path: root/actionpack/test
diff options
authorDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2004-11-24 01:04:44 +0000
committerDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2004-11-24 01:04:44 +0000
commitdb045dbbf60b53dbe013ef25554fd013baf88134 (patch)
tree257830e3c76458c8ff3d1329de83f32b23926028 /actionpack/test
git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@4 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/test')
30 files changed, 2303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/test/abstract_unit.rb b/actionpack/test/abstract_unit.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fcb5e852d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/abstract_unit.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib')
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'action_controller'
+require 'action_controller/test_process'
+ActionController::Base.logger = nil
+ActionController::Base.ignore_missing_templates = true \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/action_pack_assertions_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/action_pack_assertions_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d727be5a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/action_pack_assertions_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit'
+# a controller class to facilitate the tests
+class ActionPackAssertionsController < ActionController::Base
+ # this does absolutely nothing
+ def nothing() render_text ""; end
+ # a standard template
+ def hello_world() render "test/hello_world"; end
+ # a standard template
+ def hello_xml_world() render "test/hello_xml_world"; end
+ # a redirect to an internal location
+ def redirect_internal() redirect_to "nothing"; end
+ # a redirect to an external location
+ def redirect_external() redirect_to_url "http://www.rubyonrails.org"; end
+ # a 404
+ def response404() render_text "", "404 AWOL"; end
+ # a 500
+ def response500() render_text "", "500 Sorry"; end
+ # a fictional 599
+ def response599() render_text "", "599 Whoah!"; end
+ # putting stuff in the flash
+ def flash_me
+ flash['hello'] = 'my name is inigo montoya...'
+ render_text "Inconceivable!"
+ end
+ # we have a flash, but nothing is in it
+ def flash_me_naked
+ flash.clear
+ render_text "wow!"
+ end
+ # assign some template instance variables
+ def assign_this
+ @howdy = "ho"
+ render_text "Mr. Henke"
+ end
+ def render_based_on_parameters
+ render_text "Mr. #{@params["name"]}"
+ end
+ # puts something in the session
+ def session_stuffing
+ session['xmas'] = 'turkey'
+ render_text "ho ho ho"
+ end
+ # 911
+ def rescue_action(e) raise; end
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# tell the controller where to find its templates but start from parent
+# directory of test_request_response to simulate the behaviour of a
+# production environment
+ActionPackAssertionsController.template_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../fixtures/"
+# a test case to exercise the new capabilities TestRequest & TestResponse
+class ActionPackAssertionsControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ # let's get this party started
+ def setup
+ @controller = ActionPackAssertionsController.new
+ @request, @response = ActionController::TestRequest.new, ActionController::TestResponse.new
+ end
+ # -- assertion-based testing ------------------------------------------------
+ # test the session assertion to make sure something is there.
+ def test_assert_session_has
+ process :session_stuffing
+ assert_session_has 'xmas'
+ assert_session_has_no 'halloween'
+ end
+ # test the assertion of goodies in the template
+ def test_assert_template_has
+ process :assign_this
+ assert_template_has 'howdy'
+ end
+ # test the assertion for goodies that shouldn't exist in the template
+ def test_assert_template_has_no
+ process :nothing
+ assert_template_has_no 'maple syrup'
+ assert_template_has_no 'howdy'
+ end
+ # test the redirection assertions
+ def test_assert_redirect
+ process :redirect_internal
+ assert_redirect
+ end
+ # test the redirect url string
+ def test_assert_redirect_url
+ process :redirect_external
+ assert_redirect_url 'http://www.rubyonrails.org'
+ end
+ # test the redirection pattern matching on a string
+ def test_assert_redirect_url_match_string
+ process :redirect_external
+ assert_redirect_url_match 'rails.org'
+ end
+ # test the redirection pattern matching on a pattern
+ def test_assert_redirect_url_match_pattern
+ process :redirect_external
+ assert_redirect_url_match /ruby/
+ end
+ # test the flash-based assertions with something is in the flash
+ def test_flash_assertions_full
+ process :flash_me
+ assert @response.has_flash_with_contents?
+ assert_flash_exists
+ assert ActionController::TestResponse.assertion_target.has_flash_with_contents?
+ assert_flash_not_empty
+ assert_flash_has 'hello'
+ assert_flash_has_no 'stds'
+ end
+ # test the flash-based assertions with no flash at all
+ def test_flash_assertions_negative
+ process :nothing
+ assert_flash_not_exists
+ assert_flash_empty
+ assert_flash_has_no 'hello'
+ assert_flash_has_no 'qwerty'
+ end
+ # test the assert_rendered_file
+ def test_assert_rendered_file
+ process :hello_world
+ assert_rendered_file 'test/hello_world'
+ assert_rendered_file 'hello_world'
+ assert_rendered_file
+ end
+ # test the assert_success assertion
+ def test_assert_success
+ process :nothing
+ assert_success
+ end
+ # -- standard request/reponse object testing --------------------------------
+ # ensure our session is working properly
+ def test_session_objects
+ process :session_stuffing
+ assert @response.has_session_object?('xmas')
+ assert_session_equal 'turkey', 'xmas'
+ assert !@response.has_session_object?('easter')
+ end
+ # make sure that the template objects exist
+ def test_template_objects_alive
+ process :assign_this
+ assert !@response.has_template_object?('hi')
+ assert @response.has_template_object?('howdy')
+ end
+ # make sure we don't have template objects when we shouldn't
+ def test_template_object_missing
+ process :nothing
+ assert_nil @response.template_objects['howdy']
+ end
+ def test_assigned_equal
+ process :assign_this
+ assert_assigned_equal "ho", :howdy
+ end
+ # check the empty flashing
+ def test_flash_me_naked
+ process :flash_me_naked
+ assert @response.has_flash?
+ assert !@response.has_flash_with_contents?
+ end
+ # check if we have flash objects
+ def test_flash_haves
+ process :flash_me
+ assert @response.has_flash?
+ assert @response.has_flash_with_contents?
+ assert @response.has_flash_object?('hello')
+ end
+ # ensure we don't have flash objects
+ def test_flash_have_nots
+ process :nothing
+ assert !@response.has_flash?
+ assert !@response.has_flash_with_contents?
+ assert_nil @response.flash['hello']
+ end
+ # examine that the flash objects are what we expect
+ def test_flash_equals
+ process :flash_me
+ assert_flash_equal 'my name is inigo montoya...', 'hello'
+ end
+ # check if we were rendered by a file-based template?
+ def test_rendered_action
+ process :nothing
+ assert !@response.rendered_with_file?
+ process :hello_world
+ assert @response.rendered_with_file?
+ assert 'hello_world', @response.rendered_file
+ end
+ # check the redirection location
+ def test_redirection_location
+ process :redirect_internal
+ assert_equal 'nothing', @response.redirect_url
+ process :redirect_external
+ assert_equal 'http://www.rubyonrails.org', @response.redirect_url
+ process :nothing
+ assert_nil @response.redirect_url
+ end
+ # check server errors
+ def test_server_error_response_code
+ process :response500
+ assert @response.server_error?
+ process :response599
+ assert @response.server_error?
+ process :response404
+ assert !@response.server_error?
+ end
+ # check a 404 response code
+ def test_missing_response_code
+ process :response404
+ assert @response.missing?
+ end
+ # check to see if our redirection matches a pattern
+ def test_redirect_url_match
+ process :redirect_external
+ assert @response.redirect?
+ assert @response.redirect_url_match?("rubyonrails")
+ assert @response.redirect_url_match?(/rubyonrails/)
+ assert !@response.redirect_url_match?("phpoffrails")
+ assert !@response.redirect_url_match?(/perloffrails/)
+ end
+ # check for a redirection
+ def test_redirection
+ process :redirect_internal
+ assert @response.redirect?
+ process :redirect_external
+ assert @response.redirect?
+ process :nothing
+ assert !@response.redirect?
+ end
+ # check a successful response code
+ def test_successful_response_code
+ process :nothing
+ assert @response.success?
+ end
+ # a basic check to make sure we have a TestResponse object
+ def test_has_response
+ process :nothing
+ assert_kind_of ActionController::TestResponse, @response
+ end
+ def test_render_based_on_parameters
+ process :render_based_on_parameters, "name" => "David"
+ assert_equal "Mr. David", @response.body
+ end
+ def test_simple_one_element_xpath_match
+ process :hello_xml_world
+ assert_template_xpath_match('//title', "Hello World")
+ end
+ def test_array_of_elements_in_xpath_match
+ process :hello_xml_world
+ assert_template_xpath_match('//p', %w( abes monks wiseguys ))
+ end
+class ActionPackHeaderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @controller = ActionPackAssertionsController.new
+ @request, @response = ActionController::TestRequest.new, ActionController::TestResponse.new
+ end
+ def test_rendering_xml_sets_content_type
+ process :hello_xml_world
+ assert_equal('text/xml', @controller.headers['Content-Type'])
+ end
+ def test_rendering_xml_respects_content_type
+ @response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/pdf'
+ process :hello_xml_world
+ assert_equal('application/pdf', @controller.headers['Content-Type'])
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/active_record_assertions_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/active_record_assertions_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53106aaee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/active_record_assertions_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+path_to_ar = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../activerecord'
+if Object.const_defined?("ActiveRecord") || File.exist?(path_to_ar)
+# This test is very different than the others. It requires ActiveRecord to
+# run. There's a bunch of stuff we are assuming here:
+# 1. activerecord exists as a sibling directory to actionpack
+# (i.e., actionpack/../activerecord)
+# 2. you've created the appropriate database to run the active_record unit tests
+# 3. you set the appropriate database connection below
+driver_to_use = 'native_sqlite'
+$: << path_to_ar + '/lib/'
+$: << path_to_ar + '/test/'
+require 'active_record' unless Object.const_defined?("ActiveRecord")
+require "connections/#{driver_to_use}/connection"
+require 'fixtures/company'
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# add some validation rules to trip up the assertions
+class Company
+ def validate
+ errors.add_on_empty('name')
+ errors.add('rating', 'rating should not be 2') if rating == 2
+ errors.add_to_base('oh oh') if rating == 3
+ end
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit'
+# a controller class to handle the AR assertions
+class ActiveRecordAssertionsController < ActionController::Base
+ # fail with 1 bad column
+ def nasty_columns_1
+ @company = Company.new
+ @company.name = "B"
+ @company.rating = 2
+ render_text "snicker...."
+ end
+ # fail with 2 bad column
+ def nasty_columns_2
+ @company = Company.new
+ @company.name = ""
+ @company.rating = 2
+ render_text "double snicker...."
