path: root/actionpack
diff options
authorAndrew White <andyw@pixeltrix.co.uk>2012-11-26 11:15:50 +0000
committerAndrew White <andyw@pixeltrix.co.uk>2012-11-26 11:28:05 +0000
commitbe2a3b0a9319683e25ce06dda55b6d12a0c806ed (patch)
tree248a3fe090b38464e31e8d1c3add7a0f8cb80217 /actionpack
parent3da164982817828aa5f7d9e2158c04ce40ee5f55 (diff)
Improve clarity of routing tests
Move the routes for each test inside the test method so that it's easier to see which routes are applicable to which test. To ensure that each test wasn't invalidated the changes were done by first removing all of the routes, ensuring that all of the tests failed and then adding the routes back to each test one by one. One test for `assert_recognizes` was removed as it wasn't actually testing the defined routes and is now tested more thoroughly in routing_assertions_test.rb. One downside is that the test suite takes about 1s longer due to having to using `method_missing` for handling the url helpers as using `include url_helpers` isn't isolated for each test.
Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack')
1 files changed, 1081 insertions, 634 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/test/dispatch/routing_test.rb b/actionpack/test/dispatch/routing_test.rb
index 0a59d3cf9e..4f5d8fdb7c 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/dispatch/routing_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/dispatch/routing_test.rb
@@ -20,592 +20,13 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
- stub_controllers do |routes|
- Routes = routes
- Routes.draw do
- default_url_options :host => "rubyonrails.org"
- resources_path_names :correlation_indexes => "info_about_correlation_indexes"
+ def test_logout
+ draw do
controller :sessions do
- get 'login' => :new
- post 'login' => :create
delete 'logout' => :destroy
- resource :session do
- get :create
- post :reset
- resource :info
- member do
- get :crush
- end
- end
- scope "bookmark", :controller => "bookmarks", :as => :bookmark do
- get :new, :path => "build"
- post :create, :path => "create", :as => ""
- put :update
- get :remove, :action => :destroy, :as => :remove
- end
- scope "pagemark", :controller => "pagemarks", :as => :pagemark do
- get "new", :path => "build"
- post "create", :as => ""
- put "update"
- get "remove", :action => :destroy, :as => :remove
- end
- get 'account/logout' => redirect("/logout"), :as => :logout_redirect
- get 'account/login', :to => redirect("/login")
- get 'secure', :to => redirect("/secure/login")
- get 'mobile', :to => redirect(:subdomain => 'mobile')
- get 'documentation', :to => redirect(:domain => 'example-documentation.com', :path => '')
- get 'new_documentation', :to => redirect(:path => '/documentation/new')
- get 'super_new_documentation', :to => redirect(:host => 'super-docs.com')
- get 'stores/:name', :to => redirect(:subdomain => 'stores', :path => '/%{name}')
- get 'stores/:name(*rest)', :to => redirect(:subdomain => 'stores', :path => '/%{name}%{rest}')
- get 'youtube_favorites/:youtube_id/:name', :to => redirect(YoutubeFavoritesRedirector)
- constraints(lambda { |req| true }) do
- get 'account/overview'
- end
- get '/account/nested/overview'
- get 'sign_in' => "sessions#new"
- get 'account/modulo/:name', :to => redirect("/%{name}s")
- get 'account/proc/:name', :to => redirect {|params, req| "/#{params[:name].pluralize}" }
- get 'account/proc_req' => redirect {|params, req| "/#{req.method}" }
- get 'account/google' => redirect('http://www.google.com/', :status => 302)
- match 'openid/login', :via => [:get, :post], :to => "openid#login"
- controller(:global) do
- get 'global/hide_notice'
- get 'global/export', :to => :export, :as => :export_request
- get '/export/:id/:file', :to => :export, :as => :export_download, :constraints => { :file => /.*/ }
- get 'global/:action'
- end
- get "/local/:action", :controller => "local"
- get "/projects/status(.:format)"
- get "/404", :to => lambda { |env| [404, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["NOT FOUND"]] }
- constraints(:ip => /192\.168\.1\.\d\d\d/) do
- get 'admin' => "queenbee#index"
- end
- constraints ::TestRoutingMapper::IpRestrictor do
- get 'admin/accounts' => "queenbee#accounts"
- end
- get 'admin/passwords' => "queenbee#passwords", :constraints => ::TestRoutingMapper::IpRestrictor
- scope 'pt', :as => 'pt' do
- resources :projects, :path_names => { :edit => 'editar', :new => 'novo' }, :path => 'projetos' do
- post :preview, :on => :new
- put :close, :on => :member, :path => 'fechar'
- get :open, :on => :new, :path => 'abrir'
- end
- resource :admin, :path_names => { :new => 'novo', :activate => 'ativar' }, :path => 'administrador' do
- post :preview, :on => :new
- put :activate, :on => :member
- end
- resources :products, :path_names => { :new => 'novo' } do
- new do
- post :preview
- end
- end
- end
- resources :projects, :controller => :project do
- resources :involvements, :attachments
- get :correlation_indexes, :on => :collection
- resources :participants do
- put :update_all, :on => :collection
- end
- resources :companies do
- resources :people
- resource :avatar, :controller => :avatar
- end
- resources :images, :as => :funny_images do
- post :revise, :on => :member
- end
- resource :manager, :as => :super_manager do
- post :fire
- end
- resources :people do
- nested do
- scope "/:access_token" do
- resource :avatar
- end
- end
- member do
- get 'some_path_with_name'
- put :accessible_projects
- post :resend, :generate_new_password
- end
- end
- resources :posts do
- get :archive, :toggle_view, :on => :collection
- post :preview, :on => :member
- resource :subscription
- resources :comments do
- post :preview, :on => :collection
- end
- end
- post 'new', :action => 'new', :on => :collection, :as => :new
- end
- resources :replies do
- collection do
- get 'page/:page' => 'replies#index', :page => %r{\d+}
- get ':page' => 'replies#index', :page => %r{\d+}
- end
- new do
- post :preview
- end
- member do
- put :answer, :to => :mark_as_answer
- delete :answer, :to => :unmark_as_answer
- end
- end
- resources :posts, :only => [:index, :show] do
- namespace :admin do
- root :to => "index#index"
- end
- resources :comments, :except => :destroy do
- get "views" => "comments#views", :as => :views
- end
- end
- resource :past, :only => :destroy
- resource :present, :only => :update
- resource :future, :only => :create
- resources :relationships, :only => [:create, :destroy]
- resources :friendships, :only => [:update]
- shallow do
- namespace :api do
- resources :teams do
- resources :players
- resource :captain
- end
- end
- end
- scope '/hello' do
- shallow do
- resources :notes do
- resources :trackbacks
- end
- end
- end
- resources :threads, :shallow => true do
- resource :owner
- resources :messages do
- resources :comments do
- member do
- post :preview
- end
- end
- end
- end
- resources :sheep do
- get "_it", :on => :member
- end
- resources :clients do
- namespace :google do
- resource :account do
- namespace :secret do
- resource :info
- end
- end
- end
- end
- resources :customers do
- get :recent, :on => :collection
- get "profile", :on => :member
- get "secret/profile" => "customers#secret", :on => :member
- post "preview" => "customers#preview", :as => :another_preview, :on => :new
- resource :avatar do
- get "thumbnail" => "avatars#thumbnail", :as => :thumbnail, :on => :member
- end
- resources :invoices do
- get "outstanding" => "invoices#outstanding", :on => :collection
- get "overdue", :to => :overdue, :on => :collection
- get "print" => "invoices#print", :as => :print, :on => :member
- post "preview" => "invoices#preview", :as => :preview, :on => :new
- get "aged/:months", :on => :collection, :action => :aged, :as => :aged
- end
- resources :notes, :shallow => true do
- get "preview" => "notes#preview", :as => :preview, :on => :new
- get "print" => "notes#print", :as => :print, :on => :member
- end
- get "inactive", :on => :collection
- post "deactivate", :on => :member
- get "old", :on => :collection, :as => :stale
- get "export"
- end
- namespace :api do
- resources :customers do
- get "recent" => "customers#recent", :as => :recent, :on => :collection
- get "profile" => "customers#profile", :as => :profile, :on => :member
- post "preview" => "customers#preview", :as => :preview, :on => :new
- end
- scope(':version', :version => /.+/) do
