path: root/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/advanced-features
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-Objects {#advanced.features.objects}
-Smarty allows access to PHP [objects](&url.php-manual;object) through
-the templates.
-> **Note**
-> When you assign/register objects to templates, be sure that all
-> properties and methods accessed from the template are for presentation
-> purposes only. It is very easy to inject application logic through
-> objects, and this leads to poor designs that are difficult to manage.
-> See the Best Practices section of the Smarty website.
-There are two ways to access them.
-- One way is to [register objects](#api.register.object) to the
- template, then use access them via syntax similar to [custom
- functions](#language.custom.functions).
-- The other way is to [`assign()`](#api.assign) objects to the
- templates and access them much like any other assigned variable.
-The first method has a much nicer template syntax. It is also more
-secure, as a registered object can be restricted to certain methods or
-properties. However, **a registered object cannot be looped over or
-assigned in arrays of objects**, etc. The method you choose will be
-determined by your needs, but use the first method whenever possible to
-keep template syntax to a minimum.
-If security is enabled, no private methods or functions can be accessed
-(beginningwith \'\_\'). If a method and property of the same name exist,
-the method will be used.
-You can restrict the methods and properties that can be accessed by
-listing them in an array as the third registration parameter.
-By default, parameters passed to objects through the templates are
-passed the same way [custom functions](#language.custom.functions) get
-them. An associative array is passed as the first parameter, and the
-smarty object as the second. If you want the parameters passed one at a
-time for each argument like traditional object parameter passing, set
-the fourth registration parameter to FALSE.
-The optional fifth parameter has only effect with `format` being TRUE
-and contains a list of methods that should be treated as blocks. That
-means these methods have a closing tag in the template
-(`{foobar->meth2}...{/foobar->meth2}`) and the parameters to the methods
-have the same synopsis as the parameters for
-[`block-function-plugins`](#plugins.block.functions): They get the four
-parameters `$params`, `$content`, `$smarty` and `&$repeat` and they also
-behave like block-function-plugins.
- <?php
- // the object
- class My_Object {
- function meth1($params, $smarty_obj) {
- return 'this is my meth1';
- }
- }
- $myobj = new My_Object;
- // registering the object (will be by reference)
- $smarty->registerObject('foobar',$myobj);
- // if we want to restrict access to certain methods or properties, list them
- $smarty->registerObject('foobar',$myobj,array('meth1','meth2','prop1'));
- // if you want to use the traditional object parameter format, pass a boolean of false
- $smarty->registerObject('foobar',$myobj,null,false);
- // We can also assign objects. assign_by_ref when possible.
- $smarty->assign_by_ref('myobj', $myobj);
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
-And here\'s how to access your objects in `index.tpl`:
- {* access our registered object *}
- {foobar->meth1 p1='foo' p2=$bar}
- {* you can also assign the output *}
- {foobar->meth1 p1='foo' p2=$bar assign='output'}
- the output was {$output}
- {* access our assigned object *}
- {$myobj->meth1('foo',$bar)}
-See also [`registerObject()`](#api.register.object) and
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-Output Filters {#advanced.features.outputfilters}
-When the template is invoked via [`display()`](#api.display) or
-[`fetch()`](#api.fetch), its output can be sent through one or more
-output filters. This differs from
-[`postfilters`](#advanced.features.postfilters) because postfilters
-operate on compiled templates before they are saved to the disk, whereas
-output filters operate on the template output when it is executed.
-Output filters can be either [registered](#api.register.filter) or
-loaded from the [plugins directory](#variable.plugins.dir) by using the
-[`loadFilter()`](#api.load.filter) method or by setting the
-[`$autoload_filters`](#variable.autoload.filters) variable. Smarty will
-pass the template output as the first argument, and expect the function
-to return the result of the processing.
- <?php
- // put this in your application
- function protect_email($tpl_output, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
- {
- $tpl_output =
- preg_replace('!(\S+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3}))!',
- '$1%40$2', $tpl_output);
- return $tpl_output;
- }
- // register the outputfilter
- $smarty->registerFilter("output","protect_email");
- $smarty->display("index.tpl');
- // now any occurrence of an email address in the template output will have
- // a simple protection against spambots
- ?>
-See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter),
-[postfilters](#advanced.features.postfilters) and
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-Postfilters {#advanced.features.postfilters}
-Template postfilters are PHP functions that your templates are ran
-through *after they are compiled*. Postfilters can be either
-[registered](#api.register.filter) or loaded from the [plugins
-directory](#variable.plugins.dir) by using the
-[`loadFilter()`](#api.load.filter) function or by setting the
-[`$autoload_filters`](#variable.autoload.filters) variable. Smarty will
-pass the compiled template code as the first argument, and expect the
-function to return the result of the processing.
