diff options
authorAndrew Mutz <andrew.mutz@gmail.com>2012-05-14 17:47:55 -0700
committerAndrew Mutz <andrew.mutz@gmail.com>2012-05-27 18:14:21 -0700
commit155cd5e6b5f4c787ce01369d0187431c71a0d909 (patch)
parent523d0f09e4cc3ba46d851e2144587df26fdc7603 (diff)
Moving NumberHelpers from ActionView to ActiveSupport
13 files changed, 1536 insertions, 287 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/number_helper.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/number_helper.rb
index dfc26acfad..b743f5e0c9 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/number_helper.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/number_helper.rb
@@ -2,12 +2,16 @@
require 'active_support/core_ext/big_decimal/conversions'
require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/numeric'
require 'active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety'
+require 'active_support/number_helper'
+require 'erb'
module ActionView
# = Action View Number Helpers
module Helpers #:nodoc:
# Provides methods for converting numbers into formatted strings.
# Methods are provided for phone numbers, currency, percentage,
# precision, positional notation, file size and pretty printing.
@@ -16,9 +20,6 @@ module ActionView
# unchanged if can't be converted into a valid number.
module NumberHelper
- DEFAULT_CURRENCY_VALUES = { :format => "%u%n", :negative_format => "-%u%n", :unit => "$", :separator => ".", :delimiter => ",",
- :precision => 2, :significant => false, :strip_insignificant_zeros => false }
# Raised when argument +number+ param given to the helpers is invalid and
# the option :raise is set to +true+.
class InvalidNumberError < StandardError
@@ -63,25 +64,7 @@ module ActionView
options = options.symbolize_keys
parse_float(number, true) if options[:raise]
- number = number.to_s.strip
- area_code = options[:area_code]
- delimiter = options[:delimiter] || "-"
- extension = options[:extension]
- country_code = options[:country_code]
- if area_code
- number.gsub!(/(\d{1,3})(\d{3})(\d{4}$)/,"(\\1) \\2#{delimiter}\\3")
- else
- number.gsub!(/(\d{0,3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/,"\\1#{delimiter}\\2#{delimiter}\\3")
- number.slice!(0, 1) if number.start_with?(delimiter) && !delimiter.blank?
- end
- str = ''
- str << "+#{country_code}#{delimiter}" unless country_code.blank?
- str << number
- str << " x #{extension}" unless extension.blank?
- ERB::Util.html_escape(str)
+ ERB::Util.html_escape(ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_phone(number, options))
# Formats a +number+ into a currency string (e.g., $13.65). You
@@ -128,34 +111,9 @@ module ActionView
# # => 1234567890,50 &pound;
def number_to_currency(number, options = {})
return unless number
- options = options.symbolize_keys
- currency = translations_for('currency', options[:locale])
- currency[:negative_format] ||= "-" + currency[:format] if currency[:format]
- defaults = DEFAULT_CURRENCY_VALUES.merge(defaults_translations(options[:locale])).merge!(currency)
- defaults[:negative_format] = "-" + options[:format] if options[:format]
- options = defaults.merge!(options)
- unit = options.delete(:unit)
- format = options.delete(:format)
- if number.to_f < 0
- format = options.delete(:negative_format)
- number = number.respond_to?("abs") ? number.abs : number.sub(/^-/, '')
- end
- begin
- value = number_with_precision(number, options.merge(:raise => true))
- format.gsub('%n', value).gsub('%u', unit).html_safe
- rescue InvalidNumberError => e
- if options[:raise]
- raise
- else
- formatted_number = format.gsub('%n', e.number).gsub('%u', unit)
- e.number.to_s.html_safe? ? formatted_number.html_safe : formatted_number
- end
- end
+ options = escape_unsafe_delimiters_and_separators(options.symbolize_keys)
+ wrap_with_output_safety_handling(number, options[:raise]){ ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_currency(number, options) }
# Formats a +number+ as a percentage string (e.g., 65%). You can
@@ -196,24 +154,9 @@ module ActionView
# number_to_percentage("98a", :raise => true) # => InvalidNumberError
def number_to_percentage(number, options = {})
return unless number
- options = options.symbolize_keys
- defaults = format_translations('percentage', options[:locale])
- options = defaults.merge!(options)
- format = options[:format] || "%n%"
- begin
- value = number_with_precision(number, options.merge(:raise => true))
- format.gsub(/%n/, value).html_safe
- rescue InvalidNumberError => e
- if options[:raise]
- raise
- else
- formatted_number = format.gsub(/%n/, e.number)
- e.number.to_s.html_safe? ? formatted_number.html_safe : formatted_number
- end
- end
+ options = escape_unsafe_delimiters_and_separators(options.symbolize_keys)
+ wrap_with_output_safety_handling(number, options[:raise]){ ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_percentage(number, options) }
# Formats a +number+ with grouped thousands using +delimiter+
@@ -246,15 +189,9 @@ module ActionView
# number_with_delimiter("112a", :raise => true) # => raise InvalidNumberError
def number_with_delimiter(number, options = {})
- options = options.symbolize_keys
- parse_float(number, options[:raise]) or return number
- options = defaults_translations(options[:locale]).merge(options)
+ options = escape_unsafe_delimiters_and_separators(options.symbolize_keys)
- parts = number.to_s.to_str.split('.')
- parts[0].gsub!(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1#{options[:delimiter]}")
- safe_join(parts, options[:separator])
+ wrap_with_output_safety_handling(number, options[:raise]){ ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_delimited(number, options) }
# Formats a +number+ with the specified level of
@@ -299,41 +236,11 @@ module ActionView
# number_with_precision(1111.2345, :precision => 2, :separator => ',', :delimiter => '.')
# # => 1.111,23
def number_with_precision(number, options = {})
- options = options.symbolize_keys
- number = (parse_float(number, options[:raise]) or return number)
- defaults = format_translations('precision', options[:locale])
- options = defaults.merge!(options)
- precision = options.delete :precision
- significant = options.delete :significant
- strip_insignificant_zeros = options.delete :strip_insignificant_zeros
+ options = escape_unsafe_delimiters_and_separators(options.symbolize_keys)
- if significant and precision > 0
- if number == 0
- digits, rounded_number = 1, 0
- else
- digits = (Math.log10(number.abs) + 1).floor
- rounded_number = (BigDecimal.new(number.to_s) / BigDecimal.new((10 ** (digits - precision)).to_f.to_s)).round.to_f * 10 ** (digits - precision)
- digits = (Math.log10(rounded_number.abs) + 1).floor # After rounding, the number of digits may have changed
- end
- precision -= digits
- precision = precision > 0 ? precision : 0 #don't let it be negative
- else
- rounded_number = BigDecimal.new(number.to_s).round(precision).to_f
- rounded_number = rounded_number.zero? ? rounded_number.abs : rounded_number #prevent showing negative zeros
- end
- formatted_number = number_with_delimiter("%01.#{precision}f" % rounded_number, options)
- if strip_insignificant_zeros
- escaped_separator = Regexp.escape(options[:separator])
- formatted_number.sub(/(#{escaped_separator})(\d*[1-9])?0+\z/, '\1\2').sub(/#{escaped_separator}\z/, '').html_safe
- else
- formatted_number
- end
+ wrap_with_output_safety_handling(number, options[:raise]){ ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_rounded(number, options) }
- STORAGE_UNITS = [:byte, :kb, :mb, :gb, :tb].freeze
# Formats the bytes in +number+ into a more understandable
# representation (e.g., giving it 1500 yields 1.5 KB). This
@@ -383,40 +290,11 @@ module ActionView
# number_to_human_size(1234567890123, :precision => 5) # => "1.1229 TB"
# number_to_human_size(524288000, :precision => 5) # => "500 MB"
def number_to_human_size(number, options = {})
- options = options.symbolize_keys
- number = (parse_float(number, options[:raise]) or return number)
- defaults = format_translations('human', options[:locale])
- options = defaults.merge!(options)
- #for backwards compatibility with those that didn't add strip_insignificant_zeros to their locale files
- options[:strip_insignificant_zeros] = true if not options.key?(:strip_insignificant_zeros)
- storage_units_format = I18n.translate(:'number.human.storage_units.format', :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true)
- base = options[:prefix] == :si ? 1000 : 1024
+ options = escape_unsafe_delimiters_and_separators(options.symbolize_keys)
- if number.to_i < base
- unit = I18n.translate(:'number.human.storage_units.units.byte', :locale => options[:locale], :count => number.to_i, :raise => true)
- storage_units_format.gsub(/%n/, number.to_i.to_s).gsub(/%u/, unit).html_safe
- else
- max_exp = STORAGE_UNITS.size - 1
- exponent = (Math.log(number) / Math.log(base)).to_i # Convert to base
- exponent = max_exp if exponent > max_exp # we need this to avoid overflow for the highest unit
- number /= base ** exponent
- unit_key = STORAGE_UNITS[exponent]
- unit = I18n.translate(:"number.human.storage_units.units.#{unit_key}", :locale => options[:locale], :count => number, :raise => true)
- formatted_number = number_with_precision(number, options)
- storage_units_format.gsub(/%n/, formatted_number).gsub(/%u/, unit).html_safe
- end
+ wrap_with_output_safety_handling(number, options[:raise]){ ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_human_size(number, options) }
- DECIMAL_UNITS = {0 => :unit, 1 => :ten, 2 => :hundred, 3 => :thousand, 6 => :million, 9 => :billion, 12 => :trillion, 15 => :quadrillion,
- -1 => :deci, -2 => :centi, -3 => :mili, -6 => :micro, -9 => :nano, -12 => :pico, -15 => :femto}.freeze
# Pretty prints (formats and approximates) a number in a way it
# is more readable by humans (eg.: 1200000000 becomes "1.2
# Billion"). This is useful for numbers that can get very large
@@ -516,60 +394,33 @@ module ActionView
# number_to_human(0.34, :units => :distance) # => "34 centimeters"
def number_to_human(number, options = {})
- options = options.symbolize_keys
- number = (parse_float(number, options[:raise]) or return number)
+ options = escape_unsafe_delimiters_and_separators(options.symbolize_keys)
- defaults = format_translations('human', options[:locale])
- options = defaults.merge!(options)
- #for backwards compatibility with those that didn't add strip_insignificant_zeros to their locale files
- options[:strip_insignificant_zeros] = true if not options.key?(:strip_insignificant_zeros)
- inverted_du = DECIMAL_UNITS.invert
- units = options.delete :units
- unit_exponents = case units
- when Hash
- units
- when String, Symbol
- I18n.translate(:"#{units}", :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true)
- when nil
- I18n.translate(:"number.human.decimal_units.units", :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, ":units must be a Hash or String translation scope."
