# URLify for PHP [](https://travis-ci.org/jbroadway/urlify)
A fast PHP slug generator and transliteration library, started as a PHP port of
from the Django project.
Handles symbols from latin languages, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Burmese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Esperanto,
Estonian, Finnish, French, Switzerland (French), Austrian (French), Georgian, German, Switzerland (German),
Austrian (German), Greek, Hindi, Kazakh, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish,
Serbian, Slovak, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese, and many other via `ASCII::to_transliterate()`.
Symbols it cannot transliterate it can omit or replace with a specified character.
## Installation
Install the latest version with:
$ composer require jbroadway/urlify
## Usage
First, include Composer's autoloader:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
To generate slugs for URLs:
echo URLify::slug (' J\'étudie le français ');
// "jetudie-le-francais"
echo URLify::slug ('Lo siento, no hablo español.');
// "lo-siento-no-hablo-espanol"
To generate slugs for file names:
echo URLify::filter ('фото.jpg', 60, "", true);
// "foto.jpg"
To simply transliterate characters:
echo URLify::downcode ('J\'étudie le français');
// "J'etudie le francais"
echo URLify::downcode ('Lo siento, no hablo español.');
// "Lo siento, no hablo espanol."
/* Or use transliterate() alias: */
echo URLify::transliterate ('Lo siento, no hablo español.');
// "Lo siento, no hablo espanol."
To extend the character list:
URLify::add_chars ([
'¿' => '?', '®' => '(r)', '¼' => '1/4',
'½' => '1/2', '¾' => '3/4', '¶' => 'P'
echo URLify::downcode ('¿ ® ¼ ¼ ¾ ¶');
// "? (r) 1/2 1/2 3/4 P"
To extend the list of words to remove:
URLify::remove_words (['remove', 'these', 'too']);
To prioritize a certain language map:
echo URLify::filter ('Ägypten und Österreich besitzen wie üblich ein Übermaß an ähnlich öligen Attachés', 60, 'de');
// "aegypten-und-oesterreich-besitzen-wie-ueblich-ein-uebermass-aehnlich-oeligen-attaches"
echo URLify::filter ('Cağaloğlu, çalıştığı, müjde, lazım, mahkûm', 60, 'tr');
// "cagaloglu-calistigi-mujde-lazim-mahkum"
Please note that the "ü" is transliterated to "ue" in the first case, whereas it results in a simple "u" in the latter.