diff options
authorTodd Bealmear <todd@t0dd.io>2015-01-08 13:01:16 -0800
committerTodd Bealmear <todd@t0dd.io>2015-02-16 11:35:27 -0800
commit01e94ef3b12922b77e55a067866d7a1fa62f1759 (patch)
parentd9f8b58d9802afe62f7bf772fc08683851d49940 (diff)
Remove RecordTagHelper, add extraction notices
Per DHH in #18337, ActionView::Helpers::RecordTagHelper has been extracted to an external gem (source currently lives at todd/record_tag_helper). Removal notices have also been added for anyone upgrading that use the extracted methods.
5 files changed, 22 insertions, 263 deletions
diff --git a/actionview/CHANGELOG.md b/actionview/CHANGELOG.md
index 534124d208..5557285ef5 100644
--- a/actionview/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/actionview/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+* Extracted `ActionView::Helpers::RecordTagHelper` to external gem
+ (`record_tag_helper`) and added removal notices.
+ *Todd Bealmear*
* Allow to pass a string value to `size` option in `image_tag` and `video_tag`.
This makes the behavior more consistent with `width` or `height` options.
diff --git a/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb b/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb
index 8d78ba13d5..cd52763f31 100644
--- a/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb
+++ b/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ require 'action_view/helpers/tag_helper'
require 'action_view/helpers/form_tag_helper'
require 'action_view/helpers/active_model_helper'
require 'action_view/model_naming'
+require 'action_view/record_identifier'
require 'active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors'
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/slice'
require 'active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety'
@@ -110,6 +111,7 @@ module ActionView
include FormTagHelper
include UrlHelper
include ModelNaming
+ include RecordIdentifier
# Creates a form that allows the user to create or update the attributes
# of a specific model object.
diff --git a/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/record_tag_helper.rb b/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/record_tag_helper.rb
index 77c3e6d394..f7ee573035 100644
--- a/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/record_tag_helper.rb
+++ b/actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/record_tag_helper.rb
@@ -1,108 +1,21 @@
-require 'action_view/record_identifier'
module ActionView
- # = Action View Record Tag Helpers
module Helpers
module RecordTagHelper
- include ActionView::RecordIdentifier
- # Produces a wrapper DIV element with id and class parameters that
- # relate to the specified Active Record object. Usage example:
- #
- # <%= div_for(@person, class: "foo") do %>
- # <%= @person.name %>
- # <% end %>
- #
- # produces:
- #
- # <div id="person_123" class="person foo"> Joe Bloggs </div>
- #
- # You can also pass an array of Active Record objects, which will then
- # get iterated over and yield each record as an argument for the block.
- # For example:
- #
- # <%= div_for(@people, class: "foo") do |person| %>
- # <%= person.name %>
- # <% end %>
- #
- # produces:
- #
- # <div id="person_123" class="person foo"> Joe Bloggs </div>
- # <div id="person_124" class="person foo"> Jane Bloggs </div>
- #
- def div_for(record, *args, &block)
- content_tag_for(:div, record, *args, &block)
+ def div_for(*)
+ raise NoMethodError, "The `div_for` method has been removed from " \
+ "Rails. To continue using it, add the `record_tag_helper` gem to " \
+ "your Gemfile:\n" \
+ " gem 'record_tag_helper', '~> 1.0'\n" \
+ "Consult the Rails upgrade guide for details."
- # content_tag_for creates an HTML element with id and class parameters
- # that relate to the specified Active Record object. For example:
- #
- # <%= content_tag_for(:tr, @person) do %>
- # <td><%= @person.first_name %></td>
- # <td><%= @person.last_name %></td>
- # <% end %>
- #
- # would produce the following HTML (assuming @person is an instance of
- # a Person object, with an id value of 123):
- #
- # <tr id="person_123" class="person">....</tr>
- #
- # If you require the HTML id attribute to have a prefix, you can specify it:
- #
- # <%= content_tag_for(:tr, @person, :foo) do %> ...
- #
- # produces:
- #
- # <tr id="foo_person_123" class="person">...
- #
- # You can also pass an array of objects which this method will loop through
- # and yield the current object to the supplied block, reducing the need for
- # having to iterate through the object (using <tt>each</tt>) beforehand.
