path: root/actionmailbox/app
diff options
authorGeorge Claghorn <george@basecamp.com>2018-12-26 16:18:42 -0500
committerGeorge Claghorn <george@basecamp.com>2018-12-26 16:18:42 -0500
commit6c168aaffb37c62dee6c895a22e240e5552be669 (patch)
treeb081b79a1088d9bc2bad0ee9f85fd4d7e5cc3638 /actionmailbox/app
parent11a8ba12723c919397c8ccc0b4cf2e9f50da99ed (diff)
Nest Action Mailbox classes in the API docs
Diffstat (limited to 'actionmailbox/app')
13 files changed, 450 insertions, 424 deletions
diff --git a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/base_controller.rb b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/base_controller.rb
index d4169cc9bb..cc22ea803c 100644
--- a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/base_controller.rb
+++ b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/base_controller.rb
@@ -1,36 +1,38 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-# The base class for all Active Mailbox ingress controllers.
-class ActionMailbox::BaseController < ActionController::Base
- skip_forgery_protection
+module ActionMailbox
+ # The base class for all Active Mailbox ingress controllers.
+ class BaseController < ActionController::Base
+ skip_forgery_protection
- before_action :ensure_configured
+ before_action :ensure_configured
- def self.prepare
- # Override in concrete controllers to run code on load.
- end
+ def self.prepare
+ # Override in concrete controllers to run code on load.
+ end
- private
- def ensure_configured
- unless ActionMailbox.ingress == ingress_name
- head :not_found
+ private
+ def ensure_configured
+ unless ActionMailbox.ingress == ingress_name
+ head :not_found
+ end
- end
- def ingress_name
- self.class.name.remove(/\AActionMailbox::Ingresses::/, /::InboundEmailsController\z/).underscore.to_sym
- end
+ def ingress_name
+ self.class.name.remove(/\AActionMailbox::Ingresses::/, /::InboundEmailsController\z/).underscore.to_sym
+ end
- def authenticate_by_password
- if password.present?
- http_basic_authenticate_or_request_with name: "actionmailbox", password: password, realm: "Action Mailbox"
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Missing required ingress credentials"
+ def authenticate_by_password
+ if password.present?
+ http_basic_authenticate_or_request_with name: "actionmailbox", password: password, realm: "Action Mailbox"
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Missing required ingress credentials"
+ end
- end
- def password
- Rails.application.credentials.dig(:action_mailbox, :ingress_password) || ENV["RAILS_INBOUND_EMAIL_PASSWORD"]
- end
+ def password
+ Rails.application.credentials.dig(:action_mailbox, :ingress_password) || ENV["RAILS_INBOUND_EMAIL_PASSWORD"]
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/amazon/inbound_emails_controller.rb b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/amazon/inbound_emails_controller.rb
index 2a8ec375c7..cf45ac8408 100644
--- a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/amazon/inbound_emails_controller.rb
+++ b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/amazon/inbound_emails_controller.rb
@@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Ingests inbound emails from Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES).
-# Requires the full RFC 822 message in the +content+ parameter. Authenticates requests by validating their signatures.
-# Returns:
-# - <tt>204 No Content</tt> if an inbound email is successfully recorded and enqueued for routing to the appropriate mailbox
-# - <tt>401 Unauthorized</tt> if the request's signature could not be validated
-# - <tt>404 Not Found</tt> if Action Mailbox is not configured to accept inbound emails from SES
-# - <tt>422 Unprocessable Entity</tt> if the request is missing the required +content+ parameter
-# - <tt>500 Server Error</tt> if one of the Active Record database, the Active Storage service, or
-# the Active Job backend is misconfigured or unavailable
-# == Usage
-# 1. Install the {aws-sdk-sns}[https://rubygems.org/gems/aws-sdk-sns] gem:
-# # Gemfile
-# gem "aws-sdk-sns", ">= 1.9.0", require: false
-# 2. Tell Action Mailbox to accept emails from SES:
-# # config/environments/production.rb
-# config.action_mailbox.ingress = :amazon
-# 3. {Configure SES}[https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/receiving-email-notifications.html]
-# to deliver emails to your application via POST requests to +/rails/action_mailbox/amazon/inbound_emails+.
-# If your application lived at <tt>https://example.com</tt>, you would specify the fully-qualified URL
-# <tt>https://example.com/rails/action_mailbox/amazon/inbound_emails</tt>.
-class ActionMailbox::Ingresses::Amazon::InboundEmailsController < ActionMailbox::BaseController
- before_action :authenticate
+module ActionMailbox
+ # Ingests inbound emails from Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES).
+ #
+ # Requires the full RFC 822 message in the +content+ parameter. Authenticates requests by validating their signatures.
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ #
+ # - <tt>204 No Content</tt> if an inbound email is successfully recorded and enqueued for routing to the appropriate mailbox
+ # - <tt>401 Unauthorized</tt> if the request's signature could not be validated
+ # - <tt>404 Not Found</tt> if Action Mailbox is not configured to accept inbound emails from SES
+ # - <tt>422 Unprocessable Entity</tt> if the request is missing the required +content+ parameter
+ # - <tt>500 Server Error</tt> if one of the Active Record database, the Active Storage service, or
+ # the Active Job backend is misconfigured or unavailable
+ #
+ # == Usage
+ #
+ # 1. Install the {aws-sdk-sns}[https://rubygems.org/gems/aws-sdk-sns] gem:
+ #
+ # # Gemfile
+ # gem "aws-sdk-sns", ">= 1.9.0", require: false
+ #
+ # 2. Tell Action Mailbox to accept emails from SES:
+ #
+ # # config/environments/production.rb
+ # config.action_mailbox.ingress = :amazon
+ #
+ # 3. {Configure SES}[https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/receiving-email-notifications.html]
+ # to deliver emails to your application via POST requests to +/rails/action_mailbox/amazon/inbound_emails+.
