* Generates the json files stored in resources/currency.
* The ISO currency list is used as a base, since it doesn't contain
* deprecated currencies, unlike CLDR (v25 has 139 deprecated entries).
require __DIR__ . '/generate_base.php';
$currencyData = json_decode(file_get_contents($currencyData), true);
$isoData = simplexml_load_file($isoCurrencies);
$baseData = generate_base_data($currencyData, $isoData);
$localizations = generate_localizations($baseData);
$localizations = filter_duplicate_localizations($localizations);
// Make sure we're starting from a clean slate.
if (is_dir(__DIR__ . '/currency')) {
die('The currency/ directory must not exist.');
// Prepare the filesystem.
mkdir(__DIR__ . '/currency');
// Write out the localizations.
foreach ($localizations as $locale => $localizedCurrencies) {
$collator = collator_create($locale);
uasort($localizedCurrencies, function ($a, $b) use ($collator) {
return collator_compare($collator, $a['name'], $b['name']);
file_put_json(__DIR__ . '/currency/' . $locale . '.json', $localizedCurrencies);
$availableLocales = array_keys($localizations);
// Base currency definitions and available locales are stored
// in PHP, then manually transferred to CurrencyRepository.
$data = "<?php\n\n";
$data .= export_locales($availableLocales);
$data .= export_base_data($baseData);
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/currency_data.php', $data);
echo "Done.\n";
* Exports base data.
function export_base_data($baseData)
$export = '$baseData = [' . "\n";
foreach ($baseData as $currencyCode => $currencyData) {
$export .= " '" . $currencyCode . "' => ['";
$export .= $currencyData['numeric_code'] . "', " . $currencyData['fraction_digits'];
$export .= "],\n";
$export .= "];";
return $export;
* Exports locales.
function export_locales($data)
// Wrap the values in single quotes.
$data = array_map(function ($value) {
return "'" . $value . "'";
}, $data);
$export = '// ' . count($data) . " available locales. \n";
$export .= '$locales = [' . "\n";
$export .= ' ' . implode(', ', $data) . "\n";
$export .= "];\n\n";
return $export;
* Generates the base data.
function generate_base_data(array $currencyData, $isoData)
$baseData = [];
$currencyData = $currencyData['supplemental']['currencyData']['fractions'];
foreach ($isoData->CcyTbl->CcyNtry as $currency) {
$attributes = (array) $currency->CcyNm->attributes();
if (!empty($attributes) && !empty($attributes['@attributes']['IsFund'])) {
// Ignore funds.
$currency = (array) $currency;
if (empty($currency['Ccy'])) {
// Ignore placeholders like "Antarctica".
if (substr($currency['CtryNm'], 0, 2) == 'ZZ' || in_array($currency['Ccy'], ['XUA', 'XSU', 'XDR'])) {
// Ignore special currencies.
$currencyCode = $currency['Ccy'];
$baseData[$currencyCode] = [
'numeric_code' => $currency['CcyNbr'],
// Take the fraction digits from CLDR, not ISO, because it reflects real
// life usage more closely.
if (isset($currencyData[$currencyCode]['_digits'])) {
$baseData[$currencyCode]['fraction_digits'] = $currencyData[$currencyCode]['_digits'];
} else {
$baseData[$currencyCode]['fraction_digits'] = $currencyData['DEFAULT']['_digits'];
return $baseData;
* Generates the localizations.
function generate_localizations(array $baseData)
global $numbersDirectory;
$locales = discover_locales();
// Make sure 'en' is processed first so that it can be used as a fallback.
$index = array_search('en', $locales);
array_unshift($locales, 'en');
$localizations = [];
$untranslatedCounts = [];
foreach ($locales as $locale) {
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents($numbersDirectory . $locale . '/currencies.json'), true);
$data = $data['main'][$locale]['numbers']['currencies'];
foreach ($data as $currencyCode => $currency) {
if (isset($baseData[$currencyCode])) {
$currencyName = $currency['displayName'];
// This currency name is untranslated, use the english version.
if ($currencyCode == $currencyName) {
$currencyName = $localizations['en'][$currencyCode]['name'];
// Maintain a count of untranslated currencies per locale.
$untranslatedCounts += [$locale => 0];
$localizations[$locale][$currencyCode] = [
'name' => $currencyName,
// Decrease the dataset size by exporting the symbol only if it's
// different from the currency code.
if ($currency['symbol'] != $currencyCode) {
$localizations[$locale][$currencyCode]['symbol'] = $currency['symbol'];
// Ignore locales that are more than 80% untranslated.
foreach ($untranslatedCounts as $locale => $count) {
$totalCount = count($localizations[$locale]);
$untranslatedPercentage = $count * (100 / $totalCount);
if ($untranslatedPercentage >= 80) {
return $localizations;
* Filters out duplicate localizations (same as their parent locale).
* For example, "fr-FR" will be removed if "fr" has the same data.
function filter_duplicate_localizations(array $localizations)
$duplicates = [];
foreach ($localizations as $locale => $localizedCurrencies) {
if ($parentLocale = \CommerceGuys\Intl\Locale::getParent($locale)) {
$parentCurrencies = isset($localizations[$parentLocale]) ? $localizations[$parentLocale] : [];
$diff = array_udiff($localizedCurrencies, $parentCurrencies, function ($first, $second) {
return ($first['name'] == $second['name']) ? 0 : 1;
if (empty($diff)) {
// The duplicates are not removed right away because they might
// still be needed for other duplicate checks (for example,
// when there are locales like bs-Latn-BA, bs-Latn, bs).
$duplicates[] = $locale;
foreach ($duplicates as $locale) {
return $localizations;