diff options
authorHongli Lai (Phusion) <hongli@phusion.nl>2008-08-27 11:39:06 +0200
committerHongli Lai (Phusion) <hongli@phusion.nl>2008-08-27 11:39:06 +0200
commit08704c442d15b16511214731dd94108b737ef407 (patch)
parent920ad94598a9b90d048cb7cb19a34d7cb9e80392 (diff)
parent5db2f199aba9aa8d00adefa8237922ad684aca03 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:lifo/docrails
-rw-r--r--actionmailer/test/fixtures/test_mailer/signed_up.html.erb (renamed from actionmailer/test/fixtures/test_mailer/signed_up.erb)0
88 files changed, 1759 insertions, 983 deletions
diff --git a/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/base.rb b/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/base.rb
index fa29ae2446..72c94529b5 100644
--- a/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/base.rb
+++ b/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/base.rb
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# * <tt>:domain</tt> - If you need to specify a HELO domain, you can do it here.
# * <tt>:user_name</tt> - If your mail server requires authentication, set the username in this setting.
# * <tt>:password</tt> - If your mail server requires authentication, set the password in this setting.
- # * <tt>:authentication</tt> - If your mail server requires authentication, you need to specify the authentication type here.
+ # * <tt>:authentication</tt> - If your mail server requires authentication, you need to specify the authentication type here.
# This is a symbol and one of <tt>:plain</tt>, <tt>:login</tt>, <tt>:cram_md5</tt>.
# * <tt>sendmail_settings</tt> - Allows you to override options for the <tt>:sendmail</tt> delivery method.
@@ -233,10 +233,10 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# * <tt>deliveries</tt> - Keeps an array of all the emails sent out through the Action Mailer with <tt>delivery_method :test</tt>. Most useful
# for unit and functional testing.
- # * <tt>default_charset</tt> - The default charset used for the body and to encode the subject. Defaults to UTF-8. You can also
+ # * <tt>default_charset</tt> - The default charset used for the body and to encode the subject. Defaults to UTF-8. You can also
# pick a different charset from inside a method with +charset+.
# * <tt>default_content_type</tt> - The default content type used for the main part of the message. Defaults to "text/plain". You
- # can also pick a different content type from inside a method with +content_type+.
+ # can also pick a different content type from inside a method with +content_type+.
# * <tt>default_mime_version</tt> - The default mime version used for the message. Defaults to <tt>1.0</tt>. You
# can also pick a different value from inside a method with +mime_version+.
# * <tt>default_implicit_parts_order</tt> - When a message is built implicitly (i.e. multiple parts are assembled from templates
@@ -253,9 +253,6 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
class_inheritable_accessor :view_paths
cattr_accessor :logger
- cattr_accessor :template_extensions
- @@template_extensions = ['erb', 'builder', 'rhtml', 'rxml']
@@smtp_settings = {
:address => "localhost",
:port => 25,
@@ -414,15 +411,10 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
- # Register a template extension so mailer templates written in a
- # templating language other than rhtml or rxml are supported.
- # To use this, include in your template-language plugin's init
- # code or on a per-application basis, this can be invoked from
- # <tt>config/environment.rb</tt>:
- #
- # ActionMailer::Base.register_template_extension('haml')
def register_template_extension(extension)
- template_extensions << extension
+ ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(
+ "ActionMailer::Base.register_template_extension has been deprecated." +
+ "Use ActionView::Base.register_template_extension instead", caller)
def template_root
@@ -455,16 +447,18 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# "the_template_file.text.html.erb", etc.). Only do this if parts
# have not already been specified manually.
if @parts.empty?
- templates = Dir.glob("#{template_path}/#{@template}.*")
- templates.each do |path|
- basename = File.basename(path)
- template_regex = Regexp.new("^([^\\\.]+)\\\.([^\\\.]+\\\.[^\\\.]+)\\\.(" + template_extensions.join('|') + ")$")
- next unless md = template_regex.match(basename)
- template_name = basename
- content_type = md.captures[1].gsub('.', '/')
- @parts << Part.new(:content_type => content_type,
- :disposition => "inline", :charset => charset,
- :body => render_message(template_name, @body))
+ Dir.glob("#{template_path}/#{@template}.*").each do |path|
+ template = template_root["#{mailer_name}/#{File.basename(path)}"]
+ # Skip unless template has a multipart format
+ next unless template.multipart?
+ @parts << Part.new(
+ :content_type => template.content_type,
+ :disposition => "inline",
+ :charset => charset,
+ :body => render_message(template, @body)
+ )
unless @parts.empty?
@content_type = "multipart/alternative"
@@ -477,7 +471,7 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# normal template exists (or if there were no implicit parts) we render
# it.
template_exists = @parts.empty?
- template_exists ||= Dir.glob("#{template_path}/#{@template}.*").any? { |i| File.basename(i).split(".").length == 2 }
+ template_exists ||= template_root["#{mailer_name}/#{@template}"]
@body = render_message(@template, @body) if template_exists
# Finally, if there are other message parts and a textual body exists,
@@ -538,7 +532,7 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
def render(opts)
body = opts.delete(:body)
- if opts[:file] && opts[:file] !~ /\//
+ if opts[:file] && (opts[:file] !~ /\// && !opts[:file].respond_to?(:render))
opts[:file] = "#{mailer_name}/#{opts[:file]}"
diff --git a/actionmailer/test/fixtures/test_mailer/signed_up.erb b/actionmailer/test/fixtures/test_mailer/signed_up.html.erb
index a85d5fa442..a85d5fa442 100644
--- a/actionmailer/test/fixtures/test_mailer/signed_up.erb
+++ b/actionmailer/test/fixtures/test_mailer/signed_up.html.erb
diff --git a/actionmailer/test/mail_service_test.rb b/actionmailer/test/mail_service_test.rb
index e5ecb0e254..882b07d675 100644
--- a/actionmailer/test/mail_service_test.rb
+++ b/actionmailer/test/mail_service_test.rb
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class TestMailer < ActionMailer::Base
attachment :content_type => "application/octet-stream",:filename => "test.txt", :body => "test abcdefghijklmnopqstuvwxyz"
def nested_multipart_with_body(recipient)
recipients recipient
subject "nested multipart with body"
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ class ActionMailerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_nothing_raised { created = TestMailer.create_nested_multipart(@recipient)}
assert_equal 2,created.parts.size
assert_equal 2,created.parts.first.parts.size
assert_equal "multipart/mixed", created.content_type
assert_equal "multipart/alternative", created.parts.first.content_type
assert_equal "bar", created.parts.first.header['foo'].to_s
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ class ActionMailerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first
assert_equal expected.encoded, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.encoded
def test_custom_template
expected = new_mail
expected.to = @recipient
@@ -382,7 +382,6 @@ class ActionMailerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_custom_templating_extension
- #
# N.b., custom_templating_extension.text.plain.haml is expected to be in fixtures/test_mailer directory
expected = new_mail
expected.to = @recipient
@@ -390,18 +389,10 @@ class ActionMailerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
expected.body = "Hello there, \n\nMr. #{@recipient}"
expected.from = "system@loudthinking.com"
expected.date = Time.local(2004, 12, 12)
# Stub the render method so no alternative renderers need be present.
ActionView::Base.any_instance.stubs(:render).returns("Hello there, \n\nMr. #{@recipient}")
- # If the template is not registered, there should be no parts.
- created = nil
- assert_nothing_raised { created = TestMailer.create_custom_templating_extension(@recipient) }
- assert_not_nil created
- assert_equal 0, created.parts.length
- ActionMailer::Base.register_template_extension('haml')
# Now that the template is registered, there should be one part. The text/plain part.
created = nil
assert_nothing_raised { created = TestMailer.create_custom_templating_extension(@recipient) }
@@ -428,7 +419,7 @@ class ActionMailerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first
assert_equal expected.encoded, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.encoded
def test_cc_bcc
expected = new_mail
expected.to = @recipient
@@ -550,7 +541,7 @@ class ActionMailerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size
def test_doesnt_raise_errors_when_raise_delivery_errors_is_false
ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = false
@@ -670,7 +661,7 @@ EOF
assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first
assert_equal expected.encoded, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.encoded
def test_utf8_body_is_not_quoted
@recipient = "Foo áëô îü <extended@example.net>"
expected = new_mail "utf-8"
@@ -760,7 +751,7 @@ EOF
mail = TestMailer.create_multipart_with_mime_version(@recipient)
assert_equal "1.1", mail.mime_version
def test_multipart_with_utf8_subject
mail = TestMailer.create_multipart_with_utf8_subject(@recipient)
assert_match(/\nSubject: =\?utf-8\?Q\?Foo_.*?\?=/, mail.encoded)
@@ -825,7 +816,7 @@ EOF
mail = TestMailer.create_implicitly_multipart_example(@recipient, 'iso-8859-1')
assert_equal "multipart/alternative", mail.header['content-type'].body
assert_equal 'iso-8859-1', mail.parts[0].sub_header("content-type", "charset")
assert_equal 'iso-8859-1', mail.parts[1].sub_header("content-type", "charset")
assert_equal 'iso-8859-1', mail.parts[2].sub_header("content-type", "charset")
@@ -852,7 +843,7 @@ EOF
assert_equal "line #1\nline #2\nline #3\nline #4\n\n", mail.parts[0].body
assert_equal "<p>line #1</p>\n<p>line #2</p>\n<p>line #3</p>\n<p>line #4</p>\n\n", mail.parts[1].body
def test_headers_removed_on_smtp_delivery
ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
diff --git a/actionpack/CHANGELOG b/actionpack/CHANGELOG
index 177c6a354e..6f65d4003d 100644
--- a/actionpack/CHANGELOG
+++ b/actionpack/CHANGELOG
@@ -7,8 +7,14 @@
* Update Prototype to #599 [Patrick Joyce]
* Conditional GET utility methods. [Jeremy Kemper]
- * etag!([:admin, post, current_user]) sets the ETag response header and returns head(:not_modified) if it matches the If-None-Match request header.
- * last_modified!(post.updated_at) sets Last-Modified and returns head(:not_modified) if it's no later than If-Modified-Since.
+ response.last_modified = @post.updated_at
+ response.etag = [:admin, @post, current_user]
+ if request.fresh?(response)
+ head :not_modified
+ else
+ # render ...
+ end
* All 2xx requests are considered successful [Josh Peek]
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assertions/response_assertions.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assertions/response_assertions.rb
index 765225ae24..e2e8bbdc71 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assertions/response_assertions.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assertions/response_assertions.rb
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ module ActionController
def assert_template(expected = nil, message=nil)
clean_backtrace do
- rendered = @response.rendered_template
+ rendered = @response.rendered_template.to_s
msg = build_message(message, "expecting <?> but rendering with <?>", expected, rendered)
assert_block(msg) do
if expected.nil?
- @response.rendered_template.nil?
+ @response.rendered_template.blank?
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb
index 5689a9825e..0fdbcbd26f 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb
@@ -428,11 +428,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# By default, all methods defined in ActionController::Base and included modules are hidden.
# More methods can be hidden using <tt>hide_actions</tt>.
def hidden_actions
- unless read_inheritable_attribute(:hidden_actions)
- write_inheritable_attribute(:hidden_actions, ActionController::Base.public_instance_methods.map { |m| m.to_s })
- end
- read_inheritable_attribute(:hidden_actions)
+ read_inheritable_attribute(:hidden_actions) || write_inheritable_attribute(:hidden_actions, [])
# Hide each of the given methods from being callable as actions.
@@ -1199,7 +1195,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
def perform_action
- if self.class.action_methods.include?(action_name)
+ if action_methods.include?(action_name)
default_render unless performed?
elsif respond_to? :method_missing
@@ -1208,7 +1204,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
elsif template_exists? && template_public?
- raise UnknownAction, "No action responded to #{action_name}. Actions: #{action_methods.to_a.sort.to_sentence}", caller
+ raise UnknownAction, "No action responded to #{action_name}. Actions: #{action_methods.sort.to_sentence}", caller
@@ -1234,7 +1230,15 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
def self.action_methods
- @action_methods ||= Set.new(public_instance_methods.map { |m| m.to_s }) - hidden_actions
+ @action_methods ||=
+ # All public instance methods of this class, including ancestors
+ public_instance_methods(true).map { |m| m.to_s }.to_set -
+ # Except for public instance methods of Base and its ancestors
+ Base.public_instance_methods(true).map { |m| m.to_s } +
+ # Be sure to include shadowed public instance methods of this class
+ public_instance_methods(false).map { |m| m.to_s } -
+ # And always exclude explicitly hidden actions
+ hidden_actions
def add_variables_to_assigns
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/caching/actions.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/caching/actions.rb
index f3535f8330..b27ec486c0 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/caching/actions.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/caching/actions.rb
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# caches_action :show, :cache_path => { :project => 1 }, :expires_in => 1.hour
# caches_action :feed, :cache_path => Proc.new { |controller|
# controller.params[:user_id] ?
- # controller.send(:user_list_url, c.params[:user_id], c.params[:id]) :
- # controller.send(:list_url, c.params[:id]) }
+ # controller.send(:user_list_url, controller.params[:user_id], controller.params[:id]) :
+ # controller.send(:list_url, controller.params[:id]) }
# end
# If you pass :layout => false, it will only cache your action content. It is useful when your layout has dynamic information.
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_process.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_process.rb
index 8bc5e4c3a7..0ca27b30db 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_process.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_process.rb
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
:session_path => "/", # available to all paths in app
:session_key => "_session_id",
:cookie_only => true
- } unless const_defined?(:DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS)
+ }
def initialize(cgi, session_options = {})
@cgi = cgi
@@ -61,53 +61,14 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
- # The request body is an IO input stream. If the RAW_POST_DATA environment
- # variable is already set, wrap it in a StringIO.
- def body
- if raw_post = env['RAW_POST_DATA']
- raw_post.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if raw_post.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
- StringIO.new(raw_post)
- else
- @cgi.stdinput
- end
- end
- def query_parameters
- @query_parameters ||= self.class.parse_query_parameters(query_string)
- end
- def request_parameters
- @request_parameters ||= parse_formatted_request_parameters
+ def body_stream #:nodoc:
+ @cgi.stdinput
def cookies
- def host_with_port_without_standard_port_handling
- if forwarded = env["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"]
- forwarded.split(/,\s?/).last
- elsif http_host = env['HTTP_HOST']
- http_host
- elsif server_name = env['SERVER_NAME']
- server_name
- else
- "#{env['SERVER_ADDR']}:#{env['SERVER_PORT']}"
- end
- end
- def host
- host_with_port_without_standard_port_handling.sub(/:\d+$/, '')
- end
- def port
- if host_with_port_without_standard_port_handling =~ /:(\d+)$/
- $1.to_i
- else
- standard_port
- end
- end
def session
unless defined?(@session)
if @session_options == false
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb
index 10dc0cc45b..1d7236f18a 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb
@@ -109,16 +109,17 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
update_options! options
+ # override these to return true in appropriate subclass
def before?
- self.class == BeforeFilter
+ false
def after?
- self.class == AfterFilter
+ false
def around?
- self.class == AroundFilter
+ false
# Make sets of strings from :only/:except options
@@ -170,6 +171,10 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
+ def around?
+ true
+ end
def call(controller, &block)
if should_run_callback?(controller)
method = filter_responds_to_before_and_after? ? around_proc : self.method
@@ -212,6 +217,10 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
+ def before?
+ true
+ end
def call(controller, &block)
if controller.send!(:performed?)
@@ -224,6 +233,10 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
def type
+ def after?
+ true
+ end
# Filters enable controllers to run shared pre- and post-processing code for its actions. These filters can be used to do
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/headers.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/headers.rb
index 7239438c49..139669c66f 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/headers.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/headers.rb
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
+require 'active_support/memoizable'
module ActionController
module Http
class Headers < ::Hash
- def initialize(constructor = {})
- if constructor.is_a?(Hash)
+ extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable
+ def initialize(*args)
+ if args.size == 1 && args[0].is_a?(Hash)
- update(constructor)
+ update(args[0])
- super(constructor)
+ super
def [](header_name)
if include?(header_name)
- super
+ super
- super(normalize_header(header_name))
+ super(env_name(header_name))
- # Takes an HTTP header name and returns it in the
- # format
- def normalize_header(header_name)
+ # Converts a HTTP header name to an environment variable name.
+ def env_name(header_name)
"HTTP_#{header_name.upcase.gsub(/-/, '_')}"
+ memoize :env_name
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/rack_process.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/rack_process.rb
index 7e0a6b091e..dcbcf8bc1d 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/rack_process.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/rack_process.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ require 'action_controller/session/cookie_store'
module ActionController #:nodoc:
class RackRequest < AbstractRequest #:nodoc:
- attr_accessor :env, :session_options
+ attr_accessor :session_options
attr_reader :cgi
class SessionFixationAttempt < StandardError #:nodoc:
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
:session_path => "/", # available to all paths in app
:session_key => "_session_id",
:cookie_only => true
- } unless const_defined?(:DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS)
+ }
def initialize(env, session_options = DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS)
@session_options = session_options
@@ -30,35 +30,21 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
define_method(env.sub(/^HTTP_/n, '').downcase) do
- # The request body is an IO input stream. If the RAW_POST_DATA environment
- # variable is already set, wrap it in a StringIO.
- def body
- if raw_post = env['RAW_POST_DATA']
- StringIO.new(raw_post)
- else
- @env['rack.input']
- end
+ def body_stream #:nodoc:
+ @env['rack.input']
def key?(key)
- def query_parameters
- @query_parameters ||= self.class.parse_query_parameters(query_string)
- end
- def request_parameters
- @request_parameters ||= parse_formatted_request_parameters
- end
def cookies
return {} unless @env["HTTP_COOKIE"]
@@ -70,34 +56,6 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
- def host_with_port_without_standard_port_handling
- if forwarded = @env["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"]
- forwarded.split(/,\s?/).last
- elsif http_host = @env['HTTP_HOST']
- http_host
- elsif server_name = @env['SERVER_NAME']
- server_name
- else
- "#{env['SERVER_ADDR']}:#{env['SERVER_PORT']}"
- end
- end
- def host
- host_with_port_without_standard_port_handling.sub(/:\d+$/, '')
- end
- def port
- if host_with_port_without_standard_port_handling =~ /:(\d+)$/
- $1.to_i
- else
- standard_port
- end
- end
- def remote_addr
- @env['REMOTE_ADDR']
- end
def server_port
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/request.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/request.rb
index 60ff75fe2c..185518761d 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/request.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/request.rb
@@ -2,35 +2,35 @@ require 'tempfile'
require 'stringio'
require 'strscan'
-module ActionController
- # HTTP methods which are accepted by default.
- ACCEPTED_HTTP_METHODS = Set.new(%w( get head put post delete options ))
+require 'active_support/memoizable'
+module ActionController
# CgiRequest and TestRequest provide concrete implementations.
class AbstractRequest
+ extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable
def self.relative_url_root=(*args)
"ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root= has been renamed." +
"You can now set it with config.action_controller.relative_url_root=", caller)
- # The hash of CGI-like environment variables for this request, such as
- #
- # { 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'en-us', ... }
+ HTTP_METHODS = %w(get head put post delete options)
+ HTTP_METHOD_LOOKUP = HTTP_METHODS.inject({}) { |h, m| h[m] = h[m.upcase] = m.to_sym; h }
+ # The hash of environment variables for this request,
+ # such as { 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production' }.
attr_reader :env
# The true HTTP request \method as a lowercase symbol, such as <tt>:get</tt>.
# UnknownHttpMethod is raised for invalid methods not listed in ACCEPTED_HTTP_METHODS.
def request_method
- @request_method ||= begin
- method = ((@env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !parameters[:_method].blank?) ? parameters[:_method].to_s : @env['REQUEST_METHOD']).downcase
- if ACCEPTED_HTTP_METHODS.include?(method)
- method.to_sym
- else
- raise UnknownHttpMethod, "#{method}, accepted HTTP methods are #{ACCEPTED_HTTP_METHODS.to_a.to_sentence}"
- end
- end
+ method = @env['REQUEST_METHOD']
+ method = parameters[:_method] if method == 'POST' && !parameters[:_method].blank?
+ HTTP_METHOD_LOOKUP[method] || raise(UnknownHttpMethod, "#{method}, accepted HTTP methods are #{HTTP_METHODS.to_sentence}")
+ memoize :request_method
# The HTTP request \method as a lowercase symbol, such as <tt>:get</tt>.
# Note, HEAD is returned as <tt>:get</tt> since the two are functionally
@@ -69,34 +69,60 @@ module ActionController
# request.headers["Content-Type"] # => "text/plain"
def headers
- @headers ||= ActionController::Http::Headers.new(@env)
+ ActionController::Http::Headers.new(@env)
+ memoize :headers
# Returns the content length of the request as an integer.
def content_length
- @content_length ||= env['CONTENT_LENGTH'].to_i
+ @env['CONTENT_LENGTH'].to_i
+ memoize :content_length
# The MIME type of the HTTP request, such as Mime::XML.
# For backward compatibility, the post \format is extracted from the
# X-Post-Data-Format HTTP header if present.
def content_type
- @content_type ||= Mime::Type.lookup(content_type_without_parameters)
+ Mime::Type.lookup(content_type_without_parameters)
+ memoize :content_type
# Returns the accepted MIME type for the request.
def accepts
- @accepts ||=
- begin
- header = @env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].to_s.strip
+ header = @env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].to_s.strip
- if header.empty?
- [content_type, Mime::ALL].compact
- else
- Mime::Type.parse(header)
- end
- end
+ if header.empty?
+ [content_type, Mime::ALL].compact
+ else
+ Mime::Type.parse(header)
+ end
+ end
+ memoize :accepts
+ def if_modified_since
+ if since = env['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']
+ Time.rfc2822(since)
+ end
+ end
+ memoize :if_modified_since
+ def if_none_match
+ end
+ def not_modified?(modified_at)
+ if_modified_since && modified_at && if_modified_since >= modified_at
+ end
+ def etag_matches?(etag)
+ if_none_match && if_none_match == etag
+ end
+ # Check response freshness (Last-Modified and ETag) against request
+ # If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match conditions.
+ def fresh?(response)
+ not_modified?(response.last_modified) || etag_matches?(response.etag)
# Returns the Mime type for the \format used in the request.
@@ -105,7 +131,7 @@ module ActionController
# GET /posts/5.xhtml | request.format => Mime::HTML
# GET /posts/5 | request.format => Mime::HTML or MIME::JS, or request.accepts.first depending on the value of <tt>ActionController::Base.use_accept_header</tt>
def format
- @format ||= begin
+ @format ||=
if parameters[:format]
elsif ActionController::Base.use_accept_header
@@ -115,7 +141,6 @@ module ActionController
- end
@@ -203,22 +228,26 @@ EOM
+ memoize :remote_ip
# Returns the lowercase name of the HTTP server software.
def server_software
(@env['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] && /^([a-zA-Z]+)/ =~ @env['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? $1.downcase : nil
+ memoize :server_software
# Returns the complete URL used for this request.
def url
protocol + host_with_port + request_uri
+ memoize :url
# Returns 'https://' if this is an SSL request and 'http://' otherwise.
def protocol
ssl? ? 'https://' : 'http://'
+ memoize :protocol
# Is this an SSL request?
def ssl?