- resources :users, :id => /.+?/, :format => /json|xml/
- end
- get "products/list"
- end
- get 'sprockets.js' => ::TestRoutingMapper::SprocketsApp
- get 'people/:id/update', :to => 'people#update', :as => :update_person
- get '/projects/:project_id/people/:id/update', :to => 'people#update', :as => :update_project_person
- # misc
- get 'articles/:year/:month/:day/:title', :to => "articles#show", :as => :article
- # default params
- get 'inline_pages/(:id)', :to => 'pages#show', :id => 'home'
- get 'default_pages/(:id)', :to => 'pages#show', :defaults => { :id => 'home' }
- defaults :id => 'home' do
- get 'scoped_pages/(:id)', :to => 'pages#show'
- end
- namespace :account do
- get 'shorthand'
- get 'description', :to => :description, :as => "description"
- get ':action/callback', :action => /twitter|github/, :to => "callbacks", :as => :callback
- resource :subscription, :credit, :credit_card
- root :to => "account#index"
- namespace :admin do
- resource :subscription
- end
- end
- namespace :forum do
- resources :products, :path => '' do
- resources :questions
- end
- end
- namespace :users, :path => 'usuarios' do
- root :to => 'home#index'
- end
- controller :articles do
- scope '/articles', :as => 'article' do
- scope :path => '/:title', :title => /[a-z]+/, :as => :with_title do
- get '/:id', :to => :with_id, :as => ""
- end
- end
- end
- scope ':access_token', :constraints => { :access_token => /\w{5,5}/ } do
- resources :rooms
- end
- get '/info' => 'projects#info', :as => 'info'
- namespace :admin do
- scope '(:locale)', :locale => /en|pl/ do
- resources :descriptions
- end
- end
- scope '(:locale)', :locale => /en|pl/ do
- get "registrations/new"
- resources :descriptions
- root :to => 'projects#index'
- end
- scope :only => [:index, :show] do
- resources :products, :constraints => { :id => /\d{4}/ } do
- root :to => "products#root"
- get :favorite, :on => :collection
- resources :images
- end
- resource :account
- end
- resource :dashboard, :constraints => { :ip => /192\.168\.1\.\d{1,3}/ }
- resource :token, :module => :api
- scope :module => :api do
- resources :errors, :shallow => true do
- resources :notices
- end
- end
- scope :path => 'api' do
- resource :me
- get '/' => 'mes#index'
- scope :v2 do
- resource :me, as: 'v2_me'
- get '/' => 'mes#index'
- end
- scope :v3, :admin do
- resource :me, as: 'v3_me'
- end
- end
- get "(/:username)/followers" => "followers#index"
- get "/groups(/user/:username)" => "groups#index"
- get "(/user/:username)/photos" => "photos#index"
- scope '(groups)' do
- scope '(discussions)' do
- resources :messages
- end
- end
- get "whatever/:controller(/:action(/:id))", :id => /\d+/
- resource :profile do
- get :settings
- new do
- post :preview
- end
- end
- resources :content
- namespace :transport do
- resources :taxis
- end
- namespace :medical do
- resource :taxis
- end
- scope :constraints => { :id => /\d+/ } do
- get '/tickets', :to => 'tickets#index', :as => :tickets
- end
- scope :constraints => { :id => /\d{4}/ } do
- resources :movies do
- resources :reviews
- resource :trailer
- end
- end
- namespace :private do
- root :to => redirect('/private/index')
- get "index", :to => 'private#index'
- end
- scope :only => [:index, :show] do
- namespace :only do
- resources :clubs do
- resources :players
- resource :chairman
- end
- end
- end
- scope :except => [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy] do
- namespace :except do
- resources :clubs do
- resources :players
- resource :chairman
- end
- end
- end
- namespace :wiki do
- resources :articles, :id => /[^\/]+/ do
- resources :comments, :only => [:create, :new]
- end
- end
- resources :wiki_pages, :path => :pages
- resource :wiki_account, :path => :my_account
- scope :only => :show do
- namespace :only do
- resources :sectors, :only => :index do
- resources :companies do
- scope :only => :index do
- resources :divisions
- end
- scope :except => [:show, :update, :destroy] do
- resources :departments
- end
- end
- resource :leader
- resources :managers, :except => [:show, :update, :destroy]
- end
- end
- end
- scope :except => :index do
- namespace :except do
- resources :sectors, :except => [:show, :update, :destroy] do
- resources :companies do
- scope :except => [:show, :update, :destroy] do
- resources :divisions
- end
- scope :only => :index do
- resources :departments
- end
- end
- resource :leader
- resources :managers, :only => :index
- end
- end
- end
- resources :sections, :id => /.+/ do
- get :preview, :on => :member
- end
- resources :profiles, :param => :username, :username => /[a-z]+/ do
- get :details, :on => :member
- resources :messages
- end
- resources :orders do
- constraints :download => /[0-9a-f]{8}-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}/ do
- resources :downloads, :param => :download, :shallow => true
- end
- end
- scope :as => "routes" do
- get "/c/:id", :as => :collision, :to => "collision#show"
- get "/collision", :to => "collision#show"
- get "/no_collision", :to => "collision#show", :as => nil
- get "/fc/:id", :as => :forced_collision, :to => "forced_collision#show"
- get "/forced_collision", :as => :forced_collision, :to => "forced_collision#show"
- end
- get '/purchases/:token/:filename',
- :to => 'purchases#fetch',
- :token => /[[:alnum:]]{10}/,
- :filename => /(.+)/,
- :as => :purchase
- resources :lists, :id => /([A-Za-z0-9]{25})|default/ do
- resources :todos, :id => /\d+/
- end
- scope '/countries/:country', :constraints => lambda { |params, req| %w(all France).include?(params[:country]) } do
- get '/', :to => 'countries#index'
- get '/cities', :to => 'countries#cities'
- end
- get '/countries/:country/(*other)', :to => redirect{ |params, req| params[:other] ? "/countries/all/#{params[:other]}" : '/countries/all' }
- get '/:locale/*file.:format', :to => 'files#show', :file => /path\/to\/existing\/file/
- scope '/italians' do
- get '/writers', :to => 'italians#writers', :constraints => ::TestRoutingMapper::IpRestrictor
- get '/sculptors', :to => 'italians#sculptors'
- get '/painters/:painter', :to => 'italians#painters', :constraints => {:painter => /michelangelo/}
- end
- end
- end
- class TestAltApp < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
- class AltRequest
- def initialize(env)
- @env = env
- end
- def path_info
- "/"
- end
- def request_method
- "GET"
- end
- def ip
- ""
- end
- def x_header
- @env["HTTP_X_HEADER"] || ""
- end
- end
- class XHeader
- def call(env)
- [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, ["XHeader"]]
- end
- end
- class AltApp
- def call(env)
- [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, ["Alternative App"]]
- end
- end
- AltRoutes = ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new(AltRequest)
- AltRoutes.draw do
- get "/" => TestRoutingMapper::TestAltApp::XHeader.new, :constraints => {:x_header => /HEADER/}
- get "/" => TestRoutingMapper::TestAltApp::AltApp.new
- end
- def app
- AltRoutes
- def test_alt_request_without_header
- get "/"
- assert_equal "Alternative App", @response.body
- end
- def test_alt_request_with_matched_header
- get "/", {}, "HTTP_X_HEADER" => "HEADER"
- assert_equal "XHeader", @response.body
- end
- def test_alt_request_with_unmatched_header
- get "/", {}, "HTTP_X_HEADER" => "NON_MATCH"
- assert_equal "Alternative App", @response.body
- end
- end
- def app
- Routes
- end
- include Routes.url_helpers
- def test_logout
delete '/logout'
assert_equal 'sessions#destroy', @response.body
@@ -614,6 +35,15 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_login
+ draw do
+ default_url_options :host => "rubyonrails.org"
+ controller :sessions do
+ get 'login' => :new
+ post 'login' => :create
+ end
+ end
get '/login'
assert_equal 'sessions#new', @response.body
assert_equal '/login', login_path
@@ -624,39 +54,59 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
assert_equal '/login', url_for(:controller => 'sessions', :action => 'create', :only_path => true)
assert_equal '/login', url_for(:controller => 'sessions', :action => 'new', :only_path => true)
- assert_equal 'http://rubyonrails.org/login', Routes.url_for(:controller => 'sessions', :action => 'create')
- assert_equal 'http://rubyonrails.org/login', Routes.url_helpers.login_url
+ assert_equal 'http://rubyonrails.org/login', url_for(:controller => 'sessions', :action => 'create')
+ assert_equal 'http://rubyonrails.org/login', login_url
