diff options
authorVijay Dev <vijaydev.cse@gmail.com>2012-05-27 01:39:54 +0530
committerVijay Dev <vijaydev.cse@gmail.com>2012-05-27 01:44:45 +0530
commit4c34cb31fab087217a666a0dd7b1363128acd3a6 (patch)
parent2c2b0beaf46c997773b9adc8ef9ff57547a770a3 (diff)
Update initialization guide [ci skip]
* update rails versions * remove outdated code snippets * few more corrections
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/guides/source/initialization.textile b/guides/source/initialization.textile
index 913ff24290..48d4373afe 100644
--- a/guides/source/initialization.textile
+++ b/guides/source/initialization.textile
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ else
-The +rbconfig+ file from the Ruby standard library provides us with the +RbConfig+ class which contains detailed information about the Ruby environment, including how Ruby was compiled. We can see thisin use in +railties/lib/rails/script_rails_loader+.
+The +rbconfig+ file from the Ruby standard library provides us with the +RbConfig+ class which contains detailed information about the Ruby environment, including how Ruby was compiled. We can see this in use in +railties/lib/rails/script_rails_loader+.
require 'pathname'
@@ -157,11 +157,11 @@ The gems that a Rails 4 application depends on are as follows:
TODO: change these when the Rails 4 release is near.
* abstract (1.0.0)
-* actionmailer (3.1.0.beta)
-* actionpack (3.1.0.beta)
-* activemodel (3.1.0.beta)
-* activerecord (3.1.0.beta)
-* activesupport (3.1.0.beta)
+* actionmailer (4.0.0.beta)
+* actionpack (4.0.0.beta)
+* activemodel (4.0.0.beta)
+* activerecord (4.0.0.beta)
+* activesupport (4.0.0.beta)
* arel (2.0.7)
* builder (3.0.0)
* bundler (1.0.6)
@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ TODO: change these when the Rails 4 release is near.
* rack-cache (0.5.3)
* rack-mount (0.6.13)
* rack-test (0.5.6)
-* rails (3.1.0.beta)
-* railties (3.1.0.beta)
+* rails (4.0.0.beta)
+* railties (4.0.0.beta)
* rake (0.8.7)
* sqlite3-ruby (1.3.2)
* thor (0.14.6)
@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ ARGV << '--help' if ARGV.empty?
aliases = {
"g" => "generate",
+ "d" => "destroy",
"c" => "console",
"s" => "server",
"db" => "dbconsole",
@@ -579,28 +580,6 @@ this time to the +Array+ and +Hash+ classes. This file defines an
+extract_options!+ method which Rails uses to extract options from
-class Array
- # Extracts options from a set of arguments. Removes and returns the
- # last
- # element in the array if it's a hash, otherwise returns a blank hash.
- #
- # def options(*args)
- # args.extract_options!
- # end
- #
- # options(1, 2) # => {}
- # options(1, 2, :a => :b) # => {:a=>:b}
- def extract_options!
- if last.is_a?(Hash) && last.extractable_options?
- pop
- else
- {}
- end
- end
h4. +railties/lib/rails/application.rb+
The next file required by +railties/lib/rails.rb+ is +application.rb+.
@@ -612,8 +591,7 @@ Before the +Rails::Application+ class is
defined however, +rails/engine+ is also loaded, which is responsible for
handling the behavior and definitions of Rails engines.
-TIP: You can read more about engines in the "Getting Started with Engines":engines.html
+TIP: You can read more about engines in the "Getting Started with Engines":engines.html guide.
Among other things, Rails Engine is also responsible for loading the
Railtie class.
@@ -678,7 +656,7 @@ h4. +activesupport/lib/active_support/deprecation/proxy_wrappers.rb+
+proxy_wrappers.rb+ defines deprecation wrappers for methods, instance variables and constants. Previously, this was used for the +RAILS_ENV+ and +RAILS_ROOT+ constants for 3.0 but since then these constants have been removed. The deprecation message that would be raised from these would be something like:
- BadConstant is deprecated! Use GoodConstant instead.
+BadConstant is deprecated! Use GoodConstant instead.
h4. +active_support/ordered_options+
@@ -689,7 +667,7 @@ The next file required is +active_support/core_ext/hash/deep_dup+ which is cover
h4. +active_support/core_ext/object+
-This file is responsible for requiring many more core extensions:
+This file is responsible for requiring many more Active Support core extensions:
require 'active_support/core_ext/object/acts_like'
@@ -947,7 +925,7 @@ The +initializers_chain+ method referenced in the +initializers_for+ method is d
def initializers_chain
initializers = Collection.new
- ancestors.reverse_each do | klass |
+ ancestors.reverse_each do |klass|
next unless klass.respond_to?(:initializers)
initializers = initializers + klass.initializers
@@ -1010,46 +988,35 @@ This file defines the +ActiveSupport::Railtie+ constant which like the +I18n::Ra
Then this Railtie sets up three more initializers:
-* +active_support.initialize_whiny_nils+
* +active_support.deprecation_behavior+
* +active_support.initialize_time_zone+
+* +active_support.set_configs+
We will cover what each of these initializers do when they run.
