path: root/actionpack/test
diff options
authorAndrew White <andyw@pixeltrix.co.uk>2012-12-19 20:54:47 +0000
committerAndrew White <andyw@pixeltrix.co.uk>2012-12-19 22:13:08 +0000
commit56fee39c392788314c44a575b3fd66e16a50c8b5 (patch)
treee12603fff0d1e7c69d021f822b4077a74b91ddc4 /actionpack/test
parentb225693a0d86f2e33c66049a69e5148e5c93b7cd (diff)
Integrate Journey into Action Dispatch
Move the Journey code underneath the ActionDispatch namespace so that we don't pollute the global namespace with names that may be used for models. Fixes rails/journey#49.
Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/test')
13 files changed, 1615 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/test/journey/gtg/builder_test.rb b/actionpack/test/journey/gtg/builder_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a633c3eea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/journey/gtg/builder_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+module ActionDispatch
+ module Journey
+ module GTG
+ class TestBuilder < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_following_states_multi
+ table = tt ['a|a']
+ assert_equal 1, table.move([0], 'a').length
+ end
+ def test_following_states_multi_regexp
+ table = tt [':a|b']
+ assert_equal 1, table.move([0], 'fooo').length
+ assert_equal 2, table.move([0], 'b').length
+ end
+ def test_multi_path
+ table = tt ['/:a/d', '/b/c']
+ [
+ [1, '/'],
+ [2, 'b'],
+ [2, '/'],
+ [1, 'c'],
+ ].inject([0]) { |state, (exp, sym)|
+ new = table.move(state, sym)
+ assert_equal exp, new.length
+ new
+ }
+ end
+ def test_match_data_ambiguous
+ table = tt %w{
+ /articles(.:format)
+ /articles/new(.:format)
+ /articles/:id/edit(.:format)
+ /articles/:id(.:format)
+ }
+ sim = NFA::Simulator.new table
+ match = sim.match '/articles/new'
+ assert_equal 2, match.memos.length
+ end
+ ##
+ # Identical Routes may have different restrictions.
+ def test_match_same_paths
+ table = tt %w{
+ /articles/new(.:format)
+ /articles/new(.:format)
+ }
+ sim = NFA::Simulator.new table
+ match = sim.match '/articles/new'
+ assert_equal 2, match.memos.length
+ end
+ private
+ def ast strings
+ parser = Journey::Parser.new
+ asts = strings.map { |string|
+ memo = Object.new
+ ast = parser.parse string
+ ast.each { |n| n.memo = memo }
+ ast
+ }
+ Nodes::Or.new asts
+ end
+ def tt strings
+ Builder.new(ast(strings)).transition_table
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/journey/gtg/transition_table_test.rb b/actionpack/test/journey/gtg/transition_table_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d81b72c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/journey/gtg/transition_table_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+require 'json'
+module ActionDispatch
+ module Journey
+ module GTG
+ class TestGeneralizedTable < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_to_json
+ table = tt %w{
+ /articles(.:format)
+ /articles/new(.:format)
+ /articles/:id/edit(.:format)
+ /articles/:id(.:format)
+ }
+ json = JSON.load table.to_json
+ assert json['regexp_states']
+ assert json['string_states']
+ assert json['accepting']
+ end
+ if system("dot -V 2>/dev/null")
+ def test_to_svg
+ table = tt %w{
+ /articles(.:format)
+ /articles/new(.:format)
+ /articles/:id/edit(.:format)
+ /articles/:id(.:format)
+ }
+ svg = table.to_svg
+ assert svg
+ refute_match(/DOCTYPE/, svg)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_simulate_gt
+ sim = simulator_for ['/foo', '/bar']
+ assert_match sim, '/foo'
+ end
+ def test_simulate_gt_regexp
+ sim = simulator_for [':foo']
+ assert_match sim, 'foo'
+ end
+ def test_simulate_gt_regexp_mix
+ sim = simulator_for ['/get', '/:method/foo']
+ assert_match sim, '/get'
+ assert_match sim, '/get/foo'
+ end
+ def test_simulate_optional
+ sim = simulator_for ['/foo(/bar)']
+ assert_match sim, '/foo'
+ assert_match sim, '/foo/bar'
+ refute_match sim, '/foo/'
+ end
+ def test_match_data
+ path_asts = asts %w{ /get /:method/foo }
+ paths = path_asts.dup
+ builder = GTG::Builder.new Nodes::Or.new path_asts
+ tt = builder.transition_table
+ sim = GTG::Simulator.new tt
+ match = sim.match '/get'
+ assert_equal [paths.first], match.memos
+ match = sim.match '/get/foo'
+ assert_equal [paths.last], match.memos
+ end
+ def test_match_data_ambiguous
+ path_asts = asts %w{
+ /articles(.:format)
+ /articles/new(.:format)
+ /articles/:id/edit(.:format)
+ /articles/:id(.:format)
+ }
+ paths = path_asts.dup
+ ast = Nodes::Or.new path_asts
+ builder = GTG::Builder.new ast
+ sim = GTG::Simulator.new builder.transition_table
+ match = sim.match '/articles/new'
+ assert_equal [paths[1], paths[3]], match.memos
+ end
+ private
+ def asts paths
+ parser = Journey::Parser.new
+ paths.map { |x|
+ ast = parser.parse x
+ ast.each { |n| n.memo = ast}
+ ast
+ }
+ end
+ def tt paths
+ x = asts paths
+ builder = GTG::Builder.new Nodes::Or.new x
+ builder.transition_table
+ end
+ def simulator_for paths
+ GTG::Simulator.new tt(paths)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/journey/nfa/simulator_test.rb b/actionpack/test/journey/nfa/simulator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f89329b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/journey/nfa/simulator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+module ActionDispatch
+ module Journey
+ module NFA
+ class TestSimulator < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_simulate_simple
+ sim = simulator_for ['/foo']