def test_login_redirect
+ draw do
+ get 'account/login', :to => redirect("/login")
+ end
get '/account/login'
verify_redirect 'http://www.example.com/login'
def test_logout_redirect_without_to
+ draw do
+ get 'account/logout' => redirect("/logout"), :as => :logout_redirect
+ end
assert_equal '/account/logout', logout_redirect_path
get '/account/logout'
verify_redirect 'http://www.example.com/logout'
def test_namespace_redirect
+ draw do
+ namespace :private do
+ root :to => redirect('/private/index')
+ get "index", :to => 'private#index'
+ end
+ end
get '/private'
verify_redirect 'http://www.example.com/private/index'
def test_namespace_with_controller_segment
assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
- routes.draw do
- namespace :admin do
- get '/:controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
- end
+ draw do
+ namespace :admin do
+ get '/:controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
def test_session_singleton_resource
+ draw do
+ resource :session do
+ get :create
+ post :reset
+ end
+ end
get '/session'
assert_equal 'sessions#create', @response.body
assert_equal '/session', session_path
@@ -684,68 +134,126 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_session_info_nested_singleton_resource
+ draw do
+ resource :session do
+ resource :info
+ end
+ end
get '/session/info'
assert_equal 'infos#show', @response.body
assert_equal '/session/info', session_info_path
def test_member_on_resource
+ draw do
+ resource :session do
+ member do
+ get :crush
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/session/crush'
assert_equal 'sessions#crush', @response.body
assert_equal '/session/crush', crush_session_path
def test_redirect_modulo
+ draw do
+ get 'account/modulo/:name', :to => redirect("/%{name}s")
+ end
get '/account/modulo/name'
verify_redirect 'http://www.example.com/names'
def test_redirect_proc
+ draw do
+ get 'account/proc/:name', :to => redirect {|params, req| "/#{params[:name].pluralize}" }
+ end
get '/account/proc/person'
verify_redirect 'http://www.example.com/people'
def test_redirect_proc_with_request
+ draw do
+ get 'account/proc_req' => redirect {|params, req| "/#{req.method}" }
+ end
get '/account/proc_req'
verify_redirect 'http://www.example.com/GET'
def test_redirect_hash_with_subdomain
+ draw do
+ get 'mobile', :to => redirect(:subdomain => 'mobile')
+ end
get '/mobile'
verify_redirect 'http://mobile.example.com/mobile'
def test_redirect_hash_with_domain_and_path
+ draw do
+ get 'documentation', :to => redirect(:domain => 'example-documentation.com', :path => '')
+ end
get '/documentation'
verify_redirect 'http://www.example-documentation.com'
def test_redirect_hash_with_path
+ draw do
+ get 'new_documentation', :to => redirect(:path => '/documentation/new')
+ end
get '/new_documentation'
verify_redirect 'http://www.example.com/documentation/new'
def test_redirect_hash_with_host
+ draw do
+ get 'super_new_documentation', :to => redirect(:host => 'super-docs.com')
+ end
get '/super_new_documentation?section=top'
verify_redirect 'http://super-docs.com/super_new_documentation?section=top'
def test_redirect_hash_path_substitution
+ draw do
+ get 'stores/:name', :to => redirect(:subdomain => 'stores', :path => '/%{name}')
+ end
get '/stores/iernest'
verify_redirect 'http://stores.example.com/iernest'
def test_redirect_hash_path_substitution_with_catch_all
+ draw do
+ get 'stores/:name(*rest)', :to => redirect(:subdomain => 'stores', :path => '/%{name}%{rest}')
+ end
get '/stores/iernest/products'
verify_redirect 'http://stores.example.com/iernest/products'
def test_redirect_class
+ draw do
+ get 'youtube_favorites/:youtube_id/:name', :to => redirect(YoutubeFavoritesRedirector)
+ end
get '/youtube_favorites/oHg5SJYRHA0/rick-rolld'
verify_redirect 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0'
def test_openid
+ draw do
+ match 'openid/login', :via => [:get, :post], :to => "openid#login"
+ end
get '/openid/login'
assert_equal 'openid#login', @response.body
@@ -754,6 +262,15 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_bookmarks
+ draw do
+ scope "bookmark", :controller => "bookmarks", :as => :bookmark do
+ get :new, :path => "build"
+ post :create, :path => "create", :as => ""
+ put :update
+ get :remove, :action => :destroy, :as => :remove
+ end
+ end
get '/bookmark/build'
assert_equal 'bookmarks#new', @response.body
assert_equal '/bookmark/build', bookmark_new_path
@@ -772,6 +289,15 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_pagemarks
+ draw do
+ scope "pagemark", :controller => "pagemarks", :as => :pagemark do
+ get "new", :path => "build"
+ post "create", :as => ""
+ put "update"
+ get "remove", :action => :destroy, :as => :remove
+ end
+ end
get '/pagemark/build'
assert_equal 'pagemarks#new', @response.body
assert_equal '/pagemark/build', pagemark_new_path
@@ -790,6 +316,18 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_admin
+ draw do
+ constraints(:ip => /192\.168\.1\.\d\d\d/) do
+ get 'admin' => "queenbee#index"
+ end
+ constraints ::TestRoutingMapper::IpRestrictor do
+ get 'admin/accounts' => "queenbee#accounts"
+ end
+ get 'admin/passwords' => "queenbee#passwords", :constraints => ::TestRoutingMapper::IpRestrictor
+ end
get '/admin', {}, {'REMOTE_ADDR' => ''}
assert_equal 'queenbee#index', @response.body
@@ -810,6 +348,15 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_global
+ draw do
+ controller(:global) do
+ get 'global/hide_notice'
+ get 'global/export', :to => :export, :as => :export_request
+ get '/export/:id/:file', :to => :export, :as => :export_download, :constraints => { :file => /.*/ }
+ get 'global/:action'
+ end
+ end
get '/global/dashboard'
assert_equal 'global#dashboard', @response.body
@@ -828,12 +375,20 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_local
+ draw do
+ get "/local/:action", :controller => "local"
+ end
get '/local/dashboard'
assert_equal 'local#dashboard', @response.body
# tests the use of dup in url_for
def test_url_for_with_no_side_effects
+ draw do
+ get "/projects/status(.:format)"
+ end
# without dup, additional (and possibly unwanted) values will be present in the options (eg. :host)
original_options = {:controller => 'projects', :action => 'status'}
options = original_options.dup
@@ -845,6 +400,10 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_url_for_does_not_modify_controller
+ draw do
+ get "/projects/status(.:format)"
+ end
controller = '/projects'
options = {:controller => controller, :action => 'status', :only_path => true}
url = url_for(options)
@@ -855,6 +414,12 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
# tests the arguments modification free version of define_hash_access
def test_named_route_with_no_side_effects
+ draw do
+ resources :customers do
+ get "profile", :on => :member
+ end
+ end
original_options = { :host => 'test.host' }
options = original_options.dup
@@ -865,11 +430,19 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_projects_status
+ draw do
+ get "/projects/status(.:format)"
+ end
assert_equal '/projects/status', url_for(:controller => 'projects', :action => 'status', :only_path => true)
assert_equal '/projects/status.json', url_for(:controller => 'projects', :action => 'status', :format => 'json', :only_path => true)
def test_projects
+ draw do
+ resources :projects, :controller => :project
+ end
get '/projects'
assert_equal 'project#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/projects', projects_path
@@ -903,12 +476,24 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_projects_with_post_action_and_new_path_on_collection
+ draw do
+ resources :projects, :controller => :project do
+ post 'new', :action => 'new', :on => :collection, :as => :new
+ end
+ end
post '/projects/new'
assert_equal "project#new", @response.body
assert_equal "/projects/new", new_projects_path
def test_projects_involvements
+ draw do
+ resources :projects, :controller => :project do
+ resources :involvements, :attachments
+ end
+ end
get '/projects/1/involvements'
assert_equal 'involvements#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/projects/1/involvements', project_involvements_path(:project_id => '1')
@@ -933,12 +518,26 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_projects_attachments
+ draw do
+ resources :projects, :controller => :project do
+ resources :involvements, :attachments
+ end
+ end
get '/projects/1/attachments'
