path: root/activerecord/test/cases/associations/inverse_associations_test.rb
blob: 71cf1237e86fd4f141eb414d796786f23d81bb32 (plain) (tree)



































































require "cases/helper"
require 'models/man'
require 'models/face'
require 'models/interest'
require 'models/zine'
require 'models/club'
require 'models/sponsor'
require 'models/rating'
require 'models/comment'
require 'models/car'
require 'models/bulb'

class AutomaticInverseFindingTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
  fixtures :ratings, :comments, :cars

  def test_has_one_and_belongs_to_should_find_inverse_automatically
    car_reflection = Car.reflect_on_association(:bulb)
    bulb_reflection = Bulb.reflect_on_association(:car)

    assert_respond_to car_reflection, :has_inverse?
    assert car_reflection.has_inverse?, "The Car reflection should have an inverse"
    assert_equal bulb_reflection, car_reflection.inverse_of, "The Car reflection's inverse should be the Bulb reflection"

    assert_respond_to bulb_reflection, :has_inverse?
    assert bulb_reflection.has_inverse?, "The Bulb reflection should have an inverse"
    assert_equal car_reflection, bulb_reflection.inverse_of, "The Bulb reflection's inverse should be the Car reflection"

  def test_has_many_and_belongs_to_should_find_inverse_automatically
    comment_reflection = Comment.reflect_on_association(:ratings)
    rating_reflection = Rating.reflect_on_association(:comment)

    assert_respond_to comment_reflection, :has_inverse?
    assert comment_reflection.has_inverse?, "The Comment reflection should have an inverse"
    assert_equal rating_reflection, comment_reflection.inverse_of, "The Comment reflection's inverse should be the Rating reflection"

  def test_has_one_and_belongs_to_automatic_inverse_shares_objects
    car = Car.first
    bulb = Bulb.create!(car: car)

    assert_equal car.bulb, bulb, "The Car's bulb should be the original bulb"

    car.bulb.color = "Blue"
    assert_equal car.bulb.color, bulb.color, "Changing the bulb's color on the car association should change the bulb's color"

    bulb.color = "Red"
    assert_equal bulb.color, car.bulb.color, "Changing the bulb's color should change the bulb's color on the car association"

  def test_has_many_and_belongs_to_automatic_inverse_shares_objects_on_rating
    comment = Comment.first
    rating = Rating.create!(comment: comment)

    assert_equal rating.comment, comment, "The Rating's comment should be the original Comment"

    rating.comment.body = "Brogramming is the act of programming, like a bro."
    assert_equal rating.comment.body, comment.body, "Changing the Comment's body on the association should change the original Comment's body"

    comment.body = "Broseiden is the king of the sea of bros."
    assert_equal comment.body, rating.comment.body, "Changing the original Comment's body should change the Comment's body on the association"

  def test_has_many_and_belongs_to_automatic_inverse_shares_objects_on_comment
    rating = Rating.create!
    comment = Comment.first
    rating.comment = comment

    assert_equal rating.comment, comment, "The Rating's comment should be the original Comment"

    rating.comment.body = "Brogramming is the act of programming, like a bro."
    assert_equal rating.comment.body, comment.body, "Changing the Comment's body on the association should change the original Comment's body"

    comment.body = "Broseiden is the king of the sea of bros."
    assert_equal comment.body, rating.comment.body, "Changing the original Comment's body should change the Comment's body on the association"

  def test_polymorphic_and_has_many_through_relationships_should_not_have_inverses
    sponsor_reflection = Sponsor.reflect_on_association(:sponsorable)

    assert_respond_to sponsor_reflection, :has_inverse?
    assert !sponsor_reflection.has_inverse?, "A polymorphic association should not find an inverse automatically"

    club_reflection = Club.reflect_on_association(:members)

    assert_respond_to club_reflection, :has_inverse?
    assert !club_reflection.has_inverse?, "A has_many_through association should not find an inverse automatically"

class InverseAssociationTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
  def test_should_allow_for_inverse_of_options_in_associations
    assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError, 'ActiveRecord should allow the inverse_of options on has_many') do
      Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base).has_many(:wheels, :inverse_of => :car)

    assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError, 'ActiveRecord should allow the inverse_of options on has_one') do
      Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base).has_one(:engine, :inverse_of => :car)

    assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError, 'ActiveRecord should allow the inverse_of options on belongs_to') do
      Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base).belongs_to(:car, :inverse_of => :driver)

  def test_should_be_able_to_ask_a_reflection_if_it_has_an_inverse
    has_one_with_inverse_ref = Man.reflect_on_association(:face)
    assert_respond_to has_one_with_inverse_ref, :has_inverse?
    assert has_one_with_inverse_ref.has_inverse?

    has_many_with_inverse_ref = Man.reflect_on_association(:interests)
    assert_respond_to has_many_with_inverse_ref, :has_inverse?
    assert has_many_with_inverse_ref.has_inverse?

    belongs_to_with_inverse_ref = Face.reflect_on_association(:man)
    assert_respond_to belongs_to_with_inverse_ref, :has_inverse?
    assert belongs_to_with_inverse_ref.has_inverse?

    has_one_without_inverse_ref = Club.reflect_on_association(:sponsor)
    assert_respond_to has_one_without_inverse_ref, :has_inverse?
    assert !has_one_without_inverse_ref.has_inverse?

    has_many_without_inverse_ref = Club.reflect_on_association(:memberships)
    assert_respond_to has_many_without_inverse_ref, :has_inverse?
    assert !has_many_without_inverse_ref.has_inverse?

    belongs_to_without_inverse_ref = Sponsor.reflect_on_association(:sponsor_club)
    assert_respond_to belongs_to_without_inverse_ref, :has_inverse?
    assert !belongs_to_without_inverse_ref.has_inverse?

  def test_should_be_able_to_ask_a_reflection_what_it_is_the_inverse_of
    has_one_ref = Man.reflect_on_association(:face)
    assert_respond_to has_one_ref, :inverse_of

    has_many_ref = Man.reflect_on_association(:interests)
    assert_respond_to has_many_ref, :inverse_of

    belongs_to_ref = Face.reflect_on_association(:man)
    assert_respond_to belongs_to_ref, :inverse_of

  def test_inverse_of_method_should_supply_the_actual_reflection_instance_it_is_the_inverse_of
    has_one_ref = Man.reflect_on_association(:face)
    assert_equal Face.reflect_on_association(:man), has_one_ref.inverse_of

    has_many_ref = Man.reflect_on_association(:interests)
    assert_equal Interest.reflect_on_association(:man), has_many_ref.inverse_of

    belongs_to_ref = Face.reflect_on_association(:man)
    assert_equal Man.reflect_on_association(:face), belongs_to_ref.inverse_of

  def test_associations_with_no_inverse_of_should_return_nil
    has_one_ref = Club.reflect_on_association(:sponsor)
    assert_nil has_one_ref.inverse_of

    has_many_ref = Club.reflect_on_association(:memberships)
    assert_nil has_many_ref.inverse_of

    belongs_to_ref = Sponsor.reflect_on_association(:sponsor_club)
    assert_nil belongs_to_ref.inverse_of

class InverseHasOneTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
  fixtures :men, :faces

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_child_on_find
    m = men(:gordon)
    f = m.face
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    m.name = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    f.man.name = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to child-owned instance"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_eager_loaded_child_on_find
    m = Man.all.merge!(:where => {:name => 'Gordon'}, :includes => :face).first
    f = m.face
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    m.name = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    f.man.name = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to child-owned instance"