- <?php
- // put this in your application
- function add_header_comment($tpl_source, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
- {
- return "<?php echo \"<!-- Created by Smarty! -->\n\"; ?>\n".$tpl_source;
- }
- // register the postfilter
- $smarty->registerFilter('post','add_header_comment');
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
-The postfilter above will make the compiled Smarty template `index.tpl`
-look like:
- <!-- Created by Smarty! -->
- {* rest of template content... *}
-See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter),
-[outputfilters](#advanced.features.outputfilters), and
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-Prefilters {#advanced.features.prefilters}
-Template prefilters are PHP functions that your templates are ran
-through *before they are compiled*. This is good for preprocessing your
-templates to remove unwanted comments, keeping an eye on what people are
-putting in their templates, etc.
-Prefilters can be either [registered](#api.register.filter) or loaded
-from the [plugins directory](#variable.plugins.dir) by using
-[`loadFilter()`](#api.load.filter) function or by setting the
-[`$autoload_filters`](#variable.autoload.filters) variable.
-Smarty will pass the template source code as the first argument, and
-expect the function to return the resulting template source code.
-This will remove all the html comments in the template source.
- <?php
- // put this in your application
- function remove_dw_comments($tpl_source, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
- {
- return preg_replace("/<!--#.*-->/U",'',$tpl_source);
- }
- // register the prefilter
- $smarty->registerFilter('pre','remove_dw_comments');
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
-See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter),
-[postfilters](#advanced.features.postfilters) and
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-Security {#advanced.features.security}
-Security is good for situations when you have untrusted parties editing
-the templates eg via ftp, and you want to reduce the risk of system
-security compromises through the template language.
-The settings of the security policy are defined by properties of an
-instance of the Smarty\_Security class. These are the possible settings:
-- `$php_handling` determines how Smarty to handle PHP code embedded in
- templates. Possible values are:
- - Smarty::PHP\_PASSTHRU -\> echo PHP tags as they are
- - Smarty::PHP\_QUOTE -\> escape tags as entities
- - Smarty::PHP\_REMOVE -\> remove php tags
- - Smarty::PHP\_ALLOW -\> execute php tags
- The default value is Smarty::PHP\_PASSTHRU.
- If security is enabled the [`$php_handling`](#variable.php.handling)
- setting of the Smarty object is not checked for security.
-- `$secure_dir` is an array of template directories that are
- considered secure. [`$template_dir`](#variable.template.dir)
- concidered secure implicitly. The default is an empty array.
-- `$trusted_dir` is an array of all directories that are considered
- trusted. Trusted directories are where you keep php scripts that are
- executed directly from the templates with
- [`{include_php}`](#language.function.include.php). The default is an
- empty array.
-- `$trusted_uri` is an array of regular expressions matching URIs that
- are considered trusted. This security directive used by
- [`{fetch}`](#language.function.fetch) and
- [`{html_image}`](#language.function.html.image). URIs passed to
- these functions are reduced to `{$PROTOCOL}://{$HOSTNAME}` to allow
- simple regular expressions (without having to deal with edge cases
- like authentication-tokens).
- The expression `'#https?://.*smarty.net$#i'` would allow accessing
- the follwing URIs:
- - `http://smarty.net/foo`
- - `http://smarty.net/foo`
- - `http://www.smarty.net/foo`
- - `http://smarty.net/foo`
- - `https://foo.bar.www.smarty.net/foo/bla?blubb=1`
- but deny access to these URIs:
- - `http://smarty.com/foo` (not matching top-level domain \"com\")
- - `ftp://www.smarty.net/foo` (not matching protocol \"ftp\")
- - `http://www.smarty.net.otherdomain.com/foo` (not matching end of
- domain \"smarty.net\")
-- `$static_classes` is an array of classes that are considered
- trusted. The default is an empty array which allows access to all
- static classes. To disable access to all static classes set
- \$static\_classes = null.