assert_equal 'attachments#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/projects/1/attachments', project_attachments_path(:project_id => '1')
def test_projects_participants
+ draw do
+ resources :projects, :controller => :project do
+ resources :participants do
+ put :update_all, :on => :collection
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/projects/1/participants'
assert_equal 'participants#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/projects/1/participants', project_participants_path(:project_id => '1')
@@ -949,6 +548,15 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_projects_companies
+ draw do
+ resources :projects, :controller => :project do
+ resources :companies do
+ resources :people
+ resource :avatar, :controller => :avatar
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/projects/1/companies'
assert_equal 'companies#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/projects/1/companies', project_companies_path(:project_id => '1')
@@ -963,6 +571,14 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_project_manager
+ draw do
+ resources :projects do
+ resource :manager, :as => :super_manager do
+ post :fire
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/projects/1/manager'
assert_equal 'managers#show', @response.body
assert_equal '/projects/1/manager', project_super_manager_path(:project_id => '1')
@@ -977,6 +593,14 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_project_images
+ draw do
+ resources :projects do
+ resources :images, :as => :funny_images do
+ post :revise, :on => :member
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/projects/1/images'
assert_equal 'images#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/projects/1/images', project_funny_images_path(:project_id => '1')
@@ -991,6 +615,23 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_projects_people
+ draw do
+ resources :projects do
+ resources :people do
+ nested do
+ scope "/:access_token" do
+ resource :avatar
+ end
+ end
+ member do
+ put :accessible_projects
+ post :resend, :generate_new_password
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/projects/1/people'
assert_equal 'people#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/projects/1/people', project_people_path(:project_id => '1')
@@ -1017,12 +658,35 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_projects_with_resources_path_names
+ draw do
+ resources_path_names :correlation_indexes => "info_about_correlation_indexes"
+ resources :projects do
+ get :correlation_indexes, :on => :collection
+ end
+ end
get '/projects/info_about_correlation_indexes'
- assert_equal 'project#correlation_indexes', @response.body
+ assert_equal 'projects#correlation_indexes', @response.body
assert_equal '/projects/info_about_correlation_indexes', correlation_indexes_projects_path
def test_projects_posts
+ draw do
+ resources :projects do
+ resources :posts do
+ get :archive, :toggle_view, :on => :collection
+ post :preview, :on => :member
+ resource :subscription
+ resources :comments do
+ post :preview, :on => :collection
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/projects/1/posts'
assert_equal 'posts#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/projects/1/posts', project_posts_path(:project_id => '1')
@@ -1053,6 +717,15 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_replies
+ draw do
+ resources :replies do
+ member do
+ put :answer, :to => :mark_as_answer
+ delete :answer, :to => :unmark_as_answer
+ end
+ end
+ end
put '/replies/1/answer'
assert_equal 'replies#mark_as_answer', @response.body
@@ -1061,6 +734,12 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_resource_routes_with_only_and_except
+ draw do
+ resources :posts, :only => [:index, :show] do
+ resources :comments, :except => :destroy
+ end
+ end
get '/posts'
assert_equal 'posts#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/posts', posts_path
@@ -1084,6 +763,12 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_resource_routes_only_create_update_destroy
+ draw do
+ resource :past, :only => :destroy
+ resource :present, :only => :update
+ resource :future, :only => :create
+ end
delete '/past'
assert_equal 'pasts#destroy', @response.body
assert_equal '/past', past_path
@@ -1102,6 +787,11 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_resources_routes_only_create_update_destroy
+ draw do
+ resources :relationships, :only => [:create, :destroy]
+ resources :friendships, :only => [:update]
+ end
post '/relationships'
assert_equal 'relationships#create', @response.body
assert_equal '/relationships', relationships_path
@@ -1120,12 +810,22 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_resource_with_slugs_in_ids
+ draw do
+ resources :posts
+ end
get '/posts/rails-rocks'
assert_equal 'posts#show', @response.body
assert_equal '/posts/rails-rocks', post_path(:id => 'rails-rocks')
def test_resources_for_uncountable_names
+ draw do
+ resources :sheep do
+ get "_it", :on => :member
+ end
+ end
assert_equal '/sheep', sheep_index_path
assert_equal '/sheep/1', sheep_path(1)
assert_equal '/sheep/new', new_sheep_path
@@ -1135,25 +835,26 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_resource_does_not_modify_passed_options
options = {:id => /.+?/, :format => /json|xml/}
- self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
- routes.draw do
- resource :user, options
- end
- end
+ draw { resource :user, options }
assert_equal({:id => /.+?/, :format => /json|xml/}, options)
def test_resources_does_not_modify_passed_options
options = {:id => /.+?/, :format => /json|xml/}
- self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
- routes.draw do
- resources :users, options
- end
- end
+ draw { resources :users, options }
assert_equal({:id => /.+?/, :format => /json|xml/}, options)
def test_path_names
+ draw do
+ scope 'pt', :as => 'pt' do
+ resources :projects, :path_names => { :edit => 'editar', :new => 'novo' }, :path => 'projetos'
+ resource :admin, :path_names => { :new => 'novo', :activate => 'ativar' }, :path => 'administrador' do
+ put :activate, :on => :member
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/pt/projetos'
assert_equal 'projects#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/pt/projetos', pt_projects_path
@@ -1176,6 +877,15 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_path_option_override
+ draw do
+ scope 'pt', :as => 'pt' do
+ resources :projects, :path_names => { :new => 'novo' }, :path => 'projetos' do
+ put :close, :on => :member, :path => 'fechar'
+ get :open, :on => :new, :path => 'abrir'
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/pt/projetos/novo/abrir'
assert_equal 'projects#open', @response.body
assert_equal '/pt/projetos/novo/abrir', open_new_pt_project_path
@@ -1186,11 +896,19 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_sprockets
+ draw do
+ get 'sprockets.js' => ::TestRoutingMapper::SprocketsApp
+ end
get '/sprockets.js'
assert_equal 'javascripts', @response.body
def test_update_person_route
+ draw do
+ get 'people/:id/update', :to => 'people#update', :as => :update_person
+ end
get '/people/1/update'
assert_equal 'people#update', @response.body
@@ -1198,6 +916,10 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_update_project_person
+ draw do
+ get '/projects/:project_id/people/:id/update', :to => 'people#update', :as => :update_project_person
+ end
get '/projects/1/people/2/update'
assert_equal 'people#update', @response.body
@@ -1205,6 +927,14 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_forum_products
+ draw do
+ namespace :forum do
+ resources :products, :path => '' do
+ resources :questions
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/forum'
assert_equal 'forum/products#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/forum', forum_products_path
@@ -1223,6 +953,10 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_articles_perma
+ draw do
+ get 'articles/:year/:month/:day/:title', :to => "articles#show", :as => :article
+ end
get '/articles/2009/08/18/rails-3'
assert_equal 'articles#show', @response.body
@@ -1230,6 +964,12 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_account_namespace
+ draw do
+ namespace :account do
+ resource :subscription, :credit, :credit_card
+ end
+ end
get '/account/subscription'
assert_equal 'account/subscriptions#show', @response.body