- end.keys.map{|e_name| inverted_du[e_name] }.sort_by{|e| -e}
- number_exponent = number != 0 ? Math.log10(number.abs).floor : 0
- display_exponent = unit_exponents.find{ |e| number_exponent >= e } || 0
- number /= 10 ** display_exponent
- unit = case units
- when Hash
- units[DECIMAL_UNITS[display_exponent]]
- when String, Symbol
- I18n.translate(:"#{units}.#{DECIMAL_UNITS[display_exponent]}", :locale => options[:locale], :count => number.to_i)
- else
- I18n.translate(:"number.human.decimal_units.units.#{DECIMAL_UNITS[display_exponent]}", :locale => options[:locale], :count => number.to_i)
- end
- decimal_format = options[:format] || I18n.translate(:'number.human.decimal_units.format', :locale => options[:locale], :default => "%n %u")
- formatted_number = number_with_precision(number, options)
- decimal_format.gsub(/%n/, formatted_number).gsub(/%u/, unit).strip.html_safe
+ wrap_with_output_safety_handling(number, options[:raise]){ ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_human(number, options) }
- def format_translations(namespace, locale)
- defaults_translations(locale).merge(translations_for(namespace, locale))
+ def escape_unsafe_delimiters_and_separators(options)
+ options[:separator] = ERB::Util.html_escape(options[:separator]) if options[:separator] && !options[:separator].html_safe?
+ options[:delimiter] = ERB::Util.html_escape(options[:delimiter]) if options[:delimiter] && !options[:delimiter].html_safe?
+ options
- def defaults_translations(locale)
- I18n.translate(:'number.format', :locale => locale, :default => {})
+ def wrap_with_output_safety_handling(number, raise_on_invalid, &block)
+ raise InvalidNumberError, number if raise_on_invalid && !valid_float?(number)
+ formatted_number = yield
+ if valid_float?(number) || number.html_safe?
+ formatted_number.html_safe
+ else
+ formatted_number
+ end
- def translations_for(namespace, locale)
- I18n.translate(:"number.#{namespace}.format", :locale => locale, :default => {})
+ def valid_float?(number)
+ !parse_float(number, false).nil?
def parse_float(number, raise_error)
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/locale/en.yml b/actionpack/lib/action_view/locale/en.yml
index 8e9db634fb..8a56f147b8 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/locale/en.yml
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/locale/en.yml
@@ -1,102 +1,4 @@
- number:
- # Used in number_with_delimiter()
- # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
- format:
- # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
- separator: "."
- # Delimits thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
- delimiter: ","
- # Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
- precision: 3
- # If set to true, precision will mean the number of significant digits instead
- # of the number of decimal digits (1234 with precision 2 becomes 1200, 1.23543 becomes 1.2)
- significant: false
- # If set, the zeros after the decimal separator will always be stripped (eg.: 1.200 will be 1.2)
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- # Used in number_to_currency()
- currency:
- format:
- # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
- format: "%u%n"
- unit: "$"
- # These five are to override number.format and are optional
- separator: "."
- delimiter: ","
- precision: 2
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- # Used in number_to_percentage()
- percentage:
- format:
- # These five are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # significant: false
- # strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- format: "%n%"
- # Used in number_to_precision()
- precision:
- format:
- # These five are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # significant: false
- # strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- # Used in number_to_human_size() and number_to_human()
- human:
- format:
- # These five are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- precision: 3
- significant: true
- strip_insignificant_zeros: true
- # Used in number_to_human_size()
- storage_units:
- # Storage units output formatting.
- # %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB)
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- byte:
- one: "Byte"
- other: "Bytes"
- kb: "KB"
- mb: "MB"
- gb: "GB"
- tb: "TB"
- # Used in number_to_human()
- decimal_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- # Decimal units output formatting
- # By default we will only quantify some of the exponents
- # but the commented ones might be defined or overridden
- # by the user.
- units:
- # femto: Quadrillionth
- # pico: Trillionth
- # nano: Billionth
- # micro: Millionth
- # mili: Thousandth
- # centi: Hundredth
- # deci: Tenth
- unit: ""
- # ten:
- # one: Ten
- # other: Tens
- # hundred: Hundred
- thousand: Thousand
- million: Million
- billion: Billion
- trillion: Trillion
- quadrillion: Quadrillion
# Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/number_helper_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/number_helper_test.rb
index 14ca6d9879..057cb47f53 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/template/number_helper_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/number_helper_test.rb
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ class NumberHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal("+18005551212", number_to_phone(8005551212, :country_code => 1, :delimiter => ''))
assert_equal("22-555-1212", number_to_phone(225551212))
assert_equal("+45-22-555-1212", number_to_phone(225551212, :country_code => 45))
+ assert_equal '111&lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt;111&lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt;1111', number_to_phone(1111111111, :delimiter => "<script></script>")
def test_number_to_currency
@@ -47,6 +48,8 @@ class NumberHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal("$1,234,567,890.50", number_to_currency("1234567890.50"))
assert_equal("1,234,567,890.50 K&#269;", number_to_currency("1234567890.50", {:unit => "K&#269;", :format => "%n %u"}))
assert_equal("1,234,567,890.50 - K&#269;", number_to_currency("-1234567890.50", {:unit => "K&#269;", :format => "%n %u", :negative_format => "%n - %u"}))
+ assert_equal '$1&lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt;01', number_to_currency(1.01, :separator => "<script></script>")
+ assert_equal '$1&lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt;000.00', number_to_currency(1000, :delimiter => "<script></script>")
def test_number_to_percentage
@@ -58,6 +61,8 @@ class NumberHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal("123.4%", number_to_percentage(123.400, :precision => 3, :strip_insignificant_zeros => true))
assert_equal("1.000,000%", number_to_percentage(1000, :delimiter => '.', :separator => ','))
assert_equal("1000.000 %", number_to_percentage(1000, :format => "%n %"))
+ assert_equal '1&lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt;010%', number_to_percentage(1.01, :separator => "<script></script>")
+ assert_equal '1&lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt;000.000%', number_to_percentage(1000, :delimiter => "<script></script>")
def test_number_with_delimiter
@@ -104,6 +109,8 @@ class NumberHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
def test_number_with_precision_with_custom_delimiter_and_separator
assert_equal '31,83', number_with_precision(31.825, :precision => 2, :separator => ',')
assert_equal '1.231,83', number_with_precision(1231.825, :precision => 2, :separator => ',', :delimiter => '.')
+ assert_equal '1&lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt;010', number_with_precision(1.01, :separator => "<script></script>")
+ assert_equal '1&lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt;000.000', number_with_precision(1000, :delimiter => "<script></script>")
def test_number_with_precision_with_significant_digits
@@ -193,6 +200,7 @@ class NumberHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal '1.0 KB', number_to_human_size(kilobytes(1.0123), :precision => 2, :strip_insignificant_zeros => false)
assert_equal '1.012 KB', number_to_human_size(kilobytes(1.0123), :precision => 3, :significant => false)
assert_equal '1 KB', number_to_human_size(kilobytes(1.0123), :precision => 0, :significant => true) #ignores significant it precision is 0
+ assert_equal '9&lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt;86 KB', number_to_human_size(10100, :separator => "<script></script>")
def test_number_to_human_size_with_custom_delimiter_and_separator
@@ -253,6 +261,9 @@ class NumberHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
#Spaces are stripped from the resulting string
assert_equal '4', number_to_human(4, :units => {:unit => "", :ten => 'tens '})
assert_equal '4.5 tens', number_to_human(45, :units => {:unit => "", :ten => ' tens '})
+ assert_equal '1&lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt;01', number_to_human(1.01, :separator => "<script></script>")
+ assert_equal '100&lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt;000 Quadrillion', number_to_human(10**20, :delimiter => "<script></script>")
def test_number_to_human_with_custom_format
diff --git a/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md b/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md
index 62b8a789c7..a818ef0c5d 100644
--- a/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
## Rails 4.0.0 (unreleased) ##
+* ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper methods have been moved to ActiveSupport::NumberHelper and are now available via
+ Numeric#to_s. Numeric#to_s now accepts the formatting options :phone, :currency, :percentage, :delimited,
+ :rounded, :human, and :human_size. *Andrew Mutz*
* Add `Hash#transform_keys`, `Hash#transform_keys!`, `Hash#deep_transform_keys`, and `Hash#deep_transform_keys!`. *Mark McSpadden*
* Changed xml type `datetime` to `dateTime` (with upper case letter `T`). *Angelo Capilleri*
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/big_decimal/conversions.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/big_decimal/conversions.rb
index 3ec7e576c8..5dc5710c53 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/big_decimal/conversions.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/big_decimal/conversions.rb
@@ -17,8 +17,13 @@ class BigDecimal
- def to_formatted_s(format = DEFAULT_STRING_FORMAT)
- _original_to_s(format)
+ def to_formatted_s(*args)
+ if args[0].is_a?(Symbol)
+ super
+ else
+ format = args[0] || DEFAULT_STRING_FORMAT
+ _original_to_s(format)
+ end
alias_method :_original_to_s, :to_s
alias_method :to_s, :to_formatted_s
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/numeric.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/numeric.rb
index 3805cf7990..a6bc0624be 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/numeric.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/numeric.rb
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
require 'active_support/core_ext/numeric/bytes'
require 'active_support/core_ext/numeric/time'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/numeric/conversions'
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/numeric/conversions.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/numeric/conversions.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2666387623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/numeric/conversions.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+require 'active_support/core_ext/big_decimal/conversions'
+require 'active_support/number_helper'
+class Numeric
+ # Provides options for converting numbers into formatted strings.
+ # Options are provided for phone numbers, currency, percentage,
+ # precision, positional notation, file size and pretty printing.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # For details on which formats use which options, see ActiveSupport::NumberHelper
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # Phone Numbers:
+ # 5551234.to_s(:phone) # => 555-1234
+ # 1235551234.to_s(:phone) # => 123-555-1234
+ # 1235551234.to_s(:phone, :area_code => true) # => (123) 555-1234
+ # 1235551234.to_s(:phone, :delimiter => " ") # => 123 555 1234
+ # 1235551234.to_s(:phone, :area_code => true, :extension => 555) # => (123) 555-1234 x 555
+ # 1235551234.to_s(:phone, :country_code => 1) # => +1-123-555-1234
+ # 1235551234.to_s(:phone, :country_code => 1, :extension => 1343, :delimiter => ".")
