path: root/actionpack/test/template/ajax_test.rb
diff options
authorStephen St. Martin <kuprishuz@gmail.com>2010-01-23 12:19:29 -0500
committerStefan Penner <stefan.penner@gmail.com>2010-01-27 12:44:31 -0600
commit07299eb60d4ae625b3be2e919be4dbd737fb01be (patch)
tree412ece42d06aba53d334ec0c87ed8f22bc0dd006 /actionpack/test/template/ajax_test.rb
parent143d0764d057bfa890534a61ef065b7a1055b998 (diff)
rename ajax_test.rb to ajax_helper_test.rb for consistency
Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/test/template/ajax_test.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/ajax_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/ajax_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 86932d754f..0000000000
--- a/actionpack/test/template/ajax_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-require "abstract_unit"
-class AjaxTestCase < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- include ActionView::Helpers::AjaxHelper
- include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
- def url_for(url)
- case url
- when Hash
- "/url/hash"
- when String
- url
- else
- raise TypeError.new("Unsupported url type (#{url.class}) for this test helper")
- end
- end
- def assert_html(html, matches)
- matches.each do |match|
- assert_match(Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(match)), html)
- end
- end
- def self.assert_callbacks_work(&blk)
- define_method(:assert_callbacks_work, &blk)
- [:complete, :failure, :success, :interactive, :loaded, :loading, 404].each do |callback|
- test "#{callback} callback" do
- markup = assert_callbacks_work(callback)
- assert_html markup, %W(data-#{callback}-code="undoRequestCompleted\(request\)")
- end
- end
- end
-class LinkToRemoteTest < AjaxTestCase
- def link(options = {})
- link_to_remote("Delete this post", "/blog/destroy/3", options)
- end
- test "basic" do
- assert_html link(:update => "#posts"),
- %w(data-update-success="#posts")
- end
- test "using a url string" do
- assert_html link_to_remote("Test", "/blog/update/1"),
- %w(href="/blog/update/1")
- end
- test "using a url hash" do
- link = link_to_remote("Delete this post", {:controller => :blog}, :update => "#posts")
- assert_html link, %w(href="/url/hash" data-update-success="#posts")
- end
- test "with no update" do
- assert_html link, %w(href="/blog/destroy/3" Delete\ this\ post data-remote="true")
- end
- test "with :html options" do
- expected = %{<a href="/blog/destroy/3" data-custom="me" data-remote="true" data-update-success="#posts">Delete this post</a>}
- assert_equal expected, link(:update => "#posts", :html => {"data-custom" => "me"})
- end
- test "with a hash for :update" do
- link = link(:update => {:success => "#posts", :failure => "#error"})
- assert_match(/data-update-success="#posts"/, link)
- assert_match(/data-update-failure="#error"/, link)
- end
- test "with positional parameters" do
- link = link(:position => :top, :update => "#posts")
- assert_match(/data\-update\-position="top"/, link)
- end
- test "with an optional method" do
- link = link(:method => "delete")
- assert_match(/data-method="delete"/, link)
- end
- class LegacyLinkToRemoteTest < AjaxTestCase
- include ActionView::Helpers::AjaxHelper::Rails2Compatibility
- def link(options)
- link_to_remote("Delete this post", "/blog/destroy/3", options)
- end
- test "basic link_to_remote with :url =>" do
- expected = %{<a href="/blog/destroy/4" data-remote="true" data-update-success="#posts">Delete this post</a>}
- assert_equal expected,
- link_to_remote("Delete this post", :url => "/blog/destroy/4", :update => "#posts")
- end
- assert_callbacks_work do |callback|
- link(callback => "undoRequestCompleted(request)")
- end
- end
-class ButtonToRemoteTest < AjaxTestCase
- def button(options, html = {})
- button_to_remote("Remote outpost", options, html)
- end
- class StandardTest < ButtonToRemoteTest
- test "basic" do
- assert_html button({:url => {:action => "whatnot"}}, {:class => "fine"}),
- %w(input class="fine" type="button" value="Remote outpost" data-url="/url/hash")
- end
- end
- class LegacyButtonToRemoteTest < ButtonToRemoteTest
- include ActionView::Helpers::AjaxHelper::Rails2Compatibility
- assert_callbacks_work do |callback|
- button(callback => "undoRequestCompleted(request)")
- end
- end
-class ObserveFieldTest < AjaxTestCase
- def url_for(hash)
- "/blog/update"
- end
- def protect_against_forgery?
- false
- end
- def field(options = {})
- observe_field("title", options)
- end
- test "basic" do
- assert_html field,
- %w(data-observe="true")
- end
- test "with a :frequency option" do
- assert_html field(:frequency => 5.minutes),
- %w(data-observe="true" data-frequency="300")
- end
- test "using a url string" do
- assert_html field(:url => "/some/other/url"),
- %w(data-observe="true" data-url="/some/other/url")
- end
- test "using a url hash" do
- assert_html field(:url => {:controller => :blog, :action => :update}),
- %w(data-observe="true" data-url="/blog/update")
- end
-# def test_observe_field
-# assert_dom_equal %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nnew Form.Element.Observer('glass', 300, function(element, value) {new Ajax.Request('http://www.example.com/reorder_if_empty', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:value})})\n//]]>\n</script>),
-# observe_field("glass", :frequency => 5.minutes, :url => { :action => "reorder_if_empty" })
-# end
-# def test_observe_field_using_with_option
-# expected = %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nnew Form.Element.Observer('glass', 300, function(element, value) {new Ajax.Request('http://www.example.com/check_value', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:'id=' + encodeURIComponent(value)})})\n//]]>\n</script>)
-# assert_dom_equal expected, observe_field("glass", :frequency => 5.minutes, :url => { :action => "check_value" }, :with => 'id')
-# assert_dom_equal expected, observe_field("glass", :frequency => 5.minutes, :url => { :action => "check_value" }, :with => "'id=' + encodeURIComponent(value)")
-# end
-# def test_observe_field_using_json_in_with_option
-# expected = %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nnew Form.Element.Observer('glass', 300, function(element, value) {new Ajax.Request('http://www.example.com/check_value', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:{'id':value}})})\n//]]>\n</script>)
-# assert_dom_equal expected, observe_field("glass", :frequency => 5.minutes, :url => { :action => "check_value" }, :with => "{'id':value}")
-# end
-# def test_observe_field_using_function_for_callback
-# assert_dom_equal %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nnew Form.Element.Observer('glass', 300, function(element, value) {alert('Element changed')})\n//]]>\n</script>),
-# observe_field("glass", :frequency => 5.minutes, :function => "alert('Element changed')")
-# end