@@ -226,19 +255,36 @@ EOM
# Returns the \host for this request, such as "example.com".
+ def raw_host_with_port
+ if forwarded = env["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"]
+ forwarded.split(/,\s?/).last
+ else
+ env['HTTP_HOST'] || env['SERVER_NAME'] || "#{env['SERVER_ADDR']}:#{env['SERVER_PORT']}"
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns the host for this request, such as example.com.
def host
+ raw_host_with_port.sub(/:\d+$/, '')
+ memoize :host
# Returns a \host:\port string for this request, such as "example.com" or
# "example.com:8080".
def host_with_port
- @host_with_port ||= host + port_string
+ "#{host}#{port_string}"
+ memoize :host_with_port
# Returns the port number of this request as an integer.
def port
- @port_as_int ||= @env['SERVER_PORT'].to_i
+ if raw_host_with_port =~ /:(\d+)$/
+ $1.to_i
+ else
+ standard_port
+ end
+ memoize :port
# Returns the standard \port number for this request's protocol.
def standard_port
@@ -251,7 +297,7 @@ EOM
# Returns a \port suffix like ":8080" if the \port number of this request
# is not the default HTTP \port 80 or HTTPS \port 443.
def port_string
- (port == standard_port) ? '' : ":#{port}"
+ port == standard_port ? '' : ":#{port}"
# Returns the \domain part of a \host, such as "rubyonrails.org" in "www.rubyonrails.org". You can specify
@@ -280,6 +326,7 @@ EOM
@env['QUERY_STRING'] || ''
+ memoize :query_string
# Returns the request URI, accounting for server idiosyncrasies.
# WEBrick includes the full URL. IIS leaves REQUEST_URI blank.
@@ -289,21 +336,23 @@ EOM
(%r{^\w+\://[^/]+(/.*|$)$} =~ uri) ? $1 : uri
# Construct IIS missing REQUEST_URI from SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO.
- script_filename = @env['SCRIPT_NAME'].to_s.match(%r{[^/]+$})
- uri = @env['PATH_INFO']
- uri = uri.sub(/#{script_filename}\//, '') unless script_filename.nil?
- unless (env_qs = @env['QUERY_STRING']).nil? || env_qs.empty?
- uri << '?' << env_qs
+ uri = @env['PATH_INFO'].to_s
+ if script_filename = @env['SCRIPT_NAME'].to_s.match(%r{[^/]+$})
+ uri = uri.sub(/#{script_filename}\//, '')
- if uri.nil?
+ env_qs = @env['QUERY_STRING'].to_s
+ uri += "?#{env_qs}" unless env_qs.empty?
+ if uri.blank?
- uri
@env['REQUEST_URI'] = uri
+ memoize :request_uri
# Returns the interpreted \path to requested resource after all the installation
# directory of this application was taken into account.
@@ -314,6 +363,7 @@ EOM
path.sub!(%r/^#{ActionController::Base.relative_url_root}/, '')
path || ''
+ memoize :path
# Read the request \body. This is useful for web services that need to
# work with raw requests directly.
@@ -350,19 +400,41 @@ EOM
@path_parameters ||= {}
+ # The request body is an IO input stream. If the RAW_POST_DATA environment
+ # variable is already set, wrap it in a StringIO.
+ def body
+ if raw_post = env['RAW_POST_DATA']
+ raw_post.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if raw_post.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
+ StringIO.new(raw_post)
+ else
+ body_stream
+ end
+ end
- #--
- # Must be implemented in the concrete request
- #++
+ def remote_addr
+ @env['REMOTE_ADDR']
+ end
- # The request \body as an IO input stream.
- def body
+ def referrer
+ @env['HTTP_REFERER']
+ alias referer referrer
- def query_parameters #:nodoc:
+ def query_parameters
+ @query_parameters ||= self.class.parse_query_parameters(query_string)
- def request_parameters #:nodoc:
+ def request_parameters
+ @request_parameters ||= parse_formatted_request_parameters
+ end
+ #--
+ # Must be implemented in the concrete request
+ #++
+ def body_stream #:nodoc:
def cookies #:nodoc:
@@ -389,8 +461,9 @@ EOM
# The raw content type string with its parameters stripped off.
def content_type_without_parameters
- @content_type_without_parameters ||= self.class.extract_content_type_without_parameters(content_type_with_parameters)
+ self.class.extract_content_type_without_parameters(content_type_with_parameters)
+ memoize :content_type_without_parameters
def content_type_from_legacy_post_data_format_header
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/resources.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/resources.rb
index 77b329b70e..becf6b0b63 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/resources.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/resources.rb
@@ -481,8 +481,7 @@ module ActionController
resource.collection_methods.each do |method, actions|
actions.each do |action|
action_options = action_options_for(action, resource, method)
- map.named_route("#{action}_#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.plural}", "#{resource.path}#{resource.action_separator}#{action}", action_options)
- map.named_route("formatted_#{action}_#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.plural}", "#{resource.path}#{resource.action_separator}#{action}.:format", action_options)
+ map_named_routes(map, "#{action}_#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.plural}", "#{resource.path}#{resource.action_separator}#{action}", action_options)
@@ -495,18 +494,15 @@ module ActionController
index_route_name << "_index"
- map.named_route(index_route_name, resource.path, index_action_options)
- map.named_route("formatted_#{index_route_name}", "#{resource.path}.:format", index_action_options)
+ map_named_routes(map, index_route_name, resource.path, index_action_options)
create_action_options = action_options_for("create", resource)
- map.connect(resource.path, create_action_options)
- map.connect("#{resource.path}.:format", create_action_options)
+ map_unnamed_routes(map, resource.path, create_action_options)
def map_default_singleton_actions(map, resource)
create_action_options = action_options_for("create", resource)
- map.connect(resource.path, create_action_options)
- map.connect("#{resource.path}.:format", create_action_options)
+ map_unnamed_routes(map, resource.path, create_action_options)
def map_new_actions(map, resource)
@@ -514,11 +510,9 @@ module ActionController
actions.each do |action|
action_options = action_options_for(action, resource, method)
if action == :new
- map.named_route("new_#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.singular}", resource.new_path, action_options)
- map.named_route("formatted_new_#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.singular}", "#{resource.new_path}.:format", action_options)
+ map_named_routes(map, "new_#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.singular}", resource.new_path, action_options)
- map.named_route("#{action}_new_#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.singular}", "#{resource.new_path}#{resource.action_separator}#{action}", action_options)
- map.named_route("formatted_#{action}_new_#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.singular}", "#{resource.new_path}#{resource.action_separator}#{action}.:format", action_options)
+ map_named_routes(map, "#{action}_new_#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.singular}", "#{resource.new_path}#{resource.action_separator}#{action}", action_options)
@@ -532,22 +526,28 @@ module ActionController
action_path = resource.options[:path_names][action] if resource.options[:path_names].is_a?(Hash)
action_path ||= Base.resources_path_names[action] || action
- map.named_route("#{action}_#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.singular}", "#{resource.member_path}#{resource.action_separator}#{action_path}", action_options)
- map.named_route("formatted_#{action}_#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.singular}", "#{resource.member_path}#{resource.action_separator}#{action_path}.:format",action_options)
+ map_named_routes(map, "#{action}_#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.singular}", "#{resource.member_path}#{resource.action_separator}#{action_path}", action_options)
show_action_options = action_options_for("show", resource)
- map.named_route("#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.singular}", resource.member_path, show_action_options)
- map.named_route("formatted_#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.singular}", "#{resource.member_path}.:format", show_action_options)
+ map_named_routes(map, "#{resource.name_prefix}#{resource.singular}", resource.member_path, show_action_options)
update_action_options = action_options_for("update", resource)
- map.connect(resource.member_path, update_action_options)
- map.connect("#{resource.member_path}.:format", update_action_options)
+ map_unnamed_routes(map, resource.member_path, update_action_options)
destroy_action_options = action_options_for("destroy", resource)
- map.connect(resource.member_path, destroy_action_options)
- map.connect("#{resource.member_path}.:format", destroy_action_options)
+ map_unnamed_routes(map, resource.member_path, destroy_action_options)
+ end
+ def map_unnamed_routes(map, path_without_format, options)
+ map.connect(path_without_format, options)
+ map.connect("#{path_without_format}.:format", options)
+ end
+ def map_named_routes(map, name, path_without_format, options)
+ map.named_route(name, path_without_format, options)
+ map.named_route("formatted_#{name}", "#{path_without_format}.:format", options)
def add_conditions_for(conditions, method)
@@ -574,4 +574,4 @@ end
class ActionController::Routing::RouteSet::Mapper
include ActionController::Resources
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/response.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/response.rb
index da352b6993..a85fad0d39 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/response.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/response.rb
@@ -37,12 +37,20 @@ module ActionController # :nodoc:
attr_accessor :body
# The headers of the response, as a Hash. It maps header names to header values.
attr_accessor :headers
- attr_accessor :session, :cookies, :assigns, :template, :redirected_to, :redirected_to_method_params, :layout
+ attr_accessor :session, :cookies, :assigns, :template, :layout
+ attr_accessor :redirected_to, :redirected_to_method_params
def initialize
@body, @headers, @session, @assigns = "", DEFAULT_HEADERS.merge("cookie" => []), [], []
+ def status; headers['Status'] end
+ def status=(status) headers['Status'] = status end
+ def location; headers['Location'] end
+ def location=(url) headers['Location'] = url end
# Sets the HTTP response's content MIME type. For example, in the controller
# you could write this:
@@ -70,35 +78,29 @@ module ActionController # :nodoc:
charset.blank? ? nil : charset.strip.split("=")[1]
- def redirect(to_url, response_status)
- self.headers["Status"] = response_status
- self.headers["Location"] = to_url
+ def last_modified
+ Time.rfc2822(headers['Last-Modified'])
+ end
- self.body = "<html><body>You are being <a href=\"#{to_url}\">redirected</a>.</body></html>"
+ def last_modified=(utc_time)
+ headers['Last-Modified'] = utc_time.httpdate
- def prepare!
- handle_conditional_get!
- convert_content_type!
- set_content_length!
+ def etag; headers['ETag'] end
+ def etag=(etag)
+ headers['ETag'] = %("#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(ActiveSupport::Cache.expand_cache_key(etag))}")
- # Sets the Last-Modified response header. Returns whether it's older than
- # the If-Modified-Since request header.
- def last_modified!(utc_time)
- headers['Last-Modified'] ||= utc_time.httpdate
- if request && since = request.headers['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']
- utc_time <= Time.rfc2822(since)
- end
+ def redirect(url, status)
+ self.status = status
+ self.location = url
+ self.body = "<html><body>You are being <a href=\"#{url}\">redirected</a>.</body></html>"
- # Sets the ETag response header. Returns whether it matches the
- # If-None-Match request header.
- def etag!(tag)
- headers['ETag'] ||= %("#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(ActiveSupport::Cache.expand_cache_key(tag))}")
- if request && request.headers['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] == headers['ETag']
- true
- end
+ def prepare!
+ handle_conditional_get!
+ convert_content_type!
+ set_content_length!
@@ -106,15 +108,15 @@ module ActionController # :nodoc:
if nonempty_ok_response?
- if etag!(body)
- headers['Status'] = '304 Not Modified'
+ self.etag ||= body
+ if request && request.etag_matches?(etag)
+ self.status = '304 Not Modified'
self.body = ''
def nonempty_ok_response?
- status = headers['Status']
ok = !status || status[0..2] == '200'
ok && body.is_a?(String) && !body.empty?
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/segments.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/segments.rb
index 75784c3b78..9d4b740a44 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/segments.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/segments.rb
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ module ActionController
module Routing
class Segment #:nodoc:
RESERVED_PCHAR = ':@&=+$,;'
- UNSAFE_PCHAR = Regexp.new("[^#{URI::REGEXP::PATTERN::UNRESERVED}#{RESERVED_PCHAR}]", false, 'N').freeze
+ UNSAFE_PCHAR = Regexp.new("[^#{SAFE_PCHAR}]", false, 'N').freeze
# TODO: Convert :is_optional accessor to read only
attr_accessor :is_optional
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/session/cookie_store.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/session/cookie_store.rb
index b477c1f7da..5bf7503f04 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/session/cookie_store.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/session/cookie_store.rb
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class CGI::Session::CookieStore
# Marshal a session hash into safe cookie data. Include an integrity hash.
def marshal(session)
- data = ActiveSupport::Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump(session)).chop
+ data = ActiveSupport::Base64.encode64s(Marshal.dump(session))
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_process.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_process.rb
index 66675aaa13..0c705207e3 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_process.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_process.rb
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
class TestRequest < AbstractRequest #:nodoc:
attr_accessor :cookies, :session_options
- attr_accessor :query_parameters, :request_parameters, :path, :session, :env
+ attr_accessor :query_parameters, :request_parameters, :path, :session
attr_accessor :host, :user_agent
def initialize(query_parameters = nil, request_parameters = nil, session = nil)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Wraps raw_post in a StringIO.
- def body
+ def body_stream #:nodoc:
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
def port=(number)
@env["SERVER_PORT"] = number.to_i
- @port_as_int = nil
+ port(true)
def action=(action_name)
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
@env["REQUEST_URI"] = value
@request_uri = nil
@path = nil
+ request_uri(true)
+ path(true)
def request_uri=(uri)
@@ -77,21 +79,26 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
def accept=(mime_types)
@env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = Array(mime_types).collect { |mime_types| mime_types.to_s }.join(",")
+ accepts(true)
- def remote_addr=(addr)
- @env['REMOTE_ADDR'] = addr
+ def if_modified_since=(last_modified)
+ @env["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"] = last_modified
- def remote_addr
- @env['REMOTE_ADDR']
+ def if_none_match=(etag)
+ @env["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"] = etag
- def request_uri
+ def remote_addr=(addr)
+ @env['REMOTE_ADDR'] = addr
+ end
+ def request_uri(*args)
@request_uri || super
- def path
+ def path(*args)
@path || super
@@ -113,17 +120,13 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
@parameters = nil # reset TestRequest#parameters to use the new path_parameters
- end
+ end
def recycle!
self.request_parameters = {}
self.query_parameters = {}
self.path_parameters = {}
- @request_method, @accepts, @content_type = nil, nil, nil
- end
- def referer
- @env["HTTP_REFERER"]
+ unmemoize_all
@@ -448,10 +451,13 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
def method_missing(selector, *args)
- return @controller.send!(selector, *args) if ActionController::Routing::Routes.named_routes.helpers.include?(selector)
- return super
+ if ActionController::Routing::Routes.named_routes.helpers.include?(selector)
+ @controller.send(selector, *args)
+ else
+ super
+ end
# Shortcut for <tt>ActionController::TestUploadedFile.new(Test::Unit::TestCase.fixture_path + path, type)</tt>:
# post :change_avatar, :avatar => fixture_file_upload('/files/spongebob.png', 'image/png')
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/base.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/base.rb
index bdcb1dc246..ad59d92086 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/base.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/base.rb
@@ -300,6 +300,8 @@ module ActionView #:nodoc:
# # => 'users/legacy.rhtml'
def pick_template(template_path)
+ return template_path if template_path.respond_to?(:render)
path = template_path.sub(/^\//, '')
if m = path.match(/(.*)\.(\w+)$/)
template_file_name, template_file_extension = m[1], m[2]
@@ -343,7 +345,8 @@ module ActionView #:nodoc:
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use_full_path option has been deprecated and has no affect.", caller)
- if defined?(ActionMailer) && defined?(ActionMailer::Base) && controller.is_a?(ActionMailer::Base) && !template_path.include?("/")
+ if defined?(ActionMailer) && defined?(ActionMailer::Base) && controller.is_a?(ActionMailer::Base) &&
+ template_path.is_a?(String) && !template_path.include?("/")
raise ActionViewError, <<-END_ERROR
Due to changes in ActionMailer, you need to provide the mailer_name along with the template name.
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/asset_tag_helper.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/asset_tag_helper.rb
index 769eada120..c2b4f51c9c 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/asset_tag_helper.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/asset_tag_helper.rb
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ module ActionView
- COMPUTED_PUBLIC_PATHS = ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore.new.silence!.threadsafe!
+ COMPUTED_PUBLIC_PATHS = ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore.new.silence!
# Add the the extension +ext+ if not present. Return full URLs otherwise untouched.
# Prefix with <tt>/dir/</tt> if lacking a leading +/+. Account for relative URL
@@ -618,6 +618,11 @@ module ActionView
def write_asset_file_contents(joined_asset_path, asset_paths)
File.open(joined_asset_path, "w+") { |cache| cache.write(join_asset_file_contents(asset_paths)) }
+ # Set mtime to the latest of the combined files to allow for
+ # consistent ETag without a shared filesystem.
+ mt = asset_paths.map { |p| File.mtime(File.join(ASSETS_DIR, p)) }.max
+ File.utime(mt, mt, joined_asset_path)
def collect_asset_files(*path)
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/date_helper.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/date_helper.rb
index c7a1d40ff2..953a2a9f86 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/date_helper.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/date_helper.rb
@@ -13,9 +13,6 @@ module ActionView
# the select_month method would use simply "date" (which can be overwritten using <tt>:prefix</tt>) instead of
# "date[month]".
module DateHelper
- include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
- DEFAULT_PREFIX = 'date' unless const_defined?('DEFAULT_PREFIX')
# Reports the approximate distance in time between two Time or Date objects or integers as seconds.
# Set <tt>include_seconds</tt> to true if you want more detailed approximations when distance < 1 min, 29 secs
# Distances are reported based on the following table:
@@ -52,7 +49,7 @@ module ActionView
# distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time - 45.seconds, true) # => less than a minute
# distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, 76.seconds.from_now) # => 1 minute
# distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + 1.year + 3.days) # => about 1 year
- # distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + 4.years + 15.days + 30.minutes + 5.seconds) # => over 4 years
+ # distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + 4.years + 9.days + 30.minutes + 5.seconds) # => over 4 years
# to_time = Time.now + 6.years + 19.days
# distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, to_time, true) # => over 6 years
@@ -109,19 +106,36 @@ module ActionView
alias_method :distance_of_time_in_words_to_now, :time_ago_in_words
# Returns a set of select tags (one for year, month, and day) pre-selected for accessing a specified date-based
- # attribute (identified by +method+) on an object assigned to the template (identified by +object+). It's
- # possible to tailor the selects through the +options+ hash, which accepts all the keys that each of the
- # individual select builders do (like <tt>:use_month_numbers</tt> for select_month) as well as a range of discard
- # options. The discard options are <tt>:discard_year</tt>, <tt>:discard_month</tt> and <tt>:discard_day</tt>. Set
- # to true, they'll drop the respective select. Discarding the month select will also automatically discard the
- # day select. It's also possible to explicitly set the order of the tags using the <tt>:order</tt> option with an
- # array of symbols <tt>:year</tt>, <tt>:month</tt> and <tt>:day</tt> in the desired order. Symbols may be omitted
- # and the respective select is not included.
- #
- # Pass the <tt>:default</tt> option to set the default date. Use a Time object or a Hash of <tt>:year</tt>,
- # <tt>:month</tt>, <tt>:day</tt>, <tt>:hour</tt>, <tt>:minute</tt>, and <tt>:second</tt>.
- #
- # Passing <tt>:disabled => true</tt> as part of the +options+ will make elements inaccessible for change.
+ # attribute (identified by +method+) on an object assigned to the template (identified by +object+). You can
+ # the output in the +options+ hash.
+ #
+ # ==== Options
+ # * <tt>:use_month_numbers</tt> - Set to true if you want to use month numbers rather than month names (e.g.
+ # "2" instead of "February").
+ # * <tt>:use_short_month</tt> - Set to true if you want to use the abbreviated month name instead of the full
+ # name (e.g. "Feb" instead of "February").
+ # * <tt>:add_month_number</tt> - Set to true if you want to show both, the month's number and name (e.g.
+ # "2 - February" instead of "February").
+ # * <tt>:use_month_names</tt> - Set to an array with 12 month names if you want to customize month names.
+ # Note: You can also use Rails' new i18n functionality for this.
+ # * <tt>:date_separator</tt> - Specifies a string to separate the date fields. Default is "" (i.e. nothing).
+ # * <tt>:start_year</tt> - Set the start year for the year select. Default is <tt>Time.now.year - 5</tt>.
+ # * <tt>:end_year</tt> - Set the end year for the year select. Default is <tt>Time.now.year + 5</tt>.
+ # * <tt>:discard_day</tt> - Set to true if you don't want to show a day select. This includes the day
+ # as a hidden field instead of showing a select field. Also note that this implicitly sets the day to be the
+ # first of the given month in order to not create invalid dates like 31 February.
+ # * <tt>:discard_month</tt> - Set to true if you don't want to show a month select. This includes the month
+ # as a hidden field instead of showing a select field. Also note that this implicitly sets :discard_day to true.
+ # * <tt>:discard_year</tt> - Set to true if you don't want to show a year select. This includes the year
+ # as a hidden field instead of showing a select field.
+ # * <tt>:order</tt> - Set to an array containing <tt>:day</tt>, <tt>:month</tt> and <tt>:year</tt> do
+ # customize the order in which the select fields are shown. If you leave out any of the symbols, the respective
+ # select will not be shown (like when you set <tt>:discard_xxx => true</tt>. Defaults to the order defined in
+ # the respective locale (e.g. [:year, :month, :day] in the en-US locale that ships with Rails).
+ # * <tt>:include_blank</tt> - Include a blank option in every select field so it's possible to set empty
+ # dates.
+ # * <tt>:default</tt> - Set a default date if the affected date isn't set or is nil.
+ # * <tt>:disabled</tt> - Set to true if you want show the select fields as disabled.
# If anything is passed in the +html_options+ hash it will be applied to every select tag in the set.
@@ -165,9 +179,9 @@ module ActionView
InstanceTag.new(object_name, method, self, options.delete(:object)).to_date_select_tag(options, html_options)
- # Returns a set of select tags (one for hour, minute and optionally second) pre-selected for accessing a specified
- # time-based attribute (identified by +method+) on an object assigned to the template (identified by +object+).
- # You can include the seconds with <tt>:include_seconds</tt>.
+ # Returns a set of select tags (one for hour, minute and optionally second) pre-selected for accessing a
+ # specified time-based attribute (identified by +method+) on an object assigned to the template (identified by
+ # +object+). You can include the seconds with <tt>:include_seconds</tt>.
# This method will also generate 3 input hidden tags, for the actual year, month and day unless the option
# <tt>:ignore_date</tt> is set to +true+.
@@ -178,7 +192,8 @@ module ActionView
# # Creates a time select tag that, when POSTed, will be stored in the post variable in the sunrise attribute
# time_select("post", "sunrise")
- # # Creates a time select tag that, when POSTed, will be stored in the order variable in the submitted attribute
+ # # Creates a time select tag that, when POSTed, will be stored in the order variable in the submitted
+ # # attribute
# time_select("order", "submitted")
# # Creates a time select tag that, when POSTed, will be stored in the mail variable in the sent_at attribute
@@ -210,7 +225,8 @@ module ActionView
# If anything is passed in the html_options hash it will be applied to every select tag in the set.
# ==== Examples
- # # Generates a datetime select that, when POSTed, will be stored in the post variable in the written_on attribute
+ # # Generates a datetime select that, when POSTed, will be stored in the post variable in the written_on
+ # # attribute
# datetime_select("post", "written_on")
# # Generates a datetime select with a year select that starts at 1995 that, when POSTed, will be stored in the
@@ -230,12 +246,12 @@ module ActionView
InstanceTag.new(object_name, method, self, options.delete(:object)).to_datetime_select_tag(options, html_options)
- # Returns a set of html select-tags (one for year, month, day, hour, and minute) pre-selected with the +datetime+.
- # It's also possible to explicitly set the order of the tags using the <tt>:order</tt> option with an array of
- # symbols <tt>:year</tt>, <tt>:month</tt> and <tt>:day</tt> in the desired order. If you do not supply a Symbol,
- # it will be appended onto the <tt>:order</tt> passed in. You can also add <tt>:date_separator</tt>,
- # <tt>:datetime_separator</tt> and <tt>:time_separator</tt> keys to the +options+ to control visual display of
- # the elements.
+ # Returns a set of html select-tags (one for year, month, day, hour, and minute) pre-selected with the
+ # +datetime+. It's also possible to explicitly set the order of the tags using the <tt>:order</tt> option with
+ # an array of symbols <tt>:year</tt>, <tt>:month</tt> and <tt>:day</tt> in the desired order. If you do not
+ # supply a Symbol, it will be appended onto the <tt>:order</tt> passed in. You can also add
+ # <tt>:date_separator</tt>, <tt>:datetime_separator</tt> and <tt>:time_separator</tt> keys to the +options+ to
+ # control visual display of the elements.
# If anything is passed in the html_options hash it will be applied to every select tag in the set.
@@ -270,14 +286,13 @@ module ActionView
# select_datetime(my_date_time, :prefix => 'payday')
def select_datetime(datetime = Time.current, options = {}, html_options = {})
- separator = options[:datetime_separator] || ''
- select_date(datetime, options, html_options) + separator + select_time(datetime, options, html_options)
+ DateTimeSelector.new(datetime, options, html_options).select_datetime
# Returns a set of html select-tags (one for year, month, and day) pre-selected with the +date+.
# It's possible to explicitly set the order of the tags using the <tt>:order</tt> option with an array of
- # symbols <tt>:year</tt>, <tt>:month</tt> and <tt>:day</tt> in the desired order. If you do not supply a Symbol, it
- # will be appended onto the <tt>:order</tt> passed in.
