path: root/src/main.rs
diff options
authorHarald Eilertsen <haraldei@anduin.net>2019-05-08 18:23:29 +0200
committerHarald Eilertsen <haraldei@anduin.net>2019-05-08 18:30:46 +0200
commitbb7eb2da2918dcfdb9b5d672b4165449230c5532 (patch)
treedcc2de852e03796c90a01899a111dd2cd206d109 /src/main.rs
parent5c258209dc3f0c175d6338a3c658d7a8e01aedc0 (diff)
Create a unix socket server to check URLs.
Set up a simple unix domain socket server to handle requests to check if URLs are phishes or not.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main.rs')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
index 17f443b..d2198e1 100644
--- a/src/main.rs
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -16,8 +16,14 @@
use phisher;
use clap::{clap_app, crate_name, crate_authors, crate_version, crate_description};
-use std::fs::File;
-use std::io::BufReader;
+use std::boxed::Box;
+use std::error::Error;
+use std::fs::{ File, remove_file };
+use std::io::{ BufRead, BufReader, Write };
+use std::os::unix::net::{ UnixListener, UnixStream };
+use std::result::Result;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use std::thread;
use std::time::SystemTime;
fn main() {
@@ -32,13 +38,60 @@ fn main() {
let start_time = SystemTime::now();
let filename = args.value_of("PHISHTANK").unwrap();
if let Ok(file) = File::open(filename) {
- let tank = phisher::load_phistank(BufReader::new(file)).unwrap();
+ let tank = Arc::new(phisher::load_phistank(BufReader::new(file)).unwrap());
println!("Loaded {} phishes in {} seconds!",
+ match run_server(tank) {
+ Ok(_) => println!("Exiting."),
+ Err(e) => eprintln!("Received error: {}, terminating.", e.to_string())
+ };
else {
eprintln!("Could not open file {}.\nIs the filename correct?", filename);
+fn run_server(tank: Arc<phisher::PhishTank>) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
+ let listener = UnixListener::bind("/tmp/phisher")?;
+ for stream in listener.incoming() {
+ match stream {
+ Ok(stream) => {
+ let t = Arc::clone(&tank);
+ thread::spawn(move || handle_connection(stream, t));
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ eprintln!("Received error: {}", e.to_string());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(remove_file("/tmp/phisher")?)
+// Handle a connected client.
+// Once a client is connected, it can request the status of multiple
+// URLs before closing the connection. Each URL must be passed in on
+// a separate line, and the results are returned in the same order
+// as the URLs were passed in.
+fn handle_connection(mut stream: UnixStream, tank: Arc<phisher::PhishTank>) {
+ // Clone the stream so we get another ref to the underlying socket,
+ // then wrap it in a BufReader, so we can use read_line on it.
+ let mut bufreader = BufReader::new(stream.try_clone().unwrap());
+ loop {
+ let mut buffer = String::new();
+ bufreader.read_line(&mut buffer).unwrap();
+ if tank.is_phish(buffer.trim_end()) {
+ stream.write(b"it's a phish!\n").unwrap();
+ }
+ else {
+ stream.write(b"good url.\n").unwrap();
+ }
+ }