+ assert_match sim, '/foo'
+ end
+ def test_simulate_simple_no_match
+ sim = simulator_for ['/foo']
+ refute_match sim, 'foo'
+ end
+ def test_simulate_simple_no_match_too_long
+ sim = simulator_for ['/foo']
+ refute_match sim, '/foo/bar'
+ end
+ def test_simulate_simple_no_match_wrong_string
+ sim = simulator_for ['/foo']
+ refute_match sim, '/bar'
+ end
+ def test_simulate_regex
+ sim = simulator_for ['/:foo/bar']
+ assert_match sim, '/bar/bar'
+ assert_match sim, '/foo/bar'
+ end
+ def test_simulate_or
+ sim = simulator_for ['/foo', '/bar']
+ assert_match sim, '/bar'
+ assert_match sim, '/foo'
+ refute_match sim, '/baz'
+ end
+ def test_simulate_optional
+ sim = simulator_for ['/foo(/bar)']
+ assert_match sim, '/foo'
+ assert_match sim, '/foo/bar'
+ refute_match sim, '/foo/'
+ end
+ def test_matchdata_has_memos
+ paths = %w{ /foo /bar }
+ parser = Journey::Parser.new
+ asts = paths.map { |x|
+ ast = parser.parse x
+ ast.each { |n| n.memo = ast}
+ ast
+ }
+ expected = asts.first
+ builder = Builder.new Nodes::Or.new asts
+ sim = Simulator.new builder.transition_table
+ md = sim.match '/foo'
+ assert_equal [expected], md.memos
+ end
+ def test_matchdata_memos_on_merge
+ parser = Journey::Parser.new
+ routes = [
+ '/articles(.:format)',
+ '/articles/new(.:format)',
+ '/articles/:id/edit(.:format)',
+ '/articles/:id(.:format)',
+ ].map { |path|
+ ast = parser.parse path
+ ast.each { |n| n.memo = ast }
+ ast
+ }
+ asts = routes.dup
+ ast = Nodes::Or.new routes
+ nfa = Journey::NFA::Builder.new ast
+ sim = Simulator.new nfa.transition_table
+ md = sim.match '/articles'
+ assert_equal [asts.first], md.memos
+ end
+ def simulator_for paths
+ parser = Journey::Parser.new
+ asts = paths.map { |x| parser.parse x }
+ builder = Builder.new Nodes::Or.new asts
+ Simulator.new builder.transition_table
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/journey/nfa/transition_table_test.rb b/actionpack/test/journey/nfa/transition_table_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72cefe42bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/journey/nfa/transition_table_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+module ActionDispatch
+ module Journey
+ module NFA
+ class TestTransitionTable < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @parser = Journey::Parser.new
+ end
+ def test_eclosure
+ table = tt '/'
+ assert_equal [0], table.eclosure(0)
+ table = tt ':a|:b'
+ assert_equal 3, table.eclosure(0).length
+ table = tt '(:a|:b)'
+ assert_equal 5, table.eclosure(0).length
+ assert_equal 5, table.eclosure([0]).length
+ end
+ def test_following_states_one
+ table = tt '/'
+ assert_equal [1], table.following_states(0, '/')
+ assert_equal [1], table.following_states([0], '/')
+ end
+ def test_following_states_group
+ table = tt 'a|b'
+ states = table.eclosure 0
+ assert_equal 1, table.following_states(states, 'a').length
+ assert_equal 1, table.following_states(states, 'b').length
+ end
+ def test_following_states_multi
+ table = tt 'a|a'
+ states = table.eclosure 0
+ assert_equal 2, table.following_states(states, 'a').length
+ assert_equal 0, table.following_states(states, 'b').length
+ end
+ def test_following_states_regexp
+ table = tt 'a|:a'
+ states = table.eclosure 0
+ assert_equal 1, table.following_states(states, 'a').length
+ assert_equal 1, table.following_states(states, /[^\.\/\?]+/).length
+ assert_equal 0, table.following_states(states, 'b').length
+ end
+ def test_alphabet
+ table = tt 'a|:a'
+ assert_equal [/[^\.\/\?]+/, 'a'], table.alphabet
+ table = tt 'a|a'
+ assert_equal ['a'], table.alphabet
+ end
+ private
+ def tt string
+ ast = @parser.parse string
+ builder = Builder.new ast
+ builder.transition_table
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/journey/nodes/symbol_test.rb b/actionpack/test/journey/nodes/symbol_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f53840274a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/journey/nodes/symbol_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+module ActionDispatch
+ module Journey
+ module Nodes
+ class TestSymbol < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_default_regexp?
+ sym = Symbol.new nil
+ assert sym.default_regexp?
+ sym.regexp = nil
+ refute sym.default_regexp?
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/journey/path/pattern_test.rb b/actionpack/test/journey/path/pattern_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f2d0d44c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/journey/path/pattern_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+module ActionDispatch
+ module Journey
+ module Path
+ class TestPattern < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ x = /.+/
+ {
+ '/:controller(/:action)' => %r{\A/(#{x})(?:/([^/.?]+))?\Z},
+ '/:controller/foo' => %r{\A/(#{x})/foo\Z},
+ '/:controller/:action' => %r{\A/(#{x})/([^/.?]+)\Z},
+ '/:controller' => %r{\A/(#{x})\Z},
+ '/:controller(/:action(/:id))' => %r{\A/(#{x})(?:/([^/.?]+)(?:/([^/.?]+))?)?\Z},
+ '/:controller/:action.xml' => %r{\A/(#{x})/([^/.?]+)\.xml\Z},
+ '/:controller.:format' => %r{\A/(#{x})\.([^/.?]+)\Z},
+ '/:controller(.:format)' => %r{\A/(#{x})(?:\.([^/.?]+))?\Z},
+ '/:controller/*foo' => %r{\A/(#{x})/(.+)\Z},
+ '/:controller/*foo/bar' => %r{\A/(#{x})/(.+)/bar\Z},
+ }.each do |path, expected|
+ define_method(:"test_to_regexp_#{path}") do
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new(
+ path,
+ { :controller => /.+/ },
+ ["/", ".", "?"]
