path: root/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb
blob: 440e0162cdcf5e07b0535db9a6606cf9378cc266 (plain) (tree)

















































































































require 'action_view/helpers/javascript_helper'
require 'active_support/core_ext/array/access'
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/keys'
require 'action_dispatch'

module ActionView
  # = Action View URL Helpers
  module Helpers #:nodoc:
    # Provides a set of methods for making links and getting URLs that
    # depend on the routing subsystem (see ActionDispatch::Routing).
    # This allows you to use the same format for links in views
    # and controllers.
    module UrlHelper
      # This helper may be included in any class that includes the
      # URL helpers of a routes (routes.url_helpers). Some methods
      # provided here will only work in the context of a request
      # (link_to_unless_current, for instance), which must be provided
      # as a method called #request on the context.

      extend ActiveSupport::Concern

      include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor
      include TagHelper

      def _routes_context

      # Need to map default url options to controller one.
      # def default_url_options(*args) #:nodoc:
      #   controller.send(:default_url_options, *args)
      # end
      def url_options
        return super unless controller.respond_to?(:url_options)

      # Returns the URL for the set of +options+ provided. This takes the
      # same options as +url_for+ in Action Controller (see the
      # documentation for <tt>ActionController::Base#url_for</tt>). Note that by default
      # <tt>:only_path</tt> is <tt>true</tt> so you'll get the relative "/controller/action"
      # instead of the fully qualified URL like "http://example.com/controller/action".
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:anchor</tt> - Specifies the anchor name to be appended to the path.
      # * <tt>:only_path</tt> - If true, returns the relative URL (omitting the protocol, host name, and port) (<tt>true</tt> by default unless <tt>:host</tt> is specified).
      # * <tt>:trailing_slash</tt> - If true, adds a trailing slash, as in "/archive/2005/". Note that this
      #   is currently not recommended since it breaks caching.
      # * <tt>:host</tt> - Overrides the default (current) host if provided.
      # * <tt>:protocol</tt> - Overrides the default (current) protocol if provided.
      # * <tt>:user</tt> - Inline HTTP authentication (only plucked out if <tt>:password</tt> is also present).
      # * <tt>:password</tt> - Inline HTTP authentication (only plucked out if <tt>:user</tt> is also present).
      # ==== Relying on named routes
      # If you instead of a hash pass a record (like an Active Record or Active Resource) as the options parameter,
      # you'll trigger the named route for that record. The lookup will happen on the name of the class. So passing
      # a Workshop object will attempt to use the +workshop_path+ route. If you have a nested route, such as
      # +admin_workshop_path+ you'll have to call that explicitly (it's impossible for +url_for+ to guess that route).
      # ==== Examples
      #   <%= url_for(:action => 'index') %>
      #   # => /blog/
      #   <%= url_for(:action => 'find', :controller => 'books') %>
      #   # => /books/find
      #   <%= url_for(:action => 'login', :controller => 'members', :only_path => false, :protocol => 'https') %>
      #   # => https://www.railsapplication.com/members/login/
      #   <%= url_for(:action => 'play', :anchor => 'player') %>
      #   # => /messages/play/#player
      #   <%= url_for(:action => 'jump', :anchor => 'tax&ship') %>
      #   # => /testing/jump/#tax&ship
      #   <%= url_for(Workshop.new) %>
      #   # relies on Workshop answering a persisted? call (and in this case returning false)
      #   # => /workshops
      #   <%= url_for(@workshop) %>
      #   # calls @workshop.to_s
      #   # => /workshops/5
      #   <%= url_for("http://www.example.com") %>
      #   # => http://www.example.com
      #   <%= url_for(:back) %>
      #   # if request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] is set to "http://www.example.com"
      #   # => http://www.example.com
      #   <%= url_for(:back) %>
      #   # if request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] is not set or is blank
      #   # => javascript:history.back()
      def url_for(options = {})
        options ||= {}
        case options
        when String
        when Hash
          options = options.symbolize_keys.reverse_merge!(:only_path => options[:host].nil?)
        when :back
          controller.request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] || 'javascript:history.back()'

      # Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set
      # of +options+. See the valid options in the documentation for
      # +url_for+. It's also possible to pass a string instead
      # of an options hash to get a link tag that uses the value of the string as the
      # href for the link, or use <tt>:back</tt> to link to the referrer - a JavaScript back
      # link will be used in place of a referrer if none exists. If +nil+ is passed as
      # a name, the link itself will become the name.
      # ==== Signatures
      #   link_to(body, url, html_options = {})
      #     # url is a String; you can use URL helpers like
      #     # posts_path
      #   link_to(body, url_options = {}, html_options = {})
      #     # url_options, except :confirm or :method,
      #     # is passed to url_for
      #   link_to(options = {}, html_options = {}) do
      #     # name
      #   end
      #   link_to(url, html_options = {}) do
      #     # name
      #   end
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:confirm => 'question?'</tt> - This will allow the unobtrusive JavaScript
      #   driver to prompt with the question specified. If the user accepts, the link is
      #   processed normally, otherwise no action is taken.
      # * <tt>:method => symbol of HTTP verb</tt> - This modifier will dynamically
      #   create an HTML form and immediately submit the form for processing using
      #   the HTTP verb specified. Useful for having links perform a POST operation
      #   in dangerous actions like deleting a record (which search bots can follow
      #   while spidering your site). Supported verbs are <tt>:post</tt>, <tt>:delete</tt> and <tt>:put</tt>.
      #   Note that if the user has JavaScript disabled, the request will fall back
      #   to using GET. If <tt>:href => '#'</tt> is used and the user has JavaScript
      #   disabled clicking the link will have no effect. If you are relying on the
      #   POST behavior, you should check for it in your controller's action by using
      #   the request object's methods for <tt>post?</tt>, <tt>delete?</tt> or <tt>put?</tt>.
      # * <tt>:remote => true</tt> - This will allow the unobtrusive JavaScript
      #   driver to make an Ajax request to the URL in question instead of following
      #   the link. The drivers each provide mechanisms for listening for the
      #   completion of the Ajax request and performing JavaScript operations once
      #   they're complete
      # ==== Examples
      # Because it relies on +url_for+, +link_to+ supports both older-style controller/action/id arguments
      # and newer RESTful routes.  Current Rails style favors RESTful routes whenever possible, so base
      # your application on resources and use
      #   link_to "Profile", profile_path(@profile)
      #   # => <a href="/profiles/1">Profile</a>
      # or the even pithier
      #   link_to "Profile", @profile
      #   # => <a href="/profiles/1">Profile</a>
      # in place of the older more verbose, non-resource-oriented
      #   link_to "Profile", :controller => "profiles", :action => "show", :id => @profile
      #   # => <a href="/profiles/show/1">Profile</a>
      # Similarly,
      #   link_to "Profiles", profiles_path
      #   # => <a href="/profiles">Profiles</a>
      # is better than
      #   link_to "Profiles", :controller => "profiles"
      #   # => <a href="/profiles">Profiles</a>
      # You can use a block as well if your link target is hard to fit into the name parameter. ERb example:
      #   <%= link_to(@profile) do %>
      #     <strong><%= @profile.name %></strong> -- <span>Check it out!</span>
      #   <% end %>
      #   # => <a href="/profiles/1">
      #          <strong>David</strong> -- <span>Check it out!</span>
      #        </a>
      # Classes and ids for CSS are easy to produce:
      #   link_to "Articles", articles_path, :id => "news", :class => "article"
      #   # => <a href="/articles" class="article" id="news">Articles</a>
      # Be careful when using the older argument style, as an extra literal hash is needed:
      #   link_to "Articles", { :controller => "articles" }, :id => "news", :class => "article"
      #   # => <a href="/articles" class="article" id="news">Articles</a>
      # Leaving the hash off gives the wrong link:
      #   link_to "WRONG!", :controller => "articles", :id => "news", :class => "article"
      #   # => <a href="/articles/index/news?class=article">WRONG!</a>
      # +link_to+ can also produce links with anchors or query strings:
      #   link_to "Comment wall", profile_path(@profile, :anchor => "wall")
      #   # => <a href="/profiles/1#wall">Comment wall</a>
      #   link_to "Ruby on Rails search", :controller => "searches", :query => "ruby on rails"
      #   # => <a href="/searches?query=ruby+on+rails">Ruby on Rails search</a>
      #   link_to "Nonsense search", searches_path(:foo => "bar", :baz => "quux")
      #   # => <a href="/searches?foo=bar&amp;baz=quux">Nonsense search</a>
      # The two options specific to +link_to+ (<tt>:confirm</tt> and <tt>:method</tt>) are used as follows:
      #   link_to "Visit Other Site", "http://www.rubyonrails.org/", :confirm => "Are you sure?"
      #   # => <a href="http://www.rubyonrails.org/" data-confirm="Are you sure?"">Visit Other Site</a>
      #   link_to("Destroy", "http://www.example.com", :method => :delete, :confirm => "Are you sure?")
      #   # => <a href='http://www.example.com' rel="nofollow" data-method="delete" data-confirm="Are you sure?">Destroy</a>
      def link_to(*args, &block)
        if block_given?
          options      = args.first || {}
          html_options = args.second
          link_to(capture(&block), options, html_options)
          name         = args[0]
          options      = args[1] || {}
          html_options = args[2]

          html_options = convert_options_to_data_attributes(options, html_options)
          url = url_for(options)

          href = html_options['href']
          tag_options = tag_options(html_options)

          href_attr = "href=\"#{html_escape(url)}\"" unless href
          "<a #{href_attr}#{tag_options}>#{html_escape(name || url)}</a>".html_safe

      # Generates a form containing a single button that submits to the URL created
      # by the set of +options+. This is the safest method to ensure links that
      # cause changes to your data are not triggered by search bots or accelerators.
      # If the HTML button does not work with your layout, you can also consider
      # using the +link_to+ method with the <tt>:method</tt> modifier as described in
      # the +link_to+ documentation.
      # The generated form element has a class name of <tt>button_to</tt>
      # to allow styling of the form itself and its children. You can control
      # the form submission and input element behavior using +html_options+.
      # This method accepts the <tt>:method</tt> and <tt>:confirm</tt> modifiers
      # described in the +link_to+ documentation. If no <tt>:method</tt> modifier
      # is given, it will default to performing a POST operation. You can also
      # disable the button by passing <tt>:disabled => true</tt> in +html_options+.
      # If you are using RESTful routes, you can pass the <tt>:method</tt>
      # to change the HTTP verb used to submit the form.
      # ==== Options
      # The +options+ hash accepts the same options as url_for.
      # There are a few special +html_options+:
      # * <tt>:method</tt> - Symbol of HTTP verb. Supported verbs are <tt>:post</tt>, <tt>:get</tt>,
      #   <tt>:delete</tt> and <tt>:put</tt>. By default it will be <tt>:post</tt>.
      # * <tt>:disabled</tt> - If set to true, it will generate a disabled button.
      # * <tt>:confirm</tt> - This will use the unobtrusive JavaScript driver to
      #   prompt with the question specified. If the user accepts, the link is
      #   processed normally, otherwise no action is taken.
      # * <tt>:remote</tt> -  If set to true, will allow the Unobtrusive JavaScript drivers to control the
      #   submit behaviour. By default this behaviour is an ajax submit.
      # ==== Examples
      #   <%= button_to "New", :action => "new" %>
      #   # => "<form method="post" action="/controller/new" class="button_to">
      #   #      <div><input value="New" type="submit" /></div>
      #   #    </form>"
      #   <%= button_to "Delete Image", { :action => "delete", :id => @image.id },
      #             :confirm => "Are you sure?", :method => :delete %>
      #   # => "<form method="post" action="/images/delete/1" class="button_to">
      #   #      <div>
      #   #        <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="delete" />
      #   #        <input data-confirm='Are you sure?' value="Delete" type="submit" />
      #   #      </div>
      #   #    </form>"
      #   <%= button_to('Destroy', 'http://www.example.com', :confirm => 'Are you sure?',
      #             :method => "delete", :remote => true, :disable_with => 'loading...') %>
      #   # => "<form class='button_to' method='post' action='http://www.example.com' data-remote='true'>
      #   #       <div>
      #   #         <input name='_method' value='delete' type='hidden' />
      #   #         <input value='Destroy' type='submit' disable_with='loading...' data-confirm='Are you sure?' />
      #   #       </div>
      #   #     </form>"
      #   #
      def button_to(name, options = {}, html_options = {})
        html_options = html_options.stringify_keys
        convert_boolean_attributes!(html_options, %w( disabled ))

        method_tag = ''
        if (method = html_options.delete('method')) && %w{put delete}.include?(method.to_s)
          method_tag = tag('input', :type => 'hidden', :name => '_method', :value => method.to_s)

        form_method = method.to_s == 'get' ? 'get' : 'post'

        remote = html_options.delete('remote')

        request_token_tag = ''
        if form_method == 'post' && protect_against_forgery?
          request_token_tag = tag(:input, :type => "hidden", :name => request_forgery_protection_token.to_s, :value => form_authenticity_token)

        url = options.is_a?(String) ? options : self.url_for(options)
        name ||= url

        html_options = convert_options_to_data_attributes(options, html_options)

        html_options.merge!("type" => "submit", "value" => name)

        ("<form method=\"#{form_method}\" action=\"#{html_escape(url)}\" #{"data-remote=\"true\"" if remote} class=\"button_to\"><div>" +
          method_tag + tag("input", html_options) + request_token_tag + "</div></form>").html_safe

      # Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of
      # +options+ unless the current request URI is the same as the links, in
      # which case only the name is returned (or the given block is yielded, if
      # one exists).  You can give +link_to_unless_current+ a block which will
      # specialize the default behavior (e.g., show a "Start Here" link rather
      # than the link's text).
      # ==== Examples
      # Let's say you have a navigation menu...
      #   <ul id="navbar">
      #     <li><%= link_to_unless_current("Home", { :action => "index" }) %></li>
      #     <li><%= link_to_unless_current("About Us", { :action => "about" }) %></li>
      #   </ul>
      # If in the "about" action, it will render...
      #   <ul id="navbar">
      #     <li><a href="/controller/index">Home</a></li>
      #     <li>About Us</li>
      #   </ul>
      # ...but if in the "index" action, it will render:
      #   <ul id="navbar">
      #     <li>Home</li>
      #     <li><a href="/controller/about">About Us</a></li>
      #   </ul>
      # The implicit block given to +link_to_unless_current+ is evaluated if the current
      # action is the action given.  So, if we had a comments page and wanted to render a
      # "Go Back" link instead of a link to the comments page, we could do something like this...
      #    <%=
      #        link_to_unless_current("Comment", { :controller => "comments", :action => "new" }) do
      #           link_to("Go back", { :controller => "posts", :action => "index" })
      #        end
      #     %>
      def link_to_unless_current(name, options = {}, html_options = {}, &block)
        link_to_unless current_page?(options), name, options, html_options, &block

      # Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of
      # +options+ unless +condition+ is true, in which case only the name is
      # returned. To specialize the default behavior (i.e., show a login link rather
      # than just the plaintext link text), you can pass a block that
      # accepts the name or the full argument list for +link_to_unless+.
      # ==== Examples
      #   <%= link_to_unless(@current_user.nil?, "Reply", { :action => "reply" }) %>
      #   # If the user is logged in...
      #   # => <a href="/controller/reply/">Reply</a>
      #   <%=
      #      link_to_unless(@current_user.nil?, "Reply", { :action => "reply" }) do |name|
      #        link_to(name, { :controller => "accounts", :action => "signup" })
      #      end
      #   %>
      #   # If the user is logged in...
      #   # => <a href="/controller/reply/">Reply</a>
      #   # If not...
      #   # => <a href="/accounts/signup">Reply</a>
      def link_to_unless(condition, name, options = {}, html_options = {}, &block)
        if condition
          if block_given?
            block.arity <= 1 ? capture(name, &block) : capture(name, options, html_options, &block)
          link_to(name, options, html_options)

      # Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using a URL created by the set of
      # +options+ if +condition+ is true, in which case only the name is
      # returned. To specialize the default behavior, you can pass a block that
      # accepts the name or the full argument list for +link_to_unless+ (see the examples
      # in +link_to_unless+).
      # ==== Examples
      #   <%= link_to_if(@current_user.nil?, "Login", { :controller => "sessions", :action => "new" }) %>
      #   # If the user isn't logged in...
      #   # => <a href="/sessions/new/">Login</a>
      #   <%=
      #      link_to_if(@current_user.nil?, "Login", { :controller => "sessions", :action => "new" }) do
      #        link_to(@current_user.login, { :controller => "accounts", :action => "show", :id => @current_user })
      #      end
      #   %>
      #   # If the user isn't logged in...
      #   # => <a href="/sessions/new/">Login</a>
      #   # If they are logged in...
      #   # => <a href="/accounts/show/3">my_username</a>
      def link_to_if(condition, name, options = {}, html_options = {}, &block)
        link_to_unless !condition, name, options, html_options, &block

      # Creates a mailto link tag to the specified +email_address+, which is
      # also used as the name of the link unless +name+ is specified. Additional
      # HTML attributes for the link can be passed in +html_options+.
      # +mail_to+ has several methods for hindering email harvesters and customizing
      # the email itself by passing special keys to +html_options+.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:encode</tt> - This key will accept the strings "javascript" or "hex".
      #   Passing "javascript" will dynamically create and encode the mailto link then
      #   eval it into the DOM of the page. This method will not show the link on
      #   the page if the user has JavaScript disabled. Passing "hex" will hex
      #   encode the +email_address+ before outputting the mailto link.
      # * <tt>:replace_at</tt> - When the link +name+ isn't provided, the
      #   +email_address+ is used for the link label. You can use this option to
      #   obfuscate the +email_address+ by substituting the @ sign with the string
      #   given as the value.
      # * <tt>:replace_dot</tt> - When the link +name+ isn't provided, the
      #   +email_address+ is used for the link label. You can use this option to
      #   obfuscate the +email_address+ by substituting the . in the email with the
      #   string given as the value.
      # * <tt>:subject</tt> - Preset the subject line of the email.
      # * <tt>:body</tt> - Preset the body of the email.
      # * <tt>:cc</tt> - Carbon Copy addition recipients on the email.
      # * <tt>:bcc</tt> - Blind Carbon Copy additional recipients on the email.
      # ==== Examples
      #   mail_to "me@domain.com"
      #   # => <a href="mailto:me@domain.com">me@domain.com</a>
      #   mail_to "me@domain.com", "My email", :encode => "javascript"
      #   # => <script type="text/javascript">eval(decodeURIComponent('%64%6f%63...%27%29%3b'))</script>
      #   mail_to "me@domain.com", "My email", :encode => "hex"
      #   # => <a href="mailto:%6d%65@%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e.%63%6f%6d">My email</a>
      #   mail_to "me@domain.com", nil, :replace_at => "_at_", :replace_dot => "_dot_", :class => "email"
      #   # => <a href="mailto:me@domain.com" class="email">me_at_domain_dot_com</a>
      #   mail_to "me@domain.com", "My email", :cc => "ccaddress@domain.com",
      #            :subject => "This is an example email"
      #   # => <a href="mailto:me@domain.com?cc=ccaddress@domain.com&subject=This%20is%20an%20example%20email">My email</a>
      def mail_to(email_address, name = nil, html_options = {})
        email_address = html_escape(email_address)

        html_options = html_options.stringify_keys
        encode = html_options.delete("encode").to_s

        extras = %w{ cc bcc body subject }.map { |item|
          option = html_options.delete(item) || next
          "#{item}=#{Rack::Utils.escape(option).gsub("+", "%20")}"
        extras = extras.empty? ? '' : '?' + html_escape(extras.join('&'))

        email_address_obfuscated = email_address.dup
        email_address_obfuscated.gsub!(/@/, html_options.delete("replace_at")) if html_options.key?("replace_at")
        email_address_obfuscated.gsub!(/\./, html_options.delete("replace_dot")) if html_options.key?("replace_dot")

        string = ''

        if encode == "javascript"
          "document.write('#{content_tag("a", name || email_address_obfuscated.html_safe, html_options.merge("href" => "mailto:#{email_address}#{extras}".html_safe))}');".each_byte do |c|
            string << sprintf("%%%x", c)
          "<script type=\"#{Mime::JS}\">eval(decodeURIComponent('#{string}'))</script>".html_safe
        elsif encode == "hex"
          email_address_encoded = ''
          email_address_obfuscated.each_byte do |c|
            email_address_encoded << sprintf("&#%d;", c)

          protocol = 'mailto:'
          protocol.each_byte { |c| string << sprintf("&#%d;", c) }

          email_address.each_byte do |c|
            char = c.chr
            string << (char =~ /\w/ ? sprintf("%%%x", c) : char)
          content_tag "a", name || email_address_encoded.html_safe, html_options.merge("href" => "#{string}#{extras}".html_safe)
          content_tag "a", name || email_address_obfuscated.html_safe, html_options.merge("href" => "mailto:#{email_address}#{extras}".html_safe)

      # True if the current request URI was generated by the given +options+.
      # ==== Examples
      # Let's say we're in the <tt>/shop/checkout?order=desc</tt> action.
      #   current_page?(:action => 'process')
      #   # => false
      #   current_page?(:controller => 'shop', :action => 'checkout')
      #   # => true
      #   current_page?(:controller => 'shop', :action => 'checkout', :order => 'asc')
      #   # => false
      #   current_page?(:action => 'checkout')
      #   # => true
      #   current_page?(:controller => 'library', :action => 'checkout')
      #   # => false
      # Let's say we're in the <tt>/shop/checkout?order=desc&page=1</tt> action.
      #   current_page?(:action => 'process')
      #   # => false
      #   current_page?(:controller => 'shop', :action => 'checkout')
      #   # => true
      #   current_page?(:controller => 'shop', :action => 'checkout', :order => 'desc', :page=>'1')
      #   # => true
      #   current_page?(:controller => 'shop', :action => 'checkout', :order => 'desc', :page=>'2')
      #   # => false
      #   current_page?(:controller => 'shop', :action => 'checkout', :order => 'desc')
      #   # => false
      #   current_page?(:action => 'checkout')
      #   # => true
      #   current_page?(:controller => 'library', :action => 'checkout')
      #   # => false
      def current_page?(options)
        unless request
          raise "You cannot use helpers that need to determine the current " \
                "page unless your view context provides a Request object " \
                "in a #request method"

        url_string = url_for(options)

        # We ignore any extra parameters in the request_uri if the
        # submitted url doesn't have any either.  This lets the function
        # work with things like ?order=asc
        if url_string.index("?")
          request_uri = request.fullpath
          request_uri = request.path

        if url_string =~ /^\w+:\/\//
          url_string == "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}#{request_uri}"
          url_string == request_uri

        def convert_options_to_data_attributes(options, html_options)
          if html_options.nil?
            link_to_remote_options?(options) ? {'data-remote' => 'true'} : {}
            html_options = html_options.stringify_keys
            html_options['data-remote'] = 'true' if link_to_remote_options?(options) || link_to_remote_options?(html_options)

            confirm = html_options.delete('confirm')
            method  = html_options.delete('method')

            add_confirm_to_attributes!(html_options, confirm) if confirm
            add_method_to_attributes!(html_options, method)   if method


        def link_to_remote_options?(options)
          options.is_a?(Hash) && options.key?('remote') && options.delete('remote')

        def add_confirm_to_attributes!(html_options, confirm)
          html_options["data-confirm"] = confirm if confirm

        def add_method_to_attributes!(html_options, method)
          html_options["rel"] = "nofollow" if method && method.to_s.downcase != "get"
          html_options["data-method"] = method if method

        def options_for_javascript(options)
          if options.empty?
            "{#{options.keys.map { |k| "#{k}:#{options[k]}" }.sort.join(', ')}}"

        def array_or_string_for_javascript(option)
          if option.kind_of?(Array)
          elsif !option.nil?

        # Processes the +html_options+ hash, converting the boolean
        # attributes from true/false form into the form required by
        # HTML/XHTML.  (An attribute is considered to be boolean if
        # its name is listed in the given +bool_attrs+ array.)
        # More specifically, for each boolean attribute in +html_options+
        # given as:
        #   "attr" => bool_value
        # if the associated +bool_value+ evaluates to true, it is
        # replaced with the attribute's name; otherwise the attribute is
        # removed from the +html_options+ hash.  (See the XHTML 1.0 spec,
        # section 4.5 "Attribute Minimization" for more:
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#h-4.5)
        # Returns the updated +html_options+ hash, which is also modified
        # in place.
        # Example:
        #   convert_boolean_attributes!( html_options,
        #                                %w( checked disabled readonly ) )
        def convert_boolean_attributes!(html_options, bool_attrs)
          bool_attrs.each { |x| html_options[x] = x if html_options.delete(x) }