path: root/actionview/test
diff options
authorTimm <kaspth@gmail.com>2013-08-02 17:01:54 +0200
committerTimm <kaspth@gmail.com>2014-06-16 21:04:01 +0200
commit95c517b6d6c13bfff2a020b2a29ec5c9bacfebf3 (patch)
tree8e3622c9126cdb3e5688b4aec1d02a1290ab6b5b /actionview/test
parent9f73f9f38cd572cdb7bee42b0ef250c8bbd91cc7 (diff)
Moved Dom and Selector assertions from ActionDispatch to ActionView.
Diffstat (limited to 'actionview/test')
2 files changed, 351 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/actionview/test/template/assert_select_test.rb b/actionview/test/template/assert_select_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42d6bb4432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionview/test/template/assert_select_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Assaf Arkin (http://labnotes.org)
+# Under MIT and/or CC By license.
+require 'abstract_unit'
+require 'controller/fake_controllers'
+require 'action_mailer'
+require 'action_view'
+ActionMailer::Base.send(:include, ActionView::Layouts)
+ActionMailer::Base.view_paths = FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH
+class AssertSelectTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ Assertion = ActiveSupport::TestCase::Assertion
+ class AssertSelectMailer < ActionMailer::Base
+ def test(html)
+ mail :body => html, :content_type => "text/html",
+ :subject => "Test e-mail", :from => "test@test.host", :to => "test <test@test.host>"
+ end
+ end
+ class AssertMultipartSelectMailer < ActionMailer::Base
+ def test(options)
+ mail :subject => "Test e-mail", :from => "test@test.host", :to => "test <test@test.host>" do |format|
+ format.text { render :text => options[:text] }
+ format.html { render :text => options[:html] }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class AssertSelectController < ActionController::Base
+ def response_with=(content)
+ @content = content
+ end
+ def response_with(&block)
+ @update = block
+ end
+ def html()
+ render :text=>@content, :layout=>false, :content_type=>Mime::HTML
+ @content = nil
+ end
+ def xml()
+ render :text=>@content, :layout=>false, :content_type=>Mime::XML
+ @content = nil
+ end
+ end
+ tests AssertSelectController
+ def setup
+ super
+ @old_delivery_method = ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method
+ @old_perform_deliveries = ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries
+ ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :test
+ ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
+ end
+ def teardown
+ super
+ ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = @old_delivery_method
+ ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = @old_perform_deliveries
+ ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear
+ end
+ def assert_failure(message, &block)
+ e = assert_raise(Assertion, &block)
+ assert_match(message, e.message) if Regexp === message
+ assert_equal(message, e.message) if String === message
+ end
+ #
+ # Test assert select.
+ #
+ def test_assert_select
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1"></div><div id="2"></div>}
+ assert_select "div", 2
+ assert_failure(/\AExpected at least 1 element matching \"p\", found 0\.$/) { assert_select "p" }
+ end
+ def test_equality_integer
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1"></div><div id="2"></div>}
+ assert_failure(/\AExpected exactly 3 elements matching \"div\", found 2\.$/) { assert_select "div", 3 }
+ assert_failure(/\AExpected exactly 0 elements matching \"div\", found 2\.$/) { assert_select "div", 0 }
+ end
+ def test_equality_true_false
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1"></div><div id="2"></div>}
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div" }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "p" }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", true }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "p", true }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "div", false }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "p", false }
+ end
+ def test_equality_false_message
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1"></div><div id="2"></div>}
+ assert_failure(/\AExpected exactly 0 elements matching \"div\", found 2\.$/) { assert_select "div", false }
+ end
+ def test_equality_string_and_regexp
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", "foo" }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "div", "bar" }
+ assert_failure(/\A<bar> expected but was\n<foo>\.$/) { assert_select "div", "bar" }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :text=>"foo" }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "div", :text=>"bar" }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", /(foo|bar)/ }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "div", /foobar/ }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :text=>/(foo|bar)/ }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "div", :text=>/foobar/ }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "p", :text=>/foobar/ }
+ end
+ def test_equality_of_html
+ render_html %Q{<p>\n<em>"This is <strong>not</strong> a big problem,"</em> he said.\n</p>}
+ text = "\"This is not a big problem,\" he said."
+ html = "<em>\"This is <strong>not</strong> a big problem,\"</em> he said."
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "p", text }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "p", html }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "p", :html=>html }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "p", :html=>text }
+ assert_failure(/\A<#{text}> expected but was\n<#{html}>\.$/) { assert_select "p", :html=>text }
+ # No stripping for pre.
