diff options
authorSean Griffin <sean@seantheprogrammer.com>2017-10-23 14:48:46 -0400
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2017-10-23 14:48:46 -0400
commitb7912a30402a6958b4e10c2ed90c9098db1715c9 (patch)
parent9439c454ac7bbef828c767eb1ecd2d169098ee1e (diff)
parent7e9ded512dd58a923a3be038843708dbba4215f6 (diff)
Merge pull request #30920 from lugray/attributes_to_am
Start bringing attributes API to AM
3 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activemodel/lib/active_model/attributes.rb b/activemodel/lib/active_model/attributes.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e34d3b83a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activemodel/lib/active_model/attributes.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "active_model/type"
+module ActiveModel
+ module Attributes #:nodoc:
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
+ include ActiveModel::Dirty
+ included do
+ attribute_method_suffix "="
+ class_attribute :attribute_types, :_default_attributes, instance_accessor: false
+ self.attribute_types = {}
+ self._default_attributes = {}
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ def attribute(name, cast_type = Type::Value.new, **options)
+ self.attribute_types = attribute_types.merge(name.to_s => cast_type)
+ self._default_attributes = _default_attributes.merge(name.to_s => options[:default])
+ define_attribute_methods(name)
+ end
+ private
+ def define_method_attribute=(name)
+ safe_name = name.unpack("h*".freeze).first
+ ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::AttrNames.set_name_cache safe_name, name
+ generated_attribute_methods.module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def __temp__#{safe_name}=(value)
+ name = ::ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::AttrNames::ATTR_#{safe_name}
+ write_attribute(name, value)
+ end
+ alias_method #{(name + '=').inspect}, :__temp__#{safe_name}=
+ undef_method :__temp__#{safe_name}=
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(*)
+ super
+ clear_changes_information
+ end
+ private
+ def write_attribute(attr_name, value)
+ name = if self.class.attribute_alias?(attr_name)
+ self.class.attribute_alias(attr_name).to_s
+ else
+ attr_name.to_s
+ end
+ cast_type = self.class.attribute_types[name]
+ deserialized_value = ActiveModel::Type.lookup(cast_type).cast(value)
+ attribute_will_change!(name) unless deserialized_value == attribute(name)
+ instance_variable_set("@#{name}", deserialized_value)
+ deserialized_value
+ end
+ def attribute(name)
+ if instance_variable_defined?("@#{name}")
+ instance_variable_get("@#{name}")
+ else
+ default = self.class._default_attributes[name]
+ default.respond_to?(:call) ? default.call : default
+ end
+ end
+ # Handle *= for method_missing.
+ def attribute=(attribute_name, value)
+ write_attribute(attribute_name, value)
+ end
+ end
+ module AttributeMethods #:nodoc:
+ AttrNames = Module.new {
+ def self.set_name_cache(name, value)
+ const_name = "ATTR_#{name}"
+ unless const_defined? const_name
+ const_set const_name, value.dup.freeze
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ end
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/attributes_dirty_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/attributes_dirty_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26b0e85db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/attributes_dirty_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "active_model/attributes"
+class AttributesDirtyTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
+ class DirtyModel
+ include ActiveModel::Model
+ include ActiveModel::Attributes
+ attribute :name, :string
+ attribute :color, :string
+ attribute :size, :integer
+ def save
+ changes_applied
+ end
+ def reload
+ clear_changes_information
+ end
+ end
+ setup do
+ @model = DirtyModel.new
+ end
+ test "setting attribute will result in change" do
+ assert !@model.changed?
+ assert !@model.name_changed?
+ @model.name = "Ringo"
+ assert @model.changed?
+ assert @model.name_changed?
+ end
+ test "list of changed attribute keys" do
+ assert_equal [], @model.changed
+ @model.name = "Paul"
+ assert_equal ["name"], @model.changed
+ end
+ test "changes to attribute values" do
+ assert !@model.changes["name"]
+ @model.name = "John"
+ assert_equal [nil, "John"], @model.changes["name"]
+ end
+ test "checking if an attribute has changed to a particular value" do
+ @model.name = "Ringo"
+ assert @model.name_changed?(from: nil, to: "Ringo")
+ assert_not @model.name_changed?(from: "Pete", to: "Ringo")
+ assert @model.name_changed?(to: "Ringo")
+ assert_not @model.name_changed?(to: "Pete")
+ assert @model.name_changed?(from: nil)
+ assert_not @model.name_changed?(from: "Pete")
+ end
+ test "changes accessible through both strings and symbols" do
+ @model.name = "David"
+ assert_not_nil @model.changes[:name]
+ assert_not_nil @model.changes["name"]
+ end
+ test "be consistent with symbols arguments after the changes are applied" do
+ @model.name = "David"
+ assert @model.attribute_changed?(:name)
+ @model.save
+ @model.name = "Rafael"
+ assert @model.attribute_changed?(:name)
+ end
+ test "attribute mutation" do
+ @model.instance_variable_set("@name", "Yam".dup)
+ assert !@model.name_changed?
+ @model.name.replace("Hadad")
+ assert !@model.name_changed?
+ @model.name_will_change!
+ @model.name.replace("Baal")
+ assert @model.name_changed?
+ end
+ test "resetting attribute" do
+ @model.name = "Bob"
+ @model.restore_name!
+ assert_nil @model.name
+ assert !@model.name_changed?
+ end
+ test "setting color to same value should not result in change being recorded" do
+ @model.color = "red"
+ assert @model.color_changed?
+ @model.save
+ assert !@model.color_changed?
