path: root/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/route.rb
diff options
authorMichael Koziarski <michael@koziarski.com>2008-01-17 22:45:54 +0000
committerMichael Koziarski <michael@koziarski.com>2008-01-17 22:45:54 +0000
commit3845de022b080642e87308471376911165506133 (patch)
treea31e006ca82831f725e0a782e99ab52f911e8f6e /actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/route.rb
parent3b9bcf13f9589423947a7d9598545e3ce8c3fb44 (diff)
Restructure routing into several smaller files. References #10835 [oleganza]
git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@8652 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/route.rb')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/route.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/route.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94134a284e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/route.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+module ActionController
+ module Routing
+ class Route #:nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :segments, :requirements, :conditions, :optimise
+ def initialize
+ @segments = []
+ @requirements = {}
+ @conditions = {}
+ @optimise = true
+ end
+ # Indicates whether the routes should be optimised with the string interpolation
+ # version of the named routes methods.
+ def optimise?
+ @optimise && ActionController::Base::optimise_named_routes
+ end
+ def segment_keys
+ segments.collect do |segment|
+ segment.key if segment.respond_to? :key
+ end.compact
+ end
+ # Write and compile a +generate+ method for this Route.
+ def write_generation
+ # Build the main body of the generation
+ body = "expired = false\n#{generation_extraction}\n#{generation_structure}"
+ # If we have conditions that must be tested first, nest the body inside an if
+ body = "if #{generation_requirements}\n#{body}\nend" if generation_requirements
+ args = "options, hash, expire_on = {}"
+ # Nest the body inside of a def block, and then compile it.
+ raw_method = method_decl = "def generate_raw(#{args})\npath = begin\n#{body}\nend\n[path, hash]\nend"
+ instance_eval method_decl, "generated code (#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__})"
+ # expire_on.keys == recall.keys; in other words, the keys in the expire_on hash
+ # are the same as the keys that were recalled from the previous request. Thus,
+ # we can use the expire_on.keys to determine which keys ought to be used to build
+ # the query string. (Never use keys from the recalled request when building the
+ # query string.)
+ method_decl = "def generate(#{args})\npath, hash = generate_raw(options, hash, expire_on)\nappend_query_string(path, hash, extra_keys(options))\nend"
+ instance_eval method_decl, "generated code (#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__})"
+ method_decl = "def generate_extras(#{args})\npath, hash = generate_raw(options, hash, expire_on)\n[path, extra_keys(options)]\nend"
+ instance_eval method_decl, "generated code (#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__})"
+ raw_method
+ end
+ # Build several lines of code that extract values from the options hash. If any
+ # of the values are missing or rejected then a return will be executed.
+ def generation_extraction
+ segments.collect do |segment|
+ segment.extraction_code
+ end.compact * "\n"
+ end
+ # Produce a condition expression that will check the requirements of this route
+ # upon generation.
+ def generation_requirements
+ requirement_conditions = requirements.collect do |key, req|
+ if req.is_a? Regexp
+ value_regexp = Regexp.new "\\A#{req.source}\\Z"
+ "hash[:#{key}] && #{value_regexp.inspect} =~ options[:#{key}]"
+ else
+ "hash[:#{key}] == #{req.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ requirement_conditions * ' && ' unless requirement_conditions.empty?
+ end
+ def generation_structure
+ segments.last.string_structure segments[0..-2]
+ end
+ # Write and compile a +recognize+ method for this Route.
+ def write_recognition
+ # Create an if structure to extract the params from a match if it occurs.
+ body = "params = parameter_shell.dup\n#{recognition_extraction * "\n"}\nparams"
+ body = "if #{recognition_conditions.join(" && ")}\n#{body}\nend"
+ # Build the method declaration and compile it
+ method_decl = "def recognize(path, env={})\n#{body}\nend"
+ instance_eval method_decl, "generated code (#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__})"
+ method_decl
+ end
+ # Plugins may override this method to add other conditions, like checks on
+ # host, subdomain, and so forth. Note that changes here only affect route
+ # recognition, not generation.
+ def recognition_conditions
+ result = ["(match = #{Regexp.new(recognition_pattern).inspect}.match(path))"]
+ result << "conditions[:method] === env[:method]" if conditions[:method]
+ result
+ end
+ # Build the regular expression pattern that will match this route.