+ )
+ path = Pattern.new strexp
+ assert_equal(expected, path.to_regexp)
+ end
+ end
+ {
+ '/:controller(/:action)' => %r{\A/(#{x})(?:/([^/.?]+))?},
+ '/:controller/foo' => %r{\A/(#{x})/foo},
+ '/:controller/:action' => %r{\A/(#{x})/([^/.?]+)},
+ '/:controller' => %r{\A/(#{x})},
+ '/:controller(/:action(/:id))' => %r{\A/(#{x})(?:/([^/.?]+)(?:/([^/.?]+))?)?},
+ '/:controller/:action.xml' => %r{\A/(#{x})/([^/.?]+)\.xml},
+ '/:controller.:format' => %r{\A/(#{x})\.([^/.?]+)},
+ '/:controller(.:format)' => %r{\A/(#{x})(?:\.([^/.?]+))?},
+ '/:controller/*foo' => %r{\A/(#{x})/(.+)},
+ '/:controller/*foo/bar' => %r{\A/(#{x})/(.+)/bar},
+ }.each do |path, expected|
+ define_method(:"test_to_non_anchored_regexp_#{path}") do
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new(
+ path,
+ { :controller => /.+/ },
+ ["/", ".", "?"],
+ false
+ )
+ path = Pattern.new strexp
+ assert_equal(expected, path.to_regexp)
+ end
+ end
+ {
+ '/:controller(/:action)' => %w{ controller action },
+ '/:controller/foo' => %w{ controller },
+ '/:controller/:action' => %w{ controller action },
+ '/:controller' => %w{ controller },
+ '/:controller(/:action(/:id))' => %w{ controller action id },
+ '/:controller/:action.xml' => %w{ controller action },
+ '/:controller.:format' => %w{ controller format },
+ '/:controller(.:format)' => %w{ controller format },
+ '/:controller/*foo' => %w{ controller foo },
+ '/:controller/*foo/bar' => %w{ controller foo },
+ }.each do |path, expected|
+ define_method(:"test_names_#{path}") do
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new(
+ path,
+ { :controller => /.+/ },
+ ["/", ".", "?"]
+ )
+ path = Pattern.new strexp
+ assert_equal(expected, path.names)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_to_regexp_with_extended_group
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new(
+ '/page/:name',
+ { :name => /
+ (tender|love
+ #MAO
+ )/x },
+ ["/", ".", "?"]
+ )
+ path = Pattern.new strexp
+ assert_match(path, '/page/tender')
+ assert_match(path, '/page/love')
+ refute_match(path, '/page/loving')
+ end
+ def test_optional_names
+ [
+ ['/:foo(/:bar(/:baz))', %w{ bar baz }],
+ ['/:foo(/:bar)', %w{ bar }],
+ ['/:foo(/:bar)/:lol(/:baz)', %w{ bar baz }],
+ ].each do |pattern, list|
+ path = Pattern.new pattern
+ assert_equal list.sort, path.optional_names.sort
+ end
+ end
+ def test_to_regexp_match_non_optional
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new(
+ '/:name',
+ { :name => /\d+/ },
+ ["/", ".", "?"]
+ )
+ path = Pattern.new strexp
+ assert_match(path, '/123')
+ refute_match(path, '/')
+ end
+ def test_to_regexp_with_group
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new(
+ '/page/:name',
+ { :name => /(tender|love)/ },
+ ["/", ".", "?"]
+ )
+ path = Pattern.new strexp
+ assert_match(path, '/page/tender')
+ assert_match(path, '/page/love')
+ refute_match(path, '/page/loving')
+ end
+ def test_ast_sets_regular_expressions
+ requirements = { :name => /(tender|love)/, :value => /./ }
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new(
+ '/page/:name/:value',
+ requirements,
+ ["/", ".", "?"]
+ )
+ assert_equal requirements, strexp.requirements
+ path = Pattern.new strexp
+ nodes = path.ast.grep(Nodes::Symbol)
+ assert_equal 2, nodes.length
+ nodes.each do |node|
+ assert_equal requirements[node.to_sym], node.regexp
+ end
+ end
+ def test_match_data_with_group
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new(
+ '/page/:name',
+ { :name => /(tender|love)/ },
+ ["/", ".", "?"]
+ )
+ path = Pattern.new strexp
+ match = path.match '/page/tender'
+ assert_equal 'tender', match[1]
+ assert_equal 2, match.length
+ end
+ def test_match_data_with_multi_group
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new(
+ '/page/:name/:id',
+ { :name => /t(((ender|love)))()/ },
+ ["/", ".", "?"]
+ )
+ path = Pattern.new strexp
+ match = path.match '/page/tender/10'
+ assert_equal 'tender', match[1]
+ assert_equal '10', match[2]
+ assert_equal 3, match.length
+ assert_equal %w{ tender 10 }, match.captures
+ end
+ def test_star_with_custom_re
+ z = /\d+/
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new(
+ '/page/*foo',
+ { :foo => z },
+ ["/", ".", "?"]
+ )
+ path = Pattern.new strexp
+ assert_equal(%r{\A/page/(#{z})\Z}, path.to_regexp)
+ end
+ def test_insensitive_regexp_with_group
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new(
+ '/page/:name/aaron',
+ { :name => /(tender|love)/i },
+ ["/", ".", "?"]