+ # If your application lived at <tt>https://example.com</tt>, you would specify the fully-qualified URL
+ # <tt>https://example.com/rails/action_mailbox/amazon/inbound_emails</tt>.
+ class Ingresses::Amazon::InboundEmailsController < BaseController
+ before_action :authenticate
- cattr_accessor :verifier
+ cattr_accessor :verifier
- def self.prepare
- self.verifier ||= begin
- require "aws-sdk-sns/message_verifier"
- Aws::SNS::MessageVerifier.new
+ def self.prepare
+ self.verifier ||= begin
+ require "aws-sdk-sns/message_verifier"
+ Aws::SNS::MessageVerifier.new
+ end
- end
- def create
- ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.create_and_extract_message_id! params.require(:content)
- end
- private
- def authenticate
- head :unauthorized unless verifier.authentic?(request.body)
+ def create
+ ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.create_and_extract_message_id! params.require(:content)
+ private
+ def authenticate
+ head :unauthorized unless verifier.authentic?(request.body)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/mailgun/inbound_emails_controller.rb b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/mailgun/inbound_emails_controller.rb
index 225bcc5565..ebe83a9ec0 100644
--- a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/mailgun/inbound_emails_controller.rb
+++ b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/mailgun/inbound_emails_controller.rb
@@ -1,101 +1,103 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Ingests inbound emails from Mailgun. Requires the following parameters:
-# - +body-mime+: The full RFC 822 message
-# - +timestamp+: The current time according to Mailgun as the number of seconds passed since the UNIX epoch
-# - +token+: A randomly-generated, 50-character string
-# - +signature+: A hexadecimal HMAC-SHA256 of the timestamp concatenated with the token, generated using the Mailgun API key
-# Authenticates requests by validating their signatures.
-# Returns:
-# - <tt>204 No Content</tt> if an inbound email is successfully recorded and enqueued for routing to the appropriate mailbox
-# - <tt>401 Unauthorized</tt> if the request's signature could not be validated, or if its timestamp is more than 2 minutes old
-# - <tt>404 Not Found</tt> if Action Mailbox is not configured to accept inbound emails from Mailgun
-# - <tt>422 Unprocessable Entity</tt> if the request is missing required parameters
-# - <tt>500 Server Error</tt> if the Mailgun API key is missing, or one of the Active Record database,
-# the Active Storage service, or the Active Job backend is misconfigured or unavailable
-# == Usage
-# 1. Give Action Mailbox your {Mailgun API key}[https://help.mailgun.com/hc/en-us/articles/203380100-Where-can-I-find-my-API-key-and-SMTP-credentials-]
-# so it can authenticate requests to the Mailgun ingress.
-# Use <tt>rails credentials:edit</tt> to add your API key to your application's encrypted credentials under
-# +action_mailbox.mailgun_api_key+, where Action Mailbox will automatically find it:
-# action_mailbox:
-# mailgun_api_key: ...
-# Alternatively, provide your API key in the +MAILGUN_INGRESS_API_KEY+ environment variable.
-# 2. Tell Action Mailbox to accept emails from Mailgun:
-# # config/environments/production.rb
-# config.action_mailbox.ingress = :mailgun
-# 3. {Configure Mailgun}[https://documentation.mailgun.com/en/latest/user_manual.html#receiving-forwarding-and-storing-messages]
-# to forward inbound emails to `/rails/action_mailbox/mailgun/inbound_emails/mime`.
-# If your application lived at <tt>https://example.com</tt>, you would specify the fully-qualified URL
-# <tt>https://example.com/rails/action_mailbox/mailgun/inbound_emails/mime</tt>.
-class ActionMailbox::Ingresses::Mailgun::InboundEmailsController < ActionMailbox::BaseController
- before_action :authenticate
+module ActionMailbox
+ # Ingests inbound emails from Mailgun. Requires the following parameters:
+ #
+ # - +body-mime+: The full RFC 822 message
+ # - +timestamp+: The current time according to Mailgun as the number of seconds passed since the UNIX epoch
+ # - +token+: A randomly-generated, 50-character string
+ # - +signature+: A hexadecimal HMAC-SHA256 of the timestamp concatenated with the token, generated using the Mailgun API key
+ #
+ # Authenticates requests by validating their signatures.
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ #
+ # - <tt>204 No Content</tt> if an inbound email is successfully recorded and enqueued for routing to the appropriate mailbox
+ # - <tt>401 Unauthorized</tt> if the request's signature could not be validated, or if its timestamp is more than 2 minutes old
+ # - <tt>404 Not Found</tt> if Action Mailbox is not configured to accept inbound emails from Mailgun
+ # - <tt>422 Unprocessable Entity</tt> if the request is missing required parameters
+ # - <tt>500 Server Error</tt> if the Mailgun API key is missing, or one of the Active Record database,
+ # the Active Storage service, or the Active Job backend is misconfigured or unavailable
+ #
+ # == Usage
+ #
+ # 1. Give Action Mailbox your {Mailgun API key}[https://help.mailgun.com/hc/en-us/articles/203380100-Where-can-I-find-my-API-key-and-SMTP-credentials-]
+ # so it can authenticate requests to the Mailgun ingress.