+ # symbols <tt>:year</tt>, <tt>:month</tt> and <tt>:day</tt> in the desired order. If you do not supply a Symbol,
+ # it will be appended onto the <tt>:order</tt> passed in.
# If anything is passed in the html_options hash it will be applied to every select tag in the set.
@@ -307,12 +322,7 @@ module ActionView
# select_date(my_date, :prefix => 'payday')
def select_date(date = Date.current, options = {}, html_options = {})
- options.reverse_merge!(:order => [], :date_separator => '')
- [:year, :month, :day].each { |o| options[:order].push(o) unless options[:order].include?(o) }
- options[:order].inject([]) { |s, o|
- s << self.send("select_#{o}", date, options, html_options)
- }.join(options[:date_separator])
+ DateTimeSelector.new(date, options, html_options).select_date
# Returns a set of html select-tags (one for hour and minute)
@@ -343,9 +353,7 @@ module ActionView
# select_time(my_time, :time_separator => ':', :include_seconds => true)
def select_time(datetime = Time.current, options = {}, html_options = {})
- separator = options[:time_separator] || ''
- select_hour(datetime, options, html_options) + separator + select_minute(datetime, options, html_options) +
- (options[:include_seconds] ? separator + select_second(datetime, options, html_options) : '')
+ DateTimeSelector.new(datetime, options, html_options).select_time
# Returns a select tag with options for each of the seconds 0 through 59 with the current second selected.
@@ -366,15 +374,12 @@ module ActionView
# select_second(my_time, :field_name => 'interval')
def select_second(datetime, options = {}, html_options = {})
- val = datetime ? (datetime.kind_of?(Fixnum) ? datetime : datetime.sec) : ''
- options[:use_hidden] ?
- (options[:include_seconds] ? _date_hidden_html(options[:field_name] || 'second', val, options) : '') :
- _date_select_html(options[:field_name] || 'second', _date_build_options(val), options, html_options)
+ DateTimeSelector.new(datetime, options, html_options).select_second
# Returns a select tag with options for each of the minutes 0 through 59 with the current minute selected.
- # Also can return a select tag with options by <tt>minute_step</tt> from 0 through 59 with the 00 minute selected
- # The <tt>minute</tt> can also be substituted for a minute number.
+ # Also can return a select tag with options by <tt>minute_step</tt> from 0 through 59 with the 00 minute
+ # selected. The <tt>minute</tt> can also be substituted for a minute number.
# Override the field name using the <tt>:field_name</tt> option, 'minute' by default.
# ==== Examples
@@ -391,11 +396,7 @@ module ActionView
# select_minute(my_time, :field_name => 'stride')
def select_minute(datetime, options = {}, html_options = {})
- val = datetime ? (datetime.kind_of?(Fixnum) ? datetime : datetime.min) : ''
- options[:use_hidden] ?
- _date_hidden_html(options[:field_name] || 'minute', val, options) :
- _date_select_html(options[:field_name] || 'minute',
- _date_build_options(val, :step => options[:minute_step]), options, html_options)
+ DateTimeSelector.new(datetime, options, html_options).select_minute
# Returns a select tag with options for each of the hours 0 through 23 with the current hour selected.
@@ -416,9 +417,7 @@ module ActionView
# select_minute(my_time, :field_name => 'stride')
def select_hour(datetime, options = {}, html_options = {})
- val = datetime ? (datetime.kind_of?(Fixnum) ? datetime : datetime.hour) : ''
- options[:use_hidden] ? _date_hidden_html(options[:field_name] || 'hour', val, options) :
- _date_select_html(options[:field_name] || 'hour', _date_build_options(val, :end => 23), options, html_options)
+ DateTimeSelector.new(datetime, options, html_options).select_hour
# Returns a select tag with options for each of the days 1 through 31 with the current day selected.
@@ -439,11 +438,7 @@ module ActionView
# select_day(my_time, :field_name => 'due')
def select_day(date, options = {}, html_options = {})
- val = date ? (date.kind_of?(Fixnum) ? date : date.day) : ''
- options[:use_hidden] ? _date_hidden_html(options[:field_name] || 'day', val, options) :
- _date_select_html(options[:field_name] || 'day',
- _date_build_options(val, :start => 1, :end => 31, :leading_zeros => false),
- options, html_options)
+ DateTimeSelector.new(date, options, html_options).select_day
# Returns a select tag with options for each of the months January through December with the current month
@@ -481,36 +476,7 @@ module ActionView
# select_month(Date.today, :use_month_names => %w(Januar Februar Marts ...))
def select_month(date, options = {}, html_options = {})
- locale = options[:locale]
- val = date ? (date.kind_of?(Fixnum) ? date : date.month) : ''
- if options[:use_hidden]
- _date_hidden_html(options[:field_name] || 'month', val, options)
- else
- month_options = []
- month_names = options[:use_month_names] || begin
- key = options[:use_short_month] ? :'date.abbr_month_names' : :'date.month_names'
- I18n.translate key, :locale => locale
- end
- month_names.unshift(nil) if month_names.size < 13
- 1.upto(12) do |month_number|
- month_name = if options[:use_month_numbers]
- month_number
- elsif options[:add_month_numbers]
- month_number.to_s + ' - ' + month_names[month_number]
- else
- month_names[month_number]
- end
- month_options << ((val == month_number) ?
- content_tag(:option, month_name, :value => month_number, :selected => "selected") :
- content_tag(:option, month_name, :value => month_number)
- )
- month_options << "\n"
- end
- _date_select_html(options[:field_name] || 'month', month_options.join, options, html_options)
- end
+ DateTimeSelector.new(date, options, html_options).select_month
# Returns a select tag with options for each of the five years on each side of the current, which is selected.
@@ -537,158 +503,369 @@ module ActionView
# select_year(2006, :start_year => 2000, :end_year => 2010)
def select_year(date, options = {}, html_options = {})
- if !date || date == 0
+ DateTimeSelector.new(date, options, html_options).select_year
+ end
+ end
+ class DateTimeSelector #:nodoc:
+ extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable
+ include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
+ DEFAULT_PREFIX = 'date'.freeze unless const_defined?('DEFAULT_PREFIX')
+ :year => 1, :month => 2, :day => 3, :hour => 4, :minute => 5, :second => 6
+ }.freeze unless const_defined?('POSITION')
+ def initialize(datetime, options = {}, html_options = {})
+ @options = options.dup
+ @html_options = html_options.dup
+ @datetime = datetime
+ end
+ def select_datetime
+ # TODO: Remove tag conditional
+ # Ideally we could just join select_date and select_date for the tag case
+ if @options[:tag] && @options[:ignore_date]
+ select_time
+ elsif @options[:tag]
+ order = date_order.dup
+ order -= [:hour, :minute, :second]
+ @options[:discard_year] ||= true unless order.include?(:year)
+ @options[:discard_month] ||= true unless order.include?(:month)
+ @options[:discard_day] ||= true if @options[:discard_month] || !order.include?(:day)
+ @options[:discard_minute] ||= true if @options[:discard_hour]
+ @options[:discard_second] ||= true unless @options[:include_seconds] && !@options[:discard_minute]
+ # If the day is hidden and the month is visible, the day should be set to the 1st so all month choices are
+ # valid (otherwise it could be 31 and february wouldn't be a valid date)
+ if @options[:discard_day] && !@options[:discard_month]
+ @datetime = @datetime.change(:day => 1)
+ end
+ [:day, :month, :year].each { |o| order.unshift(o) unless order.include?(o) }
+ order += [:hour, :minute, :second] unless @options[:discard_hour]
+ build_selects_from_types(order)
+ else
+ "#{select_date}#{@options[:datetime_separator]}#{select_time}"
+ end
+ end
+ def select_date
+ order = date_order.dup
+ # TODO: Remove tag conditional
+ if @options[:tag]
+ @options[:discard_hour] = true
+ @options[:discard_minute] = true
+ @options[:discard_second] = true
+ @options[:discard_year] ||= true unless order.include?(:year)
+ @options[:discard_month] ||= true unless order.include?(:month)
+ @options[:discard_day] ||= true if @options[:discard_month] || !order.include?(:day)
+ # If the day is hidden and the month is visible, the day should be set to the 1st so all month choices are
+ # valid (otherwise it could be 31 and february wouldn't be a valid date)
+ if @options[:discard_day] && !@options[:discard_month]
+ @datetime = @datetime.change(:day => 1)
+ end
+ end
+ [:day, :month, :year].each { |o| order.unshift(o) unless order.include?(o) }
+ build_selects_from_types(order)
+ end
+ def select_time
+ order = []
+ # TODO: Remove tag conditional
+ if @options[:tag]
+ @options[:discard_month] = true
+ @options[:discard_year] = true
+ @options[:discard_day] = true
+ @options[:discard_second] ||= true unless @options[:include_seconds]
+ order += [:year, :month, :day] unless @options[:ignore_date]
+ end
+ order += [:hour, :minute]
+ order << :second if @options[:include_seconds]
+ build_selects_from_types(order)
+ end
+ def select_second
+ if @options[:use_hidden] || @options[:discard_second]
+ build_hidden(:second, sec) if @options[:include_seconds]
+ else
+ build_options_and_select(:second, sec)
+ end
+ end
+ def select_minute
+ if @options[:use_hidden] || @options[:discard_minute]
+ build_hidden(:minute, min)
+ else
+ build_options_and_select(:minute, min, :step => @options[:minute_step])
+ end
+ end
+ def select_hour
+ if @options[:use_hidden] || @options[:discard_hour]
+ build_hidden(:hour, hour)
+ else
+ build_options_and_select(:hour, hour, :end => 23)
+ end
+ end
+ def select_day
+ if @options[:use_hidden] || @options[:discard_day]
+ build_hidden(:day, day)
+ else
+ build_options_and_select(:day, day, :start => 1, :end => 31, :leading_zeros => false)
+ end
+ end
+ def select_month
+ if @options[:use_hidden] || @options[:discard_month]
+ build_hidden(:month, month)
+ else
+ month_options = []
+ 1.upto(12) do |month_number|
+ options = { :value => month_number }
+ options[:selected] = "selected" if month == month_number
+ month_options << content_tag(:option, month_name(month_number), options) + "\n"
+ end
+ build_select(:month, month_options.join)
+ end
+ end
+ def select_year
+ if !@datetime || @datetime == 0
val = ''
middle_year = Date.today.year
- elsif date.kind_of?(Fixnum)
- val = middle_year = date
- val = middle_year = date.year
+ val = middle_year = year
- if options[:use_hidden]
- _date_hidden_html(options[:field_name] || 'year', val, options)
+ if @options[:use_hidden] || @options[:discard_year]
+ build_hidden(:year, val)
- options[:start_year] ||= middle_year - 5
- options[:end_year] ||= middle_year + 5
- step = options[:start_year] < options[:end_year] ? 1 : -1
- _date_select_html(options[:field_name] || 'year',
- _date_build_options(val,
- :start => options[:start_year],
- :end => options[:end_year],
- :step => step,
- :leading_zeros => false
- ), options, html_options)
+ options = {}
+ options[:start] = @options[:start_year] || middle_year - 5
+ options[:end] = @options[:end_year] || middle_year + 5
+ options[:step] = options[:start] < options[:end] ? 1 : -1
+ options[:leading_zeros] = false
+ build_options_and_select(:year, val, options)
- def _date_build_options(selected, options={})
- options.reverse_merge!(:start => 0, :end => 59, :step => 1, :leading_zeros => true)
+ %w( sec min hour day month year ).each do |method|
+ define_method(method) do
+ @datetime.kind_of?(Fixnum) ? @datetime : @datetime.send(method) if @datetime
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns translated month names, but also ensures that a custom month
+ # name array has a leading nil element
+ def month_names
+ month_names = @options[:use_month_names] || translated_month_names
+ month_names.unshift(nil) if month_names.size < 13
+ month_names
+ end
+ memoize :month_names
+ # Returns translated month names
+ # => [nil, "January", "February", "March",
+ # "April", "May", "June", "July",
+ # "August", "September", "October",
+ # "November", "December"]
+ #
+ # If :use_short_month option is set
+ # => [nil, "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
+ # "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
+ def translated_month_names
+ begin
+ key = @options[:use_short_month] ? :'date.abbr_month_names' : :'date.month_names'
+ I18n.translate(key, :locale => @options[:locale])
+ end
+ end
+ # Lookup month name for number
+ # month_name(1) => "January"
+ #
+ # If :use_month_numbers option is passed
+ # month_name(1) => 1
+ #
+ # If :add_month_numbers option is passed
+ # month_name(1) => "1 - January"
+ def month_name(number)
+ if @options[:use_month_numbers]
+ number
+ elsif @options[:add_month_numbers]
+ "#{number} - #{month_names[number]}"
+ else
+ month_names[number]
+ end
+ end
+ def date_order
+ @options[:order] || translated_date_order
+ end
+ memoize :date_order
+ def translated_date_order
+ begin
+ I18n.translate(:'date.order', :locale => @options[:locale]) || []
+ end
+ end
+ # Build full select tag from date type and options
+ def build_options_and_select(type, selected, options = {})
+ build_select(type, build_options(selected, options))
+ end
+ # Build select option html from date value and options
+ # build_options(15, :start => 1, :end => 31)
+ # => "<option value="1">1</option>
+ # <option value=\"2\">2</option>
+ # <option value=\"3\">3</option>..."
+ def build_options(selected, options = {})
+ start = options.delete(:start) || 0
+ stop = options.delete(:end) || 59
+ step = options.delete(:step) || 1
+ leading_zeros = options.delete(:leading_zeros).nil? ? true : false
select_options = []
- (options[:start] || 0).step((options[:end] || 59), options[:step] || 1) do |i|
- value = options[:leading_zeros] ? sprintf("%02d", i) : i
+ start.step(stop, step) do |i|
+ value = leading_zeros ? sprintf("%02d", i) : i
tag_options = { :value => value }
tag_options[:selected] = "selected" if selected == i
select_options << content_tag(:option, value, tag_options)
select_options.join("\n") + "\n"
- def _date_select_html(type, html_options, options, select_tag_options = {})
- _date_name_and_id_from_options(options, type)
- select_options = {:id => options[:id], :name => options[:name]}
- select_options.merge!(:disabled => 'disabled') if options[:disabled]
- select_options.merge!(select_tag_options) unless select_tag_options.empty?
+ # Builds select tag from date type and html select options
+ # build_select(:month, "<option value="1">January</option>...")
+ # => "<select id="post_written_on_2i" name="post[written_on(2i)]">
+ # <option value="1">January</option>...
+ # </select>"
+ def build_select(type, select_options_as_html)
+ select_options = {
+ :id => input_id_from_type(type),
+ :name => input_name_from_type(type)
+ }.merge(@html_options)
+ select_options.merge!(:disabled => 'disabled') if @options[:disabled]
select_html = "\n"
- select_html << content_tag(:option, '', :value => '') + "\n" if options[:include_blank]
- select_html << html_options.to_s
+ select_html << content_tag(:option, '', :value => '') + "\n" if @options[:include_blank]
+ select_html << select_options_as_html.to_s
content_tag(:select, select_html, select_options) + "\n"
- def _date_hidden_html(type, value, options)
- _date_name_and_id_from_options(options, type)
- hidden_html = tag(:input, :type => "hidden", :id => options[:id], :name => options[:name], :value => value) + "\n"
+ # Builds hidden input tag for date part and value
+ # build_hidden(:year, 2008)
+ # => "<input id="post_written_on_1i" name="post[written_on(1i)]" type="hidden" value="2008" />"
+ def build_hidden(type, value)
+ tag(:input, {
+ :type => "hidden",
+ :id => input_id_from_type(type),
+ :name => input_name_from_type(type),
+ :value => value
+ }) + "\n"
- def _date_name_and_id_from_options(options, type)
- options[:name] = (options[:prefix] || DEFAULT_PREFIX) + (options[:discard_type] ? '' : "[#{type}]")
- options[:id] = options[:name].gsub(/([\[\(])|(\]\[)/, '_').gsub(/[\]\)]/, '')
+ # Returns the name attribute for the input tag
+ # => post[written_on(1i)]
+ def input_name_from_type(type)
+ prefix = @options[:prefix] || ActionView::Helpers::DateTimeSelector::DEFAULT_PREFIX
+ prefix += "[#{@options[:index]}]" if @options[:index]
+ field_name = @options[:field_name] || type
+ if @options[:include_position]
+ field_name += "(#{ActionView::Helpers::DateTimeSelector::POSITION[type]}i)"
+ end
+ @options[:discard_type] ? prefix : "#{prefix}[#{field_name}]"
+ end
+ # Returns the id attribute for the input tag
+ # => "post_written_on_1i"
+ def input_id_from_type(type)
+ input_name_from_type(type).gsub(/([\[\(])|(\]\[)/, '_').gsub(/[\]\)]/, '')
+ end
+ # Given an ordering of datetime components, create the selection html
+ # and join them with their appropriate seperators
+ def build_selects_from_types(order)
+ select = ''
+ order.reverse.each do |type|
+ separator = separator(type) unless type == order.first # don't add on last field
+ select.insert(0, separator.to_s + send("select_#{type}").to_s)
+ end
+ select
+ end
+ # Returns the separator for a given datetime component
+ def separator(type)
+ case type
+ when :month, :day
+ @options[:date_separator]
+ when :hour
+ (@options[:discard_year] && @options[:discard_day]) ? "" : @options[:datetime_separator]
+ when :minute
+ @options[:time_separator]
+ when :second
+ @options[:include_seconds] ? @options[:time_separator] : ""
+ end
class InstanceTag #:nodoc:
- include DateHelper
def to_date_select_tag(options = {}, html_options = {})
- date_or_time_select(options.merge(:discard_hour => true), html_options)
+ datetime_selector(options, html_options).select_date
def to_time_select_tag(options = {}, html_options = {})
- date_or_time_select(options.merge(:discard_year => true, :discard_month => true), html_options)
+ datetime_selector(options, html_options).select_time
def to_datetime_select_tag(options = {}, html_options = {})
- date_or_time_select(options, html_options)
+ datetime_selector(options, html_options).select_datetime
- def date_or_time_select(options, html_options = {})
- locale = options[:locale]
- defaults = { :discard_type => true }
- options = defaults.merge(options)
- datetime = value(object)
- datetime ||= default_time_from_options(options[:default]) unless options[:include_blank]
- position = { :year => 1, :month => 2, :day => 3, :hour => 4, :minute => 5, :second => 6 }
- order = options[:order] ||= I18n.translate(:'date.order', :locale => locale)
- # Discard explicit and implicit by not being included in the :order
- discard = {}
- discard[:year] = true if options[:discard_year] or !order.include?(:year)
- discard[:month] = true if options[:discard_month] or !order.include?(:month)
- discard[:day] = true if options[:discard_day] or discard[:month] or !order.include?(:day)
- discard[:hour] = true if options[:discard_hour]
- discard[:minute] = true if options[:discard_minute] or discard[:hour]
- discard[:second] = true unless options[:include_seconds] && !discard[:minute]
- # If the day is hidden and the month is visible, the day should be set to the 1st so all month choices are valid
- # (otherwise it could be 31 and february wouldn't be a valid date)
- if datetime && discard[:day] && !discard[:month]
- datetime = datetime.change(:day => 1)
- end
- # Maintain valid dates by including hidden fields for discarded elements
- [:day, :month, :year].each { |o| order.unshift(o) unless order.include?(o) }
- # Ensure proper ordering of :hour, :minute and :second
- [:hour, :minute, :second].each { |o| order.delete(o); order.push(o) }
- date_or_time_select = ''
- order.reverse.each do |param|
- # Send hidden fields for discarded elements once output has started
- # This ensures AR can reconstruct valid dates using ParseDate
- next if discard[param] && (date_or_time_select.empty? || options[:ignore_date])
- date_or_time_select.insert(0,
- self.send("select_#{param}",
- datetime,
- options_with_prefix(position[param], options.merge(:use_hidden => discard[param])),
- html_options))
- date_or_time_select.insert(0,
- case param
- when :hour then (discard[:year] && discard[:day] ? "" : " &mdash; ")
- when :minute then " : "
- when :second then options[:include_seconds] ? " : " : ""
- else ""
- end)
- end
- date_or_time_select
+ def datetime_selector(options, html_options)
+ datetime = value(object) || default_datetime(options)
+ options = options.dup
+ options[:field_name] = @method_name
+ options[:include_position] = true
+ options[:prefix] ||= @object_name
+ options[:index] ||= @auto_index
+ options[:datetime_separator] ||= ' &mdash; '
+ options[:time_separator] ||= ' : '
+ DateTimeSelector.new(datetime, options.merge(:tag => true), html_options)
- def options_with_prefix(position, options)
- prefix = "#{@object_name}"
- if options[:index]
- prefix << "[#{options[:index]}]"
- elsif @auto_index
- prefix << "[#{@auto_index}]"
- end
- options.merge(:prefix => "#{prefix}[#{@method_name}(#{position}i)]")
- end
+ def default_datetime(options)
+ return if options[:include_blank]
- def default_time_from_options(default)
- case default
+ case options[:default]
when nil
when Date, Time
- default
+ options[:default]
+ default = options[:default].dup
# Rename :minute and :second to :min and :sec
default[:min] ||= default[:minute]
default[:sec] ||= default[:second]
@@ -699,8 +876,11 @@ module ActionView
default[key] ||= time.send(key)
- Time.utc_time(default[:year], default[:month], default[:day], default[:hour], default[:min], default[:sec])
- end
+ Time.utc_time(
+ default[:year], default[:month], default[:day],
+ default[:hour], default[:min], default[:sec]
+ )
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_tag_helper.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_tag_helper.rb
index e8ca02d760..e5777b71d7 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_tag_helper.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_tag_helper.rb
@@ -155,10 +155,10 @@ module ActionView
# Creates a file upload field. If you are using file uploads then you will also need
# to set the multipart option for the form tag:
- # <%= form_tag { :action => "post" }, { :multipart => true } %>
+ # <% form_tag '/upload', :multipart => true do %>
# <label for="file">File to Upload</label> <%= file_field_tag "file" %>
# <%= submit_tag %>
- # <%= end_form_tag %>
+ # <% end %>
# The specified URL will then be passed a File object containing the selected file, or if the field
# was left blank, a StringIO object.
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/number_helper.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/number_helper.rb
index 8c1dea2186..77f19b36a6 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/number_helper.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/number_helper.rb
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ module ActionView
def number_to_currency(number, options = {})
- defaults, currency = I18n.translate([:'number.format', :'number.currency.format'],
- :locale => options[:locale]) || [{},{}]
- defaults = defaults.merge(currency)
+ defaults = I18n.translate(:'number.format', :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true) rescue {}
+ currency = I18n.translate(:'number.currency.format', :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true) rescue {}
+ defaults = defaults.merge(currency)
precision = options[:precision] || defaults[:precision]
unit = options[:unit] || defaults[:unit]
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ module ActionView
def number_to_percentage(number, options = {})
- defaults, percentage = I18n.translate([:'number.format', :'number.percentage.format'],
- :locale => options[:locale]) || [{},{}]
- defaults = defaults.merge(percentage)
+ defaults = I18n.translate(:'number.format', :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true) rescue {}
+ percentage = I18n.translate(:'number.percentage.format', :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true) rescue {}
+ defaults = defaults.merge(percentage)
precision = options[:precision] || defaults[:precision]
separator = options[:separator] || defaults[:separator]
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ module ActionView
options = args.extract_options!
- defaults = I18n.translate(:'number.format', :locale => options[:locale]) || {}
+ defaults = I18n.translate(:'number.format', :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true) rescue {}
unless args.empty?
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('number_with_delimiter takes an option hash ' +
@@ -195,9 +195,10 @@ module ActionView
options = args.extract_options!
