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authorHarald Eilertsen <>2017-08-28 14:03:48 +0200
committerHarald Eilertsen <>2017-08-28 14:03:48 +0200
commit7cacf1d169b2c86709f73976246396f83e295e8e (patch)
tree166aaccd337a17de275503ace6949a18a344385e /blog/_posts/en
parenta7c533ccc4eaa66e5d6314df762b87548dffa054 (diff)
Get rid of multiple-laguages plugin.
Move all posts to the regular _post directory, but under corresponding language subdirs. Also replace the generic pages with language specific ones. This should make the urls nicer and more coherent too. Finally, get rid of the "t"-translate tag. Will probably have to reintroduce a similar tag later, but for now, just hardcode norwegian labels.
Diffstat (limited to 'blog/_posts/en')
24 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
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+title: Bands for stage announced!
+It is our pleasure to finally announce the bands who get to play on our Norsk Urskog stage at the Inferno Metal Festival Opening day. Picking out the right bands has been extremely difficult, and the only fair solution would be to have all the participating bands play. That's not possible however, so we ended up with these three bands for this round:
+* Wyruz
+* Unspoken
+* Endolith
+More info about the bands follows:
+## Wyruz (Hamar)
+{% image "2014/wyruz-promo.jpg" alt:"Wyruz promo 2014" %}
+[Wyruz][1] from Hamar, Norway was founded in early 2002. They realeased a couple of demoes in 2003 ("Sleep when you're dead") and 2006 ("Your Angel"). Due to line-up changes, the band had a slow start and it wasn't until 2012 their first album, "Fire at Will" saw the light of day.
+The following year they did a string of one-off shows and embarked on "The Norwegian invasion - European tour" alongside the death metal kings in Blood Red Throne.
+With an obvious fascination for bands like Slayer and Death, their music is best described as a crossover between death- and trash metal.
+Wyruz's second full-lenght album is due to realease in late 2014 and the band promise to give you a taste of the new album at this years Inferno Festival!
+Todays line-up consists of : Kenneth Skårholen - Drums, Atle Johannessen Sjørengen- Bass, Vegar Larsen - Guitar/Vocal and Kim Nybakken - Guitar
+Wyruz band photo by: Magnus Eidem
+## Unspoken (Oslo)
+{% image "2014/unspoken-promo.jpg" alt:"Unspoken promo 2014" %}
+[Unspoken][2] from Oslo is a band width both feet firmly in the groovy, noncompromising death metal, painted intensely black. Their debut "Primal Revelation" from 2006, as well as their follow up "Requiem Aeternam Deo" from 2012 has received very good reviews from Norway as well as abroad. The band is hard at work with its next release, and is ready to unleash more anti-religious, sulphurous extrem metal of the fines kind upon the world.
+Unspoken anno 2014 is: Kent Are Sommerseth – Vocals, Julian Ofsdal Berg - Bass, Jostein Lien – Drums, Andreas Wærholm- Guitars and Lars Oskar Antonsen - Guitars
+You will see them at the Norsk Urskog stage at the opening day of the Inferno Metal Festival this easter!
+## Endolith (Tromsø)
+{% image "2014/endolith-promo.jpg" alt:"Endolith promo 2014" %}
+[Endolith][3] is a three-piece musical project based in Tromsø, Norway. Fusing detuned heavy grooves, unorthodox rythms, electronic elements, varied vocals and the occasional old-school reference, Endolith is as much inspired by 20th century
+philosopy and contemporary science as they are by a diverse selection of metal.
+Erling Malm (vocals, guitars, sequencing, samples and production), Roger Tunheim Jakobsen (drums) and Simon Theodorsen (lead vocals) create heavy music both inspired by arctic climates and long winters beyond the 70th parallel north, and the weighty ideas of great scientists and thinkers. Seeking to broaden the scope of what extreme music can represent. Endolith combine an academic and philanthtropic outlook with the appreciation of musicality and diverse expression, while still keeping its roots firmly planted in the world of heavy metal.
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+title: New location
+Due to DeVille's having to [close down for some time][1], we have moved the Norsk Urskog stage for the Inferno club day to [Internasjonalen][2] at Youngstorget. We'll get back with more info soon.
