path: root/actionview/test/template
diff options
authorTimm <kaspth@gmail.com>2014-05-23 23:34:46 +0200
committerTimm <kaspth@gmail.com>2014-06-16 21:04:23 +0200
commit33019a321c7b8083068850750a3f4c466ae7c059 (patch)
tree52ebd6c136384ce04d2bb00c301177fbc434d1aa /actionview/test/template
parent017ddc6e248cea9bdfda4496c1505585b7452655 (diff)
Remove html-scanner and its tests.
Diffstat (limited to 'actionview/test/template')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 682 deletions
diff --git a/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/cdata_node_test.rb b/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/cdata_node_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bab2bcb33..0000000000
--- a/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/cdata_node_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-require 'abstract_unit'
-require 'action_view/vendor/html-scanner/html/node'
-class CDATANodeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def setup
- @node = HTML::CDATA.new(nil, 0, 0, "<p>howdy</p>")
- end
- def test_to_s
- assert_equal "<![CDATA[<p>howdy</p>]]>", @node.to_s
- end
- def test_content
- assert_equal "<p>howdy</p>", @node.content
- end
diff --git a/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/document_test.rb b/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/document_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b7518e130..0000000000
--- a/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/document_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-require 'abstract_unit'
-require 'action_view/vendor/html-scanner'
-class DocumentTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def test_handle_doctype
- doc = nil
- assert_nothing_raised do
- doc = HTML::Document.new <<-HTML.strip
- <!DOCTYPE "blah" "blah" "blah">
- <html>
- </html>
- end
- assert_equal 3, doc.root.children.length
- assert_equal %{<!DOCTYPE "blah" "blah" "blah">}, doc.root.children[0].content
- assert_match %r{\s+}m, doc.root.children[1].content
- assert_equal "html", doc.root.children[2].name
- end
- def test_find_img
- doc = HTML::Document.new <<-HTML.strip
- <html>
- <body>
- <p><img src="hello.gif"></p>
- </body>
- </html>
- assert doc.find(:tag=>"img", :attributes=>{"src"=>"hello.gif"})
- end
- def test_find_all
- doc = HTML::Document.new <<-HTML.strip
- <html>
- <body>
- <p class="test"><img src="hello.gif"></p>
- <div class="foo">
- <p class="test">something</p>
- <p>here is <em class="test">more</em></p>
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>
- all = doc.find_all :attributes => { :class => "test" }
- assert_equal 3, all.length
- assert_equal [ "p", "p", "em" ], all.map { |n| n.name }
- end
- def test_find_with_text
- doc = HTML::Document.new <<-HTML.strip
- <html>
- <body>
- <p>Some text</p>
- </body>
- </html>
- assert doc.find(:content => "Some text")
- assert doc.find(:tag => "p", :child => { :content => "Some text" })
- assert doc.find(:tag => "p", :child => "Some text")
- assert doc.find(:tag => "p", :content => "Some text")
- end
- def test_parse_xml
- assert_nothing_raised { HTML::Document.new("<tags><tag/></tags>", true, true) }
- assert_nothing_raised { HTML::Document.new("<outer><link>something</link></outer>", true, true) }
- end
- def test_parse_document
- doc = HTML::Document.new(<<-HTML)
- <div>
- <h2>blah</h2>
- <table>
- </table>
- </div>
- assert_not_nil doc.find(:tag => "div", :children => { :count => 1, :only => { :tag => "table" } })
- end
- def test_tag_nesting_nothing_to_s
- doc = HTML::Document.new("<tag></tag>")
- assert_equal "<tag></tag>", doc.root.to_s
- end
- def test_tag_nesting_space_to_s
- doc = HTML::Document.new("<tag> </tag>")
- assert_equal "<tag> </tag>", doc.root.to_s
- end
- def test_tag_nesting_text_to_s
- doc = HTML::Document.new("<tag>text</tag>")
- assert_equal "<tag>text</tag>", doc.root.to_s
- end
- def test_tag_nesting_tag_to_s
- doc = HTML::Document.new("<tag><nested /></tag>")
- assert_equal "<tag><nested /></tag>", doc.root.to_s
- end
- def test_parse_cdata
- doc = HTML::Document.new(<<-HTML)
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
- <head>
- <title><![CDATA[<br>]]></title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <p>this document has &lt;br&gt; for a title</p>
