path: root/include
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include')
3 files changed, 19 insertions, 379 deletions
diff --git a/include/items.php b/include/items.php
index e380be488..fa46b62a1 100755
--- a/include/items.php
+++ b/include/items.php
@@ -2579,198 +2579,6 @@ function mail_store($arr) {
-function dfrn_deliver($owner,$contact,$atom, $dissolve = false) {
- $a = get_app();
- $idtosend = $orig_id = (($contact['dfrn_id']) ? $contact['dfrn_id'] : $contact['issued_id']);
- if($contact['duplex'] && $contact['dfrn_id'])
- $idtosend = '0:' . $orig_id;
- if($contact['duplex'] && $contact['issued_id'])
- $idtosend = '1:' . $orig_id;
- $rino = ((function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt')) ? 1 : 0);
- $rino_enable = get_config('system','rino_encrypt');
- if(! $rino_enable)
- $rino = 0;
-// $ssl_val = intval(get_config('system','ssl_policy'));
-// $ssl_policy = '';
-// switch($ssl_val){
-// $ssl_policy = 'full';
-// break;
-// $ssl_policy = 'self';
-// break;
-// default:
-// $ssl_policy = 'none';
-// break;
-// }
- $url = $contact['notify'] . '&dfrn_id=' . $idtosend . '&dfrn_version=' . DFRN_PROTOCOL_VERSION . (($rino) ? '&rino=1' : '');
- logger('dfrn_deliver: ' . $url);
- $xml = fetch_url($url);
- $curl_stat = $a->get_curl_code();
- if(! $curl_stat)
- return(-1); // timed out
- logger('dfrn_deliver: ' . $xml, LOGGER_DATA);
- if(! $xml)
- return 3;
- if(strpos($xml,'<?xml') === false) {
- logger('dfrn_deliver: no valid XML returned');
- logger('dfrn_deliver: returned XML: ' . $xml, LOGGER_DATA);
- return 3;
- }
- $res = parse_xml_string($xml);
- if((intval($res->status) != 0) || (! strlen($res->challenge)) || (! strlen($res->dfrn_id)))
- return (($res->status) ? $res->status : 3);
- $postvars = array();
- $sent_dfrn_id = hex2bin((string) $res->dfrn_id);
- $challenge = hex2bin((string) $res->challenge);
- $perm = (($res->perm) ? $res->perm : null);
- $dfrn_version = (float) (($res->dfrn_version) ? $res->dfrn_version : 2.0);
- $rino_allowed = ((intval($res->rino) === 1) ? 1 : 0);
- $page = (($owner['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY) ? 1 : 0);
- if($owner['page-flags'] == PAGE_PRVGROUP)
- $page = 2;
- $final_dfrn_id = '';
- if($perm) {
- if((($perm == 'rw') && (! intval($contact['writable'])))
- || (($perm == 'r') && (intval($contact['writable'])))) {
- q("update contact set writable = %d where id = %d limit 1",
- intval(($perm == 'rw') ? 1 : 0),
- intval($contact['id'])
- );
- $contact['writable'] = (string) 1 - intval($contact['writable']);
- }
- }
- if(($contact['duplex'] && strlen($contact['pubkey']))
- || ($owner['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY && strlen($contact['pubkey']))
- || ($contact['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_SHARING && strlen($contact['pubkey']))) {
- openssl_public_decrypt($sent_dfrn_id,$final_dfrn_id,$contact['pubkey']);
- openssl_public_decrypt($challenge,$postvars['challenge'],$contact['pubkey']);
- }
- else {
- openssl_private_decrypt($sent_dfrn_id,$final_dfrn_id,$contact['prvkey']);
- openssl_private_decrypt($challenge,$postvars['challenge'],$contact['prvkey']);
- }
- $final_dfrn_id = substr($final_dfrn_id, 0, strpos($final_dfrn_id, '.'));
- if(strpos($final_dfrn_id,':') == 1)
- $final_dfrn_id = substr($final_dfrn_id,2);
- if($final_dfrn_id != $orig_id) {
- logger('dfrn_deliver: wrong dfrn_id.');
- // did not decode properly - cannot trust this site
- return 3;
- }
- $postvars['dfrn_id'] = $idtosend;
- $postvars['dfrn_version'] = DFRN_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
- if($dissolve)
- $postvars['dissolve'] = '1';
- if((($contact['rel']) && ($contact['rel'] != CONTACT_IS_SHARING) && (! $contact['blocked'])) || ($owner['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY)) {
- $postvars['data'] = $atom;
- $postvars['perm'] = 'rw';
- }
- else {
- $postvars['data'] = str_replace('<dfrn:comment-allow>1','<dfrn:comment-allow>0',$atom);
- $postvars['perm'] = 'r';
- }
-// $postvars['ssl_policy'] = $ssl_policy;
- if($page)
- $postvars['page'] = $page;
- if($rino && $rino_allowed && (! $dissolve)) {
- $key = substr(random_string(),0,16);
- $data = bin2hex(aes_encrypt($postvars['data'],$key));
- $postvars['data'] = $data;
- logger('rino: sent key = ' . $key, LOGGER_DEBUG);
- if($dfrn_version >= 2.1) {
- if(($contact['duplex'] && strlen($contact['pubkey']))
- || ($owner['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY && strlen($contact['pubkey']))
