require 'active_support/core_ext/string/multibyte'
require 'active_support/i18n'
module ActiveSupport
module Inflector
# Replaces non-ASCII characters with an ASCII approximation, or if none
# exists, a replacement character which defaults to "?".
# transliterate('Ærøskøbing')
# # => "AEroskobing"
# Default approximations are provided for Western/Latin characters,
# e.g, "ø", "ñ", "é", "ß", etc.
# This method is I18n aware, so you can set up custom approximations for a
# locale. This can be useful, for example, to transliterate German's "ü"
# and "ö" to "ue" and "oe", or to add support for transliterating Russian
# to ASCII.
# In order to make your custom transliterations available, you must set
# them as the <tt>i18n.transliterate.rule</tt> i18n key:
# # Store the transliterations in locales/de.yml
# i18n:
# transliterate:
# rule:
# ü: "ue"
# ö: "oe"
# # Or set them using Ruby
# I18n.backend.store_translations(:de, i18n: {
# transliterate: {
# rule: {
# 'ü' => 'ue',
# 'ö' => 'oe'
# }
# }
# })
# The value for <tt>i18n.transliterate.rule</tt> can be a simple Hash that
# maps characters to ASCII approximations as shown above, or, for more
# complex requirements, a Proc:
# I18n.backend.store_translations(:de, i18n: {
# transliterate: {
# rule: ->(string) { MyTransliterator.transliterate(string) }
# }
# })
# Now you can have different transliterations for each locale:
# I18n.locale = :en
# transliterate('Jürgen')
# # => "Jurgen"
# I18n.locale = :de
# transliterate('Jürgen')
# # => "Juergen"
def transliterate(string, replacement = "?".freeze)
ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode.tidy_bytes(string), :c),
:replacement => replacement)
# Replaces special characters in a string so that it may be used as part of
# a 'pretty' URL.
# parameterize("Donald E. Knuth") # => "donald-e-knuth"
# parameterize("^trés|Jolie-- ") # => "tres-jolie"
def parameterize(string, sep = '-')
# replace accented chars with their ascii equivalents
parameterized_string = transliterate(string)
# Turn unwanted chars into the separator
parameterized_string.gsub!(/[^a-z0-9\-_]+/i, sep)
unless sep.nil? || sep.empty?
if sep == "-".freeze
re_duplicate_separator = /-{2,}/
re_leading_trailing_separator = /^-|-$/i
re_sep = Regexp.escape(sep)
re_duplicate_separator = /#{re_sep}{2,}/
re_leading_trailing_separator = /^#{re_sep}|#{re_sep}$/i
# No more than one of the separator in a row.
parameterized_string.gsub!(re_duplicate_separator, sep)
# Remove leading/trailing separator.
parameterized_string.gsub!(re_leading_trailing_separator, ''.freeze)