- </body>
- assert_nil doc.find(:tag => "title", :descendant => { :tag => "br" })
- assert doc.find(:tag => "title", :child => "<br>")
- end
- def test_find_empty_tag
- doc = HTML::Document.new("<div id='map'></div>")
- assert_nil doc.find(:tag => "div", :attributes => { :id => "map" }, :content => /./)
- assert doc.find(:tag => "div", :attributes => { :id => "map" }, :content => /\A\Z/)
- assert doc.find(:tag => "div", :attributes => { :id => "map" }, :content => /^$/)
- assert doc.find(:tag => "div", :attributes => { :id => "map" }, :content => "")
- assert doc.find(:tag => "div", :attributes => { :id => "map" }, :content => nil)
- end
- def test_parse_invalid_document
- assert_nothing_raised do
- HTML::Document.new("<html>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td style=\"color: #FFFFFF; height: 17px; onclick=\"window.location.href='http://www.rmeinc.com/about_rme.aspx'\" style=\"cursor:pointer; height: 17px;\"; nowrap onclick=\"window.location.href='http://www.rmeinc.com/about_rme.aspx'\" onmouseout=\"this.bgColor='#0066cc'; this.style.color='#FFFFFF'\" onmouseover=\"this.bgColor='#ffffff'; this.style.color='#0033cc'\">About Us</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </html>")
- end
- end
- def test_invalid_document_raises_exception_when_strict
- assert_raise RuntimeError do
- HTML::Document.new("<html>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td style=\"color: #FFFFFF; height: 17px; onclick=\"window.location.href='http://www.rmeinc.com/about_rme.aspx'\" style=\"cursor:pointer; height: 17px;\"; nowrap onclick=\"window.location.href='http://www.rmeinc.com/about_rme.aspx'\" onmouseout=\"this.bgColor='#0066cc'; this.style.color='#FFFFFF'\" onmouseover=\"this.bgColor='#ffffff'; this.style.color='#0033cc'\">About Us</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </html>", true)
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/node_test.rb b/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/node_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a2734dfcfe..0000000000
--- a/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/node_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-require 'abstract_unit'
-require 'action_view/vendor/html-scanner/html/node'
-class NodeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- class MockNode
- def initialize(matched, value)
- @matched = matched
- @value = value
- end
- def find(conditions)
- @matched && self
- end
- def to_s
- @value.to_s
- end
- end
- def setup
- @node = HTML::Node.new("parent")
- @node.children.concat [MockNode.new(false,1), MockNode.new(true,"two"), MockNode.new(false,:three)]
- end
- def test_match
- assert !@node.match("foo")
- end
- def test_tag
- assert !@node.tag?
- end
- def test_to_s
- assert_equal "1twothree", @node.to_s
- end
- def test_find
- assert_equal "two", @node.find('blah').to_s
- end
- def test_parse_strict
- s = "<b foo='hello'' bar='baz'>"
- assert_raise(RuntimeError) { HTML::Node.parse(nil,0,0,s) }
- end
- def test_parse_relaxed
- s = "<b foo='hello'' bar='baz'>"
- node = nil
- assert_nothing_raised { node = HTML::Node.parse(nil,0,0,s,false) }
- assert node.attributes.has_key?("foo")
- assert !node.attributes.has_key?("bar")
- end
- def test_to_s_with_boolean_attrs
- s = "<b foo bar>"
- node = HTML::Node.parse(nil,0,0,s)
- assert node.attributes.has_key?("foo")
- assert node.attributes.has_key?("bar")
- assert "<b foo bar>", node.to_s
- end
- def test_parse_with_unclosed_tag
- s = "<span onmouseover='bang'"
- node = nil
- assert_nothing_raised { node = HTML::Node.parse(nil,0,0,s,false) }
- assert node.attributes.has_key?("onmouseover")
- end
- def test_parse_with_valid_cdata_section
- s = "<![CDATA[<span>contents</span>]]>"
- node = nil
- assert_nothing_raised { node = HTML::Node.parse(nil,0,0,s,false) }
- assert_kind_of HTML::CDATA, node
- assert_equal '<span>contents</span>', node.content
- end
- def test_parse_strict_with_unterminated_cdata_section
- s = "<![CDATA[neverending..."
- assert_raise(RuntimeError) { HTML::Node.parse(nil,0,0,s) }
- end
- def test_parse_relaxed_with_unterminated_cdata_section
- s = "<![CDATA[neverending..."