+[2]: \ No newline at end of file
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+title: Norsk Urskog visits Symphonium
+Harald paid a visit to the always great [Symphonium Metal Radio][1] to talk about this years edition of the Norsk Urskog Metal Sampler, and to introduce the bands playing on our stage during the [Inferno Metal Festival][2]. Tune in this sundayat 10pm for a healthy dose of metal and a bit of insight into what's up with Norsk Urskog.
+{% image "logos/Symphonium.jpg" alt:"Symphonium logo" %}
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+title: We're in the news!
+Eternal Terror checks in on [what's going on at the Norsk Urskog stage][1] at the Inferno Metal Festival club day. In Norwegian only, but drop by on the club day and I'll translate for you if you'd like!
+{% image "logos/ET-logo.jpg" alt:"Eternal Terror logo" %}
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+title: Revealing the cover
+We are happy to finally reveal the cover for Norsk Urskog Metal Sampler Vol 4, 2014!
+As always the front cover photo is taken by [Fotograf Løvberg][1], and the design and concept is by [Trine + Kim Design Studio][2].
+{% image "2014/NORSKURSKOG_front_cover.jpg" alt:"Nork Urskog 2014 cover" %}
+The Norsk Urskog Metal Sampler is handed out for free at the [Inferno Metal Festival][3] in Oslo and Switzerland, and showcases some of the talented bands that exists in the Norwegian underground metal scene.
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+title: The CD's have arrived!
+The CD's for this edition of Norsk Urskog arrived from the printing plant today! For once in due time for the Inferno Festival! It both looks and sounds as amazing as it should! Enjoy!
+{% image "2014/cds-arrived.jpg" alt:"The CD's" %}
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+title: Alt klart for konsert!
+Da er endelig dagen her, og Norsk Urskog blir for første gang å finne på en scene! Stedet å være i kveld er Internasjonalen på Youngstorget i Oslo! Møt opp, støtt den norske undergrunnen og få en sjanse til å se tre knallfete band før alle andre!
+## Wyruz
+Aggressiv og uptempo thrash metal fra Hamar. Disse karene har holdt på i en årrekke, men ga ut sitt debutalbum [Fire at Will][1] først i 2012. De har senere turnert Europa med bl.a. *Blood Red Throne* og *Inquested* i tillegg til å ha gjennomført en rekke enkeltstående konserter rundt i Norge.
+Forvent kjapp, aggressiv thrash metal som røsker i nakkemusklene!
+<embed src="//;version=3&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="315" width="560">
+## Unspoken
+Unspoken fra Oslo spiller mørk og seig dødmetall! På et mesterlig vis klarer de å kombinere et suggererende driv med harmonisk kompleksitet, noe som gir musikken både dybde og intensitet. De har gitt ut to album så langt, [Primal Revelation][2] i 2006 og [Requiem Aeternam Deo][3] i 2012.
+Forvent et mørkt og intenst live show med svovelstinkende og seig dødmetall.
+<embed src="//;version=3&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="315" width="560">
+## Endolith
+Strake veien fra Tromsø! Endolith spiller tung og groovy metal med innslag av mer moderne musikalske uttrykk. Referansene til band som Messhuggah er tydelig tilstede, men bruken av samples og elektronikk gir dem likefullt en unik nerve i musikken. Muligens det bandet som blir vanskeligst å bange i takt til denne kvelden, men vi skulle like å se den som ikke prøver!
+Forvent teknisk intrikat metall med tung groove og spenstige taktskifter.
+<embed src="//;version=3&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="315" width="560">
+Vi sees på Internasjonalen i kveld!
+[3]: \ No newline at end of file
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+title: Thanks!
+**Thank you very much** to the bands, the crew, the volunteers, the drivers, the amazing audience and everyone that helped make the live debut of the Norsk Urskog concept such a great success! All three bands kicked ass and the atmosphere was amazing! We hope we can do this again next year!
+And to everyone that missed yesterdays performance, we hope you still got the CD's in your goodie bags and will give it a listen. The undergound is strong and thriving, and we think everyone should find at least something they like among the 15 bands on this edition.
