diff options
authorJeremy Kemper <jeremy@bitsweat.net>2007-10-10 23:02:11 +0000
committerJeremy Kemper <jeremy@bitsweat.net>2007-10-10 23:02:11 +0000
commitaa4165cb7e5c9677ae4aa57c1f7cf83e33221cdb (patch)
parentbf724d4acc600106e04b1ecd7085949fbbbb24d5 (diff)
Bundle xml-simple 1.0.11
git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@7830 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
1 files changed, 1021 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/vendor/xml-simple-1.0.11/xmlsimple.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/vendor/xml-simple-1.0.11/xmlsimple.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0de24c0eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/vendor/xml-simple-1.0.11/xmlsimple.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1021 @@
+# = XmlSimple
+# Author:: Maik Schmidt <contact@maik-schmidt.de>
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Maik Schmidt
+# License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby.
+require 'rexml/document'
+require 'stringio'
+# Easy API to maintain XML (especially configuration files).
+class XmlSimple
+ include REXML
+ @@VERSION = '1.0.11'
+ # A simple cache for XML documents that were already transformed
+ # by xml_in.
+ class Cache
+ # Creates and initializes a new Cache object.
+ def initialize
+ @mem_share_cache = {}
+ @mem_copy_cache = {}
+ end
+ # Saves a data structure into a file.
+ #
+ # data::
+ # Data structure to be saved.
+ # filename::
+ # Name of the file belonging to the data structure.
+ def save_storable(data, filename)
+ cache_file = get_cache_filename(filename)
+ File.open(cache_file, "w+") { |f| Marshal.dump(data, f) }
+ end
+ # Restores a data structure from a file. If restoring the data
+ # structure failed for any reason, nil will be returned.
+ #
+ # filename::
+ # Name of the file belonging to the data structure.
+ def restore_storable(filename)
+ cache_file = get_cache_filename(filename)
+ return nil unless File::exist?(cache_file)
+ return nil unless File::mtime(cache_file).to_i > File::mtime(filename).to_i
+ data = nil
+ File.open(cache_file) { |f| data = Marshal.load(f) }
+ data
+ end
+ # Saves a data structure in a shared memory cache.
+ #
+ # data::
+ # Data structure to be saved.
+ # filename::
+ # Name of the file belonging to the data structure.
+ def save_mem_share(data, filename)
+ @mem_share_cache[filename] = [Time::now.to_i, data]
+ end
+ # Restores a data structure from a shared memory cache. You
+ # should consider these elements as "read only". If restoring
+ # the data structure failed for any reason, nil will be
+ # returned.
+ #
+ # filename::
+ # Name of the file belonging to the data structure.
+ def restore_mem_share(filename)
+ get_from_memory_cache(filename, @mem_share_cache)
+ end
+ # Copies a data structure to a memory cache.
+ #
+ # data::
+ # Data structure to be copied.
+ # filename::
+ # Name of the file belonging to the data structure.
+ def save_mem_copy(data, filename)
+ @mem_share_cache[filename] = [Time::now.to_i, Marshal.dump(data)]
+ end
+ # Restores a data structure from a memory cache. If restoring
+ # the data structure failed for any reason, nil will be
+ # returned.
+ #
+ # filename::
+ # Name of the file belonging to the data structure.
+ def restore_mem_copy(filename)
+ data = get_from_memory_cache(filename, @mem_share_cache)
+ data = Marshal.load(data) unless data.nil?
+ data
+ end
+ private
+ # Returns the "cache filename" belonging to a filename, i.e.
+ # the extension '.xml' in the original filename will be replaced
+ # by '.stor'. If filename does not have this extension, '.stor'
+ # will be appended.
+ #
+ # filename::
+ # Filename to get "cache filename" for.
+ def get_cache_filename(filename)
+ filename.sub(/(\.xml)?$/, '.stor')
+ end
+ # Returns a cache entry from a memory cache belonging to a
+ # certain filename. If no entry could be found for any reason,
+ # nil will be returned.
+ #
+ # filename::
+ # Name of the file the cache entry belongs to.
+ # cache::
+ # Memory cache to get entry from.
+ def get_from_memory_cache(filename, cache)
+ return nil unless cache[filename]
+ return nil unless cache[filename][0] > File::mtime(filename).to_i
+ return cache[filename][1]
+ end
+ end
+ # Create a "global" cache.