+ )
+ path = Pattern.new strexp
+ assert_match(path, '/page/TENDER/aaron')
+ assert_match(path, '/page/loVE/aaron')
+ refute_match(path, '/page/loVE/AAron')
+ end
+ def test_to_regexp_with_strexp
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new('/:controller', { }, ["/", ".", "?"])
+ path = Pattern.new strexp
+ x = %r{\A/([^/.?]+)\Z}
+ assert_equal(x.source, path.source)
+ end
+ def test_to_regexp_defaults
+ path = Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action(/:id))'
+ expected = %r{\A/([^/.?]+)(?:/([^/.?]+)(?:/([^/.?]+))?)?\Z}
+ assert_equal expected, path.to_regexp
+ end
+ def test_failed_match
+ path = Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
+ uri = 'content'
+ refute path =~ uri
+ end
+ def test_match_controller
+ path = Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
+ uri = '/content'
+ match = path =~ uri
+ assert_equal %w{ controller action id format }, match.names
+ assert_equal 'content', match[1]
+ assert_nil match[2]
+ assert_nil match[3]
+ assert_nil match[4]
+ end
+ def test_match_controller_action
+ path = Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
+ uri = '/content/list'
+ match = path =~ uri
+ assert_equal %w{ controller action id format }, match.names
+ assert_equal 'content', match[1]
+ assert_equal 'list', match[2]
+ assert_nil match[3]
+ assert_nil match[4]
+ end
+ def test_match_controller_action_id
+ path = Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
+ uri = '/content/list/10'
+ match = path =~ uri
+ assert_equal %w{ controller action id format }, match.names
+ assert_equal 'content', match[1]
+ assert_equal 'list', match[2]
+ assert_equal '10', match[3]
+ assert_nil match[4]
+ end
+ def test_match_literal
+ path = Path::Pattern.new "/books(/:action(.:format))"
+ uri = '/books'
+ match = path =~ uri
+ assert_equal %w{ action format }, match.names
+ assert_nil match[1]
+ assert_nil match[2]
+ end
+ def test_match_literal_with_action
+ path = Path::Pattern.new "/books(/:action(.:format))"
+ uri = '/books/list'
+ match = path =~ uri
+ assert_equal %w{ action format }, match.names
+ assert_equal 'list', match[1]
+ assert_nil match[2]
+ end
+ def test_match_literal_with_action_and_format
+ path = Path::Pattern.new "/books(/:action(.:format))"
+ uri = '/books/list.rss'
+ match = path =~ uri
+ assert_equal %w{ action format }, match.names
+ assert_equal 'list', match[1]
+ assert_equal 'rss', match[2]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/journey/route/definition/parser_test.rb b/actionpack/test/journey/route/definition/parser_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..580235c6a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/journey/route/definition/parser_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+module ActionDispatch
+ module Journey
+ module Definition
+ class TestParser < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @parser = Parser.new
+ end
+ def test_slash
+ assert_equal :SLASH, @parser.parse('/').type
+ assert_round_trip '/'
+ end
+ def test_segment
+ assert_round_trip '/foo'
+ end
+ def test_segments
+ assert_round_trip '/foo/bar'
+ end
+ def test_segment_symbol
+ assert_round_trip '/foo/:id'
+ end
+ def test_symbol
+ assert_round_trip '/:foo'
+ end
+ def test_group
+ assert_round_trip '(/:foo)'
+ end
+ def test_groups
+ assert_round_trip '(/:foo)(/:bar)'
+ end
+ def test_nested_groups
+ assert_round_trip '(/:foo(/:bar))'
+ end
+ def test_dot_symbol
+ assert_round_trip('.:format')
+ end
+ def test_dot_literal
+ assert_round_trip('.xml')
+ end
+ def test_segment_dot
+ assert_round_trip('/foo.:bar')
+ end
+ def test_segment_group_dot
+ assert_round_trip('/foo(.:bar)')
+ end
+ def test_segment_group
+ assert_round_trip('/foo(/:action)')
+ end
+ def test_segment_groups
+ assert_round_trip('/foo(/:action)(/:bar)')
+ end
+ def test_segment_nested_groups
+ assert_round_trip('/foo(/:action(/:bar))')
+ end
+ def test_group_followed_by_path
+ assert_round_trip('/foo(/:action)/:bar')
+ end
+ def test_star
+ assert_round_trip('*foo')
+ assert_round_trip('/*foo')
+ assert_round_trip('/bar/*foo')
+ assert_round_trip('/bar/(*foo)')
+ end
+ def test_or
+ assert_round_trip('a|b')
+ assert_round_trip('a|b|c')
+ assert_round_trip('(a|b)|c')
+ assert_round_trip('a|(b|c)')
+ assert_round_trip('*a|(b|c)')
+ assert_round_trip('*a|:b|c')
+ end
+ def test_arbitrary
+ assert_round_trip('/bar/*foo#')
+ end
+ def test_literal_dot_paren
+ assert_round_trip "/sprockets.js(.:format)"
+ end
+ def test_groups_with_dot
+ assert_round_trip "/(:locale)(.:format)"
+ end
+ def assert_round_trip str
+ assert_equal str, @parser.parse(str).to_s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/journey/route/definition/scanner_test.rb b/actionpack/test/journey/route/definition/scanner_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..110baf9977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/journey/route/definition/scanner_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+module ActionDispatch
+ module Journey
+ module Definition
+ class TestScanner < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @scanner = Scanner.new
+ end
+ # /page/:id(/:action)(.:format)