    m = Man.all.merge!(:where => {:name => 'Gordon'}, :includes => :face, :order => 'faces.id').first
    f = m.face
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    m.name = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    f.man.name = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to child-owned instance"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_built_child
    m = Man.first
    f = m.build_face(:description => 'haunted')
    assert_not_nil f.man
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    m.name = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    f.man.name = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to just-built-child-owned instance"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_created_child
    m = Man.first
    f = m.create_face(:description => 'haunted')
    assert_not_nil f.man
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    m.name = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    f.man.name = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to newly-created-child-owned instance"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_created_child_via_bang_method
    m = Man.first
    f = m.create_face!(:description => 'haunted')
    assert_not_nil f.man
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    m.name = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    f.man.name = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to newly-created-child-owned instance"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_accessor_child
    m = Man.first
    f = Face.new(:description => 'haunted')
    m.face = f
    assert_not_nil f.man
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    m.name = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    f.man.name = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to replaced-child-owned instance"

  def test_trying_to_use_inverses_that_dont_exist_should_raise_an_error
    assert_raise(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Man.first.dirty_face }

class InverseHasManyTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
  fixtures :men, :interests

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_every_child_on_find
    m = men(:gordon)
    is = m.interests
    is.each do |i|
      assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
      m.name = 'Bongo'
      assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
      i.man.name = 'Mungo'
      assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to child-owned instance"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_eager_loaded_children
    m = Man.all.merge!(:where => {:name => 'Gordon'}, :includes => :interests).first
    is = m.interests
    is.each do |i|
      assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
      m.name = 'Bongo'
      assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
      i.man.name = 'Mungo'
      assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to child-owned instance"

    m = Man.all.merge!(:where => {:name => 'Gordon'}, :includes => :interests, :order => 'interests.id').first
    is = m.interests
    is.each do |i|
      assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
      m.name = 'Bongo'
      assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
      i.man.name = 'Mungo'
      assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to child-owned instance"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_block_style_built_child
    m = Man.first
    i = m.interests.build {|ii| ii.topic = 'Industrial Revolution Re-enactment'}
    assert_not_nil i.topic, "Child attributes supplied to build via blocks should be populated"
    assert_not_nil i.man
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    m.name = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    i.man.name = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to just-built-child-owned instance"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_created_via_bang_method_child
    m = Man.first
    i = m.interests.create!(:topic => 'Industrial Revolution Re-enactment')
    assert_not_nil i.man
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    m.name = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    i.man.name = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to newly-created-child-owned instance"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_block_style_created_child
    m = Man.first
    i = m.interests.create {|ii| ii.topic = 'Industrial Revolution Re-enactment'}
    assert_not_nil i.topic, "Child attributes supplied to create via blocks should be populated"
    assert_not_nil i.man
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    m.name = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    i.man.name = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to newly-created-child-owned instance"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_within_create_block_of_new_child
    man = Man.first
    interest = man.interests.build do |i|
      assert i.man.equal?(man), "Man of child should be the same instance as a parent"
    assert interest.man.equal?(man), "Man of the child should still be the same instance as a parent"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_within_build_block_of_new_child
    man = Man.first
    interest = man.interests.build do |i|
      assert i.man.equal?(man), "Man of child should be the same instance as a parent"
    assert interest.man.equal?(man), "Man of the child should still be the same instance as a parent"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_poked_in_child
    m = men(:gordon)
    i = Interest.create(:topic => 'Industrial Revolution Re-enactment')
    m.interests << i
    assert_not_nil i.man
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    m.name = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    i.man.name = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to newly-created-child-owned instance"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_accessor_children
    m = Man.first
    i = Interest.new(:topic => 'Industrial Revolution Re-enactment')
    m.interests = [i]
    assert_not_nil i.man
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    m.name = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    i.man.name = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to replaced-child-owned instance"