- defaults, precision_defaults = I18n.translate([:'number.format', :'number.precision.format'],
- :locale => options[:locale]) || [{},{}]
- defaults = defaults.merge(precision_defaults)
+ defaults = I18n.translate(:'number.format', :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true) rescue {}
+ precision_defaults = I18n.translate(:'number.precision.format', :locale => options[:locale],
+ :raise => true) rescue {}
+ defaults = defaults.merge(precision_defaults)
unless args.empty?
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('number_with_precision takes an option hash ' +
@@ -209,12 +210,14 @@ module ActionView
separator ||= (options[:separator] || defaults[:separator])
delimiter ||= (options[:delimiter] || defaults[:delimiter])
- rounded_number = (Float(number) * (10 ** precision)).round.to_f / 10 ** precision
- number_with_delimiter("%01.#{precision}f" % rounded_number,
- :separator => separator,
- :delimiter => delimiter)
- rescue
- number
+ begin
+ rounded_number = (Float(number) * (10 ** precision)).round.to_f / 10 ** precision
+ number_with_delimiter("%01.#{precision}f" % rounded_number,
+ :separator => separator,
+ :delimiter => delimiter)
+ rescue
+ number
+ end
STORAGE_UNITS = %w( Bytes KB MB GB TB ).freeze
@@ -251,8 +254,8 @@ module ActionView
options = args.extract_options!
- defaults, human = I18n.translate([:'number.format', :'number.human.format'],
- :locale => options[:locale]) || [{},{}]
+ defaults = I18n.translate(:'number.format', :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true) rescue {}
+ human = I18n.translate(:'number.human.format', :locale => options[:locale], :raise => true) rescue {}
defaults = defaults.merge(human)
unless args.empty?
@@ -272,13 +275,16 @@ module ActionView
number /= 1024 ** exponent
unit = STORAGE_UNITS[exponent]
- number_with_precision(number,
- :precision => precision,
- :separator => separator,
- :delimiter => delimiter
- ).sub(/(\d)(#{Regexp.escape(separator)}[1-9]*)?0+\z/, '\1') + " #{unit}"
- rescue
- number
+ begin
+ escaped_separator = Regexp.escape(separator)
+ number_with_precision(number,
+ :precision => precision,
+ :separator => separator,
+ :delimiter => delimiter
+ ).sub(/(\d)(#{escaped_separator}[1-9]*)?0+\z/, '\1\2').sub(/#{escaped_separator}\z/, '') + " #{unit}"
+ rescue
+ number
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/text_helper.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/text_helper.rb
index 022edf23c8..f9096d0029 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/text_helper.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/text_helper.rb
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ module ActionView
[-\w]+ # subdomain or domain
(?:\.[-\w]+)* # remaining subdomains or domain
(?::\d+)? # port
- (?:/(?:(?:[~\w\+@%=\(\)-]|(?:[,.;:'][^\s$])))*)* # path
+ (?:/(?:[~\w\+@%=\(\)-]|(?:[,.;:'][^\s$]))*)* # path
(?:\?[\w\+@%&=.;-]+)? # query string
(?:\#[\w\-]*)? # trailing anchor
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb
index f31502d99d..7ba42a3b72 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ module ActionView
# # => <a href="mailto:me@domain.com">me@domain.com</a>
# mail_to "me@domain.com", "My email", :encode => "javascript"
- # # => <script type="text/javascript">eval(unescape('%64%6f%63...%6d%65%6e'))</script>
+ # # => <script type="text/javascript">eval(decodeURIComponent('%64%6f%63...%27%29%3b'))</script>
# mail_to "me@domain.com", "My email", :encode => "hex"
# # => <a href="mailto:%6d%65@%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e.%63%6f%6d">My email</a>
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ module ActionView
"document.write('#{content_tag("a", name || email_address_obfuscated, html_options.merge({ "href" => "mailto:"+email_address+extras }))}');".each_byte do |c|
string << sprintf("%%%x", c)
- "<script type=\"#{Mime::JS}\">eval(unescape('#{string}'))</script>"
+ "<script type=\"#{Mime::JS}\">eval(decodeURIComponent('#{string}'))</script>"
elsif encode == "hex"
email_address_encoded = ''
email_address_obfuscated.each_byte do |c|
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/partials.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/partials.rb
index eb74d4a4c7..894b88534c 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/partials.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/partials.rb
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ module ActionView
def find_partial_path(partial_path)
if partial_path.include?('/')
- "#{File.dirname(partial_path)}/_#{File.basename(partial_path)}"
+ File.join(File.dirname(partial_path), "_#{File.basename(partial_path)}")
elsif respond_to?(:controller)
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/renderable.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/renderable.rb
index 5fe1ca86f3..89ac500717 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/renderable.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/renderable.rb
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ module ActionView
view.send(:set_controller_content_type, mime_type) if respond_to?(:mime_type)
- view.send(:execute, method(local_assigns), local_assigns)
+ view.send(:execute, method_name(local_assigns), local_assigns)
- def method(local_assigns)
+ def method_name(local_assigns)
if local_assigns && local_assigns.any?
local_assigns_keys = "locals_#{local_assigns.keys.map { |k| k.to_s }.sort.join('_')}"
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module ActionView
# Compile and evaluate the template's code (if necessary)
def compile(local_assigns)
- render_symbol = method(local_assigns)
+ render_symbol = method_name(local_assigns)
@@mutex.synchronize do
if recompile?(render_symbol)
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/template.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/template.rb
index b281ff61f2..5dc6708431 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/template.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/template.rb
@@ -22,6 +22,14 @@ module ActionView #:nodoc:
memoize :format_and_extension
+ def multipart?
+ format && format.include?('.')
+ end
+ def content_type
+ format.gsub('.', '/')
+ end
def mime_type
Mime::Type.lookup_by_extension(format) if format
@@ -84,7 +92,7 @@ module ActionView #:nodoc:
# [base_path, name, format, extension]
def split(file)
if m = file.match(/^(.*\/)?([^\.]+)\.?(\w+)?\.?(\w+)?\.?(\w+)?$/)
- if m[5] # Mulipart formats
+ if m[5] # Multipart formats
[m[1], m[2], "#{m[3]}.#{m[4]}", m[5]]
elsif m[4] # Single format
[m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4]]
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/assert_select_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/assert_select_test.rb
index 5af579f3e3..1531e7c21a 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/controller/assert_select_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/assert_select_test.rb
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ unless defined?(ActionMailer)
+ActionMailer::Base.template_root = FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH
class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
class AssertSelectController < ActionController::Base
def response_with=(content)
@@ -69,11 +71,10 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = []
def teardown
def assert_failure(message, &block)
e = assert_raises(AssertionFailedError, &block)
assert_match(message, e.message) if Regexp === message
@@ -91,7 +92,6 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_failure(/Expected at least 1 element matching \"p\", found 0/) { assert_select "p" }
def test_equality_true_false
render_html %Q{<div id="1"></div><div id="2"></div>}
assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div" }
@@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "p", false }
def test_equality_string_and_regexp
render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", "foo" }
@@ -116,7 +115,6 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "p", :text=>/foobar/ }
def test_equality_of_html
render_html %Q{<p>\n<em>"This is <strong>not</strong> a big problem,"</em> he said.\n</p>}
text = "\"This is not a big problem,\" he said."
@@ -135,7 +133,6 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "pre", :html=>text }
def test_counts
render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", 2 }
@@ -166,7 +163,6 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_substitution_values
render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
assert_select "div#?", /\d+/ do |elements|
@@ -181,7 +177,6 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_nested_assert_select
render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
assert_select "div" do |elements|
@@ -200,7 +195,7 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_select "#3", false
assert_failure(/Expected at least 1 element matching \"#4\", found 0\./) do
assert_select "div" do
assert_select "#4"
@@ -208,7 +203,6 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_assert_select_text_match
render_html %Q{<div id="1"><span>foo</span></div><div id="2"><span>bar</span></div>}
assert_select "div" do
@@ -225,7 +219,6 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
# With single result.
def test_assert_select_from_rjs_with_single_result
render_rjs do |page|
@@ -255,19 +248,16 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
# Test css_select.
def test_css_select
render_html %Q{<div id="1"></div><div id="2"></div>}
assert 2, css_select("div").size
assert 0, css_select("p").size
def test_nested_css_select
render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
assert_select "div#?", /\d+/ do |elements|
@@ -286,7 +276,6 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
# With one result.
def test_css_select_from_rjs_with_single_result
render_rjs do |page|
@@ -309,12 +298,10 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal 1, css_select("#2").size
# Test assert_select_rjs.
# Test that we can pick up all statements in the result.
def test_assert_select_rjs_picks_up_all_statements
render_rjs do |page|
@@ -381,7 +368,6 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select_rjs "test4" }
def test_assert_select_rjs_for_replace
render_rjs do |page|
page.replace "test1", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
@@ -479,7 +465,7 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
# Simple hide
def test_assert_select_rjs_for_hide
render_rjs do |page|
@@ -500,7 +486,7 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
# Simple toggle
def test_assert_select_rjs_for_toggle
render_rjs do |page|
@@ -521,7 +507,7 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
# Non-positioned insert.
def test_assert_select_rjs_for_nonpositioned_insert
render_rjs do |page|
@@ -568,7 +554,7 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_select "div", 4
# Simple selection from a single result.
def test_nested_assert_select_rjs_with_single_result
render_rjs do |page|
@@ -600,7 +586,6 @@ class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_feed_item_encoded
render_xml <<-EOF
<rss version="2.0">
@@ -654,7 +639,6 @@ EOF
# Test assert_select_email
@@ -670,7 +654,6 @@ EOF
def render_html(html)
@controller.response_with = html
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/caching_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/caching_test.rb
index 47a0fcf99d..b6cdd116e5 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/controller/caching_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/caching_test.rb
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class PageCachingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
uses_mocha("should_cache_ok_at_custom_path") do
def test_should_cache_ok_at_custom_path
- @request.expects(:path).returns("/index.html")
+ @request.stubs(:path).returns("/index.html")
get :ok
assert_response :ok
assert File.exist?("#{FILE_STORE_PATH}/index.html")
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/cgi_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/cgi_test.rb
index 8ca70f8595..813171857a 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/controller/cgi_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/cgi_test.rb
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class CgiRequestTest < BaseCgiTest
assert_equal "rubyonrails.org:8080", @request.host_with_port
@request_hash['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] = "www.firsthost.org, www.secondhost.org"
- assert_equal "www.secondhost.org", @request.host
+ assert_equal "www.secondhost.org", @request.host(true)
def test_http_host_with_default_port_overrides_server_port
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/content_type_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/content_type_test.rb
index d457d13aef..e1bc46bb56 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/controller/content_type_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/content_type_test.rb
@@ -128,23 +128,23 @@ class AcceptBasedContentTypeTest < ActionController::TestCase
def test_render_default_content_types_for_respond_to
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = Mime::HTML.to_s
+ @request.accept = Mime::HTML.to_s
get :render_default_content_types_for_respond_to
assert_equal Mime::HTML, @response.content_type
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = Mime::JS.to_s
+ @request.accept = Mime::JS.to_s
get :render_default_content_types_for_respond_to
assert_equal Mime::JS, @response.content_type
def test_render_default_content_types_for_respond_to_with_template
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = Mime::XML.to_s
+ @request.accept = Mime::XML.to_s
get :render_default_content_types_for_respond_to
assert_equal Mime::XML, @response.content_type
def test_render_default_content_types_for_respond_to_with_overwrite
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = Mime::RSS.to_s
+ @request.accept = Mime::RSS.to_s
get :render_default_content_types_for_respond_to
assert_equal Mime::XML, @response.content_type
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/mime_responds_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/mime_responds_test.rb
index 1701431858..0d508eb8df 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/controller/mime_responds_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/mime_responds_test.rb
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class MimeControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_html
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/html"
+ @request.accept = "text/html"
get :js_or_html
assert_equal 'HTML', @response.body
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ class MimeControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_all
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "*/*"
+ @request.accept = "*/*"
get :js_or_html
assert_equal 'HTML', @response.body # js is not part of all
@@ -201,13 +201,13 @@ class MimeControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_xml
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/xml"
+ @request.accept = "application/xml"
get :html_xml_or_rss
assert_equal 'XML', @response.body
def test_js_or_html
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/javascript, text/html"
+ @request.accept = "text/javascript, text/html"
get :js_or_html
assert_equal 'JS', @response.body
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class MimeControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
'JSON' => %w(application/json text/x-json)
}.each do |body, content_types|
content_types.each do |content_type|
- @request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = content_type
+ @request.accept = content_type
get :json_or_yaml
assert_equal body, @response.body
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class MimeControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_js_or_anything
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/javascript, */*"
+ @request.accept = "text/javascript, */*"
get :js_or_html
assert_equal 'JS', @response.body
@@ -252,34 +252,34 @@ class MimeControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_using_defaults
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "*/*"
+ @request.accept = "*/*"
get :using_defaults
assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type
assert_equal 'Hello world!', @response.body
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/javascript"
+ @request.accept = "text/javascript"
get :using_defaults
assert_equal "text/javascript", @response.content_type
assert_equal '$("body").visualEffect("highlight");', @response.body
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/xml"
+ @request.accept = "application/xml"
get :using_defaults
assert_equal "application/xml", @response.content_type
assert_equal "<p>Hello world!</p>\n", @response.body
def test_using_defaults_with_type_list
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "*/*"
+ @request.accept = "*/*"
get :using_defaults_with_type_list
assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type
assert_equal 'Hello world!', @response.body
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/javascript"
+ @request.accept = "text/javascript"
get :using_defaults_with_type_list
assert_equal "text/javascript", @response.content_type
assert_equal '$("body").visualEffect("highlight");', @response.body
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/xml"
+ @request.accept = "application/xml"
get :using_defaults_with_type_list
assert_equal "application/xml", @response.content_type
assert_equal "<p>Hello world!</p>\n", @response.body
@@ -298,55 +298,55 @@ class MimeControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_synonyms
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/javascript"
+ @request.accept = "application/javascript"
get :js_or_html
assert_equal 'JS', @response.body
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/x-xml"
+ @request.accept = "application/x-xml"
get :html_xml_or_rss
assert_equal "XML", @response.body
def test_custom_types
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/crazy-xml"
+ @request.accept = "application/crazy-xml"
get :custom_type_handling
assert_equal "application/crazy-xml", @response.content_type
assert_equal 'Crazy XML', @response.body
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/html"
+ @request.accept = "text/html"
get :custom_type_handling
assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type
assert_equal 'HTML', @response.body
def test_xhtml_alias
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/xhtml+xml,application/xml"
+ @request.accept = "application/xhtml+xml,application/xml"
get :html_or_xml
assert_equal 'HTML', @response.body
def test_firefox_simulation
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5"
+ @request.accept = "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5"
get :html_or_xml
assert_equal 'HTML', @response.body
def test_handle_any
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "*/*"
+ @request.accept = "*/*"
get :handle_any
assert_equal 'HTML', @response.body
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/javascript"
+ @request.accept = "text/javascript"
get :handle_any
assert_equal 'Either JS or XML', @response.body
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/xml"
+ @request.accept = "text/xml"
get :handle_any
assert_equal 'Either JS or XML', @response.body
def test_handle_any_any
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "*/*"
+ @request.accept = "*/*"
get :handle_any_any
assert_equal 'HTML', @response.body
@@ -357,31 +357,31 @@ class MimeControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_handle_any_any_explicit_html
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/html"
+ @request.accept = "text/html"
get :handle_any_any
assert_equal 'HTML', @response.body
def test_handle_any_any_javascript
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/javascript"
+ @request.accept = "text/javascript"
get :handle_any_any
assert_equal 'Whatever you ask for, I got it', @response.body
def test_handle_any_any_xml
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/xml"
+ @request.accept = "text/xml"
get :handle_any_any
assert_equal 'Whatever you ask for, I got it', @response.body
def test_rjs_type_skips_layout
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/javascript"
+ @request.accept = "text/javascript"
get :all_types_with_layout
assert_equal 'RJS for all_types_with_layout', @response.body
def test_html_type_with_layout
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/html"
+ @request.accept = "text/html"
get :all_types_with_layout
assert_equal '<html><div id="html">HTML for all_types_with_layout</div></html>', @response.body
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ class MimeControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_format_with_custom_response_type_and_request_headers
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/iphone"
+ @request.accept = "text/iphone"
get :iphone_with_html_response_type
assert_equal '<html><div id="iphone">Hello iPhone future from iPhone!</div></html>', @response.body
assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ class MimeControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
get :iphone_with_html_response_type_without_layout
assert_equal '<html><div id="html_missing">Hello future from Firefox!</div></html>', @response.body
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/iphone"
+ @request.accept = "text/iphone"
assert_raises(ActionView::MissingTemplate) { get :iphone_with_html_response_type_without_layout }
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ class MimeControllerLayoutsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
get :index
assert_equal '<html><div id="html">Hello Firefox</div></html>', @response.body
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/iphone"
+ @request.accept = "text/iphone"
get :index
assert_equal 'Hello iPhone', @response.body
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ class MimeControllerLayoutsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
get :index
assert_equal 'Super Firefox', @response.body
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/iphone"
+ @request.accept = "text/iphone"
get :index
assert_equal '<html><div id="super_iphone">Super iPhone</div></html>', @response.body
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/new_render_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/new_render_test.rb
index d2a3a2b0b0..be99350cd2 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/controller/new_render_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/new_render_test.rb
@@ -136,6 +136,10 @@ class NewRenderTestController < ActionController::Base
render :partial => "partial_only", :layout => true
+ def partial_with_counter
+ render :partial => "counter", :locals => { :counter_counter => 5 }
+ end
def partial_with_locals
render :partial => "customer", :locals => { :customer => Customer.new("david") }
@@ -741,6 +745,11 @@ EOS
assert_equal "<title>Talking to the layout</title>\nAction was here!", @response.body
+ def test_partial_with_counter
+ get :partial_with_counter
+ assert_equal "5", @response.body
+ end
def test_partials_list
get :partials_list
assert_equal "goodbyeHello: davidHello: marygoodbye\n", @response.body
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/rack_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/rack_test.rb
index ab8bbc3bf9..d1650de1fc 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/controller/rack_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/rack_test.rb
@@ -64,58 +64,61 @@ end
class RackRequestTest < BaseRackTest
def test_proxy_request
- assert_equal 'glu.ttono.us', @request.host_with_port
+ assert_equal 'glu.ttono.us', @request.host_with_port(true)
def test_http_host
@env['HTTP_HOST'] = "rubyonrails.org:8080"
- assert_equal "rubyonrails.org:8080", @request.host_with_port
+ assert_equal "rubyonrails.org", @request.host(true)
+ assert_equal "rubyonrails.org:8080", @request.host_with_port(true)
@env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] = "www.firsthost.org, www.secondhost.org"
- assert_equal "www.secondhost.org", @request.host
+ assert_equal "www.secondhost.org", @request.host(true)
def test_http_host_with_default_port_overrides_server_port
@env['HTTP_HOST'] = "rubyonrails.org"
- assert_equal "rubyonrails.org", @request.host_with_port
+ assert_equal "rubyonrails.org", @request.host_with_port(true)
def test_host_with_port_defaults_to_server_name_if_no_host_headers
@env.delete "HTTP_HOST"
- assert_equal "glu.ttono.us:8007", @request.host_with_port
+ assert_equal "glu.ttono.us:8007", @request.host_with_port(true)
def test_host_with_port_falls_back_to_server_addr_if_necessary
@env.delete "HTTP_HOST"
@env.delete "SERVER_NAME"
- assert_equal "", @request.host_with_port
+ assert_equal "", @request.host(true)
+ assert_equal 8007, @request.port(true)
+ assert_equal "", @request.host_with_port(true)
def test_host_with_port_if_http_standard_port_is_specified
@env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] = "glu.ttono.us:80"
- assert_equal "glu.ttono.us", @request.host_with_port
+ assert_equal "glu.ttono.us", @request.host_with_port(true)
def test_host_with_port_if_https_standard_port_is_specified
@env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] = "https"
@env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] = "glu.ttono.us:443"
- assert_equal "glu.ttono.us", @request.host_with_port
+ assert_equal "glu.ttono.us", @request.host_with_port(true)
def test_host_if_ipv6_reference
@env['HTTP_HOST'] = "[2001:1234:5678:9abc:def0::dead:beef]"
- assert_equal "[2001:1234:5678:9abc:def0::dead:beef]", @request.host
+ assert_equal "[2001:1234:5678:9abc:def0::dead:beef]", @request.host(true)
def test_host_if_ipv6_reference_with_port
@env['HTTP_HOST'] = "[2001:1234:5678:9abc:def0::dead:beef]:8008"
- assert_equal "[2001:1234:5678:9abc:def0::dead:beef]", @request.host
+ assert_equal "[2001:1234:5678:9abc:def0::dead:beef]", @request.host(true)
def test_cgi_environment_variables
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/render_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/render_test.rb
index 76832f5713..1b9b12acc6 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/controller/render_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/render_test.rb
@@ -15,9 +15,14 @@ class TestController < ActionController::Base
def conditional_hello
- etag! [:foo, 123]
- last_modified! Time.now.utc.beginning_of_day
- render :action => 'hello_world' unless performed?
+ response.last_modified = Time.now.utc.beginning_of_day
+ response.etag = [:foo, 123]
+ if request.fresh?(response)
+ head :not_modified
+ else
+ render :action => 'hello_world'
+ end
def render_hello_world
@@ -428,7 +433,7 @@ class RenderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_should_render_formatted_html_erb_template_with_faulty_accepts_header
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, appliction/x-shockwave-flash, */*"
+ @request.accept = "image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, appliction/x-shockwave-flash, */*"
get :formatted_xml_erb
assert_equal '<test>passed formatted html erb</test>', @response.body
@@ -490,16 +495,16 @@ class EtagRenderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_render_against_etag_request_should_304_when_match
- @request.headers["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"] = etag_for("hello david")
+ @request.if_none_match = etag_for("hello david")
get :render_hello_world_from_variable
- assert_equal "304 Not Modified", @response.headers['Status']
+ assert_equal "304 Not Modified", @response.status
assert @response.body.empty?
def test_render_against_etag_request_should_200_when_no_match
- @request.headers["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"] = etag_for("hello somewhere else")
+ @request.if_none_match = etag_for("hello somewhere else")
get :render_hello_world_from_variable
- assert_equal "200 OK", @response.headers['Status']
+ assert_equal "200 OK", @response.status
assert !@response.body.empty?
