path: root/view/theme/diabook/js/jquery.mapquery.core.js
diff options
authorzottel <github@zottel.net>2012-05-07 09:11:45 +0200
committerzottel <github@zottel.net>2012-05-07 09:11:45 +0200
commita2ea560bf397902ce5608daabf101d0bcf813f13 (patch)
tree0f4020d6b86c65cc317739b8e562ea50801ec277 /view/theme/diabook/js/jquery.mapquery.core.js
parent3cd428152d8727b838565c462f91accd35204ce1 (diff)
parentc7f3e626d0bb141be86a8af6ffbe40768bc23069 (diff)
Merge remote branch 'upstream/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'view/theme/diabook/js/jquery.mapquery.core.js')
1 files changed, 1028 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/view/theme/diabook/js/jquery.mapquery.core.js b/view/theme/diabook/js/jquery.mapquery.core.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..606a343f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/theme/diabook/js/jquery.mapquery.core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1028 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2011 by MapQuery Contributors (see AUTHORS for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the MIT license.
+ * See https://github.com/mapquery/mapquery/blob/master/LICENSE for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+(function ($) {
+# jquery.mapquery.core.js
+The main MapQuery file. It contains the MapQuery constructor, the MapQuery.Map
+constructor and the MapQuery.Layer constructor.
+### *$('selector')*.`mapQuery([options])`
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: initialise MapQuery and associate it with
+the matched element
+**options** an object of key-value pairs with options for the map. Possible
+pairs are:
+ * **layers** (array of MapQuery.Layer *or* MapQuery.Layer): Either an array
+ * or a single layer that should be added to the map
+ * **center** ({position: [x,y], zoom: z(int), box: [llx,lly,urx,ury]}):
+ * Initially go to a certain location. At least one layer (in the `layers`
+ * option) needs to be specified.
+> Returns: $('selector') (jQuery object)
+We can initialise MapQuery without any options, or for instance pass in a layer
+object. The mapQuery function returns a jQuery object, to access the mapQuery object retrieve
+the 'mapQuery' data object.
+ var map = $('#map').mapQuery(); //create an empty map
+ var map = $('#map').mapQuery({layers:[{type:'osm'}]); //create a map with osm
+ var mq = map.data('mapQuery'); //get the MapQuery object
+ */
+$.MapQuery = $.MapQuery || {};
+The MapQuery.Map object. It is automatically constructed from the options
+given in the `mapQuery([options])` constructor. The Map object is refered
+to as _map_ in the documentation.
+ */
+$.MapQuery.Map = function(element, options) {
+ var self = this;
+ //If there are a maxExtent and a projection other than Spherical Mercator
+ //automagically set maxResolution if it is not set
+ //TODO smo 20110614: put maxExtent and maxResolution setting in the
+ //proper option building routine
+ if(options){
+ if(!options.maxResolution&&options.maxExtent&&options.projection){
+ options.maxResolution = (options.maxExtent[2]-options.maxExtent[0])/256;
+ }}
+ this.options = $.extend({}, new $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.map(), options);
+ this.element = element;
+ // TODO vmx 20110609: do proper options building
+ // TODO SMO 20110616: make sure that all projection strings are uppercase
+ // smo 20110620: you need the exact map options in the overviewmap widget
+ // as such we need to preserve them
+ this.olMapOptions = $.extend({}, this.options);
+ delete this.olMapOptions.layers;
+ delete this.olMapOptions.maxExtent;
+ delete this.olMapOptions.zoomToMaxExtent;
+ //TODO SMO20110630 the maxExtent is in mapprojection, decide whether or
+ //not we need to change it to displayProjection
+ this.maxExtent = this.options.maxExtent;
+ this.olMapOptions.maxExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
+ this.maxExtent[0],this.maxExtent[1],this.maxExtent[2],this.maxExtent[3]);
+ OpenLayers.Util.onImageLoadErrorColor = "transparent";
+ // create the OpenLayers Map
+ this.olMap = new OpenLayers.Map(this.element[0], this.olMapOptions);
+ //OpenLayers doesn't want to return a maxExtent when there is no baselayer
+ //set (eg on an empty map, so we create a fake baselayer
+ this.olMap.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer('fake', {baseLayer: true}));
+ // Keep IDs of vector layer for select feature control