+ #
+ # Use <tt>rails credentials:edit</tt> to add your API key to your application's encrypted credentials under
+ # +action_mailbox.mailgun_api_key+, where Action Mailbox will automatically find it:
+ #
+ # action_mailbox:
+ # mailgun_api_key: ...
+ #
+ # Alternatively, provide your API key in the +MAILGUN_INGRESS_API_KEY+ environment variable.
+ #
+ # 2. Tell Action Mailbox to accept emails from Mailgun:
+ #
+ # # config/environments/production.rb
+ # config.action_mailbox.ingress = :mailgun
+ #
+ # 3. {Configure Mailgun}[https://documentation.mailgun.com/en/latest/user_manual.html#receiving-forwarding-and-storing-messages]
+ # to forward inbound emails to `/rails/action_mailbox/mailgun/inbound_emails/mime`.
+ #
+ # If your application lived at <tt>https://example.com</tt>, you would specify the fully-qualified URL
+ # <tt>https://example.com/rails/action_mailbox/mailgun/inbound_emails/mime</tt>.
+ class Ingresses::Mailgun::InboundEmailsController < ActionMailbox::BaseController
+ before_action :authenticate
- def create
- ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.create_and_extract_message_id! params.require("body-mime")
- end
- private
- def authenticate
- head :unauthorized unless authenticated?
+ def create
+ ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.create_and_extract_message_id! params.require("body-mime")
- def authenticated?
- if key.present?
- Authenticator.new(
- key: key,
- timestamp: params.require(:timestamp),
- token: params.require(:token),
- signature: params.require(:signature)
- ).authenticated?
- else
- raise ArgumentError, <<~MESSAGE.squish
- Missing required Mailgun API key. Set action_mailbox.mailgun_api_key in your application's
- encrypted credentials or provide the MAILGUN_INGRESS_API_KEY environment variable.
+ private
+ def authenticate
+ head :unauthorized unless authenticated?
- end
- def key
- Rails.application.credentials.dig(:action_mailbox, :mailgun_api_key) || ENV["MAILGUN_INGRESS_API_KEY"]
- end
- class Authenticator
- attr_reader :key, :timestamp, :token, :signature
- def initialize(key:, timestamp:, token:, signature:)
- @key, @timestamp, @token, @signature = key, Integer(timestamp), token, signature
+ def authenticated?
+ if key.present?
+ Authenticator.new(
+ key: key,
+ timestamp: params.require(:timestamp),
+ token: params.require(:token),
+ signature: params.require(:signature)
+ ).authenticated?
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, <<~MESSAGE.squish
+ Missing required Mailgun API key. Set action_mailbox.mailgun_api_key in your application's
+ encrypted credentials or provide the MAILGUN_INGRESS_API_KEY environment variable.
+ end
- def authenticated?
- signed? && recent?
+ def key
+ Rails.application.credentials.dig(:action_mailbox, :mailgun_api_key) || ENV["MAILGUN_INGRESS_API_KEY"]
- private
- def signed?
- ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare signature, expected_signature
- end
+ class Authenticator
+ attr_reader :key, :timestamp, :token, :signature
- # Allow for 2 minutes of drift between Mailgun time and local server time.
- def recent?
- Time.at(timestamp) >= 2.minutes.ago
+ def initialize(key:, timestamp:, token:, signature:)
+ @key, @timestamp, @token, @signature = key, Integer(timestamp), token, signature
- def expected_signature
- OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new, key, "#{timestamp}#{token}"
+ def authenticated?
+ signed? && recent?
- end
+ private
+ def signed?
+ ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare signature, expected_signature
+ end
+ # Allow for 2 minutes of drift between Mailgun time and local server time.
+ def recent?
+ Time.at(timestamp) >= 2.minutes.ago
+ end
+ def expected_signature
+ OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new, key, "#{timestamp}#{token}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/mandrill/inbound_emails_controller.rb b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/mandrill/inbound_emails_controller.rb
index 5a85e6b7f0..2a3b1619b9 100644
--- a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/mandrill/inbound_emails_controller.rb
+++ b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/mandrill/inbound_emails_controller.rb
@@ -1,80 +1,82 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Ingests inbound emails from Mandrill.
-# Requires a +mandrill_events+ parameter containing a JSON array of Mandrill inbound email event objects.
-# Each event is expected to have a +msg+ object containing a full RFC 822 message in its +raw_msg+ property.
-# Returns:
-# - <tt>204 No Content</tt> if an inbound email is successfully recorded and enqueued for routing to the appropriate mailbox
-# - <tt>401 Unauthorized</tt> if the request's signature could not be validated
-# - <tt>404 Not Found</tt> if Action Mailbox is not configured to accept inbound emails from Mandrill
-# - <tt>422 Unprocessable Entity</tt> if the request is missing required parameters
-# - <tt>500 Server Error</tt> if the Mandrill API key is missing, or one of the Active Record database,
-# the Active Storage service, or the Active Job backend is misconfigured or unavailable
-class ActionMailbox::Ingresses::Mandrill::InboundEmailsController < ActionMailbox::BaseController
- before_action :authenticate
+module ActionMailbox
+ # Ingests inbound emails from Mandrill.
+ #
+ # Requires a +mandrill_events+ parameter containing a JSON array of Mandrill inbound email event objects.
+ # Each event is expected to have a +msg+ object containing a full RFC 822 message in its +raw_msg+ property.