@@ -508,13 +513,13 @@ class EtagRenderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
expected_etag = etag_for('hello david')
assert_equal expected_etag, @response.headers['ETag']
- @request.headers["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"] = expected_etag
+ @request.if_none_match = expected_etag
get :render_hello_world_from_variable
- assert_equal "304 Not Modified", @response.headers['Status']
+ assert_equal "304 Not Modified", @response.status
- @request.headers["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"] = "\"diftag\""
+ @request.if_none_match = "\"diftag\""
get :render_hello_world_from_variable
- assert_equal "200 OK", @response.headers['Status']
+ assert_equal "200 OK", @response.status
def render_with_404_shouldnt_have_etag
@@ -557,17 +562,17 @@ class LastModifiedRenderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_request_not_modified
- @request.headers["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"] = @last_modified
+ @request.if_modified_since = @last_modified
get :conditional_hello
- assert_equal "304 Not Modified", @response.headers['Status']
+ assert_equal "304 Not Modified", @response.status
assert @response.body.blank?, @response.body
assert_equal @last_modified, @response.headers['Last-Modified']
def test_request_modified
- @request.headers["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"] = 'Thu, 16 Jul 2008 00:00:00 GMT'
+ @request.if_modified_since = 'Thu, 16 Jul 2008 00:00:00 GMT'
get :conditional_hello
- assert_equal "200 OK", @response.headers['Status']
+ assert_equal "200 OK", @response.status
assert !@response.body.blank?
assert_equal @last_modified, @response.headers['Last-Modified']
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/request_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/request_test.rb
index 7db5264840..226c1ac018 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/controller/request_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/request_test.rb
@@ -15,57 +15,57 @@ class RequestTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
@request.remote_addr = ''
- assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.env['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] = ''
- assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.remote_addr = ''
- assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.env.delete 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP'
@request.remote_addr = ''
@request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ''
- assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.remote_addr = ''
@request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ''
- assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = 'unknown,'
- assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ','
- assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ','
- assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ','
- assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ',,'
- assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ','
- assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = 'unknown,'
- assert_equal 'unknown', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal 'unknown', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ',,,'
- assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.env['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] = ''
e = assert_raises(ActionController::ActionControllerError) {
- @request.remote_ip
+ @request.remote_ip(true)
assert_match /IP spoofing attack/, e.message
assert_match /HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR=",,,"/, e.message
assert_match /HTTP_CLIENT_IP=""/, e.message
@request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ','
- assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip
+ assert_equal '', @request.remote_ip(true)
@request.env.delete 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP'
@request.env.delete 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'
@@ -168,58 +168,58 @@ class RequestTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = nil
# The following tests are for when REQUEST_URI is not supplied (as in IIS)
- @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
@request.env['PATH_INFO'] = "/path/of/some/uri?mapped=1"
@request.env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = nil #"/path/dispatch.rb"
+ @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
assert_equal "/path/of/some/uri?mapped=1", @request.request_uri
assert_equal "/path/of/some/uri", @request.path
ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = '/path'
- @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
@request.env['PATH_INFO'] = "/path/of/some/uri?mapped=1"
@request.env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = "/path/dispatch.rb"
- assert_equal "/path/of/some/uri?mapped=1", @request.request_uri
- assert_equal "/of/some/uri", @request.path
+ @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
+ assert_equal "/path/of/some/uri?mapped=1", @request.request_uri(true)
+ assert_equal "/of/some/uri", @request.path(true)
ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = nil
- @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
@request.env['PATH_INFO'] = "/path/of/some/uri"
@request.env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = nil
+ @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
assert_equal "/path/of/some/uri", @request.request_uri
assert_equal "/path/of/some/uri", @request.path
- @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
@request.env['PATH_INFO'] = "/"
+ @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
assert_equal "/", @request.request_uri
assert_equal "/", @request.path
- @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
@request.env['PATH_INFO'] = "/?m=b"
+ @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
assert_equal "/?m=b", @request.request_uri
assert_equal "/", @request.path
- @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
@request.env['PATH_INFO'] = "/"
@request.env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = "/dispatch.cgi"
+ @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
assert_equal "/", @request.request_uri
assert_equal "/", @request.path
ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = '/hieraki'
- @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
@request.env['PATH_INFO'] = "/hieraki/"
@request.env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = "/hieraki/dispatch.cgi"
+ @request.set_REQUEST_URI nil
assert_equal "/hieraki/", @request.request_uri
assert_equal "/", @request.path
ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = nil
@request.set_REQUEST_URI '/hieraki/dispatch.cgi'
ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = '/hieraki'
- assert_equal "/dispatch.cgi", @request.path
+ assert_equal "/dispatch.cgi", @request.path(true)
ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = nil
@request.set_REQUEST_URI '/hieraki/dispatch.cgi'
ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = '/foo'
- assert_equal "/hieraki/dispatch.cgi", @request.path
+ assert_equal "/hieraki/dispatch.cgi", @request.path(true)
ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = nil
# This test ensures that Rails uses REQUEST_URI over PATH_INFO
@@ -227,8 +227,8 @@ class RequestTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
@request.env['REQUEST_URI'] = "/some/path"
@request.env['PATH_INFO'] = "/another/path"
@request.env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = "/dispatch.cgi"
- assert_equal "/some/path", @request.request_uri
- assert_equal "/some/path", @request.path
+ assert_equal "/some/path", @request.request_uri(true)
+ assert_equal "/some/path", @request.path(true)
def test_host_with_default_port
@@ -244,13 +244,13 @@ class RequestTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_server_software
- assert_equal nil, @request.server_software
+ assert_equal nil, @request.server_software(true)
@request.env['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = 'Apache3.422'
- assert_equal 'apache', @request.server_software
+ assert_equal 'apache', @request.server_software(true)
@request.env['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = 'lighttpd(1.1.4)'
- assert_equal 'lighttpd', @request.server_software
+ assert_equal 'lighttpd', @request.server_software(true)
def test_xml_http_request
@@ -280,44 +280,44 @@ class RequestTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_symbolized_request_methods
[:get, :post, :put, :delete].each do |method|
- set_request_method_to method
+ self.request_method = method
assert_equal method, @request.method
def test_invalid_http_method_raises_exception
- set_request_method_to :random_method
assert_raises(ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod) do
- @request.method
+ self.request_method = :random_method
def test_allow_method_hacking_on_post
- set_request_method_to :post
+ self.request_method = :post
[:get, :head, :options, :put, :post, :delete].each do |method|
- @request.instance_eval { @parameters = { :_method => method } ; @request_method = nil }
+ @request.instance_eval { @parameters = { :_method => method.to_s } ; @request_method = nil }
+ @request.request_method(true)
assert_equal(method == :head ? :get : method, @request.method)
def test_invalid_method_hacking_on_post_raises_exception
- set_request_method_to :post
+ self.request_method = :post
@request.instance_eval { @parameters = { :_method => :random_method } ; @request_method = nil }
assert_raises(ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod) do
- @request.method
+ @request.request_method(true)
def test_restrict_method_hacking
@request.instance_eval { @parameters = { :_method => 'put' } }
[:get, :put, :delete].each do |method|
- set_request_method_to method
+ self.request_method = method
assert_equal method, @request.method
- def test_head_masquarading_as_get
- set_request_method_to :head
+ def test_head_masquerading_as_get
+ self.request_method = :head
assert_equal :get, @request.method
assert @request.get?
assert @request.head?
@@ -339,9 +339,16 @@ class RequestTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_nil_format
- @request.instance_eval { @parameters = { :format => nil } }
+ ActionController::Base.use_accept_header, old =
+ false, ActionController::Base.use_accept_header
+ @request.instance_eval { @parameters = {} }
@request.env["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"] = "XMLHttpRequest"
+ assert @request.xhr?
assert_equal Mime::JS, @request.format
+ ensure
+ ActionController::Base.use_accept_header = old
def test_content_type
@@ -384,9 +391,9 @@ class RequestTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def set_request_method_to(method)
+ def request_method=(method)
@request.env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = method.to_s.upcase
- @request.instance_eval { @request_method = nil }
+ @request.request_method(true)
diff --git a/actionpack/test/fixtures/_top_level_partial.html.erb b/actionpack/test/fixtures/_top_level_partial.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b1c2e46e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/fixtures/_top_level_partial.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+top level partial html \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/fixtures/_top_level_partial_only.erb b/actionpack/test/fixtures/_top_level_partial_only.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44f25b61d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/fixtures/_top_level_partial_only.erb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+top level partial \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/_counter.html.erb b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/_counter.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd245bfc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/fixtures/test/_counter.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<%= counter_counter %> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/asset_tag_helper_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/asset_tag_helper_test.rb
index 8410e82c3c..7e40a55dc5 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/template/asset_tag_helper_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/asset_tag_helper_test.rb
@@ -425,7 +425,8 @@ class AssetTagHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
stylesheet_link_tag(:all, :cache => true)
- assert File.exist?(File.join(ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper::STYLESHEETS_DIR, 'all.css'))
+ expected = Dir["#{ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper::STYLESHEETS_DIR}/*.css"].map { |p| File.mtime(p) }.max
+ assert_equal expected, File.mtime(File.join(ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper::STYLESHEETS_DIR, 'all.css'))
%(<link href="http://a0.example.com/stylesheets/money.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />),
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/date_helper_i18n_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/date_helper_i18n_test.rb
index aca3593921..2b40074498 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/template/date_helper_i18n_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/date_helper_i18n_test.rb
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@ require 'abstract_unit'
class DateHelperDistanceOfTimeInWordsI18nTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper
attr_reader :request
def setup
@from = Time.mktime(2004, 6, 6, 21, 45, 0)
uses_mocha 'date_helper_distance_of_time_in_words_i18n_test' do
# distance_of_time_in_words
def test_distance_of_time_in_words_calls_i18n
{ # with include_seconds
- [2.seconds, true] => [:'less_than_x_seconds', 5],
- [9.seconds, true] => [:'less_than_x_seconds', 10],
- [19.seconds, true] => [:'less_than_x_seconds', 20],
- [30.seconds, true] => [:'half_a_minute', nil],
- [59.seconds, true] => [:'less_than_x_minutes', 1],
- [60.seconds, true] => [:'x_minutes', 1],
+ [2.seconds, true] => [:'less_than_x_seconds', 5],
+ [9.seconds, true] => [:'less_than_x_seconds', 10],
+ [19.seconds, true] => [:'less_than_x_seconds', 20],
+ [30.seconds, true] => [:'half_a_minute', nil],
+ [59.seconds, true] => [:'less_than_x_minutes', 1],
+ [60.seconds, true] => [:'x_minutes', 1],
# without include_seconds
[29.seconds, false] => [:'less_than_x_minutes', 1],
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class DateHelperDistanceOfTimeInWordsI18nTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
def assert_distance_of_time_in_words_translates_key(passed, expected)
diff, include_seconds = *passed
- key, count = *expected
+ key, count = *expected
to = @from + diff
options = {:locale => 'en-US', :scope => :'datetime.distance_in_words'}
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ class DateHelperDistanceOfTimeInWordsI18nTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
class DateHelperSelectTagsI18nTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper
attr_reader :request
uses_mocha 'date_helper_select_tags_i18n_tests' do
def setup
I18n.stubs(:translate).with(:'date.month_names', :locale => 'en-US').returns Date::MONTHNAMES
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/date_helper_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/date_helper_test.rb
index d8c07e731b..1a645bccc6 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/template/date_helper_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/date_helper_test.rb
@@ -557,11 +557,8 @@ class DateHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
def test_select_date_with_incomplete_order
- expected = %(<select id="date_first_day" name="date[first][day]">\n)
- expected << %(<option value="1">1</option>\n<option value="2">2</option>\n<option value="3">3</option>\n<option value="4">4</option>\n<option value="5">5</option>\n<option value="6">6</option>\n<option value="7">7</option>\n<option value="8">8</option>\n<option value="9">9</option>\n<option value="10">10</option>\n<option value="11">11</option>\n<option value="12">12</option>\n<option value="13">13</option>\n<option value="14">14</option>\n<option value="15">15</option>\n<option value="16" selected="selected">16</option>\n<option value="17">17</option>\n<option value="18">18</option>\n<option value="19">19</option>\n<option value="20">20</option>\n<option value="21">21</option>\n<option value="22">22</option>\n<option value="23">23</option>\n<option value="24">24</option>\n<option value="25">25</option>\n<option value="26">26</option>\n<option value="27">27</option>\n<option value="28">28</option>\n<option value="29">29</option>\n<option value="30">30</option>\n<option value="31">31</option>\n)
- expected << "</select>\n"
- expected << %(<select id="date_first_year" name="date[first][year]">\n)
+ # NOTE: modified this test because of minimal API change
+ expected = %(<select id="date_first_year" name="date[first][year]">\n)
expected << %(<option value="2003" selected="selected">2003</option>\n<option value="2004">2004</option>\n<option value="2005">2005</option>\n)
expected << "</select>\n"
@@ -569,6 +566,10 @@ class DateHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
expected << %(<option value="1">January</option>\n<option value="2">February</option>\n<option value="3">March</option>\n<option value="4">April</option>\n<option value="5">May</option>\n<option value="6">June</option>\n<option value="7">July</option>\n<option value="8" selected="selected">August</option>\n<option value="9">September</option>\n<option value="10">October</option>\n<option value="11">November</option>\n<option value="12">December</option>\n)
expected << "</select>\n"
+ expected << %(<select id="date_first_day" name="date[first][day]">\n)
+ expected << %(<option value="1">1</option>\n<option value="2">2</option>\n<option value="3">3</option>\n<option value="4">4</option>\n<option value="5">5</option>\n<option value="6">6</option>\n<option value="7">7</option>\n<option value="8">8</option>\n<option value="9">9</option>\n<option value="10">10</option>\n<option value="11">11</option>\n<option value="12">12</option>\n<option value="13">13</option>\n<option value="14">14</option>\n<option value="15">15</option>\n<option value="16" selected="selected">16</option>\n<option value="17">17</option>\n<option value="18">18</option>\n<option value="19">19</option>\n<option value="20">20</option>\n<option value="21">21</option>\n<option value="22">22</option>\n<option value="23">23</option>\n<option value="24">24</option>\n<option value="25">25</option>\n<option value="26">26</option>\n<option value="27">27</option>\n<option value="28">28</option>\n<option value="29">29</option>\n<option value="30">30</option>\n<option value="31">31</option>\n)
+ expected << "</select>\n"
assert_dom_equal expected, select_date(Time.mktime(2003, 8, 16), :start_year => 2003, :end_year => 2005, :prefix => "date[first]", :order => [:day])
@@ -909,6 +910,10 @@ class DateHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_dom_equal expected, select_datetime(Time.mktime(2003, 8, 16, 8, 4, 18), { :datetime_separator => "&mdash;", :date_separator => "/", :time_separator => ":", :start_year => 2003, :end_year => 2005, :prefix => "date[first]"}, :class => 'selector')
+ def test_select_datetime_should_work_with_date
+ assert_nothing_raised { select_datetime(Date.today) }
+ end
def test_select_time
expected = %(<select id="date_hour" name="date[hour]">\n)
expected << %(<option value="00">00</option>\n<option value="01">01</option>\n<option value="02">02</option>\n<option value="03">03</option>\n<option value="04">04</option>\n<option value="05">05</option>\n<option value="06">06</option>\n<option value="07">07</option>\n<option value="08" selected="selected">08</option>\n<option value="09">09</option>\n<option value="10">10</option>\n<option value="11">11</option>\n<option value="12">12</option>\n<option value="13">13</option>\n<option value="14">14</option>\n<option value="15">15</option>\n<option value="16">16</option>\n<option value="17">17</option>\n<option value="18">18</option>\n<option value="19">19</option>\n<option value="20">20</option>\n<option value="21">21</option>\n<option value="22">22</option>\n<option value="23">23</option>\n)
@@ -986,31 +991,8 @@ class DateHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_dom_equal expected, select_time(Time.mktime(2003, 8, 16, 8, 4, 18), {:include_seconds => false}, :class => 'selector')
- uses_mocha 'TestDatetimeAndTimeSelectUseTimeCurrentAsDefault' do
- def test_select_datetime_uses_time_current_as_default
- time = stub(:year => 2004, :month => 6, :day => 15, :hour => 16, :min => 35, :sec => 0)
- Time.expects(:current).returns time
- expects(:select_date).with(time, anything, anything).returns('')
- expects(:select_time).with(time, anything, anything).returns('')
- select_datetime
- end
- def test_select_time_uses_time_current_as_default
- time = stub(:year => 2004, :month => 6, :day => 15, :hour => 16, :min => 35, :sec => 0)
- Time.expects(:current).returns time
- expects(:select_hour).with(time, anything, anything).returns('')
- expects(:select_minute).with(time, anything, anything).returns('')
- select_time
- end
- def test_select_date_uses_date_current_as_default
- date = stub(:year => 2004, :month => 6, :day => 15)
- Date.expects(:current).returns date
- expects(:select_year).with(date, anything, anything).returns('')
- expects(:select_month).with(date, anything, anything).returns('')
- expects(:select_day).with(date, anything, anything).returns('')
- select_date
- end
+ def test_select_time_should_work_with_date
+ assert_nothing_raised { select_time(Date.today) }
def test_date_select
@@ -1231,6 +1213,30 @@ class DateHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer
+ def test_date_select_with_separator
+ @post = Post.new
+ @post.written_on = Date.new(2004, 6, 15)
+ expected = %{<select id="post_written_on_1i" name="post[written_on(1i)]">\n}
+ expected << %{<option value="1999">1999</option>\n<option value="2000">2000</option>\n<option value="2001">2001</option>\n<option value="2002">2002</option>\n<option value="2003">2003</option>\n<option value="2004" selected="selected">2004</option>\n<option value="2005">2005</option>\n<option value="2006">2006</option>\n<option value="2007">2007</option>\n<option value="2008">2008</option>\n<option value="2009">2009</option>\n}
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ expected << " / "
+ expected << %{<select id="post_written_on_2i" name="post[written_on(2i)]">\n}
+ expected << %{<option value="1">January</option>\n<option value="2">February</option>\n<option value="3">March</option>\n<option value="4">April</option>\n<option value="5">May</option>\n<option value="6" selected="selected">June</option>\n<option value="7">July</option>\n<option value="8">August</option>\n<option value="9">September</option>\n<option value="10">October</option>\n<option value="11">November</option>\n<option value="12">December</option>\n}
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ expected << " / "
+ expected << %{<select id="post_written_on_3i" name="post[written_on(3i)]">\n}
+ expected << %{<option value="1">1</option>\n<option value="2">2</option>\n<option value="3">3</option>\n<option value="4">4</option>\n<option value="5">5</option>\n<option value="6">6</option>\n<option value="7">7</option>\n<option value="8">8</option>\n<option value="9">9</option>\n<option value="10">10</option>\n<option value="11">11</option>\n<option value="12">12</option>\n<option value="13">13</option>\n<option value="14">14</option>\n<option value="15" selected="selected">15</option>\n<option value="16">16</option>\n<option value="17">17</option>\n<option value="18">18</option>\n<option value="19">19</option>\n<option value="20">20</option>\n<option value="21">21</option>\n<option value="22">22</option>\n<option value="23">23</option>\n<option value="24">24</option>\n<option value="25">25</option>\n<option value="26">26</option>\n<option value="27">27</option>\n<option value="28">28</option>\n<option value="29">29</option>\n<option value="30">30</option>\n<option value="31">31</option>\n}
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ assert_dom_equal expected, date_select("post", "written_on", { :date_separator => " / " })
+ end
def test_time_select
@post = Post.new
@post.written_on = Time.local(2004, 6, 15, 15, 16, 35)
@@ -1330,6 +1336,33 @@ class DateHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer
+ def test_time_select_with_separator
+ @post = Post.new
+ @post.written_on = Time.local(2004, 6, 15, 15, 16, 35)
+ expected = %{<input type="hidden" id="post_written_on_1i" name="post[written_on(1i)]" value="2004" />\n}
+ expected << %{<input type="hidden" id="post_written_on_2i" name="post[written_on(2i)]" value="6" />\n}
+ expected << %{<input type="hidden" id="post_written_on_3i" name="post[written_on(3i)]" value="15" />\n}
+ expected << %(<select id="post_written_on_4i" name="post[written_on(4i)]">\n)
+ 0.upto(23) { |i| expected << %(<option value="#{sprintf("%02d", i)}"#{' selected="selected"' if i == 15}>#{sprintf("%02d", i)}</option>\n) }
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ expected << " - "
+ expected << %(<select id="post_written_on_5i" name="post[written_on(5i)]">\n)
+ 0.upto(59) { |i| expected << %(<option value="#{sprintf("%02d", i)}"#{' selected="selected"' if i == 16}>#{sprintf("%02d", i)}</option>\n) }
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ expected << " - "
+ expected << %(<select id="post_written_on_6i" name="post[written_on(6i)]">\n)
+ 0.upto(59) { |i| expected << %(<option value="#{sprintf("%02d", i)}"#{' selected="selected"' if i == 35}>#{sprintf("%02d", i)}</option>\n) }
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ assert_dom_equal expected, time_select("post", "written_on", { :time_separator => " - ", :include_seconds => true })
+ end
def test_datetime_select
@post = Post.new
@post.updated_at = Time.local(2004, 6, 15, 16, 35)
@@ -1412,6 +1445,47 @@ class DateHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer
+ def test_datetime_select_with_separators
+ @post = Post.new
+ @post.updated_at = Time.local(2004, 6, 15, 15, 16, 35)
+ expected = %{<select id="post_updated_at_1i" name="post[updated_at(1i)]">\n}
+ expected << %{<option value="1999">1999</option>\n<option value="2000">2000</option>\n<option value="2001">2001</option>\n<option value="2002">2002</option>\n<option value="2003">2003</option>\n<option value="2004" selected="selected">2004</option>\n<option value="2005">2005</option>\n<option value="2006">2006</option>\n<option value="2007">2007</option>\n<option value="2008">2008</option>\n<option value="2009">2009</option>\n}
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ expected << " / "
+ expected << %{<select id="post_updated_at_2i" name="post[updated_at(2i)]">\n}
+ expected << %{<option value="1">January</option>\n<option value="2">February</option>\n<option value="3">March</option>\n<option value="4">April</option>\n<option value="5">May</option>\n<option value="6" selected="selected">June</option>\n<option value="7">July</option>\n<option value="8">August</option>\n<option value="9">September</option>\n<option value="10">October</option>\n<option value="11">November</option>\n<option value="12">December</option>\n}
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ expected << " / "
+ expected << %{<select id="post_updated_at_3i" name="post[updated_at(3i)]">\n}
+ expected << %{<option value="1">1</option>\n<option value="2">2</option>\n<option value="3">3</option>\n<option value="4">4</option>\n<option value="5">5</option>\n<option value="6">6</option>\n<option value="7">7</option>\n<option value="8">8</option>\n<option value="9">9</option>\n<option value="10">10</option>\n<option value="11">11</option>\n<option value="12">12</option>\n<option value="13">13</option>\n<option value="14">14</option>\n<option value="15" selected="selected">15</option>\n<option value="16">16</option>\n<option value="17">17</option>\n<option value="18">18</option>\n<option value="19">19</option>\n<option value="20">20</option>\n<option value="21">21</option>\n<option value="22">22</option>\n<option value="23">23</option>\n<option value="24">24</option>\n<option value="25">25</option>\n<option value="26">26</option>\n<option value="27">27</option>\n<option value="28">28</option>\n<option value="29">29</option>\n<option value="30">30</option>\n<option value="31">31</option>\n}
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ expected << " , "
+ expected << %(<select id="post_updated_at_4i" name="post[updated_at(4i)]">\n)
+ 0.upto(23) { |i| expected << %(<option value="#{sprintf("%02d", i)}"#{' selected="selected"' if i == 15}>#{sprintf("%02d", i)}</option>\n) }
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ expected << " - "
+ expected << %(<select id="post_updated_at_5i" name="post[updated_at(5i)]">\n)
+ 0.upto(59) { |i| expected << %(<option value="#{sprintf("%02d", i)}"#{' selected="selected"' if i == 16}>#{sprintf("%02d", i)}</option>\n) }
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ expected << " - "
+ expected << %(<select id="post_updated_at_6i" name="post[updated_at(6i)]">\n)
+ 0.upto(59) { |i| expected << %(<option value="#{sprintf("%02d", i)}"#{' selected="selected"' if i == 35}>#{sprintf("%02d", i)}</option>\n) }
+ expected << "</select>\n"
+ assert_dom_equal expected, datetime_select("post", "updated_at", { :date_separator => " / ", :datetime_separator => " , ", :time_separator => " - ", :include_seconds => true })
+ end
def test_date_select_with_zero_value_and_no_start_year
expected = %(<select id="date_first_year" name="date[first][year]">\n)
(Date.today.year-5).upto(Date.today.year+1) { |y| expected << %(<option value="#{y}">#{y}</option>\n) }
@@ -1814,26 +1888,151 @@ class DateHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_dom_equal expected, datetime_select("post", "updated_at", {}, :class => 'selector')
- uses_mocha 'TestInstanceTagDefaultTimeFromOptions' do
- def test_instance_tag_default_time_from_options_uses_time_current_as_default_when_hash_passed_as_arg
- dummy_instance_tag = ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag.new(1,2,3)
- Time.expects(:current).returns Time.now
- dummy_instance_tag.send!(:default_time_from_options, :hour => 2)
- end
- def test_instance_tag_default_time_from_options_respects_hash_arg_settings_when_time_falls_in_system_local_dst_spring_gap
- with_env_tz('US/Central') do
- dummy_instance_tag = ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag.new(1,2,3)
- Time.stubs(:now).returns Time.local(2006, 4, 2, 1)
- assert_equal 2, dummy_instance_tag.send!(:default_time_from_options, :hour => 2).hour
- end
- end
- def test_instance_tag_default_time_from_options_handles_far_future_date
- dummy_instance_tag = ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag.new(1,2,3)
- time = dummy_instance_tag.send!(:default_time_from_options, :year => 2050, :month => 2, :day => 10, :hour => 15, :min => 30, :sec => 45)
- assert_equal 2050, time.year
- end
+ def test_date_select_should_not_change_passed_options_hash
+ @post = Post.new
+ @post.updated_at = Time.local(2008, 7, 16, 23, 30)
+ options = {
+ :order => [ :year, :month, :day ],
+ :default => { :year => 2008, :month => 7, :day => 16, :hour => 23, :minute => 30, :second => 1 },
+ :discard_type => false,
+ :include_blank => false,
+ :ignore_date => false,
+ :include_seconds => true
+ }
+ date_select(@post, :updated_at, options)
+ # note: the literal hash is intentional to show that the actual options hash isn't modified
+ # don't change this!