+**Thank you, and see you around on the festival!**
+## Endolith
+{% image "2014/endolith-live.jpg" alt:"Endolith Live" %}
+## Unspoken
+{% image "2014/unspoken-live.jpg" alt:"Unspoken Live" %}
+## Wyruz
+{% image "2014/wyruz-live.jpg" alt:"Wyruz Live" %}
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+title: Interview
+Here's a short interview about Norsk Urskog, and some short clips from the bands that performed on our stage at the Inferno club day:
+<embed src="//;hl=nb_NO&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="315" width="560"> \ No newline at end of file
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+title: Norsk Urskog 2016
+ - 2016
+Just a quick note to let you know that we are aiming for another release of Norsk Urskog for 2016! We're still very early in the planning, so we can't say much more than that. We do hope we can update you with some exciting news during the fall. We'll keep you updated on progress as we go.
+We're really looking forward to another deep dive into the Norwegian metal underground!
+Best regards<br>
+The Norsk Urskog team! \ No newline at end of file
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+title: Norsk Urskog moves to Negative Vibe Records!
+ - Negative Vibe Records
+Since our previous label Calculated Imperfection will be decommissioned, we needed a new home and a new label for the project. [Negative Vibe Records][1] was our first choice, and luckily they wanted to have us. We are extremely pleased that they will help us with the future releases of Norsk Urskog. Their roots, enthusiasm and work within the norwegian underground metal scene fits well with the goals for Norsk Urskog.
+{% image logos/nvr_logo_web_430.png alt:"Negative Vibe Records Logo" class:center %}
+As for the project itself, or the bands that participate, not much will change. We are still an independent project strongly focused at promoting bands from the norwegian underground scene, and showcasing the quality and diversity of the scene. The project will still be run by the same people that has always been behind it, but Negative Vibe will help us out whenever we need the support of a label.
+We are really looking forward to this cooperation!
+If you havent already, check out Negative Vibe on [web][1], [SoundCloud][2], [YouTube][3], [Twitter][4] or [Facebook][5].
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+title: New webpages
+We have upgraded our webpages a bit. Some things are still missing, but we hope to get all the content from the old pages over soon. We hope the new pages will prove to be easier to use and faster than the old ones.
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+title: Norsk Urskog at Trondheim Metal Fest
+ - Trondheim Metal Fest
+Norsk Urskog is present on Inferno's stand during [Trondheim Metal Fest][1]!
+Drop by and say hello to Liz, and be sure to pick up a copy of the previous edition of the Norsk Urskog Metal Sampler.
+{% image 2015/TMFStand.jpg alt:"Inferno's stand at Trondheim Metal Fest" %}
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+title: Trine and Kim designs cover!
+ - 2016
+ - Trine og Kim
+{% image logos/tkds_logo.png class:right %}
+We are super happy to announce that our friends from [Trine + Kim Design Studio]( will be designing the cover for the next release of Norsk Urskog Metal Sampler. Trine and Kim have designed all of the Norsk Urskog covers since 2010, so we are very happy that they still want to take part in our project. Besides Norsk Urskog the design duo has produced covers for a huge number of CD's, books as well as other material which you can see on their website: [](
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+title: Registrations open!
+ - 2016
+ - registration
+We're finally ready to begin registering bands for the next edition of Norsk Urskog Metal Sampler. Click the link to the [registration form][] here or in the menu above, and we're ready to rock! The form is Norwegian only for now.
+If you have any problems with the form, or just have questions about the project, please don't hesitate to get in [contact with us](
+The cost per track for 2016 will be NOK 2000,-, this is a bit more than the previous release, due to going way under budget for that release. Norsk Urskog is not a for-profit project, but we can't afford to loose too much money on each release either.
+We will print somewhere between 2500 and 3000 copies of this edition, which we will distribute to the bands, press, promoters and general audience at the Inferno Metal Festival in Oslo in the easter of 2016.
+We're really looking forward to get to know some new and completely unknown bands as well as some old acquaintances for the next release!