+ end
+ # this will pass validation
+ def good_company
+ @company = Company.new
+ @company.name = "A"
+ @company.rating = 69
+ render_text "Goodness Gracious!"
+ end
+ # this will fail validation
+ def bad_company
+ @company = Company.new
+ render_text "Who's Bad?"
+ end
+ # the safety dance......
+ def rescue_action(e) raise; end
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ActiveRecordAssertionsController.template_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../fixtures/"
+# The test case to try the AR assertions
+class ActiveRecordAssertionsControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ # set it up
+ def setup
+ @request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
+ @response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
+ @controller = ActiveRecordAssertionsController.new
+ end
+ # test for 1 bad apple column
+ def test_some_invalid_columns
+ process :nasty_columns_1
+ assert_success
+ assert_invalid_record 'company'
+ assert_invalid_column_on_record 'company', 'rating'
+ assert_valid_column_on_record 'company', 'name'
+ assert_valid_column_on_record 'company', ['name','id']
+ end
+ # test for 2 bad apples columns
+ def test_all_invalid_columns
+ process :nasty_columns_2
+ assert_success
+ assert_invalid_record 'company'
+ assert_invalid_column_on_record 'company', 'rating'
+ assert_invalid_column_on_record 'company', 'name'
+ assert_invalid_column_on_record 'company', ['name','rating']
+ end
+ # ensure we have no problems with an ActiveRecord
+ def test_valid_record
+ process :good_company
+ assert_success
+ assert_valid_record 'company'
+ end
+ # ensure we have problems with an ActiveRecord
+ def test_invalid_record
+ process :bad_company
+ assert_success
+ assert_invalid_record 'company'
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/cgi_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/cgi_test.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..46e24ab403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/cgi_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib')
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'action_controller/cgi_ext/cgi_methods'
+require 'stringio'
+class MockUploadedFile < StringIO
+ def content_type
+ "img/jpeg"
+ end
+ def original_filename
+ "my_file.doc"
+ end
+class CGITest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @query_string = "action=create_customer&full_name=David%20Heinemeier%20Hansson&customerId=1"
+ @query_string_with_nil = "action=create_customer&full_name="
+ @query_string_with_array = "action=create_customer&selected[]=1&selected[]=2&selected[]=3"
+ @query_string_with_amps = "action=create_customer&name=Don%27t+%26+Does"
+ @query_string_with_multiple_of_same_name =
+ "action=update_order&full_name=Lau%20Taarnskov&products=4&products=2&products=3"
+ end
+ def test_query_string
+ assert_equal(
+ { "action" => "create_customer", "full_name" => "David Heinemeier Hansson", "customerId" => "1"},
+ CGIMethods.parse_query_parameters(@query_string)
+ )
+ end
+ def test_query_string_with_nil
+ assert_equal(
+ { "action" => "create_customer", "full_name" => nil},
+ CGIMethods.parse_query_parameters(@query_string_with_nil)
+ )
+ end
+ def test_query_string_with_array
+ assert_equal(
+ { "action" => "create_customer", "selected" => ["1", "2", "3"]},
+ CGIMethods.parse_query_parameters(@query_string_with_array)
+ )
+ end
+ def test_query_string_with_amps
+ assert_equal(
+ { "action" => "create_customer", "name" => "Don't & Does"},
+ CGIMethods.parse_query_parameters(@query_string_with_amps)
+ )
+ end
+ def test_parse_params
+ input = {
+ "customers[boston][first][name]" => [ "David" ],
+ "customers[boston][first][url]" => [ "http://David" ],
+ "customers[boston][second][name]" => [ "Allan" ],
+ "customers[boston][second][url]" => [ "http://Allan" ],
+ "something_else" => [ "blah" ],
+ "something_nil" => [ nil ],
+ "something_empty" => [ "" ],
+ "products[first]" => [ "Apple Computer" ],
+ "products[second]" => [ "Pc" ]
+ }
+ expected_output = {
+ "customers" => {
+ "boston" => {
+ "first" => {
+ "name" => "David",
+ "url" => "http://David"
+ },
+ "second" => {
+ "name" => "Allan",
+ "url" => "http://Allan"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "something_else" => "blah",
+ "something_empty" => "",
+ "something_nil" => "",
+ "products" => {
+ "first" => "Apple Computer",
+ "second" => "Pc"
+ }
+ }
+ assert_equal expected_output, CGIMethods.parse_request_parameters(input)
+ end
+ def test_parse_params_from_multipart_upload
+ mock_file = MockUploadedFile.new
+ input = {
+ "something" => [ StringIO.new("") ],
+ "products[string]" => [ StringIO.new("Apple Computer") ],
+ "products[file]" => [ mock_file ]
+ }
+ expected_output = {
+ "something" => "",
+ "products" => {
+ "string" => "Apple Computer",
+ "file" => mock_file
+ }
+ }
+ assert_equal expected_output, CGIMethods.parse_request_parameters(input)
+ end
+ def test_parse_params_with_file
+ input = {
+ "customers[boston][first][name]" => [ "David" ],
+ "something_else" => [ "blah" ],
+ "logo" => [ File.new(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/cgi_test.rb").path ]
+ }
+ expected_output = {
+ "customers" => {
+ "boston" => {
+ "first" => {
+ "name" => "David"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "something_else" => "blah",
+ "logo" => File.new(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/cgi_test.rb").path,
+ }
+ assert_equal expected_output, CGIMethods.parse_request_parameters(input)
+ end
+ def test_parse_params_with_array
+ input = { "selected[]" => [ "1", "2", "3" ] }
+ expected_output = { "selected" => [ "1", "2", "3" ] }
+ assert_equal expected_output, CGIMethods.parse_request_parameters(input)
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/cookie_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/cookie_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3099bcd99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/cookie_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit'
+class CookieTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ class TestController < ActionController::Base
+ def authenticate
+ cookie "name" => "user_name", "value" => "david"
+ render_text "hello world"
+ end
+ def access_frozen_cookies
+ @cookies["wont"] = "work"
+ end
+ def rescue_action(e) raise end
+ end
+ def setup
+ @request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
+ @response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
+ @request.host = "www.nextangle.com"
+ end
+ def test_setting_cookie
+ @request.action = "authenticate"
+ assert_equal [ CGI::Cookie::new("name" => "user_name", "value" => "david") ], process_request.headers["cookie"]
+ end
+ def test_setting_cookie
+ @request.action = "access_frozen_cookies"
+ assert_raises(TypeError) { process_request }
+ end
+ private
+ def process_request
+ TestController.process(@request, @response)
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/filters_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/filters_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4d7a689b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/filters_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit'
+class FilterTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ class TestController < ActionController::Base
+ before_filter :ensure_login
+ def show
+ render_text "ran action"
+ end
+ private
+ def ensure_login
+ @ran_filter ||= []
+ @ran_filter << "ensure_login"
+ end
+ end
+ class PrependingController < TestController
+ prepend_before_filter :wonderful_life
+ private
+ def wonderful_life
+ @ran_filter ||= []
+ @ran_filter << "wonderful_life"
+ end
+ end
+ class ProcController < PrependingController
+ before_filter(proc { |c| c.assigns["ran_proc_filter"] = true })
+ end
+ class ImplicitProcController < PrependingController
+ before_filter { |c| c.assigns["ran_proc_filter"] = true }
+ end
+ class AuditFilter
+ def self.filter(controller)
+ controller.assigns["was_audited"] = true
+ end
+ end
+ class AroundFilter
+ def before(controller)
+ @execution_log = "before"
+ controller.class.execution_log << " before aroundfilter " if controller.respond_to? :execution_log
+ controller.assigns["before_ran"] = true
+ end
+ def after(controller)
+ controller.assigns["execution_log"] = @execution_log + " and after"
+ controller.assigns["after_ran"] = true
+ controller.class.execution_log << " after aroundfilter " if controller.respond_to? :execution_log
+ end
+ end
+ class AppendedAroundFilter
+ def before(controller)
+ controller.class.execution_log << " before appended aroundfilter "
+ end
+ def after(controller)
+ controller.class.execution_log << " after appended aroundfilter "
+ end
+ end
+ class AuditController < ActionController::Base
+ before_filter(AuditFilter)
+ def show
+ render_text "hello"
+ end
+ end
+ class BadFilterController < ActionController::Base
+ before_filter 2
+ def show() "show" end
+ protected
+ def rescue_action(e) raise(e) end
+ end
+ class AroundFilterController < PrependingController
+ around_filter AroundFilter.new
+ end
+ class MixedFilterController < PrependingController
+ cattr_accessor :execution_log
+ def initialize
+ @@execution_log = ""
+ end
+ before_filter { |c| c.class.execution_log << " before procfilter " }
+ prepend_around_filter AroundFilter.new
+ after_filter { |c| c.class.execution_log << " after procfilter " }
+ append_around_filter AppendedAroundFilter.new
+ end
+ def test_added_filter_to_inheritance_graph
+ assert_equal [ :fire_flash, :ensure_login ], TestController.before_filters
+ end
+ def test_base_class_in_isolation
+ assert_equal [ :fire_flash ], ActionController::Base.before_filters
+ end
+ def test_prepending_filter
+ assert_equal [ :wonderful_life, :fire_flash, :ensure_login ], PrependingController.before_filters
+ end
+ def test_running_filters
+ assert_equal %w( wonderful_life ensure_login ), test_process(PrependingController).template.assigns["ran_filter"]
+ end
+ def test_running_filters_with_proc
+ assert test_process(ProcController).template.assigns["ran_proc_filter"]
+ end
+ def test_running_filters_with_implicit_proc
+ assert test_process(ImplicitProcController).template.assigns["ran_proc_filter"]
+ end
+ def test_running_filters_with_class
+ assert test_process(AuditController).template.assigns["was_audited"]
+ end
+ def test_bad_filter
+ assert_raises(ActionController::ActionControllerError) {
+ test_process(BadFilterController)
+ }
+ end
+ def test_around_filter
+ controller = test_process(AroundFilterController)
+ assert controller.template.assigns["before_ran"]
+ assert controller.template.assigns["after_ran"]
+ end
+ def test_having_properties_in_around_filter
+ controller = test_process(AroundFilterController)
+ assert_equal "before and after", controller.template.assigns["execution_log"]
+ end
+ def test_prepending_and_appending_around_filter
+ controller = test_process(MixedFilterController)
+ assert_equal " before aroundfilter before procfilter before appended aroundfilter " +
+ " after appended aroundfilter after aroundfilter after procfilter ",
+ MixedFilterController.execution_log
+ end
+ private
+ def test_process(controller)
+ request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
+ request.action = "show"
+ controller.process(request, ActionController::TestResponse.new)
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/flash_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/flash_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..033477fe39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/flash_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit'
+class FlashTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ class TestController < ActionController::Base
+ def set_flash
+ flash["that"] = "hello"
+ render_text "hello"
+ end
+ def use_flash
+ @flashy = flash["that"]
+ render_text "hello"
+ end
+ def use_flash_and_keep_it
+ @flashy = flash["that"]
+ keep_flash
+ render_text "hello"
+ end
+ def rescue_action(e)
+ raise unless ActionController::MissingTemplate === e
+ end
+ end
+ def setup
+ initialize_request_and_response
+ end
+ def test_flash
+ @request.action = "set_flash"
+ response = process_request
+ @request.action = "use_flash"
+ first_response = process_request
+ assert_equal "hello", first_response.template.assigns["flash"]["that"]
+ assert_equal "hello", first_response.template.assigns["flashy"]
+ second_response = process_request
+ assert_nil second_response.template.assigns["flash"]["that"], "On second flash"
+ end
+ def test_keep_flash
+ @request.action = "set_flash"
+ response = process_request
+ @request.action = "use_flash_and_keep_it"
+ first_response = process_request
+ assert_equal "hello", first_response.template.assigns["flash"]["that"]
+ assert_equal "hello", first_response.template.assigns["flashy"]
+ @request.action = "use_flash"
+ second_response = process_request
+ assert_equal "hello", second_response.template.assigns["flash"]["that"], "On second flash"
+ third_response = process_request
+ assert_nil third_response.template.assigns["flash"]["that"], "On third flash"
+ end
+ private
+ def initialize_request_and_response
+ @request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
+ @response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
+ end
+ def process_request
+ TestController.process(@request, @response)
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/helper_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/helper_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d1da53241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/helper_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit'
+class HelperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ HELPER_PATHS = %w(/../fixtures/helpers)
+ class TestController < ActionController::Base
+ attr_accessor :delegate_attr
+ def delegate_method() end
+ def rescue_action(e) raise end
+ end
+ module LocalAbcHelper
+ def a() end
+ def b() end
+ def c() end
+ end
+ def setup
+ # Increment symbol counter.
