path: root/vendor/michelf/php-markdown/test/resources/php-markdown-extra.mdtest/Abbr.text
blob: ae72f4ec11c75a25b94f1e95b809873166595efd (plain) (tree)

Some text about HTML, SGML and HTML4.

Let's talk about the U.S.A., (É.U. or É.-U. d'A. in French).

*[HTML4]: Hyper Text Markup Language version 4
*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
*[SGML]: Standard Generalized Markup Language
*[U.S.A.]: United States of America
*[É.U.] : États-Unis d'Amérique
*[É.-U. d'A.] : États-Unis d'Amérique

And here we have a CD, some CDs, and some other CD's.

*[CD]: Compact Disk

Let's transfert documents through TCP/IP, using TCP packets.

*[IP]: Internet Protocol
*[TCP]: Transmission Control Protocol


Bienvenue sur [CMS](http://www.bidulecms.com "Bidule CMS").

*[CMS]: Content Management System



*[ATCCE]: Abbreviation "Testing" Correct 'Character' < Escapes >