path: root/actionpack/lib
diff options
authorDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2009-01-01 18:13:14 +0100
committerDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2009-01-01 18:13:14 +0100
commitf1e20ce9a781eb73e421678fc8149eba77ddc6f6 (patch)
treec88842ff5196f2fe0bd02af6d544f9dc87647789 /actionpack/lib
parent49a055dff639164435dfb71bf18d695970eedac9 (diff)
parenta5004573d8d132fe079242fc082ab4661b0976e9 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rails/rails
Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/lib')
14 files changed, 404 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb
index 5b83494eb4..aa604395a9 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb
@@ -382,6 +382,13 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
attr_accessor :action_name
class << self
+ def call(env)
+ # HACK: For global rescue to have access to the original request and response
+ request = env["actioncontroller.rescue.request"] ||= Request.new(env)
+ response = env["actioncontroller.rescue.response"] ||= Response.new
+ process(request, response)
+ end
# Factory for the standard create, process loop where the controller is discarded after processing.
def process(request, response) #:nodoc:
new.process(request, response)
@@ -862,7 +869,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
validate_render_arguments(options, extra_options, block_given?)
if options.nil?
- options = { :template => default_template.filename, :layout => true }
+ options = { :template => default_template, :layout => true }
elsif options == :update
options = extra_options.merge({ :update => true })
elsif options.is_a?(String) || options.is_a?(Symbol)
@@ -1118,7 +1125,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Sets the etag, last_modified, or both on the response and renders a
- # "304 Not Modified" response if the request is already fresh.
+ # "304 Not Modified" response if the request is already fresh.
# Example:
@@ -1126,8 +1133,8 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# @article = Article.find(params[:id])
# fresh_when(:etag => @article, :last_modified => @article.created_at.utc)
# end
- #
- # This will render the show template if the request isn't sending a matching etag or
+ #
+ # This will render the show template if the request isn't sending a matching etag or
# If-Modified-Since header and just a "304 Not Modified" response if there's a match.
def fresh_when(options)
options.assert_valid_keys(:etag, :last_modified)
@@ -1232,7 +1239,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
def log_processing_for_request_id
request_id = "\n\nProcessing #{self.class.name}\##{action_name} "
request_id << "to #{params[:format]} " if params[:format]
@@ -1244,7 +1251,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
def log_processing_for_parameters
parameters = respond_to?(:filter_parameters) ? filter_parameters(params) : params.dup
parameters = parameters.except!(:controller, :action, :format, :_method)
logger.info " Parameters: #{parameters.inspect}" unless parameters.empty?
@@ -1343,9 +1350,12 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
Base.class_eval do
- include Flash, Filters, Layout, Benchmarking, Rescue, MimeResponds, Helpers
- include Cookies, Caching, Verification, Streaming
- include SessionManagement, HttpAuthentication::Basic::ControllerMethods
- include RecordIdentifier, RequestForgeryProtection, Translation
+ [ Flash, Filters, Layout, Benchmarking, Rescue, MimeResponds, Helpers,
+ Cookies, Caching, Verification, Streaming, SessionManagement,
+ HttpAuthentication::Basic::ControllerMethods, RecordIdentifier,
+ RequestForgeryProtection, Translation
+ ].each do |mod|
+ include mod
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/dispatcher.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/dispatcher.rb
index 4dc76e1b49..c4e7357b81 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/dispatcher.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/dispatcher.rb
@@ -60,11 +60,10 @@ module ActionController
def dispatch
run_callbacks :before_dispatch
- controller = Routing::Routes.recognize(@request)
- controller.process(@request, @response).to_a
+ Routing::Routes.call(@env)
rescue Exception => exception
if controller ||= (::ApplicationController rescue Base)
- controller.process_with_exception(@request, @response, exception).to_a
+ controller.call_with_exception(@env, exception).to_a
raise exception
@@ -83,8 +82,7 @@ module ActionController
def _call(env)
- @request = Request.new(env)
- @response = Response.new
+ @env = env
@@ -110,8 +108,7 @@ module ActionController
def checkin_connections
# Don't return connection (and peform implicit rollback) if this request is a part of integration test
- # TODO: This callback should have direct access to env
- return if @request.key?("rack.test")
+ return if @env.key?("rack.test")
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/http_authentication.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/http_authentication.rb
index 2ed810db7d..3cb5829eca 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/http_authentication.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/http_authentication.rb
@@ -55,7 +55,31 @@ module ActionController
# end
# end
- #
+ # Simple Digest example. Note the block must return the user's password so the framework
+ # can appropriately hash it to check the user's credentials. Returning nil will cause authentication to fail.