assert_equal '/account/subscription', account_subscription_path
@@ -1244,12 +984,32 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_nested_namespace
+ draw do
+ namespace :account do
+ namespace :admin do
+ resource :subscription
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/account/admin/subscription'
assert_equal 'account/admin/subscriptions#show', @response.body
assert_equal '/account/admin/subscription', account_admin_subscription_path
def test_namespace_nested_in_resources
+ draw do
+ resources :clients do
+ namespace :google do
+ resource :account do
+ namespace :secret do
+ resource :info
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/clients/1/google/account'
assert_equal '/clients/1/google/account', client_google_account_path(1)
assert_equal 'google/accounts#show', @response.body
@@ -1260,12 +1020,28 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_namespace_with_options
+ draw do
+ namespace :users, :path => 'usuarios' do
+ root :to => 'home#index'
+ end
+ end
get '/usuarios'
assert_equal '/usuarios', users_root_path
assert_equal 'users/home#index', @response.body
def test_articles_with_id
+ draw do
+ controller :articles do
+ scope '/articles', :as => 'article' do
+ scope :path => '/:title', :title => /[a-z]+/, :as => :with_title do
+ get '/:id', :to => :with_id, :as => ""
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/articles/rails/1'
assert_equal 'articles#with_id', @response.body
@@ -1276,6 +1052,12 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_access_token_rooms
+ draw do
+ scope ':access_token', :constraints => { :access_token => /\w{5,5}/ } do
+ resources :rooms
+ end
+ end
get '/12345/rooms'
assert_equal 'rooms#index', @response.body
@@ -1287,40 +1069,91 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_root
+ draw do
+ root :to => 'projects#index'
+ end
assert_equal '/', root_path
get '/'
assert_equal 'projects#index', @response.body
+ def test_scoped_root
+ draw do
+ scope '(:locale)', :locale => /en|pl/ do
+ root :to => 'projects#index'
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal '/en', root_path(:locale => 'en')
+ get '/en'
+ assert_equal 'projects#index', @response.body
+ end
def test_index
+ draw do
+ get '/info' => 'projects#info', :as => 'info'
+ end
assert_equal '/info', info_path
get '/info'
assert_equal 'projects#info', @response.body
def test_match_shorthand_with_no_scope
+ draw do
+ get 'account/overview'
+ end
assert_equal '/account/overview', account_overview_path
get '/account/overview'
assert_equal 'account#overview', @response.body
def test_match_shorthand_inside_namespace
+ draw do
+ namespace :account do
+ get 'shorthand'
+ end
+ end
assert_equal '/account/shorthand', account_shorthand_path
get '/account/shorthand'
assert_equal 'account#shorthand', @response.body
def test_match_shorthand_inside_namespace_with_controller
+ draw do
+ namespace :api do
+ get "products/list"
+ end
+ end
assert_equal '/api/products/list', api_products_list_path
get '/api/products/list'
assert_equal 'api/products#list', @response.body
def test_dynamically_generated_helpers_on_collection_do_not_clobber_resources_url_helper
+ draw do
+ resources :replies do
+ collection do
+ get 'page/:page' => 'replies#index', :page => %r{\d+}
+ get ':page' => 'replies#index', :page => %r{\d+}
+ end
+ end
+ end
assert_equal '/replies', replies_path
def test_scoped_controller_with_namespace_and_action
+ draw do
+ namespace :account do
+ get ':action/callback', :action => /twitter|github/, :to => "callbacks", :as => :callback
+ end
+ end
assert_equal '/account/twitter/callback', account_callback_path("twitter")
get '/account/twitter/callback'
assert_equal 'account/callbacks#twitter', @response.body
@@ -1330,23 +1163,39 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_convention_match_nested_and_with_leading_slash
+ draw do
+ get '/account/nested/overview'
+ end
assert_equal '/account/nested/overview', account_nested_overview_path
get '/account/nested/overview'
assert_equal 'account/nested#overview', @response.body
def test_convention_with_explicit_end
+ draw do
+ get 'sign_in' => "sessions#new"
+ end
get '/sign_in'
assert_equal 'sessions#new', @response.body
assert_equal '/sign_in', sign_in_path
def test_redirect_with_complete_url_and_status
+ draw do
+ get 'account/google' => redirect('http://www.google.com/', :status => 302)
+ end
get '/account/google'
verify_redirect 'http://www.google.com/', 302
def test_redirect_with_port
+ draw do
+ get 'account/login', :to => redirect("/login")
+ end
previous_host, self.host = self.host, 'www.example.com:3000'
get '/account/login'
@@ -1356,6 +1205,12 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_normalize_namespaced_matches
+ draw do
+ namespace :account do
+ get 'description', :to => :description, :as => "description"
+ end
+ end
assert_equal '/account/description', account_description_path
get '/account/description'
@@ -1363,18 +1218,36 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_namespaced_roots
+ draw do
+ namespace :account do
+ root :to => "account#index"
+ end
+ end
assert_equal '/account', account_root_path
get '/account'
assert_equal 'account/account#index', @response.body
def test_optional_scoped_root
+ draw do
+ scope '(:locale)', :locale => /en|pl/ do
+ root :to => 'projects#index'
+ end
+ end
assert_equal '/en', root_path("en")
get '/en'
assert_equal 'projects#index', @response.body
def test_optional_scoped_path
+ draw do
+ scope '(:locale)', :locale => /en|pl/ do
+ resources :descriptions
+ end
+ end
assert_equal '/en/descriptions', descriptions_path("en")
assert_equal '/descriptions', descriptions_path(nil)
assert_equal '/en/descriptions/1', description_path("en", 1)
@@ -1394,6 +1267,14 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_nested_optional_scoped_path
+ draw do
+ namespace :admin do
+ scope '(:locale)', :locale => /en|pl/ do
+ resources :descriptions
+ end
+ end
+ end
assert_equal '/admin/en/descriptions', admin_descriptions_path("en")
assert_equal '/admin/descriptions', admin_descriptions_path(nil)
assert_equal '/admin/en/descriptions/1', admin_description_path("en", 1)
@@ -1413,6 +1294,12 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_nested_optional_path_shorthand
+ draw do
+ scope '(:locale)', :locale => /en|pl/ do
+ get "registrations/new"
+ end
+ end
get '/registrations/new'
assert_nil @request.params[:locale]
@@ -1421,6 +1308,15 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_default_params
+ draw do
+ get 'inline_pages/(:id)', :to => 'pages#show', :id => 'home'
+ get 'default_pages/(:id)', :to => 'pages#show', :defaults => { :id => 'home' }
+ defaults :id => 'home' do
+ get 'scoped_pages/(:id)', :to => 'pages#show'
+ end
+ end
get '/inline_pages'
assert_equal 'home', @request.params[:id]
@@ -1432,6 +1328,16 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_resource_constraints
+ draw do
+ resources :products, :constraints => { :id => /\d{4}/ } do
+ root :to => "products#root"
+ get :favorite, :on => :collection
+ resources :images
+ end
+ resource :dashboard, :constraints => { :ip => /192\.168\.1\.\d{1,3}/ }
+ end
get '/products/1'
assert_equal 'pass', @response.headers['X-Cascade']
get '/products'
@@ -1455,18 +1361,35 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_root_works_in_the_resources_scope
+ draw do
+ resources :products do
+ root :to => "products#root"
+ end
+ end
get '/products'
assert_equal 'products#root', @response.body
assert_equal '/products', products_root_path
def test_module_scope
+ draw do
+ resource :token, :module => :api
+ end
get '/token'
assert_equal 'api/tokens#show', @response.body
assert_equal '/token', token_path
def test_path_scope
+ draw do
+ scope :path => 'api' do
+ resource :me
+ get '/' => 'mes#index'
+ end
+ end
get '/api/me'
assert_equal 'mes#show', @response.body
assert_equal '/api/me', me_path
@@ -1476,6 +1399,19 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_symbol_scope
+ draw do
+ scope :path => 'api' do
+ scope :v2 do
+ resource :me, as: 'v2_me'
+ get '/' => 'mes#index'
+ end
+ scope :v3, :admin do
+ resource :me, as: 'v3_me'
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/api/v2/me'
assert_equal 'mes#show', @response.body
assert_equal '/api/v2/me', v2_me_path
@@ -1488,6 +1424,10 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_url_generator_for_generic_route
+ draw do
+ get "whatever/:controller(/:action(/:id))"