+ # # => +1.123.555.1234 x 1343
+ #
+ # Currency:
+ # 1234567890.50.to_s(:currency) # => $1,234,567,890.50
+ # 1234567890.506.to_s(:currency) # => $1,234,567,890.51
+ # 1234567890.506.to_s(:currency, :precision => 3) # => $1,234,567,890.506
+ # 1234567890.506.to_s(:currency, :locale => :fr) # => 1 234 567 890,51 €
+ # -1234567890.50.to_s(:currency, :negative_format => "(%u%n)")
+ # # => ($1,234,567,890.50)
+ # 1234567890.50.to_s(:currency, :unit => "&pound;", :separator => ",", :delimiter => "")
+ # # => &pound;1234567890,50
+ # 1234567890.50.to_s(:currency, :unit => "&pound;", :separator => ",", :delimiter => "", :format => "%n %u")
+ # # => 1234567890,50 &pound;
+ #
+ # Percentage:
+ # 100.to_s(:percentage) # => 100.000%
+ # 100.to_s(:percentage, :precision => 0) # => 100%
+ # 1000.to_s(:percentage, :delimiter => '.', :separator => ',') # => 1.000,000%
+ # 302.24398923423.to_s(:percentage, :precision => 5) # => 302.24399%
+ # 1000.to_s(:percentage, :locale => :fr) # => 1 000,000%
+ # 100.to_s(:percentage, :format => "%n %") # => 100 %
+ #
+ # Delimited:
+ # 12345678.to_s(:delimited) # => 12,345,678
+ # 12345678.05.to_s(:delimited) # => 12,345,678.05
+ # 12345678.to_s(:delimited, :delimiter => ".") # => 12.345.678
+ # 12345678.to_s(:delimited, :delimiter => ",") # => 12,345,678
+ # 12345678.05.to_s(:delimited, :separator => " ") # => 12,345,678 05
+ # 12345678.05.to_s(:delimited, :locale => :fr) # => 12 345 678,05
+ # 98765432.98.to_s(:delimited, :delimiter => " ", :separator => ",")
+ # # => 98 765 432,98
+ #
+ # Rounded:
+ # 111.2345.to_s(:rounded) # => 111.235
+ # 111.2345.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2) # => 111.23
+ # 13.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 5) # => 13.00000
+ # 389.32314.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 0) # => 389
+ # 111.2345.to_s(:rounded, :significant => true) # => 111
+ # 111.2345.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 1, :significant => true) # => 100
+ # 13.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 5, :significant => true) # => 13.000
+ # 111.234.to_s(:rounded, :locale => :fr) # => 111,234
+ # 13.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 5, :significant => true, :strip_insignificant_zeros => true)
+ # # => 13
+ # 389.32314.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 4, :significant => true) # => 389.3
+ # 1111.2345.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2, :separator => ',', :delimiter => '.')
+ # # => 1.111,23
+ #
+ # Human-friendly size in Bytes:
+ # 123.to_s(:human_size) # => 123 Bytes
+ # 1234.to_s(:human_size) # => 1.21 KB
+ # 12345.to_s(:human_size) # => 12.1 KB
+ # 1234567.to_s(:human_size) # => 1.18 MB
+ # 1234567890.to_s(:human_size) # => 1.15 GB
+ # 1234567890123.to_s(:human_size) # => 1.12 TB
+ # 1234567.to_s(:human_size, :precision => 2) # => 1.2 MB
+ # 483989.to_s(:human_size, :precision => 2) # => 470 KB
+ # 1234567.to_s(:human_size, :precision => 2, :separator => ',') # => 1,2 MB
+ # 1234567890123.to_s(:human_size, :precision => 5) # => "1.1229 TB"
+ # 524288000.to_s(:human_size, :precision => 5) # => "500 MB"
+ #
+ # Human-friendly format:
+ # 123.to_s(:human) # => "123"
+ # 1234.to_s(:human) # => "1.23 Thousand"
+ # 12345.to_s(:human) # => "12.3 Thousand"
+ # 1234567.to_s(:human) # => "1.23 Million"
+ # 1234567890.to_s(:human) # => "1.23 Billion"
+ # 1234567890123.to_s(:human) # => "1.23 Trillion"
+ # 1234567890123456.to_s(:human) # => "1.23 Quadrillion"
+ # 1234567890123456789.to_s(:human) # => "1230 Quadrillion"
+ # 489939.to_s(:human, :precision => 2) # => "490 Thousand"
+ # 489939.to_s(:human, :precision => 4) # => "489.9 Thousand"
+ # 1234567.to_s(:human, :precision => 4,
+ # :significant => false) # => "1.2346 Million"
+ # 1234567.to_s(:human, :precision => 1,
+ # :separator => ',',
+ # :significant => false) # => "1,2 Million"
+ def to_formatted_s(format = :default, options = {})
+ case format
+ when :phone
+ return ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_phone(self, options)
+ when :currency
+ return ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_currency(self, options)
+ when :percentage
+ return ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_percentage(self, options)
+ when :delimited
+ return ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_delimited(self, options)
+ when :rounded
+ return ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_rounded(self, options)
+ when :human
+ return ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_human(self, options)
+ when :human_size
+ return ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_human_size(self, options)
+ else
+ self.to_default_s
+ end
+ end
+ [Float, Fixnum, Bignum, BigDecimal].each do |klass|
+ klass.send(:alias_method, :to_default_s, :to_s)
+ klass.send(:define_method, :to_s) do |*args|
+ if args[0].is_a?(Symbol)
+ format = args[0]
+ options = args[1] || {}
+ self.to_formatted_s(format, options)
+ else
+ to_default_s(*args)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/locale/en.yml b/activesupport/lib/active_support/locale/en.yml
index a1499bcc90..18c7d47026 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/locale/en.yml
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/locale/en.yml
@@ -34,3 +34,102 @@ en:
words_connector: ", "
two_words_connector: " and "
last_word_connector: ", and "
+ number:
+ # Used in NumberHelper.number_to_delimited()
+ # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
+ format:
+ # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
+ separator: "."
+ # Delimits thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
+ delimiter: ","
+ # Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
+ precision: 3
+ # If set to true, precision will mean the number of significant digits instead
+ # of the number of decimal digits (1234 with precision 2 becomes 1200, 1.23543 becomes 1.2)
+ significant: false
+ # If set, the zeros after the decimal separator will always be stripped (eg.: 1.200 will be 1.2)
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ # Used in NumberHelper.number_to_currency()
+ currency:
+ format:
+ # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
+ format: "%u%n"
+ unit: "$"
+ # These five are to override number.format and are optional
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ # Used in NumberHelper.number_to_percentage()
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ # These five are to override number.format and are optional
+ # separator:
+ delimiter: ""
+ # precision:
+ # significant: false
+ # strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ format: "%n%"
+ # Used in NumberHelper.number_to_rounded()
+ precision:
+ format:
+ # These five are to override number.format and are optional
+ # separator:
+ delimiter: ""
+ # precision:
+ # significant: false
+ # strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ # Used in NumberHelper.number_to_human_size() and NumberHelper.number_to_human()
+ human:
+ format:
+ # These five are to override number.format and are optional
+ # separator:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ # Used in number_to_human_size()
+ storage_units:
+ # Storage units output formatting.
+ # %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB)
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ # Used in NumberHelper.number_to_human()
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ # Decimal units output formatting
+ # By default we will only quantify some of the exponents
+ # but the commented ones might be defined or overridden
+ # by the user.
+ units:
+ # femto: Quadrillionth
+ # pico: Trillionth
+ # nano: Billionth
+ # micro: Millionth
+ # mili: Thousandth
+ # centi: Hundredth
+ # deci: Tenth
+ unit: ""
+ # ten:
+ # one: Ten
+ # other: Tens
+ # hundred: Hundred
+ thousand: Thousand
+ million: Million
+ billion: Billion
+ trillion: Trillion
+ quadrillion: Quadrillion
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/number_helper.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/number_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f5309c824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/number_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+require 'active_support/core_ext/big_decimal/conversions'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/keys'
+require 'active_support/i18n'
+module ActiveSupport
+ module NumberHelper
+ extend self
+ DEFAULT_CURRENCY_VALUES = { :format => "%u%n", :negative_format => "-%u%n", :unit => "$", :separator => ".", :delimiter => ",",
+ :precision => 2, :significant => false, :strip_insignificant_zeros => false }
+ # Formats a +number+ into a US phone number (e.g., (555)
+ # 123-9876). You can customize the format in the +options+ hash.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # * <tt>:area_code</tt> - Adds parentheses around the area code.
+ # * <tt>:delimiter</tt> - Specifies the delimiter to use
+ # (defaults to "-").
+ # * <tt>:extension</tt> - Specifies an extension to add to the
+ # end of the generated number.
+ # * <tt>:country_code</tt> - Sets the country code for the phone
+ # number.
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # number_to_phone(5551234) # => 555-1234
+ # number_to_phone("5551234") # => 555-1234
+ # number_to_phone(1235551234) # => 123-555-1234
+ # number_to_phone(1235551234, :area_code => true) # => (123) 555-1234
+ # number_to_phone(1235551234, :delimiter => " ") # => 123 555 1234
+ # number_to_phone(1235551234, :area_code => true, :extension => 555) # => (123) 555-1234 x 555
+ # number_to_phone(1235551234, :country_code => 1) # => +1-123-555-1234
+ # number_to_phone("123a456") # => 123a456
+ #
+ # number_to_phone(1235551234, :country_code => 1, :extension => 1343, :delimiter => ".")
+ # # => +1.123.555.1234 x 1343
+ def number_to_phone(number, options = {})
+ return unless number
+ options = options.symbolize_keys
+ number = number.to_s.strip
+ area_code = options[:area_code]
+ delimiter = options[:delimiter] || "-"
+ extension = options[:extension]
+ country_code = options[:country_code]
+ if area_code
+ number.gsub!(/(\d{1,3})(\d{3})(\d{4}$)/,"(\\1) \\2#{delimiter}\\3")
+ else
+ number.gsub!(/(\d{0,3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/,"\\1#{delimiter}\\2#{delimiter}\\3")
+ number.slice!(0, 1) if number.start_with?(delimiter) && !delimiter.blank?
+ end
+ str = ''
+ str << "+#{country_code}#{delimiter}" unless country_code.blank?
+ str << number
+ str << " x #{extension}" unless extension.blank?
+ str
+ end
+ # Formats a +number+ into a currency string (e.g., $13.65). You
+ # can customize the format in the +options+ hash.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # * <tt>:locale</tt> - Sets the locale to be used for formatting
+ # (defaults to current locale).
+ # * <tt>:precision</tt> - Sets the level of precision (defaults
+ # to 2).
+ # * <tt>:unit</tt> - Sets the denomination of the currency
+ # (defaults to "$").
+ # * <tt>:separator</tt> - Sets the separator between the units
+ # (defaults to ".").
+ # * <tt>:delimiter</tt> - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults
+ # to ",").
+ # * <tt>:format</tt> - Sets the format for non-negative numbers
+ # (defaults to "%u%n"). Fields are <tt>%u</tt> for the
+ # currency, and <tt>%n</tt> for the number.
+ # * <tt>:negative_format</tt> - Sets the format for negative
+ # numbers (defaults to prepending an hyphen to the formatted
+ # number given by <tt>:format</tt>). Accepts the same fields
+ # than <tt>:format</tt>, except <tt>%n</tt> is here the
+ # absolute value of the number.
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # number_to_currency(1234567890.50) # => $1,234,567,890.50
+ # number_to_currency(1234567890.506) # => $1,234,567,890.51
+ # number_to_currency(1234567890.506, :precision => 3) # => $1,234,567,890.506
+ # number_to_currency(1234567890.506, :locale => :fr) # => 1 234 567 890,51 €
+ # number_to_currency("123a456") # => $123a456
+ #
+ # number_to_currency(-1234567890.50, :negative_format => "(%u%n)")
+ # # => ($1,234,567,890.50)
+ # number_to_currency(1234567890.50, :unit => "&pound;", :separator => ",", :delimiter => "")
+ # # => &pound;1234567890,50
+ # number_to_currency(1234567890.50, :unit => "&pound;", :separator => ",", :delimiter => "", :format => "%n %u")
+ # # => 1234567890,50 &pound;
+ def number_to_currency(number, options = {})
+ return unless number
+ options = options.symbolize_keys
+ currency = translations_for('currency', options[:locale])
+ currency[:negative_format] ||= "-" + currency[:format] if currency[:format]
+ defaults = DEFAULT_CURRENCY_VALUES.merge(defaults_translations(options[:locale])).merge!(currency)
+ defaults[:negative_format] = "-" + options[:format] if options[:format]
+ options = defaults.merge!(options)
+ unit = options.delete(:unit)
+ format = options.delete(:format)
+ if number.to_f < 0
+ format = options.delete(:negative_format)
+ number = number.respond_to?("abs") ? number.abs : number.sub(/^-/, '')
+ end
+ formatted_number = format.gsub('%n', self.number_to_rounded(number, options)).gsub('%u', unit)
+ formatted_number
+ end
+ # Formats a +number+ as a percentage string (e.g., 65%). You can
+ # customize the format in the +options+ hash.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # * <tt>:locale</tt> - Sets the locale to be used for formatting
+ # (defaults to current locale).