+ #
+ # class PostsController < ApplicationController
+ # Users = {"dhh" => "secret"}
+ #
+ # before_filter :authenticate, :except => [ :index ]
+ #
+ # def index
+ # render :text => "Everyone can see me!"
+ # end
+ #
+ # def edit
+ # render :text => "I'm only accessible if you know the password"
+ # end
+ #
+ # private
+ # def authenticate
+ # authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest(realm) do |user_name|
+ # Users[user_name]
+ # end
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ #
# In your integration tests, you can do something like this:
# def test_access_granted_from_xml
@@ -108,7 +132,10 @@ module ActionController
def decode_credentials(request)
- ActiveSupport::Base64.decode64(authorization(request).split.last || '')
+ # Properly decode credentials spanning a new-line
+ auth = authorization(request)
+ auth.slice!('Basic ')
+ ActiveSupport::Base64.decode64(auth || '')
def encode_credentials(user_name, password)
@@ -120,5 +147,165 @@ module ActionController
controller.__send__ :render, :text => "HTTP Basic: Access denied.\n", :status => :unauthorized
+ module Digest
+ extend self
+ module ControllerMethods
+ def authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest(realm = "Application", &password_procedure)
+ begin
+ authenticate_with_http_digest!(realm, &password_procedure)
+ rescue ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Error => e
+ msg = e.message
+ msg = "#{msg} expected '#{e.expected}' was '#{e.was}'" unless e.expected.nil?
+ raise msg if e.fatal?
+ request_http_digest_authentication(realm, msg)
+ end
+ end
+ # Authenticate using HTTP Digest, throwing ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Error on failure.
+ # This allows more detailed analysis of authentication failures
+ # to be relayed to the client.
+ def authenticate_with_http_digest!(realm = "Application", &login_procedure)
+ HttpAuthentication::Digest.authenticate(self, realm, &login_procedure)
+ end
+ # Authenticate with HTTP Digest, returns true or false
+ def authenticate_with_http_digest(realm = "Application", &login_procedure)
+ HttpAuthentication::Digest.authenticate(self, realm, &login_procedure) rescue false
+ end
+ # Render output including the HTTP Digest authentication header
+ def request_http_digest_authentication(realm = "Application", message = nil)
+ HttpAuthentication::Digest.authentication_request(self, realm, message)
+ end
+ # Add HTTP Digest authentication header to result headers
+ def http_digest_authentication_header(realm = "Application")
+ HttpAuthentication::Digest.authentication_header(self, realm)
+ end
+ end
+ # Raises error unless authentictaion succeeds, returns true otherwise
+ def authenticate(controller, realm, &password_procedure)
+ raise Error.new(false), "No authorization header found" unless authorization(controller.request)
+ validate_digest_response(controller, realm, &password_procedure)
+ true
+ end
+ def authorization(request)
+ request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ||
+ request.env['X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ||
+ request.env['X_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ||
+ end
+ # Raises error unless the request credentials response value matches the expected value.
+ def validate_digest_response(controller, realm, &password_procedure)
+ credentials = decode_credentials(controller.request)
+ # Check the nonce, opaque and realm.