+ this.vectorLayers = [];
+ this.selectFeatureControl = null;
+ // Counts up to create unique IDs
+ this.idCounter = 0;
+ element.data('mapQuery', this);
+ this.layersList = {};
+ // To bind and trigger jQuery events
+ this.events = $({});
+ // create triggers for all OpenLayers map events
+ var events = {};
+ $.each(this.olMap.EVENT_TYPES, function(i, evt) {
+ events[evt] = function() {
+ self.events.trigger(evt, arguments);
+ };
+ });
+ this.olMap.events.on(events);
+ // Add layers to the map
+ if (this.options.layers!==undefined) {
+ this.layers(this.options.layers);
+ // You can only go to some location if there were layers added
+ if (this.options.center!==undefined) {
+ this.center(this.options.center);
+ }
+ }
+ // zoom to the maxExtent of the map if no precise location was specified
+ if (this.options.zoomToMaxExtent && this.options.center===undefined) {
+ this.olMap.zoomToMaxExtent();
+ }
+$.MapQuery.Map.prototype = {
+ /**
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: get/set the layers of the map
+**options** an object of key-value pairs with options to create one or
+more layers
+>Returns: [layer] (array of MapQuery.Layer)
+The `.layers()` method allows us to attach layers to a mapQuery object. It takes
+an options object with layer options. To add multiple layers, create an array of
+layer options objects. If an options object is given, it will return the
+resulting layer(s). We can also use it to retrieve all layers currently attached
+to the map.
+ var osm = map.layers({type:'osm'}); //add an osm layer to the map
+ var layers = map.layers(); //get all layers of the map
+ */
+ layers: function(options) {
+ //var o = $.extend({}, options);
+ var self = this;
+ switch(arguments.length) {
+ case 0:
+ return this._allLayers();
+ case 1:
+ if (!$.isArray(options)) {
+ return this._addLayer(options);
+ }
+ else {
+ return $.map(options, function(layer) {
+ return self._addLayer(layer);
+ });
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw('wrong argument number');
+ }
+ },
+ // Returns all layers as an array, sorted by there order in the map. First
+ // element in the array is the topmost layer
+ _allLayers: function() {
+ var layers = [];
+ $.each(this.layersList, function(id, layer) {
+ var item = [layer.position(), layer];
+ layers.push(item);
+ });
+ var sorted = layers.sort( function compare(a, b) {
+ return a[0] - b[0];
+ });
+ var result = $.map(sorted, function(item) {
+ return item[1];
+ });
+ return result.reverse();
+ },
+ _addLayer: function(options) {
+ var id = this._createId();
+ var layer = new $.MapQuery.Layer(this, id, options);
+ this.layersList[id] = layer;
+ if (layer.isVector) {
+ this.vectorLayers.push(id);
+ }
+ this._updateSelectFeatureControl(this.vectorLayers);
+ this.events.trigger('mqAddLayer',layer);
+ return layer;
+ },
+ // Creates a new unique ID for a layer
+ _createId: function() {
+ return 'mapquery' + this.idCounter++;
+ },
+ _removeLayer: function(id) {
+ // remove id from vectorlayer if it is there list
+ this.vectorLayers = $.grep(this.vectorLayers, function(elem) {
+ return elem != id;
+ });
+ this._updateSelectFeatureControl(this.vectorLayers);
+ this.events.trigger('mqRemoveLayer',id);
+ delete this.layersList[id];
+ // XXX vmx: shouldn't the layer be destroyed() properly?
+ return this;
+ },
+ ###*map*.`center([options])`
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: get/set the extent, zoom and position of the map
+**position** the position as [x,y] in displayProjection (default EPSG:4326)
+to center the map at
+**zoom** the zoomlevel as integer to zoom the map to
+**box** an array with the lower left x, lower left y, upper right x,
+upper right y to zoom the map to,
+this will take precedent when conflicting with any of the above values
+**projection** the projection the coordinates are in, default is
+the displayProjection
+>Returns: {position: [x,y], zoom: z(int), box: [llx,lly,urx,ury]}
+The `.center()` method allows us to move to map to a specific zoom level,
+specific position or a specific extent. We can specify the projection of the
+coordinates to override the displayProjection. For instance you want to show
+the coordinates in 4326, but you have a dataset in EPSG:28992
+(dutch projection). We can also retrieve the current zoomlevel, position and
+extent from the map. The coordinates are returned in displayProjection.