+ # * <tt>:precision</tt> - Sets the precision of the number
+ # (defaults to 3).
+ # * <tt>:significant</tt> - If +true+, precision will be the #
+ # of significant_digits. If +false+, the # of fractional
+ # digits (defaults to +false+).
+ # * <tt>:separator</tt> - Sets the separator between the
+ # fractional and integer digits (defaults to ".").
+ # * <tt>:delimiter</tt> - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults
+ # to "").
+ # * <tt>:strip_insignificant_zeros</tt> - If +true+ removes
+ # insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to
+ # +false+).
+ # * <tt>:format</tt> - Specifies the format of the percentage
+ # string The number field is <tt>%n</tt> (defaults to "%n%").
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # number_to_percentage(100) # => 100.000%
+ # number_to_percentage("98") # => 98.000%
+ # number_to_percentage(100, :precision => 0) # => 100%
+ # number_to_percentage(1000, :delimiter => '.', :separator => ',') # => 1.000,000%
+ # number_to_percentage(302.24398923423, :precision => 5) # => 302.24399%
+ # number_to_percentage(1000, :locale => :fr) # => 1 000,000%
+ # number_to_percentage("98a") # => 98a%
+ # number_to_percentage(100, :format => "%n %") # => 100 %
+ #
+ def number_to_percentage(number, options = {})
+ return unless number
+ options = options.symbolize_keys
+ defaults = format_translations('percentage', options[:locale])
+ options = defaults.merge!(options)
+ format = options[:format] || "%n%"
+ formatted_number = format.gsub('%n', self.number_to_rounded(number, options))
+ formatted_number
+ end
+ # Formats a +number+ with grouped thousands using +delimiter+
+ # (e.g., 12,324). You can customize the format in the +options+
+ # hash.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # * <tt>:locale</tt> - Sets the locale to be used for formatting
+ # (defaults to current locale).
+ # * <tt>:delimiter</tt> - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults
+ # to ",").
+ # * <tt>:separator</tt> - Sets the separator between the
+ # fractional and integer digits (defaults to ".").
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # number_to_delimited(12345678) # => 12,345,678
+ # number_to_delimited("123456") # => 123,456
+ # number_to_delimited(12345678.05) # => 12,345,678.05
+ # number_to_delimited(12345678, :delimiter => ".") # => 12.345.678
+ # number_to_delimited(12345678, :delimiter => ",") # => 12,345,678
+ # number_to_delimited(12345678.05, :separator => " ") # => 12,345,678 05
+ # number_to_delimited(12345678.05, :locale => :fr) # => 12 345 678,05
+ # number_to_delimited("112a") # => 112a
+ # number_to_delimited(98765432.98, :delimiter => " ", :separator => ",")
+ # # => 98 765 432,98
+ def number_to_delimited(number, options = {})
+ options = options.symbolize_keys
+ return number unless valid_float?(number)
+ options = defaults_translations(options[:locale]).merge(options)
+ parts = number.to_s.to_str.split('.')
+ parts[0].gsub!(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1#{options[:delimiter]}")
+ parts.join(options[:separator])
+ end
+ # Formats a +number+ with the specified level of
+ # <tt>:precision</tt> (e.g., 112.32 has a precision of 2 if
+ # +:significant+ is +false+, and 5 if +:significant+ is +true+).
+ # You can customize the format in the +options+ hash.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # * <tt>:locale</tt> - Sets the locale to be used for formatting
+ # (defaults to current locale).
+ # * <tt>:precision</tt> - Sets the precision of the number
+ # (defaults to 3).
+ # * <tt>:significant</tt> - If +true+, precision will be the #
+ # of significant_digits. If +false+, the # of fractional
+ # digits (defaults to +false+).
+ # * <tt>:separator</tt> - Sets the separator between the
+ # fractional and integer digits (defaults to ".").
+ # * <tt>:delimiter</tt> - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults
+ # to "").
+ # * <tt>:strip_insignificant_zeros</tt> - If +true+ removes
+ # insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to
+ # +false+).
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # number_to_rounded(111.2345) # => 111.235
+ # number_to_rounded(111.2345, :precision => 2) # => 111.23
+ # number_to_rounded(13, :precision => 5) # => 13.00000
+ # number_to_rounded(389.32314, :precision => 0) # => 389
+ # number_to_rounded(111.2345, :significant => true) # => 111
+ # number_to_rounded(111.2345, :precision => 1, :significant => true) # => 100
+ # number_to_rounded(13, :precision => 5, :significant => true) # => 13.000
+ # number_to_rounded(111.234, :locale => :fr) # => 111,234
+ #
+ # number_to_rounded(13, :precision => 5, :significant => true, :strip_insignificant_zeros => true)
+ # # => 13
+ #
+ # number_to_rounded(389.32314, :precision => 4, :significant => true) # => 389.3
+ # number_to_rounded(1111.2345, :precision => 2, :separator => ',', :delimiter => '.')
+ # # => 1.111,23
+ def number_to_rounded(number, options = {})
+ options = options.symbolize_keys
+ return number unless valid_float?(number)
+ number = Float(number)
+ defaults = format_translations('precision', options[:locale])
+ options = defaults.merge!(options)
+ precision = options.delete :precision
+ significant = options.delete :significant
+ strip_insignificant_zeros = options.delete :strip_insignificant_zeros
+ if significant and precision > 0
+ if number == 0
+ digits, rounded_number = 1, 0
+ else
+ digits = (Math.log10(number.abs) + 1).floor
+ rounded_number = (BigDecimal.new(number.to_s) / BigDecimal.new((10 ** (digits - precision)).to_f.to_s)).round.to_f * 10 ** (digits - precision)
+ digits = (Math.log10(rounded_number.abs) + 1).floor # After rounding, the number of digits may have changed
+ end
+ precision -= digits
+ precision = precision > 0 ? precision : 0 #don't let it be negative
+ else
+ rounded_number = BigDecimal.new(number.to_s).round(precision).to_f
+ rounded_number = rounded_number.zero? ? rounded_number.abs : rounded_number #prevent showing negative zeros
+ end
+ formatted_number = self.number_to_delimited("%01.#{precision}f" % rounded_number, options)
+ if strip_insignificant_zeros
+ escaped_separator = Regexp.escape(options[:separator])
+ formatted_number.sub(/(#{escaped_separator})(\d*[1-9])?0+\z/, '\1\2').sub(/#{escaped_separator}\z/, '')
+ else
+ formatted_number
+ end
+ end
+ STORAGE_UNITS = [:byte, :kb, :mb, :gb, :tb].freeze
+ # Formats the bytes in +number+ into a more understandable
+ # representation (e.g., giving it 1500 yields 1.5 KB). This
+ # method is useful for reporting file sizes to users. You can
+ # customize the format in the +options+ hash.
+ #
+ # See <tt>number_to_human</tt> if you want to pretty-print a
+ # generic number.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # * <tt>:locale</tt> - Sets the locale to be used for formatting
+ # (defaults to current locale).
+ # * <tt>:precision</tt> - Sets the precision of the number
+ # (defaults to 3).
+ # * <tt>:significant</tt> - If +true+, precision will be the #
+ # of significant_digits. If +false+, the # of fractional
+ # digits (defaults to +true+)
+ # * <tt>:separator</tt> - Sets the separator between the
+ # fractional and integer digits (defaults to ".").
+ # * <tt>:delimiter</tt> - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults
+ # to "").
+ # * <tt>:strip_insignificant_zeros</tt> - If +true+ removes
+ # insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to
+ # +true+)
+ # * <tt>:prefix</tt> - If +:si+ formats the number using the SI
+ # prefix (defaults to :binary)
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # number_to_human_size(123) # => 123 Bytes
+ # number_to_human_size(1234) # => 1.21 KB
+ # number_to_human_size(12345) # => 12.1 KB
+ # number_to_human_size(1234567) # => 1.18 MB
+ # number_to_human_size(1234567890) # => 1.15 GB
+ # number_to_human_size(1234567890123) # => 1.12 TB
+ # number_to_human_size(1234567, :precision => 2) # => 1.2 MB
+ # number_to_human_size(483989, :precision => 2) # => 470 KB
+ # number_to_human_size(1234567, :precision => 2, :separator => ',') # => 1,2 MB
+ #
+ # Non-significant zeros after the fractional separator are
+ # stripped out by default (set
+ # <tt>:strip_insignificant_zeros</tt> to +false+ to change that):
+ # number_to_human_size(1234567890123, :precision => 5) # => "1.1229 TB"
+ # number_to_human_size(524288000, :precision => 5) # => "500 MB"
+ def number_to_human_size(number, options = {})
+ options = options.symbolize_keys
+ return number unless valid_float?(number)
+ number = Float(number)
+ defaults = format_translations('human', options[:locale])
+ options = defaults.merge!(options)
+ #for backwards compatibility with those that didn't add strip_insignificant_zeros to their locale files
+ options[:strip_insignificant_zeros] = true if not options.key?(:strip_insignificant_zeros)
+ storage_units_format = I18n.translate(:'number.human.storage_units.format', :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true)
+ base = options[:prefix] == :si ? 1000 : 1024
+ if number.to_i < base
+ unit = I18n.translate(:'number.human.storage_units.units.byte', :locale => options[:locale], :count => number.to_i, :raise => true)
+ storage_units_format.gsub(/%n/, number.to_i.to_s).gsub(/%u/, unit)
+ else
+ max_exp = STORAGE_UNITS.size - 1
+ exponent = (Math.log(number) / Math.log(base)).to_i # Convert to base
+ exponent = max_exp if exponent > max_exp # we need this to avoid overflow for the highest unit
+ number /= base ** exponent
+ unit_key = STORAGE_UNITS[exponent]
+ unit = I18n.translate(:"number.human.storage_units.units.#{unit_key}", :locale => options[:locale], :count => number, :raise => true)
+ formatted_number = self.number_to_rounded(number, options)
+ storage_units_format.gsub(/%n/, formatted_number).gsub(/%u/, unit)
+ end
+ end
+ DECIMAL_UNITS = {0 => :unit, 1 => :ten, 2 => :hundred, 3 => :thousand, 6 => :million, 9 => :billion, 12 => :trillion, 15 => :quadrillion,
+ -1 => :deci, -2 => :centi, -3 => :mili, -6 => :micro, -9 => :nano, -12 => :pico, -15 => :femto}.freeze
+ # Pretty prints (formats and approximates) a number in a way it
+ # is more readable by humans (eg.: 1200000000 becomes "1.2
+ # Billion"). This is useful for numbers that can get very large
+ # (and too hard to read).