+ assert_equal({
+ :order => [ :year, :month, :day ],
+ :default => { :year => 2008, :month => 7, :day => 16, :hour => 23, :minute => 30, :second => 1 },
+ :discard_type => false,
+ :include_blank => false,
+ :ignore_date => false,
+ :include_seconds => true
+ }, options)
+ end
+ def test_datetime_select_should_not_change_passed_options_hash
+ @post = Post.new
+ @post.updated_at = Time.local(2008, 7, 16, 23, 30)
+ options = {
+ :order => [ :year, :month, :day ],
+ :default => { :year => 2008, :month => 7, :day => 16, :hour => 23, :minute => 30, :second => 1 },
+ :discard_type => false,
+ :include_blank => false,
+ :ignore_date => false,
+ :include_seconds => true
+ }
+ datetime_select(@post, :updated_at, options)
+ # note: the literal hash is intentional to show that the actual options hash isn't modified
+ # don't change this!
+ assert_equal({
+ :order => [ :year, :month, :day ],
+ :default => { :year => 2008, :month => 7, :day => 16, :hour => 23, :minute => 30, :second => 1 },
+ :discard_type => false,
+ :include_blank => false,
+ :ignore_date => false,
+ :include_seconds => true
+ }, options)
+ end
+ def test_time_select_should_not_change_passed_options_hash
+ @post = Post.new
+ @post.updated_at = Time.local(2008, 7, 16, 23, 30)
+ options = {
+ :order => [ :year, :month, :day ],
+ :default => { :year => 2008, :month => 7, :day => 16, :hour => 23, :minute => 30, :second => 1 },
+ :discard_type => false,
+ :include_blank => false,
+ :ignore_date => false,
+ :include_seconds => true
+ }
+ time_select(@post, :updated_at, options)
+ # note: the literal hash is intentional to show that the actual options hash isn't modified
+ # don't change this!
+ assert_equal({
+ :order => [ :year, :month, :day ],
+ :default => { :year => 2008, :month => 7, :day => 16, :hour => 23, :minute => 30, :second => 1 },
+ :discard_type => false,
+ :include_blank => false,
+ :ignore_date => false,
+ :include_seconds => true
+ }, options)
+ end
+ def test_select_date_should_not_change_passed_options_hash
+ options = {
+ :order => [ :year, :month, :day ],
+ :default => { :year => 2008, :month => 7, :day => 16, :hour => 23, :minute => 30, :second => 1 },
+ :discard_type => false,
+ :include_blank => false,
+ :ignore_date => false,
+ :include_seconds => true
+ }
+ select_date(Date.today, options)
+ # note: the literal hash is intentional to show that the actual options hash isn't modified
+ # don't change this!
+ assert_equal({
+ :order => [ :year, :month, :day ],
+ :default => { :year => 2008, :month => 7, :day => 16, :hour => 23, :minute => 30, :second => 1 },
+ :discard_type => false,
+ :include_blank => false,
+ :ignore_date => false,
+ :include_seconds => true
+ }, options)
+ end
+ def test_select_datetime_should_not_change_passed_options_hash
+ options = {
+ :order => [ :year, :month, :day ],
+ :default => { :year => 2008, :month => 7, :day => 16, :hour => 23, :minute => 30, :second => 1 },
+ :discard_type => false,
+ :include_blank => false,
+ :ignore_date => false,
+ :include_seconds => true
+ }
+ select_datetime(Time.now, options)
+ # note: the literal hash is intentional to show that the actual options hash isn't modified
+ # don't change this!
+ assert_equal({
+ :order => [ :year, :month, :day ],
+ :default => { :year => 2008, :month => 7, :day => 16, :hour => 23, :minute => 30, :second => 1 },
+ :discard_type => false,
+ :include_blank => false,
+ :ignore_date => false,
+ :include_seconds => true
+ }, options)
+ end
+ def test_select_time_should_not_change_passed_options_hash
+ options = {
+ :order => [ :year, :month, :day ],
+ :default => { :year => 2008, :month => 7, :day => 16, :hour => 23, :minute => 30, :second => 1 },
+ :discard_type => false,
+ :include_blank => false,
+ :ignore_date => false,
+ :include_seconds => true
+ }
+ select_time(Time.now, options)
+ # note: the literal hash is intentional to show that the actual options hash isn't modified
+ # don't change this!
+ assert_equal({
+ :order => [ :year, :month, :day ],
+ :default => { :year => 2008, :month => 7, :day => 16, :hour => 23, :minute => 30, :second => 1 },
+ :discard_type => false,
+ :include_blank => false,
+ :ignore_date => false,
+ :include_seconds => true
+ }, options)
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/number_helper_i18n_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/number_helper_i18n_test.rb
index ce0da398cc..2ee7f43a65 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/template/number_helper_i18n_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/number_helper_i18n_test.rb
@@ -18,35 +18,35 @@ class NumberHelperI18nTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_number_to_currency_translates_currency_formats
- I18n.expects(:translate).with(
- [:'number.format', :'number.currency.format'], :locale => 'en-US'
- ).returns([@number_defaults, @currency_defaults])
+ I18n.expects(:translate).with(:'number.format', :locale => 'en-US', :raise => true).returns(@number_defaults)
+ I18n.expects(:translate).with(:'number.currency.format', :locale => 'en-US',
+ :raise => true).returns(@currency_defaults)
number_to_currency(1, :locale => 'en-US')
def test_number_with_precision_translates_number_formats
- I18n.expects(:translate).with(
- [:'number.format', :'number.precision.format'], :locale => 'en-US'
- ).returns([@number_defaults, @precision_defaults])
+ I18n.expects(:translate).with(:'number.format', :locale => 'en-US', :raise => true).returns(@number_defaults)
+ I18n.expects(:translate).with(:'number.precision.format', :locale => 'en-US',
+ :raise => true).returns(@precision_defaults)
number_with_precision(1, :locale => 'en-US')
def test_number_with_delimiter_translates_number_formats
- I18n.expects(:translate).with(:'number.format', :locale => 'en-US').returns(@number_defaults)
+ I18n.expects(:translate).with(:'number.format', :locale => 'en-US', :raise => true).returns(@number_defaults)
number_with_delimiter(1, :locale => 'en-US')
def test_number_to_percentage_translates_number_formats
- I18n.expects(:translate).with(
- [:'number.format', :'number.percentage.format'], :locale => 'en-US'
- ).returns([@number_defaults, @percentage_defaults])
+ I18n.expects(:translate).with(:'number.format', :locale => 'en-US', :raise => true).returns(@number_defaults)
+ I18n.expects(:translate).with(:'number.percentage.format', :locale => 'en-US',
+ :raise => true).returns(@percentage_defaults)
number_to_percentage(1, :locale => 'en-US')
def test_number_to_human_size_translates_human_formats
- I18n.expects(:translate).with(
- [:'number.format', :'number.human.format'], :locale => 'en-US'
- ).returns([@number_defaults, @human_defaults])
+ I18n.expects(:translate).with(:'number.format', :locale => 'en-US', :raise => true).returns(@number_defaults)
+ I18n.expects(:translate).with(:'number.human.format', :locale => 'en-US',
+ :raise => true).returns(@human_defaults)
# can't be called with 1 because this directly returns without calling I18n.translate
number_to_human_size(1025, :locale => 'en-US')
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/render_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/render_test.rb
index b1af043099..31cfdce531 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/template/render_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/render_test.rb
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ class ViewRenderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal "Hello world!", @view.render("test/hello_world")
+ def test_render_file_at_top_level
+ assert_equal 'Elastica', @view.render('/shared')
+ end
def test_render_file_with_full_path
template_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../fixtures/test/hello_world.erb')
assert_equal "Hello world!", @view.render(:file => template_path)
@@ -47,6 +51,24 @@ class ViewRenderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal "only partial", @view.render(:partial => "test/partial_only")
+ def test_render_partial_with_format
+ assert_equal 'partial html', @view.render(:partial => 'test/partial')
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_at_top_level
+ # file fixtures/_top_level_partial_only.erb (not fixtures/test)
+ assert_equal 'top level partial', @view.render(:partial => '/top_level_partial_only')
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_format_at_top_level
+ # file fixtures/_top_level_partial.html.erb (not fixtures/test, with format extension)
+ assert_equal 'top level partial html', @view.render(:partial => '/top_level_partial')
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_locals
+ assert_equal "5", @view.render(:partial => "test/counter", :locals => { :counter_counter => 5 })
+ end
def test_render_partial_with_errors
assert_raise(ActionView::TemplateError) { @view.render(:partial => "test/raise") }
@@ -54,14 +76,14 @@ class ViewRenderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_render_partial_collection
assert_equal "Hello: davidHello: mary", @view.render(:partial => "test/customer", :collection => [ Customer.new("david"), Customer.new("mary") ])
def test_render_partial_collection_as
- assert_equal "david david davidmary mary mary",
+ assert_equal "david david davidmary mary mary",
@view.render(:partial => "test/customer_with_var", :collection => [ Customer.new("david"), Customer.new("mary") ], :as => :customer)
def test_render_partial_collection_without_as
- assert_equal "local_inspector,local_inspector_counter,object",
+ assert_equal "local_inspector,local_inspector_counter,object",
@view.render(:partial => "test/local_inspector", :collection => [ Customer.new("mary") ])
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/url_helper_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/url_helper_test.rb
index 867503fb29..3065d33c1b 100644
--- a/actionpack/test/template/url_helper_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/template/url_helper_test.rb
@@ -277,7 +277,11 @@ class UrlHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
def test_mail_to_with_javascript
- assert_dom_equal "<script type=\"text/javascript\">eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%65%40%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%4d%79%20%65%6d%61%69%6c%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))</script>", mail_to("me@domain.com", "My email", :encode => "javascript")
+ assert_dom_equal "<script type=\"text/javascript\">eval(decodeURIComponent('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%65%40%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%4d%79%20%65%6d%61%69%6c%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))</script>", mail_to("me@domain.com", "My email", :encode => "javascript")
+ end
+ def test_mail_to_with_javascript_unicode
+ assert_dom_equal "<script type=\"text/javascript\">eval(decodeURIComponent('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%75%6e%69%63%6f%64%65%40%65%78%61%6d%70%6c%65%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%c3%ba%6e%69%63%6f%64%65%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))</script>", mail_to("unicode@example.com", "únicode", :encode => "javascript")
def test_mail_with_options
@@ -301,8 +305,8 @@ class UrlHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_dom_equal "<a href=\"&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;%6d%65@%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e.%63%6f%6d\">&#109;&#101;&#40;&#97;&#116;&#41;&#100;&#111;&#109;&#97;&#105;&#110;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;</a>", mail_to("me@domain.com", nil, :encode => "hex", :replace_at => "(at)")
assert_dom_equal "<a href=\"&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;%6d%65@%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e.%63%6f%6d\">My email</a>", mail_to("me@domain.com", "My email", :encode => "hex", :replace_at => "(at)")
assert_dom_equal "<a href=\"&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;%6d%65@%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e.%63%6f%6d\">&#109;&#101;&#40;&#97;&#116;&#41;&#100;&#111;&#109;&#97;&#105;&#110;&#40;&#100;&#111;&#116;&#41;&#99;&#111;&#109;</a>", mail_to("me@domain.com", nil, :encode => "hex", :replace_at => "(at)", :replace_dot => "(dot)")
- assert_dom_equal "<script type=\"text/javascript\">eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%65%40%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%4d%79%20%65%6d%61%69%6c%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))</script>", mail_to("me@domain.com", "My email", :encode => "javascript", :replace_at => "(at)", :replace_dot => "(dot)")
- assert_dom_equal "<script type=\"text/javascript\">eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%65%40%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%6d%65%28%61%74%29%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e%28%64%6f%74%29%63%6f%6d%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))</script>", mail_to("me@domain.com", nil, :encode => "javascript", :replace_at => "(at)", :replace_dot => "(dot)")
+ assert_dom_equal "<script type=\"text/javascript\">eval(decodeURIComponent('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%65%40%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%4d%79%20%65%6d%61%69%6c%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))</script>", mail_to("me@domain.com", "My email", :encode => "javascript", :replace_at => "(at)", :replace_dot => "(dot)")
+ assert_dom_equal "<script type=\"text/javascript\">eval(decodeURIComponent('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%65%40%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%6d%65%28%61%74%29%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e%28%64%6f%74%29%63%6f%6d%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))</script>", mail_to("me@domain.com", nil, :encode => "javascript", :replace_at => "(at)", :replace_dot => "(dot)")
def protect_against_forgery?
diff --git a/activemodel/lib/active_model/validations/uniqueness.rb b/activemodel/lib/active_model/validations/uniqueness.rb
index 2b47c6bc09..68cd6169e5 100644
--- a/activemodel/lib/active_model/validations/uniqueness.rb
+++ b/activemodel/lib/active_model/validations/uniqueness.rb
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module ActiveModel
# Configuration options:
# * <tt>:message</tt> - Specifies a custom error message (default is: "has already been taken")
# * <tt>:scope</tt> - One or more columns by which to limit the scope of the uniqueness constraint.
- # * <tt>:case_sensitive</tt> - Looks for an exact match. Ignored by non-text columns (+false+ by default).
+ # * <tt>:case_sensitive</tt> - Looks for an exact match. Ignored by non-text columns (+true+ by default).
# * <tt>:allow_nil</tt> - If set to +true+, skips this validation if the attribute is +nil+ (default is: +false+)
# * <tt>:allow_blank</tt> - If set to +true+, skips this validation if the attribute is blank (default is: +false+)
# * <tt>:if</tt> - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine if the validation should
@@ -101,4 +101,4 @@ module ActiveModel
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations.rb
index 4e33dfe69f..eb1281901b 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations.rb
@@ -660,8 +660,8 @@ module ActiveRecord
# === Example
- # A Firm class declares <tt>has_many :clients</tt>, which will add:
- # * <tt>Firm#clients</tt> (similar to <tt>Clients.find :all, :conditions => "firm_id = #{id}"</tt>)
+ # Example: A Firm class declares <tt>has_many :clients</tt>, which will add:
+ # * <tt>Firm#clients</tt> (similar to <tt>Clients.find :all, :conditions => ["firm_id = ?", id]</tt>)
# * <tt>Firm#clients<<</tt>
# * <tt>Firm#clients.delete</tt>
# * <tt>Firm#clients=</tt>
@@ -1220,12 +1220,11 @@ module ActiveRecord
- # Generate a join table name from two provided tables names.
- # The order of names in join name is determined by lexical precedence.
- # join_table_name("members", "clubs")
- # => "clubs_members"
- # join_table_name("members", "special_clubs")
- # => "members_special_clubs"
+ # Generates a join table name from two provided table names.
+ # The names in the join table namesme end up in lexicographic order.
+ #
+ # join_table_name("members", "clubs") # => "clubs_members"
+ # join_table_name("members", "special_clubs") # => "members_special_clubs"
def join_table_name(first_table_name, second_table_name)
if first_table_name < second_table_name
join_table = "#{first_table_name}_#{second_table_name}"
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/association_collection.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/association_collection.rb
index a28be9eed1..a12d4face4 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/association_collection.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/association_collection.rb
@@ -2,6 +2,19 @@ require 'set'
module ActiveRecord
module Associations
+ # AssociationCollection is an abstract class that provides common stuff to
+ # ease the implementation of association proxies that represent
+ # collections. See the class hierarchy in AssociationProxy.
+ #
+ # You need to be careful with assumptions regarding the target: The proxy
+ # does not fetch records from the database until it needs them, but new
+ # ones created with +build+ are added to the target. So, the target may be
+ # non-empty and still lack children waiting to be read from the database.
+ # If you look directly to the database you cannot assume that's the entire
+ # collection because new records may have beed added to the target, etc.
+ #
+ # If you need to work on all current children, new and existing records,
+ # +load_target+ and the +loaded+ flag are your friends.
class AssociationCollection < AssociationProxy #:nodoc:
def initialize(owner, reflection)
@@ -185,9 +198,16 @@ module ActiveRecord
- # Returns the size of the collection by executing a SELECT COUNT(*) query if the collection hasn't been loaded and
- # calling collection.size if it has. If it's more likely than not that the collection does have a size larger than zero
- # and you need to fetch that collection afterwards, it'll take one less SELECT query if you use length.
+ # Returns the size of the collection by executing a SELECT COUNT(*)
+ # query if the collection hasn't been loaded, and calling
+ # <tt>collection.size</tt> if it has.
+ #
+ # If the collection has been already loaded +size+ and +length+ are
+ # equivalent. If not and you are going to need the records anyway
+ # +length+ will take one less query. Otherwise +size+ is more efficient.
+ #
+ # This method is abstract in the sense that it relies on
+ # +count_records+, which is a method descendants have to provide.
def size
if @owner.new_record? || (loaded? && !@reflection.options[:uniq])
@@ -199,12 +219,18 @@ module ActiveRecord
- # Returns the size of the collection by loading it and calling size on the array. If you want to use this method to check
- # whether the collection is empty, use collection.length.zero? instead of collection.empty?
+ # Returns the size of the collection calling +size+ on the target.
+ #
+ # If the collection has been already loaded +length+ and +size+ are
+ # equivalent. If not and you are going to need the records anyway this
+ # method will take one less query. Otherwise +size+ is more efficient.
def length
+ # Equivalent to <tt>collection.size.zero?</tt>. If the collection has
+ # not been already loaded and you are going to fetch the records anyway
+ # it is better to check <tt>collection.length.zero?</tt>.
def empty?
@@ -344,7 +370,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
callback(:before_add, record)
yield(record) if block_given?
@target ||= [] unless loaded?
- @target << record
+ @target << record unless @reflection.options[:uniq] && @target.include?(record)
callback(:after_add, record)
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/association_proxy.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/association_proxy.rb
index 77fc827e11..78b4c137a7 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/association_proxy.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/association_proxy.rb
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
# though the object behind <tt>blog.posts</tt> is not an Array, but an
# ActiveRecord::Associations::HasManyAssociation.
- # The <tt>@target</tt> object is not loaded until needed. For example,
+ # The <tt>@target</tt> object is not \loaded until needed. For example,
# blog.posts.count
@@ -57,92 +57,127 @@ module ActiveRecord
+ # Returns the owner of the proxy.
def proxy_owner
+ # Returns the reflection object that represents the association handled
+ # by the proxy.
def proxy_reflection
+ # Returns the \target of the proxy, same as +target+.
def proxy_target
+ # Does the proxy or its \target respond to +symbol+?
def respond_to?(symbol, include_priv = false)
proxy_respond_to?(symbol, include_priv) || (load_target && @target.respond_to?(symbol, include_priv))
- # Explicitly proxy === because the instance method removal above
- # doesn't catch it.
+ # Forwards <tt>===</tt> explicitly to the \target because the instance method
+ # removal above doesn't catch it. Loads the \target if needed.
def ===(other)
other === @target
+ # Returns the name of the table of the related class:
+ #
+ # post.comments.aliased_table_name # => "comments"
+ #
def aliased_table_name
+ # Returns the SQL string that corresponds to the <tt>:conditions</tt>
+ # option of the macro, if given, or +nil+ otherwise.
def conditions
@conditions ||= interpolate_sql(@reflection.sanitized_conditions) if @reflection.sanitized_conditions
alias :sql_conditions :conditions
+ # Resets the \loaded flag to +false+ and sets the \target to +nil+.
def reset
@loaded = false
@target = nil
+ # Reloads the \target and returns +self+ on success.
def reload
self unless @target.nil?
+ # Has the \target been already \loaded?
def loaded?
+ # Asserts the \target has been loaded setting the \loaded flag to +true+.
def loaded
@loaded = true
+ # Returns the target of this proxy, same as +proxy_target+.
def target
+ # Sets the target of this proxy to <tt>\target</tt>, and the \loaded flag to +true+.
def target=(target)
@target = target
+ # Forwards the call to the target. Loads the \target if needed.
def inspect
+ # Does the association have a <tt>:dependent</tt> option?
def dependent?
+ # Returns a string with the IDs of +records+ joined with a comma, quoted
+ # if needed. The result is ready to be inserted into a SQL IN clause.
+ #
+ # quoted_record_ids(records) # => "23,56,58,67"
+ #
def quoted_record_ids(records)
records.map { |record| record.quoted_id }.join(',')
+ # Interpolates the SQL in <tt>options[key]</tt> and assigns the result
+ # back, for any +key+ in +keys+ that's present in +options+.
+ #
+ # Meant to be used like this:
+ #
+ # interpolate_sql_options!(@reflection.options, :finder_sql)
+ #
def interpolate_sql_options!(options, *keys)
keys.each { |key| options[key] &&= interpolate_sql(options[key]) }
+ # Forwards the call to the owner.
def interpolate_sql(sql, record = nil)
@owner.send(:interpolate_sql, sql, record)
+ # Forwards the call to the reflection class.
def sanitize_sql(sql)
@reflection.klass.send(:sanitize_sql, sql)
+ # Assigns the ID of the owner to the corresponding foreign key in +record+.
+ # If the association is polymorphic the type of the owner is also set.
def set_belongs_to_association_for(record)
if @reflection.options[:as]
record["#{@reflection.options[:as]}_id"] = @owner.id unless @owner.new_record?
@@ -152,6 +187,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
+ # Merges into +options+ the ones coming from the reflection.
def merge_options_from_reflection!(options)
:group => @reflection.options[:group],
@@ -164,11 +200,13 @@ module ActiveRecord
+ # Forwards +with_scope+ to the reflection.
def with_scope(*args, &block)
@reflection.klass.send :with_scope, *args, &block
+ # Forwards any missing method call to the \target.
def method_missing(method, *args)
if load_target
if block_given?
@@ -179,16 +217,16 @@ module ActiveRecord
- # Loads the target if needed and returns it.
+ # Loads the \target if needed and returns it.
# This method is abstract in the sense that it relies on +find_target+,
# which is expected to be provided by descendants.
- # If the target is already loaded it is just returned. Thus, you can call
- # +load_target+ unconditionally to get the target.
+ # If the \target is already \loaded it is just returned. Thus, you can call
+ # +load_target+ unconditionally to get the \target.
# ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound is rescued within the method, and it is
- # not reraised. The proxy is reset and +nil+ is the return value.
+ # not reraised. The proxy is \reset and +nil+ is the return value.
def load_target
return nil unless defined?(@loaded)
@@ -202,12 +240,17 @@ module ActiveRecord
- # Can be overwritten by associations that might have the foreign key available for an association without
- # having the object itself (and still being a new record). Currently, only belongs_to presents this scenario.
+ # Can be overwritten by associations that might have the foreign key
+ # available for an association without having the object itself (and
+ # still being a new record). Currently, only +belongs_to+ presents
+ # this scenario (both vanilla and polymorphic).
def foreign_key_present
+ # Raises ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch unless +record+ is of
+ # the kind of the class of the associated objects. Meant to be used as
+ # a sanity check when you are about to assign an associated record.
def raise_on_type_mismatch(record)
unless record.is_a?(@reflection.klass)
message = "#{@reflection.class_name}(##{@reflection.klass.object_id}) expected, got #{record.class}(##{record.class.object_id})"
@@ -215,11 +258,13 @@ module ActiveRecord
- # Array#flatten has problems with recursive arrays. Going one level deeper solves the majority of the problems.
+ # Array#flatten has problems with recursive arrays. Going one level
+ # deeper solves the majority of the problems.
def flatten_deeper(array)
array.collect { |element| element.respond_to?(:flatten) ? element.flatten : element }.flatten
+ # Returns the ID of the owner, quoted if needed.
def owner_quoted_id
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_many_association.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_many_association.rb
index e6fa15c173..f06e69aba3 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_many_association.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_many_association.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
module ActiveRecord
module Associations
+ # This is the proxy that handles a has many association.