-- `$php_functions` is an array of PHP functions that are considered
- trusted and can be used from within template. To disable access to
- all PHP functions set \$php\_functions = null. An empty array (
- \$php\_functions = array() ) will allow all PHP functions. The
- default is array(\'isset\', \'empty\', \'count\', \'sizeof\',
- \'in\_array\', \'is\_array\',\'time\',\'nl2br\').
-- `$php_modifiers` is an array of PHP functions that are considered
- trusted and can be used from within template as modifier. To disable
- access to all PHP modifier set \$php\_modifier = null. An empty
- array ( \$php\_modifier = array() ) will allow all PHP functions.
- The default is array(\'escape\',\'count\').
-- `$streams` is an array of streams that are considered trusted and
- can be used from within template. To disable access to all streams
- set \$streams = null. An empty array ( \$streams = array() ) will
- allow all streams. The default is array(\'file\').
-- `$allowed_modifiers` is an array of (registered / autoloaded)
- modifiers that should be accessible to the template. If this array
- is non-empty, only the herein listed modifiers may be used. This is
- a whitelist.
-- `$disabled_modifiers` is an array of (registered / autoloaded)
- modifiers that may not be accessible to the template.
-- `$allowed_tags` is a boolean flag which controls if constants can
- function-, block and filter plugins that should be accessible to the
- template. If this array is non-empty, only the herein listed
- modifiers may be used. This is a whitelist.
-- `$disabled_tags` is an array of (registered / autoloaded) function-,
- block and filter plugins that may not be accessible to the template.
-- `$allow_constants` is a boolean flag which controls if constants can
- be accessed by the template. The default is \"true\".
-- `$allow_super_globals` is a boolean flag which controls if the PHP
- super globals can be accessed by the template. The default is
- \"true\".
-- `$allow_php_tag` is a boolean flag which controls if {php} and
- {include\_php} tags can be used by the template. The default is
- \"false\".
-If security is enabled, no private methods, functions or properties of
-static classes or assigned objects can be accessed (beginningwith
-\'\_\') by the template.
-To customize the security policy settings you can extend the
-Smarty\_Security class or create an instance of it.
- <?php
- require 'Smarty.class.php';
- class My_Security_Policy extends Smarty_Security {
- // disable all PHP functions
- public $php_functions = null;
- // remove PHP tags
- public $php_handling = Smarty::PHP_REMOVE;
- // allow everthing as modifier
- public $php_modifiers = array();
- }
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- // enable security
- $smarty->enableSecurity('My_Security_Policy');
- ?>
- <?php
- require 'Smarty.class.php';
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $my_security_policy = new Smarty_Security($smarty);
- // disable all PHP functions
- $my_security_policy->php_functions = null;
- // remove PHP tags
- $my_security_policy->php_handling = Smarty::PHP_REMOVE;
- // allow everthing as modifier
- $my_security_policy->php_modifiers = array();
- // enable security
- $smarty->enableSecurity($my_security_policy);
- ?>
- <?php
- require 'Smarty.class.php';
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- // enable default security
- $smarty->enableSecurity();
- ?>
-> **Note**
-> Most security policy settings are only checked when the template gets
-> compiled. For that reasion you should delete all cached and compiled
-> template files when you change your security settings.
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-Static Classes {#advanced.features.static.classes}
-You can directly access static classes. The syntax is the same as in
-> **Note**
-> Direct access to PHP classes is not recommended. This ties the
-> underlying application code structure directly to the presentation,
-> and also complicates template syntax. It is recommended to register
-> plugins which insulate templates from PHP classes/objects. Use at your
-> own discretion. See the Best Practices section of the Smarty website.
- {assign var=foo value=myclass::BAR} <--- class constant BAR
- {assign var=foo value=myclass::method()} <--- method result
- {assign var=foo value=myclass::method1()->method2} <--- method chaining
- {assign var=foo value=myclass::$bar} <--- property bar of class myclass
- {assign var=foo value=$bar::method} <--- using Smarty variable bar as class name
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-Streams {#advanced.features.streams}
-You can also use streams to call variables. *{\$foo:bar}* will use the
-*foo://bar* stream to get the template variable.