- # For example (assuming @people is an array of Person objects):
- #
- # <%= content_tag_for(:tr, @people) do |person| %>
- # <td><%= person.first_name %></td>
- # <td><%= person.last_name %></td>
- # <% end %>
- #
- # produces:
- #
- # <tr id="person_123" class="person">...</tr>
- # <tr id="person_124" class="person">...</tr>
- #
- # content_tag_for also accepts a hash of options, which will be converted to
- # additional HTML attributes. If you specify a <tt>:class</tt> value, it will be combined
- # with the default class name for your object. For example:
- #
- # <%= content_tag_for(:li, @person, class: "bar") %>...
- #
- # produces:
- #
- # <li id="person_123" class="person bar">...
- #
- def content_tag_for(tag_name, single_or_multiple_records, prefix = nil, options = nil, &block)
- options, prefix = prefix, nil if prefix.is_a?(Hash)
- Array(single_or_multiple_records).map do |single_record|
- content_tag_for_single_record(tag_name, single_record, prefix, options, &block)
- end.join("\n").html_safe
+ def content_tag_for(*)
+ raise NoMethodError, "The `content_tag_for` method has been removed from " \
+ "Rails. To continue using it, add the `record_tag_helper` gem to " \
+ "your Gemfile:\n" \
+ " gem 'record_tag_helper', '~> 1.0'\n" \
+ "Consult the Rails upgrade guide for details."
- private
- # Called by <tt>content_tag_for</tt> internally to render a content tag
- # for each record.
- def content_tag_for_single_record(tag_name, record, prefix, options, &block)
- options = options ? options.dup : {}
- options[:class] = [ dom_class(record, prefix), options[:class] ].compact
- options[:id] = dom_id(record, prefix)
- if block_given?
- content_tag(tag_name, capture(record, &block), options)
- else
- content_tag(tag_name, "", options)
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionview/test/template/record_tag_helper_test.rb b/actionview/test/template/record_tag_helper_test.rb
index ab84bccb56..4b7b653916 100644
--- a/actionview/test/template/record_tag_helper_test.rb
+++ b/actionview/test/template/record_tag_helper_test.rb
@@ -24,94 +24,10 @@ class RecordTagHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
def test_content_tag_for
- expected = %(<li class="record_tag_post" id="record_tag_post_45"></li>)
- actual = content_tag_for(:li, @post)
- assert_dom_equal expected, actual
+ assert_raises(NoMethodError) { content_tag_for(:li, @post) }
- def test_content_tag_for_prefix
- expected = %(<ul class="archived_record_tag_post" id="archived_record_tag_post_45"></ul>)
- actual = content_tag_for(:ul, @post, :archived)
- assert_dom_equal expected, actual
- end
- def test_content_tag_for_with_extra_html_options
- expected = %(<tr class="record_tag_post special" id="record_tag_post_45" style='background-color: #f0f0f0'></tr>)
- actual = content_tag_for(:tr, @post, class: "special", style: "background-color: #f0f0f0")
- assert_dom_equal expected, actual
- end
- def test_content_tag_for_with_array_css_class
- expected = %(<tr class="record_tag_post special odd" id="record_tag_post_45"></tr>)
- actual = content_tag_for(:tr, @post, class: ["special", "odd"])
- assert_dom_equal expected, actual
- end
- def test_content_tag_for_with_prefix_and_extra_html_options
- expected = %(<tr class="archived_record_tag_post special" id="archived_record_tag_post_45" style='background-color: #f0f0f0'></tr>)
- actual = content_tag_for(:tr, @post, :archived, class: "special", style: "background-color: #f0f0f0")
- assert_dom_equal expected, actual
- end
- def test_block_not_in_erb_multiple_calls
- expected = %(<div class="record_tag_post special" id="record_tag_post_45">What a wonderful world!</div>)
- actual = div_for(@post, class: "special") { @post.body }
- assert_dom_equal expected, actual
- actual = div_for(@post, class: "special") { @post.body }
- assert_dom_equal expected, actual
- end
- def test_block_works_with_content_tag_for_in_erb
- expected = %(<tr class="record_tag_post" id="record_tag_post_45">What a wonderful world!</tr>)
- actual = render_erb("<%= content_tag_for(:tr, @post) do %><%= @post.body %><% end %>")
- assert_dom_equal expected, actual
- end
- def test_div_for_in_erb
- expected = %(<div class="record_tag_post special" id="record_tag_post_45">What a wonderful world!</div>)
- actual = render_erb("<%= div_for(@post, class: 'special') do %><%= @post.body %><% end %>")
- assert_dom_equal expected, actual
- end
- def test_content_tag_for_collection
- post_1 = RecordTagPost.new { |post| post.id = 101; post.body = "Hello!" }
- post_2 = RecordTagPost.new { |post| post.id = 102; post.body = "World!" }