Once the +active_support/railtie+ file has finished loading the next file required from +railties/lib/rails.rb+ is the +action_dispatch/railtie+.
-h4. +activesupport/lib/action_dispatch/railtie.rb+
+h4. +actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/railtie.rb+
This file defines the +ActionDispatch::Railtie+ class, but not before requiring +action_dispatch+.
-h4. +activesupport/lib/action_dispatch.rb+
-This file attempts to locate the +active_support+ and +active_model+ libraries by looking a couple of directories back from the current file and then adds the +active_support+ and +active_model+ +lib+ directories to the load path, but only if they aren't already, which they are.
-activesupport_path = File.expand_path('../../../activesupport/lib', __FILE__)
-$:.unshift(activesupport_path) if File.directory?(activesupport_path) && !$:.include?(activesupport_path)
-activemodel_path = File.expand_path('../../../activemodel/lib', __FILE__)
-$:.unshift(activemodel_path) if File.directory?(activemodel_path) && !$:.include?(activemodel_path)
-In effect, these lines only define the +activesupport_path+ and +activemodel_path+ variables and nothing more.
+h4. +actionpack/lib/action_dispatch.rb+
-The next two requires in this file are already done, so they are not run:
+This file starts off with the following requires:
require 'active_support'
require 'active_support/dependencies/autoload'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors'
-The following require is to +action_pack+ (+activesupport/lib/action_pack.rb+) which has a 22-line copyright notice at the top of it and ends in a simple require to +action_pack/version+. This file, like other +version.rb+ files before it, defines the +ActionPack::VERSION+ constant:
+The following require is to +action_pack+ (+actionpack/lib/action_pack.rb+) which contains a simple require to +action_pack/version+. This file, like other +version.rb+ files before it, defines the +ActionPack::VERSION+ constant:
module ActionPack
module VERSION #:nodoc:
- MAJOR = 3
- MINOR = 1
+ MAJOR = 4
+ MINOR = 0
TINY = 0
PRE = "beta"
@@ -1067,8 +1034,8 @@ This file makes a require to +active_model/version+ which defines the version fo
module ActiveModel
module VERSION #:nodoc:
- MAJOR = 3
- MINOR = 1
+ MAJOR = 4
+ MINOR = 0
TINY = 0
PRE = "beta"
@@ -1105,7 +1072,7 @@ Once it has finished loading, the +I18n.load_path+ method is used to add the +ac
The loading of this file finishes the loading of +active_model+ and so we go back to +action_dispatch+.
-h4. Back to +activesupport/lib/action_dispatch.rb+
+h4. Back to +actionpack/lib/action_dispatch.rb+
The remainder of this file requires the +rack+ file from the Rack gem which defines the +Rack+ module. After +rack+, there's autoloads defined for the +Rack+, +ActionDispatch+, +ActionDispatch::Http+, +ActionDispatch::Session+. A new method called +autoload_under+ is used here, and this simply prefixes the files where the modules are autoloaded from with the path specified. For example here:
@@ -1119,7 +1086,7 @@ The +Assertions+ module is in the +action_dispatch/testing+ folder rather than s
Finally, this file defines a top-level autoload, the +Mime+ constant.
-h4. Back to +activesupport/lib/action_dispatch/railtie.rb+
+h4. Back to +actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/railtie.rb+
After +action_dispatch+ is required in this file, the +ActionDispatch::Railtie+ class is defined and is yet another class that inherits from +Rails::Railtie+. This class defines some initial configuration option defaults for +config.action_dispatch+ before setting up a single initializer called +action_dispatch.configure+.
@@ -1141,22 +1108,21 @@ h4. +activerecord/lib/active_record.rb+
This file begins by detecting if the +lib+ directories of +active_support+ and +active_model+ are not in the load path and if they aren't then adds them. As we saw back in +action_dispatch.rb+, these directories are already there.
-The first three requires have already been done by other files and so aren't loaded here, but the 4th require, the one to +arel+ will require the file provided by the Arel gem, which defines the +Arel+ module.
+The first couple of requires have already been done by other files and so aren't loaded here, but the next one to +arel+ will require the file provided by the Arel gem, which defines the +Arel+ module.
require 'active_support'
-require 'active_support/i18n'
require 'active_model'
require 'arel'
-The 5th require in this file is one to +active_record/version+ which defines the +ActiveRecord::VERSION+ constant:
+The file required next is +active_record/version+ which defines the +ActiveRecord::VERSION+ constant:
module ActiveRecord
module VERSION #:nodoc:
- MAJOR = 3
- MINOR = 1
+ MAJOR = 4
+ MINOR = 0
TINY = 0
PRE = "beta"
@@ -1180,7 +1146,9 @@ This will set the engine for +Arel::Table+ to be +ActiveRecord::Base+.
The file then finishes with this line:
-I18n.load_path << File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/active_record/locale/en.yml'
+ActiveSupport.on_load(:i18n) do
+ I18n.load_path << File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/active_record/locale/en.yml'
This will add the translations from +activerecord/lib/active_record/locale/en.yml+ to the load path for +I18n+, with this file being parsed when all the translations are loaded.