+ # Ignore nc, as we have no way to validate the number of times this nonce has been used
+ validate_nonce(controller.request, credentials[:nonce])
+ raise Error.new(false, realm, credentials[:realm]), "Realm doesn't match" unless realm == credentials[:realm]
+ raise Error.new(true, opaque(controller.request), credentials[:opaque]),"Opaque doesn't match" unless opaque(controller.request) == credentials[:opaque]
+ password = password_procedure.call(credentials[:username])
+ raise Error.new(false), "No password" if password.nil?
+ expected = expected_response(controller.request.env['REQUEST_METHOD'], controller.request.url, credentials, password)
+ raise Error.new(false, expected, credentials[:response]), "Invalid response" unless expected == credentials[:response]
+ end
+ # Returns the expected response for a request of +http_method+ to +uri+ with the decoded +credentials+ and the expected +password+
+ def expected_response(http_method, uri, credentials, password)
+ ha1 = ::Digest::MD5.hexdigest([credentials[:username], credentials[:realm], password].join(':'))
+ ha2 = ::Digest::MD5.hexdigest([http_method.to_s.upcase,uri].join(':'))
+ ::Digest::MD5.hexdigest([ha1,credentials[:nonce], credentials[:nc], credentials[:cnonce],credentials[:qop],ha2].join(':'))
+ end
+ def encode_credentials(http_method, credentials, password)
+ credentials[:response] = expected_response(http_method, credentials[:uri], credentials, password)
+ "Digest " + credentials.sort_by {|x| x[0].to_s }.inject([]) {|a, v| a << "#{v[0]}='#{v[1]}'" }.join(', ')
+ end
+ def decode_credentials(request)
+ authorization(request).to_s.gsub(/^Digest\s+/,'').split(',').inject({}) do |hash, pair|
+ key, value = pair.split('=', 2)
+ hash[key.strip.to_sym] = value.to_s.gsub(/^"|"$/,'').gsub(/'/, '')
+ hash
+ end
+ end
+ def authentication_header(controller, realm)
+ controller.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = %(Digest realm="#{realm}", qop="auth", algorithm=MD5, nonce="#{nonce(controller.request)}", opaque="#{opaque(controller.request)}")
+ end
+ def authentication_request(controller, realm, message = "HTTP Digest: Access denied")
+ authentication_header(controller, realm)
+ controller.send! :render, :text => message, :status => :unauthorized
+ end
+ # Uses an MD5 digest based on time to generate a value to be used only once.
+ #
+ # A server-specified data string which should be uniquely generated each time a 401 response is made.
+ # It is recommended that this string be base64 or hexadecimal data.
+ # Specifically, since the string is passed in the header lines as a quoted string, the double-quote character is not allowed.
+ #
+ # The contents of the nonce are implementation dependent.
+ # The quality of the implementation depends on a good choice.
+ # A nonce might, for example, be constructed as the base 64 encoding of
+ #
+ # => time-stamp H(time-stamp ":" ETag ":" private-key)
+ #
+ # where time-stamp is a server-generated time or other non-repeating value,
+ # ETag is the value of the HTTP ETag header associated with the requested entity,
+ # and private-key is data known only to the server.
+ # With a nonce of this form a server would recalculate the hash portion after receiving the client authentication header and
+ # reject the request if it did not match the nonce from that header or
+ # if the time-stamp value is not recent enough. In this way the server can limit the time of the nonce's validity.
+ # The inclusion of the ETag prevents a replay request for an updated version of the resource.
+ # (Note: including the IP address of the client in the nonce would appear to offer the server the ability
+ # to limit the reuse of the nonce to the same client that originally got it.
+ # However, that would break proxy farms, where requests from a single user often go through different proxies in the farm.
+ # Also, IP address spoofing is not that hard.)
+ #
+ # An implementation might choose not to accept a previously used nonce or a previously used digest, in order to
+ # protect against a replay attack. Or, an implementation might choose to use one-time nonces or digests for
+ # POST or PUT requests and a time-stamp for GET requests. For more details on the issues involved see Section 4
+ # of this document.
+ #
+ # The nonce is opaque to the client.