+ var center = map.center(); //get the current zoom, position and extent
+ map.center({zoom:4}); //zoom to zoomlevel 4
+ map.center({position:[5,52]}); //pan to point 5,52
+ map.center(box:[-180,-90,180,90]); //zoom to the box -180,-900,180,90
+ //pan to point 125000,485000 in dutch projection
+ map.center({position:[125000,485000],projection:'EPSG:28992'});
+ */
+ center: function (options) {
+ var position;
+ var mapProjection;
+ // Determine source projection
+ var sourceProjection = null;
+ var zoom;
+ var box;
+ if(options && options.projection) {
+ sourceProjection = options.projection.CLASS_NAME ===
+ 'OpenLayers.Projection' ? options.projection :
+ new OpenLayers.Projection(options.projection);
+ } else {
+ var displayProjection = this.olMap.displayProjection;
+ if(!displayProjection) {
+ // source == target
+ sourceProjection = new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4326');
+ } else {
+ sourceProjection = displayProjection.CLASS_NAME ===
+ 'OpenLayers.Projection' ? displayProjection :
+ new OpenLayers.Projection(displayProjection);
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the current position
+ if (arguments.length===0) {
+ position = this.olMap.getCenter();
+ zoom = this.olMap.getZoom();
+ box = this.olMap.getExtent();
+ mapProjection = this.olMap.getProjectionObject();
+ if (!mapProjection.equals(sourceProjection)) {
+ position.transform(mapProjection, sourceProjection);
+ }
+ box.transform(mapProjection,sourceProjection);
+ box = box!==null ? box.toArray() : [];
+ return {
+ position: [position.lon, position.lat],
+ zoom: this.olMap.getZoom(),
+ box: box
+ };
+ }
+ // Zoom to the extent of the box
+ if (options.box!==undefined) {
+ mapProjection = this.olMap.getProjectionObject();
+ box = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
+ options.box[0], options.box[1],options.box[2], options.box[3]);
+ if (!mapProjection.equals(sourceProjection)) {
+ box.transform(sourceProjection,mapProjection);
+ }
+ this.olMap.zoomToExtent(box);
+ }
+ // Only zoom is given
+ else if (options.position===undefined) {
+ this.olMap.zoomTo(options.zoom);
+ }
+ // Position is given, zoom maybe as well
+ else {
+ position = new OpenLayers.LonLat(options.position[0],
+ options.position[1]);
+ mapProjection = this.olMap.getProjectionObject();
+ if (!mapProjection.equals(sourceProjection)) {
+ position.transform(sourceProjection, mapProjection);
+ }
+ // options.zoom might be undefined, so we are good to
+ // pass it on
+ this.olMap.setCenter(position, options.zoom);
+ }
+ },
+ _updateSelectFeatureControl: function(layerIds) {
+ var vectorLayers = [];
+ var layersList = this.layersList;
+ if (this.selectFeatureControl!==null) {
+ this.selectFeatureControl.deactivate();
+ this.selectFeatureControl.destroy();
+ }
+ $.each(layerIds, function() {
+ vectorLayers.push(layersList[this].olLayer);
+ });
+ this.selectFeatureControl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(
+ vectorLayers);
+ this.olMap.addControl(this.selectFeatureControl);
+ this.selectFeatureControl.activate();
+ },
+ bind: function() {
+ this.events.bind.apply(this.events, arguments);
+ },
+ one: function() {
+ this.events.one.apply(this.events, arguments);
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ this.olMap.destroy();
+ this.element.removeData('mapQuery');
+ }
+The MapQuery.Layer object. It is constructed with layer options object in the
+map.`layers([options])` function or by passing a `layer:{options}` object in
+the `mapQuery()` constructor. The Layer object is refered to as _layer_ in the
+ */
+$.MapQuery.Layer = function(map, id, options) {
+ var self = this;
+ // apply default options that are not specific to a layer
+ this.id = id;
+ this.label = options.label || this.id;
+ // a reference to the map object is needed as it stores e.g. the list
+ // of all layers (and we need to keep track of it, if we delete a
+ // layer)
+ this.map = map;
+ // true if this layer is a vector layer
+ this.isVector = false;
+ // to bind and trigger jQuery events
+ this.events = $({});
+ // create the actual layer based on the options
+ // Returns layer and final options for the layer (for later re-use,
+ // e.g. zoomToMaxExtent).