- || ($contact['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_SHARING && strlen($contact['pubkey']))) {
- openssl_public_encrypt($key,$postvars['key'],$contact['pubkey']);
- }
- else {
- openssl_private_encrypt($key,$postvars['key'],$contact['prvkey']);
- }
- }
- else {
- if(($contact['duplex'] && strlen($contact['prvkey'])) || ($owner['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY)) {
- openssl_private_encrypt($key,$postvars['key'],$contact['prvkey']);
- }
- else {
- openssl_public_encrypt($key,$postvars['key'],$contact['pubkey']);
- }
- }
- logger('md5 rawkey ' . md5($postvars['key']));
- $postvars['key'] = bin2hex($postvars['key']);
- }
- logger('dfrn_deliver: ' . "SENDING: " . print_r($postvars,true), LOGGER_DATA);
- $xml = post_url($contact['notify'],$postvars);
- logger('dfrn_deliver: ' . "RECEIVED: " . $xml, LOGGER_DATA);
- $curl_stat = $a->get_curl_code();
- if((! $curl_stat) || (! strlen($xml)))
- return(-1); // timed out
- if(($curl_stat == 503) && (stristr($a->get_curl_headers(),'retry-after')))
- return(-1);
- if(strpos($xml,'<?xml') === false) {
- logger('dfrn_deliver: phase 2: no valid XML returned');
- logger('dfrn_deliver: phase 2: returned XML: ' . $xml, LOGGER_DATA);
- return 3;
- }
- if($contact['term_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
- logger("dfrn_deliver: $url back from the dead - removing mark for death");
- require_once('include/Contact.php');
- unmark_for_death($contact);
- }
- $res = parse_xml_string($xml);
- return $res->status;
* consume_feed - process atom feed and update anything/everything we might need to update
diff --git a/include/network.php b/include/network.php
index 99a0a8e2b..367e0df56 100644
--- a/include/network.php
+++ b/include/network.php
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ function fetch_url($url,$binary = false, &$redirects = 0, $timeout = 0, $accept_
@curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER,1);
- $a->set_curl_code(0);
+// $a->set_curl_code(0);
// don't let curl abort the entire application
// if it throws any errors.
@@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ function fetch_url($url,$binary = false, &$redirects = 0, $timeout = 0, $accept_
- $a->set_curl_code($http_code);
+// $a->set_curl_code($http_code);
$body = substr($s,strlen($header));
- $a->set_curl_headers($header);
+// $a->set_curl_headers($header);
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ function post_url($url,$params, $headers = null, &$redirects = 0, $timeout = 0)
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $prxusr);
- $a->set_curl_code(0);
+// $a->set_curl_code(0);
// don't let curl abort the entire application
// if it throws any errors.
@@ -195,10 +195,10 @@ function post_url($url,$params, $headers = null, &$redirects = 0, $timeout = 0)
- $a->set_curl_code($http_code);
+// $a->set_curl_code($http_code);
$body = substr($s,strlen($header));
- $a->set_curl_headers($header);
+// $a->set_curl_headers($header);
@@ -586,175 +586,6 @@ function webfinger($s, $debug = false) {
-function lrdd($uri, $debug = false) {
- $a = get_app();
- // default priority is host priority, host-meta first
- $priority = 'host';
- // All we have is an email address. Resource-priority is irrelevant
- // because our URI isn't directly resolvable.
- if(strstr($uri,'@')) {
- return(webfinger($uri));
- }
- // get the host meta file
- $host = @parse_url($uri);
- if($host) {
- $url = ((x($host,'scheme')) ? $host['scheme'] : 'http') . '://';
- $url .= $host['host'] . '/.well-known/host-meta' ;
- }
- else
- return array();
- logger('lrdd: constructed url: ' . $url);
- $xml = fetch_url($url);
- $headers = $a->get_curl_headers();
- if (! $xml)
- return array();
- logger('lrdd: host_meta: ' . $xml, LOGGER_DATA);
- if(! stristr($xml,'<xrd'))
- return array();
- $h = parse_xml_string($xml);
- if(! $h)
- return array();
- $arr = convert_xml_element_to_array($h);
- if(isset($arr['xrd']['property'])) {
- $property = $arr['crd']['property'];
- if(! isset($property[0]))
- $properties = array($property);
- else
- $properties = $property;
- foreach($properties as $prop)
- if((string) $prop['@attributes'] === 'http://lrdd.net/priority/resource')
- $priority = 'resource';
- }
- // save the links in case we need them
- $links = array();
- if(isset($arr['xrd']['link'])) {
- $link = $arr['xrd']['link'];
- if(! isset($link[0]))
- $links = array($link);
- else
- $links = $link;
- }
- // do we have a template or href?