+ @@cache = Cache.new
+ # Creates and intializes a new XmlSimple object.
+ #
+ # defaults::
+ # Default values for options.
+ def initialize(defaults = nil)
+ unless defaults.nil? || defaults.instance_of?(Hash)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Options have to be a Hash."
+ end
+ @default_options = normalize_option_names(defaults, (KNOWN_OPTIONS['in'] + KNOWN_OPTIONS['out']).uniq)
+ @options = Hash.new
+ @_var_values = nil
+ end
+ # Converts an XML document in the same way as the Perl module XML::Simple.
+ #
+ # string::
+ # XML source. Could be one of the following:
+ #
+ # - nil: Tries to load and parse '<scriptname>.xml'.
+ # - filename: Tries to load and parse filename.
+ # - IO object: Reads from object until EOF is detected and parses result.
+ # - XML string: Parses string.
+ #
+ # options::
+ # Options to be used.
+ def xml_in(string = nil, options = nil)
+ handle_options('in', options)
+ # If no XML string or filename was supplied look for scriptname.xml.
+ if string.nil?
+ string = File::basename($0)
+ string.sub!(/\.[^.]+$/, '')
+ string += '.xml'
+ directory = File::dirname($0)
+ @options['searchpath'].unshift(directory) unless directory.nil?
+ end
+ if string.instance_of?(String)
+ if string =~ /<.*?>/m
+ @doc = parse(string)
+ elsif string == '-'
+ @doc = parse($stdin.readlines.to_s)
+ else
+ filename = find_xml_file(string, @options['searchpath'])
+ if @options.has_key?('cache')
+ @options['cache'].each { |scheme|
+ case(scheme)
+ when 'storable'
+ content = @@cache.restore_storable(filename)
+ when 'mem_share'
+ content = @@cache.restore_mem_share(filename)
+ when 'mem_copy'
+ content = @@cache.restore_mem_copy(filename)
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported caching scheme: <#{scheme}>."
+ end
+ return content if content
+ }
+ end
+ @doc = load_xml_file(filename)
+ end
+ elsif string.kind_of?(IO) || string.kind_of?(StringIO)
+ @doc = parse(string.readlines.to_s)
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Could not parse object of type: <#{string.type}>."
+ end
+ result = collapse(@doc.root)
+ result = @options['keeproot'] ? merge({}, @doc.root.name, result) : result
+ put_into_cache(result, filename)
+ result
+ end
+ # This is the functional version of the instance method xml_in.
+ def XmlSimple.xml_in(string = nil, options = nil)
+ xml_simple = XmlSimple.new
+ xml_simple.xml_in(string, options)
+ end
+ # Converts a data structure into an XML document.
+ #
+ # ref::
+ # Reference to data structure to be converted into XML.
+ # options::
+ # Options to be used.
+ def xml_out(ref, options = nil)
+ handle_options('out', options)
+ if ref.instance_of?(Array)
+ ref = { @options['anonymoustag'] => ref }
+ end
+ if @options['keeproot']
+ keys = ref.keys
+ if keys.size == 1
+ ref = ref[keys[0]]
+ @options['rootname'] = keys[0]
+ end
+ elsif @options['rootname'] == ''
+ if ref.instance_of?(Hash)
+ refsave = ref
+ ref = {}
+ refsave.each { |key, value|
+ if !scalar(value)
+ ref[key] = value
+ else
+ ref[key] = [ value.to_s ]
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ @ancestors = []
+ xml = value_to_xml(ref, @options['rootname'], '')
+ @ancestors = nil
+ if @options['xmldeclaration']
+ xml = @options['xmldeclaration'] + "\n" + xml
+ end
+ if @options.has_key?('outputfile')
+ if @options['outputfile'].kind_of?(IO)
+ return @options['outputfile'].write(xml)
+ else
+ File.open(@options['outputfile'], "w") { |file| file.write(xml) }
+ end
+ end
+ xml
+ end
+ # This is the functional version of the instance method xml_out.
+ def XmlSimple.xml_out(hash, options = nil)
+ xml_simple = XmlSimple.new
+ xml_simple.xml_out(hash, options)
+ end
+ private
+ # Declare options that are valid for xml_in and xml_out.