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_first_and_last_child
    man = Man.first

    assert man.interests.first.man.equal? man
    assert man.interests.last.man.equal? man

  def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_first_n_and_last_n_children
    man = Man.first

    interests = man.interests.first(2)
    assert interests[0].man.equal? man
    assert interests[1].man.equal? man

    interests = man.interests.last(2)
    assert interests[0].man.equal? man
    assert interests[1].man.equal? man

  def test_parent_instance_should_find_child_instance_using_child_instance_id
    man = Man.create!
    interest = Interest.create!
    man.interests = [interest]

    assert interest.equal?(man.interests.first), "The inverse association should use the interest already created and held in memory"
    assert interest.equal?(man.interests.find(interest.id)), "The inverse association should use the interest already created and held in memory"
    assert man.equal?(man.interests.first.man), "Two inversion should lead back to the same object that was originally held"
    assert man.equal?(man.interests.find(interest.id).man), "Two inversions should lead back to the same object that was originally held"

  def test_parent_instance_should_find_child_instance_using_child_instance_id_when_created
    man = Man.create!
    interest = Interest.create!(man: man)

    assert man.equal?(man.interests.first.man), "Two inverses should lead back to the same object that was originally held"
    assert man.equal?(man.interests.find(interest.id).man), "Two inversions should lead back to the same object that was originally held"

    assert_equal man.name, man.interests.find(interest.id).man.name, "The name of the man should match before the name is changed"
    man.name = "Ben Bitdiddle"
    assert_equal man.name, man.interests.find(interest.id).man.name, "The name of the man should match after the parent name is changed"
    man.interests.find(interest.id).man.name = "Alyssa P. Hacker"
    assert_equal man.name, man.interests.find(interest.id).man.name, "The name of the man should match after the child name is changed"

  def test_find_on_child_instance_with_id_should_not_load_all_child_records
    man = Man.create!
    interest = Interest.create!(man: man)

    refute man.interests.loaded?

  def test_raise_record_not_found_error_when_invalid_ids_are_passed
    # delete all interest records to ensure that hard coded invalid_id(s)
    # are indeed invalid.

    man = Man.create!

    invalid_id = 245324523
    assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { man.interests.find(invalid_id) }

    invalid_ids = [8432342, 2390102913, 2453245234523452]
    assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { man.interests.find(invalid_ids) }

  def test_raise_record_not_found_error_when_no_ids_are_passed
    man = Man.create!

    assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { man.interests.find() }

  def test_trying_to_use_inverses_that_dont_exist_should_raise_an_error
    assert_raise(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Man.first.secret_interests }

class InverseBelongsToTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
  fixtures :men, :faces, :interests

  def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_parent_on_find
    f = faces(:trusting)
    m = f.man
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
    f.description = 'gormless'
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
    m.face.description = 'pleasing'
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"

  def test_eager_loaded_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_parent_on_find
    f = Face.all.merge!(:includes => :man, :where => {:description => 'trusting'}).first
    m = f.man
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
    f.description = 'gormless'
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
    m.face.description = 'pleasing'
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"

    f = Face.all.merge!(:includes => :man, :order => 'men.id', :where => {:description => 'trusting'}).first
    m = f.man
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
    f.description = 'gormless'
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
    m.face.description = 'pleasing'
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"

  def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_built_parent
    f = faces(:trusting)
    m = f.build_man(:name => 'Charles')
    assert_not_nil m.face
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
    f.description = 'gormless'
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
    m.face.description = 'pleasing'
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to just-built-parent-owned instance"

  def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_created_parent
    f = faces(:trusting)
    m = f.create_man(:name => 'Charles')
    assert_not_nil m.face
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
    f.description = 'gormless'
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
    m.face.description = 'pleasing'
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to newly-created-parent-owned instance"

  def test_should_not_try_to_set_inverse_instances_when_the_inverse_is_a_has_many
    i = interests(:trainspotting)
    m = i.man
    assert_not_nil m.interests
    iz = m.interests.detect { |_iz| _iz.id == i.id}
    assert_not_nil iz
    assert_equal i.topic, iz.topic, "Interest topics should be the same before changes to child"
    i.topic = 'Eating cheese with a spoon'
    assert_not_equal i.topic, iz.topic, "Interest topics should not be the same after changes to child"
    iz.topic = 'Cow tipping'
    assert_not_equal i.topic, iz.topic, "Interest topics should not be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"

  def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_accessor_parent
    f = Face.first
    m = Man.new(:name => 'Charles')
    f.man = m
    assert_not_nil m.face
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
    f.description = 'gormless'
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
    m.face.description = 'pleasing'
    assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to replaced-parent-owned instance"