+ @symbol = (@@counter ||= 'A0').succ!.dup
+ # Generate new controller class.
+ controller_class_name = "Helper#{@symbol}Controller"
+ eval("class #{controller_class_name} < TestController; end")
+ @controller_class = self.class.const_get(controller_class_name)
+ # Generate new template class and assign to controller.
+ template_class_name = "Test#{@symbol}View"
+ eval("class #{template_class_name} < ActionView::Base; end")
+ @template_class = self.class.const_get(template_class_name)
+ @controller_class.template_class = @template_class
+ # Add helper paths to LOAD_PATH.
+ HELPER_PATHS.each { |path|
+ $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + path)
+ }
+ # Set default test helper.
+ self.test_helper = LocalAbcHelper
+ end
+ def teardown
+ # Reset template class.
+ #ActionController::Base.template_class = ActionView::Base
+ # Remove helper paths from LOAD_PATH.
+ HELPER_PATHS.each { |path|
+ $LOAD_PATH.delete(File.dirname(__FILE__) + path)
+ }
+ end
+ def test_deprecated_helper
+ assert_equal helper_methods, missing_methods
+ assert_nothing_raised { @controller_class.helper TestHelper }
+ assert_equal [], missing_methods
+ end
+ def test_declare_helper
+ require 'abc_helper'
+ self.test_helper = AbcHelper
+ assert_equal helper_methods, missing_methods
+ assert_nothing_raised { @controller_class.helper :abc }
+ assert_equal [], missing_methods
+ end
+ def test_declare_missing_helper
+ assert_equal helper_methods, missing_methods
+ assert_raise(LoadError) { @controller_class.helper :missing }
+ end
+ def test_helper_block
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ @controller_class.helper { def block_helper_method; end }
+ }
+ assert template_methods.include?('block_helper_method')
+ end
+ def test_helper_block_include
+ assert_equal helper_methods, missing_methods
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ @controller_class.helper { include TestHelper }
+ }
+ assert [], missing_methods
+ end
+ def test_helper_method
+ assert_nothing_raised { @controller_class.helper_method :delegate_method }
+ assert template_methods.include?('delegate_method')
+ end
+ def test_helper_attr
+ assert_nothing_raised { @controller_class.helper_attr :delegate_attr }
+ assert template_methods.include?('delegate_attr')
+ assert template_methods.include?('delegate_attr=')
+ end
+ private
+ def helper_methods; TestHelper.instance_methods end
+ def template_methods; @template_class.instance_methods end
+ def missing_methods; helper_methods - template_methods end
+ def test_helper=(helper_module)
+ old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil
+ self.class.const_set('TestHelper', helper_module)
+ $VERBOSE = old_verbose
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/layout_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/layout_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f652453ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/layout_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit'
+class TestLayoutController < ActionController::Base
+ layout "layouts/standard"
+ def hello_world
+ end
+ def hello_world_outside_layout
+ end
+ def rescue_action(e) raise end
+class ChildWithoutTestLayoutController < TestLayoutController
+ layout nil
+ def hello_world
+ end
+class ChildWithOtherTestLayoutController < TestLayoutController
+ layout nil
+ def hello_world
+ end
+class RenderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
+ @response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
+ @request.host = "www.nextangle.com"
+ end
+ def test_layout_rendering
+ @request.action = "hello_world"
+ response = process_request
+ assert_equal "200 OK", response.headers["Status"]
+ assert_equal "layouts/standard", response.template.template_name
+ end
+ private
+ def process_request
+ TestLayoutController.process(@request, @response)
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/redirect_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/redirect_test.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6302016a53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/redirect_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit'
+class RedirectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ class RedirectController < ActionController::Base
+ def simple_redirect
+ redirect_to :action => "hello_world"
+ end
+ def method_redirect
+ redirect_to :dashbord_url, 1, "hello"
+ end
+ def rescue_errors(e) raise e end
+ protected
+ def dashbord_url(id, message)
+ url_for :action => "dashboard", :params => { "id" => id, "message" => message }
+ end
+ end
+ def setup
+ @request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
+ @response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
+ end
+ def test_simple_redirect
+ @request.path = "/redirect/simple_redirect"
+ @request.action = "simple_redirect"
+ response = process_request
+ assert_equal "http://test.host/redirect/hello_world", response.headers["location"]
+ end
+ def test_redirect_with_method_reference_and_parameters
+ @request.path = "/redirect/method_redirect"
+ @request.action = "method_redirect"
+ response = process_request
+ assert_equal "http://test.host/redirect/dashboard?message=hello&id=1", response.headers["location"]
+ end
+ private
+ def process_request
+ RedirectController.process(@request, @response)
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/render_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/render_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce778e1d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/render_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit'
+Customer = Struct.new("Customer", :name)
+class RenderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ class TestController < ActionController::Base
+ layout :determine_layout
+ def hello_world
+ end
+ def render_hello_world
+ render "test/hello_world"
+ end
+ def render_hello_world_from_variable
+ @person = "david"
+ render_text "hello #{@person}"
+ end
+ def render_action_hello_world
+ render_action "hello_world"
+ end
+ def render_text_hello_world
+ render_text "hello world"
+ end
+ def render_custom_code
+ render_text "hello world", "404 Moved"
+ end
+ def render_xml_hello
+ @name = "David"
+ render "test/hello"
+ end
+ def greeting
+ # let's just rely on the template
+ end
+ def layout_test
+ render_action "hello_world"
+ end
+ def builder_layout_test
+ render_action "hello"
+ end
+ def partials_list
+ @customers = [ Customer.new("david"), Customer.new("mary") ]
+ render_action "list"
+ end
+ def modgreet
+ end
+ def rescue_action(e) raise end
+ private
+ def determine_layout
+ case action_name
+ when "layout_test": "layouts/standard"
+ when "builder_layout_test": "layouts/builder"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ TestController.template_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../fixtures/"
+ class TestLayoutController < ActionController::Base
+ layout "layouts/standard"
+ def hello_world
+ end
+ def hello_world_outside_layout
+ end
+ def rescue_action(e)
+ raise unless ActionController::MissingTemplate === e
+ end
+ end
+ def setup
+ @request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
+ @response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
+ @request.host = "www.nextangle.com"
+ end
+ def test_simple_show
+ @request.action = "hello_world"
+ response = process_request
+ assert_equal "200 OK", response.headers["Status"]
+ assert_equal "test/hello_world", response.template.first_render
+ end
+ def test_do_with_render
+ @request.action = "render_hello_world"
+ assert_equal "test/hello_world", process_request.template.first_render
+ end
+ def test_do_with_render_from_variable
+ @request.action = "render_hello_world_from_variable"
+ assert_equal "hello david", process_request.body
+ end
+ def test_do_with_render_action
+ @request.action = "render_action_hello_world"
+ assert_equal "test/hello_world", process_request.template.first_render
+ end
+ def test_do_with_render_text
+ @request.action = "render_text_hello_world"
+ assert_equal "hello world", process_request.body
+ end
+ def test_do_with_render_custom_code
+ @request.action = "render_custom_code"
+ assert_equal "404 Moved", process_request.headers["Status"]
+ end
+ def test_attempt_to_access_object_method
+ @request.action = "clone"
+ assert_raises(ActionController::UnknownAction, "No action responded to [clone]") { process_request }
+ end
+ def test_access_to_request_in_view
+ ActionController::Base.view_controller_internals = false
+ @request.action = "hello_world"
+ response = process_request
+ assert_nil response.template.assigns["request"]
+ ActionController::Base.view_controller_internals = true
+ @request.action = "hello_world"
+ response = process_request
+ assert_kind_of ActionController::AbstractRequest, response.template.assigns["request"]
+ end
+ def test_render_xml
+ @request.action = "render_xml_hello"
+ assert_equal "<html>\n <p>Hello David</p>\n<p>This is grand!</p>\n</html>\n", process_request.body
+ end
+ def test_render_xml_with_default
+ @request.action = "greeting"
+ assert_equal "<p>This is grand!</p>\n", process_request.body
+ end
+ def test_layout_rendering
+ @request.action = "layout_test"
+ assert_equal "<html>Hello world!</html>", process_request.body
+ end
+ def test_render_xml_with_layouts
+ @request.action = "builder_layout_test"
+ assert_equal "<wrapper>\n<html>\n <p>Hello </p>\n<p>This is grand!</p>\n</html>\n</wrapper>\n", process_request.body
+ end
+ def test_partials_list
+ @request.action = "partials_list"
+ assert_equal "Hello: davidHello: mary", process_request.body
+ end
+ def test_module_rendering
+ @request.action = "modgreet"
+ @request.parameters["module"] = "scope"
+ assert_equal "<p>Beautiful modules!</p>", process_request.body
+ end
+ private
+ def process_request
+ TestController.process(@request, @response)
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/send_file_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/send_file_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57205a01c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/send_file_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'abstract_unit')
+module TestFileUtils
+ def file_name() File.basename(__FILE__) end
+ def file_path() File.expand_path(__FILE__) end
+ def file_data() File.open(file_path, 'rb') { |f| f.read } end
+class SendFileController < ActionController::Base
+ include TestFileUtils
+ attr_writer :options
+ def options() @options ||= {} end
+ def file() send_file(file_path, options) end
+ def data() send_data(file_data, options) end
+ def rescue_action(e) raise end
+class SendFileTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include TestFileUtils
+ def setup
+ @controller = SendFileController.new
+ @request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
+ @response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
+ end
+ def test_file_nostream
+ @controller.options = { :stream => false }
+ response = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { response = process('file') }
+ assert_not_nil response
+ assert_kind_of String, response.body
+ assert_equal file_data, response.body
+ end
+ def test_file_stream
+ response = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { response = process('file') }
+ assert_not_nil response
+ assert_kind_of Proc, response.body
+ old_stdout = $stdout
+ begin
+ require 'stringio'
+ $stdout = StringIO.new
+ $stdout.binmode
+ assert_nothing_raised { response.body.call }
+ assert_equal file_data, $stdout.string
+ ensure
+ $stdout = old_stdout
+ end
+ end
+ def test_data
+ response = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { response = process('data') }
+ assert_not_nil response