+ def nonce(request, time = Time.now)
+ session_id = request.is_a?(String) ? request : request.session.session_id
+ t = time.to_i
+ hashed = [t, session_id]
+ digest = ::Digest::MD5.hexdigest(hashed.join(":"))
+ Base64.encode64("#{t}:#{digest}").gsub("\n", '')
+ end
+ def validate_nonce(request, value)
+ t = Base64.decode64(value).split(":").first.to_i
+ raise Error.new(true), "Stale Nonce" if (t - Time.now.to_i).abs > 10 * 60
+ n = nonce(request, t)
+ raise Error.new(true, value, n), "Bad Nonce" unless n == value
+ end
+ # Opaque based on digest of session_id
+ def opaque(request)
+ session_id = request.is_a?(String) ? request : request.session.session_id
+ @opaque ||= Base64.encode64(::Digest::MD5::hexdigest(session_id)).gsub("\n", '')
+ end
+ end
+ class Error < RuntimeError
+ attr_accessor :expected, :was
+ def initialize(fatal = false, expected = nil, was = nil)
+ @fatal = fatal
+ @expected = expected
+ @was = was
+ end
+ def fatal?; @fatal; end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/integration.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/integration.rb
index 71e2524e81..a8e54c2fc7 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/integration.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/integration.rb
@@ -68,6 +68,15 @@ module ActionController
# A running counter of the number of requests processed.
attr_accessor :request_count
+ # Nonce value for Digest Authentication, implicitly set on response with WWW-Authentication
+ attr_accessor :nonce
+ # Opaque value for Digest Authentication, implicitly set on response with WWW-Authentication
+ attr_accessor :opaque
+ # Opaque value for Authentication, implicitly set on response with WWW-Authentication
+ attr_accessor :realm
class MultiPartNeededException < Exception
@@ -243,6 +252,53 @@ module ActionController
alias xhr :xml_http_request
+ def request_with_noauth(http_method, uri, parameters, headers)
+ process_with_auth http_method, uri, parameters, headers
+ end
+ # Performs a request with the given http_method and parameters, including HTTP Basic authorization headers.
+ # See get() for more details on paramters and headers.
+ #
+ # You can perform GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD requests with #get_with_basic, #post_with_basic,
+ # #put_with_basic, #delete_with_basic, and #head_with_basic.
+ def request_with_basic(http_method, uri, parameters, headers, user_name, password)
+ process_with_auth http_method, uri, parameters, headers.merge(:authorization => ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials(user_name, password))
+ end
+ # Performs a request with the given http_method and parameters, including HTTP Digest authorization headers.
+ # See get() for more details on paramters and headers.
+ #
+ # You can perform GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD requests with #get_with_digest, #post_with_digest,
+ # #put_with_digest, #delete_with_digest, and #head_with_digest.
+ def request_with_digest(http_method, uri, parameters, headers, user_name, password)
+ # Realm, Nonce, and Opaque taken from previoius 401 response
+ credentials = {
+ :username => user_name,
+ :realm => @realm,
+ :nonce => @nonce,
+ :qop => "auth",
+ :nc => "00000001",
+ :cnonce => "0a4f113b",
+ :opaque => @opaque,
+ :uri => uri
+ }
+ raise "Digest request without previous 401 response" if @opaque.nil?
+ process_with_auth http_method, uri, parameters, headers.merge(:authorization => ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest.encode_credentials(http_method, credentials, password))
+ end
+ # def get_with_basic, def post_with_basic, def put_with_basic, def delete_with_basic, def head_with_basic
+ # def get_with_digest, def post_with_digest, def put_with_digest, def delete_with_digest, def head_with_digest
+ [:get, :post, :put, :delete, :head].each do |method|
+ [:noauth, :basic, :digest].each do |auth_type|
+ define_method("#{method}_with_#{auth_type}") do |uri, parameters, headers, *auth|
+ send("request_with_#{auth_type}", method, uri, parameters, headers, *auth)
