path: root/actionpack
diff options
authorXavier Noria <fxn@hashref.com>2011-03-24 23:51:17 +0100
committerXavier Noria <fxn@hashref.com>2011-04-13 13:23:16 +0200
commitb878757c5073eac7e4fcfd2093d38d8b841db846 (patch)
treebf5c69b8610a1e322426affd769de23fb0f63675 /actionpack
parent8449da929efddb7f1eb6e6e7e39d8e480bec9484 (diff)
removes assert_select_rjs
Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack')
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 490 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/assertions/selector.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/assertions/selector.rb
index f41d3e5ddb..39a2a9884a 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/assertions/selector.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/assertions/selector.rb
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module ActionDispatch
# from the response HTML or elements selected by the enclosing assertion.
# In addition to HTML responses, you can make the following assertions:
- # * +assert_select_rjs+ - Assertions on HTML content of RJS update and insertion operations.
+ #
# * +assert_select_encoded+ - Assertions on HTML encoded inside XML, for example for dealing with feed item descriptions.
# * +assert_select_email+ - Assertions on the HTML body of an e-mail.
@@ -326,144 +326,6 @@ module ActionDispatch
- # Selects content from the RJS response.
- #
- # === Narrowing down
- #
- # With no arguments, asserts that one or more elements are updated or
- # inserted by RJS statements.
- #
- # Use the +id+ argument to narrow down the assertion to only statements
- # that update or insert an element with that identifier.
- #
- # Use the first argument to narrow down assertions to only statements
- # of that type. Possible values are <tt>:replace</tt>, <tt>:replace_html</tt>,
- # <tt>:show</tt>, <tt>:hide</tt>, <tt>:toggle</tt>, <tt>:remove</tta>,
- # <tt>:insert_html</tt> and <tt>:redirect</tt>.
- #
- # Use the argument <tt>:insert</tt> followed by an insertion position to narrow
- # down the assertion to only statements that insert elements in that
- # position. Possible values are <tt>:top</tt>, <tt>:bottom</tt>, <tt>:before</tt>
- # and <tt>:after</tt>.
- #
- # Use the argument <tt>:redirect</tt> followed by a path to check that an statement
- # which redirects to the specified path is generated.
- #
- # Using the <tt>:remove</tt> statement, you will be able to pass a block, but it will
- # be ignored as there is no HTML passed for this statement.
- #
- # === Using blocks
- #
- # Without a block, +assert_select_rjs+ merely asserts that the response
- # contains one or more RJS statements that replace or update content.
- #
- # With a block, +assert_select_rjs+ also selects all elements used in
- # these statements and passes them to the block. Nested assertions are
- # supported.
- #
- # Calling +assert_select_rjs+ with no arguments and using nested asserts
- # asserts that the HTML content is returned by one or more RJS statements.
- # Using +assert_select+ directly makes the same assertion on the content,
- # but without distinguishing whether the content is returned in an HTML
- # or JavaScript.
- #
- # ==== Examples
- #
- # # Replacing the element foo.
- # # page.replace 'foo', ...
- # assert_select_rjs :replace, "foo"
- #
- # # Replacing with the chained RJS proxy.
- # # page[:foo].replace ...
- # assert_select_rjs :chained_replace, 'foo'
- #
- # # Inserting into the element bar, top position.
- # assert_select_rjs :insert, :top, "bar"
- #
- # # Remove the element bar
- # assert_select_rjs :remove, "bar"
- #
- # # Changing the element foo, with an image.
- # assert_select_rjs "foo" do
- # assert_select "img[src=/images/logo.gif""
- # end
- #
- # # RJS inserts or updates a list with four items.
- # assert_select_rjs do
- # assert_select "ol>li", 4
- # end
- #
- # # The same, but shorter.
- # assert_select "ol>li", 4
- #
- # # Checking for a redirect.
- # assert_select_rjs :redirect, root_path
- def assert_select_rjs(*args, &block)
- rjs_type = args.first.is_a?(Symbol) ? args.shift : nil
- id = args.first.is_a?(String) ? args.shift : nil
- # If the first argument is a symbol, it's the type of RJS statement we're looking
- # for (update, replace, insertion, etc). Otherwise, we're looking for just about
- # any RJS statement.
