path: root/Zotlabs/Storage/Directory.php
diff options
authorredmatrix <git@macgirvin.com>2016-07-28 19:58:05 -0700
committerredmatrix <git@macgirvin.com>2016-07-28 19:58:05 -0700
commitae5c10a71cd29722f63b379b62801dea52a9ab8f (patch)
tree5c9c0c6668369f5ffbd4f5c7b635c9c1ec96b996 /Zotlabs/Storage/Directory.php
parent2d4b75428a87038b9a637bf49fc0a91c91b392fb (diff)
parent4d5202353fbce12f19fbe578205259d2a7bd3f04 (diff)
Merge branch '1.10RC'1.10
Diffstat (limited to 'Zotlabs/Storage/Directory.php')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Zotlabs/Storage/Directory.php b/Zotlabs/Storage/Directory.php
index 0ccd9da47..15e06e28f 100644
--- a/Zotlabs/Storage/Directory.php
+++ b/Zotlabs/Storage/Directory.php
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
namespace Zotlabs\Storage;
use Sabre\DAV;
+use Sabre\HTTP;
* @brief RedDirectory class.
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ class Directory extends DAV\Node implements DAV\ICollection, DAV\IQuota {
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
- $contents = RedCollectionData($this->red_path, $this->auth);
+ $contents = $this->CollectionData($this->red_path, $this->auth);
return $contents;
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ class Directory extends DAV\Node implements DAV\ICollection, DAV\IQuota {
return new Directory('/' . $modulename, $this->auth);
- $x = RedFileData($this->ext_path . '/' . $name, $this->auth);
+ $x = $this->FileData($this->ext_path . '/' . $name, $this->auth);
if ($x) {
return $x;
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ class Directory extends DAV\Node implements DAV\ICollection, DAV\IQuota {
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
- list($parent_path, ) = DAV\URLUtil::splitPath($this->red_path);
+ list($parent_path, ) = HTTP\URLUtil::splitPath($this->red_path);
$new_path = $parent_path . '/' . $name;
$r = q("UPDATE attach SET filename = '%s' WHERE hash = '%s' AND uid = %d",
@@ -206,6 +207,7 @@ class Directory extends DAV\Node implements DAV\ICollection, DAV\IQuota {
throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
$mimetype = z_mime_content_type($name);
$c = q("SELECT * FROM channel WHERE channel_id = %d AND channel_removed = 0 LIMIT 1",
@@ -432,8 +434,8 @@ class Directory extends DAV\Node implements DAV\ICollection, DAV\IQuota {
return true;
- $x = RedFileData($this->ext_path . '/' . $name, $this->auth, true);
- //logger('RedFileData returns: ' . print_r($x, true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ $x = $this->FileData($this->ext_path . '/' . $name, $this->auth, true);
+ //logger('FileData returns: ' . print_r($x, true), LOGGER_DATA);
if ($x)
return true;
@@ -566,4 +568,280 @@ class Directory extends DAV\Node implements DAV\ICollection, DAV\IQuota {
+ /**
+ * @brief Array with all Directory and File DAV\Node items for the given path.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param string $file path to a directory
+ * @param \Zotlabs\Storage\BasicAuth &$auth
+ * @returns null|array \Sabre\DAV\INode[]
+ * @throw \Sabre\DAV\Exception\Forbidden
+ * @throw \Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotFound
+ */
+ function CollectionData($file, &$auth) {
+ $ret = array();
+ $x = strpos($file, '/cloud');
+ if ($x === 0) {
+ $file = substr($file, 6);
+ }
+ // return a list of channel if we are not inside a channel
+ if ((! $file) || ($file === '/')) {
+ return $this->ChannelList($auth);
+ }
+ $file = trim($file, '/');
+ $path_arr = explode('/', $file);
+ if (! $path_arr)
+ return null;
+ $channel_name = $path_arr[0];
+ $r = q("SELECT channel_id FROM channel WHERE channel_address = '%s' LIMIT 1",
+ dbesc($channel_name)
+ );
+ if (! $r)
+ return null;
+ $channel_id = $r[0]['channel_id'];
+ $perms = permissions_sql($channel_id);
+ $auth->owner_id = $channel_id;
+ $path = '/' . $channel_name;
+ $folder = '';
+ $errors = false;
+ $permission_error = false;
+ for ($x = 1; $x < count($path_arr); $x++) {
+ $r = q("SELECT id, hash, filename, flags, is_dir FROM attach WHERE folder = '%s' AND filename = '%s' AND uid = %d AND is_dir != 0 $perms LIMIT 1",
+ dbesc($folder),
+ dbesc($path_arr[$x]),
+ intval($channel_id)
+ );
+ if (! $r) {
+ // path wasn't found. Try without permissions to see if it was the result of permissions.