+ var res = $.MapQuery.Layer.types[options.type.toLowerCase()].call(
+ this, options);
+ this.olLayer = res.layer;
+ this.options = res.options;
+ // create triggers for all OpenLayers layer events
+ var events = {};
+ $.each(this.olLayer.EVENT_TYPES, function(i, evt) {
+ events[evt] = function() {
+ self.events.trigger(evt, arguments);
+ self.map.events.trigger(evt, arguments);
+ };
+ });
+ this.olLayer.events.on(events);
+ this.map.olMap.addLayer(this.olLayer);
+$.MapQuery.Layer.prototype = {
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: move the layer down in the layer stack of the map
+**delta** the amount of layers the layer has to move down in the layer
+stack (default 1)
+>Returns layer (MapQuery.Layer)
+The `.down()` method is a shortcut method for `.position(pos)` which makes
+it easier to move a layer down in the layerstack relative to its current
+position. It takes an integer and will try to move the layer down the number of
+places given. If delta is bigger than the current position in the stack, it
+will put the layer at the bottom.
+ layer.down(); //move layer 1 place down
+ layer.down(3); //move layer 3 places down
+ */
+ down: function(delta) {
+ delta = delta || 1;
+ var pos = this.position();
+ pos = pos - delta;
+ if (pos<0) {pos = 0;}
+ this.position(pos);
+ return this;
+ },
+ // NOTE vmx: this would be pretty cool, but it's not easily possible
+ // you could use $.each($.geojq.layer())) instead, this is for pure
+ // convenience.
+ each: function () {},
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: remove the layer from the map
+>Returns: id (string)
+The `.remove()` method allows us to remove a layer from the map.
+It returns an id to allow widgets to remove their references to the
+destroyed layer.
+ var id = layer.remove(); //remove this layer
+ */
+ remove: function() {
+ this.map.olMap.removeLayer(this.olLayer);
+ // remove references to this layer that are stored in the
+ // map object
+ return this.map._removeLayer(this.id);
+ },
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: get/set the `position` of the layer in the layer
+stack of the map
+**position** an integer setting the new position of the layer in the layer stack
+>Returns: position (integer)
+The `.position()` method allows us to change the position of the layer in the
+layer stack. It will take into account the hidden baselayer that is used by
+OpenLayers. The lowest layer is position 0. If no position is given, it will
+return the current postion.
+ var pos = layer.position(); //get position of layer in the layer stack
+ layer.position(2); //put layer on position 2 in the layer stack
+ */
+ position: function(pos) {
+ if (pos===undefined) {
+ return this.map.olMap.getLayerIndex(this.olLayer)-1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.map.olMap.setLayerIndex(this.olLayer, pos+1);
+ }
+ },
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: move the layer up in the layer stack of the map
+**delta** the amount of layers the layer has to move up in the layer
+stack (default 1)
+>Returns: layer (MapQuery.Layer)
+The `.up()` method is a shortcut method for `.position(pos)` which makes
+it easier to move a layer up in the layerstack relative to its current
+position. It takes an integer and will move the layer up the number of places
+ layer.up(); //move layer 1 place up
+ layer.up(3); //move layer 3 places up
+ up: function(delta) {
+ delta = delta || 1;
+ var pos = this.position();
+ pos = pos + delta;
+ this.position(pos);
+ return this;
+ },
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: get/set the `visible` state of the layer
+**visible** a boolean setting the visibiliyu of the layer
+>Returns: visible (boolean)
+The `.visible()` method allows us to change the visibility of the layer.
+If no visible is given, it will return the current visibility.
+ var vis = layer.visible(); //get the visibility of layer
+ layer.visible(true); //set visibility of layer to true
+ */
+ visible: function(vis) {
+ if (vis===undefined) {
+ return this.olLayer.getVisibility();
+ }
+ else {
+ this.olLayer.setVisibility(vis);
+ return this;
+ }
+ },
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: get/set the `opacity` of the layer
+**position** a float [0-1] setting the opacity of the layer
+>Returns: opacity (float)
+The `.opacity()` method allows us to change the opacity of the layer.
+If no opacity is given, it will return the current opacity.
+ var opac = layer.opacity(); //get opacity of layer
+ layer.opacity(0.7); //set opacity of layer to 0.7
+ */
+ opacity: function(opac) {
+ if (opac===undefined) {
+ // this.olLayer.opacity can be null if never
+ // set so return the visibility
+ var value = this.olLayer.opacity ?