+ assert_kind_of String, response.body
+ assert_equal file_data, response.body
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/url_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/url_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf6a7aab75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/url_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit'
+require 'action_controller/url_rewriter'
+MockRequest = Struct.new("MockRequest", :protocol, :host, :port, :path, :parameters)
+class MockRequest
+ def host_with_port
+ if (protocol == "http://" && port == 80) || (protocol == "https://" && port == 443)
+ host
+ else
+ host + ":#{port}"
+ end
+ end
+class UrlTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @library_url = ActionController::UrlRewriter.new(MockRequest.new(
+ "http://",
+ "www.singlefile.com",
+ 80,
+ "/library/books/ISBN/0743536703/show",
+ { "type" => "ISBN", "code" => "0743536703" }
+ ), "books", "show")
+ @library_url_on_index = ActionController::UrlRewriter.new(MockRequest.new(
+ "http://",
+ "www.singlefile.com",
+ 80,
+ "/library/books/ISBN/0743536703/",
+ { "type" => "ISBN", "code" => "0743536703" }
+ ), "books", "index")
+ @clean_urls = [
+ ActionController::UrlRewriter.new(MockRequest.new(
+ "http://", "www.singlefile.com", 80, "/identity/", {}
+ ), "identity", "index"),
+ ActionController::UrlRewriter.new(MockRequest.new(
+ "http://", "www.singlefile.com", 80, "/identity", {}
+ ), "identity", "index")
+ ]
+ @clean_url_with_id = ActionController::UrlRewriter.new(MockRequest.new(
+ "http://", "www.singlefile.com", 80, "/identity/show/5", { "id" => "5" }
+ ), "identity", "show")
+ @clean_url_with_id_as_char = ActionController::UrlRewriter.new(MockRequest.new(
+ "http://", "www.singlefile.com", 80, "/teachers/show/t", { "id" => "t" }
+ ), "teachers", "show")
+ end
+ def test_clean_action
+ assert_equal "http://www.singlefile.com/library/books/ISBN/0743536703/edit", @library_url.rewrite(:action => "edit")
+ end
+ def test_clean_action_with_only_path
+ assert_equal "/library/books/ISBN/0743536703/edit", @library_url.rewrite(:action => "edit", :only_path => true)
+ end
+ def test_action_from_index
+ assert_equal "http://www.singlefile.com/library/books/ISBN/0743536703/edit", @library_url_on_index.rewrite(:action => "edit")
+ end
+ def test_action_from_index_on_clean
+ @clean_urls.each do |url|
+ assert_equal "http://www.singlefile.com/identity/edit", url.rewrite(:action => "edit")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_action_without_prefix
+ assert_equal "http://www.singlefile.com/library/books/", @library_url.rewrite(:action => "index", :action_prefix => "")
+ end
+ def test_action_with_prefix
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/library/books/XTC/123/show",
+ @library_url.rewrite(:action => "show", :action_prefix => "XTC/123")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_action_prefix_alone
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/library/books/XTC/123/",
+ @library_url.rewrite(:action_prefix => "XTC/123")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_action_with_suffix
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/library/books/show/XTC/123",
+ @library_url.rewrite(:action => "show", :action_prefix => "", :action_suffix => "XTC/123")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_clean_controller
+ assert_equal "http://www.singlefile.com/library/settings/", @library_url.rewrite(:controller => "settings")
+ end
+ def test_clean_controller_prefix
+ assert_equal "http://www.singlefile.com/shop/", @library_url.rewrite(:controller_prefix => "shop")
+ end
+ def test_clean_controller_with_module
+ assert_equal "http://www.singlefile.com/shop/purchases/", @library_url.rewrite(:module => "shop", :controller => "purchases")
+ end
+ def test_controller_and_action
+ assert_equal "http://www.singlefile.com/library/settings/show", @library_url.rewrite(:controller => "settings", :action => "show")
+ end
+ def test_controller_and_action_and_anchor
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/library/settings/show#5",
+ @library_url.rewrite(:controller => "settings", :action => "show", :anchor => "5")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_controller_and_action_and_empty_overwrite_params_and_anchor
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/library/settings/show?code=0743536703&type=ISBN#5",
+ @library_url.rewrite(:controller => "settings", :action => "show", :overwrite_params => {}, :anchor => "5")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_controller_and_action_and_overwrite_params_and_anchor
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/library/settings/show?code=0000001&type=ISBN#5",
+ @library_url.rewrite(:controller => "settings", :action => "show", :overwrite_params => {"code"=>"0000001"}, :anchor => "5")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_controller_and_action_and_overwrite_params_with_nil_value_and_anchor
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/library/settings/show?type=ISBN#5",
+ @library_url.rewrite(:controller => "settings", :action => "show", :overwrite_params => {"code" => nil}, :anchor => "5")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_controller_and_action_params_and_overwrite_params_and_anchor
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/library/settings/show?code=0000001&version=5.0#5",
+ @library_url.rewrite(:controller => "settings", :action => "show", :params=>{"version" => "5.0"}, :overwrite_params => {"code"=>"0000001"}, :anchor => "5")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_controller_and_action_and_params_anchor
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/library/settings/show?update=1#5",
+ @library_url.rewrite(:controller => "settings", :action => "show", :params => { "update" => "1"}, :anchor => "5")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_controller_and_index_action
+ assert_equal "http://www.singlefile.com/library/settings/", @library_url.rewrite(:controller => "settings", :action => "index")
+ end
+ def test_controller_and_action_with_same_name_as_controller
+ @clean_urls.each do |url|
+ assert_equal "http://www.singlefile.com/anything/identity", url.rewrite(:controller => "anything", :action => "identity")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_controller_and_index_action_without_controller_prefix
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/settings/",
+ @library_url.rewrite(:controller => "settings", :action => "index", :controller_prefix => "")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_controller_and_index_action_with_controller_prefix
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/fantastic/settings/show",
+ @library_url.rewrite(:controller => "settings", :action => "show", :controller_prefix => "fantastic")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_path_parameters
+ assert_equal "http://www.singlefile.com/library/books/EXBC/0743536703/show", @library_url.rewrite(:path_params => {"type" => "EXBC"})
+ end
+ def test_parameters
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/library/books/ISBN/0743536703/show?delete=1&name=David",
+ @library_url.rewrite(:params => {"delete" => "1", "name" => "David"})
+ )
+ end
+ def test_parameters_with_id
+ @clean_urls.each do |url|
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/identity/show?name=David&id=5",
+ url.rewrite(
+ :action => "show",
+ :params => { "id" => "5", "name" => "David" }
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ def test_action_with_id
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/identity/show/7",
+ @clean_url_with_id.rewrite(
+ :action => "show",
+ :id => 7
+ )
+ )
+ @clean_urls.each do |url|
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/identity/index/7",
+ url.rewrite(:id => 7)
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ def test_parameters_with_id_and_away
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/identity/show/25?name=David",
+ @clean_url_with_id.rewrite(
+ :path_params => { "id" => "25" },
+ :params => { "name" => "David" }
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ def test_parameters_with_index_and_id
+ @clean_urls.each do |url|
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/identity/index/25?name=David",
+ url.rewrite(
+ :path_params => { "id" => "25" },
+ :params => { "name" => "David" }
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ def test_action_going_away_from_id
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/identity/list",
+ @clean_url_with_id.rewrite(
+ :action => "list"
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ def test_parameters_with_direct_id_and_away
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/identity/show/25?name=David",
+ @clean_url_with_id.rewrite(
+ :id => "25",
+ :params => { "name" => "David" }
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ def test_parameters_with_direct_id_and_away
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/store/open/25?name=David",
+ @clean_url_with_id.rewrite(
+ :controller => "store",
+ :action => "open",
+ :id => "25",
+ :params => { "name" => "David" }
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ def test_parameters_to_id
+ @clean_urls.each do |url|
+ %w(show index).each do |action|
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/identity/#{action}/25?name=David",
+ url.rewrite(
+ :action => action,
+ :path_params => { "id" => "25" },
+ :params => { "name" => "David" }
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_parameters_from_id
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/identity/",
+ @clean_url_with_id.rewrite(
+ :action => "index"
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ def test_id_as_char_and_part_of_controller
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/teachers/skill/5",
+ @clean_url_with_id_as_char.rewrite(
+ :action => "skill",
+ :id => 5
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ def test_from_clean_to_library
+ @clean_urls.each do |url|
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/library/books/ISBN/0743536703/show?delete=1&name=David",
+ url.rewrite(
+ :controller_prefix => "library",
+ :controller => "books",
+ :action_prefix => "ISBN/0743536703",
+ :action => "show",
+ :params => { "delete" => "1", "name" => "David" }
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ def test_from_library_to_clean
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com/identity/",
+ @library_url.rewrite(
+ :controller => "identity", :controller_prefix => ""
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ def test_from_another_port
+ @library_url = ActionController::UrlRewriter.new(MockRequest.new(
+ "http://",
+ "www.singlefile.com",
+ 8080,
+ "/library/books/ISBN/0743536703/show",
+ { "type" => "ISBN", "code" => "0743536703" }
+ ), "books", "show")
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://www.singlefile.com:8080/identity/",
+ @library_url.rewrite(
+ :controller => "identity", :controller_prefix => ""
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ def test_basecamp
+ basecamp_url = ActionController::UrlRewriter.new(MockRequest.new(
+ "http://",
+ "projects.basecamp",
+ 80,
+ "/clients/disarray/1/msg/transcripts/",
+ {"category_name"=>"transcripts", "client_name"=>"disarray", "action"=>"index", "controller"=>"msg", "project_name"=>"1"}
+ ), "msg", "index")
+ assert_equal(
+ "http://projects.basecamp/clients/disarray/1/msg/transcripts/1/comments",
+ basecamp_url.rewrite(:action_prefix => "transcripts/1", :action => "comments")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_on_explicit_index_page # My index page is very modest, thank you...
