path: root/railties/CHANGELOG.md
blob: ccb8a1fc8dff948006771f806f65167118ab9f75 (plain) (tree)
















































## Rails 4.0.0 (unreleased) ##

*   Include `jbuilder` by default and rely on its scaffold generator to show json API.
    Check https://github.com/rails/jbuilder for more info and examples.


*   Scaffold now generates HTML-only controller by default.

    *DHH + Pavel Pravosud*

*   The generated `README.rdoc` for new applications invites the user to
    document the necessary steps to get the application up and running.

    *Xavier Noria*

*   Generated applications no longer get `doc/README_FOR_APP`. In consequence,
    the `doc` directory is created on demand by documentation tasks rather than
    generated by default.

    *Xavier Noria*

*   App executables now live in the `bin/` directory: `bin/bundle`,
    `bin/rails`, `bin/rake`. Run `rake rails:update:bin` to add these
    executables to your own app. `script/rails` is gone from new apps.

    Running executables within your app ensures they use your app's Ruby
    version and its bundled gems, and it ensures your production deployment
    tools only need to execute a single script. No more having to carefully
    `cd` to the app dir and run `bundle exec ...`.

    Rather than treating `bin/` as a junk drawer for generated "binstubs",
    bundler 1.3 adds support for generating stubs for just the executables
    you actually use: `bundle binstubs unicorn` generates `bin/unicorn`.
    Add that executable to git and version it just like any other app code.

    *Jeremy Kemper*

*   `config.assets.enabled` is now true by default. If you're upgrading from a Rails 3.x app
    that does not use the asset pipeline, you'll be required to add `config.assets.enabled = false`
    to your application.rb. If you don't want the asset pipeline on a new app use `--skip-sprockets`


*   Environment name can be a start substring of the default environment names
    (production, development, test). For example: tes, pro, prod, dev, devel.
    Fix #8628.

    *Mykola Kyryk*

*   Add `-B` alias for `--skip-bundle` option in the rails new generators.

    *Jiri Pospisil*

*   Quote column names in generates fixture files. This prevents
    conflicts with reserved YAML keywords such as 'yes' and 'no'
    Fix #8612.

    *Yves Senn*

*   Explicit options have precedence over `~/.railsrc` on the `rails new` command.

    *Rafael Mendonça França*

*   Generated migrations now always use the `change` method.

    *Marc-André Lafortune*

*   Add `app/models/concerns` and `app/controllers/concerns` to the default directory structure and load path.
    See http://37signals.com/svn/posts/3372-put-chubby-models-on-a-diet-with-concerns for usage instructions.


*   The `rails/info/routes` now correctly formats routing output as an html table.

    *Richard Schneeman*

*   The `public/index.html` is no longer generated for new projects.
    Page is replaced by internal `welcome_controller` inside of railties.

    *Richard Schneeman*

*   Add `ENV['RACK_ENV']` support to `rails runner/console/server`.


*   Add `db` to list of folders included by `rake notes` and `rake notes:custom`. *Antonio Cangiano*

*   Engines with a dummy app include the rake tasks of dependencies in the app namespace.
    Fix #8229

    *Yves Senn*

*   Add `sqlserver.yml` template file to satisfy `-d sqlserver` being passed to `rails new`.
    Fix #6882

    *Robert Nesius*

*   Rake test:uncommitted finds git directory in ancestors *Nicolas Despres*

*   Add dummy app Rake tasks when `--skip-test-unit` and `--dummy-path` is passed to the plugin generator.
    Fix #8121

    *Yves Senn*

*   Add `.rake` to list of file extensions included by `rake notes` and `rake notes:custom`. *Brent J. Nordquist*

*   New test locations `test/models`, `test/helpers`, `test/controllers`, and
    `test/mailers`. Corresponding rake tasks added as well. *Mike Moore*

*   Set a different cache per environment for assets pipeline
    through `config.assets.cache`.

    *Guillermo Iguaran*

*   `Rails.public_path` now returns a Pathname object. *Prem Sichanugrist*

*   Remove highly uncommon `config.assets.manifest` option for moving the manifest path.
    This option is now unsupported in sprockets-rails.

    *Guillermo Iguaran & Dmitry Vorotilin*

*   Add `config.action_controller.permit_all_parameters` to disable
    StrongParameters protection, it's false by default.

    *Guillermo Iguaran*

*   Remove `config.active_record.whitelist_attributes` and
    `config.active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer` from new applications since
    MassAssignmentSecurity has been extracted from Rails.

    *Guillermo Iguaran*

*   Change `rails new` and `rails plugin new` generators to name the `.gitkeep` files
    as `.keep` in a more SCM-agnostic way.

    Change `--skip-git` option to only skip the `.gitignore` file and still generate
    the `.keep` files.

    Add `--skip-keeps` option to skip the `.keep` files.

    *Derek Prior & Francesco Rodriguez*

*   Fixed support for DATABASE_URL environment variable for rake db tasks. *Grace Liu*

*   rails dbconsole now can use SSL for MySQL. The database.yml options sslca, sslcert, sslcapath, sslcipher,
    and sslkey now affect rails dbconsole. *Jim Kingdon and Lars Petrus*

*   Correctly handle SCRIPT_NAME when generating routes to engine in application
    that's mounted at a sub-uri. With this behavior, you *should not* use
    default_url_options[:script_name] to set proper application's mount point by
    yourself. *Piotr Sarnacki*

*   `config.threadsafe!` is deprecated in favor of `config.eager_load` which provides a more fine grained control on what is eager loaded *José Valim*

*   The migration generator will now produce AddXXXToYYY/RemoveXXXFromYYY migrations with references statements, for instance

        rails g migration AddReferencesToProducts user:references supplier:references{polymorphic}

    will generate the migration with:

        add_reference :products, :user, index: true
        add_reference :products, :supplier, polymorphic: true, index: true

    *Aleksey Magusev*

*   Allow scaffold/model/migration generators to accept a `polymorphic` modifier
    for `references`/`belongs_to`, for instance

        rails g model Product supplier:references{polymorphic}

    will generate the model with `belongs_to :supplier, polymorphic: true`
    association and appropriate migration.

    *Aleksey Magusev*

*   Set `config.active_record.migration_error` to `:page_load` for development *Richard Schneeman*

*   Add runner to Rails::Railtie as a hook called just after runner starts. *José Valim & kennyj*

*   Add `/rails/info/routes` path, displays same information as `rake routes` *Richard Schneeman & Andrew White*

*   Improved `rake routes` output for redirects *Łukasz Strzałkowski & Andrew White*

*   Load all environments available in `config.paths["config/environments"]`. *Piotr Sarnacki*

*   Remove Rack::SSL in favour of ActionDispatch::SSL. *Rafael Mendonça França*

*   Remove Active Resource from Rails framework. *Prem Sichangrist*

*   Allow to set class that will be used to run as a console, other than IRB, with `Rails.application.config.console=`. It's best to add it to `console` block. *Piotr Sarnacki*


        # it can be added to config/application.rb
        console do
          # this block is called only when running console,
          # so we can safely require pry here
          require "pry"
          config.console = Pry

*   Add convenience `hide!` method to Rails generators to hide current generator
    namespace from showing when running `rails generate`. *Carlos Antonio da Silva*

*   Rails::Plugin has gone. Instead of adding plugins to vendor/plugins use gems or bundler with path or git dependencies. *Santiago Pastorino*

*   Set config.action_mailer.async = true to turn on asynchronous
    message delivery *Brian Cardarella*

Please check [3-2-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/3-2-stable/railties/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.