  def test_trying_to_use_inverses_that_dont_exist_should_raise_an_error
    assert_raise(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Face.first.horrible_man }

class InversePolymorphicBelongsToTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
  fixtures :men, :faces, :interests

  def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_parent_on_find
    f = Face.all.merge!(:where => {:description => 'confused'}).first
    m = f.polymorphic_man
    assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
    f.description = 'gormless'
    assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
    m.polymorphic_face.description = 'pleasing'
    assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"

  def test_eager_loaded_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_parent_on_find
    f = Face.all.merge!(:where => {:description => 'confused'}, :includes => :man).first
    m = f.polymorphic_man
    assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
    f.description = 'gormless'
    assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
    m.polymorphic_face.description = 'pleasing'
    assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"

    f = Face.all.merge!(:where => {:description => 'confused'}, :includes => :man, :order => 'men.id').first
    m = f.polymorphic_man
    assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
    f.description = 'gormless'
    assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
    m.polymorphic_face.description = 'pleasing'
    assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"

  def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_accessor_parent
    face = faces(:confused)
    new_man = Man.new

    assert_not_nil face.polymorphic_man
    face.polymorphic_man = new_man

    assert_equal face.description, new_man.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    face.description = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal face.description, new_man.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    new_man.polymorphic_face.description = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal face.description, new_man.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to replaced-parent-owned instance"

  def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_method_parent
    face = faces(:confused)
    new_man = Man.new

    assert_not_nil face.polymorphic_man
    face.polymorphic_man = new_man

    assert_equal face.description, new_man.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to parent instance"
    face.description = 'Bongo'
    assert_equal face.description, new_man.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent instance"
    new_man.polymorphic_face.description = 'Mungo'
    assert_equal face.description, new_man.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to replaced-parent-owned instance"

  def test_should_not_try_to_set_inverse_instances_when_the_inverse_is_a_has_many
    i = interests(:llama_wrangling)
    m = i.polymorphic_man
    assert_not_nil m.polymorphic_interests
    iz = m.polymorphic_interests.detect { |_iz| _iz.id == i.id}
    assert_not_nil iz
    assert_equal i.topic, iz.topic, "Interest topics should be the same before changes to child"
    i.topic = 'Eating cheese with a spoon'
    assert_not_equal i.topic, iz.topic, "Interest topics should not be the same after changes to child"
    iz.topic = 'Cow tipping'
    assert_not_equal i.topic, iz.topic, "Interest topics should not be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"

  def test_trying_to_access_inverses_that_dont_exist_shouldnt_raise_an_error
    # Ideally this would, if only for symmetry's sake with other association types
    assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Face.first.horrible_polymorphic_man }

  def test_trying_to_set_polymorphic_inverses_that_dont_exist_at_all_should_raise_an_error
    # fails because no class has the correct inverse_of for horrible_polymorphic_man
    assert_raise(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Face.first.horrible_polymorphic_man = Man.first }

  def test_trying_to_set_polymorphic_inverses_that_dont_exist_on_the_instance_being_set_should_raise_an_error
    # passes because Man does have the correct inverse_of
    assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Face.first.polymorphic_man = Man.first }
    # fails because Interest does have the correct inverse_of
    assert_raise(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Face.first.polymorphic_man = Interest.first }

# NOTE - these tests might not be meaningful, ripped as they were from the parental_control plugin
# which would guess the inverse rather than look for an explicit configuration option.
class InverseMultipleHasManyInversesForSameModel < ActiveRecord::TestCase
  fixtures :men, :interests, :zines

  def test_that_we_can_load_associations_that_have_the_same_reciprocal_name_from_different_models
    assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch) do
      i = Interest.first

  def test_that_we_can_create_associations_that_have_the_same_reciprocal_name_from_different_models
    assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch) do
      i = Interest.first
      i.build_zine(:title => 'Get Some in Winter! 2008')
      i.build_man(:name => 'Gordon')