+ end
get 'whatever/foo/bar'
assert_equal 'foo#bar', @response.body
@@ -1496,6 +1436,10 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_url_generator_for_namespaced_generic_route
+ draw do
+ get "whatever/:controller(/:action(/:id))", :id => /\d+/
+ end
get 'whatever/foo/bar/show'
assert_equal 'foo/bar#show', @response.body
@@ -1509,11 +1453,37 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
url_for(:controller => "foo/bar", :action => "show", :id => '1')
- def test_assert_recognizes_account_overview
- assert_recognizes({:controller => "account", :action => "overview"}, "/account/overview")
- end
def test_resource_new_actions
+ draw do
+ resources :replies do
+ new do
+ post :preview
+ end
+ end
+ scope 'pt', :as => 'pt' do
+ resources :projects, :path_names => { :new => 'novo' }, :path => 'projetos' do
+ post :preview, :on => :new
+ end
+ resource :admin, :path_names => { :new => 'novo' }, :path => 'administrador' do
+ post :preview, :on => :new
+ end
+ resources :products, :path_names => { :new => 'novo' } do
+ new do
+ post :preview
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ resource :profile do
+ new do
+ post :preview
+ end
+ end
+ end
assert_equal '/replies/new/preview', preview_new_reply_path
assert_equal '/pt/projetos/novo/preview', preview_new_pt_project_path
assert_equal '/pt/administrador/novo/preview', preview_new_pt_admin_path
@@ -1537,13 +1507,27 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_resource_merges_options_from_scope
- assert_raise(NameError) { new_account_path }
+ draw do
+ scope :only => :show do
+ resource :account
+ end
+ end
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { new_account_path }
get '/account/new'
assert_equal 404, status
def test_resources_merges_options_from_scope
+ draw do
+ scope :only => [:index, :show] do
+ resources :products do
+ resources :images
+ end
+ end
+ end
assert_raise(NoMethodError) { edit_product_path('1') }
get '/products/1/edit'
@@ -1556,6 +1540,28 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_shallow_nested_resources
+ draw do
+ shallow do
+ namespace :api do
+ resources :teams do
+ resources :players
+ resource :captain
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ resources :threads, :shallow => true do
+ resource :owner
+ resources :messages do
+ resources :comments do
+ member do
+ post :preview
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/api/teams'
assert_equal 'api/teams#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/api/teams', api_teams_path
@@ -1658,6 +1664,16 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_shallow_nested_resources_within_scope
+ draw do
+ scope '/hello' do
+ shallow do
+ resources :notes do
+ resources :trackbacks
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/hello/notes/1/trackbacks'
assert_equal 'trackbacks#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/hello/notes/1/trackbacks', note_trackbacks_path(:note_id => 1)
@@ -1709,6 +1725,36 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_custom_resource_routes_are_scoped
+ draw do
+ resources :customers do
+ get :recent, :on => :collection
+ get "profile", :on => :member
+ get "secret/profile" => "customers#secret", :on => :member
+ post "preview" => "customers#preview", :as => :another_preview, :on => :new
+ resource :avatar do
+ get "thumbnail" => "avatars#thumbnail", :as => :thumbnail, :on => :member
+ end
+ resources :invoices do
+ get "outstanding" => "invoices#outstanding", :on => :collection
+ get "overdue", :to => :overdue, :on => :collection
+ get "print" => "invoices#print", :as => :print, :on => :member
+ post "preview" => "invoices#preview", :as => :preview, :on => :new
+ end
+ resources :notes, :shallow => true do
+ get "preview" => "notes#preview", :as => :preview, :on => :new
+ get "print" => "notes#print", :as => :print, :on => :member
+ end
+ end
+ namespace :api do
+ resources :customers do
+ get "recent" => "customers#recent", :as => :recent, :on => :collection
+ get "profile" => "customers#profile", :as => :profile, :on => :member
+ post "preview" => "customers#preview", :as => :preview, :on => :new
+ end
+ end
+ end
assert_equal '/customers/recent', recent_customers_path
assert_equal '/customers/1/profile', profile_customer_path(:id => '1')
assert_equal '/customers/1/secret/profile', secret_profile_customer_path(:id => '1')
@@ -1731,6 +1777,14 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_shallow_nested_routes_ignore_module
+ draw do
+ scope :module => :api do
+ resources :errors, :shallow => true do
+ resources :notices
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/errors/1/notices'
assert_equal 'api/notices#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/errors/1/notices', error_notices_path(:error_id => '1')
@@ -1741,6 +1795,14 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_non_greedy_regexp
+ draw do
+ namespace :api do
+ scope(':version', :version => /.+/) do
+ resources :users, :id => /.+?/, :format => /json|xml/
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/api/1.0/users'
assert_equal 'api/users#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/api/1.0/users', api_users_path(:version => '1.0')
@@ -1763,16 +1825,28 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_glob_parameter_accepts_regexp
+ draw do
+ get '/:locale/*file.:format', :to => 'files#show', :file => /path\/to\/existing\/file/
+ end
get '/en/path/to/existing/file.html'
assert_equal 200, @response.status
def test_resources_controller_name_is_not_pluralized
+ draw do
+ resources :content
+ end
get '/content'
assert_equal 'content#index', @response.body
def test_url_generator_for_optional_prefix_dynamic_segment
+ draw do
+ get "(/:username)/followers" => "followers#index"
+ end
get '/bob/followers'
assert_equal 'followers#index', @response.body
assert_equal 'http://www.example.com/bob/followers',
@@ -1785,6 +1859,10 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_url_generator_for_optional_suffix_static_and_dynamic_segment
+ draw do
+ get "/groups(/user/:username)" => "groups#index"
+ end
get '/groups/user/bob'
assert_equal 'groups#index', @response.body
assert_equal 'http://www.example.com/groups/user/bob',
@@ -1797,6 +1875,10 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_url_generator_for_optional_prefix_static_and_dynamic_segment
+ draw do
+ get "(/user/:username)/photos" => "photos#index"
+ end
get 'user/bob/photos'
assert_equal 'photos#index', @response.body
assert_equal 'http://www.example.com/user/bob/photos',
@@ -1809,6 +1891,14 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_url_recognition_for_optional_static_segments
+ draw do
+ scope '(groups)' do
+ scope '(discussions)' do
+ resources :messages
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/groups/discussions/messages'
assert_equal 'messages#index', @response.body
@@ -1835,12 +1925,27 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_router_removes_invalid_conditions
+ draw do
+ scope :constraints => { :id => /\d+/ } do
+ get '/tickets', :to => 'tickets#index', :as => :tickets
+ end
+ end
get '/tickets'
assert_equal 'tickets#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/tickets', tickets_path
def test_constraints_are_merged_from_scope
+ draw do
+ scope :constraints => { :id => /\d{4}/ } do
+ resources :movies do
+ resources :reviews
+ resource :trailer
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/movies/0001'
assert_equal 'movies#show', @response.body
assert_equal '/movies/0001', movie_path(:id => '0001')
@@ -1875,6 +1980,17 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_only_should_be_read_from_scope
+ draw do
+ scope :only => [:index, :show] do
+ namespace :only do
+ resources :clubs do
+ resources :players
+ resource :chairman
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/only/clubs'
assert_equal 'only/clubs#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/only/clubs', only_clubs_path
@@ -1901,6 +2017,17 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_except_should_be_read_from_scope
+ draw do
+ scope :except => [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy] do
+ namespace :except do
+ resources :clubs do
+ resources :players
+ resource :chairman
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/except/clubs'
assert_equal 'except/clubs#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/except/clubs', except_clubs_path
