path: root/actionpack/examples/minimal.rb
diff options
authorYehuda Katz <wycats@gmail.com>2009-08-11 16:49:27 -0700
committerYehuda Katz <wycats@gmail.com>2009-08-11 16:49:27 -0700
commit27e880729eeb058583b79ccf84a7577c434addfd (patch)
tree88125880559f1609f23ff42f8fb991879dae0259 /actionpack/examples/minimal.rb
parentccd1c5e521c020118b5bcfeb4cd5a651997b6806 (diff)
Made benchmarks submodule so it's easier to keep in sync
Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/examples/minimal.rb')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/examples b/actionpack/examples
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 4e1327f06da6df1a1981d69c04e8d6463b38a4c
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/minimal.rb b/actionpack/examples/minimal.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 62b71de2cb..0000000000
--- a/actionpack/examples/minimal.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# Pass NEW=1 to run with the new Base
-ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'production'
-ENV['NO_RELOAD'] ||= '1'
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../lib"
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../activesupport/lib"
-require 'action_controller'
-require 'action_controller/new_base' if ENV['NEW']
-require 'action_view'
-require 'benchmark'
-class Runner
- def initialize(app, output)
- @app, @output = app, output
- end
- def puts(*)
- super if @output
- end
- def call(env)
- env['n'].to_i.times { @app.call(env) }
- @app.call(env).tap { |response| report(env, response) }
- end
- def report(env, response)
- return unless ENV["DEBUG"]
- out = env['rack.errors']
- out.puts response[0], response[1].to_yaml, '---'
- response[2].each { |part| out.puts part }
- out.puts '---'
- end
- def self.puts(*)
- super if @output
- end
- def self.run(app, n, label, output = true)
- @output = output
- puts label, '=' * label.size if label
- env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/").merge('n' => n, 'rack.input' => StringIO.new(''), 'rack.errors' => $stdout)
- t = Benchmark.realtime { new(app, output).call(env) }
- puts "%d ms / %d req = %.1f usec/req" % [10**3 * t, n, 10**6 * t / n]
- puts
- end
-N = (ENV['N'] || 1000).to_i
-module ActionController::Rails2Compatibility
- instance_methods.each do |name|
- remove_method name
- end
-class BasePostController < ActionController::Base
- append_view_path "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/views"
- def overhead
- self.response_body = ''
- end
- def index
- render :text => ''
- end
- def partial
- render :partial => "/partial"
- end
- def many_partials
- render :partial => "/many_partials"
- end
- def hundred_partials
- render :partial => "/hundred_partials"
- end
- def partial_collection
- render :partial => "/collection", :collection => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
- end
- def large_collection
- render :partial => "/collection", :collection => (1...1000).to_a
- end
- def show_template
- render :template => "template"
- end
-OK = [200, {}, []]
-MetalPostController = lambda { OK }
-class HttpPostController < ActionController::Metal
- def index
- self.response_body = ''
- end
-ActionController::Base.use_accept_header = false
-unless ENV["PROFILE"]
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:overhead), 1, 'overhead', false)
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:index), 1, 'index', false)
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:show_template), 1, 'template', false)
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:partial), 1, 'partial', false)
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:many_partials), 1, 'many_partials', false)
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:partial_collection), 1, 'collection', false)
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:hundred_partials), 1, 'hundred_partials', false)
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:large_collection), 1, 'large_collection', false)
- (ENV["M"] || 1).to_i.times do
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:overhead), N, 'overhead')
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:index), N, 'index')
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:show_template), N, 'template')
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:partial), N, 'partial')
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:many_partials), N, 'many_partials')
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:partial_collection), N, 'collection')
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:hundred_partials), N, 'hundred_partials')
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(:large_collection), N, 'large_collection')
- end
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(ENV["PROFILE"].to_sym), 1, ENV["PROFILE"])
- require "ruby-prof"
- RubyProf.start
- Runner.run(BasePostController.action(ENV["PROFILE"].to_sym), N, ENV["PROFILE"])
- result = RubyProf.stop
- printer = RubyProf::CallStackPrinter.new(result)
- printer.print(File.open("output.html", "w"))
-end \ No newline at end of file