- node = nil
- assert_nothing_raised { node = HTML::Node.parse(nil,0,0,s,false) }
- assert_kind_of HTML::CDATA, node
- assert_equal 'neverending...', node.content
- end
diff --git a/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/tag_node_test.rb b/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/tag_node_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 633d15ad2f..0000000000
--- a/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/tag_node_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-require 'abstract_unit'
-require 'action_view/vendor/html-scanner/html/node'
-class TagNodeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def test_open_without_attributes
- node = tag("<tag>")
- assert_equal "tag", node.name
- assert_equal Hash.new, node.attributes
- assert_nil node.closing
- end
- def test_open_with_attributes
- node = tag("<TAG1 foo=hey_ho x:bar=\"blah blah\" BAZ='blah blah blah' >")
- assert_equal "tag1", node.name
- assert_equal "hey_ho", node["foo"]
- assert_equal "blah blah", node["x:bar"]
- assert_equal "blah blah blah", node["baz"]
- end
- def test_self_closing_without_attributes
- node = tag("<tag/>")
- assert_equal "tag", node.name
- assert_equal Hash.new, node.attributes
- assert_equal :self, node.closing
- end
- def test_self_closing_with_attributes
- node = tag("<tag a=b/>")
- assert_equal "tag", node.name
- assert_equal( { "a" => "b" }, node.attributes )
- assert_equal :self, node.closing
- end
- def test_closing_without_attributes
- node = tag("</tag>")
- assert_equal "tag", node.name
- assert_nil node.attributes
- assert_equal :close, node.closing
- end
- def test_bracket_op_when_no_attributes
- node = tag("</tag>")
- assert_nil node["foo"]
- end
- def test_bracket_op_when_attributes
- node = tag("<tag a=b/>")
- assert_equal "b", node["a"]
- end
- def test_attributes_with_escaped_quotes
- node = tag("<tag a='b\\'c' b=\"bob \\\"float\\\"\">")
- assert_equal "b\\'c", node["a"]
- assert_equal "bob \\\"float\\\"", node["b"]
- end
- def test_to_s
- node = tag("<a b=c d='f' g=\"h 'i'\" />")
- node = node.to_s
- assert node.include?('a')
- assert node.include?('b="c"')
- assert node.include?('d="f"')
- assert node.include?('g="h')
- assert node.include?('i')
- end
- def test_tag
- assert tag("<tag>").tag?
- end
- def test_match_tag_as_string
- assert tag("<tag>").match(:tag => "tag")
- assert !tag("<tag>").match(:tag => "b")
- end
- def test_match_tag_as_regexp
- assert tag("<tag>").match(:tag => /t.g/)
- assert !tag("<tag>").match(:tag => /t[bqs]g/)
- end
- def test_match_attributes_as_string
- t = tag("<tag a=something b=else />")
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"a" => "something"})
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"b" => "else"})
- end
- def test_match_attributes_as_regexp
- t = tag("<tag a=something b=else />")
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"a" => /^something$/})
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"b" => /e.*e/})
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"a" => /me..i/, "b" => /.ls.$/})
- end
- def test_match_attributes_as_number
- t = tag("<tag a=15 b=3.1415 />")
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"a" => 15})
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"b" => 3.1415})
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"a" => 15, "b" => 3.1415})
- end
- def test_match_attributes_exist
- t = tag("<tag a=15 b=3.1415 />")
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"a" => true})
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"b" => true})
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"a" => true, "b" => true})
- end
- def test_match_attributes_not_exist
- t = tag("<tag a=15 b=3.1415 />")
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"c" => false})
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"c" => nil})
- assert t.match(:attributes => {"a" => true, "c" => false})
- end
- def test_match_parent_success
- t = tag("<tag a=15 b='hello'>", tag("<foo k='value'>"))
- assert t.match(:parent => {:tag => "foo", :attributes => {"k" => /v.l/, "j" => false}})
- end
- def test_match_parent_fail
- t = tag("<tag a=15 b='hello'>", tag("<foo k='value'>"))
- assert !t.match(:parent => {:tag => /kafka/})
- end
- def test_match_child_success
- t = tag("<tag x:k='something'>")
