path: root/ci/phantomjs.js
blob: 7a33fb14a3d44065475ab238aab145caf1ceab18 (plain) (tree)

 * PhantomJS Runner QUnit Plugin 1.2.0
 * PhantomJS binaries: http://phantomjs.org/download.html
 * Requires PhantomJS 1.6+ (1.7+ recommended)
 * Run with:
 *   phantomjs runner.js [url-of-your-qunit-testsuite]
 * e.g.
 *   phantomjs runner.js http://localhost/qunit/test/index.html

/*global phantom:false, require:false, console:false, window:false, QUnit:false */

(function() {
	'use strict';

	var url, page, timeout,
		args = require('system').args;

	// arg[0]: scriptName, args[1...]: arguments
	if (args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) {
		console.error('Usage:\n  phantomjs runner.js [url-of-your-qunit-testsuite] [timeout-in-seconds]');

	url = args[1];
	page = require('webpage').create();
	if (args[2] !== undefined) {
		timeout = parseInt(args[2], 10);

	// Route `console.log()` calls from within the Page context to the main Phantom context (i.e. current `this`)
	page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {

	page.onInitialized = function() {

	page.onCallback = function(message) {
		var result,

		if (message) {
			if (message.name === 'QUnit.done') {
				result = message.data;
				failed = !result || !result.total || result.failed;

				if (!result.total) {
					console.error('No tests were executed. Are you loading tests asynchronously?');

				phantom.exit(failed ? 1 : 0);

	page.open(url, function(status) {
		if (status !== 'success') {
			console.error('Unable to access network: ' + status);
		} else {
			// Cannot do this verification with the 'DOMContentLoaded' handler because it
			// will be too late to attach it if a page does not have any script tags.
			var qunitMissing = page.evaluate(function() { return (typeof QUnit === 'undefined' || !QUnit); });
			if (qunitMissing) {
				console.error('The `QUnit` object is not present on this page.');

			// Set a timeout on the test running, otherwise tests with async problems will hang forever
			if (typeof timeout === 'number') {
				setTimeout(function() {
					console.error('The specified timeout of ' + timeout + ' seconds has expired. Aborting...');
				}, timeout * 1000);

			// Do nothing... the callback mechanism will handle everything!

	function addLogging() {
		window.document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
			var currentTestAssertions = [];

			QUnit.log(function(details) {
				var response;

				// Ignore passing assertions
				if (details.result) {

				response = details.message || '';

				if (typeof details.expected !== 'undefined') {
					if (response) {
						response += ', ';

					response += 'expected: ' + details.expected + ', but was: ' + details.actual;

				if (details.source) {
					response += "\n" + details.source;

				currentTestAssertions.push('Failed assertion: ' + response);

			QUnit.testDone(function(result) {
				var i,
					name = '';

				if (result.module) {
					name += result.module + ': ';
				name += result.name;

				if (result.failed) {
					console.log('\n' + 'Test failed: ' + name);

					for (i = 0, len = currentTestAssertions.length; i < len; i++) {
						console.log('    ' + currentTestAssertions[i]);

				currentTestAssertions.length = 0;

			QUnit.done(function(result) {
				console.log('\n' + 'Took ' + result.runtime +  'ms to run ' + result.total + ' tests. ' + result.passed + ' passed, ' + result.failed + ' failed.');

				if (typeof window.callPhantom === 'function') {
						'name': 'QUnit.done',
						'data': result
		}, false);