diff options
authorJosé Valim <jose.valim@gmail.com>2011-12-12 22:51:33 +0100
committerJosé Valim <jose.valim@gmail.com>2011-12-12 22:54:04 +0100
commitfa1d9a884c0d5b70c97442e3360ac98ca5fa4340 (patch)
parent62cda03fa824ce1e1fc92aaee0367c29ade6a504 (diff)
Speed up development by only reloading classes if dependencies files changed.
This can be turned off by setting `config.reload_classes_only_on_change` to false. Extensions like Active Record should add their respective files like db/schema.rb and db/structure.sql to `config.watchable_files` if they want their changes to affect classes reloading. Thanks to https://github.com/paneq/active_reload and Pastorino for the inspiration. <3
15 files changed, 157 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/test/dispatch/reloader_test.rb b/actionpack/test/dispatch/reloader_test.rb
index bd24256427..3411bd14ea 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/dispatch/reloader_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/dispatch/reloader_test.rb
@@ -129,6 +129,15 @@ class ReloaderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert cleaned
+ def test_prepend_prepare_callback
+ i = 10
+ Reloader.to_prepare { i += 1 }
+ Reloader.to_prepare(:prepend => true) { i = 0 }
+ Reloader.prepare!
+ assert_equal 1, i
+ end
def test_cleanup_callbacks_are_called_on_exceptions
cleaned = false
Reloader.to_cleanup { cleaned = true }
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/railtie.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/railtie.rb
index c2e31579a4..71772529d2 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/railtie.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/railtie.rb
@@ -94,6 +94,11 @@ module ActiveRecord
+ initializer "active_record.add_watchable_files" do |app|
+ files = ["#{app.root}/db/schema.rb", "#{app.root}/db/structure.sql"]
+ config.watchable_files.concat files.select { |f| File.exist?(f) }
+ end
config.after_initialize do
ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/file_update_checker.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/file_update_checker.rb
index 77bc5388d6..4137bbf6a0 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/file_update_checker.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/file_update_checker.rb
@@ -39,30 +39,53 @@ module ActiveSupport
@paths = paths
@glob = compile_glob(@paths.extract_options!)
@block = block
+ @updated_at = nil
@last_update_at = calculate ? updated_at : nil
- def updated_at
- all = []
- all.concat @paths
- all.concat Dir[@glob] if @glob
- all.map { |path| File.mtime(path) }.max
+ # Check if any of the entries were updated. If so, the updated_at
+ # value is cached until flush! is called.
+ def updated?
+ current_updated_at = updated_at
+ if @last_update_at != current_updated_at
+ @updated_at = updated_at
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ # Flush the cache so updated? is calculated again
+ def flush!
+ @updated_at = nil
+ end
+ # Execute the block given if updated. This call
+ # always flush the cache.
def execute_if_updated
- current_update_at = self.updated_at
- if @last_update_at != current_update_at
- @last_update_at = current_update_at
+ if updated?
+ @last_update_at = updated_at
+ ensure
+ flush!
- def compile_glob(hash)
+ def updated_at #:nodoc:
+ @updated_at || begin
+ all = []
+ all.concat @paths
+ all.concat Dir[@glob] if @glob
+ all.map { |path| File.mtime(path) }.max
+ end
+ end
+ def compile_glob(hash) #:nodoc:
return if hash.empty?
globs = []
hash.each do |key, value|
@@ -71,7 +94,7 @@ module ActiveSupport
- def compile_ext(array)
+ def compile_ext(array) #:nodoc:
array = Array.wrap(array)
return if array.empty?
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/i18n_railtie.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/i18n_railtie.rb
index 4c59fe9ac9..a989ff8f57 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/i18n_railtie.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/i18n_railtie.rb
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ module I18n
# point, no path was added to the reloader, I18n.reload! is not triggered
# on to_prepare callbacks. This will only happen on the config.after_initialize
# callback below.
- initializer "i18n.callbacks" do
+ initializer "i18n.callbacks" do |app|
+ app.reloaders << I18n::Railtie.reloader
ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_prepare do
diff --git a/activesupport/test/file_update_checker_test.rb b/activesupport/test/file_update_checker_test.rb
index a5a9b7a682..52c1f3260d 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/file_update_checker_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/file_update_checker_test.rb
@@ -54,6 +54,19 @@ class FileUpdateCheckerWithEnumerableTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal 1, i
+ def test_should_cache_updated_result_until_flushed
+ i = 0
+ checker = ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new(FILES, true){ i += 1 }
+ assert !checker.updated?
+ sleep(1)
+ FileUtils.touch(FILES)
+ assert checker.updated?
+ assert checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert !checker.updated?