+ this.olLayer.opacity : this.olLayer.getVisibility();
+ return value;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.olLayer.setOpacity(opac);
+ return this;
+ }
+ },
+ // every event gets the layer passed in
+ bind: function() {
+ this.events.bind.apply(this.events, arguments);
+ },
+ one: function() {
+ this.events.one.apply(this.events, arguments);
+ }
+$.fn.mapQuery = function(options) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var instance = $.data(this, 'mapQuery');
+ if (!instance) {
+ $.data(this, 'mapQuery', new $.MapQuery.Map($(this), options));
+ }
+ });
+$.extend($.MapQuery.Layer, {
+ types: {
+###*layer* `{type:bing}`
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: create a Bing maps layer
+**view** a string ['road','hybrid','satellite'] to define which Bing maps
+layer to use (default road)
+**key** Bing Maps API key for your application. Get you own at
+**label** string with the name of the layer
+ layers:[{
+ type:'bing', //create a bing maps layer
+ view:'satellite', //use the bing satellite layer
+ key:'ArAGGPJ16xm0RX' //the Bing maps API key
+ }]
+ bing: function(options) {
+ var o = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.all,
+ $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.bing,
+ options);
+ var view = o.view;
+ switch(view){
+ case 'road':
+ view = 'Road'; break;
+ case 'hybrid':
+ view = 'AerialWithLabels'; break;
+ case 'satellite':
+ view = 'Aerial'; break;
+ }
+ return {
+ layer: new OpenLayers.Layer.Bing({type:view,key:o.key}),
+ options: o
+ };
+ },
+ //Not sure this one is worth pursuing works with ecwp:// & jpip:// urls
+ //See ../lib/NCSOpenLayersECWP.js
+ ecwp: function(options) {
+ var o = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.all,
+ $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.raster,
+ options);
+ return {
+ layer: new OpenLayers.Layer.ECWP(o.label, o.url, o),
+ options: o
+ };
+ },
+###*layer* `{type:google}`
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: create a Google maps layer
+**view** a string ['road','hybrid','satellite'] to define which Google maps
+layer to use (default road)
+**label** string with the name of the layer
+*Note* you need to include the google maps v3 API in your application by adding
+`<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?v=3.5&amp;sensor=false"type="text/javascript"></script>`
+ layers:[{
+ type:'google', //create a google maps layer
+ view:'hybrid' //use the google hybridlayer
+ }]
+ google: function(options) {
+ var o = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.all,
+ $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.google,
+ options);
+ var view = o.view;
+ switch(view){
+ case 'road':
+ view = google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP; break;
+ case 'terrain':
+ view = google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN; break;
+ case 'hybrid':
+ view = google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID; break;
+ case 'satellite':
+ view = google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE; break;
+ }
+ return {
+ layer: new OpenLayers.Layer.Google({type:view}),
+ options: o
+ };
+ },
+###*layer* `{type:vector}`
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: create a vector layer
+**label** string with the name of the layer
+ layers:[{
+ type:'vector' //create a vector layer
+ }]
+ vector: function(options) {
+ var o = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.all,
+ $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.vector,
+ options);
+ this.isVector = true;
+ return {
+ layer: new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(o.label),
+ options: o
+ };
+ },
+###*layer* `{type:json}`
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: create a JSON layer
+**url** a string pointing to the location of the JSON data
+**strategies** a string ['bbox','cluster','filter','fixed','paging','refresh','save']
+stating which update strategy should be used (default fixed)
+(see also http://dev.openlayers.org/apidocs/files/OpenLayers/Strategy-js.html)
+**projection** a string with the projection of the JSON data (default EPSG:4326)
+**styleMap** {object} the style to be used to render the JSON data
+**label** string with the name of the layer
+ layers:[{
+ type: 'JSON',
+ url: 'data/reservate.json',
+ label: 'reservate'
+ }]
+ json: function(options) {
+ var o = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.all,
+ $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.vector,
