path: root/library/Text_Highlighter/javascript.xml
diff options
authorredmatrix <git@macgirvin.com>2016-06-15 19:44:15 -0700
committerredmatrix <git@macgirvin.com>2016-06-15 19:44:15 -0700
commitfa48de33c2f6cefbac8bfec7cde75b75390d5f39 (patch)
tree63440977ec1d802850c7b8c21496f01c9a44e7fd /library/Text_Highlighter/javascript.xml
parent476116a972c0f8b8ade495de557b8fc8d3097964 (diff)
provide syntax based [colour] highlighting on code blocks for popular languages. I'm not happy with the line height on the list elements but couldn't see where this was defaulted. This uses the syntax [code=xxx]some code snippet[/code], where xxx represents a code/language style - with about 18 builtins.
Diffstat (limited to 'library/Text_Highlighter/javascript.xml')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/Text_Highlighter/javascript.xml b/library/Text_Highlighter/javascript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e478515a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/Text_Highlighter/javascript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- $Id: javascript.xml,v 1.3 2008-01-01 23:43:36 ssttoo Exp $ -->
+<highlight lang="javascript" case = "no">
+ <authors>
+ <author name="Andrey Demenev" email ="demenev@gmail.com"/>
+ </authors>
+ <default innerClass="code" />
+ <region name="block" delimClass="brackets" innerClass="code" start="\{" end="\}">
+ <contains all="yes"/>
+ </region>
+ <region name="brackets" delimClass="brackets" innerClass="code" start="\(" end="\)">
+ <contains all="yes"/>
+ </region>
+ <region name="sqbrackets" delimClass="brackets" innerClass="code" start="\[" end="\]">
+ <contains all="yes"/>
+ </region>
+ <region name="mlcomment" innerClass="comment" start="\/\*" end="\*\/" >
+ <contains block="cvstag"/>
+ </region>
+ <region name="strdouble" delimClass="quotes" innerClass="string" start="&quot;" end="&quot;"/>
+ <region name="strsingle" delimClass="quotes" innerClass="string" start="'" end="'" />
+ <block name="escaped" match="\\\\|\\&quot;|\\'|\\`" innerClass="special" contained="yes">
+ <onlyin region="strsingle"/>
+ </block>
+ <block name="descaped" match="\\\\|\\&quot;|\\'|\\`|\\t|\\n|\\r" innerClass="special" contained="yes">
+ <onlyin region="strdouble"/>
+ </block>
+ <region name="comment" start="\/\/" end="/$/m" innerClass="comment">
+ <contains block="cvstag"/>
+ </region>
+ <block name="identifier" match="[a-z_]\w*" innerClass="identifier" case="no"/>
+ <block name="number" match="0x\d*|\d*\.?\d+" innerClass="number"/>
+ <block name="url" match="((https?|ftp):\/\/[\w\?\.\-\&amp;=\/%+]+)|(^|[\s,!?])www\.\w+\.\w+[\w\?\.\&amp;=\/%+]*" innerClass="url" contained="yes">
+ <onlyin region="mlcomment"/>
+ <onlyin region="comment"/>
+ </block>
+ <block name="email" match="\w+[\.\w\-]+@(\w+[\.\w\-])+" innerClass="url" contained="yes">
+ <onlyin region="mlcomment"/>
+ <onlyin region="comment"/>
+ </block>
+ <block name="note" match="\b(note|fixme):" innerClass="inlinedoc" contained="yes" case="no">
+ <onlyin region="mlcomment"/>
+ <onlyin region="comment"/>
+ </block>
+ <block name="cvstag" match="\$\w+:.+\$" innerClass="inlinedoc" contained="yes">
+ <onlyin region="mlcomment"/>
+ <onlyin region="comment"/>
+ </block>
+ <keywords name="builtin" inherits="identifier" innerClass="builtin" case = "yes">
+ <keyword match="String"/>
+ <keyword match="Array"/>
+ <keyword match="RegExp"/>
+ <keyword match="Function"/>
+ <keyword match="Math"/>
+ <keyword match="Number"/>
+ <keyword match="Date"/>
+ <keyword match="Image"/>
+ <keyword match="window"/>
+ <keyword match="document"/>
+ <keyword match="navigator"/>
+ <keyword match="onAbort"/>
+ <keyword match="onBlur"/>
+ <keyword match="onChange"/>
+ <keyword match="onClick"/>
+ <keyword match="onDblClick"/>
+ <keyword match="onDragDrop"/>
+ <keyword match="onError"/>
+ <keyword match="onFocus"/>
+ <keyword match="onKeyDown"/>
+ <keyword match="onKeyPress"/>
+ <keyword match="onKeyUp"/>
+ <keyword match="onLoad"/>
+ <keyword match="onMouseDown"/>
+ <keyword match="onMouseOver"/>
+ <keyword match="onMouseOut"/>
+ <keyword match="onMouseMove"/>
+ <keyword match="onMouseUp"/>
+ <keyword match="onMove"/>
+ <keyword match="onReset"/>
+ <keyword match="onResize"/>
+ <keyword match="onSelect"/>
+ <keyword match="onSubmit"/>
+ <keyword match="onUnload"/>
+ </keywords>
+ <keywords name="reserved" inherits="identifier" innerClass="reserved" case = "yes">
+ <keyword match="break"/>
+ <keyword match="continue"/>
+ <keyword match="do"/>
+ <keyword match="while"/>
+ <keyword match="do"/>
+ <keyword match="export"/>
+ <keyword match="for"/>
+ <keyword match="in"/>
+ <keyword match="if"/>
+ <keyword match="else"/>
+ <keyword match="import"/>
+ <keyword match="return"/>
+ <keyword match="label"/>
+ <keyword match="switch"/>
+ <keyword match="case"/>
+ <keyword match="var"/>
+ <keyword match="with"/>
+ <keyword match="delete"/>
+ <keyword match="new"/>
+ <keyword match="this"/>
+ <keyword match="typeof"/>
+ <keyword match="void"/>
+ <keyword match="abstract"/>
+ <keyword match="boolean"/>
+ <keyword match="byte"/>
+ <keyword match="catch"/>
+ <keyword match="char"/>
+ <keyword match="class"/>
+ <keyword match="const"/>
+ <keyword match="continue"/>
+ <keyword match="debugger"/>
+ <keyword match="default"/>
+ <keyword match="double"/>
+ <keyword match="enum"/>
+ <keyword match="extends"/>
+ <keyword match="false"/>
+ <keyword match="final"/>
+ <keyword match="finally"/>
+ <keyword match="float"/>
+ <keyword match="function"/>
+ <keyword match="implements"/>
+ <keyword match="goto"/>
+ <keyword match="in"/>
+ <keyword match="instanceof"/>
+ <keyword match="int"/>
+ <keyword match="interface"/>
+ <keyword match="long"/>
+ <keyword match="native"/>
+ <keyword match="null"/>
+ <keyword match="package"/>
+ <keyword match="private"/>
+ <keyword match="protected"/>
+ <keyword match="public"/>
+ <keyword match="short"/>
+ <keyword match="static"/>
+ <keyword match="super"/>
+ <keyword match="synchronized"/>
+ <keyword match="throw"/>
+ <keyword match="throws"/>
+ <keyword match="transient"/>
+ <keyword match="true"/>
+ <keyword match="try"/>
+ <keyword match="volatile"/>
+ </keywords>