+ 'in' => %w(
+ keyattr keeproot forcecontent contentkey noattr
+ searchpath forcearray suppressempty anonymoustag
+ cache grouptags normalisespace normalizespace
+ variables varattr keytosymbol
+ ),
+ 'out' => %w(
+ keyattr keeproot contentkey noattr rootname
+ xmldeclaration outputfile noescape suppressempty
+ anonymoustag indent grouptags noindent
+ )
+ }
+ # Define some reasonable defaults.
+ DEF_ROOT_NAME = 'opt'
+ DEF_CONTENT_KEY = 'content'
+ DEF_XML_DECLARATION = "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>"
+ # Normalizes option names in a hash, i.e., turns all
+ # characters to lower case and removes all underscores.
+ # Additionally, this method checks, if an unknown option
+ # was used and raises an according exception.
+ #
+ # options::
+ # Hash to be normalized.
+ # known_options::
+ # List of known options.
+ def normalize_option_names(options, known_options)
+ return nil if options.nil?
+ result = Hash.new
+ options.each { |key, value|
+ lkey = key.downcase
+ lkey.gsub!(/_/, '')
+ if !known_options.member?(lkey)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Unrecognised option: #{lkey}."
+ end
+ result[lkey] = value
+ }
+ result
+ end
+ # Merges a set of options with the default options.
+ #
+ # direction::
+ # 'in': If options should be handled for xml_in.
+ # 'out': If options should be handled for xml_out.
+ # options::
+ # Options to be merged with the default options.
+ def handle_options(direction, options)
+ @options = options || Hash.new
+ raise ArgumentError, "Options must be a Hash!" unless @options.instance_of?(Hash)
+ unless KNOWN_OPTIONS.has_key?(direction)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Unknown direction: <#{direction}>."
+ end
+ known_options = KNOWN_OPTIONS[direction]
+ @options = normalize_option_names(@options, known_options)
+ unless @default_options.nil?
+ known_options.each { |option|
+ unless @options.has_key?(option)
+ if @default_options.has_key?(option)
+ @options[option] = @default_options[option]
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ unless @options.has_key?('noattr')
+ @options['noattr'] = false
+ end
+ if @options.has_key?('rootname')
+ @options['rootname'] = '' if @options['rootname'].nil?
+ else
+ @options['rootname'] = DEF_ROOT_NAME
+ end
+ if @options.has_key?('xmldeclaration') && @options['xmldeclaration'] == true
+ @options['xmldeclaration'] = DEF_XML_DECLARATION
+ end
+ @options['keytosymbol'] = DEF_KEY_TO_SYMBOL unless @options.has_key?('keytosymbol')
+ if @options.has_key?('contentkey')
+ if @options['contentkey'] =~ /^-(.*)$/
+ @options['contentkey'] = $1
+ @options['collapseagain'] = true
+ end
+ else
+ @options['contentkey'] = DEF_CONTENT_KEY
+ end
+ unless @options.has_key?('normalisespace')
+ @options['normalisespace'] = @options['normalizespace']
+ end
+ @options['normalisespace'] = 0 if @options['normalisespace'].nil?
+ if @options.has_key?('searchpath')
+ unless @options['searchpath'].instance_of?(Array)
+ @options['searchpath'] = [ @options['searchpath'] ]
+ end
+ else
+ @options['searchpath'] = []
+ end
+ if @options.has_key?('cache') && scalar(@options['cache'])
+ @options['cache'] = [ @options['cache'] ]
+ end
+ @options['anonymoustag'] = DEF_ANONYMOUS_TAG unless @options.has_key?('anonymoustag')
+ if !@options.has_key?('indent') || @options['indent'].nil?
+ @options['indent'] = DEF_INDENTATION
+ end
+ @options['indent'] = '' if @options.has_key?('noindent')
+ # Special cleanup for 'keyattr' which could be an array or
+ # a hash or left to default to array.
+ if @options.has_key?('keyattr')
+ if !scalar(@options['keyattr'])
+ # Convert keyattr => { elem => '+attr' }
+ # to keyattr => { elem => ['attr', '+'] }
+ if @options['keyattr'].instance_of?(Hash)
+ @options['keyattr'].each { |key, value|
+ if value =~ /^([-+])?(.*)$/
+ @options['keyattr'][key] = [$2, $1 ? $1 : '']
+ end
+ }
+ elsif !@options['keyattr'].instance_of?(Array)
+ raise ArgumentError, "'keyattr' must be String, Hash, or Array!"
+ end
+ else
+ @options['keyattr'] = [ @options['keyattr'] ]
+ end
+ else
+ @options['keyattr'] = DEF_KEY_ATTRIBUTES
+ end
+ if @options.has_key?('forcearray')
+ if @options['forcearray'].instance_of?(Regexp)
+ @options['forcearray'] = [ @options['forcearray'] ]
+ end
+ if @options['forcearray'].instance_of?(Array)
+ force_list = @options['forcearray']
+ unless force_list.empty?
+ @options['forcearray'] = {}
+ force_list.each { |tag|
+ if tag.instance_of?(Regexp)
+ unless @options['forcearray']['_regex'].instance_of?(Array)
+ @options['forcearray']['_regex'] = []
+ end
+ @options['forcearray']['_regex'] << tag
+ else
+ @options['forcearray'][tag] = true
+ end
+ }
+ else
+ @options['forcearray'] = false
+ end
+ else
+ @options['forcearray'] = @options['forcearray'] ? true : false
+ end
+ else
+ @options['forcearray'] = DEF_FORCE_ARRAY
+ end
+ if @options.has_key?('grouptags') && !@options['grouptags'].instance_of?(Hash)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Illegal value for 'GroupTags' option - expected a Hash."
+ end
+ if @options.has_key?('variables') && !@options['variables'].instance_of?(Hash)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Illegal value for 'Variables' option - expected a Hash."
+ end
+ if @options.has_key?('variables')
+ @_var_values = @options['variables']
+ elsif @options.has_key?('varattr')
+ @_var_values = {}
+ end
+ end
+ # Actually converts an XML document element into a data structure.
+ #
+ # element::
+ # The document element to be collapsed.
+ def collapse(element)
+ result = @options['noattr'] ? {} : get_attributes(element)
+ if @options['normalisespace'] == 2
+ result.each { |k, v| result[k] = normalise_space(v) }
+ end
+ if element.has_elements?
+ element.each_element { |child|
+ value = collapse(child)
+ if empty(value) && (element.attributes.empty? || @options['noattr'])
+ next if @options.has_key?('suppressempty') && @options['suppressempty'] == true
+ end
+ result = merge(result, child.name, value)
+ }
+ if has_mixed_content?(element)
+ # normalisespace?
+ content = element.texts.map { |x| x.to_s }
+ content = content[0] if content.size == 1
+ result[@options['contentkey']] = content
+ end
+ elsif element.has_text? # i.e. it has only text.
+ return collapse_text_node(result, element)
+ end
+ # Turn Arrays into Hashes if key fields present.
+ count = fold_arrays(result)
+ # Disintermediate grouped tags.
+ if @options.has_key?('grouptags')
+ result.each { |key, value|
+ next unless (value.instance_of?(Hash) && (value.size == 1))
+ child_key, child_value = value.to_a[0]
+ if @options['grouptags'][key] == child_key
+ result[key] = child_value
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ # Fold Hases containing a single anonymous Array up into just the Array.
+ if count == 1
+ anonymoustag = @options['anonymoustag']
+ if result.has_key?(anonymoustag) && result[anonymoustag].instance_of?(Array)
+ return result[anonymoustag]
+ end
+ end
+ if result.empty? && @options.has_key?('suppressempty')
+ return @options['suppressempty'] == '' ? '' : nil
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ # Collapses a text node and merges it with an existing Hash, if
+ # possible.
+ # Thanks to Curtis Schofield for reporting a subtle bug.
+ #
+ # hash::
+ # Hash to merge text node value with, if possible.
+ # element::
+ # Text node to be collapsed.
+ def collapse_text_node(hash, element)
+ value = node_to_text(element)
+ if empty(value) && !element.has_attributes?
+ return {}
+ end
+ if element.has_attributes? && !@options['noattr']
+ return merge(hash, @options['contentkey'], value)
+ else
+ if @options['forcecontent']
+ return merge(hash, @options['contentkey'], value)
+ else
+ return value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Folds all arrays in a Hash.
+ #
+ # hash::
+ # Hash to be folded.
+ def fold_arrays(hash)
+ fold_amount = 0
+ keyattr = @options['keyattr']
+ if (keyattr.instance_of?(Array) || keyattr.instance_of?(Hash))
+ hash.each { |key, value|
+ if value.instance_of?(Array)
+ if keyattr.instance_of?(Array)
+ hash[key] = fold_array(value)
+ else
+ hash[key] = fold_array_by_name(key, value)
+ end
+ fold_amount += 1
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ fold_amount
+ end
+ # Folds an Array to a Hash, if possible. Folding happens
+ # according to the content of keyattr, which has to be
+ # an array.
+ #
+ # array::
+ # Array to be folded.
+ def fold_array(array)
+ hash = Hash.new
+ array.each { |x|
+ return array unless x.instance_of?(Hash)
+ key_matched = false
+ @options['keyattr'].each { |key|
+ if x.has_key?(key)
+ key_matched = true
+ value = x[key]
+ return array if value.instance_of?(Hash) || value.instance_of?(Array)
+ value = normalise_space(value) if @options['normalisespace'] == 1
+ x.delete(key)
+ hash[value] = x
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ return array unless key_matched
+ }
+ hash = collapse_content(hash) if @options['collapseagain']
+ hash
+ end
+ # Folds an Array to a Hash, if possible. Folding happens
+ # according to the content of keyattr, which has to be
+ # a Hash.
+ #
+ # name::
+ # Name of the attribute to be folded upon.
+ # array::
+ # Array to be folded.
+ def fold_array_by_name(name, array)
+ return array unless @options['keyattr'].has_key?(name)
+ key, flag = @options['keyattr'][name]
+ hash = Hash.new
+ array.each { |x|
+ if x.instance_of?(Hash) && x.has_key?(key)
+ value = x[key]
+ return array if value.instance_of?(Hash) || value.instance_of?(Array)
+ value = normalise_space(value) if @options['normalisespace'] == 1
+ hash[value] = x
+ hash[value]["-#{key}"] = hash[value][key] if flag == '-'
+ hash[value].delete(key) unless flag == '+'
+ else
+ $stderr.puts("Warning: <#{name}> element has no '#{key}' attribute.")
+ return array
+ end
+ }
+ hash = collapse_content(hash) if @options['collapseagain']
+ hash
+ end
+ # Tries to collapse a Hash even more ;-)
+ #
+ # hash::
+ # Hash to be collapsed again.
+ def collapse_content(hash)
+ content_key = @options['contentkey']
+ hash.each_value { |value|
+ return hash unless value.instance_of?(Hash) && value.size == 1 && value.has_key?(content_key)
+ hash.each_key { |key| hash[key] = hash[key][content_key] }
+ }
+ hash
+ end
+ # Adds a new key/value pair to an existing Hash. If the key to be added
+ # does already exist and the existing value associated with key is not
+ # an Array, it will be converted into an Array. Then the new value is
+ # appended to that Array.
+ #
+ # hash::
+ # Hash to add key/value pair to.
+ # key::
+ # Key to be added.
+ # value::
+ # Value to be associated with key.
+ def merge(hash, key, value)
+ if value.instance_of?(String)
+ value = normalise_space(value) if @options['normalisespace'] == 2
+ # do variable substitutions
+ unless @_var_values.nil? || @_var_values.empty?
+ value.gsub!(/\$\{(\w+)\}/) { |x| get_var($1) }
+ end
+ # look for variable definitions
+ if @options.has_key?('varattr')
+ varattr = @options['varattr']
+ if hash.has_key?(varattr)
+ set_var(hash[varattr], value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #patch for converting keys to symbols
+ if @options.has_key?('keytosymbol')
+ if @options['keytosymbol'] == true
+ key = key.to_s.downcase.to_sym
+ end
+ end
+ if hash.has_key?(key)
+ if hash[key].instance_of?(Array)
+ hash[key] << value
+ else
+ hash[key] = [ hash[key], value ]
+ end
+ elsif value.instance_of?(Array) # Handle anonymous arrays.
+ hash[key] = [ value ]
+ else
+ if force_array?(key)
+ hash[key] = [ value ]
+ else
+ hash[key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ hash
+ end
+ # Checks, if the 'forcearray' option has to be used for
+ # a certain key.
+ def force_array?(key)
+ return false if key == @options['contentkey']
+ return true if @options['forcearray'] == true
+ forcearray = @options['forcearray']
+ if forcearray.instance_of?(Hash)
+ return true if forcearray.has_key?(key)
+ return false unless forcearray.has_key?('_regex')
+ forcearray['_regex'].each { |x| return true if key =~ x }
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ # Converts the attributes array of a document node into a Hash.
+ # Returns an empty Hash, if node has no attributes.