+ def test_tokens
+ [
+ ['/', [[:SLASH, '/']]],
+ ['*omg', [[:STAR, '*omg']]],
+ ['/page', [[:SLASH, '/'], [:LITERAL, 'page']]],
+ ['/~page', [[:SLASH, '/'], [:LITERAL, '~page']]],
+ ['/pa-ge', [[:SLASH, '/'], [:LITERAL, 'pa-ge']]],
+ ['/:page', [[:SLASH, '/'], [:SYMBOL, ':page']]],
+ ['/(:page)', [
+ [:SLASH, '/'],
+ [:LPAREN, '('],
+ [:SYMBOL, ':page'],
+ [:RPAREN, ')'],
+ ]],
+ ['(/:action)', [
+ [:LPAREN, '('],
+ [:SLASH, '/'],
+ [:SYMBOL, ':action'],
+ [:RPAREN, ')'],
+ ]],
+ ['(())', [[:LPAREN, '('],
+ [:LPAREN, '('], [:RPAREN, ')'], [:RPAREN, ')']]],
+ ['(.:format)', [
+ [:LPAREN, '('],
+ [:DOT, '.'],
+ [:SYMBOL, ':format'],
+ [:RPAREN, ')'],
+ ]],
+ ].each do |str, expected|
+ @scanner.scan_setup str
+ assert_tokens expected, @scanner
+ end
+ end
+ def assert_tokens tokens, scanner
+ toks = []
+ while tok = scanner.next_token
+ toks << tok
+ end
+ assert_equal tokens, toks
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/journey/route_test.rb b/actionpack/test/journey/route_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b205db5fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/journey/route_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+module ActionDispatch
+ module Journey
+ class TestRoute < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_initialize
+ app = Object.new
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
+ defaults = Object.new
+ route = Route.new("name", app, path, {}, defaults)
+ assert_equal app, route.app
+ assert_equal path, route.path
+ assert_equal defaults, route.defaults
+ end
+ def test_route_adds_itself_as_memo
+ app = Object.new
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
+ defaults = Object.new
+ route = Route.new("name", app, path, {}, defaults)
+ route.ast.grep(Nodes::Terminal).each do |node|
+ assert_equal route, node.memo
+ end
+ end
+ def test_ip_address
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/messages/:id(.:format)'
+ route = Route.new("name", nil, path, {:ip => ''},
+ { :controller => 'foo', :action => 'bar' })
+ assert_equal '', route.ip
+ end
+ def test_default_ip
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/messages/:id(.:format)'
+ route = Route.new("name", nil, path, {},
+ { :controller => 'foo', :action => 'bar' })
+ assert_equal(//, route.ip)
+ end
+ def test_format_with_star
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/:controller/*extra'
+ route = Route.new("name", nil, path, {},
+ { :controller => 'foo', :action => 'bar' })
+ assert_equal '/foo/himom', route.format({
+ :controller => 'foo',
+ :extra => 'himom',
+ })
+ end
+ def test_connects_all_match
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
+ route = Route.new("name", nil, path, {:action => 'bar'}, { :controller => 'foo' })
+ assert_equal '/foo/bar/10', route.format({
+ :controller => 'foo',
+ :action => 'bar',
+ :id => 10
+ })
+ end
+ def test_extras_are_not_included_if_optional
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/page/:id(/:action)'
+ route = Route.new("name", nil, path, { }, { :action => 'show' })
+ assert_equal '/page/10', route.format({ :id => 10 })
+ end
+ def test_extras_are_not_included_if_optional_with_parameter
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '(/sections/:section)/pages/:id'
+ route = Route.new("name", nil, path, { }, { :action => 'show' })
+ assert_equal '/pages/10', route.format({:id => 10})
+ end
+ def test_extras_are_not_included_if_optional_parameter_is_nil
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '(/sections/:section)/pages/:id'
+ route = Route.new("name", nil, path, { }, { :action => 'show' })
+ assert_equal '/pages/10', route.format({:id => 10, :section => nil})
+ end
+ def test_score
+ path = Path::Pattern.new "/page/:id(/:action)(.:format)"
+ specific = Route.new "name", nil, path, {}, {:controller=>"pages", :action=>"show"}
+ path = Path::Pattern.new "/:controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format)"
+ generic = Route.new "name", nil, path, {}
+ knowledge = {:id=>20, :controller=>"pages", :action=>"show"}
+ routes = [specific, generic]
+ refute_equal specific.score(knowledge), generic.score(knowledge)
+ found = routes.sort_by { |r| r.score(knowledge) }.last
+ assert_equal specific, found
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/journey/router/strexp_test.rb b/actionpack/test/journey/router/strexp_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e0337f144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/journey/router/strexp_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+module ActionDispatch
+ module Journey
+ class Router
+ class TestStrexp < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_many_names
+ exp = Strexp.new(
+ "/:controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))",
+ {:controller=>/.+?/},
+ ["/", ".", "?"],
+ true)
+ assert_equal ["controller", "action", "id", "format"], exp.names
+ end
+ def test_names
+ {
+ "/bar(.:format)" => %w{ format },
+ ":format" => %w{ format },
+ ":format-" => %w{ format },
+ ":format0" => %w{ format0 },
+ ":format1,:format2" => %w{ format1 format2 },
+ }.each do |string, expected|
+ exp = Strexp.new(string, {}, ["/", ".", "?"])