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ #
+ # - <tt>204 No Content</tt> if an inbound email is successfully recorded and enqueued for routing to the appropriate mailbox
+ # - <tt>401 Unauthorized</tt> if the request's signature could not be validated
+ # - <tt>404 Not Found</tt> if Action Mailbox is not configured to accept inbound emails from Mandrill
+ # - <tt>422 Unprocessable Entity</tt> if the request is missing required parameters
+ # - <tt>500 Server Error</tt> if the Mandrill API key is missing, or one of the Active Record database,
+ # the Active Storage service, or the Active Job backend is misconfigured or unavailable
+ class Ingresses::Mandrill::InboundEmailsController < ActionMailbox::BaseController
+ before_action :authenticate
- def create
- raw_emails.each { |raw_email| ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.create_and_extract_message_id! raw_email }
- head :ok
- rescue JSON::ParserError => error
- logger.error error.message
- head :unprocessable_entity
- end
- private
- def raw_emails
- events.select { |event| event["event"] == "inbound" }.collect { |event| event.dig("msg", "raw_msg") }
- end
- def events
- JSON.parse params.require(:mandrill_events)
- end
- def authenticate
- head :unauthorized unless authenticated?
+ def create
+ raw_emails.each { |raw_email| ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.create_and_extract_message_id! raw_email }
+ head :ok
+ rescue JSON::ParserError => error
+ logger.error error.message
+ head :unprocessable_entity
- def authenticated?
- if key.present?
- Authenticator.new(request, key).authenticated?
- else
- raise ArgumentError, <<~MESSAGE.squish
- Missing required Mandrill API key. Set action_mailbox.mandrill_api_key in your application's
- encrypted credentials or provide the MANDRILL_INGRESS_API_KEY environment variable.
+ private
+ def raw_emails
+ events.select { |event| event["event"] == "inbound" }.collect { |event| event.dig("msg", "raw_msg") }
- end
- def key
- Rails.application.credentials.dig(:action_mailbox, :mandrill_api_key) || ENV["MANDRILL_INGRESS_API_KEY"]
- end
+ def events
+ JSON.parse params.require(:mandrill_events)
+ end
- class Authenticator
- attr_reader :request, :key
- def initialize(request, key)
- @request, @key = request, key
+ def authenticate
+ head :unauthorized unless authenticated?
def authenticated?
- ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare given_signature, expected_signature
+ if key.present?
+ Authenticator.new(request, key).authenticated?
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, <<~MESSAGE.squish
+ Missing required Mandrill API key. Set action_mailbox.mandrill_api_key in your application's
+ encrypted credentials or provide the MANDRILL_INGRESS_API_KEY environment variable.
+ end
- private
- def given_signature
- request.headers["X-Mandrill-Signature"]
- end
+ def key
+ Rails.application.credentials.dig(:action_mailbox, :mandrill_api_key) || ENV["MANDRILL_INGRESS_API_KEY"]
+ end
- def expected_signature
- Base64.strict_encode64 OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new, key, message)
+ class Authenticator
+ attr_reader :request, :key
+ def initialize(request, key)
+ @request, @key = request, key
- def message
- request.url + request.POST.sort.flatten.join
+ def authenticated?
+ ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare given_signature, expected_signature
- end
+ private
+ def given_signature
+ request.headers["X-Mandrill-Signature"]
+ end
+ def expected_signature
+ Base64.strict_encode64 OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new, key, message)
+ end
+ def message
+ request.url + request.POST.sort.flatten.join
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/postfix/inbound_emails_controller.rb b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/postfix/inbound_emails_controller.rb
index a3b794c65b..1871893e99 100644
--- a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/postfix/inbound_emails_controller.rb
+++ b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/postfix/inbound_emails_controller.rb
@@ -1,57 +1,59 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Ingests inbound emails relayed from Postfix.
-# Authenticates requests using HTTP basic access authentication. The username is always +actionmailbox+, and the
-# password is read from the application's encrypted credentials or an environment variable. See the Usage section below.
-# Note that basic authentication is insecure over unencrypted HTTP. An attacker that intercepts cleartext requests to
-# the Postfix ingress can learn its password. You should only use the Postfix ingress over HTTPS.
-# Returns:
-# - <tt>204 No Content</tt> if an inbound email is successfully recorded and enqueued for routing to the appropriate mailbox
-# - <tt>401 Unauthorized</tt> if the request could not be authenticated
-# - <tt>404 Not Found</tt> if Action Mailbox is not configured to accept inbound emails from Postfix
-# - <tt>415 Unsupported Media Type</tt> if the request does not contain an RFC 822 message
-# - <tt>500 Server Error</tt> if the ingress password is not configured, or if one of the Active Record database,
-# the Active Storage service, or the Active Job backend is misconfigured or unavailable
-# == Usage
-# 1. Tell Action Mailbox to accept emails from Postfix:
-# # config/environments/production.rb
-# config.action_mailbox.ingress = :postfix
-# 2. Generate a strong password that Action Mailbox can use to authenticate requests to the Postfix ingress.
-# Use <tt>rails credentials:edit</tt> to add the password to your application's encrypted credentials under
-# +action_mailbox.ingress_password+, where Action Mailbox will automatically find it:
-# action_mailbox:
-# ingress_password: ...
-# Alternatively, provide the password in the +RAILS_INBOUND_EMAIL_PASSWORD+ environment variable.