+ #
+ # See <tt>number_to_human_size</tt> if you want to print a file
+ # size.
+ #
+ # You can also define you own unit-quantifier names if you want
+ # to use other decimal units (eg.: 1500 becomes "1.5
+ # kilometers", 0.150 becomes "150 milliliters", etc). You may
+ # define a wide range of unit quantifiers, even fractional ones
+ # (centi, deci, mili, etc).
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ #
+ # * <tt>:locale</tt> - Sets the locale to be used for formatting
+ # (defaults to current locale).
+ # * <tt>:precision</tt> - Sets the precision of the number
+ # (defaults to 3).
+ # * <tt>:significant</tt> - If +true+, precision will be the #
+ # of significant_digits. If +false+, the # of fractional
+ # digits (defaults to +true+)
+ # * <tt>:separator</tt> - Sets the separator between the
+ # fractional and integer digits (defaults to ".").
+ # * <tt>:delimiter</tt> - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults
+ # to "").
+ # * <tt>:strip_insignificant_zeros</tt> - If +true+ removes
+ # insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to
+ # +true+)
+ # * <tt>:units</tt> - A Hash of unit quantifier names. Or a
+ # string containing an i18n scope where to find this hash. It
+ # might have the following keys:
+ # * *integers*: <tt>:unit</tt>, <tt>:ten</tt>,
+ # *<tt>:hundred</tt>, <tt>:thousand</tt>, <tt>:million</tt>,
+ # *<tt>:billion</tt>, <tt>:trillion</tt>,
+ # *<tt>:quadrillion</tt>
+ # * *fractionals*: <tt>:deci</tt>, <tt>:centi</tt>,
+ # *<tt>:mili</tt>, <tt>:micro</tt>, <tt>:nano</tt>,
+ # *<tt>:pico</tt>, <tt>:femto</tt>
+ # * <tt>:format</tt> - Sets the format of the output string
+ # (defaults to "%n %u"). The field types are:
+ # * %u - The quantifier (ex.: 'thousand')
+ # * %n - The number
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # number_to_human(123) # => "123"
+ # number_to_human(1234) # => "1.23 Thousand"
+ # number_to_human(12345) # => "12.3 Thousand"
+ # number_to_human(1234567) # => "1.23 Million"
+ # number_to_human(1234567890) # => "1.23 Billion"
+ # number_to_human(1234567890123) # => "1.23 Trillion"
+ # number_to_human(1234567890123456) # => "1.23 Quadrillion"
+ # number_to_human(1234567890123456789) # => "1230 Quadrillion"
+ # number_to_human(489939, :precision => 2) # => "490 Thousand"
+ # number_to_human(489939, :precision => 4) # => "489.9 Thousand"
+ # number_to_human(1234567, :precision => 4,
+ # :significant => false) # => "1.2346 Million"
+ # number_to_human(1234567, :precision => 1,
+ # :separator => ',',
+ # :significant => false) # => "1,2 Million"
+ #
+ # Non-significant zeros after the decimal separator are stripped
+ # out by default (set <tt>:strip_insignificant_zeros</tt> to
+ # +false+ to change that):
+ # number_to_human(12345012345, :significant_digits => 6) # => "12.345 Billion"
+ # number_to_human(500000000, :precision => 5) # => "500 Million"
+ #
+ # ==== Custom Unit Quantifiers
+ #
+ # You can also use your own custom unit quantifiers:
+ # number_to_human(500000, :units => {:unit => "ml", :thousand => "lt"}) # => "500 lt"
+ #
+ # If in your I18n locale you have:
+ # distance:
+ # centi:
+ # one: "centimeter"
+ # other: "centimeters"
+ # unit:
+ # one: "meter"
+ # other: "meters"
+ # thousand:
+ # one: "kilometer"
+ # other: "kilometers"
+ # billion: "gazillion-distance"
+ #
+ # Then you could do:
+ #
+ # number_to_human(543934, :units => :distance) # => "544 kilometers"
+ # number_to_human(54393498, :units => :distance) # => "54400 kilometers"
+ # number_to_human(54393498000, :units => :distance) # => "54.4 gazillion-distance"
+ # number_to_human(343, :units => :distance, :precision => 1) # => "300 meters"
+ # number_to_human(1, :units => :distance) # => "1 meter"
+ # number_to_human(0.34, :units => :distance) # => "34 centimeters"
+ def number_to_human(number, options = {})
+ options = options.symbolize_keys
+ return number unless valid_float?(number)
+ number = Float(number)
+ defaults = format_translations('human', options[:locale])
+ options = defaults.merge!(options)
+ #for backwards compatibility with those that didn't add strip_insignificant_zeros to their locale files
+ options[:strip_insignificant_zeros] = true if not options.key?(:strip_insignificant_zeros)
+ inverted_du = DECIMAL_UNITS.invert
+ units = options.delete :units
+ unit_exponents = case units
+ when Hash
+ units
+ when String, Symbol
+ I18n.translate(:"#{units}", :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true)
+ when nil
+ I18n.translate(:"number.human.decimal_units.units", :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true)
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, ":units must be a Hash or String translation scope."
+ end.keys.map{|e_name| inverted_du[e_name] }.sort_by{|e| -e}
+ number_exponent = number != 0 ? Math.log10(number.abs).floor : 0
+ display_exponent = unit_exponents.find{ |e| number_exponent >= e } || 0
+ number /= 10 ** display_exponent
+ unit = case units
+ when Hash
+ units[DECIMAL_UNITS[display_exponent]]
+ when String, Symbol
+ I18n.translate(:"#{units}.#{DECIMAL_UNITS[display_exponent]}", :locale => options[:locale], :count => number.to_i)
+ else
+ I18n.translate(:"number.human.decimal_units.units.#{DECIMAL_UNITS[display_exponent]}", :locale => options[:locale], :count => number.to_i)
+ end
+ decimal_format = options[:format] || I18n.translate(:'number.human.decimal_units.format', :locale => options[:locale], :default => "%n %u")
+ formatted_number = self.number_to_rounded(number, options)
+ decimal_format.gsub(/%n/, formatted_number).gsub(/%u/, unit).strip
+ end
+ def self.private_module_and_instance_method(method_name)
+ private method_name
+ private_class_method method_name
+ end
+ private_class_method :private_module_and_instance_method
+ def format_translations(namespace, locale)
+ defaults_translations(locale).merge(translations_for(namespace, locale))
+ end
+ private_module_and_instance_method :format_translations
+ def defaults_translations(locale)
+ I18n.translate(:'number.format', :locale => locale, :default => {})
+ end
+ private_module_and_instance_method :defaults_translations
+ def translations_for(namespace, locale)
+ I18n.translate(:"number.#{namespace}.format", :locale => locale, :default => {})
+ end
+ private_module_and_instance_method :translations_for
+ def valid_float?(number)
+ Float(number)
+ rescue ArgumentError, TypeError
+ false
+ end
+ private_module_and_instance_method :valid_float?
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/activesupport/test/core_ext/bigdecimal_test.rb b/activesupport/test/core_ext/bigdecimal_test.rb
index e24a089650..a5987044b9 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/core_ext/bigdecimal_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/core_ext/bigdecimal_test.rb
@@ -14,4 +14,9 @@ class BigDecimalTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
bd = BigDecimal.new '10'
assert_equal bd, bd.to_d
+ def test_to_s
+ bd = BigDecimal.new '0.01'
+ assert_equal '0.01', bd.to_s
+ end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/core_ext/numeric_ext_test.rb b/activesupport/test/core_ext/numeric_ext_test.rb
index 1cb1e25d4c..435f4aa5a1 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/core_ext/numeric_ext_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/core_ext/numeric_ext_test.rb
@@ -186,3 +186,264 @@ class NumericExtSizeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
assert_equal 3458764513820540928, 3.exabyte
+class NumericExtFormattingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def kilobytes(number)
+ number * 1024
+ end
+ def megabytes(number)
+ kilobytes(number) * 1024
+ end
+ def gigabytes(number)
+ megabytes(number) * 1024
+ end
+ def terabytes(number)
+ gigabytes(number) * 1024
+ end
+ def test_to_s__phone
+ assert_equal("555-1234", 5551234.to_s(:phone))
+ assert_equal("800-555-1212", 8005551212.to_s(:phone))
+ assert_equal("(800) 555-1212", 8005551212.to_s(:phone, :area_code => true))
+ assert_equal("800 555 1212", 8005551212.to_s(:phone, :delimiter => " "))
+ assert_equal("(800) 555-1212 x 123", 8005551212.to_s(:phone, :area_code => true, :extension => 123))
+ assert_equal("800-555-1212", 8005551212.to_s(:phone, :extension => " "))
+ assert_equal("555.1212", 5551212.to_s(:phone, :delimiter => '.'))
+ assert_equal("+1-800-555-1212", 8005551212.to_s(:phone, :country_code => 1))
+ assert_equal("+18005551212", 8005551212.to_s(:phone, :country_code => 1, :delimiter => ''))
+ assert_equal("22-555-1212", 225551212.to_s(:phone))
+ assert_equal("+45-22-555-1212", 225551212.to_s(:phone, :country_code => 45))
+ end
+ def test_to_s__currency
+ assert_equal("$1,234,567,890.50", 1234567890.50.to_s(:currency))
+ assert_equal("$1,234,567,890.51", 1234567890.506.to_s(:currency))
+ assert_equal("-$1,234,567,890.50", -1234567890.50.to_s(:currency))
+ assert_equal("-$ 1,234,567,890.50", -1234567890.50.to_s(:currency, :format => "%u %n"))
+ assert_equal("($1,234,567,890.50)", -1234567890.50.to_s(:currency, :negative_format => "(%u%n)"))
+ assert_equal("$1,234,567,892", 1234567891.50.to_s(:currency, :precision => 0))
+ assert_equal("$1,234,567,890.5", 1234567890.50.to_s(:currency, :precision => 1))
+ assert_equal("&pound;1234567890,50", 1234567890.50.to_s(:currency, :unit => "&pound;", :separator => ",", :delimiter => ""))
+ end
+ def test_to_s__rounded
+ assert_equal("-111.235", -111.2346.to_s(:rounded))
+ assert_equal("111.235", 111.2346.to_s(:rounded))
+ assert_equal("31.83", 31.825.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2))
+ assert_equal("111.23", 111.2346.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2))
+ assert_equal("111.00", 111.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2))
+ assert_equal("3268", (32.6751 * 100.00).to_s(:rounded, :precision => 0))
+ assert_equal("112", 111.50.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 0))
+ assert_equal("1234567892", 1234567891.50.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 0))
+ assert_equal("0", 0.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 0))
+ assert_equal("0.00100", 0.001.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 5))
+ assert_equal("0.001", 0.00111.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 3))
+ assert_equal("10.00", 9.995.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2))
+ assert_equal("11.00", 10.995.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2))
+ assert_equal("0.00", -0.001.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2))
+ end
+ def test_to_s__percentage
+ assert_equal("100.000%", 100.to_s(:percentage))
+ assert_equal("100%", 100.to_s(:percentage, :precision => 0))
+ assert_equal("302.06%", 302.0574.to_s(:percentage, :precision => 2))
+ assert_equal("123.4%", 123.400.to_s(:percentage, :precision => 3, :strip_insignificant_zeros => true))
+ assert_equal("1.000,000%", 1000.to_s(:percentage, :delimiter => '.', :separator => ','))
+ assert_equal("1000.000 %", 1000.to_s(:percentage, :format => "%n %"))
+ end
+ def test_to_s__delimited
+ assert_equal("12,345,678", 12345678.to_s(:delimited))
+ assert_equal("0", 0.to_s(:delimited))
+ assert_equal("123", 123.to_s(:delimited))
+ assert_equal("123,456", 123456.to_s(:delimited))
+ assert_equal("123,456.78", 123456.78.to_s(:delimited))
+ assert_equal("123,456.789", 123456.789.to_s(:delimited))
+ assert_equal("123,456.78901", 123456.78901.to_s(:delimited))
+ assert_equal("123,456,789.78901", 123456789.78901.to_s(:delimited))
+ assert_equal("0.78901", 0.78901.to_s(:delimited))
+ end
+ def test_to_s__delimited__with_options_hash
+ assert_equal '12 345 678', 12345678.to_s(:delimited, :delimiter => ' ')
+ assert_equal '12,345,678-05', 12345678.05.to_s(:delimited, :separator => '-')
+ assert_equal '12.345.678,05', 12345678.05.to_s(:delimited, :separator => ',', :delimiter => '.')
