path: root/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/advanced-features/advanced-features-security.md
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diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/advanced-features/advanced-features-security.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/advanced-features/advanced-features-security.md
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+++ b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/advanced-features/advanced-features-security.md
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+Security {#advanced.features.security}
+Security is good for situations when you have untrusted parties editing
+the templates e.g. via ftp, and you want to reduce the risk of system
+security compromises through the template language.
+The settings of the security policy are defined by properties of an
+instance of the Smarty\_Security class. These are the possible settings:
+- `$secure_dir` is an array of template directories that are
+ considered secure. [`$template_dir`](#variable.template.dir)
+ considered secure implicitly. The default is an empty array.
+- `$trusted_dir` is an array of all directories that are considered
+ trusted. Trusted directories are where you keep php scripts that are
+ executed directly from the templates with
+ [`{insert}`](#language.function.insert.php). The default is an
+ empty array.
+- `$trusted_uri` is an array of regular expressions matching URIs that
+ are considered trusted. This security directive used by
+ [`{fetch}`](#language.function.fetch) and
+ [`{html_image}`](#language.function.html.image). URIs passed to
+ these functions are reduced to `{$PROTOCOL}://{$HOSTNAME}` to allow
+ simple regular expressions (without having to deal with edge cases
+ like authentication-tokens).
+ The expression `'#https?://.*smarty.net$#i'` would allow accessing
+ the following URIs:
+ - `http://smarty.net/foo`
+ - `http://smarty.net/foo`
+ - `http://www.smarty.net/foo`
+ - `http://smarty.net/foo`
+ - `https://foo.bar.www.smarty.net/foo/bla?blubb=1`
+ but deny access to these URIs:
+ - `http://smarty.com/foo` (not matching top-level domain \"com\")
+ - `ftp://www.smarty.net/foo` (not matching protocol \"ftp\")
+ - `http://www.smarty.net.otherdomain.com/foo` (not matching end of
+ domain \"smarty.net\")
+- `$static_classes` is an array of classes that are considered
+ trusted. The default is an empty array which allows access to all
+ static classes. To disable access to all static classes set
+ \$static\_classes = null.
+- `$php_functions` is an array of PHP functions that are considered
+ trusted and can be used from within template. To disable access to
+ all PHP functions set \$php\_functions = null. An empty array (
+ \$php\_functions = array() ) will allow all PHP functions. The
+ default is array(\'isset\', \'empty\', \'count\', \'sizeof\',
+ \'in\_array\', \'is\_array\',\'time\',\'nl2br\').
+- `$php_modifiers` is an array of PHP functions that are considered
+ trusted and can be used from within template as modifier. To disable
+ access to all PHP modifier set \$php\_modifier = null. An empty
+ array ( \$php\_modifier = array() ) will allow all PHP functions.
+ The default is array(\'escape\',\'count\').
+- `$streams` is an array of streams that are considered trusted and
+ can be used from within template. To disable access to all streams
+ set \$streams = null. An empty array ( \$streams = array() ) will
+ allow all streams. The default is array(\'file\').
+- `$allowed_modifiers` is an array of (registered / autoloaded)
+ modifiers that should be accessible to the template. If this array
+ is non-empty, only the herein listed modifiers may be used. This is
+ a whitelist.
+- `$disabled_modifiers` is an array of (registered / autoloaded)
+ modifiers that may not be accessible to the template.
+- `$allowed_tags` is a boolean flag which controls if constants can
+ function-, block and filter plugins that should be accessible to the
+ template. If this array is non-empty, only the herein listed
+ modifiers may be used. This is a whitelist.
+- `$disabled_tags` is an array of (registered / autoloaded) function-,
+ block and filter plugins that may not be accessible to the template.
+- `$allow_constants` is a boolean flag which controls if constants can
+ be accessed by the template. The default is \"true\".
+- `$allow_super_globals` is a boolean flag which controls if the PHP
+ super globals can be accessed by the template. The default is
+ \"true\".
+If security is enabled, no private methods, functions or properties of
+static classes or assigned objects can be accessed (beginning with
+\'\_\') by the template.
+To customize the security policy settings you can extend the
+Smarty\_Security class or create an instance of it.
+ <?php
+ require 'Smarty.class.php';
+ class My_Security_Policy extends Smarty_Security {
+ // disable all PHP functions
+ public $php_functions = null;
+ // allow everthing as modifier
+ public $php_modifiers = array();
+ }
+ $smarty = new Smarty();
+ // enable security
+ $smarty->enableSecurity('My_Security_Policy');
+ ?>
+ <?php
+ require 'Smarty.class.php';
+ $smarty = new Smarty();
+ $my_security_policy = new Smarty_Security($smarty);
+ // disable all PHP functions
+ $my_security_policy->php_functions = null;
+ // allow everthing as modifier
+ $my_security_policy->php_modifiers = array();
+ // enable security
+ $smarty->enableSecurity($my_security_policy);
+ ?>
+ <?php
+ require 'Smarty.class.php';
+ $smarty = new Smarty();
+ // enable default security
+ $smarty->enableSecurity();
+ ?>
+> **Note**
+> Most security policy settings are only checked when the template gets
+> compiled. For that reason you should delete all cached and compiled
+> template files when you change your security settings.