+ end
+ end
+ end
# Returns the URL for the given options, according to the rules specified
# in the application's routes.
def url_for(options)
@@ -364,6 +420,32 @@ module ActionController
return status
+ # Same as process, but handles authentication returns to perform
+ # Basic or Digest authentication
+ def process_with_auth(method, path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
+ status = process(method, path, parameters, headers)
+ if status == 401
+ # Extract authentication information from response
+ auth_data = @response.headers['WWW-Authenticate']
+ if /^Basic /.match(auth_data)
+ # extract realm, to be used in subsequent request
+ @realm = auth_header.split(' ')[1]
+ elsif /^Digest/.match(auth_data)
+ creds = auth_data.to_s.gsub(/^Digest\s+/,'').split(',').inject({}) do |hash, pair|
+ key, value = pair.split('=', 2)
+ hash[key.strip.to_sym] = value.to_s.gsub(/^"|"$/,'').gsub(/'/, '')
+ hash
+ end
+ @realm = creds[:realm]
+ @nonce = creds[:nonce]
+ @opaque = creds[:opaque]
+ end
+ end
+ return status
+ end
# Encode the cookies hash in a format suitable for passing to a
# request.
def encode_cookies
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/request.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/request.rb
index 3390324162..822955d1db 100755
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/request.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/request.rb
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ EOM
def path_parameters=(parameters) #:nodoc:
- @path_parameters = parameters
+ @env["rack.routing_args"] = parameters
@symbolized_path_parameters = @parameters = nil
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ EOM
# See <tt>symbolized_path_parameters</tt> for symbolized keys.
def path_parameters
- @path_parameters ||= {}
+ @env["rack.routing_args"] ||= {}
def body
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/rescue.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/rescue.rb
index 5ef79a36ce..de35b53872 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/rescue.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/rescue.rb
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
'ActionView::TemplateError' => 'template_error'
- RESCUES_TEMPLATE_PATH = ActionView::PathSet::Path.new(
- File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates"), true)
+ RESCUES_TEMPLATE_PATH = ActionView::Template::EagerPath.new(
+ File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates"))
def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
base.cattr_accessor :rescue_responses
@@ -59,7 +59,9 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
module ClassMethods
- def process_with_exception(request, response, exception) #:nodoc:
+ def call_with_exception(env, exception) #:nodoc:
+ request = env["actioncontroller.rescue.request"]
+ response = env["actioncontroller.rescue.response"]
new.process(request, response, :rescue_action, exception)
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/route_set.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/route_set.rb
index 5975977365..044ace7de1 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/route_set.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/route_set.rb
@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ module ActionController
def formatted_#{selector}(*args) # def formatted_users_url(*args)
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( # ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(
"formatted_#{selector}() has been deprecated. " + # "formatted_users_url() has been deprecated. " +
- "please pass format to the standard" + # "please pass format to the standard" +
- "#{selector}() method instead.", caller) # "users_url() method instead.", caller)
+ "Please pass format to the standard " + # "Please pass format to the standard " +
+ "#{selector} method instead.", caller) # "users_url method instead.", caller)
#{selector}(*args) # users_url(*args)
end # end
protected :#{selector} # protected :users_url
@@ -427,6 +427,12 @@ module ActionController
+ def call(env)
+ request = Request.new(env)
+ app = Routing::Routes.recognize(request)
+ app.call(env).to_a
+ end
def recognize(request)
params = recognize_path(request.path, extract_request_environment(request))
request.path_parameters = params.with_indifferent_access
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/url_encoded_pair_parser.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/url_encoded_pair_parser.rb
index bea96c711d..9883ad0d85 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/url_encoded_pair_parser.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/url_encoded_pair_parser.rb
@@ -70,11 +70,12 @@ module ActionController
top[-1][key] = value
top << {key => value}.with_indifferent_access
- push top.last
- value = top[key]
+ push top.last
+ return top[key]
top << value
+ return value
elsif top.is_a? Hash
key = CGI.unescape(key)
@@ -84,12 +85,10 @@ module ActionController
raise ArgumentError, "Don't know what to do: top is #{top.inspect}"
- return value
def type_conflict!(klass, value)
raise TypeError, "Conflicting types for parameter containers. Expected an instance of #{klass} but found an instance of #{value.class}. This can be caused by colliding Array and Hash parameters like qs[]=value&qs[key]=value. (The parameters received were #{value.inspect}.)"