+ #
+ # If the association has a <tt>:through</tt> option further specialization
+ # is provided by its child HasManyThroughAssociation.
class HasManyAssociation < AssociationCollection #:nodoc:
# Count the number of associated records. All arguments are optional.
def count(*args)
@@ -27,6 +31,16 @@ module ActiveRecord
+ # Returns the number of records in this collection.
+ #
+ # If the association has a counter cache it gets that value. Otherwise
+ # a count via SQL is performed, bounded to <tt>:limit</tt> if there's one.
+ # That does not depend on whether the collection has already been loaded
+ # or not. The +size+ method is the one that takes the loaded flag into
+ # account and delegates to +count_records+ if needed.
+ #
+ # If the collection is empty the target is set to an empty array and
+ # the loaded flag is set to true as well.
def count_records
count = if has_cached_counter?
@owner.send(:read_attribute, cached_counter_attribute_name)
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb
index 1838287616..b282ea931e 100755
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb
@@ -752,13 +752,15 @@ module ActiveRecord #:nodoc:
# Updates all records with details given if they match a set of conditions supplied, limits and order can
- # also be supplied.
+ # also be supplied. This method constructs a single SQL UPDATE statement and sends it straight to the
+ # database. It does not instantiate the involved models and it does not trigger Active Record callbacks.
# ==== Attributes
- # * +updates+ - A String of column and value pairs that will be set on any records that match conditions.
+ # * +updates+ - A string of column and value pairs that will be set on any records that match conditions.
+ # What goes into the SET clause.
# * +conditions+ - An SQL fragment like "administrator = 1" or [ "user_name = ?", username ]. See conditions in the intro for more info.
- # * +options+ - Additional options are <tt>:limit</tt> and/or <tt>:order</tt>, see the examples for usage.
+ # * +options+ - Additional options are <tt>:limit</tt> and <tt>:order</tt>, see the examples for usage.
# ==== Examples
@@ -780,8 +782,8 @@ module ActiveRecord #:nodoc:
connection.update(sql, "#{name} Update")
- # Destroys the records matching +conditions+ by instantiating each record and calling the destroy method.
- # This means at least 2*N database queries to destroy N records, so avoid destroy_all if you are deleting
+ # Destroys the records matching +conditions+ by instantiating each record and calling their +destroy+ method.
+ # This means at least 2*N database queries to destroy N records, so avoid +destroy_all+ if you are deleting
# many records. If you want to simply delete records without worrying about dependent associations or
# callbacks, use the much faster +delete_all+ method instead.
@@ -800,8 +802,9 @@ module ActiveRecord #:nodoc:
# Deletes the records matching +conditions+ without instantiating the records first, and hence not
- # calling the destroy method and invoking callbacks. This is a single SQL query, much more efficient
- # than destroy_all.
+ # calling the +destroy+ method nor invoking callbacks. This is a single SQL DELETE statement that
+ # goes straight to the database, much more efficient than +destroy_all+. Careful with relations
+ # though, in particular <tt>:dependent</tt> is not taken into account.
# ==== Attributes
@@ -811,8 +814,8 @@ module ActiveRecord #:nodoc:
# Post.delete_all "person_id = 5 AND (category = 'Something' OR category = 'Else')"
- # This deletes the affected posts all at once with a single DELETE query. If you need to destroy dependent
- # associations or call your before_ or after_destroy callbacks, use the +destroy_all+ method instead.
+ # This deletes the affected posts all at once with a single DELETE statement. If you need to destroy dependent
+ # associations or call your <tt>before_*</tt> or +after_destroy+ callbacks, use the +destroy_all+ method instead.
def delete_all(conditions = nil)
sql = "DELETE FROM #{quoted_table_name} "
add_conditions!(sql, conditions, scope(:find))
@@ -2234,20 +2237,40 @@ module ActiveRecord #:nodoc:
defined?(@new_record) && @new_record
- # * No record exists: Creates a new record with values matching those of the object attributes.
- # * A record does exist: Updates the record with values matching those of the object attributes.
+ # :call-seq:
+ # save(perform_validation = true)
- # Note: If your model specifies any validations then the method declaration dynamically
- # changes to:
- # save(perform_validation=true)
- # Calling save(false) saves the model without running validations.
- # See ActiveRecord::Validations for more information.
+ # Saves the model.
+ #
+ # If the model is new a record gets created in the database, otherwise
+ # the existing record gets updated.
+ #
+ # If +perform_validation+ is true validations run. If any of them fail
+ # the action is cancelled and +save+ returns +false+. If the flag is
+ # false validations are bypassed altogether. See
+ # ActiveRecord::Validations for more information.
+ #
+ # There's a series of callbacks associated with +save+. If any of the
+ # <tt>before_*</tt> callbacks return +false+ the action is cancelled and
+ # +save+ returns +false+. See ActiveRecord::Callbacks for further
+ # details.
def save
- # Attempts to save the record, but instead of just returning false if it couldn't happen, it raises a
- # RecordNotSaved exception
+ # Saves the model.
+ #
+ # If the model is new a record gets created in the database, otherwise
+ # the existing record gets updated.
+ #
+ # With <tt>save!</tt> validations always run. If any of them fail
+ # ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid gets raised. See ActiveRecord::Validations
+ # for more information.
+ #
+ # There's a series of callbacks associated with <tt>save!</tt>. If any of
+ # the <tt>before_*</tt> callbacks return +false+ the action is cancelled
+ # and <tt>save!</tt> raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved. See
+ # ActiveRecord::Callbacks for further details.
def save!
create_or_update || raise(RecordNotSaved)
@@ -2594,7 +2617,7 @@ module ActiveRecord #:nodoc:
removed_attributes = attributes.keys - safe_attributes.keys
if removed_attributes.any?
- logger.debug "WARNING: Can't mass-assign these protected attributes: #{removed_attributes.join(', ')}"
+ log_protected_attribute_removal(removed_attributes)
@@ -2609,6 +2632,10 @@ module ActiveRecord #:nodoc:
+ def log_protected_attribute_removal(*attributes)
+ logger.debug "WARNING: Can't mass-assign these protected attributes: #{attributes.join(', ')}"
+ end
# The primary key and inheritance column can never be set by mass-assignment for security reasons.
def attributes_protected_by_default
default = [ self.class.primary_key, self.class.inheritance_column ]
@@ -2622,8 +2649,15 @@ module ActiveRecord #:nodoc:
quoted = {}
connection = self.class.connection
attribute_names.each do |name|
- if column = column_for_attribute(name)
- quoted[name] = connection.quote(read_attribute(name), column) unless !include_primary_key && column.primary
+ if (column = column_for_attribute(name)) && (include_primary_key || !column.primary)
+ value = read_attribute(name)
+ # We need explicit to_yaml because quote() does not properly convert Time/Date fields to YAML.
+ if value && self.class.serialized_attributes.has_key?(name) && (value.acts_like?(:date) || value.acts_like?(:time))
+ value = value.to_yaml
+ end
+ quoted[name] = connection.quote(value, column)
include_readonly_attributes ? quoted : remove_readonly_attributes(quoted)
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/calculations.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/calculations.rb
index 34ffc9a5e5..e765b46cc2 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/calculations.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/calculations.rb
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
sql << " ORDER BY #{options[:order]} " if options[:order]
add_limit!(sql, options, scope)
- sql << ')' if use_workaround
+ sql << ') AS #{aggregate_alias}_subquery' if use_workaround
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb
index be2621fdb6..d99e183f9e 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ require 'observer'
module ActiveRecord
# Callbacks are hooks into the lifecycle of an Active Record object that allow you to trigger logic
# before or after an alteration of the object state. This can be used to make sure that associated and
- # dependent objects are deleted when destroy is called (by overwriting +before_destroy+) or to massage attributes
+ # dependent objects are deleted when +destroy+ is called (by overwriting +before_destroy+) or to massage attributes
# before they're validated (by overwriting +before_validation+). As an example of the callbacks initiated, consider
# the <tt>Base#save</tt> call:
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
# == <tt>before_validation*</tt> returning statements
# If the returning value of a +before_validation+ callback can be evaluated to +false+, the process will be aborted and <tt>Base#save</tt> will return +false+.
- # If Base#save! is called it will raise a RecordNotSaved exception.
+ # If Base#save! is called it will raise a ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exception.
# Nothing will be appended to the errors object.
# == Canceling callbacks
@@ -169,6 +169,19 @@ module ActiveRecord
# If a <tt>before_*</tt> callback returns +false+, all the later callbacks and the associated action are cancelled. If an <tt>after_*</tt> callback returns
# +false+, all the later callbacks are cancelled. Callbacks are generally run in the order they are defined, with the exception of callbacks
# defined as methods on the model, which are called last.
+ #
+ # == Transactions
+ #
+ # The entire callback chain for +save+ and +destroy+ runs within their transaction, including
+ # the <tt>after_*</tt> hooks. Cancellation does not trigger a rollback. To rollback
+ # the transaction just raise an exception the same way you do for regular transactions.
+ #
+ # Note though that such an exception bypasses the regular call chain in Active Record:
+ # If ActiveRecord::Rollback is raised both +save+ and +destroy+ return +nil+. On the other
+ # hand <tt>save!</tt> does *not* raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved, and does not raise
+ # anything else for that matter, <tt>save!</tt> just returns +nil+ in that case.
+ # If any other exception is raised it goes up until it reaches the caller, no matter
+ # which one of the three actions was being performed.
module Callbacks
after_find after_initialize before_save after_save before_create after_create before_update after_update before_validation
@@ -197,6 +210,8 @@ module ActiveRecord
def before_save() end
# Is called _after_ <tt>Base.save</tt> (regardless of whether it's a +create+ or +update+ save).
+ # Note that this callback is still wrapped in the transaction around +save+. For example, if you
+ # invoke an external indexer at this point it won't see the changes in the database.
# class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
# after_save { logger.info( 'New contact saved!' ) }
@@ -214,6 +229,8 @@ module ActiveRecord
def before_create() end
# Is called _after_ <tt>Base.save</tt> on new objects that haven't been saved yet (no record exists).
+ # Note that this callback is still wrapped in the transaction around +save+. For example, if you
+ # invoke an external indexer at this point it won't see the changes in the database.
def after_create() end
def create_with_callbacks #:nodoc:
return false if callback(:before_create) == false
@@ -227,6 +244,8 @@ module ActiveRecord
def before_update() end
# Is called _after_ <tt>Base.save</tt> on existing objects that have a record.
+ # Note that this callback is still wrapped in the transaction around +save+. For example, if you
+ # invoke an external indexer at this point it won't see the changes in the database.
def after_update() end
def update_with_callbacks(*args) #:nodoc:
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/dirty.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/dirty.rb
index 4ce0356457..63bf8c8f5b 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/dirty.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/dirty.rb
@@ -134,7 +134,9 @@ module ActiveRecord
def update_with_dirty
if partial_updates?
- update_without_dirty(changed)
+ # Serialized attributes should always be written in case they've been
+ # changed in place.
+ update_without_dirty(changed | self.class.serialized_attributes.keys)
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/migration.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/migration.rb
index 731a350854..fd77f27b77 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/migration.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/migration.rb
@@ -349,6 +349,27 @@ module ActiveRecord
+ # MigrationProxy is used to defer loading of the actual migration classes
+ # until they are needed
+ class MigrationProxy
+ attr_accessor :name, :version, :filename
+ delegate :migrate, :announce, :write, :to=>:migration
+ private
+ def migration
+ @migration ||= load_migration
+ end
+ def load_migration
+ load(filename)
+ name.constantize
+ end
+ end
class Migrator#:nodoc:
class << self
def migrate(migrations_path, target_version = nil)
@@ -437,7 +458,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
runnable.pop if down? && !target.nil?
runnable.each do |migration|
- Base.logger.info "Migrating to #{migration} (#{migration.version})"
+ Base.logger.info "Migrating to #{migration.name} (#{migration.version})"
# On our way up, we skip migrating the ones we've already migrated
# On our way down, we skip reverting the ones we've never migrated
@@ -470,11 +491,10 @@ module ActiveRecord
raise DuplicateMigrationNameError.new(name.camelize)
- load(file)
- klasses << returning(name.camelize.constantize) do |klass|
- class << klass; attr_accessor :version end
- klass.version = version
+ klasses << returning(MigrationProxy.new) do |migration|
+ migration.name = name.camelize
+ migration.version = version
+ migration.filename = file
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/named_scope.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/named_scope.rb
index 7f274543b6..eb887ee550 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/named_scope.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/named_scope.rb
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
attr_reader :proxy_scope, :proxy_options
[].methods.each do |m|
- unless m =~ /(^__|^nil\?|^send|^object_id$|class|extend|find|count|sum|average|maximum|minimum|paginate|first|last|empty?|any?)/
+ unless m =~ /(^__|^nil\?|^send|^object_id$|class|extend|find|count|sum|average|maximum|minimum|paginate|first|last|empty?|any?|respond_to?)/
delegate m, :to => :proxy_found
@@ -140,6 +140,10 @@ module ActiveRecord
@found ? @found.empty? : count.zero?
+ def respond_to?(method)
+ super || @proxy_scope.respond_to?(method)
+ end
def any?
if block_given?
proxy_found.any? { |*block_args| yield(*block_args) }
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/validations.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/validations.rb
index e7a9676394..b8b695e529 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/validations.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/validations.rb
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Configuration options:
# * <tt>:message</tt> - Specifies a custom error message (default is: "has already been taken").
# * <tt>:scope</tt> - One or more columns by which to limit the scope of the uniqueness constraint.
- # * <tt>:case_sensitive</tt> - Looks for an exact match. Ignored by non-text columns (+false+ by default).
+ # * <tt>:case_sensitive</tt> - Looks for an exact match. Ignored by non-text columns (+true+ by default).
# * <tt>:allow_nil</tt> - If set to true, skips this validation if the attribute is +nil+ (default is +false+).
# * <tt>:allow_blank</tt> - If set to true, skips this validation if the attribute is blank (default is +false+).
# * <tt>:if</tt> - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine if the validation should
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/cascaded_eager_loading_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/cascaded_eager_loading_test.rb
index 3631be76a0..1f8a1090eb 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/cascaded_eager_loading_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/cascaded_eager_loading_test.rb
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ require 'models/topic'
require 'models/reply'
class CascadedEagerLoadingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- fixtures :authors, :mixins, :companies, :posts, :topics
+ fixtures :authors, :mixins, :companies, :posts, :topics, :accounts, :comments, :categorizations
def test_eager_association_loading_with_cascaded_two_levels
authors = Author.find(:all, :include=>{:posts=>:comments}, :order=>"authors.id")
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb
index f65ada550b..58506574f8 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class EagerAssociationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
fixtures :posts, :comments, :authors, :categories, :categories_posts,
:companies, :accounts, :tags, :taggings, :people, :readers,
:owners, :pets, :author_favorites, :jobs, :references, :subscribers, :subscriptions, :books,
- :developers, :projects
+ :developers, :projects, :developers_projects
def test_loading_with_one_association
posts = Post.find(:all, :include => :comments)
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_and_belongs_to_many_associations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_and_belongs_to_many_associations_test.rb
index b29df68d22..f71b122ff0 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_and_belongs_to_many_associations_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_and_belongs_to_many_associations_test.rb
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ end
class HasAndBelongsToManyAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
fixtures :accounts, :companies, :categories, :posts, :categories_posts, :developers, :projects, :developers_projects,
- :parrots, :pirates, :treasures, :price_estimates
+ :parrots, :pirates, :treasures, :price_estimates, :tags, :taggings
def test_has_and_belongs_to_many
david = Developer.find(1)
@@ -299,6 +299,17 @@ class HasAndBelongsToManyAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal 3, projects(:active_record, :reload).developers.size
+ def test_uniq_option_prevents_duplicate_push
+ project = projects(:active_record)
+ project.developers << developers(:jamis)
+ project.developers << developers(:david)
+ assert_equal 3, project.developers.size
+ project.developers << developers(:david)
+ project.developers << developers(:jamis)
+ assert_equal 3, project.developers.size
+ end
def test_deleting
david = Developer.find(1)
active_record = Project.find(1)
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb
index 47e4b3527d..b806e885e1 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ require 'models/reader'
class HasManyAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
fixtures :accounts, :categories, :companies, :developers, :projects,
:developers_projects, :topics, :authors, :comments, :author_addresses,
- :people, :posts
+ :people, :posts, :readers
def setup
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb
index e6d1b5ddfd..36d30ade5e 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class TopicWithProtectedContentAndAccessibleAuthorName < ActiveRecord::Base
class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- fixtures :topics, :companies, :developers, :projects, :computers, :accounts, :minimalistics, 'warehouse-things', :authors, :categorizations
+ fixtures :topics, :companies, :developers, :projects, :computers, :accounts, :minimalistics, 'warehouse-things', :authors, :categorizations, :categories
def test_table_exists
assert !NonExistentTable.table_exists?
@@ -1361,6 +1361,12 @@ class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal(myobj, topic.content)
+ def test_serialized_time_attribute
+ myobj = Time.local(2008,1,1,1,0)
+ topic = Topic.create("content" => myobj).reload
+ assert_equal(myobj, topic.content)
+ end
def test_nil_serialized_attribute_with_class_constraint
myobj = MyObject.new('value1', 'value2')
topic = Topic.new
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb
index e5e022050d..feb47a15a8 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb
@@ -191,6 +191,18 @@ class DirtyTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert !pirate.changed?
+ def test_save_should_store_serialized_attributes_even_with_partial_updates
+ with_partial_updates(Topic) do
+ topic = Topic.create!(:content => {:a => "a"})
+ topic.content[:b] = "b"
+ #assert topic.changed? # Known bug, will fail
+ topic.save!
+ assert_equal "b", topic.content[:b]
+ topic.reload
+ assert_equal "b", topic.content[:b]
+ end
+ end
def with_partial_updates(klass, on = true)
old = klass.partial_updates?
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/lifecycle_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/lifecycle_test.rb
index ab005c6b00..54fb3d8c39 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/lifecycle_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/lifecycle_test.rb
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class MultiObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
class LifecycleTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- fixtures :topics, :developers
+ fixtures :topics, :developers, :minimalistics
def test_before_destroy
original_count = Topic.count
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/method_scoping_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/method_scoping_test.rb
index d6b3e341df..ee66ac948d 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/method_scoping_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/method_scoping_test.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ require 'models/post'
require 'models/category'
class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- fixtures :developers, :projects, :comments, :posts
+ fixtures :developers, :projects, :comments, :posts, :developers_projects
def test_set_conditions
Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => 'just a test...' }) do
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb
index 7ecf755ef8..920f719995 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb
@@ -922,6 +922,26 @@ if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.supports_migrations?
migrations[0].name == 'innocent_jointable'
+ def test_only_loads_pending_migrations
+ # migrate up to 1
+ ActiveRecord::Migrator.up(MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid", 1)
+ # now unload the migrations that have been defined
+ PeopleHaveLastNames.unloadable
+ ActiveSupport::Dependencies.remove_unloadable_constants!
+ ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate(MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid", nil)
+ assert !defined? PeopleHaveLastNames
+ %w(WeNeedReminders, InnocentJointable).each do |migration|
+ assert defined? migration
+ end
+ ensure
+ load(MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid/1_people_have_last_names.rb")
+ end
def test_migrator_interleaved_migrations
ActiveRecord::Migrator.up(MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/interleaved/pass_1")
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/named_scope_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/named_scope_test.rb
index e21ffbbdba..bd6ec23853 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/named_scope_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/named_scope_test.rb
@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ class NamedScopeTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal Topic.average(:replies_count), Topic.base.average(:replies_count)
+ def test_scope_should_respond_to_own_methods_and_methods_of_the_proxy
+ assert Topic.approved.respond_to?(:proxy_found)
+ assert Topic.approved.respond_to?(:count)
+ assert Topic.approved.respond_to?(:length)
+ end
def test_subclasses_inherit_scopes
assert Topic.scopes.include?(:base)
@@ -186,9 +192,10 @@ class NamedScopeTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_any_should_not_load_results
topics = Topic.base
- assert_queries(1) do
- topics.expects(:empty?).returns(true)
- assert !topics.any?
+ assert_queries(2) do
+ topics.any? # use count query
+ topics.collect # force load
+ topics.any? # use loaded (no query)
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/query_cache_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/query_cache_test.rb
index dc9eeec281..eae2104531 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/query_cache_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/query_cache_test.rb
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ end
uses_mocha 'QueryCacheExpiryTest' do
class QueryCacheExpiryTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- fixtures :tasks
+ fixtures :tasks, :posts, :categories, :categories_posts
def test_find
diff --git a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/base.rb b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/base.rb
index 9b71ac3bd1..b723c2e7c8 100644
--- a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/base.rb
+++ b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/base.rb
@@ -75,20 +75,6 @@ module ActiveResource
# For more information on using custom REST methods, see the
# ActiveResource::CustomMethods documentation.
- # == Validations
- #
- # You can validate resources client side by overriding validation methods in the base class.
- #
- # class Person < ActiveResource::Base
- # self.site = "http://api.people.com:3000/"
- # protected
- # def validate
- # errors.add("last", "has invalid characters") unless last =~ /[a-zA-Z]*/
- # end
- # end
- #
- # See the ActiveResource::Validations documentation for more information.
- #
# == Authentication
# Many REST APIs will require authentication, usually in the form of basic
@@ -130,12 +116,18 @@ module ActiveResource
# <tt>404</tt> is just one of the HTTP error response codes that Active Resource will handle with its own exception. The
# following HTTP response codes will also result in these exceptions:
- # * 200..399 - Valid response, no exception
+ # * 200..399 - Valid response, no exception (other than 301, 302)
+ # * 301, 302 - ActiveResource::Redirection
+ # * 400 - ActiveResource::BadRequest
+ # * 401 - ActiveResource::UnauthorizedAccess
+ # * 403 - ActiveResource::ForbiddenAccess
# * 404 - ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound
+ # * 405 - ActiveResource::MethodNotAllowed
# * 409 - ActiveResource::ResourceConflict
# * 422 - ActiveResource::ResourceInvalid (rescued by save as validation errors)
# * 401..499 - ActiveResource::ClientError
# * 500..599 - ActiveResource::ServerError
+ # * Other - ActiveResource::ConnectionError
# These custom exceptions allow you to deal with resource errors more naturally and with more precision
# rather than returning a general HTTP error. For example:
diff --git a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/validations.rb b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/validations.rb
index a7c624f309..4bc906d291 100644
--- a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/validations.rb
+++ b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/validations.rb
@@ -216,39 +216,25 @@ module ActiveResource
- # Module to allow validation of Active Resource objects, which creates an Errors instance for every resource.
- # Methods are implemented by overriding Base#validate or its variants Each of these methods can inspect
- # the state of the object, which usually means ensuring that a number of attributes have a certain value
- # (such as not empty, within a given range, matching a certain regular expression and so on).
+ # Module to support validation and errors with Active Resource objects. The module overrides
+ # Base#save to rescue ActiveResource::ResourceInvalid exceptions and parse the errors returned
+ # in the web service response. The module also adds an +errors+ collection that mimics the interface
+ # of the errors provided by ActiveRecord::Errors.
# ==== Example
- # class Person < ActiveResource::Base
- # self.site = "http://www.localhost.com:3000/"
- # protected
- # def validate
- # errors.add_on_empty %w( first_name last_name )
- # errors.add("phone_number", "has invalid format") unless phone_number =~ /[0-9]*/
- # end
+ # Consider a Person resource on the server requiring both a +first_name+ and a +last_name+ with a
+ # <tt>validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name</tt> declaration in the model:
- # def validate_on_create # is only run the first time a new object is saved
- # unless valid_member?(self)
- # errors.add("membership_discount", "has expired")
- # end
- # end
- #
- # def validate_on_update
- # errors.add_to_base("No changes have occurred") if unchanged_attributes?
- # end
- # end
- #
- # person = Person.new("first_name" => "Jim", "phone_number" => "I will not tell you.")
