#!/usr/bin/env php
namespace Sabre\VObject;
// This sucks.. we have to try to find the composer autoloader. But chances
// are, we can't find it this way. So we'll do our bestest
$paths = [
__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php', // In case vobject is cloned directly
__DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php', // In case vobject is a composer dependency.
foreach($paths as $path) {
if (file_exists($path)) {
include $path;
if (!class_exists('Sabre\\VObject\\Version')) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Composer autoloader could not be properly loaded.\n");
if ($argc < 2) {
$version = Version::VERSION;
$help = <<<HI
sabre/vobject $version
generate_vcards [count]
count The number of random vcards to generate
generate_vcards 1000 > testdata.vcf
fwrite(STDERR, $help);
$count = (int)$argv[1];
if ($count < 1) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Count must be at least 1\n");
fwrite(STDERR, "sabre/vobject " . Version::VERSION . "\n");
fwrite(STDERR, "Generating " . $count . " vcards in vCard 4.0 format\n");
* The following list is just some random data we compiled from various
* sources online.
* Very little thought went into compiling this list, and certainly nothing
* political or ethical.
* We would _love_ more additions to this to add more variation to this list.
* Send us PR's and don't be shy adding your own first and last name for fun.
$sets = array(
"nl" => array(
"country" => "Netherlands",
"boys" => array(
"girls" => array(
"last" => array(
"De Boer",
"De Groot",
"De Jong",
"De Vries",
"Van Dijk",
"Van den Berg",
"us" => array(
"country" => "United States",
"boys" => array(
"girls" => array(
"last" => array(
$current = 0;
$r = function($arr) {
return $arr[mt_rand(0,count($arr)-1)];
$bdayStart = strtotime('-85 years');
$bdayEnd = strtotime('-20 years');
while($current < $count) {
fwrite(STDERR, "\033[100D$current/$count");
$country = array_rand($sets);
$gender = mt_rand(0,1)?'girls':'boys';
$vcard = new Component\VCard(array(
'VERSION' => '4.0',
'FN' => $r($sets[$country][$gender]) . ' ' . $r($sets[$country]['last']),
'UID' => UUIDUtil::getUUID(),
$bdayRatio = mt_rand(0,9);
if($bdayRatio < 2) {
// 20% has a birthday property with a full date
$dt = new \DateTime('@' . mt_rand($bdayStart, $bdayEnd));
$vcard->add('BDAY', $dt->format('Ymd'));
} elseif ($bdayRatio < 3) {
// 10% we only know the month and date of
$dt = new \DateTime('@' . mt_rand($bdayStart, $bdayEnd));
$vcard->add('BDAY', '--' . $dt->format('md'));
if ($result = $vcard->validate()) {
echo "\nWe produced an invalid vcard somehow!\n";
foreach($result as $message) {
echo " " . $message['message'] . "\n";
fwrite(STDERR, ob_get_clean());
echo $vcard->serialize();