-# 3. {Configure Postfix}{https://serverfault.com/questions/258469/how-to-configure-postfix-to-pipe-all-incoming-email-to-a-script}
-# to pipe inbound emails to <tt>bin/rails action_mailbox:ingress:postfix</tt>, providing the +URL+ of the Postfix
-# ingress and the +INGRESS_PASSWORD+ you previously generated.
-# If your application lived at <tt>https://example.com</tt>, the full command would look like this:
-# URL=https://example.com/rails/action_mailbox/postfix/inbound_emails INGRESS_PASSWORD=... bin/rails action_mailbox:ingress:postfix
-class ActionMailbox::Ingresses::Postfix::InboundEmailsController < ActionMailbox::BaseController
- before_action :authenticate_by_password, :require_valid_rfc822_message
+module ActionMailbox
+ # Ingests inbound emails relayed from Postfix.
+ #
+ # Authenticates requests using HTTP basic access authentication. The username is always +actionmailbox+, and the
+ # password is read from the application's encrypted credentials or an environment variable. See the Usage section below.
+ #
+ # Note that basic authentication is insecure over unencrypted HTTP. An attacker that intercepts cleartext requests to
+ # the Postfix ingress can learn its password. You should only use the Postfix ingress over HTTPS.
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ #
+ # - <tt>204 No Content</tt> if an inbound email is successfully recorded and enqueued for routing to the appropriate mailbox
+ # - <tt>401 Unauthorized</tt> if the request could not be authenticated
+ # - <tt>404 Not Found</tt> if Action Mailbox is not configured to accept inbound emails from Postfix
+ # - <tt>415 Unsupported Media Type</tt> if the request does not contain an RFC 822 message
+ # - <tt>500 Server Error</tt> if the ingress password is not configured, or if one of the Active Record database,
+ # the Active Storage service, or the Active Job backend is misconfigured or unavailable
+ #
+ # == Usage
+ #
+ # 1. Tell Action Mailbox to accept emails from Postfix:
+ #
+ # # config/environments/production.rb
+ # config.action_mailbox.ingress = :postfix
+ #
+ # 2. Generate a strong password that Action Mailbox can use to authenticate requests to the Postfix ingress.
+ #
+ # Use <tt>rails credentials:edit</tt> to add the password to your application's encrypted credentials under
+ # +action_mailbox.ingress_password+, where Action Mailbox will automatically find it:
+ #
+ # action_mailbox:
+ # ingress_password: ...
+ #
+ # Alternatively, provide the password in the +RAILS_INBOUND_EMAIL_PASSWORD+ environment variable.
+ #
+ # 3. {Configure Postfix}{https://serverfault.com/questions/258469/how-to-configure-postfix-to-pipe-all-incoming-email-to-a-script}
+ # to pipe inbound emails to <tt>bin/rails action_mailbox:ingress:postfix</tt>, providing the +URL+ of the Postfix
+ # ingress and the +INGRESS_PASSWORD+ you previously generated.
+ #
+ # If your application lived at <tt>https://example.com</tt>, the full command would look like this:
+ #
+ # URL=https://example.com/rails/action_mailbox/postfix/inbound_emails INGRESS_PASSWORD=... bin/rails action_mailbox:ingress:postfix
+ class Ingresses::Postfix::InboundEmailsController < ActionMailbox::BaseController
+ before_action :authenticate_by_password, :require_valid_rfc822_message
- def create
- ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.create_and_extract_message_id! request.body.read
- end
+ def create
+ ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.create_and_extract_message_id! request.body.read
+ end
- private
- def require_valid_rfc822_message
- unless request.content_type == "message/rfc822"
- head :unsupported_media_type
+ private
+ def require_valid_rfc822_message
+ unless request.content_type == "message/rfc822"
+ head :unsupported_media_type
+ end
- end
+ end
diff --git a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/sendgrid/inbound_emails_controller.rb b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/sendgrid/inbound_emails_controller.rb
index c48abae66c..ec4111fefa 100644
--- a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/sendgrid/inbound_emails_controller.rb
+++ b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/sendgrid/inbound_emails_controller.rb
@@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Ingests inbound emails from SendGrid. Requires an +email+ parameter containing a full RFC 822 message.
-# Authenticates requests using HTTP basic access authentication. The username is always +actionmailbox+, and the
-# password is read from the application's encrypted credentials or an environment variable. See the Usage section below.
-# Note that basic authentication is insecure over unencrypted HTTP. An attacker that intercepts cleartext requests to
-# the SendGrid ingress can learn its password. You should only use the SendGrid ingress over HTTPS.
-# Returns:
-# - <tt>204 No Content</tt> if an inbound email is successfully recorded and enqueued for routing to the appropriate mailbox
-# - <tt>401 Unauthorized</tt> if the request's signature could not be validated
-# - <tt>404 Not Found</tt> if Action Mailbox is not configured to accept inbound emails from SendGrid
-# - <tt>422 Unprocessable Entity</tt> if the request is missing the required +email+ parameter
-# - <tt>500 Server Error</tt> if the ingress password is not configured, or if one of the Active Record database,
-# the Active Storage service, or the Active Job backend is misconfigured or unavailable
-# == Usage
-# 1. Tell Action Mailbox to accept emails from SendGrid:
-# # config/environments/production.rb
-# config.action_mailbox.ingress = :sendgrid
-# 2. Generate a strong password that Action Mailbox can use to authenticate requests to the SendGrid ingress.