- # person.save # => false (and doesn't do the save)
- # person.errors.empty? # => false
- # person.errors.count # => 2
- # person.errors.on "last_name" # => "can't be empty"
- # person.attributes = { "last_name" => "Halpert", "phone_number" => "555-5555" }
- # person.save # => true (and person is now saved to the remote service)
+ # person = Person.new(:first_name => "Jim", :last_name => "")
+ # person.save # => false (server returns an HTTP 422 status code and errors)
+ # person.valid? # => false
+ # person.errors.empty? # => false
+ # person.errors.count # => 1
+ # person.errors.full_messages # => ["Last name can't be empty"]
+ # person.errors.on(:last_name) # => "can't be empty"
+ # person.last_name = "Halpert"
+ # person.save # => true (and person is now saved to the remote service)
module Validations
def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache.rb
index 5a064f8bea..95eae3a77e 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache.rb
@@ -39,10 +39,6 @@ module ActiveSupport
class Store
cattr_accessor :logger
- def threadsafe!
- extend ThreadSafety
- end
def silence!
@silence = true
@@ -115,20 +111,6 @@ module ActiveSupport
logger.debug("Cache #{operation}: #{key}#{options ? " (#{options.inspect})" : ""}") if logger && !@silence && !@logger_off
- module ThreadSafety #:nodoc:
- def self.extended(object) #:nodoc:
- object.instance_variable_set(:@mutex, Mutex.new)
- end
- %w(read write delete delete_matched exist? increment decrement).each do |method|
- module_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__
- def #{method}(*args)
- @mutex.synchronize { super }
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/compressed_mem_cache_store.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/compressed_mem_cache_store.rb
index 9470ac9f66..0bff6cf9ad 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/compressed_mem_cache_store.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/compressed_mem_cache_store.rb
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
module ActiveSupport
module Cache
class CompressedMemCacheStore < MemCacheStore
- def read(name, options = {})
- if value = super(name, options.merge(:raw => true))
+ def read(name, options = nil)
+ if value = super(name, (options || {}).merge(:raw => true))
- def write(name, value, options = {})
- super(name, ActiveSupport::Gzip.compress(Marshal.dump(value)), options.merge(:raw => true))
+ def write(name, value, options = nil)
+ super(name, ActiveSupport::Gzip.compress(Marshal.dump(value)), (options || {}).merge(:raw => true))
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/file_store.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/file_store.rb
index 5b771b1da0..437679cc05 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/file_store.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/file_store.rb
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ module ActiveSupport
def read(name, options = nil)
- File.open(real_file_path(name), 'rb') { |f| f.read } rescue nil
+ File.open(real_file_path(name), 'rb') { |f| Marshal.load(f) } rescue nil
def write(name, value, options = nil)
- File.open(real_file_path(name), "wb+") { |f| f.write(value) }
+ File.atomic_write(real_file_path(name), cache_path) { |f| Marshal.dump(value, f) }
rescue => e
RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error "Couldn't create cache directory: #{name} (#{e.message})" if RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/memory_store.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/memory_store.rb
index 6f114273e4..a44f877414 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/memory_store.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache/memory_store.rb
@@ -3,6 +3,13 @@ module ActiveSupport
class MemoryStore < Store
def initialize
@data = {}
+ @mutex = Mutex.new
+ end
+ def fetch(key, options = {})
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ super
+ end
def read(name, options = nil)
@@ -16,23 +23,32 @@ module ActiveSupport
def delete(name, options = nil)
- super
def delete_matched(matcher, options = nil)
- super
@data.delete_if { |k,v| k =~ matcher }
def exist?(name,options = nil)
- super
+ def increment(key, amount = 1)
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ def decrement(key, amount = 1)
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ super
+ end
+ end
def clear
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/file.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/file.rb
index 45d93b220f..e03f8ac44e 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/file.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/file.rb
@@ -1,21 +1,5 @@
-require 'tempfile'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/file/atomic'
-# Write to a file atomically. Useful for situations where you don't
-# want other processes or threads to see half-written files.
-# File.atomic_write("important.file") do |file|
-# file.write("hello")
-# end
-# If your temp directory is not on the same filesystem as the file you're
-# trying to write, you can provide a different temporary directory.
-# File.atomic_write("/data/something.important", "/data/tmp") do |f|
-# file.write("hello")
-# end
-def File.atomic_write(file_name, temp_dir = Dir.tmpdir)
- temp_file = Tempfile.new(File.basename(file_name), temp_dir)
- yield temp_file
- temp_file.close
- File.rename(temp_file.path, file_name)
-end \ No newline at end of file
+class File #:nodoc:
+ extend ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::File::Atomic
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/file/atomic.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/file/atomic.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d3cf5423f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/file/atomic.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+require 'tempfile'
+module ActiveSupport #:nodoc:
+ module CoreExtensions #:nodoc:
+ module File #:nodoc:
+ module Atomic
+ # Write to a file atomically. Useful for situations where you don't
+ # want other processes or threads to see half-written files.
+ #
+ # File.atomic_write("important.file") do |file|
+ # file.write("hello")
+ # end
+ #
+ # If your temp directory is not on the same filesystem as the file you're
+ # trying to write, you can provide a different temporary directory.
+ #
+ # File.atomic_write("/data/something.important", "/data/tmp") do |f|
+ # file.write("hello")
+ # end
+ def atomic_write(file_name, temp_dir = Dir.tmpdir)
+ temp_file = Tempfile.new(basename(file_name), temp_dir)
+ yield temp_file
+ temp_file.close
+ begin
+ # Get original file permissions
+ old_stat = stat(file_name)
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ # No old permissions, write a temp file to determine the defaults
+ check_name = ".permissions_check.#{Thread.current.object_id}.#{Process.pid}.#{rand(1000000)}"
+ new(check_name, "w")
+ old_stat = stat(check_name)
+ unlink(check_name)
+ end
+ # Overwrite original file with temp file
+ rename(temp_file.path, file_name)
+ # Set correct permissions on new file
+ chown(old_stat.uid, old_stat.gid, file_name)
+ chmod(old_stat.mode, file_name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector.rb
index 6651569d33..c2738b39fc 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector.rb
@@ -291,11 +291,14 @@ module ActiveSupport
# NameError is raised when the name is not in CamelCase or the constant is
# unknown.
def constantize(camel_cased_word)
- unless /\A(?:::)?([A-Z]\w*(?:::[A-Z]\w*)*)\z/ =~ camel_cased_word
- raise NameError, "#{camel_cased_word.inspect} is not a valid constant name!"
- end
+ names = camel_cased_word.split('::')
+ names.shift if names.empty? || names.first.empty?
- Object.module_eval("::#{$1}", __FILE__, __LINE__)
+ constant = Object
+ names.each do |name|
+ constant = constant.const_defined?(name) ? constant.const_get(name) : constant.const_missing(name)
+ end
+ constant
# Turns a number into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an
@@ -326,4 +329,4 @@ require 'active_support/inflections'
require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections'
unless String.included_modules.include?(ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::String::Inflections)
String.send :include, ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::String::Inflections
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/memoizable.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/memoizable.rb
index 23dd96e4df..6506238ac0 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/memoizable.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/memoizable.rb
@@ -10,18 +10,37 @@ module ActiveSupport
def freeze_with_memoizable
- methods.each do |method|
- __send__($1) if method.to_s =~ /^_unmemoized_(.*)/
- end unless frozen?
+ memoize_all unless frozen?
+ def memoize_all
+ methods.each do |m|
+ if m.to_s =~ /^_unmemoized_(.*)/
+ if method(m).arity == 0
+ __send__($1)
+ else
+ ivar = :"@_memoized_#{$1}"
+ instance_variable_set(ivar, {})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def unmemoize_all
+ methods.each do |m|
+ if m.to_s =~ /^_unmemoized_(.*)/
+ ivar = :"@_memoized_#{$1}"
+ instance_variable_get(ivar).clear if instance_variable_defined?(ivar)
+ end
+ end
+ end
def memoize(*symbols)
symbols.each do |symbol|
- original_method = "_unmemoized_#{symbol}"
- memoized_ivar = "@_memoized_#{symbol}"
+ original_method = :"_unmemoized_#{symbol}"
+ memoized_ivar = :"@_memoized_#{symbol.to_s.sub(/\?\Z/, '_query').sub(/!\Z/, '_bang')}"
class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__
include Freezable
@@ -29,14 +48,27 @@ module ActiveSupport
raise "Already memoized #{symbol}" if method_defined?(:#{original_method})
alias #{original_method} #{symbol}
- def #{symbol}(*args)
- #{memoized_ivar} ||= {}
- reload = args.pop if args.last == true || args.last == :reload
+ if instance_method(:#{symbol}).arity == 0
+ def #{symbol}(reload = false)
+ if reload || !defined?(#{memoized_ivar}) || #{memoized_ivar}.empty?
+ #{memoized_ivar} = [#{original_method}.freeze]
+ end
+ #{memoized_ivar}[0]
+ end
+ else
+ def #{symbol}(*args)
+ #{memoized_ivar} ||= {} unless frozen?
+ reload = args.pop if args.last == true || args.last == :reload
- if !reload && #{memoized_ivar} && #{memoized_ivar}.has_key?(args)
- #{memoized_ivar}[args]
- else
- #{memoized_ivar}[args] = #{original_method}(*args).freeze
+ if #{memoized_ivar}
+ if !reload && #{memoized_ivar}.has_key?(args)
+ #{memoized_ivar}[args]
+ elsif #{memoized_ivar}
+ #{memoized_ivar}[args] = #{original_method}(*args).freeze
+ end
+ else
+ #{original_method}(*args)
+ end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/caching_test.rb b/activesupport/test/caching_test.rb
index 0af4251962..c5f7fb7fdd 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/caching_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/caching_test.rb
@@ -71,69 +71,29 @@ uses_mocha 'high-level cache store tests' do
-class ThreadSafetyCacheStoreTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+class FileStoreTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
- @cache = ActiveSupport::Cache.lookup_store(:memory_store).threadsafe!
- @cache.write('foo', 'bar')
- # No way to have mocha proxy to the original method
- @mutex = @cache.instance_variable_get(:@mutex)
- @mutex.instance_eval %(
- def calls; @calls; end
- def synchronize
- @calls ||= 0
- @calls += 1
- yield
- end
- )
+ @cache = ActiveSupport::Cache.lookup_store(:file_store, Dir.pwd)
- def test_read_is_synchronized
+ def test_should_read_and_write_strings
+ @cache.write('foo', 'bar')
assert_equal 'bar', @cache.read('foo')
- assert_equal 1, @mutex.calls
- end
- def test_write_is_synchronized
- @cache.write('foo', 'baz')
- assert_equal 'baz', @cache.read('foo')
- assert_equal 2, @mutex.calls
+ ensure
+ File.delete("foo.cache")
- def test_delete_is_synchronized
- assert_equal 'bar', @cache.read('foo')
- @cache.delete('foo')
- assert_equal nil, @cache.read('foo')
- assert_equal 3, @mutex.calls
+ def test_should_read_and_write_hash
+ @cache.write('foo', {:a => "b"})
+ assert_equal({:a => "b"}, @cache.read('foo'))
+ ensure
+ File.delete("foo.cache")
- def test_delete_matched_is_synchronized
- assert_equal 'bar', @cache.read('foo')
- @cache.delete_matched(/foo/)
+ def test_should_read_and_write_nil
+ @cache.write('foo', nil)
assert_equal nil, @cache.read('foo')
- assert_equal 3, @mutex.calls
- end
- def test_fetch_is_synchronized
- assert_equal 'bar', @cache.fetch('foo') { 'baz' }
- assert_equal 'fu', @cache.fetch('bar') { 'fu' }
- assert_equal 3, @mutex.calls
- end
- def test_exist_is_synchronized
- assert @cache.exist?('foo')
- assert !@cache.exist?('bar')
- assert_equal 2, @mutex.calls
- end
- def test_increment_is_synchronized
- @cache.write('foo_count', 1)
- assert_equal 2, @cache.increment('foo_count')
- assert_equal 4, @mutex.calls
- end
- def test_decrement_is_synchronized
- @cache.write('foo_count', 1)
- assert_equal 0, @cache.decrement('foo_count')
- assert_equal 4, @mutex.calls
+ ensure
+ File.delete("foo.cache")
diff --git a/activesupport/test/core_ext/file_test.rb b/activesupport/test/core_ext/file_test.rb
index 5efe357e9f..eedc6b592b 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/core_ext/file_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/core_ext/file_test.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
require 'abstract_unit'
class AtomicWriteTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_atomic_write_without_errors
- contents = "Atomic Text"
+ contents = "Atomic Text"
File.atomic_write(file_name, Dir.pwd) do |file|
assert !File.exist?(file_name)
@@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ class AtomicWriteTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
File.unlink(file_name) rescue nil
def test_atomic_write_doesnt_write_when_block_raises
File.atomic_write(file_name) do |file|
@@ -22,8 +21,47 @@ class AtomicWriteTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert !File.exist?(file_name)
- def file_name
- "atomic.file"
+ def test_atomic_write_preserves_file_permissions
+ contents = "Atomic Text"
+ File.open(file_name, "w", 0755) do |file|
+ file.write(contents)
+ assert File.exist?(file_name)
+ end
+ assert File.exist?(file_name)
+ assert_equal 0100755, file_mode
+ assert_equal contents, File.read(file_name)
+ File.atomic_write(file_name, Dir.pwd) do |file|
+ file.write(contents)
+ assert File.exist?(file_name)
+ end
+ assert File.exist?(file_name)
+ assert_equal 0100755, file_mode
+ assert_equal contents, File.read(file_name)
+ ensure
+ File.unlink(file_name) rescue nil
+ end
+ def test_atomic_write_preserves_default_file_permissions
+ contents = "Atomic Text"
+ File.atomic_write(file_name, Dir.pwd) do |file|
+ file.write(contents)
+ assert !File.exist?(file_name)
+ end
+ assert File.exist?(file_name)
+ assert_equal 0100666 ^ File.umask, file_mode
+ assert_equal contents, File.read(file_name)
+ ensure
+ File.unlink(file_name) rescue nil
+ private
+ def file_name
+ "atomic.file"
+ end
+ def file_mode
+ File.stat(file_name).mode
+ end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/memoizable_test.rb b/activesupport/test/memoizable_test.rb
index cd84dcda53..135d56f14a 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/memoizable_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/memoizable_test.rb
@@ -16,6 +16,16 @@ uses_mocha 'Memoizable' do
+ def name?
+ true
+ end
+ memoize :name?
+ def update(name)
+ "Joshua"
+ end
+ memoize :update
def age
@age_calls += 1
@@ -88,6 +98,10 @@ uses_mocha 'Memoizable' do
assert_equal 1, @person.name_calls
+ def test_memoization_with_punctuation
+ assert_equal true, @person.name?
+ end
def test_memoization_with_nil_value
assert_equal nil, @person.age
assert_equal 1, @person.age_calls
@@ -96,6 +110,11 @@ uses_mocha 'Memoizable' do
assert_equal 1, @person.age_calls
+ def test_memorized_results_are_immutable
+ assert_equal "Josh", @person.name
+ assert_raise(ActiveSupport::FrozenObjectError) { @person.name.gsub!("Josh", "Gosh") }
+ end
def test_reloadable
counter = @calculator.counter
assert_equal 1, @calculator.counter
@@ -105,6 +124,21 @@ uses_mocha 'Memoizable' do
assert_equal 3, @calculator.counter
+ def test_unmemoize_all
+ assert_equal 1, @calculator.counter
+ assert @calculator.instance_variable_get(:@_memoized_counter).any?
+ @calculator.unmemoize_all
+ assert @calculator.instance_variable_get(:@_memoized_counter).empty?
+ assert_equal 2, @calculator.counter
+ end
+ def test_memoize_all
+ @calculator.memoize_all
+ assert @calculator.instance_variable_defined?(:@_memoized_counter)
+ end
def test_memoization_cache_is_different_for_each_instance
assert_equal 1, @calculator.counter
assert_equal 2, @calculator.counter(:reload)
@@ -114,6 +148,7 @@ uses_mocha 'Memoizable' do
def test_memoized_is_not_affected_by_freeze
assert_equal "Josh", @person.name
+ assert_equal "Joshua", @person.update("Joshua")
def test_memoization_with_args
diff --git a/railties/CHANGELOG b/railties/CHANGELOG
index 6df7c568dc..3a276d5aad 100644
--- a/railties/CHANGELOG
+++ b/railties/CHANGELOG
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+* Added config.threadsafe! to toggle allow concurrency settings and disable the dependency loader [Josh Peek]
* Turn cache_classes on by default [Josh Peek]
* Added configurable eager load paths. Defaults to app/models, app/controllers, and app/helpers [Josh Peek]
diff --git a/railties/environments/production.rb b/railties/environments/production.rb
index e915e8be73..ec5b7bc865 100644
--- a/railties/environments/production.rb
+++ b/railties/environments/production.rb
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
# Code is not reloaded between requests
config.cache_classes = true
+# Enable threaded mode
+# config.threadsafe!
# Use a different logger for distributed setups
# config.logger = SyslogLogger.new
diff --git a/railties/lib/commands/runner.rb b/railties/lib/commands/runner.rb
index 926bc26344..14159c3893 100644
--- a/railties/lib/commands/runner.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/commands/runner.rb
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ if code_or_file.nil?
$stderr.puts "Run '#{$0} -h' for help."
exit 1
elsif File.exist?(code_or_file)
- eval(File.read(code_or_file))
+ eval(File.read(code_or_file), nil, code_or_file)
diff --git a/railties/lib/initializer.rb b/railties/lib/initializer.rb
index a2d08e2938..6576cd368b 100644
--- a/railties/lib/initializer.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/initializer.rb
@@ -340,9 +340,11 @@ Run `rake gems:install` to install the missing gems.
def load_view_paths
- ActionView::PathSet::Path.eager_load_templates! if configuration.cache_classes
- ActionMailer::Base.template_root.load if configuration.frameworks.include?(:action_mailer)
- ActionController::Base.view_paths.load if configuration.frameworks.include?(:action_controller)
+ if configuration.frameworks.include?(:action_view)
+ ActionView::PathSet::Path.eager_load_templates! if configuration.cache_classes
+ ActionController::Base.view_paths.load if configuration.frameworks.include?(:action_controller)
+ ActionMailer::Base.template_root.load if configuration.frameworks.include?(:action_mailer)
+ end
# Eager load application classes
@@ -440,9 +442,11 @@ Run `rake gems:install` to install the missing gems.
# paths have already been set, it is not changed, otherwise it is
# set to use Configuration#view_path.
def initialize_framework_views
- view_path = ActionView::PathSet::Path.new(configuration.view_path, false)
- ActionMailer::Base.template_root ||= view_path if configuration.frameworks.include?(:action_mailer)
- ActionController::Base.view_paths = view_path if configuration.frameworks.include?(:action_controller) && ActionController::Base.view_paths.empty?
+ if configuration.frameworks.include?(:action_view)
+ view_path = ActionView::PathSet::Path.new(configuration.view_path, false)
+ ActionMailer::Base.template_root ||= view_path if configuration.frameworks.include?(:action_mailer)
+ ActionController::Base.view_paths = view_path if configuration.frameworks.include?(:action_controller) && ActionController::Base.view_paths.empty?
+ end
# If Action Controller is not one of the loaded frameworks (Configuration#frameworks)
@@ -688,13 +692,17 @@ Run `rake gems:install` to install the missing gems.
# You can add gems with the #gem method.
attr_accessor :gems
- # Adds a single Gem dependency to the rails application.
+ # Adds a single Gem dependency to the rails application. By default, it will require
+ # the library with the same name as the gem. Use :lib to specify a different name.
# # gem 'aws-s3', '>= 0.4.0'
# # require 'aws/s3'
# config.gem 'aws-s3', :lib => 'aws/s3', :version => '>= 0.4.0', \
# :source => "http://code.whytheluckystiff.net"
+ # To require a library be installed, but not attempt to load it, pass :lib => false
+ #
+ # config.gem 'qrp', :version => '0.4.1', :lib => false
def gem(name, options = {})
@gems << Rails::GemDependency.new(name, options)
@@ -764,6 +772,17 @@ Run `rake gems:install` to install the missing gems.
::RAILS_ROOT.replace @root_path
+ # Enable threaded mode. Allows concurrent requests to controller actions and
+ # multiple database connections. Also disables automatic dependency loading
+ # after boot
+ def threadsafe!
+ self.cache_classes = true
+ self.dependency_loading = false
+ self.active_record.allow_concurrency = true
+ self.action_controller.allow_concurrency = true
+ self
+ end
# Loads and returns the contents of the #database_configuration_file. The
# contents of the file are processed via ERB before being sent through
# YAML::load.
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/gem_dependency.rb b/railties/lib/rails/gem_dependency.rb
index f8d97840c1..471e03fa5f 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/gem_dependency.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/gem_dependency.rb
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module Rails
def load
return if @loaded || @load_paths_added == false
- require(@lib || @name)
+ require(@lib || @name) unless @lib == false
@loaded = true
rescue LoadError
puts $!.to_s
diff --git a/railties/lib/tasks/databases.rake b/railties/lib/tasks/databases.rake
index 5ec712a02d..21c81b3fb5 100644
--- a/railties/lib/tasks/databases.rake
+++ b/railties/lib/tasks/databases.rake
@@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ namespace :db do
namespace :fixtures do
- desc "Load fixtures into the current environment's database. Load specific fixtures using FIXTURES=x,y. Load from subdirectory in test/fixtures using FIXTURES_DIR=z."
+ desc "Load fixtures into the current environment's database. Load specific fixtures using FIXTURES=x,y. Load from subdirectory in test/fixtures using FIXTURES_DIR=z. Specify an alternative path (eg. spec/fixtures) using FIXTURES_PATH=spec/fixtures."
task :load => :environment do
require 'active_record/fixtures'
- base_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'test', 'fixtures')
+ base_dir = ENV['FIXTURES_PATH'] ? File.join(Rails.root, ENV['FIXTURES_PATH']) : File.join(Rails.root, 'test', 'fixtures')
fixtures_dir = ENV['FIXTURES_DIR'] ? File.join(base_dir, ENV['FIXTURES_DIR']) : base_dir
(ENV['FIXTURES'] ? ENV['FIXTURES'].split(/,/).map {|f| File.join(fixtures_dir, f) } : Dir.glob(File.join(fixtures_dir, '*.{yml,csv}'))).each do |fixture_file|
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ namespace :db do
- desc "Search for a fixture given a LABEL or ID."
+ desc "Search for a fixture given a LABEL or ID. Specify an alternative path (eg. spec/fixtures) using FIXTURES_PATH=spec/fixtures."
task :identify => :environment do
require "active_record/fixtures"
@@ -203,7 +203,8 @@ namespace :db do
puts %Q(The fixture ID for "#{label}" is #{Fixtures.identify(label)}.) if label
- Dir["#{RAILS_ROOT}/test/fixtures/**/*.yml"].each do |file|
+ base_dir = ENV['FIXTURES_PATH'] ? File.join(Rails.root, ENV['FIXTURES_PATH']) : File.join(Rails.root, 'test', 'fixtures')
+ Dir["#{base_dir}/**/*.yml"].each do |file|
if data = YAML::load(ERB.new(IO.read(file)).result)
data.keys.each do |key|
key_id = Fixtures.identify(key)
diff --git a/railties/test/gem_dependency_test.rb b/railties/test/gem_dependency_test.rb
index b5946aa7b8..964ca50992 100644
--- a/railties/test/gem_dependency_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/gem_dependency_test.rb
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ uses_mocha "Plugin Tests" do
@gem_with_source = Rails::GemDependency.new "hpricot", :source => "http://code.whytheluckystiff.net"
@gem_with_version = Rails::GemDependency.new "hpricot", :version => "= 0.6"
@gem_with_lib = Rails::GemDependency.new "aws-s3", :lib => "aws/s3"
+ @gem_without_load = Rails::GemDependency.new "hpricot", :lib => false
def test_configuration_adds_gem_dependency
@@ -62,5 +63,13 @@ uses_mocha "Plugin Tests" do
+ def test_gem_without_lib_loading
+ @gem_without_load.expects(:gem).with(@gem_without_load.name)
+ @gem_without_load.expects(:require).with(@gem_without_load.lib).never
+ @gem_without_load.add_load_paths
+ @gem_without_load.load
+ end