+ end
def test_should_invoke_the_block_if_a_watched_dir_changed_its_glob
i = 0
checker = ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new([{"tmp_watcher" => [:txt]}], true){ i += 1 }
diff --git a/railties/CHANGELOG.md b/railties/CHANGELOG.md
index 2841996b56..a88f443517 100644
--- a/railties/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/railties/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
## Rails 3.2.0 (unreleased) ##
-* New applications get a flag
- `config.active_record.auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds` in the environments
- configuration files. With a value of 0.5 in development.rb, and commented
- out in production.rb. No mention in test.rb. *fxn*
+* Speed up development by only reloading classes if dependencies files changed. This can be turned off by setting `config.reload_classes_only_on_change` to false. *José Valim*
+* New applications get a flag `config.active_record.auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds` in the environments configuration files. With a value of 0.5 in development.rb, and commented out in production.rb. No mention in test.rb. *fxn*
* Add DebugExceptions middleware which contains features extracted from ShowExceptions middleware *José Valim*
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile b/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
index 8e65dbccbb..8cf88cf71f 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ NOTE. The +config.asset_path+ configuration is ignored if the asset pipeline is
* +config.preload_frameworks+ enables or disables preloading all frameworks at startup. Enabled by +config.threadsafe!+. Defaults to +nil+, so is disabled.
+* +config.reload_classes_only_on_change+ enables or disables reloading of classes only when tracked files change. By default tracks everything on autoload paths and is set to true.
* +config.reload_plugins+ enables or disables plugin reloading. Defaults to false.
* +config.secret_token+ used for specifying a key which allows sessions for the application to be verified against a known secure key to prevent tampering. Applications get +config.secret_token+ initialized to a random key in +config/initializers/secret_token.rb+.
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/application.rb b/railties/lib/rails/application.rb
index acbfd7078b..0b8eac8a8b 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/application.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/application.rb
@@ -71,12 +71,14 @@ module Rails
attr_accessor :assets, :sandbox
alias_method :sandbox?, :sandbox
+ attr_reader :reloaders
delegate :default_url_options, :default_url_options=, :to => :routes
def initialize
@initialized = false
+ @reloaders = []
# This method is called just after an application inherits from Rails::Application,
@@ -119,6 +121,7 @@ module Rails
reloader = routes_reloader
hook = lambda { reloader.execute_if_updated }
+ self.reloaders << reloader
@@ -126,10 +129,35 @@ module Rails
# A plugin may override this if they desire to provide a more exquisite app reloading.
# :api: plugin
def set_dependencies_hook
- ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_cleanup do
+ callback = lambda do
+ if config.reload_classes_only_on_change
+ reloader = ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new(watchable_args, true, &callback)
+ self.reloaders << reloader
+ # We need to set a to_prepare callback regardless of the reloader result, i.e.
+ # models should be reloaded if any of the reloaders (i18n, routes) were updated.
+ ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_prepare(:prepend => true, &callback)
+ else
+ ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_cleanup(&callback)
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns an array of file paths appended with a hash of directories-extensions
+ # suitable for ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker API.
+ def watchable_args
+ files = []
+ files.concat config.watchable_files
+ dirs = {}
+ dirs.merge! config.watchable_dirs
+ ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths.each do |path|
+ dirs[path.to_s] = [:rb]
+ end
+ files << dirs
# Initialize the application passing the given group. By default, the
@@ -223,6 +251,10 @@ module Rails
alias :build_middleware_stack :app
+ def reload_dependencies?
+ config.reload_classes_only_on_change != true || reloaders.map(&:updated?).any?
+ end
def default_middleware_stack
ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack.new.tap do |middleware|
if rack_cache = config.action_controller.perform_caching && config.action_dispatch.rack_cache
@@ -252,7 +284,11 @@ module Rails
middleware.use ::Rack::Sendfile, config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header
- middleware.use ::ActionDispatch::Reloader unless config.cache_classes
+ unless config.cache_classes
+ app = self
+ middleware.use ::ActionDispatch::Reloader, lambda { app.reload_dependencies? }
+ end
middleware.use ::ActionDispatch::Callbacks
middleware.use ::ActionDispatch::Cookies
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/application/configuration.rb b/railties/lib/rails/application/configuration.rb
index 4b2afe3a28..39d66ecc31 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/application/configuration.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/application/configuration.rb
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ module Rails
class Configuration < ::Rails::Engine::Configuration
attr_accessor :allow_concurrency, :asset_host, :asset_path, :assets,
:cache_classes, :cache_store, :consider_all_requests_local,
- :dependency_loading, :filter_parameters,
- :force_ssl, :helpers_paths, :logger, :log_tags, :preload_frameworks,
- :relative_url_root, :reload_plugins, :secret_token, :serve_static_assets,
- :ssl_options, :static_cache_control, :session_options,
- :time_zone, :whiny_nils, :railties_order, :all_initializers
+ :dependency_loading, :filter_parameters, :force_ssl, :helpers_paths,
+ :initializers_paths, :logger, :log_tags, :preload_frameworks,
+ :railties_order, :relative_url_root, :reload_plugins, :secret_token,