-# Use <tt>rails credentials:edit</tt> to add the password to your application's encrypted credentials under
-# +action_mailbox.ingress_password+, where Action Mailbox will automatically find it:
-# action_mailbox:
-# ingress_password: ...
-# Alternatively, provide the password in the +RAILS_INBOUND_EMAIL_PASSWORD+ environment variable.
-# 3. {Configure SendGrid Inbound Parse}{https://sendgrid.com/docs/for-developers/parsing-email/setting-up-the-inbound-parse-webhook/}
-# to forward inbound emails to +/rails/action_mailbox/sendgrid/inbound_emails+ with the username +actionmailbox+ and
-# the password you previously generated. If your application lived at <tt>https://example.com</tt>, you would
-# configure SendGrid with the following fully-qualified URL:
-# https://actionmailbox:PASSWORD@example.com/rails/action_mailbox/sendgrid/inbound_emails
-# *NOTE:* When configuring your SendGrid Inbound Parse webhook, be sure to check the box labeled *"Post the raw,
-# full MIME message."* Action Mailbox needs the raw MIME message to work.
-class ActionMailbox::Ingresses::Sendgrid::InboundEmailsController < ActionMailbox::BaseController
- before_action :authenticate_by_password
+module ActionMailbox
+ # Ingests inbound emails from SendGrid. Requires an +email+ parameter containing a full RFC 822 message.
+ #
+ # Authenticates requests using HTTP basic access authentication. The username is always +actionmailbox+, and the
+ # password is read from the application's encrypted credentials or an environment variable. See the Usage section below.
+ #
+ # Note that basic authentication is insecure over unencrypted HTTP. An attacker that intercepts cleartext requests to
+ # the SendGrid ingress can learn its password. You should only use the SendGrid ingress over HTTPS.
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ #
+ # - <tt>204 No Content</tt> if an inbound email is successfully recorded and enqueued for routing to the appropriate mailbox
+ # - <tt>401 Unauthorized</tt> if the request's signature could not be validated
+ # - <tt>404 Not Found</tt> if Action Mailbox is not configured to accept inbound emails from SendGrid
+ # - <tt>422 Unprocessable Entity</tt> if the request is missing the required +email+ parameter
+ # - <tt>500 Server Error</tt> if the ingress password is not configured, or if one of the Active Record database,
+ # the Active Storage service, or the Active Job backend is misconfigured or unavailable
+ #
+ # == Usage
+ #
+ # 1. Tell Action Mailbox to accept emails from SendGrid:
+ #
+ # # config/environments/production.rb
+ # config.action_mailbox.ingress = :sendgrid
+ #
+ # 2. Generate a strong password that Action Mailbox can use to authenticate requests to the SendGrid ingress.
+ #
+ # Use <tt>rails credentials:edit</tt> to add the password to your application's encrypted credentials under
+ # +action_mailbox.ingress_password+, where Action Mailbox will automatically find it:
+ #
+ # action_mailbox:
+ # ingress_password: ...
+ #
+ # Alternatively, provide the password in the +RAILS_INBOUND_EMAIL_PASSWORD+ environment variable.
+ #
+ # 3. {Configure SendGrid Inbound Parse}{https://sendgrid.com/docs/for-developers/parsing-email/setting-up-the-inbound-parse-webhook/}
+ # to forward inbound emails to +/rails/action_mailbox/sendgrid/inbound_emails+ with the username +actionmailbox+ and
+ # the password you previously generated. If your application lived at <tt>https://example.com</tt>, you would
+ # configure SendGrid with the following fully-qualified URL:
+ #
+ # https://actionmailbox:PASSWORD@example.com/rails/action_mailbox/sendgrid/inbound_emails
+ #
+ # *NOTE:* When configuring your SendGrid Inbound Parse webhook, be sure to check the box labeled *"Post the raw,
+ # full MIME message."* Action Mailbox needs the raw MIME message to work.
+ class Ingresses::Sendgrid::InboundEmailsController < ActionMailbox::BaseController
+ before_action :authenticate_by_password
- def create
- ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.create_and_extract_message_id! params.require(:email)
+ def create
+ ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.create_and_extract_message_id! params.require(:email)
+ end
diff --git a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/rails/conductor/action_mailbox/inbound_emails_controller.rb b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/rails/conductor/action_mailbox/inbound_emails_controller.rb
index 7f7b0e004e..30d6afe0c0 100644
--- a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/rails/conductor/action_mailbox/inbound_emails_controller.rb
+++ b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/rails/conductor/action_mailbox/inbound_emails_controller.rb
@@ -1,29 +1,31 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-class Rails::Conductor::ActionMailbox::InboundEmailsController < Rails::Conductor::BaseController
- def index
- @inbound_emails = ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.order(created_at: :desc)
- end
- def new
- end
- def show
- @inbound_email = ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.find(params[:id])
- end
+module Rails
+ class Conductor::ActionMailbox::InboundEmailsController < Rails::Conductor::BaseController
+ def index
+ @inbound_emails = ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.order(created_at: :desc)
+ end
- def create
- inbound_email = create_inbound_email(new_mail)
- redirect_to main_app.rails_conductor_inbound_email_url(inbound_email)
- end
+ def new
+ end
- private
- def new_mail
- Mail.new params.require(:mail).permit(:from, :to, :cc, :bcc, :in_reply_to, :subject, :body).to_h
+ def show
+ @inbound_email = ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.find(params[:id])
- def create_inbound_email(mail)
- ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.create! raw_email: \
- { io: StringIO.new(mail.to_s), filename: "inbound.eml", content_type: "message/rfc822" }
+ def create
+ inbound_email = create_inbound_email(new_mail)
+ redirect_to main_app.rails_conductor_inbound_email_url(inbound_email)
+ private
+ def new_mail
+ Mail.new params.require(:mail).permit(:from, :to, :cc, :bcc, :in_reply_to, :subject, :body).to_h
+ end
+ def create_inbound_email(mail)
+ ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.create! raw_email: \
+ { io: StringIO.new(mail.to_s), filename: "inbound.eml", content_type: "message/rfc822" }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/rails/conductor/action_mailbox/reroutes_controller.rb b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/rails/conductor/action_mailbox/reroutes_controller.rb
index c53203049b..05b1ca9a39 100644
--- a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/rails/conductor/action_mailbox/reroutes_controller.rb
+++ b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/rails/conductor/action_mailbox/reroutes_controller.rb
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Rerouting will run routing and processing on an email that has already been, or attempted to be, processed.