+ assert_equal '12.345.678,05', 12345678.05.to_s(:delimited, :delimiter => '.', :separator => ',')
+ end
+ def test_to_s__rounded_with_custom_delimiter_and_separator
+ assert_equal '31,83', 31.825.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2, :separator => ',')
+ assert_equal '1.231,83', 1231.825.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2, :separator => ',', :delimiter => '.')
+ end
+ def test_to_s__rounded__with_significant_digits
+ assert_equal "124000", 123987.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 3, :significant => true)
+ assert_equal "120000000", 123987876.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "9775", 9775.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 4, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "5.4", 5.3923.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "5", 5.3923.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "1", 1.232.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "7", 7.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "1", 1.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "53", 52.7923.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "9775.00", 9775.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 6, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "5.392900", 5.3929.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 7, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "0.0", 0.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "0", 0.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "0.0001", 0.0001.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "0.000100", 0.0001.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 3, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "0.0001", 0.0001111.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "10.0", 9.995.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 3, :significant => true)
+ assert_equal "9.99", 9.994.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 3, :significant => true)
+ assert_equal "11.0", 10.995.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 3, :significant => true)
+ end
+ def test_to_s__rounded__with_strip_insignificant_zeros
+ assert_equal "9775.43", 9775.43.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 4, :strip_insignificant_zeros => true )
+ assert_equal "9775.2", 9775.2.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 6, :significant => true, :strip_insignificant_zeros => true )
+ assert_equal "0", 0.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 6, :significant => true, :strip_insignificant_zeros => true )
+ end
+ def test_to_s__rounded__with_significant_true_and_zero_precision
+ # Zero precision with significant is a mistake (would always return zero),
+ # so we treat it as if significant was false (increases backwards compatibility for number_to_human_size)
+ assert_equal "124", 123.987.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 0, :significant => true)
+ assert_equal "12", 12.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 0, :significant => true )
+ end
+ def test_to_s__human_size
+ assert_equal '0 Bytes', 0.to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '1 Byte', 1.to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '3 Bytes', 3.14159265.to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '123 Bytes', 123.0.to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '123 Bytes', 123.to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '1.21 KB', 1234.to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '12.1 KB', 12345.to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '1.18 MB', 1234567.to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '1.15 GB', 1234567890.to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '1.12 TB', 1234567890123.to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '1030 TB', terabytes(1026).to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '444 KB', kilobytes(444).to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '1020 MB', megabytes(1023).to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '3 TB', terabytes(3).to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '1.2 MB', 1234567.to_s(:human_size, :precision => 2)
+ assert_equal '3 Bytes', 3.14159265.to_s(:human_size, :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '1 KB', kilobytes(1.0123).to_s(:human_size, :precision => 2)
+ assert_equal '1.01 KB', kilobytes(1.0100).to_s(:human_size, :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '10 KB', kilobytes(10.000).to_s(:human_size, :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '1 Byte', 1.1.to_s(:human_size)
+ assert_equal '10 Bytes', 10.to_s(:human_size)
+ end
+ def test_to_s__human_size_with_si_prefix
+ assert_equal '3 Bytes', 3.14159265.to_s(:human_size, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '123 Bytes', 123.0.to_s(:human_size, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '123 Bytes', 123.to_s(:human_size, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '1.23 KB', 1234.to_s(:human_size, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '12.3 KB', 12345.to_s(:human_size, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '1.23 MB', 1234567.to_s(:human_size, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '1.23 GB', 1234567890.to_s(:human_size, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '1.23 TB', 1234567890123.to_s(:human_size, :prefix => :si)
+ end
+ def test_to_s__human_size_with_options_hash
+ assert_equal '1.2 MB', 1234567.to_s(:human_size, :precision => 2)
+ assert_equal '3 Bytes', 3.14159265.to_s(:human_size, :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '1 KB', kilobytes(1.0123).to_s(:human_size, :precision => 2)
+ assert_equal '1.01 KB', kilobytes(1.0100).to_s(:human_size, :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '10 KB', kilobytes(10.000).to_s(:human_size, :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '1 TB', 1234567890123.to_s(:human_size, :precision => 1)
+ assert_equal '500 MB', 524288000.to_s(:human_size, :precision=>3)
+ assert_equal '10 MB', 9961472.to_s(:human_size, :precision=>0)
+ assert_equal '40 KB', 41010.to_s(:human_size, :precision => 1)
+ assert_equal '40 KB', 41100.to_s(:human_size, :precision => 2)
+ assert_equal '1.0 KB', kilobytes(1.0123).to_s(:human_size, :precision => 2, :strip_insignificant_zeros => false)
+ assert_equal '1.012 KB', kilobytes(1.0123).to_s(:human_size, :precision => 3, :significant => false)
+ assert_equal '1 KB', kilobytes(1.0123).to_s(:human_size, :precision => 0, :significant => true) #ignores significant it precision is 0
+ end
+ def test_to_s__human_size_with_custom_delimiter_and_separator
+ assert_equal '1,01 KB', kilobytes(1.0123).to_s(:human_size, :precision => 3, :separator => ',')
+ assert_equal '1,01 KB', kilobytes(1.0100).to_s(:human_size, :precision => 4, :separator => ',')
+ assert_equal '1.000,1 TB', terabytes(1000.1).to_s(:human_size, :precision => 5, :delimiter => '.', :separator => ',')
+ end
+ def test_number_to_human
+ assert_equal '-123', -123.to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal '-0.5', -0.5.to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal '0', 0.to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal '0.5', 0.5.to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal '123', 123.to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal '1.23 Thousand', 1234.to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal '12.3 Thousand', 12345.to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal '1.23 Million', 1234567.to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal '1.23 Billion', 1234567890.to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal '1.23 Trillion', 1234567890123.to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal '1.23 Quadrillion', 1234567890123456.to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal '1230 Quadrillion', 1234567890123456789.to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal '490 Thousand', 489939.to_s(:human, :precision => 2)
+ assert_equal '489.9 Thousand', 489939.to_s(:human, :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '489 Thousand', 489000.to_s(:human, :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '489.0 Thousand', 489000.to_s(:human, :precision => 4, :strip_insignificant_zeros => false)
+ assert_equal '1.2346 Million', 1234567.to_s(:human, :precision => 4, :significant => false)
+ assert_equal '1,2 Million', 1234567.to_s(:human, :precision => 1, :significant => false, :separator => ',')
+ assert_equal '1 Million', 1234567.to_s(:human, :precision => 0, :significant => true, :separator => ',') #significant forced to false
+ end
+ def test_number_to_human_with_custom_units
+ #Only integers
+ volume = {:unit => "ml", :thousand => "lt", :million => "m3"}
+ assert_equal '123 lt', 123456.to_s(:human, :units => volume)
+ assert_equal '12 ml', 12.to_s(:human, :units => volume)
+ assert_equal '1.23 m3', 1234567.to_s(:human, :units => volume)
+ #Including fractionals
+ distance = {:mili => "mm", :centi => "cm", :deci => "dm", :unit => "m", :ten => "dam", :hundred => "hm", :thousand => "km"}
+ assert_equal '1.23 mm', 0.00123.to_s(:human, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 cm', 0.0123.to_s(:human, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 dm', 0.123.to_s(:human, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 m', 1.23.to_s(:human, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 dam', 12.3.to_s(:human, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 hm', 123.to_s(:human, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 km', 1230.to_s(:human, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 km', 1230.to_s(:human, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 km', 1230.to_s(:human, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '12.3 km', 12300.to_s(:human, :units => distance)
+ #The quantifiers don't need to be a continuous sequence
+ gangster = {:hundred => "hundred bucks", :million => "thousand quids"}
+ assert_equal '1 hundred bucks', 100.to_s(:human, :units => gangster)
+ assert_equal '25 hundred bucks', 2500.to_s(:human, :units => gangster)
+ assert_equal '25 thousand quids', 25000000.to_s(:human, :units => gangster)
+ assert_equal '12300 thousand quids', 12345000000.to_s(:human, :units => gangster)
+ #Spaces are stripped from the resulting string
+ assert_equal '4', 4.to_s(:human, :units => {:unit => "", :ten => 'tens '})
+ assert_equal '4.5 tens', 45.to_s(:human, :units => {:unit => "", :ten => ' tens '})
+ end
+ def test_number_to_human_with_custom_format
+ assert_equal '123 times Thousand', 123456.to_s(:human, :format => "%n times %u")
+ volume = {:unit => "ml", :thousand => "lt", :million => "m3"}
+ assert_equal '123.lt', 123456.to_s(:human, :units => volume, :format => "%n.%u")
+ end
+ def test_to_s__injected_on_proper_types
+ assert_equal Fixnum, 1230.class
+ assert_equal '1.23 Thousand', 1230.to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal Float, Float(1230).class
+ assert_equal '1.23 Thousand', Float(1230).to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal Bignum, (100**10).class
+ assert_equal '100000 Quadrillion', (100**10).to_s(:human)
+ assert_equal BigDecimal, BigDecimal("1000010").class
+ assert_equal '1 Million', BigDecimal("1000010").to_s(:human)
+ end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/number_helper_test.rb b/activesupport/test/number_helper_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bcdea7ce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/test/number_helper_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+require 'active_support/number_helper'
+module ActiveSupport
+ module NumberHelper
+ class NumberHelperTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ class TestClassWithInstanceNumberHelpers
+ include ActiveSupport::NumberHelper
+ end
+ class TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers
+ extend ActiveSupport::NumberHelper
+ end
+ def setup
+ @instance_with_helpers = TestClassWithInstanceNumberHelpers.new
+ end
+ def kilobytes(number)
+ number * 1024
+ end
+ def megabytes(number)
+ kilobytes(number) * 1024
+ end
+ def gigabytes(number)
+ megabytes(number) * 1024
+ end
+ def terabytes(number)
+ gigabytes(number) * 1024
+ end
+ def test_number_to_phone
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal("555-1234", number_helper.number_to_phone(5551234))
+ assert_equal("800-555-1212", number_helper.number_to_phone(8005551212))
+ assert_equal("(800) 555-1212", number_helper.number_to_phone(8005551212, {:area_code => true}))
+ assert_equal("", number_helper.number_to_phone("", {:area_code => true}))
+ assert_equal("800 555 1212", number_helper.number_to_phone(8005551212, {:delimiter => " "}))
+ assert_equal("(800) 555-1212 x 123", number_helper.number_to_phone(8005551212, {:area_code => true, :extension => 123}))
+ assert_equal("800-555-1212", number_helper.number_to_phone(8005551212, :extension => " "))
+ assert_equal("555.1212", number_helper.number_to_phone(5551212, :delimiter => '.'))