+[registration form]:
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+title: Inspecting new venue
+{% image 2015/befaring.jpg magick:resize:590x %}
+**Norsk Urskog** and **Inferno** inspecting our new venue to be ready to the festival. Here we're working hard to meet the deadline. More news to come soon, so stay tuned!
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+title: Interview in Eternal Terror
+- 2016
+- Eternal-Terror
+- Press
+Eternal Terror has written a small piece about ut, and interviews Harald about the project.
+[Read it over at Eternal Terror]( (Norwegian only)!
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+title: Registrations closed
+ - 2016
+Registrations for **Norsk Urskog Metal Sampler 2016** are now closed. We can inform everyone that we have a CD filled to the brim with metal in all subgenres! We are really looking forward to presenting this CD at the Inferno Metal Festival!
+Thanks a lot to all the bands that has shown their support, and joined us for this release. The genre spectrum is wide as always, but the quality of all the contributions are solid as rock! Once again the Norwegian underground scene shows that it is growing and evolving! We firmly beleive everyone should find some new bands that they like on this release!
+Now it's time to spin up the master, and focus on the concerts and promoting the release and the bands on it!
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+title: Tickets for concerts
+ - concerts
+The **[Norsk Urskog and Negative Vibes Label Night](/concerts/2016-03-15-sentralen-oslo.html)** event on March 15th at Sentralen will have an entrance fee of 50 NOK which will be payable at the door, cash only!
+We also remind you that this is an all ages show, so we are hoping to see as many of you as parents allow to join the event.
+**Lineup March 15:**
+* [Shot at Dawn](
+* [Disintegration](
+* [Grinding Fortune](
+For tickets to the [Inferno Club night](/concerts/2016-03-23-inferno-klubbkveld-oslo.html) March 23rd, you will need to have a Inferno club day pass. There will be no tickets at the door for the concert March 23rd!
+**Lineup March 23rd:**
+* [Atena](
+* [Shaving the Werewolf](
+* [Flukt](
+Note: Early concert start!
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+title: Norsk Urskog 2017 master sent to production!
+page-image: 2017/nu-2017-loudness.png
+**Norsk Urskog Metal Sampler Vol VI, 2017** is finally sent off to the production plant! Above is a screenshot of the loudness graph of the master.
+Perhaps that doesn't tell you much, but I can tell you this: It's *loud!* It's noisy! It's kicking ass! It's a bloddy hour and a quarter of the finest that the norwegian metal underground has to offer! We can't wait to reveal the participants of this years edition, there's some really great surprises and I'd be extremely surprised if you don't find anything you like here! Again we have bands spanning the entire kingdom, from the cities as well as the rural countryside, from the coast to the inner parts of the country, and this time also spanning in age from the old familiar farts to the very young and hopeful! I say this every time: _This is the best Norsk Urskog release yet!_ (They all are!)
+We can't wait to reveal this to the metal community!
+A huge thanks to the bands, to [DS Media] for their support and quick response, [Trine + Kim] for excellent design work, _Marta_ for always surprising when it comes to the front cover photo, and of course to the [Inferno Metal Festival] and [Turbine Agency] for supporting us and allowing us to do this! Also a big shoutout to the programmers behind the software we use to make this happen, in particular the [Ardour] project and [DDP Mastering Tools]!
+Last but not least, a huge thanks to everyone supporting the project in any way they can, and to everyone that supports the bands and keeps the underground alive! You are the true heroes!
+**Thank you!**
+The Norsk Urskog Team
+_Harald, Andrea, Liz_
+[DS Media]:
+[Trine + Kim]:
+[Inferno Metal Festival]:
+[Turbine Agency]:
+[DDP Mastering Tools]:
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+title: I Swear Damnation and Golden Core to Norsk Urskog release party
+ - I Swear Damnation
+ - Golden Core
+page-image: 2017/isweardamnation.jpg
+We are thrilled to announce that _I Swear Damnation_ (Hokksund, Norway) will do their first ever public performance at our [release party for Norsk Urskog Metal Sampler vol. VI][1]. Though the band is reasonably fresh, we're talkning about people with several years of experience from other bands such as _Funeral_, _Silent Vanquish_ and _Mindgrinder_.