-class Rails::Conductor::ActionMailbox::ReroutesController < Rails::Conductor::BaseController
- def create
- inbound_email = ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.find(params[:inbound_email_id])
- reroute inbound_email
+module Rails
+ # Rerouting will run routing and processing on an email that has already been, or attempted to be, processed.
+ class Conductor::ActionMailbox::ReroutesController < Rails::Conductor::BaseController
+ def create
+ inbound_email = ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.find(params[:inbound_email_id])
+ reroute inbound_email
- redirect_to main_app.rails_conductor_inbound_email_url(inbound_email)
- end
- private
- def reroute(inbound_email)
- inbound_email.pending!
- inbound_email.route_later
+ redirect_to main_app.rails_conductor_inbound_email_url(inbound_email)
+ private
+ def reroute(inbound_email)
+ inbound_email.pending!
+ inbound_email.route_later
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/rails/conductor/base_controller.rb b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/rails/conductor/base_controller.rb
index c95a7f3b93..93c4e2a66e 100644
--- a/actionmailbox/app/controllers/rails/conductor/base_controller.rb
+++ b/actionmailbox/app/controllers/rails/conductor/base_controller.rb
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-# TODO: Move this to Rails::Conductor gem
-class Rails::Conductor::BaseController < ActionController::Base
- layout "rails/conductor"
- before_action :ensure_development_env
+module Rails
+ # TODO: Move this to Rails::Conductor gem
+ class Conductor::BaseController < ActionController::Base
+ layout "rails/conductor"
+ before_action :ensure_development_env
- private
- def ensure_development_env
- head :forbidden unless Rails.env.development?
- end
+ private
+ def ensure_development_env
+ head :forbidden unless Rails.env.development?
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionmailbox/app/jobs/action_mailbox/incineration_job.rb b/actionmailbox/app/jobs/action_mailbox/incineration_job.rb
index b12ff6f88e..224c9329a5 100644
--- a/actionmailbox/app/jobs/action_mailbox/incineration_job.rb
+++ b/actionmailbox/app/jobs/action_mailbox/incineration_job.rb
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-# You can configure when this `IncinerationJob` will be run as a time-after-processing using the
-# `config.action_mailbox.incinerate_after` or `ActionMailbox.incinerate_after` setting.
-# Since this incineration is set for the future, it'll automatically ignore any `InboundEmail`s
-# that have already been deleted and discard itself if so.
-class ActionMailbox::IncinerationJob < ActiveJob::Base
- queue_as { ActionMailbox.queues[:incineration] }
+module ActionMailbox
+ # You can configure when this `IncinerationJob` will be run as a time-after-processing using the
+ # `config.action_mailbox.incinerate_after` or `ActionMailbox.incinerate_after` setting.
+ #
+ # Since this incineration is set for the future, it'll automatically ignore any `InboundEmail`s
+ # that have already been deleted and discard itself if so.
+ class IncinerationJob < ActiveJob::Base
+ queue_as { ActionMailbox.queues[:incineration] }
- discard_on ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ discard_on ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- def self.schedule(inbound_email)
- set(wait: ActionMailbox.incinerate_after).perform_later(inbound_email)
- end
+ def self.schedule(inbound_email)
+ set(wait: ActionMailbox.incinerate_after).perform_later(inbound_email)
+ end
- def perform(inbound_email)
- inbound_email.incinerate
+ def perform(inbound_email)
+ inbound_email.incinerate
+ end
diff --git a/actionmailbox/app/jobs/action_mailbox/routing_job.rb b/actionmailbox/app/jobs/action_mailbox/routing_job.rb
index fc3388daff..4ddf6e4231 100644
--- a/actionmailbox/app/jobs/action_mailbox/routing_job.rb
+++ b/actionmailbox/app/jobs/action_mailbox/routing_job.rb
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Routing a new InboundEmail is an asynchronous operation, which allows the ingress controllers to quickly
-# accept new incoming emails without being burdened to hang while they're actually being processed.
-class ActionMailbox::RoutingJob < ActiveJob::Base
- queue_as { ActionMailbox.queues[:routing] }
+module ActionMailbox
+ # Routing a new InboundEmail is an asynchronous operation, which allows the ingress controllers to quickly
+ # accept new incoming emails without being burdened to hang while they're actually being processed.