+ url = ActionController::UrlRewriter.new(
+ MockRequest.new(
+ "http://", "example.com", 80, "/controller/index",
+ {"controller"=>"controller", "action"=>"index"}
+ ), "controller", "index"
+ )
+ assert_equal("http://example.com/controller/foo", url.rewrite(:action => 'foo'))
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/fixtures/helpers/abc_helper.rb b/actionpack/test/fixtures/helpers/abc_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7104ff3730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/fixtures/helpers/abc_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module AbcHelper
+ def bare_a() end
+ def bare_b() end
+ def bare_c() end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/fixtures/layouts/builder.rxml b/actionpack/test/fixtures/layouts/builder.rxml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..729af4b8bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/fixtures/layouts/builder.rxml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+xml.wrapper do
+ xml << @content_for_layout
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/fixtures/layouts/standard.rhtml b/actionpack/test/fixtures/layouts/standard.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcb28ec755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/fixtures/layouts/standard.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<html><%= @content_for_layout %></html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/fixtures/scope/test/modgreet.rhtml b/actionpack/test/fixtures/scope/test/modgreet.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8947726e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/fixtures/scope/test/modgreet.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<p>Beautiful modules!</p> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/_customer.rhtml b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/_customer.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..872d8c44e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/_customer.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Hello: <%= customer.name %> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/greeting.rhtml b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/greeting.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62fb0293f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/greeting.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<p>This is grand!</p>
diff --git a/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/hello.rxml b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/hello.rxml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82a4a310d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/hello.rxml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+xml.html do
+ xml.p "Hello #{@name}"
+ xml << render_file("test/greeting")
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/hello_world.rhtml b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/hello_world.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6769dd60bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/hello_world.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Hello world! \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/hello_xml_world.rxml b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/hello_xml_world.rxml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02b14fe87c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/hello_xml_world.rxml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+xml.html do
+ xml.head do
+ xml.title "Hello World"
+ end
+ xml.body do
+ xml.p "abes"
+ xml.p "monks"
+ xml.p "wiseguys"
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/list.rhtml b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/list.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39e2cad966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/list.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<%= render_collection_of_partials "customer", @customers %> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/active_record_helper_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/active_record_helper_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b32f4dd48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/active_record_helper_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/action_view/helpers/date_helper'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper'
+# require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/action_view/helpers/active_record_helper'
+class ActiveRecordHelperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper
+ include ActionView::Helpers::ActiveRecordHelper
+ Post = Struct.new("Post", :title, :author_name, :body, :secret, :written_on)
+ Column = Struct.new("Column", :type, :name, :human_name)
+ def setup
+ @post = Post.new
+ def @post.errors() Class.new{ def on(field) field == "author_name" || field == "body" end }.new end
+ def @post.new_record?() true end
+ def @post.column_for_attribute(attr_name)
+ Post.content_columns.select { |column| column.name == attr_name }.first
+ end
+ def Post.content_columns() [ Column.new(:string, "title", "Title"), Column.new(:text, "body", "Body") ] end
+ @post.title = "Hello World"
+ @post.author_name = ""
+ @post.body = "Back to the hill and over it again!"
+ @post.secret = 1
+ @post.written_on = Date.new(2004, 6, 15)
+ end
+ def test_generic_input_tag
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input id="post_title" name="post[title]" size="30" type="text" value="Hello World" />', input("post", "title")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_text_area_with_errors
+ assert_equal(
+ "<div class=\"fieldWithErrors\"><textarea cols=\"40\" id=\"post_body\" name=\"post[body]\" rows=\"20\" wrap=\"virtual\">Back to the hill and over it again!</textarea></div>",
+ text_area("post", "body")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_text_field_with_errors
+ assert_equal(
+ '<div class="fieldWithErrors"><input id="post_author_name" name="post[author_name]" size="30" type="text" value="" /></div>',
+ text_field("post", "author_name")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_form_with_string
+ assert_equal(
+ "<form action='create' method='POST'><p><label for=\"post_title\">Title</label><br /><input id=\"post_title\" name=\"post[title]\" size=\"30\" type=\"text\" value=\"Hello World\" /></p>\n<p><label for=\"post_body\">Body</label><br /><div class=\"fieldWithErrors\"><textarea cols=\"40\" id=\"post_body\" name=\"post[body]\" rows=\"20\" wrap=\"virtual\">Back to the hill and over it again!</textarea></div></p><input type='submit' value='Create' /></form>",
+ form("post")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_form_with_date
+ def Post.content_columns() [ Column.new(:date, "written_on", "Written on") ] end
+ assert_equal(
+ "<form action='create' method='POST'><p><label for=\"post_written_on\">Written on</label><br /><select name='post[written_on(1i)]'>\n<option>1999</option>\n<option>2000</option>\n<option>2001</option>\n<option>2002</option>\n<option>2003</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">2004</option>\n<option>2005</option>\n<option>2006</option>\n<option>2007</option>\n<option>2008</option>\n<option>2009</option>\n</select>\n<select name='post[written_on(2i)]'>\n<option value='1'>January</option>\n<option value='2'>February</option>\n<option value='3'>March</option>\n<option value='4'>April</option>\n<option value='5'>May</option>\n<option value='6' selected=\"selected\">June</option>\n<option value='7'>July</option>\n<option value='8'>August</option>\n<option value='9'>September</option>\n<option value='10'>October</option>\n<option value='11'>November</option>\n<option value='12'>December</option>\n</select>\n<select name='post[written_on(3i)]'>\n<option>1</option>\n<option>2</option>\n<option>3</option>\n<option>4</option>\n<option>5</option>\n<option>6</option>\n<option>7</option>\n<option>8</option>\n<option>9</option>\n<option>10</option>\n<option>11</option>\n<option>12</option>\n<option>13</option>\n<option>14</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">15</option>\n<option>16</option>\n<option>17</option>\n<option>18</option>\n<option>19</option>\n<option>20</option>\n<option>21</option>\n<option>22</option>\n<option>23</option>\n<option>24</option>\n<option>25</option>\n<option>26</option>\n<option>27</option>\n<option>28</option>\n<option>29</option>\n<option>30</option>\n<option>31</option>\n</select>\n</p><input type='submit' value='Create' /></form>",
+ form("post")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_form_with_datetime
+ def Post.content_columns() [ Column.new(:datetime, "written_on", "Written on") ] end
+ @post.written_on = Time.gm(2004, 6, 15, 16, 30)
+ assert_equal(
+ "<form action='create' method='POST'><p><label for=\"post_written_on\">Written on</label><br /><select name='post[written_on(1i)]'>\n<option>1999</option>\n<option>2000</option>\n<option>2001</option>\n<option>2002</option>\n<option>2003</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">2004</option>\n<option>2005</option>\n<option>2006</option>\n<option>2007</option>\n<option>2008</option>\n<option>2009</option>\n</select>\n<select name='post[written_on(2i)]'>\n<option value='1'>January</option>\n<option value='2'>February</option>\n<option value='3'>March</option>\n<option value='4'>April</option>\n<option value='5'>May</option>\n<option value='6' selected=\"selected\">June</option>\n<option value='7'>July</option>\n<option value='8'>August</option>\n<option value='9'>September</option>\n<option value='10'>October</option>\n<option value='11'>November</option>\n<option value='12'>December</option>\n</select>\n<select name='post[written_on(3i)]'>\n<option>1</option>\n<option>2</option>\n<option>3</option>\n<option>4</option>\n<option>5</option>\n<option>6</option>\n<option>7</option>\n<option>8</option>\n<option>9</option>\n<option>10</option>\n<option>11</option>\n<option>12</option>\n<option>13</option>\n<option>14</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">15</option>\n<option>16</option>\n<option>17</option>\n<option>18</option>\n<option>19</option>\n<option>20</option>\n<option>21</option>\n<option>22</option>\n<option>23</option>\n<option>24</option>\n<option>25</option>\n<option>26</option>\n<option>27</option>\n<option>28</option>\n<option>29</option>\n<option>30</option>\n<option>31</option>\n</select>\n &mdash; <select name='post[written_on(4i)]'>\n<option>00</option>\n<option>01</option>\n<option>02</option>\n<option>03</option>\n<option>04</option>\n<option>05</option>\n<option>06</option>\n<option>07</option>\n<option>08</option>\n<option>09</option>\n<option>10</option>\n<option>11</option>\n<option>12</option>\n<option>13</option>\n<option>14</option>\n<option>15</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">16</option>\n<option>17</option>\n<option>18</option>\n<option>19</option>\n<option>20</option>\n<option>21</option>\n<option>22</option>\n<option>23</option>\n</select>\n : <select name='post[written_on(5i)]'>\n<option>00</option>\n<option>01</option>\n<option>02</option>\n<option>03</option>\n<option>04</option>\n<option>05</option>\n<option>06</option>\n<option>07</option>\n<option>08</option>\n<option>09</option>\n<option>10</option>\n<option>11</option>\n<option>12</option>\n<option>13</option>\n<option>14</option>\n<option>15</option>\n<option>16</option>\n<option>17</option>\n<option>18</option>\n<option>19</option>\n<option>20</option>\n<option>21</option>\n<option>22</option>\n<option>23</option>\n<option>24</option>\n<option>25</option>\n<option>26</option>\n<option>27</option>\n<option>28</option>\n<option>29</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">30</option>\n<option>31</option>\n<option>32</option>\n<option>33</option>\n<option>34</option>\n<option>35</option>\n<option>36</option>\n<option>37</option>\n<option>38</option>\n<option>39</option>\n<option>40</option>\n<option>41</option>\n<option>42</option>\n<option>43</option>\n<option>44</option>\n<option>45</option>\n<option>46</option>\n<option>47</option>\n<option>48</option>\n<option>49</option>\n<option>50</option>\n<option>51</option>\n<option>52</option>\n<option>53</option>\n<option>54</option>\n<option>55</option>\n<option>56</option>\n<option>57</option>\n<option>58</option>\n<option>59</option>\n</select>\n</p><input type='submit' value='Create' /></form>",
