play>\">limelight</p>", str
+ str = tag.p "limelight", class: ["song", ["play>"]], escape_attributes: false
+ assert_equal "<p class=\"song play>\">limelight</p>", str
+ end
def test_content_tag_with_empty_array_class
str = content_tag('p', 'limelight', {:class => []})
assert_equal '<p class="">limelight</p>', str
+ def test_tag_builder_with_empty_array_class
+ assert_equal '<p class="">limelight</p>', tag.p('limelight', class: [])
+ end
def test_content_tag_with_unescaped_empty_array_class
str = content_tag('p', 'limelight', {:class => []}, false)
assert_equal '<p class="">limelight</p>', str
+ def test_tag_builder_with_unescaped_empty_array_class
+ str = tag.p 'limelight', class: [], escape_attributes: false
+ assert_equal '<p class="">limelight</p>', str
+ end
def test_content_tag_with_data_attributes
assert_dom_equal '<p data-number="1" data-string="hello" data-string-with-quotes="double&quot;quote&quot;party&quot;">limelight</p>',
content_tag('p', "limelight", data: { number: 1, string: 'hello', string_with_quotes: 'double"quote"party"' })
+ def test_tag_builder_with_data_attributes
+ assert_dom_equal '<p data-number="1" data-string="hello" data-string-with-quotes="double&quot;quote&quot;party&quot;">limelight</p>',
+ tag.p("limelight", data: { number: 1, string: 'hello', string_with_quotes: 'double"quote"party"' })
+ end
def test_cdata_section
assert_equal "<![CDATA[<hello world>]]>", cdata_section("<hello world>")
@@ -139,20 +260,24 @@ class TagHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
def test_tag_honors_html_safe_for_param_values
['1&amp;2', '1 &lt; 2', '&#8220;test&#8220;'].each do |escaped|
assert_equal %(<a href="#{escaped}" />), tag('a', :href => escaped.html_safe)
+ assert_equal %(<a href="#{escaped}"></a>), tag.a(href: escaped.html_safe)
def test_tag_honors_html_safe_with_escaped_array_class
- str = tag('p', :class => ['song>', raw('play>')])
- assert_equal '<p class="song&gt; play>" />', str
+ assert_equal '<p class="song&gt; play>" />', tag('p', :class => ['song>', raw('play>')])
+ assert_equal '<p class="song> play&gt;" />', tag('p', :class => [raw('song>'), 'play>'])
+ end
- str = tag('p', :class => [raw('song>'), 'play>'])
- assert_equal '<p class="song> play&gt;" />', str
+ def test_tag_builder_honors_html_safe_with_escaped_array_class
+ assert_equal '<p class="song&gt; play>"></p>', tag.p(class: ['song>', raw('play>')])
+ assert_equal '<p class="song> play&gt;"></p>', tag.p(class: [raw('song>'), 'play>'])
def test_skip_invalid_escaped_attributes
['&1;', '&#1dfa3;', '& #123;'].each do |escaped|
assert_equal %(<a href="#{escaped.gsub(/&/, '&amp;')}" />), tag('a', :href => escaped)
+ assert_equal %(<a href="#{escaped.gsub(/&/, '&amp;')}"></a>), tag.a(href: escaped)
@@ -160,10 +285,20 @@ class TagHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal '<a href="&amp;" />', tag('a', { :href => '&amp;' }, false, false)
+ def test_tag_builder_disable_escaping
+ assert_equal '<a href="&amp;"></a>', tag.a(href: '&amp;', escape_attributes: false)
+ assert_equal '<a href="&amp;">cnt</a>', tag.a(href: '&amp;' , escape_attributes: false) { "cnt"}
+ assert_equal '<br data-hidden="&amp;">', tag.br("data-hidden": '&amp;' , escape_attributes: false)
+ assert_equal '<a href="&amp;">content</a>', tag.a("content", href: '&amp;', escape_attributes: false)
+ assert_equal '<a href="&amp;">content</a>', tag.a(href: '&amp;', escape_attributes: false) { "content"}
+ end
def test_data_attributes
['data', :data].each { |data|
assert_dom_equal '<a data-a-float="3.14" data-a-big-decimal="-123.456" data-a-number="1" data-array="[1,2,3]" data-hash="{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;value&quot;}" data-string-with-quotes="double&quot;quote&quot;party&quot;" data-string="hello" data-symbol="foo" />',
tag('a', { data => { a_float: 3.14, a_big_decimal: BigDecimal.new("-123.456"), a_number: 1, string: 'hello', symbol: :foo, array: [1, 2, 3], hash: { key: 'value'}, string_with_quotes: 'double"quote"party"' } })
+ assert_dom_equal '<a data-a-float="3.14" data-a-big-decimal="-123.456" data-a-number="1" data-array="[1,2,3]" data-hash="{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;value&quot;}" data-string-with-quotes="double&quot;quote&quot;party&quot;" data-string="hello" data-symbol="foo" />',
+ tag.a(data: { a_float: 3.14, a_big_decimal: BigDecimal.new("-123.456"), a_number: 1, string: 'hello', symbol: :foo, array: [1, 2, 3], hash: { key: 'value'}, string_with_quotes: 'double"quote"party"' })
@@ -171,6 +306,8 @@ class TagHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
['aria', :aria].each { |aria|
assert_dom_equal '<a aria-a-float="3.14" aria-a-big-decimal="-123.456" aria-a-number="1" aria-array="[1,2,3]" aria-hash="{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;value&quot;}" aria-string-with-quotes="double&quot;quote&quot;party&quot;" aria-string="hello" aria-symbol="foo" />',
tag('a', { aria => { a_float: 3.14, a_big_decimal: BigDecimal.new("-123.456"), a_number: 1, string: 'hello', symbol: :foo, array: [1, 2, 3], hash: { key: 'value'}, string_with_quotes: 'double"quote"party"' } })
+ assert_dom_equal '<a aria-a-float="3.14" aria-a-big-decimal="-123.456" aria-a-number="1" aria-array="[1,2,3]" aria-hash="{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;value&quot;}" aria-string-with-quotes="double&quot;quote&quot;party&quot;" aria-string="hello" aria-symbol="foo" />',
+ tag.a(aria: { a_float: 3.14, a_big_decimal: BigDecimal.new("-123.456"), a_number: 1, string: 'hello', symbol: :foo, array: [1, 2, 3], hash: { key: 'value'}, string_with_quotes: 'double"quote"party"' })
@@ -179,4 +316,23 @@ class TagHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
div_type2 = content_tag(:div, 'test', { data: {tooltip: nil} })
assert_dom_equal div_type1, div_type2
+ def test_tag_builder_link_to_data_nil_equal
+ div_type1 = tag.div 'test', { 'data-tooltip': nil }
+ div_type2 = tag.div 'test', { data: {tooltip: nil} }
+ assert_dom_equal div_type1, div_type2
+ end
+ def test_tag_builder_allow_call_via_method_object
+ assert_equal "<foo></foo>", tag.method(:foo).call
+ end
+ def test_tag_builder_dasherize_names
+ assert_equal "<img-slider></img-slider>", tag.img_slider
+ end
+ def test_respond_to
+ assert_respond_to tag, :any_tag
+ end