+ class RoutingJob < ActiveJob::Base
+ queue_as { ActionMailbox.queues[:routing] }
- def perform(inbound_email)
- inbound_email.route
+ def perform(inbound_email)
+ inbound_email.route
+ end
diff --git a/actionmailbox/app/models/action_mailbox/inbound_email.rb b/actionmailbox/app/models/action_mailbox/inbound_email.rb
index 88df7a929a..fbf75a6080 100644
--- a/actionmailbox/app/models/action_mailbox/inbound_email.rb
+++ b/actionmailbox/app/models/action_mailbox/inbound_email.rb
@@ -2,44 +2,46 @@
require "mail"
-# The `InboundEmail` is an Active Record that keeps a reference to the raw email stored in Active Storage
-# and tracks the status of processing. By default, incoming emails will go through the following lifecycle:
-# * Pending: Just received by one of the ingress controllers and scheduled for routing.
-# * Processing: During active processing, while a specific mailbox is running its #process method.
-# * Delivered: Successfully processed by the specific mailbox.
-# * Failed: An exception was raised during the specific mailbox's execution of the `#process` method.
-# * Bounced: Rejected processing by the specific mailbox and bounced to sender.
-# Once the `InboundEmail` has reached the status of being either `delivered`, `failed`, or `bounced`,
-# it'll count as having been `#processed?`. Once processed, the `InboundEmail` will be scheduled for
-# automatic incineration at a later point.
-# When working with an `InboundEmail`, you'll usually interact with the parsed version of the source,
-# which is available as a `Mail` object from `#mail`. But you can also access the raw source directly
-# using the `#source` method.
-# Examples:
-# inbound_email.mail.from # => 'david@loudthinking.com'
-# inbound_email.source # Returns the full rfc822 source of the email as text
-class ActionMailbox::InboundEmail < ActiveRecord::Base
- self.table_name = "action_mailbox_inbound_emails"
+module ActionMailbox
+ # The `InboundEmail` is an Active Record that keeps a reference to the raw email stored in Active Storage
+ # and tracks the status of processing. By default, incoming emails will go through the following lifecycle:
+ #
+ # * Pending: Just received by one of the ingress controllers and scheduled for routing.
+ # * Processing: During active processing, while a specific mailbox is running its #process method.
+ # * Delivered: Successfully processed by the specific mailbox.
+ # * Failed: An exception was raised during the specific mailbox's execution of the `#process` method.
+ # * Bounced: Rejected processing by the specific mailbox and bounced to sender.
+ #
+ # Once the `InboundEmail` has reached the status of being either `delivered`, `failed`, or `bounced`,
+ # it'll count as having been `#processed?`. Once processed, the `InboundEmail` will be scheduled for
+ # automatic incineration at a later point.
+ #
+ # When working with an `InboundEmail`, you'll usually interact with the parsed version of the source,
+ # which is available as a `Mail` object from `#mail`. But you can also access the raw source directly
+ # using the `#source` method.
+ #
+ # Examples:
+ #
+ # inbound_email.mail.from # => 'david@loudthinking.com'
+ # inbound_email.source # Returns the full rfc822 source of the email as text
+ class InboundEmail < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = "action_mailbox_inbound_emails"
- include Incineratable, MessageId, Routable
+ include Incineratable, MessageId, Routable
- has_one_attached :raw_email
- enum status: %i[ pending processing delivered failed bounced ]
+ has_one_attached :raw_email
+ enum status: %i[ pending processing delivered failed bounced ]
- def mail
- @mail ||= Mail.from_source(source)
- end
+ def mail
+ @mail ||= Mail.from_source(source)
+ end
- def source
- @source ||= raw_email.download
- end
+ def source
+ @source ||= raw_email.download
+ end
- def processed?
- delivered? || failed? || bounced?
+ def processed?
+ delivered? || failed? || bounced?
+ end
diff --git a/actionmailbox/app/models/action_mailbox/inbound_email/incineratable/incineration.rb b/actionmailbox/app/models/action_mailbox/inbound_email/incineratable/incineration.rb
index 4656f359bf..685f7fceb6 100644
--- a/actionmailbox/app/models/action_mailbox/inbound_email/incineratable/incineration.rb
+++ b/actionmailbox/app/models/action_mailbox/inbound_email/incineratable/incineration.rb
@@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Command class for carrying out the actual incineration of the `InboundMail` that's been scheduled
-# for removal. Before the incineration – which really is just a call to `#destroy!` – is run, we verify
-# that it's both eligible (by virtue of having already been processed) and time to do so (that is,
-# the `InboundEmail` was processed after the `incinerate_after` time).
-class ActionMailbox::InboundEmail::Incineratable::Incineration
- def initialize(inbound_email)
- @inbound_email = inbound_email
- end
- def run
- @inbound_email.destroy! if due? && processed?
- end
- private
- def due?
- @inbound_email.updated_at < ActionMailbox.incinerate_after.ago.end_of_day
+module ActionMailbox
+ # Command class for carrying out the actual incineration of the `InboundMail` that's been scheduled
+ # for removal. Before the incineration – which really is just a call to `#destroy!` – is run, we verify
+ # that it's both eligible (by virtue of having already been processed) and time to do so (that is,
+ # the `InboundEmail` was processed after the `incinerate_after` time).
+ class InboundEmail::Incineratable::Incineration
+ def initialize(inbound_email)
+ @inbound_email = inbound_email
- def processed?
- @inbound_email.processed?
+ def run
+ @inbound_email.destroy! if due? && processed?
+ private
+ def due?
+ @inbound_email.updated_at < ActionMailbox.incinerate_after.ago.end_of_day
+ end
+ def processed?
+ @inbound_email.processed?
+ end
+ end