+ assert_equal expected, exp.names
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/journey/router/utils_test.rb b/actionpack/test/journey/router/utils_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97a6449c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/journey/router/utils_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+module ActionDispatch
+ module Journey
+ class Router
+ class TestUtils < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_path_escape
+ assert_equal "a/b%20c+d", Utils.escape_path("a/b c+d")
+ end
+ def test_fragment_escape
+ assert_equal "a/b%20c+d?e", Utils.escape_fragment("a/b c+d?e")
+ end
+ def test_uri_unescape
+ assert_equal "a/b c+d", Utils.unescape_uri("a%2Fb%20c+d")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/journey/router_test.rb b/actionpack/test/journey/router_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b64600ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/journey/router_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+# encoding: UTF-8
+require 'abstract_unit'
+module ActionDispatch
+ module Journey
+ class TestRouter < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ attr_reader :routes
+ def setup
+ @routes = Routes.new
+ @router = Router.new(@routes, {})
+ @formatter = Formatter.new(@routes)
+ end
+ def test_request_class_reader
+ klass = Object.new
+ router = Router.new(routes, :request_class => klass)
+ assert_equal klass, router.request_class
+ end
+ class FakeRequestFeeler < Struct.new(:env, :called)
+ def new env
+ self.env = env
+ self
+ end
+ def hello
+ self.called = true
+ 'world'
+ end
+ def path_info; env['PATH_INFO']; end
+ def request_method; env['REQUEST_METHOD']; end
+ def ip; env['REMOTE_ADDR']; end
+ end
+ def test_dashes
+ router = Router.new(routes, {})
+ exp = Router::Strexp.new '/foo-bar-baz', {}, ['/.?']
+ path = Path::Pattern.new exp
+ routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {:id => nil}, {}
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/foo-bar-baz'
+ called = false
+ router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ called = true
+ end
+ assert called
+ end
+ def test_unicode
+ router = Router.new(routes, {})
+ #match the escaped version of /ほげ
+ exp = Router::Strexp.new '/%E3%81%BB%E3%81%92', {}, ['/.?']
+ path = Path::Pattern.new exp
+ routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {:id => nil}, {}
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/%E3%81%BB%E3%81%92'
+ called = false
+ router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ called = true
+ end
+ assert called
+ end
+ def test_request_class_and_requirements_success
+ klass = FakeRequestFeeler.new nil
+ router = Router.new(routes, {:request_class => klass })
+ requirements = { :hello => /world/ }
+ exp = Router::Strexp.new '/foo(/:id)', {}, ['/.?']
+ path = Path::Pattern.new exp
+ routes.add_route nil, path, requirements, {:id => nil}, {}
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/foo/10'
+ router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ assert_equal({:id => '10'}, params)
+ end
+ assert klass.called, 'hello should have been called'
+ assert_equal env.env, klass.env
+ end
+ def test_request_class_and_requirements_fail
+ klass = FakeRequestFeeler.new nil
+ router = Router.new(routes, {:request_class => klass })
+ requirements = { :hello => /mom/ }
+ exp = Router::Strexp.new '/foo(/:id)', {}, ['/.?']
+ path = Path::Pattern.new exp
+ router.routes.add_route nil, path, requirements, {:id => nil}, {}
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/foo/10'
+ router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ flunk 'route should not be found'
+ end
+ assert klass.called, 'hello should have been called'
+ assert_equal env.env, klass.env
+ end
+ class CustomPathRequest < Router::NullReq
+ def path_info
+ env['custom.path_info']
+ end
+ end
+ def test_request_class_overrides_path_info
+ router = Router.new(routes, {:request_class => CustomPathRequest })
+ exp = Router::Strexp.new '/bar', {}, ['/.?']
+ path = Path::Pattern.new exp
+ routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/foo', 'custom.path_info' => '/bar'
+ recognized = false
+ router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ recognized = true
+ end
+ assert recognized, "route should have been recognized"
+ end
+ def test_regexp_first_precedence
+ add_routes @router, [
+ Router::Strexp.new("/whois/:domain", {:domain => /\w+\.[\w\.]+/}, ['/', '.', '?']),
+ Router::Strexp.new("/whois/:id(.:format)", {}, ['/', '.', '?'])
+ ]
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/whois/example.com'
+ list = []
+ @router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ list << r
+ end
+ assert_equal 2, list.length
+ r = list.first
+ assert_equal '/whois/:domain', r.path.spec.to_s
+ end
+ def test_required_parts_verified_are_anchored
+ add_routes @router, [
+ Router::Strexp.new("/foo/:id", { :id => /\d/ }, ['/', '.', '?'], false)
+ ]
+ assert_raises(Router::RoutingError) do
+ @formatter.generate(:path_info, nil, { :id => '10' }, { })
+ end
+ end
+ def test_required_parts_are_verified_when_building
+ add_routes @router, [
+ Router::Strexp.new("/foo/:id", { :id => /\d+/ }, ['/', '.', '?'], false)
+ ]
+ path, _ = @formatter.generate(:path_info, nil, { :id => '10' }, { })
+ assert_equal '/foo/10', path
+ assert_raises(Router::RoutingError) do
+ @formatter.generate(:path_info, nil, { :id => 'aa' }, { })
+ end
+ end
+ def test_only_required_parts_are_verified
+ add_routes @router, [
+ Router::Strexp.new("/foo(/:id)", {:id => /\d/}, ['/', '.', '?'], false)
+ ]
+ path, _ = @formatter.generate(:path_info, nil, { :id => '10' }, { })
+ assert_equal '/foo/10', path
+ path, _ = @formatter.generate(:path_info, nil, { }, { })
+ assert_equal '/foo', path
+ path, _ = @formatter.generate(:path_info, nil, { :id => 'aa' }, { })
+ assert_equal '/foo/aa', path
+ end
+ def test_knows_what_parts_are_missing_from_named_route
+ route_name = "gorby_thunderhorse"
+ pattern = Router::Strexp.new("/foo/:id", { :id => /\d+/ }, ['/', '.', '?'], false)
+ path = Path::Pattern.new pattern
+ @router.routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, route_name
+ error = assert_raises(Router::RoutingError) do
+ @formatter.generate(:path_info, route_name, { }, { })
+ end
+ assert_match(/required keys: \[:id\]/, error.message)
+ end
+ def test_X_Cascade
+ add_routes @router, [ "/messages(.:format)" ]
+ resp = @router.call({ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'PATH_INFO' => '/lol' })
+ assert_equal ['Not Found'], resp.last
+ assert_equal 'pass', resp[1]['X-Cascade']
+ assert_equal 404, resp.first
+ end
+ def test_clear_trailing_slash_from_script_name_on_root_unanchored_routes
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new("/", {}, ['/', '.', '?'], false)
+ path = Path::Pattern.new strexp
+ app = lambda { |env| [200, {}, ['success!']] }