- if(count($links)) {
- foreach($links as $link) {
- if($link['@attributes']['rel'] && attribute_contains($link['@attributes']['rel'],'lrdd')) {
- if(x($link['@attributes'],'template'))
- $tpl = $link['@attributes']['template'];
- elseif(x($link['@attributes'],'href'))
- $href = $link['@attributes']['href'];
- }
- }
- }
- if((! isset($tpl)) || (! strpos($tpl,'{uri}')))
- $tpl = '';
- if($priority === 'host') {
- if(strlen($tpl))
- $pxrd = str_replace('{uri}', urlencode($uri), $tpl);
- elseif(isset($href))
- $pxrd = $href;
- if(isset($pxrd)) {
- logger('lrdd: (host priority) pxrd: ' . $pxrd);
- $links = fetch_xrd_links($pxrd);
- return $links;
- }
- $lines = explode("\n",$headers);
- if(count($lines)) {
- foreach($lines as $line) {
- if((stristr($line,'link:')) && preg_match('/<([^>].*)>.*rel\=[\'\"]lrdd[\'\"]/',$line,$matches)) {
- return(fetch_xrd_links($matches[1]));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // priority 'resource'
- $html = fetch_url($uri);
- $headers = $a->get_curl_headers();
- logger('lrdd: headers=' . $headers, LOGGER_DEBUG);
- // don't try and parse raw xml as html
- if(! strstr($html,'<?xml')) {
- require_once('library/HTML5/Parser.php');
- try {
- $dom = HTML5_Parser::parse($html);
- } catch (DOMException $e) {
- logger('lrdd: parse error: ' . $e);
- }
- if(isset($dom) && $dom) {
- $items = $dom->getElementsByTagName('link');
- foreach($items as $item) {
- $x = $item->getAttribute('rel');
- if($x == "lrdd") {
- $pagelink = $item->getAttribute('href');
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(isset($pagelink))
- return(fetch_xrd_links($pagelink));
- // next look in HTTP headers
- $lines = explode("\n",$headers);
- if(count($lines)) {
- foreach($lines as $line) {
- // TODO alter the following regex to support multiple relations (space separated)
- if((stristr($line,'link:')) && preg_match('/<([^>].*)>.*rel\=[\'\"]lrdd[\'\"]/',$line,$matches)) {
- $pagelink = $matches[1];
- break;
- }
- // don't try and run feeds through the html5 parser
- if(stristr($line,'content-type:') && ((stristr($line,'application/atom+xml')) || (stristr($line,'application/rss+xml'))))
- return array();
- if(stristr($html,'<rss') || stristr($html,'<feed'))
- return array();
- }
- }
- if(isset($pagelink))
- return(fetch_xrd_links($pagelink));
- // If we haven't found any links, return the host xrd links (which we have already fetched)
- if(isset($links))
- return $links;
- return array();
// Given a host name, locate the LRDD template from that
@@ -1085,19 +916,20 @@ function scale_external_images($s, $include_link = true, $scale_replace = false)
$scaled = str_replace($scale_replace[0], $scale_replace[1], $mtch[2]);
$scaled = $mtch[2];
- $i = fetch_url($scaled);
+ $i = z_fetch_url($scaled);
$cache = get_config('system','itemcache');
if (($cache != '') and is_dir($cache)) {
$cachefile = $cache."/".hash("md5", $scaled);
- file_put_contents($cachefile, $i);
+ file_put_contents($cachefile, $i['body']);
// guess mimetype from headers or filename
- $type = guess_image_type($mtch[2],true);
+ $type = guess_image_type($mtch[2],$i['header']);
- if($i) {
- $ph = photo_factory($i, $type);
+ if($i['success']) {
+ $ph = photo_factory($i['body'], $type);
if($ph->is_valid()) {
$orig_width = $ph->getWidth();
$orig_height = $ph->getHeight();
diff --git a/include/photo/photo_driver.php b/include/photo/photo_driver.php
index 38210ba26..ba95266f9 100644
--- a/include/photo/photo_driver.php
+++ b/include/photo/photo_driver.php
@@ -473,19 +473,19 @@ abstract class photo_driver {
* @arg $fromcurl boolean Check Content-Type header from curl request
-function guess_image_type($filename, $fromcurl=false) {
+function guess_image_type($filename, $headers = '') {
logger('Photo: guess_image_type: '.$filename . ($fromcurl?' from curl headers':''), LOGGER_DEBUG);
$type = null;
- if ($fromcurl) {
+ if ($headers) {
$a = get_app();
- $headers=array();
- $h = explode("\n",$a->get_curl_headers());
+ $hdrs=array();
+ $h = explode("\n",$headers);
foreach ($h as $l) {
list($k,$v) = array_map("trim", explode(":", trim($l), 2));
- $headers[$k] = $v;
+ $hdrs[$k] = $v;
- if (array_key_exists('Content-Type', $headers))
- $type = $headers['Content-Type'];
+ if (array_key_exists('Content-Type', $hdrs))
+ $type = $hdrs['Content-Type'];
if (is_null($type)){
// FIXME!!!!