+ $errors = true;
+ $r = q("select id, hash, filename, flags, is_dir from attach where folder = '%s' and filename = '%s' and uid = %d and is_dir != 0 limit 1",
+ dbesc($folder),
+ basename($path_arr[$x]),
+ intval($channel_id)
+ );
+ if ($r) {
+ $permission_error = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($r && intval($r[0]['is_dir'])) {
+ $folder = $r[0]['hash'];
+ $path = $path . '/' . $r[0]['filename'];
+ }
+ }
+ if ($errors) {
+ if ($permission_error) {
+ throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new DAV\Exception\NotFound('A component of the request file path could not be found.');
+ }
+ }
+ // This should no longer be needed since we just returned errors for paths not found
+ if ($path !== '/' . $file) {
+ logger("Path mismatch: $path !== /$file");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ $prefix = 'DISTINCT ON (filename)';
+ $suffix = 'ORDER BY filename';
+ }
+ else {
+ $prefix = '';
+ $suffix = 'GROUP BY filename';
+ }
+ $r = q("select $prefix id, uid, hash, filename, filetype, filesize, revision, folder, flags, is_dir, created, edited from attach where folder = '%s' and uid = %d $perms $suffix",
+ dbesc($folder),
+ intval($channel_id)
+ );
+ foreach ($r as $rr) {
+ //logger('filename: ' . $rr['filename'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ if (intval($rr['is_dir'])) {
+ $ret[] = new Directory($path . '/' . $rr['filename'], $auth);
+ }
+ else {
+ $ret[] = new File($path . '/' . $rr['filename'], $rr, $auth);
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns an array with viewable channels.
+ *
+ * Get a list of Directory objects with all the channels where the visitor
+ * has <b>view_storage</b> perms.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param BasicAuth &$auth
+ * @return array Directory[]
+ */
+ function ChannelList(&$auth) {
+ $ret = array();
+ $r = q("SELECT channel_id, channel_address FROM channel WHERE channel_removed = 0
+ AND channel_system = 0 AND NOT (channel_pageflags & %d)>0",
+ intval(PAGE_HIDDEN)
+ );
+ if ($r) {
+ foreach ($r as $rr) {
+ if (perm_is_allowed($rr['channel_id'], $auth->observer, 'view_storage')) {
+ logger('found channel: /cloud/' . $rr['channel_address'], LOGGER_DATA);
+ // @todo can't we drop '/cloud'? It gets stripped off anyway in RedDirectory
+ $ret[] = new Directory('/cloud/' . $rr['channel_address'], $auth);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief
+ *
+ *
+ * @param string $file
+ * path to file or directory
+ * @param BasicAuth &$auth
+ * @param boolean $test (optional) enable test mode
+ * @return File|Directory|boolean|null
+ * @throw \Sabre\DAV\Exception\Forbidden
+ */
+ function FileData($file, &$auth, $test = false) {
+ logger($file . (($test) ? ' (test mode) ' : ''), LOGGER_DATA);
+ $x = strpos($file, '/cloud');
+ if ($x === 0) {
+ $file = substr($file, 6);
+ }
+ else {
+ $x = strpos($file,'/dav');
+ if($x === 0)
+ $file = substr($file,4);
+ }
+ if ((! $file) || ($file === '/')) {
+ return new Directory('/', $auth);
+ }
+ $file = trim($file, '/');
+ $path_arr = explode('/', $file);
+ if (! $path_arr)
+ return null;
+ $channel_name = $path_arr[0];
+ $r = q("select channel_id from channel where channel_address = '%s' limit 1",
+ dbesc($channel_name)
+ );
+ if (! $r)
+ return null;
+ $channel_id = $r[0]['channel_id'];
+ $path = '/' . $channel_name;
+ $auth->owner_id = $channel_id;
+ $permission_error = false;
+ $folder = '';
+ require_once('include/security.php');
+ $perms = permissions_sql($channel_id);
+ $errors = false;
+ for ($x = 1; $x < count($path_arr); $x++) {
+ $r = q("select id, hash, filename, flags, is_dir from attach where folder = '%s' and filename = '%s' and uid = %d and is_dir != 0 $perms",
+ dbesc($folder),
+ dbesc($path_arr[$x]),
+ intval($channel_id)
+ );
+ if ($r && intval($r[0]['is_dir'])) {
+ $folder = $r[0]['hash'];
+ $path = $path . '/' . $r[0]['filename'];
+ }
+ if (! $r) {
+ $r = q("select id, uid, hash, filename, filetype, filesize, revision, folder, flags, is_dir, os_storage, created, edited from attach
+ where folder = '%s' and filename = '%s' and uid = %d $perms order by filename limit 1",
+ dbesc($folder),
+ dbesc(basename($file)),
+ intval($channel_id)
+ );
+ }
+ if (! $r) {
+ $errors = true;
+ $r = q("select id, uid, hash, filename, filetype, filesize, revision, folder, flags, is_dir, os_storage, created, edited from attach
+ where folder = '%s' and filename = '%s' and uid = %d order by filename limit 1",
+ dbesc($folder),
+ dbesc(basename($file)),
+ intval($channel_id)
+ );
+ if ($r)
+ $permission_error = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($path === '/' . $file) {
+ if ($test)
+ return true;
+ // final component was a directory.
+ return new Directory($file, $auth);
+ }
+ if ($errors) {
+ logger('not found ' . $file);
+ if ($test)
+ return false;
+ if ($permission_error) {
+ logger('permission error ' . $file);
+ throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.');
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($r) {
+ if ($test)
+ return true;
+ if (intval($r[0]['is_dir'])) {
+ return new Directory($path . '/' . $r[0]['filename'], $auth);
+ }
+ else {
+ return new File($path . '/' . $r[0]['filename'], $r[0], $auth);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }