path: root/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/routes/_table.html.erb
blob: 323873ba4b10c0b2acfd515280bfc4913793d2fc (plain) (tree)

















<% content_for :style do %>
  #route_table {
    margin: 0 auto 0;
    border-collapse: collapse;

  #route_table td {
    padding: 0 30px;

  #route_table tr.bottom th {
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    line-height: 15px;

  #route_table .matched_paths {
    background-color: LightGoldenRodYellow;

  #route_table .matched_paths {
    border-bottom: solid 3px SlateGrey;

  #path_search {
    width: 80%;
    font-size: inherit;
<% end %>

<table id='route_table' class='route_table'>
      <th>HTTP Verb</th>
    <tr class='bottom'>
      <th><%# Helper %>
        <%= link_to "Path", "#", 'data-route-helper' => '_path',
                    title: "Returns a relative path (without the http or domain)" %> /
        <%= link_to "Url", "#", 'data-route-helper' => '_url',
                    title: "Returns an absolute url (with the http and domain)"   %>
      <th><%# HTTP Verb %>
      <th><%# Path %>
        <%= search_field(:path, nil, id: 'path_search', placeholder: "Path Match") %>
      <th><%# Controller#action %>
  <tbody class='matched_paths' id='matched_paths'>
    <%= yield %>

<script type='text/javascript'>
  function each(elems, func) {
    if (!elems instanceof Array) { elems = [elems]; }
    for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) {

  function setValOn(elems, val) {
    each(elems, function(elem) {
      elem.innerHTML = val;

  function onClick(elems, func) {
    each(elems, function(elem) {
      elem.onclick = func;

  // Enables functionality to toggle between `_path` and `_url` helper suffixes
  function setupRouteToggleHelperLinks() {
    var toggleLinks = document.querySelectorAll('#route_table [data-route-helper]');
    onClick(toggleLinks, function(){
      var helperTxt   = this.getAttribute("data-route-helper"),
          helperElems = document.querySelectorAll('[data-route-name] span.helper');
      setValOn(helperElems, helperTxt);

  // takes an array of elements with a data-regexp attribute and
  // passes their parent <tr> into the callback function
  // if the regexp matches a given path
  function eachElemsForPath(elems, path, func) {
    each(elems, function(e){
      var reg = e.getAttribute("data-regexp");
      if (path.match(RegExp(reg))) {

  // Ensure path always starts with a slash "/" and remove params or fragments
  function sanitizePath(path) {
    var path = path.charAt(0) == '/' ? path : "/" + path;
    return path.replace(/\#.*|\?.*/, '');

  // Enables path search functionality
  function setupMatchPaths() {
    var regexpElems     = document.querySelectorAll('#route_table [data-regexp]'),
        pathElem        = document.querySelector('#path_search'),
        selectedSection = document.querySelector('#matched_paths'),
        noMatchText     = '<tr><th colspan="4">None</th></tr>';

    // Remove matches if no path is present
    pathElem.onblur = function(e) {
      if (pathElem.value === "") selectedSection.innerHTML = "";

    // On key press perform a search for matching paths
    pathElem.onkeyup = function(e){
      var path        = sanitizePath(pathElem.value),
          defaultText = '<tr><th colspan="4">Paths Matching (' + path + '):</th></tr>';

      // Clear out results section
      selectedSection.innerHTML= defaultText;

      // Display matches if they exist
      eachElemsForPath(regexpElems, path, function(e){

      // If no match present, tell the user
      if (selectedSection.innerHTML === defaultText) {
        selectedSection.innerHTML = selectedSection.innerHTML + noMatchText;