@@ -1927,6 +2054,14 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_only_option_should_override_scope
+ draw do
+ scope :only => :show do
+ namespace :only do
+ resources :sectors, :only => :index
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/only/sectors'
assert_equal 'only/sectors#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/only/sectors', only_sectors_path
@@ -1937,6 +2072,17 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_only_option_should_not_inherit
+ draw do
+ scope :only => :show do
+ namespace :only do
+ resources :sectors, :only => :index do
+ resources :companies
+ resource :leader
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/only/sectors/1/companies/2'
assert_equal 'only/companies#show', @response.body
assert_equal '/only/sectors/1/companies/2', only_sector_company_path(:sector_id => '1', :id => '2')
@@ -1947,6 +2093,14 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_except_option_should_override_scope
+ draw do
+ scope :except => :index do
+ namespace :except do
+ resources :sectors, :except => [:show, :update, :destroy]
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/except/sectors'
assert_equal 'except/sectors#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/except/sectors', except_sectors_path
@@ -1957,6 +2111,17 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_except_option_should_not_inherit
+ draw do
+ scope :except => :index do
+ namespace :except do
+ resources :sectors, :except => [:show, :update, :destroy] do
+ resources :companies
+ resource :leader
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/except/sectors/1/companies/2'
assert_equal 'except/companies#show', @response.body
assert_equal '/except/sectors/1/companies/2', except_sector_company_path(:sector_id => '1', :id => '2')
@@ -1967,6 +2132,16 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_except_option_should_override_scoped_only
+ draw do
+ scope :only => :show do
+ namespace :only do
+ resources :sectors, :only => :index do
+ resources :managers, :except => [:show, :update, :destroy]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/only/sectors/1/managers'
assert_equal 'only/managers#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/only/sectors/1/managers', only_sector_managers_path(:sector_id => '1')
@@ -1977,6 +2152,16 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_only_option_should_override_scoped_except
+ draw do
+ scope :except => :index do
+ namespace :except do
+ resources :sectors, :except => [:show, :update, :destroy] do
+ resources :managers, :only => :index
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/except/sectors/1/managers'
assert_equal 'except/managers#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/except/sectors/1/managers', except_sector_managers_path(:sector_id => '1')
@@ -1987,6 +2172,20 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_only_scope_should_override_parent_scope
+ draw do
+ scope :only => :show do
+ namespace :only do
+ resources :sectors, :only => :index do
+ resources :companies do
+ scope :only => :index do
+ resources :divisions
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/only/sectors/1/companies/2/divisions'
assert_equal 'only/divisions#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/only/sectors/1/companies/2/divisions', only_sector_company_divisions_path(:sector_id => '1', :company_id => '2')
@@ -1997,6 +2196,20 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_except_scope_should_override_parent_scope
+ draw do
+ scope :except => :index do
+ namespace :except do
+ resources :sectors, :except => [:show, :update, :destroy] do
+ resources :companies do
+ scope :except => [:show, :update, :destroy] do
+ resources :divisions
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/except/sectors/1/companies/2/divisions'
assert_equal 'except/divisions#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/except/sectors/1/companies/2/divisions', except_sector_company_divisions_path(:sector_id => '1', :company_id => '2')
@@ -2007,6 +2220,20 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_except_scope_should_override_parent_only_scope
+ draw do
+ scope :only => :show do
+ namespace :only do
+ resources :sectors, :only => :index do
+ resources :companies do
+ scope :except => [:show, :update, :destroy] do
+ resources :departments
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/only/sectors/1/companies/2/departments'
assert_equal 'only/departments#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/only/sectors/1/companies/2/departments', only_sector_company_departments_path(:sector_id => '1', :company_id => '2')
@@ -2017,6 +2244,20 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_only_scope_should_override_parent_except_scope
+ draw do
+ scope :except => :index do
+ namespace :except do
+ resources :sectors, :except => [:show, :update, :destroy] do
+ resources :companies do
+ scope :only => :index do
+ resources :departments
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/except/sectors/1/companies/2/departments'
assert_equal 'except/departments#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/except/sectors/1/companies/2/departments', except_sector_company_departments_path(:sector_id => '1', :company_id => '2')
@@ -2027,6 +2268,12 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_resources_are_not_pluralized
+ draw do
+ namespace :transport do
+ resources :taxis
+ end
+ end
get '/transport/taxis'
assert_equal 'transport/taxis#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/transport/taxis', transport_taxis_path
@@ -2054,6 +2301,12 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_singleton_resources_are_not_singularized
+ draw do
+ namespace :medical do
+ resource :taxis
+ end
+ end
get '/medical/taxis/new'
assert_equal 'medical/taxis#new', @response.body
assert_equal '/medical/taxis/new', new_medical_taxis_path
@@ -2077,6 +2330,12 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_greedy_resource_id_regexp_doesnt_match_edit_and_custom_action
+ draw do
+ resources :sections, :id => /.+/ do
+ get :preview, :on => :member
+ end
+ end
get '/sections/1/edit'
assert_equal 'sections#edit', @response.body
assert_equal '/sections/1/edit', edit_section_path(:id => '1')
@@ -2087,6 +2346,14 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_resource_constraints_are_pushed_to_scope
+ draw do
+ namespace :wiki do
+ resources :articles, :id => /[^\/]+/ do
+ resources :comments, :only => [:create, :new]
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/wiki/articles/Ruby_on_Rails_3.0'
assert_equal 'wiki/articles#show', @response.body
assert_equal '/wiki/articles/Ruby_on_Rails_3.0', wiki_article_path(:id => 'Ruby_on_Rails_3.0')
@@ -2101,6 +2368,11 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_resources_path_can_be_a_symbol
+ draw do
+ resources :wiki_pages, :path => :pages
+ resource :wiki_account, :path => :my_account
+ end
get '/pages'
assert_equal 'wiki_pages#index', @response.body
assert_equal '/pages', wiki_pages_path
@@ -2115,6 +2387,10 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_redirect_https
+ draw do
+ get 'secure', :to => redirect("/secure/login")
+ end
with_https do
get '/secure'
verify_redirect 'https://www.example.com/secure/login'
@@ -2122,6 +2398,15 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_symbolized_path_parameters_is_not_stale
+ draw do
+ scope '/countries/:country', :constraints => lambda { |params, req| %w(all France).include?(params[:country]) } do
+ get '/', :to => 'countries#index'
+ get '/cities', :to => 'countries#cities'
+ end
+ get '/countries/:country/(*other)', :to => redirect{ |params, req| params[:other] ? "/countries/all/#{params[:other]}" : '/countries/all' }
+ end
get '/countries/France'
assert_equal 'countries#index', @response.body
@@ -2136,6 +2421,14 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_constraints_block_not_carried_to_following_routes
+ draw do
+ scope '/italians' do
+ get '/writers', :to => 'italians#writers', :constraints => ::TestRoutingMapper::IpRestrictor
+ get '/sculptors', :to => 'italians#sculptors'
+ get '/painters/:painter', :to => 'italians#painters', :constraints => {:painter => /michelangelo/}
+ end
+ end
get '/italians/writers'
assert_equal 'Not Found', @response.body
@@ -2150,6 +2443,18 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_custom_resource_actions_defined_using_string