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/base.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/base.rb
index 8958e61e9d..70a0ba91a7 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/base.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/base.rb
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ module ActionView #:nodoc:
# Returns the result of a render that's dictated by the options hash. The primary options are:
- #
+ #
# * <tt>:partial</tt> - See ActionView::Partials.
# * <tt>:update</tt> - Calls update_page with the block given.
# * <tt>:file</tt> - Renders an explicit template file (this used to be the old default), add :locals to pass in those.
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/inline_template.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/inline_template.rb
index 5e00cef13f..54efa543c8 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/inline_template.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/inline_template.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module ActionView #:nodoc:
# Always recompile inline templates
- def recompile?(local_assigns)
+ def recompile?
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/paths.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/paths.rb
index b030156889..19207e7262 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/paths.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/paths.rb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module ActionView #:nodoc:
class PathSet < Array #:nodoc:
def self.type_cast(obj)
if obj.is_a?(String)
- Path.new(obj)
+ Template::EagerPath.new(obj)
@@ -32,111 +32,6 @@ module ActionView #:nodoc:
super(*objs.map { |obj| self.class.type_cast(obj) })
- class Path #:nodoc:
- attr_reader :path, :paths
- delegate :hash, :inspect, :to => :path
- def initialize(path, load = false)
- raise ArgumentError, "path already is a Path class" if path.is_a?(Path)
- @path = path.freeze
- reload! if load
- end
- def to_s
- if defined?(RAILS_ROOT)
- path.to_s.sub(/^#{Regexp.escape(File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT))}\//, '')
- else
- path.to_s
- end
- end
- def to_str
- path.to_str
- end
- def ==(path)
- to_str == path.to_str
- end
- def eql?(path)
- to_str == path.to_str
- end
- # Returns a ActionView::Template object for the given path string. The
- # input path should be relative to the view path directory,
- # +hello/index.html.erb+. This method also has a special exception to
- # match partial file names without a handler extension. So
- # +hello/index.html+ will match the first template it finds with a
- # known template extension, +hello/index.html.erb+. Template extensions
- # should not be confused with format extensions +html+, +js+, +xml+,
- # etc. A format must be supplied to match a formated file. +hello/index+
- # will never match +hello/index.html.erb+.
- #
- # This method also has two different implementations, one that is "lazy"
- # and makes file system calls every time and the other is cached,
- # "eager" which looks up the template in an in memory index. The "lazy"
- # version is designed for development where you want to automatically
- # find new templates between requests. The "eager" version is designed
- # for production mode and it is much faster but requires more time
- # upfront to build the file index.
- def [](path)
- if loaded?
- @paths[path]
- else
- Dir.glob("#{@path}/#{path}*").each do |file|
- template = create_template(file)
- if template.accessible_paths.include?(path)
- return template
- end
- end
- nil
- end
- end
- def loaded?
- @loaded ? true : false
- end
- def load
- reload! unless loaded?
- self
- end
- # Rebuild load path directory cache
- def reload!
- @paths = {}
- templates_in_path do |template|
- template.load!
- template.accessible_paths.each do |path|
- @paths[path] = template
- end
- end
- @paths.freeze
- @loaded = true
- end
- private
- def templates_in_path
- (Dir.glob("#{@path}/**/*/**") | Dir.glob("#{@path}/**")).each do |file|
- yield create_template(file) unless File.directory?(file)
- end
- end
- def create_template(file)
- Template.new(file.split("#{self}/").last, self)
- end
- end
- def load
- each { |path| path.load }
- end
- def reload!