+ render_html %Q{<pre>\n<em>"This is <strong>not</strong> a big problem,"</em> he said.\n</pre>}
+ text = "\n\"This is not a big problem,\" he said.\n"
+ html = "\n<em>\"This is <strong>not</strong> a big problem,\"</em> he said.\n"
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "pre", text }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "pre", html }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "pre", :html=>html }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "pre", :html=>text }
+ end
+ def test_strip_textarea
+ render_html %Q{<textarea>\n\nfoo\n</textarea>}
+ assert_select "textarea", "\nfoo\n"
+ render_html %Q{<textarea>\nfoo</textarea>}
+ assert_select "textarea", "foo"
+ end
+ def test_counts
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", 2 }
+ assert_failure(/\AExpected exactly 3 elements matching \"div\", found 2\.$/) do
+ assert_select "div", 3
+ end
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", 1..2 }
+ assert_failure(/\AExpected between 3 and 4 elements matching \"div\", found 2\.$/) do
+ assert_select "div", 3..4
+ end
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :count=>2 }
+ assert_failure(/\AExpected exactly 3 elements matching \"div\", found 2\.$/) do
+ assert_select "div", :count=>3
+ end
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :minimum=>1 }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :minimum=>2 }
+ assert_failure(/\AExpected at least 3 elements matching \"div\", found 2\.$/) do
+ assert_select "div", :minimum=>3
+ end
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :maximum=>2 }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :maximum=>3 }
+ assert_failure(/\AExpected at most 1 element matching \"div\", found 2\.$/) do
+ assert_select "div", :maximum=>1
+ end
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :minimum=>1, :maximum=>2 }
+ assert_failure(/\AExpected between 3 and 4 elements matching \"div\", found 2\.$/) do
+ assert_select "div", :minimum=>3, :maximum=>4
+ end
+ end
+ def test_substitution_values
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
+ assert_select "div:match('id', ?)", /\d+/ do |elements|
+ assert_equal 2, elements.size
+ end
+ assert_select "div" do
+ assert_select ":match('id', ?)", /\d+/ do |elements|
+ assert_equal 2, elements.size
+ assert_select "#1"
+ assert_select "#2"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_nested_assert_select
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
+ assert_select "div" do |elements|
+ assert_equal 2, elements.size
+ assert_select elements, "#1"
+ assert_select elements, "#2"
+ end
+ assert_select "div" do
+ assert_select "div" do |elements|
+ assert_equal 2, elements.size
+ # Testing in a group is one thing
+ assert_select "#1,#2"
+ # Testing individually is another.
+ assert_select "#1"
+ assert_select "#2"
+ assert_select "#3", false
+ end
+ end
+ assert_failure(/\AExpected at least 1 element matching \"#4\", found 0\.$/) do
+ assert_select "div" do
+ assert_select "#4"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_select_text_match
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1"><span>foo</span></div><div id="2"><span>bar</span></div>}
+ assert_select "div" do
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", "foo" }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", "bar" }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", /\w*/ }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :text => /\w*/, :count=>2 }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "div", :text=>"foo", :count=>2 }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :html=>"<span>bar</span>" }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :html=>"<span>bar</span>" }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :html=>/\w*/ }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :html=>/\w*/, :count=>2 }
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select "div", :html=>"<span>foo</span>", :count=>2 }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_select_with_xml_namespace_attributes
+ skip "Nokogiri doesn't recognize this the xmlns:special as a namespace. Perhaps it's because it isn't on the root node?"
+ render_html %Q{<link xmlns:special="http://nowhere.com"></link>}
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select %(special|link) }
+ end
+ #
+ # Test css_select.
+ #
+ def test_css_select
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1"></div><div id="2"></div>}
+ assert_equal 2, css_select("div").size
+ assert_equal 0, css_select("p").size
+ end
+ def test_nested_css_select
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
+ assert_select "div:match('id', ?)", /\d+/ do |elements|
+ assert_equal 1, css_select(elements[0], "div").size
+ assert_equal 1, css_select(elements[1], "div").size
+ end
+ assert_select "div" do
+ assert_equal 2, css_select("div").size
+ css_select("div").each do |element|
+ # Testing as a group is one thing
+ assert !css_select("#1,#2").empty?
+ # Testing individually is another
+ assert !css_select("#1").empty?
+ assert !css_select("#2").empty?
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_feed_item_encoded
+ render_xml <<-EOF
+<rss version="2.0">
+ <channel>
+ <item>
+ <description>
+ <![CDATA[
+ <p>Test 1</p>
+ ]]>
+ </description>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <description>
+ <![CDATA[
+ <p>Test 2</p>
+ ]]>
+ </description>
+ </item>
+ </channel>
+ assert_select "channel item description" do
+ assert_select_encoded do
+ assert_select "p", :count=>2, :text=>/Test/
+ end
+ # Test individually.
+ assert_select "description" do |elements|
+ assert_select_encoded elements[0] do
+ assert_select "p", "Test 1"
+ end
+ assert_select_encoded elements[1] do
+ assert_select "p", "Test 2"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Test that we only un-encode element itself.
+ assert_select "channel item" do
+ assert_select_encoded do
+ assert_select "p", 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Test assert_select_email
+ #
+ def test_assert_select_email
+ assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select_email {} }
+ AssertSelectMailer.test("<div><p>foo</p><p>bar</p></div>").deliver
+ assert_select_email do
+ assert_select "div:root" do
+ assert_select "p:first-child", "foo"
+ assert_select "p:last-child", "bar"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_select_email_multipart
+ AssertMultipartSelectMailer.test(:html => "<div><p>foo</p><p>bar</p></div>", :text => 'foo bar').deliver
+ assert_select_email do
+ assert_select "div:root" do
+ assert_select "p:first-child", "foo"
+ assert_select "p:last-child", "bar"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ def render_html(html)
+ @controller.response_with = html
+ get :html
+ end
+ def render_xml(xml)
+ @controller.response_with = xml
+ get :xml
+ end
diff --git a/actionview/test/template/url_helper_test.rb b/actionview/test/template/url_helper_test.rb
index 35279a4558..f04532c77c 100644
--- a/actionview/test/template/url_helper_test.rb
+++ b/actionview/test/template/url_helper_test.rb
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class UrlHelperTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
include routes.url_helpers
include ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper
- include ActionDispatch::Assertions::DomAssertions
+ include ActionView::Assertions::DomAssertions
include ActionView::Context
include RenderERBUtils