+ :serve_static_assets, :ssl_options, :static_cache_control, :session_options,
+ :time_zone, :reload_classes_only_on_change, :whiny_nils
attr_writer :log_level
attr_reader :encoding
@@ -19,25 +19,26 @@ module Rails
def initialize(*)
self.encoding = "utf-8"
- @allow_concurrency = false
- @consider_all_requests_local = false
- @filter_parameters = []
- @helpers_paths = []
- @dependency_loading = true
- @serve_static_assets = true
- @static_cache_control = nil
- @force_ssl = false
- @ssl_options = {}
- @session_store = :cookie_store
- @session_options = {}
- @time_zone = "UTC"
- @log_level = nil
- @middleware = app_middleware
- @generators = app_generators
- @cache_store = [ :file_store, "#{root}/tmp/cache/" ]
- @railties_order = [:all]
- @all_initializers = []
- @relative_url_root = ENV["RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT"]
+ @allow_concurrency = false
+ @consider_all_requests_local = false
+ @filter_parameters = []
+ @helpers_paths = []
+ @dependency_loading = true
+ @serve_static_assets = true
+ @static_cache_control = nil
+ @force_ssl = false
+ @ssl_options = {}
+ @session_store = :cookie_store
+ @session_options = {}
+ @time_zone = "UTC"
+ @log_level = nil
+ @middleware = app_middleware
+ @generators = app_generators
+ @cache_store = [ :file_store, "#{root}/tmp/cache/" ]
+ @railties_order = [:all]
+ @initializers_paths = []
+ @relative_url_root = ENV["RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT"]
+ @reload_classes_only_on_change = true
@assets = ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions.new
@assets.enabled = false
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/application/finisher.rb b/railties/lib/rails/application/finisher.rb
index 17e7aa0f28..e000f6ef3a 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/application/finisher.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/application/finisher.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Rails
$rails_rake_task = nil
initializer :load_config_initializers do
- config.all_initializers.each { |init| load(init) }
+ config.initializers_paths.each { |init| load(init) }
initializer :add_generator_templates do
@@ -65,17 +65,17 @@ module Rails
# Set app reload just after the finisher hook to ensure
- # paths added in the hook are still loaded.
- initializer :set_dependencies_hook, :group => :all do |app|
- app.set_dependencies_hook
- end
- # Set app reload just after the finisher hook to ensure
# routes added in the hook are still loaded.
initializer :set_routes_reloader_hook do |app|
+ # Set app reload just after the finisher hook to ensure
+ # paths added in the hook are still loaded.
+ initializer :set_dependencies_hook, :group => :all do |app|
+ app.set_dependencies_hook
+ end
# Disable dependency loading during request cycle
initializer :disable_dependency_loading do
if config.cache_classes && !config.dependency_loading
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/application/routes_reloader.rb b/railties/lib/rails/application/routes_reloader.rb
index c1f435a3ee..460b84dfd9 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/application/routes_reloader.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/application/routes_reloader.rb
@@ -1,21 +1,17 @@
+require "active_support/core_ext/module/delegation"
module Rails
class Application
class RoutesReloader
attr_reader :route_sets
+ delegate :paths, :execute_if_updated, :updated?, :to => :@updater
def initialize(updater=ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker)
@updater = updater.new([]) { reload! }
@route_sets = []
- def paths
- @updater.paths
- end
- def execute_if_updated
- @updater.execute_if_updated
- end
def reload!
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/engine.rb b/railties/lib/rails/engine.rb
index 8ebe1f48a5..86efc7332c 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/engine.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/engine.rb
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ module Rails
initializer :append_config_initializers do |app|
- app.config.all_initializers.concat config.paths["config/initializers"].existent.sort
+ app.config.initializers_paths.concat config.paths["config/initializers"].existent.sort
initializer :engines_blank_point do
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/railtie/configuration.rb b/railties/lib/rails/railtie/configuration.rb
index f888684117..cf9e4ad500 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/railtie/configuration.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/railtie/configuration.rb
@@ -7,6 +7,18 @@ module Rails
@@options ||= {}
+ # Add files that should be watched for change.
+ def watchable_files
+ @@watchable_files ||= []
+ end
+ # Add directories that should be watched for change.
+ # The key of the hashes should be directories and the values should
+ # be an array of extensions to match in each directory.
+ def watchable_dirs
+ @@watchable_dirs ||= {}
+ end
# This allows you to modify the application's middlewares from Engines.
# All operations you run on the app_middleware will be replayed on the
diff --git a/railties/test/application/console_test.rb b/railties/test/application/console_test.rb
index 2073c780bf..6f9d8d57b1 100644
--- a/railties/test/application/console_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/application/console_test.rb
@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ class ConsoleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert User.new.respond_to?(:name)
- assert !User.new.respond_to?(:age)
+ sleep(1)
app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL
class User
diff --git a/railties/test/application/loading_test.rb b/railties/test/application/loading_test.rb
index 47c6fd5c6e..c4908915dc 100644
--- a/railties/test/application/loading_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/application/loading_test.rb
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ class LoadingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_descendants_are_cleaned_on_each_request_without_cache_classes
add_to_config <<-RUBY
config.cache_classes = false
+ config.reload_classes_only_on_change = false
app_file "app/models/post.rb", <<-MODEL