+ options);
+ this.isVector = true;
+ var strategies = [];
+ for (var i in o.strategies) {
+ if(o.strategies.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ switch(o.strategies[i].toLowerCase()) {
+ case 'bbox':
+ strategies.push(new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX());
+ break;
+ case 'cluster':
+ strategies.push(new OpenLayers.Strategy.Cluster());
+ break;
+ case 'filter':
+ strategies.push(new OpenLayers.Strategy.Filter());
+ break;
+ case 'fixed':
+ strategies.push(new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed());
+ break;
+ case 'paging':
+ strategies.push(new OpenLayers.Strategy.Paging());
+ break;
+ case 'refresh':
+ strategies.push(new OpenLayers.Strategy.Refresh());
+ break;
+ case 'save':
+ strategies.push(new OpenLayers.Strategy.Save());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var protocol;
+ // only use JSONP if we use http(s)
+ if (o.url.match(/^https?:\/\//)!==null &&
+ !$.MapQuery.util.sameOrigin(o.url)) {
+ protocol = 'Script';
+ }
+ else {
+ protocol = 'HTTP';
+ }
+ var params = {
+ protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol[protocol]({
+ url: o.url,
+ format: new OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON()
+ }),
+ strategies: strategies,
+ projection: o.projection || 'EPSG:4326',
+ styleMap: o.styleMap
+ };
+ return {
+ layer: new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(o.label, params),
+ options: o
+ };
+ },
+###*layer* `{type:osm}`
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: create an OpenStreetMap layer
+**label** string with the name of the layer
+**url** A single URL (string) or an array of URLs to OSM-like server like
+**attribution** A string to put some attribution on the map
+ layers:[{
+ type: 'osm',
+ url: [
+ 'http://a.tile.cloudmade.com/<yourapikey>/999/256/${z}/${x}/${y}.png',
+ 'http://b.tile.cloudmade.com/<yourapikey>/999/256/${z}/${x}/${y}.png',
+ 'http://c.tile.cloudmade.com/<yourapikey>/999/256/${z}/${x}/${y}.png'
+ ],
+ attribution: "Data &copy; 2009 <a href='http://openstreetmap.org/'>
+ OpenStreetMap</a>. Rendering &copy; 2009
+ <a href='http://cloudmade.com'>CloudMade</a>."
+ }]
+ osm: function(options) {
+ var o = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.all,
+ $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.osm,
+ options);
+ var label = options.label || undefined;
+ var url = options.url || undefined;
+ return {
+ layer: new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM(label, url, o),
+ options: o
+ };
+ },
+###*layer* `{type:wms}`
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: create a WMS layer
+**url** a string pointing to the location of the WMS service
+**layers** a string with the name of the WMS layer(s)
+**format** a string with format of the WMS image (default image/jpeg)
+**transparent** a boolean for requesting images with transparency
+**label** string with the name of the layer
+ layers:[{
+ type:'wms',
+ url:'http://vmap0.tiles.osgeo.org/wms/vmap0',
+ layers:'basic'
+ }]
+ wms: function(options) {
+ var o = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.all,
+ $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.raster,
+ options);
+ var params = {
+ layers: o.layers,
+ transparent: o.transparent,
+ format: o.format
+ };
+ return {
+ layer: new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(o.label, o.url, params, o),
+ options: o
+ };
+ },
+//TODO complete this documentation
+###*layer* `{type:wmts}`
+_version added 0.1_
+####**Description**: create a WMTS (tiling) layer
+**url** a string pointing to the location of the WMTS service
+**layer** a string with the name of the WMTS layer
+**matrixSet** a string with one of the advertised matrix set identifiers
+**style** a string with one of the advertised layer styles
+**label** string with the name of the layer
+ layers:[{
+ type:'wmts'
+ }]
+ wmts: function(options) {
+ var o = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.all,
+ $.fn.mapQuery.defaults.layer.wmts);
+ //smo 20110614 the maxExtent is set here with OpenLayers.Bounds
+ if (options.sphericalMercator===true) {
+ $.extend(true, o, {
+ maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(
+ -128 * 156543.0339, -128 * 156543.0339,
+ 128 * 156543.0339, 128 * 156543.0339),
+ maxResolution: 156543.0339,
+ numZoomLevels: 19,
+ projection: 'EPSG:900913',
+ units: 'm'
+ });
+ }
+ $.extend(true, o, options);
+ // use by default all options that were passed in for the final
+ // openlayers layer consrtuctor
+ var params = $.extend(true, {}, o);
+ // remove trailing slash
+ if (params.url.charAt(params.url.length-1)==='/') {
+ params.url = params.url.slice(0, params.url.length-1);
+ }
+ // if no options that influence the URL where set, extract them
+ // from the given URL
+ if (o.layer===undefined && o.matrixSet===undefined &&
+ o.style===undefined) {
+ var url = $.MapQuery.util.parseUri(params.url);
+ var urlParts = url.path.split('/');
+ var wmtsPath = urlParts.slice(urlParts.length-3);
+ params.url = url.protocol ? url.protocol + '//' : '';
+ params.url += url.authority +
+ // remove WMTS version (1.0.0) as well
+ urlParts.slice(0, urlParts.length-4).join('/');
+ params.layer = wmtsPath[0];
+ params.style = wmtsPath[1];
+ params.matrixSet = wmtsPath[2];
+ }
+ return {
+ layer: new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS(params),
+ options: o
+ };
+ }
+ }
+// default options for the map and layers
+$.fn.mapQuery.defaults = {
+ // The controls for the map are per instance, therefore it need to
+ // be an function that can be initiated per instance
+ map: function() {
+ return {
+ // Remove quirky moveTo behavior, probably not a good idea in the
+ // long run
+ allOverlays: true,
+ controls: [
+ // Since OL2.11 the Navigation control includes touch navigation as well
+ new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation({
+ documentDrag: true,
+ dragPanOptions: {
+ interval: 1,
+ enableKinetic: true
+ }
+ }),
+ new OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser(),
+ new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution(),
+ new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults()
+ ],
+ format: 'image/png',
+ maxExtent: [-128*156543.0339,
+ -128*156543.0339,
+ 128*156543.0339,
+ 128*156543.0339],
+ maxResolution: 156543.0339,
+ numZoomLevels: 19,
+ projection: 'EPSG:900913',
+ displayProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
+ zoomToMaxExtent: true,
+ units: 'm'
+ };
+ },
+ layer: {
+ all: {
+ isBaseLayer: false,
+ //in general it is kinda pointless to load tiles outside a maxextent
+ displayOutsideMaxExtent: false
+ },
+ bing: {
+ transitionEffect: 'resize',
+ view: 'road',
+ sphericalMercator: true
+ },
+ google: {
+ transitionEffect: 'resize',
+ view: 'road',
+ sphericalMercator: true
+ },
+ osm: {
+ transitionEffect: 'resize',
+ sphericalMercator: true
+ },
+ raster: {
+ // options for raster layers
+ transparent: true
+ },
+ vector: {
+ // options for vector layers
+ strategies: ['fixed']
+ },
+ wmts: {
+ format: 'image/jpeg',
+ requestEncoding: 'REST',
+ sphericalMercator: false
+ }
+ }
+// Some utility functions
+$.MapQuery.util = {};
+// http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/parseuri (2010-12-18)
+// parseUri 1.2.2
+// (c) Steven Levithan <stevenlevithan.com>
+// MIT License
+// Edited to include the colon in the protocol, just like it is
+// with window.location.protocol
+$.MapQuery.util.parseUri = function (str) {
+ var o = $.MapQuery.util.parseUri.options,
+ m = o.parser[o.strictMode ? "strict" : "loose"].exec(str),
+ uri = {},
+ i = 14;
+ while (i--) {uri[o.key[i]] = m[i] || "";}
+ uri[o.q.name] = {};
+ uri[o.key[12]].replace(o.q.parser, function ($0, $1, $2) {
+ if ($1) {uri[o.q.name][$1] = $2;}
+ });
+ return uri;
+$.MapQuery.util.parseUri.options = {
+ strictMode: false,
+ key: ["source", "protocol", "authority", "userInfo", "user",
+ "password", "host", "port", "relative", "path", "directory",
+ "file", "query", "anchor"],
+ q: {
+ name: "queryKey",
+ parser: /(?:^|&)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g
+ },
+ parser: {
+ strict: /^(?:([^:\/?#]+:))?(?:\/\/((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?((((?:[^?#\/]*\/)*)([^?#]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/,
+ loose: /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+:))?(?:\/\/)?((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/
+ }
+// Checks whether a URL conforms to the same origin policy or not
+$.MapQuery.util.sameOrigin = function(url) {
+ var parsed = $.MapQuery.util.parseUri(url);
+ parsed.protocol = parsed.protocol || 'file:';
+ parsed.port = parsed.port || "80";
+ var current = {
+ domain: document.domain,
+ port: window.location.port,
+ protocol: window.location.protocol
+ };
+ current.port = current.port || "80";
+ return parsed.protocol===current.protocol &&
+ parsed.port===current.port &&
+ // the current domain is a suffix of the parsed domain
+ parsed.host.match(current.domain + '$')!==null;