+ assert !@model.changed?
+ @model.color = "red"
+ assert !@model.color_changed?
+ assert !@model.changed?
+ end
+ test "saving should reset model's changed status" do
+ @model.name = "Alf"
+ assert @model.changed?
+ @model.save
+ assert !@model.changed?
+ assert !@model.name_changed?
+ end
+ test "saving should preserve previous changes" do
+ @model.name = "Jericho Cane"
+ @model.save
+ assert_equal [nil, "Jericho Cane"], @model.previous_changes["name"]
+ end
+ test "setting new attributes should not affect previous changes" do
+ @model.name = "Jericho Cane"
+ @model.save
+ @model.name = "DudeFella ManGuy"
+ assert_equal [nil, "Jericho Cane"], @model.name_previous_change
+ end
+ test "saving should preserve model's previous changed status" do
+ @model.name = "Jericho Cane"
+ @model.save
+ assert @model.name_previously_changed?
+ end
+ test "previous value is preserved when changed after save" do
+ assert_equal({}, @model.changed_attributes)
+ @model.name = "Paul"
+ assert_equal({ "name" => nil }, @model.changed_attributes)
+ @model.save
+ @model.name = "John"
+ assert_equal({ "name" => "Paul" }, @model.changed_attributes)
+ end
+ test "changing the same attribute multiple times retains the correct original value" do
+ @model.name = "Otto"
+ @model.save
+ @model.name = "DudeFella ManGuy"
+ @model.name = "Mr. Manfredgensonton"
+ assert_equal ["Otto", "Mr. Manfredgensonton"], @model.name_change
+ assert_equal @model.name_was, "Otto"
+ end
+ test "using attribute_will_change! with a symbol" do
+ @model.size = 1
+ assert @model.size_changed?
+ end
+ test "reload should reset all changes" do
+ @model.name = "Dmitry"
+ @model.name_changed?
+ @model.save
+ @model.name = "Bob"
+ assert_equal [nil, "Dmitry"], @model.previous_changes["name"]
+ assert_equal "Dmitry", @model.changed_attributes["name"]
+ @model.reload
+ assert_equal ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new, @model.previous_changes
+ assert_equal ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new, @model.changed_attributes
+ end
+ test "restore_attributes should restore all previous data" do
+ @model.name = "Dmitry"
+ @model.color = "Red"
+ @model.save
+ @model.name = "Bob"
+ @model.color = "White"
+ @model.restore_attributes
+ assert_not @model.changed?
+ assert_equal "Dmitry", @model.name
+ assert_equal "Red", @model.color
+ end
+ test "restore_attributes can restore only some attributes" do
+ @model.name = "Dmitry"
+ @model.color = "Red"
+ @model.save
+ @model.name = "Bob"
+ @model.color = "White"
+ @model.restore_attributes(["name"])
+ assert @model.changed?
+ assert_equal "Dmitry", @model.name
+ assert_equal "White", @model.color
+ end
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/attributes_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/attributes_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..064cba40e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/attributes_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "active_model/attributes"
+module ActiveModel
+ class AttributesTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
+ class ModelForAttributesTest
+ include ActiveModel::Model
+ include ActiveModel::Attributes
+ attribute :integer_field, :integer
+ attribute :string_field, :string
+ attribute :decimal_field, :decimal
+ attribute :string_with_default, :string, default: "default string"
+ attribute :date_field, :string, default: -> { Date.new(2016, 1, 1) }
+ attribute :boolean_field, :boolean
+ end
+ class ChildModelForAttributesTest < ModelForAttributesTest
+ end
+ class GrandchildModelForAttributesTest < ChildModelForAttributesTest
+ attribute :integer_field, :string
+ end
+ test "properties assignment" do
+ data = ModelForAttributesTest.new(
+ integer_field: "2.3",
+ string_field: "Rails FTW",
+ decimal_field: "12.3",
+ boolean_field: "0"
+ )
+ assert_equal 2, data.integer_field
+ assert_equal "Rails FTW", data.string_field
+ assert_equal BigDecimal.new("12.3"), data.decimal_field
+ assert_equal "default string", data.string_with_default
+ assert_equal Date.new(2016, 1, 1), data.date_field
+ assert_equal false, data.boolean_field
+ data.integer_field = 10
+ data.string_with_default = nil
+ data.boolean_field = "1"
+ assert_equal 10, data.integer_field
+ assert_nil data.string_with_default
+ assert_equal true, data.boolean_field
+ end
+ test "dirty" do
+ data = ModelForAttributesTest.new(
+ integer_field: "2.3",
+ string_field: "Rails FTW",
+ decimal_field: "12.3",
+ boolean_field: "0"
+ )
+ assert_equal false, data.changed?
+ data.integer_field = "2.1"
+ assert_equal false, data.changed?
+ data.string_with_default = "default string"
+ assert_equal false, data.changed?
+ data.integer_field = "5.1"
+ assert_equal true, data.changed?
+ assert_equal true, data.integer_field_changed?
+ assert_equal({ "integer_field" => [2, 5] }, data.changes)
+ end
+ test "nonexistent attribute" do
+ assert_raise ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError do
+ ModelForAttributesTest.new(nonexistent: "nonexistent")
+ end
+ end
+ test "children inherit attributes" do
+ data = ChildModelForAttributesTest.new(integer_field: "4.4")
+ assert_equal 4, data.integer_field
+ end
+ test "children can override parents" do
+ data = GrandchildModelForAttributesTest.new(integer_field: "4.4")
+ assert_equal "4.4", data.integer_field
+ end
+ end