+ def recognition_pattern(wrap = true)
+ pattern = ''
+ segments.reverse_each do |segment|
+ pattern = segment.build_pattern pattern
+ end
+ wrap ? ("\\A" + pattern + "\\Z") : pattern
+ end
+ # Write the code to extract the parameters from a matched route.
+ def recognition_extraction
+ next_capture = 1
+ extraction = segments.collect do |segment|
+ x = segment.match_extraction(next_capture)
+ next_capture += Regexp.new(segment.regexp_chunk).number_of_captures
+ x
+ end
+ extraction.compact
+ end
+ # Write the real generation implementation and then resend the message.
+ def generate(options, hash, expire_on = {})
+ write_generation
+ generate options, hash, expire_on
+ end
+ def generate_extras(options, hash, expire_on = {})
+ write_generation
+ generate_extras options, hash, expire_on
+ end
+ # Generate the query string with any extra keys in the hash and append
+ # it to the given path, returning the new path.
+ def append_query_string(path, hash, query_keys=nil)
+ return nil unless path
+ query_keys ||= extra_keys(hash)
+ "#{path}#{build_query_string(hash, query_keys)}"
+ end
+ # Determine which keys in the given hash are "extra". Extra keys are
+ # those that were not used to generate a particular route. The extra
+ # keys also do not include those recalled from the prior request, nor
+ # do they include any keys that were implied in the route (like a
+ # :controller that is required, but not explicitly used in the text of
+ # the route.)
+ def extra_keys(hash, recall={})
+ (hash || {}).keys.map { |k| k.to_sym } - (recall || {}).keys - significant_keys
+ end
+ # Build a query string from the keys of the given hash. If +only_keys+
+ # is given (as an array), only the keys indicated will be used to build
+ # the query string. The query string will correctly build array parameter
+ # values.
+ def build_query_string(hash, only_keys = nil)
+ elements = []
+ (only_keys || hash.keys).each do |key|
+ if value = hash[key]
+ elements << value.to_query(key)
+ end
+ end
+ elements.empty? ? '' : "?#{elements.sort * '&'}"
+ end
+ # Write the real recognition implementation and then resend the message.
+ def recognize(path, environment={})
+ write_recognition
+ recognize path, environment
+ end
+ # A route's parameter shell contains parameter values that are not in the
+ # route's path, but should be placed in the recognized hash.
+ #
+ # For example, +{:controller => 'pages', :action => 'show'} is the shell for the route:
+ #
+ # map.connect '/page/:id', :controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :id => /\d+/
+ #
+ def parameter_shell
+ @parameter_shell ||= returning({}) do |shell|
+ requirements.each do |key, requirement|
+ shell[key] = requirement unless requirement.is_a? Regexp
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Return an array containing all the keys that are used in this route. This
+ # includes keys that appear inside the path, and keys that have requirements
+ # placed upon them.
+ def significant_keys
+ @significant_keys ||= returning [] do |sk|
+ segments.each { |segment| sk << segment.key if segment.respond_to? :key }
+ sk.concat requirements.keys
+ sk.uniq!
+ end
+ end
+ # Return a hash of key/value pairs representing the keys in the route that
+ # have defaults, or which are specified by non-regexp requirements.
+ def defaults
+ @defaults ||= returning({}) do |hash|
+ segments.each do |segment|
+ next unless segment.respond_to? :default
+ hash[segment.key] = segment.default unless segment.default.nil?
+ end
+ requirements.each do |key,req|
+ next if Regexp === req || req.nil?
+ hash[key] = req
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def matches_controller_and_action?(controller, action)
+ unless defined? @matching_prepared
+ @controller_requirement = requirement_for(:controller)
+ @action_requirement = requirement_for(:action)
+ @matching_prepared = true
+ end
+ (@controller_requirement.nil? || @controller_requirement === controller) &&
+ (@action_requirement.nil? || @action_requirement === action)
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @to_s ||= begin
+ segs = segments.inject("") { |str,s| str << s.to_s }
+ "%-6s %-40s %s" % [(conditions[:method] || :any).to_s.upcase, segs, requirements.inspect]
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ def requirement_for(key)
+ return requirements[key] if requirements.key? key
+ segments.each do |segment|
+ return segment.regexp if segment.respond_to?(:key) && segment.key == key
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file