path: root/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers
diff options
authorNick Reed <reednj77@gmail.com>2012-12-15 15:27:32 -0600
committerNick Reed <reednj77@gmail.com>2012-12-18 22:39:12 -0600
commitcf9d9450ec2a183c0007eedd62113f0ed362019c (patch)
tree9f4dd2c2a478da2f31e4b2a40e0dcd6fc17b2117 /actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers
parent88e91570128170b865cfdb3e78f1fefcf791d073 (diff)
Remove obfuscation support from mail_to helper
Removes support for :encode, :replace_at, and :replace_dot options from the mail_to helper. Support for these options has been extracted to the 'actionview-encoded_mail_to' gem.
Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb
index fa516cf91b..aeee662071 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb
@@ -415,40 +415,26 @@ module ActionView
# also used as the name of the link unless +name+ is specified. Additional
# HTML attributes for the link can be passed in +html_options+.
- # +mail_to+ has several methods for hindering email harvesters and customizing
- # the email itself by passing special keys to +html_options+.
+ # +mail_to+ has several methods for customizing the email itself by
+ # passing special keys to +html_options+.
# ==== Options
- # * <tt>:encode</tt> - This key will accept the strings "javascript" or "hex".
- # Passing "javascript" will dynamically create and encode the mailto link then
- # eval it into the DOM of the page. This method will not show the link on
- # the page if the user has JavaScript disabled. Passing "hex" will hex
- # encode the +email_address+ before outputting the mailto link.
- # * <tt>:replace_at</tt> - When the link +name+ isn't provided, the
- # +email_address+ is used for the link label. You can use this option to
- # obfuscate the +email_address+ by substituting the @ sign with the string
- # given as the value.
- # * <tt>:replace_dot</tt> - When the link +name+ isn't provided, the
- # +email_address+ is used for the link label. You can use this option to
- # obfuscate the +email_address+ by substituting the . in the email with the
- # string given as the value.
# * <tt>:subject</tt> - Preset the subject line of the email.
# * <tt>:body</tt> - Preset the body of the email.
# * <tt>:cc</tt> - Carbon Copy additional recipients on the email.
# * <tt>:bcc</tt> - Blind Carbon Copy additional recipients on the email.
+ # ==== Obfuscation
+ # Prior to Rails 4.0, +mail_to+ provided options for encoding the address
+ # in order to hinder email harvesters. To take advantage of these options,
+ # install the +actionview-encoded_mail_to+ gem.
+ #
# ==== Examples
# mail_to "me@domain.com"
# # => <a href="mailto:me@domain.com">me@domain.com</a>
- # mail_to "me@domain.com", "My email", encode: "javascript"
- # # => <script>eval(decodeURIComponent('%64%6f%63...%27%29%3b'))</script>
- #
- # mail_to "me@domain.com", "My email", encode: "hex"
- # # => <a href="mailto:%6d%65@%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e.%63%6f%6d">My email</a>
- #
- # mail_to "me@domain.com", nil, replace_at: "_at_", replace_dot: "_dot_", class: "email"
- # # => <a href="mailto:me@domain.com" class="email">me_at_domain_dot_com</a>
+ # mail_to "me@domain.com", "My email"
+ # # => <a href="mailto:me@domain.com">My email</a>
# mail_to "me@domain.com", "My email", cc: "ccaddress@domain.com",
# subject: "This is an example email"
@@ -456,43 +442,15 @@ module ActionView
def mail_to(email_address, name = nil, html_options = {})
email_address = ERB::Util.html_escape(email_address)
- html_options = html_options.stringify_keys
- encode = html_options.delete("encode").to_s
+ html_options.stringify_keys!
extras = %w{ cc bcc body subject }.map { |item|
option = html_options.delete(item) || next
extras = extras.empty? ? '' : '?' + ERB::Util.html_escape(extras.join('&'))
- email_address_obfuscated = email_address.to_str
- email_address_obfuscated.gsub!(/@/, html_options.delete("replace_at")) if html_options.key?("replace_at")
- email_address_obfuscated.gsub!(/\./, html_options.delete("replace_dot")) if html_options.key?("replace_dot")
- case encode
- when "javascript"
- string = ''
- html = content_tag("a", name || email_address_obfuscated.html_safe, html_options.merge("href" => "mailto:#{email_address}#{extras}".html_safe))
- html = escape_javascript(html.to_str)
- "document.write('#{html}');".each_byte do |c|
- string << sprintf("%%%x", c)
- end
- "<script>eval(decodeURIComponent('#{string}'))</script>".html_safe
- when "hex"
- email_address_encoded = email_address_obfuscated.unpack('C*').map {|c|
- sprintf("&#%d;", c)
- }.join
- string = 'mailto:'.unpack('C*').map { |c|
- sprintf("&#%d;", c)
- }.join + email_address.unpack('C*').map { |c|
- char = c.chr
- char =~ /\w/ ? sprintf("%%%x", c) : char
- }.join
- content_tag "a", name || email_address_encoded.html_safe, html_options.merge("href" => "#{string}#{extras}".html_safe)
- else
- content_tag "a", name || email_address_obfuscated.html_safe, html_options.merge("href" => "mailto:#{email_address}#{extras}".html_safe)
- end
+ content_tag "a", name || email_address.html_safe, html_options.merge("href" => "mailto:#{email_address}#{extras}".html_safe)
# True if the current request URI was generated by the given +options+.