path: root/activemodel/lib/active_model/validations/each.rb
blob: e9a9e69a86bdf99fdb2298cf12414bded172651f (plain) (tree)

module ActiveModel
  module Validations
    module ClassMethods
      # Adds a validation method or block to the class. This is useful when
      # overriding the #validate instance method becomes too unwieldly and
      # you're looking for more descriptive declaration of your validations.
      # This can be done with a symbol pointing to a method:
      #   class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
      #     validate :must_be_friends
      #     def must_be_friends
      #       errors.add_to_base("Must be friends to leave a comment") unless commenter.friend_of?(commentee)
      #     end
      #   end
      # Or with a block which is passed the current record to be validated:
      #   class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
      #     validate do |comment|
      #       comment.must_be_friends
      #     end
      #     def must_be_friends
      #       errors.add_to_base("Must be friends to leave a comment") unless commenter.friend_of?(commentee)
      #     end
      #   end
      # This usage applies to #validate_on_create and #validate_on_update as well.

      # Validates each attribute against a block.
      #   class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
      #     validates_each :first_name, :last_name do |record, attr, value|
      #       record.errors.add attr, 'starts with z.' if value[0] == ?z
      #     end
      #   end
      # Options:
      # * <tt>on</tt> - Specifies when this validation is active (default is :save, other options :create, :update)
      # * <tt>allow_nil</tt> - Skip validation if attribute is nil.
      # * <tt>allow_blank</tt> - Skip validation if attribute is blank.
      # * <tt>if</tt> - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine if the validation should
      #   occur (e.g. :if => :allow_validation, or :if => Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step > 2 }).  The
      #   method, proc or string should return or evaluate to a true or false value.
      # * <tt>unless</tt> - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine if the validation should
      #   not occur (e.g. :unless => :skip_validation, or :unless => Proc.new { |user| user.signup_step <= 2 }).  The
      #   method, proc or string should return or evaluate to a true or false value.
      def validates_each(*attrs)
        options = attrs.extract_options!.symbolize_keys
        attrs   = attrs.flatten

        # Declare the validation.
        send(validation_method(options[:on] || :save), options) do |record|
          attrs.each do |attr|
            value = record.send(attr)
            next if (value.nil? && options[:allow_nil]) || (value.blank? && options[:allow_blank])
            yield record, attr, value