+ #
+ # node::
+ # Document node to extract attributes from.
+ def get_attributes(node)
+ attributes = {}
+ node.attributes.each { |n,v| attributes[n] = v }
+ attributes
+ end
+ # Determines, if a document element has mixed content.
+ #
+ # element::
+ # Document element to be checked.
+ def has_mixed_content?(element)
+ if element.has_text? && element.has_elements?
+ return true if element.texts.join('') !~ /^\s*$/s
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ # Called when a variable definition is encountered in the XML.
+ # A variable definition looks like
+ # <element attrname="name">value</element>
+ # where attrname matches the varattr setting.
+ def set_var(name, value)
+ @_var_values[name] = value
+ end
+ # Called during variable substitution to get the value for the
+ # named variable.
+ def get_var(name)
+ if @_var_values.has_key?(name)
+ return @_var_values[name]
+ else
+ return "${#{name}}"
+ end
+ end
+ # Recurses through a data structure building up and returning an
+ # XML representation of that structure as a string.
+ #
+ # ref::
+ # Reference to the data structure to be encoded.
+ # name::
+ # The XML tag name to be used for this item.
+ # indent::
+ # A string of spaces for use as the current indent level.
+ def value_to_xml(ref, name, indent)
+ named = !name.nil? && name != ''
+ nl = @options.has_key?('noindent') ? '' : "\n"
+ if !scalar(ref)
+ if @ancestors.member?(ref)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Circular data structures not supported!"
+ end
+ @ancestors << ref
+ else
+ if named
+ return [indent, '<', name, '>', @options['noescape'] ? ref.to_s : escape_value(ref.to_s), '</', name, '>', nl].join('')
+ else
+ return ref.to_s + nl
+ end
+ end
+ # Unfold hash to array if possible.
+ if ref.instance_of?(Hash) && !ref.empty? && !@options['keyattr'].empty? && indent != ''
+ ref = hash_to_array(name, ref)
+ end
+ result = []
+ if ref.instance_of?(Hash)
+ # Reintermediate grouped values if applicable.
+ if @options.has_key?('grouptags')
+ ref.each { |key, value|
+ if @options['grouptags'].has_key?(key)
+ ref[key] = { @options['grouptags'][key] => value }
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ nested = []
+ text_content = nil
+ if named
+ result << indent << '<' << name
+ end
+ if !ref.empty?
+ ref.each { |key, value|
+ next if !key.nil? && key[0, 1] == '-'
+ if value.nil?
+ unless @options.has_key?('suppressempty') && @options['suppressempty'].nil?
+ raise ArgumentError, "Use of uninitialized value!"
+ end
+ value = {}
+ end
+ if !scalar(value) || @options['noattr']
+ nested << value_to_xml(value, key, indent + @options['indent'])
+ else
+ value = value.to_s
+ value = escape_value(value) unless @options['noescape']
+ if key == @options['contentkey']
+ text_content = value
+ else
+ result << ' ' << key << '="' << value << '"'
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ else
+ text_content = ''
+ end
+ if !nested.empty? || !text_content.nil?
+ if named
+ result << '>'
+ if !text_content.nil?
+ result << text_content
+ nested[0].sub!(/^\s+/, '') if !nested.empty?
+ else
+ result << nl
+ end
+ if !nested.empty?
+ result << nested << indent
+ end
+ result << '</' << name << '>' << nl
+ else
+ result << nested
+ end
+ else
+ result << ' />' << nl
+ end
+ elsif ref.instance_of?(Array)
+ ref.each { |value|
+ if scalar(value)
+ result << indent << '<' << name << '>'
+ result << (@options['noescape'] ? value.to_s : escape_value(value.to_s))
+ result << '</' << name << '>' << nl
+ elsif value.instance_of?(Hash)
+ result << value_to_xml(value, name, indent)
+ else
+ result << indent << '<' << name << '>' << nl
+ result << value_to_xml(value, @options['anonymoustag'], indent + @options['indent'])
+ result << indent << '</' << name << '>' << nl
+ end
+ }
+ else
+ # Probably, this is obsolete.
+ raise ArgumentError, "Can't encode a value of type: #{ref.type}."
+ end
+ @ancestors.pop if !scalar(ref)
+ result.join('')
+ end
+ # Checks, if a certain value is a "scalar" value. Whatever
+ # that will be in Ruby ... ;-)
+ #
+ # value::
+ # Value to be checked.