+Expect a solid dose of death metal which is not afraid to borrow the good parts from either thrash or black metal as well! We firmly beleive this will kick some ass live!
+{% image bands/GoldenCoreLogo.jpg magick:resize:300x class:right %}
+We're also really happy that we have got hold of _Golden Core_ (Oslo, Norway), a brand new outfit with a really heavy sound! These guys are only 12 and 14 years old, but take on stoner/sludge metal like they were seasoned veterans! They've already garnered some live experience around Oslo, and has landed support gigs for Napalm Death!
+{% image 2017/golden-core-musikkens-dag-jjsandal.jpg magick:resize:590x %}
+One more band is yet to be announced, check back soon for the news!
+[1]: /concerts/2017-04-07-sentralen-oslo.html
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+title: Lineup complete for releaseparty
+page-image: 2017/devar_ronny_a_sangholt.jpg
+Finally we can reveal the final band for the [release party of Norsk Urskog Metal Sampler 2017][1]: [Devar] from Bergen is a band that's not afraid to make it's own path. Their unique sound inspired by everything from black metal to old prog, should make for an interesting performance we think. This evening they will do their first performance in seven years, and release their first single "House of Bones" from their upcoming release later this year. They have previously toured with the death metal legends Master among others.
+_I Swear Damnation_ from Hokksund, and _Golden Core_ from Oslo will as previously announced, complete the lineup at Sentralen this first friday of April. We hope you will show up too, to sample a small part of what the norwegian underground metal scene has to offer.
+[1]: /concerts/2017-04-07-sentralen-oslo.html
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+title: Pictures from the release party
+ - I Swear Damnation
+ - Devar
+ - Golden Core
+ - Konsert
+page-image: 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_3982.jpg
+Here's a few shots from our release party at Sentralen, Oslo, april 7!
+All pictures by Andrea Chirulescu, please give credit if you use the pictures elsewhere.
+We'd also like to say a huge thanks to everyone that showed up, and to Sentralen, Oslo Municipality and the Inferno Metal Festival that has made it possible for us to do this show!
+And of course a big thanks to the bands that did an amazing job! Golden Core, Devar and I Swear Damnation. We will definitely hear more from these bands in the future!
+## Golden Core
+Check out Golden Core om their [website](!
+{% img 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_3978.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_4162.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_4216.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_4277.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_4358.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_3982.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_4184.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_4227.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_4288.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_4113.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_4194.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_4231.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/goldencore/IKC_4295.jpg %}
+## Devar
+Check out Devar on their [website](!
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4390.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4403.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4455.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4466.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4481.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4513.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4517.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4532.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4550.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4564.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4583.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4608.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4615.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4640.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/devar/IKC_4666.jpg %}
+## I Swear Damnation
+Check out I Swear Damnation on their [website](!
+{% img 2017/slippfest/isweardamnation/IKC_4688.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/isweardamnation/IKC_4698.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/isweardamnation/IKC_4743.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/isweardamnation/IKC_4750.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/isweardamnation/IKC_4788.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/isweardamnation/IKC_4803.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/isweardamnation/IKC_4811.jpg %}
+{% img 2017/slippfest/isweardamnation/IKC_4839.jpg %}
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+title: Norsk Urskog on Discover Norway Podcast
+ - media
+page-image: 2017/discover-norway-logo.jpg
+Norsk Urskog was featured on the latest edition of the [*Discover Norway* podcast](, a podcast dedicated to discovering and promoting new norwegian metal. A pretty perfect match, since that's exactly what Norsk Urskog is about too! A big thanks to Kristoffer for promoting the bands on the podcast! Take a listen to the podcast below, or check out their [channel on youtube](
+The bands featured in this edition is:
+* Istårn
+* Dual Revival
+* Syrefest
+* The Tidy Hobos
+* I Swear Damnation
+* Molluscum
+* Veislakt
+* Svart Lotus
+* Forbidden Forest
+* Blastered
+* Slaamaskin
+* Vecordious
+* Darkenized
+* Devar
+{% youtube A97dravQu6Q %}
+If you want to have your band checked out by Kristoffer for the podcast, contact him at [](