- expected = %(<li class="record_tag_post" id="record_tag_post_101">Hello!</li>\n<li class="record_tag_post" id="record_tag_post_102">World!</li>)
- actual = content_tag_for(:li, [post_1, post_2]) { |post| post.body }
- assert_dom_equal expected, actual
- end
- def test_content_tag_for_collection_without_given_block
- post_1 = RecordTagPost.new.tap { |post| post.id = 101; post.body = "Hello!" }
- post_2 = RecordTagPost.new.tap { |post| post.id = 102; post.body = "World!" }
- expected = %(<li class="record_tag_post" id="record_tag_post_101"></li>\n<li class="record_tag_post" id="record_tag_post_102"></li>)
- actual = content_tag_for(:li, [post_1, post_2])
- assert_dom_equal expected, actual
- end
- def test_div_for_collection
- post_1 = RecordTagPost.new { |post| post.id = 101; post.body = "Hello!" }
- post_2 = RecordTagPost.new { |post| post.id = 102; post.body = "World!" }
- expected = %(<div class="record_tag_post" id="record_tag_post_101">Hello!</div>\n<div class="record_tag_post" id="record_tag_post_102">World!</div>)
- actual = div_for([post_1, post_2]) { |post| post.body }
- assert_dom_equal expected, actual
- end
- def test_content_tag_for_single_record_is_html_safe
- result = div_for(@post, class: "special") { @post.body }
- assert result.html_safe?
- end
- def test_content_tag_for_collection_is_html_safe
- post_1 = RecordTagPost.new { |post| post.id = 101; post.body = "Hello!" }
- post_2 = RecordTagPost.new { |post| post.id = 102; post.body = "World!" }
- result = content_tag_for(:li, [post_1, post_2]) { |post| post.body }
- assert result.html_safe?
- end
- def test_content_tag_for_does_not_change_options_hash
- options = { class: "important" }
- content_tag_for(:li, @post, options)
- assert_equal({ class: "important" }, options)
+ def test_div_for
+ assert_raises(NoMethodError) { div_for(@post, class: "special") }
diff --git a/guides/source/action_view_overview.md b/guides/source/action_view_overview.md
index d3a2e15c61..5815cabee4 100644
--- a/guides/source/action_view_overview.md
+++ b/guides/source/action_view_overview.md
@@ -365,83 +365,6 @@ WIP: Not all the helpers are listed here. For a full list see the [API documenta
The following is only a brief overview summary of the helpers available in Action View. It's recommended that you review the [API Documentation](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers.html), which covers all of the helpers in more detail, but this should serve as a good starting point.
-### RecordTagHelper
-This module provides methods for generating container tags, such as `div`, for your record. This is the recommended way of creating a container for render your Active Record object, as it adds an appropriate class and id attributes to that container. You can then refer to those containers easily by following the convention, instead of having to think about which class or id attribute you should use.
-#### content_tag_for
-Renders a container tag that relates to your Active Record Object.
-For example, given `@article` is the object of `Article` class, you can do:
-<%= content_tag_for(:tr, @article) do %>
- <td><%= @article.title %></td>
-<% end %>
-This will generate this HTML output:
-<tr id="article_1234" class="article">
- <td>Hello World!</td>
-You can also supply HTML attributes as an additional option hash. For example:
-<%= content_tag_for(:tr, @article, class: "frontpage") do %>
- <td><%= @article.title %></td>
-<% end %>
-Will generate this HTML output:
-<tr id="article_1234" class="article frontpage">
- <td>Hello World!</td>
-You can pass a collection of Active Record objects. This method will loop through your objects and create a container for each of them. For example, given `@articles` is an array of two `Article` objects:
-<%= content_tag_for(:tr, @articles) do |article| %>
- <td><%= article.title %></td>
-<% end %>
-Will generate this HTML output:
-<tr id="article_1234" class="article">
- <td>Hello World!</td>
-<tr id="article_1235" class="article">
- <td>Ruby on Rails Rocks!</td>
-#### div_for
-This is actually a convenient method which calls `content_tag_for` internally with `:div` as the tag name. You can pass either an Active Record object or a collection of objects. For example:
-<%= div_for(@article, class: "frontpage") do %>
- <td><%= @article.title %></td>
-<% end %>
-Will generate this HTML output:
-<div id="article_1234" class="article frontpage">
- <td>Hello World!</td>
### AssetTagHelper
This module provides methods for generating HTML that links views to assets such as images, JavaScript files, stylesheets, and feeds.