+ form("post")
+ )
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/date_helper_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/date_helper_test.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a8ad37918d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/date_helper_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/action_view/helpers/date_helper'
+class DateHelperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper
+ def test_distance_in_words
+ from = Time.mktime(2004, 3, 6, 21, 41, 18)
+ assert_equal "less than a minute", distance_of_time_in_words(from, Time.mktime(2004, 3, 6, 21, 41, 25))
+ assert_equal "5 minutes", distance_of_time_in_words(from, Time.mktime(2004, 3, 6, 21, 46, 25))
+ assert_equal "about 1 hour", distance_of_time_in_words(from, Time.mktime(2004, 3, 6, 22, 47, 25))
+ assert_equal "about 3 hours", distance_of_time_in_words(from, Time.mktime(2004, 3, 7, 0, 41))
+ assert_equal "about 4 hours", distance_of_time_in_words(from, Time.mktime(2004, 3, 7, 1, 20))
+ assert_equal "2 days", distance_of_time_in_words(from, Time.mktime(2004, 3, 9, 15, 40))
+ end
+ def test_select_day
+ expected = "<select name='date[day]'>\n"
+ expected <<
+"<option>1</option>\n<option>2</option>\n<option>3</option>\n<option>4</option>\n<option>5</option>\n<option>6</option>\n<option>7</option>\n<option>8</option>\n<option>9</option>\n<option>10</option>\n<option>11</option>\n<option>12</option>\n<option>13</option>\n<option>14</option>\n<option>15</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">16</option>\n<option>17</option>\n<option>18</option>\n<option>19</option>\n<option>20</option>\n<option>21</option>\n<option>22</option>\n<option>23</option>\n<option>24</option>\n<option>25</option>\n<option>26</option>\n<option>27</option>\n<option>28</option>\n<option>29</option>\n<option>30</option>\n<option>31</option>\n"
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ assert_equal expected, select_day(Time.mktime(2003, 8, 16))
+ assert_equal expected, select_day(16)
+ end
+ def test_select_day_with_blank
+ expected = "<select name='date[day]'>\n"
+ expected <<
+"<option></option>\n<option>1</option>\n<option>2</option>\n<option>3</option>\n<option>4</option>\n<option>5</option>\n<option>6</option>\n<option>7</option>\n<option>8</option>\n<option>9</option>\n<option>10</option>\n<option>11</option>\n<option>12</option>\n<option>13</option>\n<option>14</option>\n<option>15</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">16</option>\n<option>17</option>\n<option>18</option>\n<option>19</option>\n<option>20</option>\n<option>21</option>\n<option>22</option>\n<option>23</option>\n<option>24</option>\n<option>25</option>\n<option>26</option>\n<option>27</option>\n<option>28</option>\n<option>29</option>\n<option>30</option>\n<option>31</option>\n"
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ assert_equal expected, select_day(Time.mktime(2003, 8, 16), :include_blank => true)
+ assert_equal expected, select_day(16, :include_blank => true)
+ end
+ def test_select_month
+ expected = "<select name='date[month]'>\n"
+ expected << "<option value='1'>January</option>\n<option value='2'>February</option>\n<option value='3'>March</option>\n<option value='4'>April</option>\n<option value='5'>May</option>\n<option value='6'>June</option>\n<option value='7'>July</option>\n<option value='8' selected=\"selected\">August</option>\n<option value='9'>September</option>\n<option value='10'>October</option>\n<option value='11'>November</option>\n<option value='12'>December</option>\n"
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ assert_equal expected, select_month(Time.mktime(2003, 8, 16))
+ assert_equal expected, select_month(8)
+ end
+ def test_select_month_with_numbers
+ expected = "<select name='date[month]'>\n"
+ expected << "<option value='1'>1</option>\n<option value='2'>2</option>\n<option value='3'>3</option>\n<option value='4'>4</option>\n<option value='5'>5</option>\n<option value='6'>6</option>\n<option value='7'>7</option>\n<option value='8' selected=\"selected\">8</option>\n<option value='9'>9</option>\n<option value='10'>10</option>\n<option value='11'>11</option>\n<option value='12'>12</option>\n"
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ assert_equal expected, select_month(Time.mktime(2003, 8, 16), :use_month_numbers => true)
+ assert_equal expected, select_month(8, :use_month_numbers => true)
+ end
+ def test_select_month_with_numbers_and_names
+ expected = "<select name='date[month]'>\n"
+ expected << "<option value='1'>1 - January</option>\n<option value='2'>2 - February</option>\n<option value='3'>3 - March</option>\n<option value='4'>4 - April</option>\n<option value='5'>5 - May</option>\n<option value='6'>6 - June</option>\n<option value='7'>7 - July</option>\n<option value='8' selected=\"selected\">8 - August</option>\n<option value='9'>9 - September</option>\n<option value='10'>10 - October</option>\n<option value='11'>11 - November</option>\n<option value='12'>12 - December</option>\n"
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ assert_equal expected, select_month(Time.mktime(2003, 8, 16), :add_month_numbers => true)
+ assert_equal expected, select_month(8, :add_month_numbers => true)
+ end
+ def test_select_year
+ expected = "<select name='date[year]'>\n"
+ expected << "<option selected=\"selected\">2003</option>\n<option>2004</option>\n<option>2005</option>\n"
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ assert_equal expected, select_year(Time.mktime(2003, 8, 16), :start_year => 2003, :end_year => 2005)
+ assert_equal expected, select_year(2003, :start_year => 2003, :end_year => 2005)
+ end
+ def test_select_year_with_type_discarding
+ expected = "<select name='date_year'>\n"
+ expected << "<option selected=\"selected\">2003</option>\n<option>2004</option>\n<option>2005</option>\n"
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ assert_equal expected, select_year(
+ Time.mktime(2003, 8, 16), :prefix => "date_year", :discard_type => true, :start_year => 2003, :end_year => 2005)
+ assert_equal expected, select_year(
+ 2003, :prefix => "date_year", :discard_type => true, :start_year => 2003, :end_year => 2005)
+ end
+ def test_select_date
+ expected = "<select name='date[first][year]'>\n"
+ expected << "<option selected=\"selected\">2003</option>\n<option>2004</option>\n<option>2005</option>\n"
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ expected << "<select name='date[first][month]'>\n"
+ expected << "<option value='1'>January</option>\n<option value='2'>February</option>\n<option value='3'>March</option>\n<option value='4'>April</option>\n<option value='5'>May</option>\n<option value='6'>June</option>\n<option value='7'>July</option>\n<option value='8' selected=\"selected\">August</option>\n<option value='9'>September</option>\n<option value='10'>October</option>\n<option value='11'>November</option>\n<option value='12'>December</option>\n"
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ expected << "<select name='date[first][day]'>\n"
+ expected <<
+"<option>1</option>\n<option>2</option>\n<option>3</option>\n<option>4</option>\n<option>5</option>\n<option>6</option>\n<option>7</option>\n<option>8</option>\n<option>9</option>\n<option>10</option>\n<option>11</option>\n<option>12</option>\n<option>13</option>\n<option>14</option>\n<option>15</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">16</option>\n<option>17</option>\n<option>18</option>\n<option>19</option>\n<option>20</option>\n<option>21</option>\n<option>22</option>\n<option>23</option>\n<option>24</option>\n<option>25</option>\n<option>26</option>\n<option>27</option>\n<option>28</option>\n<option>29</option>\n<option>30</option>\n<option>31</option>\n"
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ assert_equal expected, select_date(
+ Time.mktime(2003, 8, 16), :start_year => 2003, :end_year => 2005, :prefix => "date[first]"
+ )
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/form_helper_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/form_helper_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f3d5ebb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/form_helper_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper'
+class FormHelperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper
+ old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil
+ Post = Struct.new("Post", :title, :author_name, :body, :secret, :written_on)
+ $VERBOSE = old_verbose
+ def setup
+ @post = Post.new
+ def @post.errors() Class.new{ def on(field) field == "author_name" end }.new end
+ @post.title = "Hello World"
+ @post.author_name = ""
+ @post.body = "Back to the hill and over it again!"
+ @post.secret = 1
+ @post.written_on = Date.new(2004, 6, 15)
+ end
+ def test_text_field
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input id="post_title" name="post[title]" size="30" type="text" value="Hello World" />', text_field("post", "title")
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input id="post_title" name="post[title]" size="30" type="password" value="Hello World" />', password_field("post", "title")
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input id="person_name" name="person[name]" size="30" type="password" value="" />', password_field("person", "name")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_text_field_with_escapes
+ @post.title = "<b>Hello World</b>"
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input id="post_title" name="post[title]" size="30" type="text" value="&lt;b&gt;Hello World&lt;/b&gt;" />', text_field("post", "title")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_text_field_with_options
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input id="post_title" name="post[title]" size="35" type="text" value="Hello World" />',
+ text_field("post", "title", "size" => "35")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_text_field_assuming_size
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input id="post_title" maxlength="35" name="post[title]" size="35" type="text" value="Hello World" />',
+ text_field("post", "title", "maxlength" => 35)
+ )
+ end
+ def test_check_box
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input checked="checked" id="post_secret" name="post[secret]" type="checkbox" value="1" /><input name="post[secret]" type="hidden" value="0" />',
+ check_box("post", "secret")
+ )
+ @post.secret = 0
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input id="post_secret" name="post[secret]" type="checkbox" value="1" /><input name="post[secret]" type="hidden" value="0" />',
+ check_box("post", "secret")
+ )
+ @post.secret = true
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input checked="checked" id="post_secret" name="post[secret]" type="checkbox" value="1" /><input name="post[secret]" type="hidden" value="0" />',
+ check_box("post", "secret")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_text_area
+ assert_equal(
+ '<textarea cols="40" id="post_body" name="post[body]" rows="20" wrap="virtual">Back to the hill and over it again!</textarea>',
+ text_area("post", "body")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_text_area_with_escapes
+ @post.body = "Back to <i>the</i> hill and over it again!"
