path: root/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/designers/language-builtin-functions/language-function-shortform-assign.md
blob: d6a9e979898f2aa992f40e9533ad9e0c9cc3c52f (plain) (tree)

{\$var=\...} {#language.function.shortform.assign}

This is a short-hand version of the {assign} function. You can assign
values directly to the template, or assign values to array elements too.

> **Note**
> Assignment of variables in-template is essentially placing application
> logic into the presentation that may be better handled in PHP. Use at
> your own discretion.

The following attributes can be added to the tag:


   Attribute Name   Shorthand    Type    Required   Default  Description
  ---------------- ----------- -------- ---------- --------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       scope           n/a      string      No       *n/a*   The scope of the assigned variable: \'parent\',\'root\' or \'global\'

**Option Flags:**

    Name    Description
  --------- -----------------------------------------------------
   nocache  Assigns the variable with the \'nocache\' attribute


    The value of $name is {$name}.


The above example will output:

    The value of $name is Bob.










Variables assigned in the included template will be seen in the
including template.

    {include file="sub_template.tpl"}
    {* display variable assigned in sub_template *}


The template above includes the example `sub_template.tpl` below

    {* foo will be known also in the including template *}
    {$foo="something" scope=parent}
    {* bar is assigned only local in the including template *}

See also [`{assign}`](#language.function.assign) and