+ draw do
+ resources :customers do
+ resources :invoices do
+ get "aged/:months", :on => :collection, :action => :aged, :as => :aged
+ end
+ get "inactive", :on => :collection
+ post "deactivate", :on => :member
+ get "old", :on => :collection, :as => :stale
+ end
+ end
get '/customers/inactive'
assert_equal 'customers#inactive', @response.body
assert_equal '/customers/inactive', inactive_customers_path
@@ -2168,18 +2473,38 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_route_defined_in_resources_scope_level
+ draw do
+ resources :customers do
+ get "export"
+ end
+ end
get '/customers/1/export'
assert_equal 'customers#export', @response.body
assert_equal '/customers/1/export', customer_export_path(:customer_id => '1')
def test_named_character_classes_in_regexp_constraints
+ draw do
+ get '/purchases/:token/:filename',
+ :to => 'purchases#fetch',
+ :token => /[[:alnum:]]{10}/,
+ :filename => /(.+)/,
+ :as => :purchase
+ end
get '/purchases/315004be7e/Ruby_on_Rails_3.pdf'
assert_equal 'purchases#fetch', @response.body
assert_equal '/purchases/315004be7e/Ruby_on_Rails_3.pdf', purchase_path(:token => '315004be7e', :filename => 'Ruby_on_Rails_3.pdf')
def test_nested_resource_constraints
+ draw do
+ resources :lists, :id => /([A-Za-z0-9]{25})|default/ do
+ resources :todos, :id => /\d+/
+ end
+ end
get '/lists/01234012340123401234fffff'
assert_equal 'lists#show', @response.body
assert_equal '/lists/01234012340123401234fffff', list_path(:id => '01234012340123401234fffff')
@@ -2194,6 +2519,17 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_named_routes_collision_is_avoided_unless_explicitly_given_as
+ draw do
+ scope :as => "routes" do
+ get "/c/:id", :as => :collision, :to => "collision#show"
+ get "/collision", :to => "collision#show"
+ get "/no_collision", :to => "collision#show", :as => nil
+ get "/fc/:id", :as => :forced_collision, :to => "forced_collision#show"
+ get "/forced_collision", :as => :forced_collision, :to => "forced_collision#show"
+ end
+ end
assert_equal "/c/1", routes_collision_path(1)
assert_equal "/fc/1", routes_forced_collision_path(1)
@@ -2204,86 +2540,100 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_explicitly_avoiding_the_named_route
+ draw do
+ scope :as => "routes" do
+ get "/c/:id", :as => :collision, :to => "collision#show"
+ get "/collision", :to => "collision#show"
+ get "/no_collision", :to => "collision#show", :as => nil
+ get "/fc/:id", :as => :forced_collision, :to => "forced_collision#show"
+ get "/forced_collision", :as => :forced_collision, :to => "forced_collision#show"
+ end
+ end
assert !respond_to?(:routes_no_collision_path)
def test_controller_name_with_leading_slash_raise_error
assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
- routes.draw { get '/feeds/:service', :to => '/feeds#show' }
- end
+ draw { get '/feeds/:service', :to => '/feeds#show' }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
- routes.draw { get '/feeds/:service', :controller => '/feeds', :action => 'show' }
- end
+ draw { get '/feeds/:service', :controller => '/feeds', :action => 'show' }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
- routes.draw { get '/api/feeds/:service', :to => '/api/feeds#show' }
- end
+ draw { get '/api/feeds/:service', :to => '/api/feeds#show' }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
- routes.draw { controller("/feeds") { get '/feeds/:service', :to => :show } }
- end
+ draw { controller("/feeds") { get '/feeds/:service', :to => :show } }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
- routes.draw { resources :feeds, :controller => '/feeds' }
- end
+ draw { resources :feeds, :controller => '/feeds' }
def test_invalid_route_name_raises_error
assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
- routes.draw { get '/products', :to => 'products#index', :as => 'products ' }
- end
+ draw { get '/products', :to => 'products#index', :as => 'products ' }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
- routes.draw { get '/products', :to => 'products#index', :as => ' products' }
- end
+ draw { get '/products', :to => 'products#index', :as => ' products' }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
- routes.draw { get '/products', :to => 'products#index', :as => 'products!' }
- end
+ draw { get '/products', :to => 'products#index', :as => 'products!' }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
- routes.draw { get '/products', :to => 'products#index', :as => 'products index' }
- end
+ draw { get '/products', :to => 'products#index', :as => 'products index' }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
- routes.draw { get '/products', :to => 'products#index', :as => '1products' }
- end
+ draw { get '/products', :to => 'products#index', :as => '1products' }
def test_nested_route_in_nested_resource
+ draw do
+ resources :posts, :only => [:index, :show] do
+ resources :comments, :except => :destroy do
+ get "views" => "comments#views", :as => :views
+ end
+ end
+ end
get "/posts/1/comments/2/views"
assert_equal "comments#views", @response.body
assert_equal "/posts/1/comments/2/views", post_comment_views_path(:post_id => '1', :comment_id => '2')
def test_root_in_deeply_nested_scope
+ draw do
+ resources :posts, :only => [:index, :show] do
+ namespace :admin do
+ root :to => "index#index"
+ end
+ end
+ end
get "/posts/1/admin"
assert_equal "admin/index#index", @response.body
assert_equal "/posts/1/admin", post_admin_root_path(:post_id => '1')
def test_custom_param
+ draw do
+ resources :profiles, :param => :username do
+ get :details, :on => :member
+ resources :messages
+ end
+ end
get '/profiles/bob'
assert_equal 'profiles#show', @response.body
assert_equal 'bob', @request.params[:username]
@@ -2297,6 +2647,13 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_custom_param_constraint
+ draw do
+ resources :profiles, :param => :username, :username => /[a-z]+/ do
+ get :details, :on => :member
+ resources :messages
+ end
+ end
get '/profiles/bob1'
assert_equal 404, @response.status
@@ -2308,12 +2665,41 @@ class TestRoutingMapper < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_shallow_custom_param
+ draw do
+ resources :orders do
+ constraints :download => /[0-9a-f]{8}-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}/ do
+ resources :downloads, :param => :download, :shallow => true
+ end
+ end
+ end
get '/downloads/0c0c0b68-d24b-11e1-a861-001ff3fffe6f.zip'
assert_equal 'downloads#show', @response.body
assert_equal '0c0c0b68-d24b-11e1-a861-001ff3fffe6f', @request.params[:download]
+ def draw(&block)
+ self.class.stub_controllers do |routes|
+ @app = routes
+ @app.default_url_options = { host: 'www.example.com' }
+ @app.draw(&block)
+ end
+ end
+ def url_for(options = {})
+ @app.url_helpers.url_for(options)
+ end
+ def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
+ if method.to_s =~ /_(path|url)$/
+ @app.url_helpers.send(method, *args, &block)
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
def with_https
old_https = https?
@@ -2333,6 +2719,67 @@ private
+class TestAltApp < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ class AltRequest
+ def initialize(env)
+ @env = env
+ end
+ def path_info
+ "/"
+ end
+ def request_method
+ "GET"
+ end
+ def ip
+ ""
+ end
+ def x_header
+ @env["HTTP_X_HEADER"] || ""
+ end
+ end
+ class XHeader
+ def call(env)
+ [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, ["XHeader"]]
+ end
+ end
+ class AltApp
+ def call(env)
+ [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, ["Alternative App"]]
+ end
+ end
+ AltRoutes = ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new(AltRequest)
+ AltRoutes.draw do
+ get "/" => TestAltApp::XHeader.new, :constraints => {:x_header => /HEADER/}
+ get "/" => TestAltApp::AltApp.new
+ end
+ def app
+ AltRoutes
+ end
+ def test_alt_request_without_header
+ get "/"
+ assert_equal "Alternative App", @response.body
+ end
+ def test_alt_request_with_matched_header
+ get "/", {}, "HTTP_X_HEADER" => "HEADER"
+ assert_equal "XHeader", @response.body
+ end
+ def test_alt_request_with_unmatched_header
+ get "/", {}, "HTTP_X_HEADER" => "NON_MATCH"
+ assert_equal "Alternative App", @response.body
+ end
class TestAppendingRoutes < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def simple_app(resp)
lambda { |e| [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' }, [resp] ] }