+ def scalar(value)
+ return false if value.instance_of?(Hash) || value.instance_of?(Array)
+ return true
+ end
+ # Attempts to unfold a hash of hashes into an array of hashes. Returns
+ # a reference to th array on success or the original hash, if unfolding
+ # is not possible.
+ #
+ # parent::
+ #
+ # hashref::
+ # Reference to the hash to be unfolded.
+ def hash_to_array(parent, hashref)
+ arrayref = []
+ hashref.each { |key, value|
+ return hashref unless value.instance_of?(Hash)
+ if @options['keyattr'].instance_of?(Hash)
+ return hashref unless @options['keyattr'].has_key?(parent)
+ arrayref << { @options['keyattr'][parent][0] => key }.update(value)
+ else
+ arrayref << { @options['keyattr'][0] => key }.update(value)
+ end
+ }
+ arrayref
+ end
+ # Replaces XML markup characters by their external entities.
+ #
+ # data::
+ # The string to be escaped.
+ def escape_value(data)
+ Text::normalize(data)
+ end
+ # Removes leading and trailing whitespace and sequences of
+ # whitespaces from a string.
+ #
+ # text::
+ # String to be normalised.
+ def normalise_space(text)
+ text.strip.gsub(/\s\s+/, ' ')
+ end
+ # Checks, if an object is nil, an empty String or an empty Hash.
+ # Thanks to Norbert Gawor for a bugfix.
+ #
+ # value::
+ # Value to be checked for emptyness.
+ def empty(value)
+ case value
+ when Hash
+ return value.empty?
+ when String
+ return value !~ /\S/m
+ else
+ return value.nil?
+ end
+ end
+ # Converts a document node into a String.
+ # If the node could not be converted into a String
+ # for any reason, default will be returned.
+ #
+ # node::
+ # Document node to be converted.
+ # default::
+ # Value to be returned, if node could not be converted.
+ def node_to_text(node, default = nil)
+ if node.instance_of?(REXML::Element)
+ node.texts.map { |t| t.value }.join('')
+ elsif node.instance_of?(REXML::Attribute)
+ node.value.nil? ? default : node.value.strip
+ elsif node.instance_of?(REXML::Text)
+ node.value.strip
+ else
+ default
+ end
+ end
+ # Parses an XML string and returns the according document.
+ #
+ # xml_string::
+ # XML string to be parsed.
+ #
+ # The following exception may be raised:
+ #
+ # REXML::ParseException::
+ # If the specified file is not wellformed.
+ def parse(xml_string)
+ Document.new(xml_string)
+ end
+ # Searches in a list of paths for a certain file. Returns
+ # the full path to the file, if it could be found. Otherwise,
+ # an exception will be raised.
+ #
+ # filename::
+ # Name of the file to search for.
+ # searchpath::
+ # List of paths to search in.
+ def find_xml_file(file, searchpath)
+ filename = File::basename(file)
+ if filename != file
+ return file if File::file?(file)
+ else
+ searchpath.each { |path|
+ full_path = File::join(path, filename)
+ return full_path if File::file?(full_path)
+ }
+ end
+ if searchpath.empty?
+ return file if File::file?(file)
+ raise ArgumentError, "File does not exist: #{file}."
+ end
+ raise ArgumentError, "Could not find <#{filename}> in <#{searchpath.join(':')}>"
+ end
+ # Loads and parses an XML configuration file.
+ #
+ # filename::
+ # Name of the configuration file to be loaded.
+ #
+ # The following exceptions may be raised:
+ #
+ # Errno::ENOENT::
+ # If the specified file does not exist.
+ # REXML::ParseException::
+ # If the specified file is not wellformed.
+ def load_xml_file(filename)
+ parse(File.readlines(filename).to_s)
+ end
+ # Caches the data belonging to a certain file.
+ #
+ # data::
+ # Data to be cached.
+ # filename::
+ # Name of file the data was read from.
+ def put_into_cache(data, filename)
+ if @options.has_key?('cache')
+ @options['cache'].each { |scheme|
+ case(scheme)
+ when 'storable'
+ @@cache.save_storable(data, filename)
+ when 'mem_share'
+ @@cache.save_mem_share(data, filename)
+ when 'mem_copy'
+ @@cache.save_mem_copy(data, filename)
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported caching scheme: <#{scheme}>."
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ end
+# vim:sw=2