+ @router.routes.add_route(app, path, {}, {}, {})
+ env = rack_env('SCRIPT_NAME' => '', 'PATH_INFO' => '/weblog')
+ resp = @router.call(env)
+ assert_equal ['success!'], resp.last
+ assert_equal '', env['SCRIPT_NAME']
+ end
+ def test_defaults_merge_correctly
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/foo(/:id)'
+ @router.routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {:id => nil}, {}
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/foo/10'
+ @router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ assert_equal({:id => '10'}, params)
+ end
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/foo'
+ @router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ assert_equal({:id => nil}, params)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_recognize_with_unbound_regexp
+ add_routes @router, [
+ Router::Strexp.new("/foo", { }, ['/', '.', '?'], false)
+ ]
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/foo/bar'
+ @router.recognize(env) { |*_| }
+ assert_equal '/foo', env.env['SCRIPT_NAME']
+ assert_equal '/bar', env.env['PATH_INFO']
+ end
+ def test_bound_regexp_keeps_path_info
+ add_routes @router, [
+ Router::Strexp.new("/foo", { }, ['/', '.', '?'], true)
+ ]
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/foo'
+ before = env.env['SCRIPT_NAME']
+ @router.recognize(env) { |*_| }
+ assert_equal before, env.env['SCRIPT_NAME']
+ assert_equal '/foo', env.env['PATH_INFO']
+ end
+ def test_path_not_found
+ add_routes @router, [
+ "/messages(.:format)",
+ "/messages/new(.:format)",
+ "/messages/:id/edit(.:format)",
+ "/messages/:id(.:format)"
+ ]
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/messages/unknown/path'
+ yielded = false
+ @router.recognize(env) do |*whatever|
+ yielded = true
+ end
+ refute yielded
+ end
+ def test_required_part_in_recall
+ add_routes @router, [ "/messages/:a/:b" ]
+ path, _ = @formatter.generate(:path_info, nil, { :a => 'a' }, { :b => 'b' })
+ assert_equal "/messages/a/b", path
+ end
+ def test_splat_in_recall
+ add_routes @router, [ "/*path" ]
+ path, _ = @formatter.generate(:path_info, nil, { }, { :path => 'b' })
+ assert_equal "/b", path
+ end
+ def test_recall_should_be_used_when_scoring
+ add_routes @router, [
+ "/messages/:action(/:id(.:format))",
+ "/messages/:id(.:format)"
+ ]
+ path, _ = @formatter.generate(:path_info, nil, { :id => 10 }, { :action => 'index' })
+ assert_equal "/messages/index/10", path
+ end
+ def test_nil_path_parts_are_ignored
+ path = Path::Pattern.new "/:controller(/:action(.:format))"
+ @router.routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ params = { :controller => "tasks", :format => nil }
+ extras = { :action => 'lol' }
+ path, _ = @formatter.generate(:path_info, nil, params, extras)
+ assert_equal '/tasks', path
+ end
+ def test_generate_slash
+ params = [ [:controller, "tasks"],
+ [:action, "show"] ]
+ str = Router::Strexp.new("/", Hash[params], ['/', '.', '?'], true)
+ path = Path::Pattern.new str
+ @router.routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ path, _ = @formatter.generate(:path_info, nil, Hash[params], {})
+ assert_equal '/', path
+ end
+ def test_generate_calls_param_proc
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action)'
+ @router.routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ parameterized = []
+ params = [ [:controller, "tasks"],
+ [:action, "show"] ]
+ @formatter.generate(
+ :path_info,
+ nil,
+ Hash[params],
+ {},
+ lambda { |k,v| parameterized << [k,v]; v })
+ assert_equal params.map(&:to_s).sort, parameterized.map(&:to_s).sort
+ end
+ def test_generate_id
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action)'
+ @router.routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ path, params = @formatter.generate(
+ :path_info, nil, {:id=>1, :controller=>"tasks", :action=>"show"}, {})
+ assert_equal '/tasks/show', path
+ assert_equal({:id => 1}, params)
+ end
+ def test_generate_escapes
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action)'
+ @router.routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ path, _ = @formatter.generate(:path_info,
+ nil, { :controller => "tasks",
+ :action => "a/b c+d",
+ }, {})
+ assert_equal '/tasks/a/b%20c+d', path
+ end
+ def test_generate_extra_params
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action)'
+ @router.routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ path, params = @formatter.generate(:path_info,
+ nil, { :id => 1,
+ :controller => "tasks",
+ :action => "show",
+ :relative_url_root => nil
+ }, {})
+ assert_equal '/tasks/show', path
+ assert_equal({:id => 1, :relative_url_root => nil}, params)
+ end
+ def test_generate_uses_recall_if_needed
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action(/:id))'
+ @router.routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ path, params = @formatter.generate(:path_info,
+ nil,
+ {:controller =>"tasks", :id => 10},
+ {:action =>"index"})
+ assert_equal '/tasks/index/10', path
+ assert_equal({}, params)
+ end
+ def test_generate_with_name
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/:controller(/:action)'
+ @router.routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ path, params = @formatter.generate(:path_info,
+ "tasks",
+ {:controller=>"tasks"},
+ {:controller=>"tasks", :action=>"index"})
+ assert_equal '/tasks', path
+ assert_equal({}, params)
+ end
+ {
+ '/content' => { :controller => 'content' },
+ '/content/list' => { :controller => 'content', :action => 'list' },
+ '/content/show/10' => { :controller => 'content', :action => 'show', :id => "10" },
+ }.each do |request_path, expected|
+ define_method("test_recognize_#{expected.keys.map(&:to_s).join('_')}") do
+ path = Path::Pattern.new "/:controller(/:action(/:id))"
+ app = Object.new
+ route = @router.routes.add_route(app, path, {}, {}, {})
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => request_path
+ called = false
+ @router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ assert_equal route, r
+ assert_equal(expected, params)
+ called = true
+ end
+ assert called
+ end
+ end
+ {
+ :segment => ['/a%2Fb%20c+d/splat', { :segment => 'a/b c+d', :splat => 'splat' }],
+ :splat => ['/segment/a/b%20c+d', { :segment => 'segment', :splat => 'a/b c+d' }]
+ }.each do |name, (request_path, expected)|
+ define_method("test_recognize_#{name}") do
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/:segment/*splat'
+ app = Object.new
+ route = @router.routes.add_route(app, path, {}, {}, {})
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => request_path
+ called = false
+ @router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ assert_equal route, r
+ assert_equal(expected, params)
+ called = true
+ end
+ assert called
+ end
+ end
+ def test_namespaced_controller
+ strexp = Router::Strexp.new(
+ "/:controller(/:action(/:id))",
+ { :controller => /.+?/ },
+ ["/", ".", "?"]