+ assert_equal("800-555-1212", number_helper.number_to_phone("8005551212"))
+ assert_equal("+1-800-555-1212", number_helper.number_to_phone(8005551212, :country_code => 1))
+ assert_equal("+18005551212", number_helper.number_to_phone(8005551212, :country_code => 1, :delimiter => ''))
+ assert_equal("22-555-1212", number_helper.number_to_phone(225551212))
+ assert_equal("+45-22-555-1212", number_helper.number_to_phone(225551212, :country_code => 45))
+ end
+ end
+ def test_number_to_currency
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal("$1,234,567,890.50", number_helper.number_to_currency(1234567890.50))
+ assert_equal("$1,234,567,890.51", number_helper.number_to_currency(1234567890.506))
+ assert_equal("-$1,234,567,890.50", number_helper.number_to_currency(-1234567890.50))
+ assert_equal("-$ 1,234,567,890.50", number_helper.number_to_currency(-1234567890.50, {:format => "%u %n"}))
+ assert_equal("($1,234,567,890.50)", number_helper.number_to_currency(-1234567890.50, {:negative_format => "(%u%n)"}))
+ assert_equal("$1,234,567,892", number_helper.number_to_currency(1234567891.50, {:precision => 0}))
+ assert_equal("$1,234,567,890.5", number_helper.number_to_currency(1234567890.50, {:precision => 1}))
+ assert_equal("&pound;1234567890,50", number_helper.number_to_currency(1234567890.50, {:unit => "&pound;", :separator => ",", :delimiter => ""}))
+ assert_equal("$1,234,567,890.50", number_helper.number_to_currency("1234567890.50"))
+ assert_equal("1,234,567,890.50 K&#269;", number_helper.number_to_currency("1234567890.50", {:unit => "K&#269;", :format => "%n %u"}))
+ assert_equal("1,234,567,890.50 - K&#269;", number_helper.number_to_currency("-1234567890.50", {:unit => "K&#269;", :format => "%n %u", :negative_format => "%n - %u"}))
+ end
+ end
+ def test_number_to_percentage
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal("100.000%", number_helper.number_to_percentage(100))
+ assert_equal("100%", number_helper.number_to_percentage(100, {:precision => 0}))
+ assert_equal("302.06%", number_helper.number_to_percentage(302.0574, {:precision => 2}))
+ assert_equal("100.000%", number_helper.number_to_percentage("100"))
+ assert_equal("1000.000%", number_helper.number_to_percentage("1000"))
+ assert_equal("123.4%", number_helper.number_to_percentage(123.400, :precision => 3, :strip_insignificant_zeros => true))
+ assert_equal("1.000,000%", number_helper.number_to_percentage(1000, :delimiter => '.', :separator => ','))
+ assert_equal("1000.000 %", number_helper.number_to_percentage(1000, :format => "%n %"))
+ end
+ end
+ def test_to_delimited
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal("12,345,678", number_helper.number_to_delimited(12345678))
+ assert_equal("0", number_helper.number_to_delimited(0))
+ assert_equal("123", number_helper.number_to_delimited(123))
+ assert_equal("123,456", number_helper.number_to_delimited(123456))
+ assert_equal("123,456.78", number_helper.number_to_delimited(123456.78))
+ assert_equal("123,456.789", number_helper.number_to_delimited(123456.789))
+ assert_equal("123,456.78901", number_helper.number_to_delimited(123456.78901))
+ assert_equal("123,456,789.78901", number_helper.number_to_delimited(123456789.78901))
+ assert_equal("0.78901", number_helper.number_to_delimited(0.78901))
+ assert_equal("123,456.78", number_helper.number_to_delimited("123456.78"))
+ end
+ end
+ def test_to_delimited_with_options_hash
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal '12 345 678', number_helper.number_to_delimited(12345678, :delimiter => ' ')
+ assert_equal '12,345,678-05', number_helper.number_to_delimited(12345678.05, :separator => '-')
+ assert_equal '12.345.678,05', number_helper.number_to_delimited(12345678.05, :separator => ',', :delimiter => '.')
+ assert_equal '12.345.678,05', number_helper.number_to_delimited(12345678.05, :delimiter => '.', :separator => ',')
+ end
+ end
+ def test_to_rounded
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal("-111.235", number_helper.number_to_rounded(-111.2346))
+ assert_equal("111.235", number_helper.number_to_rounded(111.2346))
+ assert_equal("31.83", number_helper.number_to_rounded(31.825, :precision => 2))
+ assert_equal("111.23", number_helper.number_to_rounded(111.2346, :precision => 2))
+ assert_equal("111.00", number_helper.number_to_rounded(111, :precision => 2))
+ assert_equal("111.235", number_helper.number_to_rounded("111.2346"))
+ assert_equal("31.83", number_helper.number_to_rounded("31.825", :precision => 2))
+ assert_equal("3268", number_helper.number_to_rounded((32.6751 * 100.00), :precision => 0))
+ assert_equal("112", number_helper.number_to_rounded(111.50, :precision => 0))
+ assert_equal("1234567892", number_helper.number_to_rounded(1234567891.50, :precision => 0))
+ assert_equal("0", number_helper.number_to_rounded(0, :precision => 0))
+ assert_equal("0.00100", number_helper.number_to_rounded(0.001, :precision => 5))
+ assert_equal("0.001", number_helper.number_to_rounded(0.00111, :precision => 3))
+ assert_equal("10.00", number_helper.number_to_rounded(9.995, :precision => 2))
+ assert_equal("11.00", number_helper.number_to_rounded(10.995, :precision => 2))
+ assert_equal("0.00", number_helper.number_to_rounded(-0.001, :precision => 2))
+ end
+ end
+ def test_to_rounded_with_custom_delimiter_and_separator
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal '31,83', number_helper.number_to_rounded(31.825, :precision => 2, :separator => ',')
+ assert_equal '1.231,83', number_helper.number_to_rounded(1231.825, :precision => 2, :separator => ',', :delimiter => '.')
+ end
+ end
+ def test_to_rounded_with_significant_digits
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal "124000", number_helper.number_to_rounded(123987, :precision => 3, :significant => true)
+ assert_equal "120000000", number_helper.number_to_rounded(123987876, :precision => 2, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "40000", number_helper.number_to_rounded("43523", :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "9775", number_helper.number_to_rounded(9775, :precision => 4, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "5.4", number_helper.number_to_rounded(5.3923, :precision => 2, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "5", number_helper.number_to_rounded(5.3923, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "1", number_helper.number_to_rounded(1.232, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "7", number_helper.number_to_rounded(7, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "1", number_helper.number_to_rounded(1, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "53", number_helper.number_to_rounded(52.7923, :precision => 2, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "9775.00", number_helper.number_to_rounded(9775, :precision => 6, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "5.392900", number_helper.number_to_rounded(5.3929, :precision => 7, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "0.0", number_helper.number_to_rounded(0, :precision => 2, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "0", number_helper.number_to_rounded(0, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "0.0001", number_helper.number_to_rounded(0.0001, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "0.000100", number_helper.number_to_rounded(0.0001, :precision => 3, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "0.0001", number_helper.number_to_rounded(0.0001111, :precision => 1, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "10.0", number_helper.number_to_rounded(9.995, :precision => 3, :significant => true)
+ assert_equal "9.99", number_helper.number_to_rounded(9.994, :precision => 3, :significant => true)
+ assert_equal "11.0", number_helper.number_to_rounded(10.995, :precision => 3, :significant => true)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_to_rounded_with_strip_insignificant_zeros
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal "9775.43", number_helper.number_to_rounded(9775.43, :precision => 4, :strip_insignificant_zeros => true )
+ assert_equal "9775.2", number_helper.number_to_rounded(9775.2, :precision => 6, :significant => true, :strip_insignificant_zeros => true )
+ assert_equal "0", number_helper.number_to_rounded(0, :precision => 6, :significant => true, :strip_insignificant_zeros => true )
+ end
+ end
+ def test_to_rounded_with_significant_true_and_zero_precision
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ # Zero precision with significant is a mistake (would always return zero),
+ # so we treat it as if significant was false (increases backwards compatibility for number_to_human_size)
+ assert_equal "124", number_helper.number_to_rounded(123.987, :precision => 0, :significant => true)
+ assert_equal "12", number_helper.number_to_rounded(12, :precision => 0, :significant => true )
+ assert_equal "12", number_helper.number_to_rounded("12.3", :precision => 0, :significant => true )
+ end
+ end
+ def test_number_number_to_human_size
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal '0 Bytes', number_helper.number_to_human_size(0)
+ assert_equal '1 Byte', number_helper.number_to_human_size(1)
+ assert_equal '3 Bytes', number_helper.number_to_human_size(3.14159265)
+ assert_equal '123 Bytes', number_helper.number_to_human_size(123.0)
+ assert_equal '123 Bytes', number_helper.number_to_human_size(123)
+ assert_equal '1.21 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(1234)
+ assert_equal '12.1 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(12345)
+ assert_equal '1.18 MB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(1234567)
+ assert_equal '1.15 GB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(1234567890)
+ assert_equal '1.12 TB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(1234567890123)
+ assert_equal '1030 TB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(terabytes(1026))
+ assert_equal '444 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(kilobytes(444))
+ assert_equal '1020 MB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(megabytes(1023))
+ assert_equal '3 TB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(terabytes(3))
+ assert_equal '1.2 MB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(1234567, :precision => 2)
+ assert_equal '3 Bytes', number_helper.number_to_human_size(3.14159265, :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '123 Bytes', number_helper.number_to_human_size('123')
+ assert_equal '1 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(kilobytes(1.0123), :precision => 2)
+ assert_equal '1.01 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(kilobytes(1.0100), :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '10 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(kilobytes(10.000), :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '1 Byte', number_helper.number_to_human_size(1.1)
+ assert_equal '10 Bytes', number_helper.number_to_human_size(10)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_number_to_human_size_with_si_prefix
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal '3 Bytes', number_helper.number_to_human_size(3.14159265, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '123 Bytes', number_helper.number_to_human_size(123.0, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '123 Bytes', number_helper.number_to_human_size(123, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '1.23 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(1234, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '12.3 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(12345, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '1.23 MB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(1234567, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '1.23 GB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(1234567890, :prefix => :si)
+ assert_equal '1.23 TB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(1234567890123, :prefix => :si)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_number_to_human_size_with_options_hash
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal '1.2 MB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(1234567, :precision => 2)
+ assert_equal '3 Bytes', number_helper.number_to_human_size(3.14159265, :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '1 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(kilobytes(1.0123), :precision => 2)
+ assert_equal '1.01 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(kilobytes(1.0100), :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '10 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(kilobytes(10.000), :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '1 TB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(1234567890123, :precision => 1)
+ assert_equal '500 MB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(524288000, :precision=>3)
+ assert_equal '10 MB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(9961472, :precision=>0)
+ assert_equal '40 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(41010, :precision => 1)
+ assert_equal '40 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(41100, :precision => 2)
+ assert_equal '1.0 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(kilobytes(1.0123), :precision => 2, :strip_insignificant_zeros => false)
+ assert_equal '1.012 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(kilobytes(1.0123), :precision => 3, :significant => false)
+ assert_equal '1 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(kilobytes(1.0123), :precision => 0, :significant => true) #ignores significant it precision is 0
+ end
+ end
+ def test_number_to_human_size_with_custom_delimiter_and_separator
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal '1,01 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(kilobytes(1.0123), :precision => 3, :separator => ',')
+ assert_equal '1,01 KB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(kilobytes(1.0100), :precision => 4, :separator => ',')
+ assert_equal '1.000,1 TB', number_helper.number_to_human_size(terabytes(1000.1), :precision => 5, :delimiter => '.', :separator => ',')
+ end
+ end
+ def test_number_to_human
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal '-123', number_helper.number_to_human(-123)
+ assert_equal '-0.5', number_helper.number_to_human(-0.5)
+ assert_equal '0', number_helper.number_to_human(0)
+ assert_equal '0.5', number_helper.number_to_human(0.5)
+ assert_equal '123', number_helper.number_to_human(123)
+ assert_equal '1.23 Thousand', number_helper.number_to_human(1234)
+ assert_equal '12.3 Thousand', number_helper.number_to_human(12345)
+ assert_equal '1.23 Million', number_helper.number_to_human(1234567)
+ assert_equal '1.23 Billion', number_helper.number_to_human(1234567890)
+ assert_equal '1.23 Trillion', number_helper.number_to_human(1234567890123)
+ assert_equal '1.23 Quadrillion', number_helper.number_to_human(1234567890123456)
+ assert_equal '1230 Quadrillion', number_helper.number_to_human(1234567890123456789)
+ assert_equal '490 Thousand', number_helper.number_to_human(489939, :precision => 2)
+ assert_equal '489.9 Thousand', number_helper.number_to_human(489939, :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '489 Thousand', number_helper.number_to_human(489000, :precision => 4)
+ assert_equal '489.0 Thousand', number_helper.number_to_human(489000, :precision => 4, :strip_insignificant_zeros => false)
+ assert_equal '1.2346 Million', number_helper.number_to_human(1234567, :precision => 4, :significant => false)
+ assert_equal '1,2 Million', number_helper.number_to_human(1234567, :precision => 1, :significant => false, :separator => ',')
+ assert_equal '1 Million', number_helper.number_to_human(1234567, :precision => 0, :significant => true, :separator => ',') #significant forced to false
+ end
+ end
+ def test_number_to_human_with_custom_units
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ #Only integers
+ volume = {:unit => "ml", :thousand => "lt", :million => "m3"}
+ assert_equal '123 lt', number_helper.number_to_human(123456, :units => volume)
+ assert_equal '12 ml', number_helper.number_to_human(12, :units => volume)
+ assert_equal '1.23 m3', number_helper.number_to_human(1234567, :units => volume)
+ #Including fractionals
+ distance = {:mili => "mm", :centi => "cm", :deci => "dm", :unit => "m", :ten => "dam", :hundred => "hm", :thousand => "km"}
+ assert_equal '1.23 mm', number_helper.number_to_human(0.00123, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 cm', number_helper.number_to_human(0.0123, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 dm', number_helper.number_to_human(0.123, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 m', number_helper.number_to_human(1.23, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 dam', number_helper.number_to_human(12.3, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 hm', number_helper.number_to_human(123, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 km', number_helper.number_to_human(1230, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 km', number_helper.number_to_human(1230, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '1.23 km', number_helper.number_to_human(1230, :units => distance)
+ assert_equal '12.3 km', number_helper.number_to_human(12300, :units => distance)
+ #The quantifiers don't need to be a continuous sequence
+ gangster = {:hundred => "hundred bucks", :million => "thousand quids"}
+ assert_equal '1 hundred bucks', number_helper.number_to_human(100, :units => gangster)
+ assert_equal '25 hundred bucks', number_helper.number_to_human(2500, :units => gangster)
+ assert_equal '25 thousand quids', number_helper.number_to_human(25000000, :units => gangster)
+ assert_equal '12300 thousand quids', number_helper.number_to_human(12345000000, :units => gangster)
+ #Spaces are stripped from the resulting string
+ assert_equal '4', number_helper.number_to_human(4, :units => {:unit => "", :ten => 'tens '})
+ assert_equal '4.5 tens', number_helper.number_to_human(45, :units => {:unit => "", :ten => ' tens '})
+ end
+ end
+ def test_number_to_human_with_custom_format
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal '123 times Thousand', number_helper.number_to_human(123456, :format => "%n times %u")
+ volume = {:unit => "ml", :thousand => "lt", :million => "m3"}
+ assert_equal '123.lt', number_helper.number_to_human(123456, :units => volume, :format => "%n.%u")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_number_helpers_should_return_nil_when_given_nil
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_nil number_helper.number_to_phone(nil)
+ assert_nil number_helper.number_to_currency(nil)
+ assert_nil number_helper.number_to_percentage(nil)
+ assert_nil number_helper.number_to_delimited(nil)
+ assert_nil number_helper.number_to_rounded(nil)
+ assert_nil number_helper.number_to_human_size(nil)
+ assert_nil number_helper.number_to_human(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_number_helpers_do_not_mutate_options_hash
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ options = { 'raise' => true }
+ number_helper.number_to_phone(1, options)
+ assert_equal({ 'raise' => true }, options)
+ number_helper.number_to_currency(1, options)
+ assert_equal({ 'raise' => true }, options)
+ number_helper.number_to_percentage(1, options)
+ assert_equal({ 'raise' => true }, options)
+ number_helper.number_to_delimited(1, options)
+ assert_equal({ 'raise' => true }, options)
+ number_helper.number_to_rounded(1, options)
+ assert_equal({ 'raise' => true }, options)
+ number_helper.number_to_human_size(1, options)
+ assert_equal({ 'raise' => true }, options)
+ number_helper.number_to_human(1, options)
+ assert_equal({ 'raise' => true }, options)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_number_helpers_should_return_non_numeric_param_unchanged
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert_equal("+1-x x 123", number_helper.number_to_phone("x", :country_code => 1, :extension => 123))
+ assert_equal("x", number_helper.number_to_phone("x"))
+ assert_equal("$x.", number_helper.number_to_currency("x."))
+ assert_equal("$x", number_helper.number_to_currency("x"))
+ assert_equal("x%", number_helper.number_to_percentage("x"))
+ assert_equal("x", number_helper.number_to_delimited("x"))
+ assert_equal("x.", number_helper.number_to_rounded("x."))
+ assert_equal("x", number_helper.number_to_rounded("x"))
+ assert_equal "x", number_helper.number_to_human_size('x')
+ assert_equal "x", number_helper.number_to_human('x')
+ end
+ end
+ def test_extending_or_including_number_helper_correctly_hides_private_methods
+ [@instance_with_helpers, TestClassWithClassNumberHelpers, ActiveSupport::NumberHelper].each do |number_helper|
+ assert !number_helper.respond_to?(:valid_float?)
+ assert number_helper.respond_to?(:valid_float?, true)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile b/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile
index 587f65529e..2addc50d68 100644
--- a/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile
+++ b/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile
@@ -1840,6 +1840,76 @@ date and time arithmetic.
NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/numeric/time.rb+.
+h4. Formatting
+Enables the formatting of numbers in a variety of ways.
+Produce a string representation of a number as a telephone number:
+5551234.to_s(:phone) # => 555-1234
+1235551234.to_s(:phone) # => 123-555-1234
+1235551234.to_s(:phone, :area_code => true) # => (123) 555-1234
+1235551234.to_s(:phone, :delimiter => " ") # => 123 555 1234
+1235551234.to_s(:phone, :area_code => true, :extension => 555) # => (123) 555-1234 x 555
+1235551234.to_s(:phone, :country_code => 1) # => +1-123-555-1234
+Produce a string representation of a number as currency:
+1234567890.50.to_s(:currency) # => $1,234,567,890.50
+1234567890.506.to_s(:currency) # => $1,234,567,890.51
+1234567890.506.to_s(:currency, :precision => 3) # => $1,234,567,890.506
+Produce a string representation of a number as a percentage:
+100.to_s(:percentage) # => 100.000%
+100.to_s(:percentage, :precision => 0) # => 100%
+1000.to_s(:percentage, :delimiter => '.', :separator => ',') # => 1.000,000%
+302.24398923423.to_s(:percentage, :precision => 5) # => 302.24399%
+Produce a string representation of a number in delimited form:
+12345678.to_s(:delimited) # => 12,345,678
+12345678.05.to_s(:delimited) # => 12,345,678.05
+12345678.to_s(:delimited, :delimiter => ".") # => 12.345.678
+12345678.to_s(:delimited, :delimiter => ",") # => 12,345,678
+12345678.05.to_s(:delimited, :separator => " ") # => 12,345,678 05
+Produce a string representation of a number rounded to a precision:
+111.2345.to_s(:rounded) # => 111.235
+111.2345.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 2) # => 111.23
+13.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 5) # => 13.00000
+389.32314.to_s(:rounded, :precision => 0) # => 389
+111.2345.to_s(:rounded, :significant => true) # => 111
+Produce a string representation of a number as a human-readable number of bytes:
+123.to_s(:human_size) # => 123 Bytes
+1234.to_s(:human_size) # => 1.21 KB
+12345.to_s(:human_size) # => 12.1 KB
+1234567.to_s(:human_size) # => 1.18 MB
+1234567890.to_s(:human_size) # => 1.15 GB
+1234567890123.to_s(:human_size) # => 1.12 TB
+Produce a string representation of a number in human-readable words:
+123.to_s(:human) # => "123"
+1234.to_s(:human) # => "1.23 Thousand"
+12345.to_s(:human) # => "12.3 Thousand"
+1234567.to_s(:human) # => "1.23 Million"
+1234567890.to_s(:human) # => "1.23 Billion"
+1234567890123.to_s(:human) # => "1.23 Trillion"
+1234567890123456.to_s(:human) # => "1.23 Quadrillion"
+NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/numeric/formatting.rb+.
h3. Extensions to +Integer+
h4. +multiple_of?+