- tag("<child v=john a=kelly>", t)
- tag("<sib m=vaughn v=james>", t)
- assert t.match(:child => { :tag => "sib", :attributes => {"v" => /j/}})
- assert t.match(:child => { :attributes => {"a" => "kelly"}})
- end
- def test_match_child_fail
- t = tag("<tag x:k='something'>")
- tag("<child v=john a=kelly>", t)
- tag("<sib m=vaughn v=james>", t)
- assert !t.match(:child => { :tag => "sib", :attributes => {"v" => /r/}})
- assert !t.match(:child => { :attributes => {"v" => false}})
- end
- def test_match_ancestor_success
- t = tag("<tag x:k='something'>", tag("<parent v=john a=kelly>", tag("<grandparent m=vaughn v=james>")))
- assert t.match(:ancestor => {:tag => "parent", :attributes => {"a" => /ll/}})
- assert t.match(:ancestor => {:attributes => {"m" => "vaughn"}})
- end
- def test_match_ancestor_fail
- t = tag("<tag x:k='something'>", tag("<parent v=john a=kelly>", tag("<grandparent m=vaughn v=james>")))
- assert !t.match(:ancestor => {:tag => /^parent/, :attributes => {"v" => /m/}})
- assert !t.match(:ancestor => {:attributes => {"v" => false}})
- end
- def test_match_descendant_success
- tag("<grandchild m=vaughn v=james>", tag("<child v=john a=kelly>", t = tag("<tag x:k='something'>")))
- assert t.match(:descendant => {:tag => "child", :attributes => {"a" => /ll/}})
- assert t.match(:descendant => {:attributes => {"m" => "vaughn"}})
- end
- def test_match_descendant_fail
- tag("<grandchild m=vaughn v=james>", tag("<child v=john a=kelly>", t = tag("<tag x:k='something'>")))
- assert !t.match(:descendant => {:tag => /^child/, :attributes => {"v" => /m/}})
- assert !t.match(:descendant => {:attributes => {"v" => false}})
- end
- def test_match_child_count
- t = tag("<tag x:k='something'>")
- tag("hello", t)
- tag("<child v=john a=kelly>", t)
- tag("<sib m=vaughn v=james>", t)
- assert t.match(:children => { :count => 2 })
- assert t.match(:children => { :count => 2..4 })
- assert t.match(:children => { :less_than => 4 })
- assert t.match(:children => { :greater_than => 1 })
- assert !t.match(:children => { :count => 3 })
- end
- def test_conditions_as_strings
- t = tag("<tag x:k='something'>")
- assert t.match("tag" => "tag")
- assert t.match("attributes" => { "x:k" => "something" })
- assert !t.match("tag" => "gat")
- assert !t.match("attributes" => { "x:j" => "something" })
- end
- def test_attributes_as_symbols
- t = tag("<child v=john a=kelly>")
- assert t.match(:attributes => { :v => /oh/ })
- assert t.match(:attributes => { :a => /ll/ })
- end
- def test_match_sibling
- t = tag("<tag x:k='something'>")
- tag("hello", t)
- tag("<span a=b>", t)
- tag("world", t)
- m = tag("<span k=r>", t)
- tag("<span m=l>", t)
- assert m.match(:sibling => {:tag => "span", :attributes => {:a => true}})
- assert m.match(:sibling => {:tag => "span", :attributes => {:m => true}})
- assert !m.match(:sibling => {:tag => "span", :attributes => {:k => true}})
- end
- def test_match_sibling_before
- t = tag("<tag x:k='something'>")
- tag("hello", t)
- tag("<span a=b>", t)
- tag("world", t)
- m = tag("<span k=r>", t)
- tag("<span m=l>", t)
- assert m.match(:before => {:tag => "span", :attributes => {:m => true}})
- assert !m.match(:before => {:tag => "span", :attributes => {:a => true}})
- assert !m.match(:before => {:tag => "span", :attributes => {:k => true}})
- end
- def test_match_sibling_after
- t = tag("<tag x:k='something'>")
- tag("hello", t)
- tag("<span a=b>", t)
- tag("world", t)
- m = tag("<span k=r>", t)
- tag("<span m=l>", t)
- assert m.match(:after => {:tag => "span", :attributes => {:a => true}})
- assert !m.match(:after => {:tag => "span", :attributes => {:m => true}})
- assert !m.match(:after => {:tag => "span", :attributes => {:k => true}})
- end
- def test_tag_to_s
- t = tag("<b x='foo'>")
- tag("hello", t)
- tag("<hr />", t)
- assert_equal %(<b x="foo">hello<hr /></b>), t.to_s
- end
- private
- def tag(content, parent=nil)
- node = HTML::Node.parse(parent,0,0,content)
- parent.children << node if parent
- node
- end
diff --git a/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/text_node_test.rb b/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/text_node_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d8ab667adf..0000000000
--- a/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/text_node_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-require 'abstract_unit'