- if rjs_type
- if rjs_type == :insert
- position = args.shift
- id = args.shift
- insertion = "insert_#{position}".to_sym
- raise ArgumentError, "Unknown RJS insertion type #{position}" unless RJS_STATEMENTS[insertion]
- statement = "(#{RJS_STATEMENTS[insertion]})"
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Unknown RJS statement type #{rjs_type}" unless RJS_STATEMENTS[rjs_type]
- statement = "(#{RJS_STATEMENTS[rjs_type]})"
- end
- else
- statement = "#{RJS_STATEMENTS[:any]}"
- end
- # Next argument we're looking for is the element identifier. If missing, we pick
- # any element, otherwise we replace it in the statement.
- pattern = Regexp.new(
- id ? statement.gsub(RJS_ANY_ID, "\"#{id}\"") : statement
- )
- # Duplicate the body since the next step involves destroying it.
- matches = nil
- case rjs_type
- when :remove, :show, :hide, :toggle
- matches = @response.body.match(pattern)
- else
- @response.body.gsub(pattern) do |match|
- html = unescape_rjs(match)
- matches ||= []
- matches.concat HTML::Document.new(html).root.children.select { |n| n.tag? }
- ""
- end
- end
- if matches
- assert_block("") { true } # to count the assertion
- if block_given? && !rjs_type.among?(:remove, :show, :hide, :toggle)
- begin
- @selected ||= nil
- in_scope, @selected = @selected, matches
- yield matches
- ensure
- @selected = in_scope
- end
- end
- matches
- else
- # RJS statement not found.
- case rjs_type
- when :remove, :show, :hide, :toggle
- flunk_message = "No RJS statement that #{rjs_type.to_s}s '#{id}' was rendered."
- else
- flunk_message = "No RJS statement that replaces or inserts HTML content."
- end
- flunk args.shift || flunk_message
- end
- end
# Extracts the content of an element, treats it as encoded HTML and runs
# nested assertion on it.
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/assert_select_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/assert_select_test.rb
index f63321c78b..c72370e49d 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/controller/assert_select_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/assert_select_test.rb
@@ -248,21 +248,6 @@ class AssertSelectTest < ActionController::TestCase
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_positioned_insert_should_fail_when_mixing_arguments
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.insert_html :top, "test1", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
- page.insert_html :bottom, "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
- end
- assert_raise(Assertion) {assert_select_rjs :insert, :top, "test2"}
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_redirect_to
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.redirect_to '/'
- end
- assert_select_rjs :redirect, '/'
- end
def test_elect_with_xml_namespace_attributes
render_html %Q{<link xlink:href="http://nowhere.com"></link>}
assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "link[xlink:href=http://nowhere.com]" }
@@ -318,342 +303,6 @@ class AssertSelectTest < ActionController::TestCase
assert_equal 1, css_select("#2").size
- #
- # Test assert_select_rjs.
- #
- # Test that we can pick up all statements in the result.
- def test_assert_select_rjs_picks_up_all_statements
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.replace "test", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
- page.replace_html "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
- page.insert_html :top, "test3", "<div id=\"3\">foo</div>"
- end
- found = false
- assert_select_rjs do
- assert_select "#1"
- assert_select "#2"
- assert_select "#3"
- found = true
- end
- assert found
- end
- # Test that we fail if there is nothing to pick.
- def test_assert_select_rjs_fails_if_nothing_to_pick
- render_rjs { }
- assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select_rjs }
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_with_unicode
- # Test that non-ascii characters (which are converted into \uXXXX in RJS) are decoded correctly.
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.replace "test", "<div id=\"1\">\343\203\201\343\202\261\343\203\203\343\203\210</div>"
- end
- assert_select_rjs do
- str = "#1"
- assert_select str, :text => "\343\203\201\343\202\261\343\203\203\343\203\210"
- assert_select str, "\343\203\201\343\202\261\343\203\203\343\203\210"
- if str.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
- assert_select str, /\343\203\201..\343\203\210/u
- assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select str, /\343\203\201.\343\203\210/u }
- else
- assert_select str, Regexp.new("\343\203\201..\343\203\210",0,'U')
- assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select str, Regexp.new("\343\203\201.\343\203\210",0,'U') }
- end
- end
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_with_id
- # Test that we can pick up all statements in the result.
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.replace "test1", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
- page.replace_html "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
- page.insert_html :top, "test3", "<div id=\"3\">foo</div>"
- end
- assert_select_rjs "test1" do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#1"
- end
- assert_select_rjs "test2" do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#2"
- end
- assert_select_rjs "test3" do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#3"
- end
- assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select_rjs "test4" }
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_replace
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.replace "test1", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
- page.replace_html "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
- page.insert_html :top, "test3", "<div id=\"3\">foo</div>"
- end
- # Replace.
- assert_select_rjs :replace do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#1"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :replace, "test1" do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#1"
- end
- assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select_rjs :replace, "test2" }
- # Replace HTML.