+ assert_equal(
+ '<textarea cols="40" id="post_body" name="post[body]" rows="20" wrap="virtual">Back to &lt;i&gt;the&lt;/i&gt; hill and over it again!</textarea>',
+ text_area("post", "body")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_date_selects
+ assert_equal(
+ '<textarea cols="40" id="post_body" name="post[body]" rows="20" wrap="virtual">Back to the hill and over it again!</textarea>',
+ text_area("post", "body")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_explicit_name
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input id="post_title" name="dont guess" size="30" type="text" value="Hello World" />', text_field("post", "title", "name" => "dont guess")
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ '<textarea cols="40" id="post_body" name="really!" rows="20" wrap="virtual">Back to the hill and over it again!</textarea>',
+ text_area("post", "body", "name" => "really!")
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input checked="checked" id="post_secret" name="i mean it" type="checkbox" value="1" /><input name="i mean it" type="hidden" value="0" />',
+ check_box("post", "secret", "name" => "i mean it")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_explicit_id
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input id="dont guess" name="post[title]" size="30" type="text" value="Hello World" />', text_field("post", "title", "id" => "dont guess")
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ '<textarea cols="40" id="really!" name="post[body]" rows="20" wrap="virtual">Back to the hill and over it again!</textarea>',
+ text_area("post", "body", "id" => "really!")
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ '<input checked="checked" id="i mean it" name="post[secret]" type="checkbox" value="1" /><input name="post[secret]" type="hidden" value="0" />',
+ check_box("post", "secret", "id" => "i mean it")
+ )
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/form_options_helper_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/form_options_helper_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa0a37aa36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/form_options_helper_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/action_view/helpers/form_options_helper'
+class FormOptionsHelperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper
+ old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil
+ Post = Struct.new('Post', :title, :author_name, :body, :secret, :written_on, :category, :origin)
+ Continent = Struct.new('Continent', :continent_name, :countries)
+ Country = Struct.new('Country', :country_id, :country_name)
+ $VERBOSE = old_verbose
+ def test_collection_options
+ @posts = [
+ Post.new("<Abe> went home", "<Abe>", "To a little house", "shh!"),
+ Post.new("Babe went home", "Babe", "To a little house", "shh!"),
+ Post.new("Cabe went home", "Cabe", "To a little house", "shh!")
+ ]
+ assert_equal(
+ "<option value=\"&lt;Abe&gt;\">&lt;Abe&gt; went home</option>\n<option value=\"Babe\">Babe went home</option>\n<option value=\"Cabe\">Cabe went home</option>",
+ options_from_collection_for_select(@posts, "author_name", "title")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_collection_options_with_preselected_value
+ @posts = [
+ Post.new("<Abe> went home", "<Abe>", "To a little house", "shh!"),
+ Post.new("Babe went home", "Babe", "To a little house", "shh!"),
+ Post.new("Cabe went home", "Cabe", "To a little house", "shh!")
+ ]
+ assert_equal(
+ "<option value=\"&lt;Abe&gt;\">&lt;Abe&gt; went home</option>\n<option value=\"Babe\" selected=\"selected\">Babe went home</option>\n<option value=\"Cabe\">Cabe went home</option>",
+ options_from_collection_for_select(@posts, "author_name", "title", "Babe")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_collection_options_with_preselected_value_array
+ @posts = [
+ Post.new("<Abe> went home", "<Abe>", "To a little house", "shh!"),
+ Post.new("Babe went home", "Babe", "To a little house", "shh!"),
+ Post.new("Cabe went home", "Cabe", "To a little house", "shh!")
+ ]
+ assert_equal(
+ "<option value=\"&lt;Abe&gt;\">&lt;Abe&gt; went home</option>\n<option value=\"Babe\" selected=\"selected\">Babe went home</option>\n<option value=\"Cabe\" selected=\"selected\">Cabe went home</option>",
+ options_from_collection_for_select(@posts, "author_name", "title", [ "Babe", "Cabe" ])
+ )
+ end
+ def test_array_options_for_select
+ assert_equal(
+ "<option>&lt;Denmark&gt;</option>\n<option>USA</option>\n<option>Sweden</option>",
+ options_for_select([ "<Denmark>", "USA", "Sweden" ])
+ )
+ end
+ def test_array_options_for_select_with_selection
+ assert_equal(
+ "<option>Denmark</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">&lt;USA&gt;</option>\n<option>Sweden</option>",
+ options_for_select([ "Denmark", "<USA>", "Sweden" ], "<USA>")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_array_options_for_select_with_selection_array
+ assert_equal(
+ "<option>Denmark</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">&lt;USA&gt;</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">Sweden</option>",
+ options_for_select([ "Denmark", "<USA>", "Sweden" ], [ "<USA>", "Sweden" ])
+ )
+ end
+ def test_hash_options_for_select
+ assert_equal(
+ "<option value=\"&lt;Kroner&gt;\">&lt;DKR&gt;</option>\n<option value=\"Dollar\">$</option>",
+ options_for_select({ "$" => "Dollar", "<DKR>" => "<Kroner>" })
+ )
+ end
+ def test_hash_options_for_select_with_selection
+ assert_equal(
+ "<option value=\"&lt;Kroner&gt;\">&lt;DKR&gt;</option>\n<option value=\"Dollar\" selected=\"selected\">$</option>",
+ options_for_select({ "$" => "Dollar", "<DKR>" => "<Kroner>" }, "Dollar")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_hash_options_for_select_with_selection
+ assert_equal(
+ "<option value=\"&lt;Kroner&gt;\" selected=\"selected\">&lt;DKR&gt;</option>\n<option value=\"Dollar\" selected=\"selected\">$</option>",
+ options_for_select({ "$" => "Dollar", "<DKR>" => "<Kroner>" }, [ "Dollar", "<Kroner>" ])
+ )
+ end
+ def test_html_option_groups_from_collection
+ @continents = [
+ Continent.new("<Africa>", [Country.new("<sa>", "<South Africa>"), Country.new("so", "Somalia")] ),
+ Continent.new("Europe", [Country.new("dk", "Denmark"), Country.new("ie", "Ireland")] )
+ ]
+ assert_equal(
+ "<optgroup label=\"&lt;Africa&gt;\"><option value=\"&lt;sa&gt;\">&lt;South Africa&gt;</option>\n<option value=\"so\">Somalia</option></optgroup><optgroup label=\"Europe\"><option value=\"dk\" selected=\"selected\">Denmark</option>\n<option value=\"ie\">Ireland</option></optgroup>",
+ option_groups_from_collection_for_select(@continents, "countries", "continent_name", "country_id", "country_name", "dk")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_select
+ @post = Post.new
+ @post.category = "<mus>"
+ assert_equal(
+ "<select id=\"post_category\" name=\"post[category]\"><option>abe</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">&lt;mus&gt;</option>\n<option>hest</option></select>",
+ select("post", "category", %w( abe <mus> hest))
+ )
+ end
+ def test_select_with_blank
+ @post = Post.new
+ @post.category = "<mus>"
+ assert_equal(
+ "<select id=\"post_category\" name=\"post[category]\"><option></option>\n<option>abe</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">&lt;mus&gt;</option>\n<option>hest</option></select>",
+ select("post", "category", %w( abe <mus> hest), :include_blank => true)
+ )
+ end
+ def test_collection_select
+ @posts = [
+ Post.new("<Abe> went home", "<Abe>", "To a little house", "shh!"),
+ Post.new("Babe went home", "Babe", "To a little house", "shh!"),
+ Post.new("Cabe went home", "Cabe", "To a little house", "shh!")
+ ]
+ @post = Post.new
+ @post.author_name = "Babe"
+ assert_equal(
+ "<select id=\"post_author_name\" name=\"post[author_name]\"><option value=\"&lt;Abe&gt;\">&lt;Abe&gt;</option>\n<option value=\"Babe\" selected=\"selected\">Babe</option>\n<option value=\"Cabe\">Cabe</option></select>",
+ collection_select("post", "author_name", @posts, "author_name", "author_name")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_collection_select_with_blank_and_style
+ @posts = [
+ Post.new("<Abe> went home", "<Abe>", "To a little house", "shh!"),
+ Post.new("Babe went home", "Babe", "To a little house", "shh!"),
+ Post.new("Cabe went home", "Cabe", "To a little house", "shh!")
+ ]
+ @post = Post.new
+ @post.author_name = "Babe"
+ assert_equal(
+ "<select id=\"post_author_name\" name=\"post[author_name]\" style=\"width: 200px\"><option></option>\n<option value=\"&lt;Abe&gt;\">&lt;Abe&gt;</option>\n<option value=\"Babe\" selected=\"selected\">Babe</option>\n<option value=\"Cabe\">Cabe</option></select>",
+ collection_select("post", "author_name", @posts, "author_name", "author_name", { :include_blank => true }, "style" => "width: 200px")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_country_select
+ @post = Post.new
+ @post.origin = "Denmark"
+ assert_equal(
+ "<select id=\"post_origin\" name=\"post[origin]\"><option>Albania</option>\n<option>Algeria</option>\n<option>American Samoa</option>\n<option>Andorra</option>\n<option>Angola</option>\n<option>Anguilla</option>\n<option>Antarctica</option>\n<option>Antigua And Barbuda</option>\n<option>Argentina</option>\n<option>Armenia</option>\n<option>Aruba</option>\n<option>Australia</option>\n<option>Austria</option>\n<option>Azerbaijan</option>\n<option>Bahamas</option>\n<option>Bahrain</option>\n<option>Bangladesh</option>\n<option>Barbados</option>\n<option>Belarus</option>\n<option>Belgium</option>\n<option>Belize</option>\n<option>Benin</option>\n<option>Bermuda</option>\n<option>Bhutan</option>\n<option>Bolivia</option>\n<option>Bosnia and Herzegowina</option>\n<option>Botswana</option>\n<option>Bouvet Island</option>\n<option>Brazil</option>\n<option>British Indian Ocean Territory</option>\n<option>Brunei Darussalam</option>\n<option>Bulgaria</option>\n<option>Burkina Faso</option>\n<option>Burma</option>\n<option>Burundi</option>\n<option>Cambodia</option>\n<option>Cameroon</option>\n<option>Canada</option>\n<option>Cape Verde</option>\n<option>Cayman Islands</option>\n<option>Central African Republic</option>\n<option>Chad</option>\n<option>Chile</option>\n<option>China</option>\n<option>Christmas Island</option>\n<option>Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option>\n<option>Colombia</option>\n<option>Comoros</option>\n<option>Congo</option>\n<option>Congo, the Democratic Republic of the</option>\n<option>Cook Islands</option>\n<option>Costa Rica</option>\n<option>Cote d'Ivoire</option>\n<option>Croatia</option>\n<option>Cyprus</option>\n<option>Czech Republic</option>\n<option selected=\"selected\">Denmark</option>\n<option>Djibouti</option>\n<option>Dominica</option>\n<option>Dominican Republic</option>\n<option>East Timor</option>\n<option>Ecuador</option>\n<option>Egypt</option>\n<option>El Salvador</option>\n<option>England</option>\n<option>Equatorial Guinea</option>\n<option>Eritrea</option>\n<option>Espana</option>\n<option>Estonia</option>\n<option>Ethiopia</option>\n<option>Falkland Islands</option>\n<option>Faroe Islands</option>\n<option>Fiji</option>\n<option>Finland</option>\n<option>France</option>\n<option>French Guiana</option>\n<option>French Polynesia</option>\n<option>French Southern Territories</option>\n<option>Gabon</option>\n<option>Gambia</option>\n<option>Georgia</option>\n<option>Germany</option>\n<option>Ghana</option>\n<option>Gibraltar</option>\n<option>Great Britain</option>\n<option>Greece</option>\n<option>Greenland</option>\n<option>Grenada</option>\n<option>Guadeloupe</option>\n<option>Guam</option>\n<option>Guatemala</option>\n<option>Guinea</option>\n<option>Guinea-Bissau</option>\n<option>Guyana</option>\n<option>Haiti</option>\n<option>Heard and Mc Donald Islands</option>\n<option>Honduras</option>\n<option>Hong Kong</option>\n<option>Hungary</option>\n<option>Iceland</option>\n<option>India</option>\n<option>Indonesia</option>\n<option>Ireland</option>\n<option>Israel</option>\n<option>Italy</option>\n<option>Jamaica</option>\n<option>Japan</option>\n<option>Jordan</option>\n<option>Kazakhstan</option>\n<option>Kenya</option>\n<option>Kiribati</option>\n<option>Korea, Republic of</option>\n<option>Korea (South)</option>\n<option>Kuwait</option>\n<option>Kyrgyzstan</option>\n<option>Lao People's Democratic Republic</option>\n<option>Latvia</option>\n<option>Lebanon</option>\n<option>Lesotho</option>\n<option>Liberia</option>\n<option>Liechtenstein</option>\n<option>Lithuania</option>\n<option>Luxembourg</option>\n<option>Macau</option>\n<option>Macedonia</option>\n<option>Madagascar</option>\n<option>Malawi</option>\n<option>Malaysia</option>\n<option>Maldives</option>\n<option>Mali</option>\n<option>Malta</option>\n<option>Marshall Islands</option>\n<option>Martinique</option>\n<option>Mauritania</option>\n<option>Mauritius</option>\n<option>Mayotte</option>\n<option>Mexico</option>\n<option>Micronesia, Federated States of</option>\n<option>Moldova, Republic of</option>\n<option>Monaco</option>\n<option>Mongolia</option>\n<option>Montserrat</option>\n<option>Morocco</option>\n<option>Mozambique</option>\n<option>Myanmar</option>\n<option>Namibia</option>\n<option>Nauru</option>\n<option>Nepal</option>\n<option>Netherlands</option>\n<option>Netherlands Antilles</option>\n<option>New Caledonia</option>\n<option>New Zealand</option>\n<option>Nicaragua</option>\n<option>Niger</option>\n<option>Nigeria</option>\n<option>Niue</option>\n<option>Norfolk Island</option>\n<option>Northern Ireland</option>\n<option>Northern Mariana Islands</option>\n<option>Norway</option>\n<option>Oman</option>\n<option>Pakistan</option>\n<option>Palau</option>\n<option>Panama</option>\n<option>Papua New Guinea</option>\n<option>Paraguay</option>\n<option>Peru</option>\n<option>Philippines</option>\n<option>Pitcairn</option>\n<option>Poland</option>\n<option>Portugal</option>\n<option>Puerto Rico</option>\n<option>Qatar</option>\n<option>Reunion</option>\n<option>Romania</option>\n<option>Russia</option>\n<option>Rwanda</option>\n<option>Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>\n<option>Saint Lucia</option>\n<option>Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>\n<option>Samoa (Independent)</option>\n<option>San Marino</option>\n<option>Sao Tome and Principe</option>\n<option>Saudi Arabia</option>\n<option>Scotland</option>\n<option>Senegal</option>\n<option>Seychelles</option>\n<option>Sierra Leone</option>\n<option>Singapore</option>\n<option>Slovakia</option>\n<option>Slovenia</option>\n<option>Solomon Islands</option>\n<option>Somalia</option>\n<option>South Africa</option>\n<option>South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>\n<option>South Korea</option>\n<option>Spain</option>\n<option>Sri Lanka</option>\n<option>St. Helena</option>\n<option>St. Pierre and Miquelon</option>\n<option>Suriname</option>\n<option>Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands</option>\n<option>Swaziland</option>\n<option>Sweden</option>\n<option>Switzerland</option>\n<option>Taiwan</option>\n<option>Tajikistan</option>\n<option>Tanzania</option>\n<option>Thailand</option>\n<option>Togo</option>\n<option>Tokelau</option>\n<option>Tonga</option>\n<option>Trinidad</option>\n<option>Trinidad and Tobago</option>\n<option>Tunisia</option>\n<option>Turkey</option>\n<option>Turkmenistan</option>\n<option>Turks and Caicos Islands</option>\n<option>Tuvalu</option>\n<option>Uganda</option>\n<option>Ukraine</option>\n<option>United Arab Emirates</option>\n<option>United Kingdom</option>\n<option>United States</option>\n<option>United States Minor Outlying Islands</option>\n<option>Uruguay</option>\n<option>Uzbekistan</option>\n<option>Vanuatu</option>\n<option>Vatican City State (Holy See)</option>\n<option>Venezuela</option>\n<option>Viet Nam</option>\n<option>Virgin Islands (British)</option>\n<option>Virgin Islands (U.S.)</option>\n<option>Wales</option>\n<option>Wallis and Futuna Islands</option>\n<option>Western Sahara</option>\n<option>Yemen</option>\n<option>Zambia</option>\n<option>Zimbabwe</option></select>",
+ country_select("post", "origin")
+ )
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/tag_helper_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/tag_helper_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3289af50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/tag_helper_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/action_view/helpers/tag_helper'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper'
+class TagHelperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
+ include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
+ def test_tag
+ assert_equal "<p class=\"show\" />", tag("p", "class" => "show")
+ end
+ def test_content_tag
+ assert_equal "<a href=\"create\">Create</a>", content_tag("a", "Create", "href" => "create")
+ end
+ # FIXME: Test form tag
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/text_helper_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/text_helper_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..347420a72b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/text_helper_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/action_view/helpers/text_helper'
+class TextHelperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
+ def test_truncate
+ assert_equal "Hello World!", truncate("Hello World!", 12)
+ assert_equal "Hello Worl...", truncate("Hello World!!", 12)
+ end
+ def test_strip_links
+ assert_equal "on my mind", strip_links("<a href='almost'>on my mind</a>")
+ end
+ def test_highlighter
+ assert_equal(
+ "This is a <strong class=\"highlight\">beautiful</strong> morning",
+ highlight("This is a beautiful morning", "beautiful")
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ "This is a <strong class=\"highlight\">beautiful</strong> morning, but also a <strong class=\"highlight\">beautiful</strong> day",
+ highlight("This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day", "beautiful")
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ "This is a <b>beautiful</b> morning, but also a <b>beautiful</b> day",
+ highlight("This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day", "beautiful", '<b>\1</b>')
+ )
+ end
+ def test_highlighter_with_regexp
+ assert_equal(
+ "This is a <strong class=\"highlight\">beautiful!</strong> morning",
+ highlight("This is a beautiful! morning", "beautiful!")
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ "This is a <strong class=\"highlight\">beautiful! morning</strong>",
+ highlight("This is a beautiful! morning", "beautiful! morning")
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ "This is a <strong class=\"highlight\">beautiful? morning</strong>",
+ highlight("This is a beautiful? morning", "beautiful? morning")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_excerpt
+ assert_equal("...is a beautiful morni...", excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "beautiful", 5))
+ assert_equal("This is a...", excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "this", 5))
+ assert_equal("...iful morning", excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "morning", 5))
+ assert_equal("...iful morning", excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "morning", 5))
+ assert_nil excerpt("This is a beautiful morning", "day")
+ end
+ def test_pluralization
+ assert_equal("1 count", pluralize(1, "count"))
+ assert_equal("2 counts", pluralize(2, "count"))
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/url_helper_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/url_helper_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..198b26b113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/url_helper_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/action_view/helpers/tag_helper'
+class UrlHelperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
+ include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
+ def setup
+ @controller = Class.new do
+ def url_for(options, *parameters_for_method_reference)
+ "http://www.world.com"
+ end
+ end
+ @controller = @controller.new
+ end
+ # todo: missing test cases
+ def test_link_tag_with_straight_url
+ assert_equal "<a href=\"http://www.world.com\">Hello</a>", link_to("Hello", "http://www.world.com")
+ end
+ def test_link_tag_with_javascript_confirm
+ assert_equal(
+ "<a href=\"http://www.world.com\" onclick=\"return confirm('Are you sure?');\">Hello</a>",
+ link_to("Hello", "http://www.world.com", :confirm => "Are you sure?")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_link_unless_current
+ @params = { "controller" => "weblog", "action" => "show"}
+ assert_equal "Showing", link_to_unless_current("Showing", :action => "show", :controller => "weblog")
+ assert "<a href=\"http://www.world.com\">Listing</a>", link_to_unless_current("Listing", :action => "list", :controller => "weblog")
+ end
+ def test_mail_to
+ assert_equal "<a href=\"mailto:david@loudthinking.com\">david@loudthinking.com</a>", mail_to("david@loudthinking.com")
+ assert_equal "<a href=\"mailto:david@loudthinking.com\">David Heinemeier Hansson</a>", mail_to("david@loudthinking.com", "David Heinemeier Hansson")
+ assert_equal(
+ "<a class=\"admin\" href=\"mailto:david@loudthinking.com\">David Heinemeier Hansson</a>",
+ mail_to("david@loudthinking.com", "David Heinemeier Hansson", "class" => "admin")
+ )
+ end
+ def test_link_with_nil_html_options
+ assert "<a href=\"http://www.world.com\">Hello</a>",
+ link_to("Hello", {:action => 'myaction'}, nil)
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file