-require 'action_view/vendor/html-scanner/html/node'
-class TextNodeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def setup
- @node = HTML::Text.new(nil, 0, 0, "hello, howdy, aloha, annyeong")
- end
- def test_to_s
- assert_equal "hello, howdy, aloha, annyeong", @node.to_s
- end
- def test_find_string
- assert_equal @node, @node.find("hello, howdy, aloha, annyeong")
- assert_equal false, @node.find("bogus")
- end
- def test_find_regexp
- assert_equal @node, @node.find(/an+y/)
- assert_nil @node.find(/b/)
- end
- def test_find_hash
- assert_equal @node, @node.find(:content => /howdy/)
- assert_nil @node.find(:content => /^howdy$/)
- assert_equal false, @node.find(:content => "howdy")
- end
- def test_find_other
- assert_nil @node.find(:hello)
- end
- def test_match_string
- assert @node.match("hello, howdy, aloha, annyeong")
- assert_equal false, @node.match("bogus")
- end
- def test_match_regexp
- assert_not_nil @node, @node.match(/an+y/)
- assert_nil @node.match(/b/)
- end
- def test_match_hash
- assert_not_nil @node, @node.match(:content => "howdy")
- assert_nil @node.match(:content => /^howdy$/)
- end
- def test_match_other
- assert_nil @node.match(:hello)
- end
diff --git a/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/tokenizer_test.rb b/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/tokenizer_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d1cdd53211..0000000000
--- a/actionview/test/template/html-scanner/tokenizer_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-require 'abstract_unit'
-require 'action_view/vendor/html-scanner/html/tokenizer'
-class TokenizerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def test_blank
- tokenize ""
- assert_end
- end
- def test_space
- tokenize " "
- assert_next " "
- assert_end
- end
- def test_tag_simple_open
- tokenize "<tag>"
- assert_next "<tag>"
- assert_end
- end
- def test_tag_simple_self_closing
- tokenize "<tag />"
- assert_next "<tag />"
- assert_end
- end
- def test_tag_simple_closing
- tokenize "</tag>"
- assert_next "</tag>"
- end
- def test_tag_with_single_quoted_attribute
- tokenize %{<tag a='hello'>x}
- assert_next %{<tag a='hello'>}
- end
- def test_tag_with_single_quoted_attribute_with_escape
- tokenize %{<tag a='hello\\''>x}
- assert_next %{<tag a='hello\\''>}
- end
- def test_tag_with_double_quoted_attribute
- tokenize %{<tag a="hello">x}
- assert_next %{<tag a="hello">}
- end
- def test_tag_with_double_quoted_attribute_with_escape
- tokenize %{<tag a="hello\\"">x}
- assert_next %{<tag a="hello\\"">}
- end
- def test_tag_with_unquoted_attribute
- tokenize %{<tag a=hello>x}
- assert_next %{<tag a=hello>}
- end
- def test_tag_with_lt_char_in_attribute
- tokenize %{<tag a="x < y">x}
- assert_next %{<tag a="x < y">}
- end
- def test_tag_with_gt_char_in_attribute
- tokenize %{<tag a="x > y">x}
- assert_next %{<tag a="x > y">}
- end
- def test_doctype_tag
- tokenize %{<!DOCTYPE "blah" "blah" "blah">\n <html>}
- assert_next %{<!DOCTYPE "blah" "blah" "blah">}
- assert_next %{\n }
- assert_next %{<html>}
- end
- def test_cdata_tag
- tokenize %{<![CDATA[<br>]]>}
- assert_next %{<![CDATA[<br>]]>}
- assert_end
- end
- def test_unterminated_cdata_tag
- tokenize %{<content:encoded><![CDATA[ neverending...}
- assert_next %{<content:encoded>}
- assert_next %{<![CDATA[ neverending...}
- assert_end
- end
- def test_less_than_with_space
- tokenize %{original < hello > world}
- assert_next %{original }
- assert_next %{< hello > world}
- end
- def test_less_than_without_matching_greater_than
- tokenize %{hello <span onmouseover="gotcha"\n<b>foo</b>\nbar</span>}
- assert_next %{hello }
- assert_next %{<span onmouseover="gotcha"\n}
- assert_next %{<b>}
- assert_next %{foo}
- assert_next %{</b>}
- assert_next %{\nbar}
- assert_next %{</span>}
- assert_end
- end
- def test_unterminated_comment
- tokenize %{hello <!-- neverending...}
- assert_next %{hello }
- assert_next %{<!-- neverending...}
- assert_end
- end
- private
- def tokenize(text)
- @tokenizer = HTML::Tokenizer.new(text)
- end
- def assert_next(expected, message=nil)
- token = @tokenizer.next
- assert_equal expected, token, message
- end
- def assert_sequence(*expected)
- assert_next expected.shift until expected.empty?
- end
- def assert_end(message=nil)
- assert_nil @tokenizer.next, message
- end