-Using a PHP stream for a template variable resource from within a
- {$foo:bar}
-See also [`Template Resources`](#resources)
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-Template Inheritance {#advanced.features.template.inheritance}
-Inheritance brings the concept of Object Oriented Programming to
-templates, allowing you to define one (or more) base templates that can
-be extended by child templates. Extending means that the child template
-can override all or some of the parent named block areas.
-- The inheritance tree can be as deep as you want, meaning you can
- extend a file that extends another one that extends another one and
- so on.
-- The child templates can not define any content besides what\'s
- inside [`{block}`](#language.function.block) tags they override.
- Anything outside of [`{block}`](#language.function.block) tags will
- be removed.
-- The content of [`{block}`](#language.function.block) tags from child
- and parent templates can be merged by the `append` or `prepend`
- [`{block}`](#language.function.block) tag option flags and
- `{$smarty.block.parent}` or `{$smarty.block.child}` placeholders.
-- Template inheritance is a compile time process which creates a
- single compiled template file. Compared to corresponding solutions
- based on subtemplates included with the
- [`{include}`](#language.function.include) tag it does have much
- better performance when rendering.
-- The child template extends its parent defined with the
- [`{extends}`](#language.function.extends) tag, which must be the
- first line in the child template. Instead of using the
- [`{extends}`](#language.function.extends) tags in the template files
- you can define the whole template inheritance tree in the PHP script
- when you are calling [`fetch()`](#api.fetch) or
- [`display()`](#api.display) with the `extends:` template resource
- type. The later provides even more flexibillity.
-> **Note**
-> When `$compile_check` is enabled, all files in the inheritance tree
-> are checked for modifications upon each invocation. You may want to
-> disable `$compile_check` on production servers for this reason.
-> **Note**
-> If you have a subtemplate which is included with
-> [`{include}`](#language.function.include) and it contains
-> [`{block}`](#language.function.block) areas it works only if the
-> [`{include}`](#language.function.include) itself is called from within
-> a surrounding [`{block}`](#language.function.block). In the final
-> parent template you may need a dummy
-> [`{block}`](#language.function.block) for it.
-layout.tpl (parent)
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>{block name=title}Default Page Title{/block}</title>
- {block name=head}{/block}
- </head>
- <body>
- {block name=body}{/block}
- </body>
- </html>
-myproject.tpl (child)
- {extends file='layout.tpl'}
- {block name=head}
- <link href="/css/mypage.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
- <script src="/js/mypage.js"></script>
- {/block}
-mypage.tpl (grandchild)
- {extends file='myproject.tpl'}
- {block name=title}My Page Title{/block}
- {block name=head}
- <link href="/css/mypage.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
- <script src="/js/mypage.js"></script>
- {/block}
- {block name=body}My HTML Page Body goes here{/block}
-To render the above use
- $smarty->display('mypage.tpl');
-The resulting output is
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>My Page Title</title>
- <link href="/css/mypage.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
- <script src="/js/mypage.js"></script>
- </head>
- <body>
- My HTML Page Body goes here
- </body>
- </html>
-Instead of using [`{extends}`](#language.function.extends) tags in the
-template files you can define the inheritance tree in your PHP script by
-using the [`extends:` resource](#resources.extends) type.
-The code below will return same result as the example above.
- <?php
- $smarty->display('extends:layout.tpl|myproject.tpl|mypage.tpl');
- ?>
-See also [`{block}`](#language.function.block),
-[`{extends}`](#language.function.extends) and [`extends:`
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-Changing settings by template {#advanced.features.template.settings}
-Normally you configure the Smarty settings by modifying the
-[`Smarty class variables`](#api.variables). Furthermore you can register
-plugins, filters etc. with [`Smarty functions`](#api.functions).
-Modifications done to the Smarty object will be global for all
-However the Smarty class variables and functions can be accessed or
-called by induvidual template objects. Modification done to a template
-object will apply only for that template and its included subtemplates.
- <?php
- $tpl = $smarty->createTemplate('index.tpl);
- $tpl->cache_lifetime = 600;
- //or
- $tpl->setCacheLifetime(600);
- $smarty->display($tpl);
- ?>
- <?php
- $tpl = $smarty->createTemplate('index.tpl);
- $tpl->registerPlugin('modifier','mymodifier');
- $smarty->display($tpl);
- ?>