+ )
+ path = Path::Pattern.new strexp
+ app = Object.new
+ route = @router.routes.add_route(app, path, {}, {}, {})
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/admin/users/show/10'
+ called = false
+ expected = {
+ :controller => 'admin/users',
+ :action => 'show',
+ :id => '10'
+ }
+ @router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ assert_equal route, r
+ assert_equal(expected, params)
+ called = true
+ end
+ assert called
+ end
+ def test_recognize_literal
+ path = Path::Pattern.new "/books(/:action(.:format))"
+ app = Object.new
+ route = @router.routes.add_route(app, path, {}, {:controller => 'books'})
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/books/list.rss'
+ expected = { :controller => 'books', :action => 'list', :format => 'rss' }
+ called = false
+ @router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ assert_equal route, r
+ assert_equal(expected, params)
+ called = true
+ end
+ assert called
+ end
+ def test_recognize_head_request_as_get_route
+ path = Path::Pattern.new "/books(/:action(.:format))"
+ app = Object.new
+ conditions = {
+ :request_method => 'GET'
+ }
+ @router.routes.add_route(app, path, conditions, {})
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/books/list.rss',
+ called = false
+ @router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ called = true
+ end
+ assert called
+ end
+ def test_recognize_cares_about_verbs
+ path = Path::Pattern.new "/books(/:action(.:format))"
+ app = Object.new
+ conditions = {
+ :request_method => 'GET'
+ }
+ @router.routes.add_route(app, path, conditions, {})
+ conditions = conditions.dup
+ conditions[:request_method] = 'POST'
+ post = @router.routes.add_route(app, path, conditions, {})
+ env = rails_env 'PATH_INFO' => '/books/list.rss',
+ called = false
+ @router.recognize(env) do |r, _, params|
+ assert_equal post, r
+ called = true
+ end
+ assert called
+ end
+ private
+ def add_routes router, paths
+ paths.each do |path|
+ path = Path::Pattern.new path
+ router.routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ end
+ end
+ RailsEnv = Struct.new(:env)
+ def rails_env env
+ RailsEnv.new rack_env env
+ end
+ def rack_env env
+ {
+ "rack.version" => [1, 1],
+ "rack.input" => StringIO.new,
+ "rack.errors" => StringIO.new,
+ "rack.multithread" => true,
+ "rack.multiprocess" => true,
+ "rack.run_once" => false,
+ "SERVER_NAME" => "example.org",
+ "SERVER_PORT" => "80",
+ "QUERY_STRING" => "",
+ "PATH_INFO" => "/content",
+ "rack.url_scheme" => "http",
+ "HTTPS" => "off",
+ "SCRIPT_NAME" => "",
+ }.merge env
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/journey/routes_test.rb b/actionpack/test/journey/routes_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b17bd53b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/journey/routes_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+module ActionDispatch
+ module Journey
+ class TestRoutes < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_clear
+ routes = Routes.new
+ exp = Router::Strexp.new '/foo(/:id)', {}, ['/.?']
+ path = Path::Pattern.new exp
+ requirements = { :hello => /world/ }
+ routes.add_route nil, path, requirements, {:id => nil}, {}
+ assert_equal 1, routes.length
+ routes.clear
+ assert_equal 0, routes.length
+ end
+ def test_ast
+ routes = Routes.new
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/hello'
+ routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ ast = routes.ast
+ routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ refute_equal ast, routes.ast
+ end
+ def test_simulator_changes
+ routes = Routes.new
+ path = Path::Pattern.new '/hello'
+ routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ sim = routes.simulator
+ routes.add_route nil, path, {}, {}, {}
+ refute_equal sim, routes.simulator
+ end
+ def test_first_name_wins
+ #def add_route app, path, conditions, defaults, name = nil
+ routes = Routes.new
+ one = Path::Pattern.new '/hello'
+ two = Path::Pattern.new '/aaron'
+ routes.add_route nil, one, {}, {}, 'aaron'
+ routes.add_route nil, two, {}, {}, 'aaron'
+ assert_equal '/hello', routes.named_routes['aaron'].path.spec.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ end