path: root/include
diff options
authorFabio Comuni <fabrix.xm@gmail.com>2011-04-21 17:03:19 +0200
committerFabio Comuni <fabrix.xm@gmail.com>2011-04-21 17:03:19 +0200
commite472d79b1e64c91dd3e19227151bdf82eb209192 (patch)
treeb5e7a2f1681c788c501ccee9379b8d96a1063aa1 /include
parent1fb097951d3769b37a870ea498998b662f261e3f (diff)
Reworked template processor. support for "if" "for" and "inc" blocks, also nested
Diffstat (limited to 'include')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/include/template_processor.php b/include/template_processor.php
index f6d0264df..d1ff3998f 100644
--- a/include/template_processor.php
+++ b/include/template_processor.php
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
class Template {
- var $s;
var $r;
var $search;
var $replace;
+ var $stack = array();
+ var $nodes = array();
+ var $done = false;
private function _build_replace($r, $prefix){
@@ -20,31 +21,117 @@
- private function _replcb_if($m){
- //echo "<pre>"; var_dump($m);
- $keys = explode(".",$m[1]);
+ private function _push_stack(){
+ $this->stack[] = array($this->r, $this->search, $this->replace, $this->nodes);
+ }
+ private function _pop_stack(){
+ list($this->r, $this->search, $this->replace, $this->nodes) = array_pop($this->stack);
+ }
+ private function _get_var($name){
+ $keys = array_map('trim',explode(".",$name));
$val = $this->r;
foreach($keys as $k) {
$val = $val[$k];
+ return $val;
+ }
+ /**
+ * IF node
+ *
+ * {{ if <$var> }}...{{ endif }}
+ */
+ private function _replcb_if($args){
+ $val = $this->_get_var($args[2]);
+ return ($val?$args[3]:"");
+ }
+ /**
+ * FOR node
+ *
+ * {{ for <$var> as $name }}...{{ endfor }}
+ * {{ for <$var> as $key=>$name }}...{{ endfor }}
+ */
+ private function _replcb_for($args){
+ $m = array_map('trim', explode(" as ", $args[2]));
+ list($keyname, $varname) = explode("=>",$m[1]);
+ if (is_null($varname)) { $varname=$keyname; $keyname=""; }
+ if ($m[0]=="" || $varname=="" || is_null($varname)) die("template error: 'for ".$m[0]." as ".$varname."'") ;
+ $vals = $this->r[$m[0]];
+ $ret="";
+ if (!is_array($vals)) return $ret;
+ foreach ($vals as $k=>$v){
+ $this->_push_stack();
+ $r = $this->r;
+ $r[$varname] = $v;
+ if ($keyname!='') $r[$keyname] = $k;
+ $ret .= $this->replace($args[3], $r);
+ $this->_pop_stack();
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * INC node
+ *
+ * {{ inc <templatefile> [with $var1=$var2] }}{{ endinc }}
+ */
+ private function _replcb_inc($args){
+ list($tplfile, $newctx) = array_map('trim', explode("with",$args[2]));
+ $this->_push_stack();
+ $r = $this->r;
+ if (!is_null($newctx)) {
+ list($a,$b) = array_map('trim', explode("=",$newctx));
+ $r[$a] = $this->_get_var($b);
+ }
+ $this->nodes = Array();
+ $tpl = load_view_file($tplfile);
+ $ret = $this->replace($tpl, $r);
+ $this->_pop_stack();
+ return $ret;
- //echo $val;
- return ($val?$m[2]:"");
+ }
+ private function _replcb_node($m) {
+ $node = $this->nodes[$m[1]];
+ if (method_exists($this, "_replcb_".$node[1])){
+ return call_user_func(array($this, "_replcb_".$node[1]), $node);
+ } else {
+ return "";
+ }
+ }
+ private function _replcb($m){
+ $this->done = false;
+ $this->nodes[] = (array) $m;
+ return "||". (count($this->nodes)-1) ."||";
+ }
+ private function _build_nodes($s){
+ $this->done = false;
+ while (!$this->done){
+ $this->done=true;
+ $s = preg_replace_callback('|{{ *([a-z]*) *([^}]*)}}([^{]*){{ *end\1 *}}|', array($this, "_replcb"), $s);
+ }
+ krsort($this->nodes);
+ return $s;
public function replace($s, $r) {
- $this->s = $s;
$this->r = $r;
$this->search = array();
$this->replace = array();
$this->_build_replace($r, "");
- $s = preg_replace_callback("|{{ *if *([^ }]*) *}}([^{]*){{ *endif *}}|", array($this, "_replcb_if"), $s);
+ #$s = str_replace(array("\n","\r"),array("§n§","§r§"),$s);
+ $s = $this->_build_nodes($s);
+ $s = preg_replace_callback('/\|\|([0-9]+)\|\|/', array($this, "_replcb_node"), $s);
+ $s = str_replace($this->search,$this->replace,$s);
- return str_replace($this->search,$this->replace,$s);
+ return $s;
- }
+ }
$t = new Template;