- each { |path| path.reload! }
- end
def find_template(original_template_path, format = nil)
return original_template_path if original_template_path.respond_to?(:render)
template_path = original_template_path.sub(/^\//, '')
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/renderable.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/renderable.rb
index d8e72f1179..153e14f68b 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/renderable.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/renderable.rb
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ module ActionView
def compile(local_assigns)
render_symbol = method_name(local_assigns)
- if recompile?(render_symbol)
+ if !Base::CompiledTemplates.method_defined?(render_symbol) || recompile?
compile!(render_symbol, local_assigns)
@@ -89,11 +89,8 @@ module ActionView
- # Method to check whether template compilation is necessary.
- # The template will be compiled if the file has not been compiled yet, or
- # if local_assigns has a new key, which isn't supported by the compiled code yet.
- def recompile?(symbol)
- !Base::CompiledTemplates.method_defined?(symbol) || !loaded?
+ def recompile?
+ false
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/renderable_partial.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/renderable_partial.rb
index d92ff1b8d3..3ea836fa25 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/renderable_partial.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/renderable_partial.rb
@@ -25,12 +25,11 @@ module ActionView
def render_partial(view, object = nil, local_assigns = {}, as = nil)
- object ||= local_assigns[:object] ||
- local_assigns[variable_name]
+ object ||= local_assigns[:object] || local_assigns[variable_name]
- if view.respond_to?(:controller)
+ if object.nil? && view.respond_to?(:controller)
ivar = :"@#{variable_name}"
- object ||=
+ object =
if view.controller.instance_variable_defined?(ivar)
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/template.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/template.rb
index 5b384d0e4d..88ee07d95b 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/template.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/template.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,83 @@
module ActionView #:nodoc:
class Template
+ class Path
+ attr_reader :path, :paths
+ delegate :hash, :inspect, :to => :path
+ def initialize(path)
+ raise ArgumentError, "path already is a Path class" if path.is_a?(Path)
+ @path = path.freeze
+ end
+ def to_s
+ if defined?(RAILS_ROOT)
+ path.to_s.sub(/^#{Regexp.escape(File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT))}\//, '')
+ else
+ path.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def to_str
+ path.to_str
+ end
+ def ==(path)
+ to_str == path.to_str
+ end
+ def eql?(path)
+ to_str == path.to_str
+ end
+ # Returns a ActionView::Template object for the given path string. The
+ # input path should be relative to the view path directory,
+ # +hello/index.html.erb+. This method also has a special exception to
+ # match partial file names without a handler extension. So
+ # +hello/index.html+ will match the first template it finds with a
+ # known template extension, +hello/index.html.erb+. Template extensions
+ # should not be confused with format extensions +html+, +js+, +xml+,
+ # etc. A format must be supplied to match a formated file. +hello/index+
+ # will never match +hello/index.html.erb+.
+ def [](path)
+ templates_in_path do |template|
+ if template.accessible_paths.include?(path)
+ return template
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ private
+ def templates_in_path
+ (Dir.glob("#{@path}/**/*/**") | Dir.glob("#{@path}/**")).each do |file|
+ yield create_template(file) unless File.directory?(file)
+ end
+ end
+ def create_template(file)
+ Template.new(file.split("#{self}/").last, self)
+ end
+ end
+ class EagerPath < Path
+ def initialize(path)
+ super
+ @paths = {}
+ templates_in_path do |template|
+ template.load!
+ template.accessible_paths.each do |path|
+ @paths[path] = template
+ end
+ end
+ @paths.freeze
+ end
+ def [](path)
+ @paths[path]
+ end
+ end
extend TemplateHandlers
extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable
include Renderable
@@ -115,13 +193,12 @@ module ActionView #:nodoc:
File.mtime(filename) > mtime
- def loaded?
- @loaded
+ def recompile?
+ !@cached
def load!
- @loaded = true
- compile({})
+ @cached = true