- assert_select_rjs :replace_html do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#2"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :replace_html, "test2" do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#2"
- end
- assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select_rjs :replace_html, "test1" }
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_chained_replace
- render_rjs do |page|
- page['test1'].replace "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
- page['test2'].replace_html "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
- page.insert_html :top, "test3", "<div id=\"3\">foo</div>"
- end
- # Replace.
- assert_select_rjs :chained_replace do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#1"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :chained_replace, "test1" do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#1"
- end
- assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select_rjs :chained_replace, "test2" }
- # Replace HTML.
- assert_select_rjs :chained_replace_html do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#2"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :chained_replace_html, "test2" do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#2"
- end
- assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select_rjs :replace_html, "test1" }
- end
- # Simple remove
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_remove
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.remove "test1"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :remove, "test1"
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_remove_offers_useful_error_when_assertion_fails
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.remove "test_with_typo"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :remove, "test1"
- rescue Assertion => e
- assert_equal "No RJS statement that removes 'test1' was rendered.", e.message
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_remove_ignores_block
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.remove "test1"
- end
- assert_nothing_raised do
- assert_select_rjs :remove, "test1" do
- assert_select "p"
- end
- end
- end
- # Simple show
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_show
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.show "test1"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :show, "test1"
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_show_offers_useful_error_when_assertion_fails
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.show "test_with_typo"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :show, "test1"
- rescue Assertion => e
- assert_equal "No RJS statement that shows 'test1' was rendered.", e.message
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_show_ignores_block
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.show "test1"
- end
- assert_nothing_raised do
- assert_select_rjs :show, "test1" do
- assert_select "p"
- end
- end
- end
- # Simple hide
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_hide
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.hide "test1"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :hide, "test1"
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_hide_offers_useful_error_when_assertion_fails
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.hide "test_with_typo"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :hide, "test1"
- rescue Assertion => e
- assert_equal "No RJS statement that hides 'test1' was rendered.", e.message
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_hide_ignores_block
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.hide "test1"
- end
- assert_nothing_raised do
- assert_select_rjs :hide, "test1" do
- assert_select "p"
- end
- end
- end
- # Simple toggle
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_toggle
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.toggle "test1"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :toggle, "test1"
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_toggle_offers_useful_error_when_assertion_fails
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.toggle "test_with_typo"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :toggle, "test1"
- rescue Assertion => e
- assert_equal "No RJS statement that toggles 'test1' was rendered.", e.message
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_toggle_ignores_block
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.toggle "test1"
- end
- assert_nothing_raised do
- assert_select_rjs :toggle, "test1" do
- assert_select "p"
- end
- end
- end
- # Non-positioned insert.
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_nonpositioned_insert
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.replace "test1", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
- page.replace_html "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
- page.insert_html :top, "test3", "<div id=\"3\">foo</div>"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :insert_html do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#3"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :insert_html, "test3" do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#3"
- end
- assert_raise(Assertion) { assert_select_rjs :insert_html, "test1" }
- end
- # Positioned insert.
- def test_assert_select_rjs_for_positioned_insert
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.insert_html :top, "test1", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
- page.insert_html :bottom, "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
- page.insert_html :before, "test3", "<div id=\"3\">foo</div>"
- page.insert_html :after, "test4", "<div id=\"4\">foo</div>"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :insert, :top do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#1"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :insert, :bottom do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#2"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :insert, :before do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#3"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :insert, :after do
- assert_select "div", 1
- assert_select "#4"
- end
- assert_select_rjs :insert_html do
- assert_select "div", 4
- end
- end
- def test_assert_select_rjs_raise_errors
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { assert_select_rjs(:destroy) }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { assert_select_rjs(:insert, :left) }
- end
- # Simple selection from a single result.
- def test_nested_assert_select_rjs_with_single_result
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.replace_html "test", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>\n<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
- end
- assert_select_rjs "test" do |elements|
- assert_equal 2, elements.size
- assert_select "#1"
- assert_select "#2"
- end
- end
- # Deal with two results.
- def test_nested_assert_select_rjs_with_two_results
- render_rjs do |page|
- page.replace_html "test", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
- page.replace_html "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
- end
- assert_select_rjs "test" do |elements|
- assert_equal 1, elements.size
- assert_select "#1"
- end
- assert_select_rjs "test2" do |elements|
- assert_equal 1, elements.size
- assert_select "#2"
- end
- end
def test_feed_item_encoded
render_xml <<-EOF
<rss version="2.0">