* jquery.numberformatter - Formatting/Parsing Numbers in jQuery
* Written by
* Michael Abernethy (mike@abernethysoft.com),
* Andrew Parry (aparry0@gmail.com)
* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
* and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
* @author Michael Abernethy, Andrew Parry
* @version 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT ($Id$)
* Dependencies
* jQuery (http://jquery.com)
* jshashtable (http://www.timdown.co.uk/jshashtable)
* Notes & Thanks
* many thanks to advweb.nanasi.jp for his bug fixes
* jsHashtable is now used also, so thanks to the author for that excellent little class.
* This plugin can be used to format numbers as text and parse text as Numbers
* Because we live in an international world, we cannot assume that everyone
* uses "," to divide thousands, and "." as a decimal point.
* As of 1.2 the way this plugin works has changed slightly, parsing text to a number
* has 1 set of functions, formatting a number to text has it's own. Before things
* were a little confusing, so I wanted to separate the 2 out more.
* jQuery extension functions:
* formatNumber(options, writeBack, giveReturnValue) - Reads the value from the subject, parses to
* a Javascript Number object, then formats back to text using the passed options and write back to
* the subject.
* parseNumber(options) - Parses the value in the subject to a Number object using the passed options
* to decipher the actual number from the text, then writes the value as text back to the subject.
* Generic functions:
* formatNumber(numberString, options) - Takes a plain number as a string (e.g. '1002.0123') and returns
* a string of the given format options.
* parseNumber(numberString, options) - Takes a number as text that is formatted the same as the given
* options then and returns it as a plain Number object.
* To achieve the old way of combining parsing and formatting to keep say a input field always formatted
* to a given format after it has lost focus you'd simply use a combination of the functions.
* e.g.
* $("#salary").blur(function(){
* $(this).parseNumber({format:"#,###.00", locale:"us"});
* $(this).formatNumber({format:"#,###.00", locale:"us"});
* });
* The syntax for the formatting is:
* 0 = Digit
* # = Digit, zero shows as absent
* . = Decimal separator
* - = Negative sign
* , = Grouping Separator
* % = Percent (multiplies the number by 100)
* For example, a format of "#,###.00" and text of 4500.20 will
* display as "4.500,20" with a locale of "de", and "4,500.20" with a locale of "us"
* As of now, the only acceptable locales are
* Arab Emirates -> "ae"
* Australia -> "au"
* Austria -> "at"
* Brazil -> "br"
* Canada -> "ca"
* China -> "cn"
* Czech -> "cz"
* Denmark -> "dk"
* Egypt -> "eg"
* Finland -> "fi"
* France -> "fr"
* Germany -> "de"
* Greece -> "gr"
* Great Britain -> "gb"
* Hong Kong -> "hk"
* India -> "in"
* Israel -> "il"
* Japan -> "jp"
* Russia -> "ru"
* South Korea -> "kr"
* Spain -> "es"
* Sweden -> "se"
* Switzerland -> "ch"
* Taiwan -> "tw"
* Thailand -> "th"
* United States -> "us"
* Vietnam -> "vn"
(function(jQuery) {
var nfLocales = new Hashtable();
var nfLocalesLikeUS = [ 'ae','au','ca','cn','eg','gb','hk','il','in','jp','sk','th','tw','us' ];
var nfLocalesLikeDE = [ 'at','br','de','dk','es','gr','it','nl','pt','tr','vn' ];
var nfLocalesLikeFR = [ 'cz','fi','fr','ru','se','pl' ];
var nfLocalesLikeCH = [ 'ch' ];
var nfLocaleFormatting = [ [".", ","], [",", "."], [",", " "], [".", "'"] ];
var nfAllLocales = [ nfLocalesLikeUS, nfLocalesLikeDE, nfLocalesLikeFR, nfLocalesLikeCH ]
function FormatData(dec, group, neg) {
this.dec = dec;
this.group = group;
this.neg = neg;
function init() {
// write the arrays into the hashtable
for (var localeGroupIdx = 0; localeGroupIdx < nfAllLocales.length; localeGroupIdx++) {
localeGroup = nfAllLocales[localeGroupIdx];
for (var i = 0; i < localeGroup.length; i++) {
nfLocales.put(localeGroup[i], localeGroupIdx);
function formatCodes(locale, isFullLocale) {
if (nfLocales.size() == 0)
// default values
var dec = ".";
var group = ",";
var neg = "-";
if (isFullLocale == false) {
// Extract and convert to lower-case any language code from a real 'locale' formatted string, if not use as-is
// (To prevent locale format like : "fr_FR", "en_US", "de_DE", "fr_FR", "en-US", "de-DE")
if (locale.indexOf('_') != -1)
locale = locale.split('_')[1].toLowerCase();
else if (locale.indexOf('-') != -1)
locale = locale.split('-')[1].toLowerCase();
// hashtable lookup to match locale with codes
var codesIndex = nfLocales.get(locale);
if (codesIndex) {
var codes = nfLocaleFormatting[codesIndex];
if (codes) {
dec = codes[0];
group = codes[1];
return new FormatData(dec, group, neg);
/* Formatting Methods */
* Formats anything containing a number in standard js number notation.
* @param {Object} options The formatting options to use
* @param {Boolean} writeBack (true) If the output value should be written back to the subject
* @param {Boolean} giveReturnValue (true) If the function should return the output string
jQuery.fn.formatNumber = function(options, writeBack, giveReturnValue) {
return this.each(function() {
// enforce defaults
if (writeBack == null)
writeBack = true;
if (giveReturnValue == null)
giveReturnValue = true;
// get text
var text;
if (jQuery(this).is(":input"))
text = new String(jQuery(this).val());
text = new String(jQuery(this).text());
// format
var returnString = jQuery.formatNumber(text, options);
// set formatted string back, only if a success
// if (returnString) {
if (writeBack) {
if (jQuery(this).is(":input"))
if (giveReturnValue)
return returnString;
// }
// return '';
* First parses a string and reformats it with the given options.
* @param {Object} numberString
* @param {Object} options
jQuery.formatNumber = function(numberString, options){
var options = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.fn.formatNumber.defaults, options);
var formatData = formatCodes(options.locale.toLowerCase(), options.isFullLocale);
var dec = formatData.dec;
var group = formatData.group;
var neg = formatData.neg;
var validFormat = "0#-,.";
// strip all the invalid characters at the beginning and the end
// of the format, and we'll stick them back on at the end
// make a special case for the negative sign "-" though, so
// we can have formats like -$23.32
var prefix = "";
var negativeInFront = false;
for (var i = 0; i < options.format.length; i++) {
if (validFormat.indexOf(options.format.charAt(i)) == -1)
prefix = prefix + options.format.charAt(i);
if (i == 0 && options.format.charAt(i) == '-') {
negativeInFront = true;
var suffix = "";
for (var i = options.format.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (validFormat.indexOf(options.format.charAt(i)) == -1)
suffix = options.format.charAt(i) + suffix;
options.format = options.format.substring(prefix.length);
options.format = options.format.substring(0, options.format.length - suffix.length);
// now we need to convert it into a number
//while (numberString.indexOf(group) > -1)
// numberString = numberString.replace(group, '');
//var number = new Number(numberString.replace(dec, ".").replace(neg, "-"));
var number = new Number(numberString);
return jQuery._formatNumber(number, options, suffix, prefix, negativeInFront);
* Formats a Number object into a string, using the given formatting options
* @param {Object} numberString
* @param {Object} options
jQuery._formatNumber = function(number, options, suffix, prefix, negativeInFront) {
var options = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.fn.formatNumber.defaults, options);
var formatData = formatCodes(options.locale.toLowerCase(), options.isFullLocale);
var dec = formatData.dec;
var group = formatData.group;
var neg = formatData.neg;
var forcedToZero = false;
if (isNaN(number)) {
if (options.nanForceZero == true) {
number = 0;
forcedToZero = true;
} else
return null;
// special case for percentages
if (suffix == "%")
number = number * 100;
var returnString = "";
if (options.format.indexOf(".") > -1) {
var decimalPortion = dec;
var decimalFormat = options.format.substring(options.format.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
// round or truncate number as needed
if (options.round == true)
number = new Number(number.toFixed(decimalFormat.length));
else {
var numStr = number.toString();
numStr = numStr.substring(0, numStr.lastIndexOf('.') + decimalFormat.length + 1);
number = new Number(numStr);
var decimalValue = number % 1;
var decimalString = new String(decimalValue.toFixed(decimalFormat.length));
decimalString = decimalString.substring(decimalString.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
for (var i = 0; i < decimalFormat.length; i++) {
if (decimalFormat.charAt(i) == '#' && decimalString.charAt(i) != '0') {
decimalPortion += decimalString.charAt(i);
} else if (decimalFormat.charAt(i) == '#' && decimalString.charAt(i) == '0') {
var notParsed = decimalString.substring(i);
if (notParsed.match('[1-9]')) {
decimalPortion += decimalString.charAt(i);
} else
} else if (decimalFormat.charAt(i) == "0")
decimalPortion += decimalString.charAt(i);
returnString += decimalPortion
} else
number = Math.round(number);
var ones = Math.floor(number);
if (number < 0)
ones = Math.ceil(number);
var onesFormat = "";
if (options.format.indexOf(".") == -1)
onesFormat = options.format;
onesFormat = options.format.substring(0, options.format.indexOf("."));
var onePortion = "";
if (!(ones == 0 && onesFormat.substr(onesFormat.length - 1) == '#') || forcedToZero) {
// find how many digits are in the group
var oneText = new String(Math.abs(ones));
var groupLength = 9999;
if (onesFormat.lastIndexOf(",") != -1)
groupLength = onesFormat.length - onesFormat.lastIndexOf(",") - 1;
var groupCount = 0;
for (var i = oneText.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
onePortion = oneText.charAt(i) + onePortion;
if (groupCount == groupLength && i != 0) {
onePortion = group + onePortion;
groupCount = 0;
// account for any pre-data padding
if (onesFormat.length > onePortion.length) {
var padStart = onesFormat.indexOf('0');
if (padStart != -1) {
var padLen = onesFormat.length - padStart;
// pad to left with 0's or group char
var pos = onesFormat.length - onePortion.length - 1;
while (onePortion.length < padLen) {
var padChar = onesFormat.charAt(pos);
// replace with real group char if needed
if (padChar == ',')
padChar = group;
onePortion = padChar + onePortion;
if (!onePortion && onesFormat.indexOf('0', onesFormat.length - 1) !== -1)
onePortion = '0';
returnString = onePortion + returnString;
// handle special case where negative is in front of the invalid characters
if (number < 0 && negativeInFront && prefix.length > 0)
prefix = neg + prefix;
else if (number < 0)
returnString = neg + returnString;
if (!options.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown) {
if (returnString.lastIndexOf(dec) == returnString.length - 1) {
returnString = returnString.substring(0, returnString.length - 1);
returnString = prefix + returnString + suffix;
return returnString;
/* Parsing Methods */
* Parses a number of given format from the element and returns a Number object.
* @param {Object} options
jQuery.fn.parseNumber = function(options, writeBack, giveReturnValue) {
// enforce defaults
if (writeBack == null)
writeBack = true;
if (giveReturnValue == null)
giveReturnValue = true;
// get text
var text;
if (jQuery(this).is(":input"))
text = new String(jQuery(this).val());
text = new String(jQuery(this).text());
// parse text
var number = jQuery.parseNumber(text, options);
if (number) {
if (writeBack) {
if (jQuery(this).is(":input"))
if (giveReturnValue)
return number;
* Parses a string of given format into a Number object.
* @param {Object} string
* @param {Object} options
jQuery.parseNumber = function(numberString, options) {
var options = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.fn.parseNumber.defaults, options);
var formatData = formatCodes(options.locale.toLowerCase(), options.isFullLocale);
var dec = formatData.dec;
var group = formatData.group;
var neg = formatData.neg;
var valid = "1234567890.-";
// now we need to convert it into a number
while (numberString.indexOf(group)>-1)
numberString = numberString.replace(group,'');
numberString = numberString.replace(dec,".").replace(neg,"-");
var validText = "";
var hasPercent = false;
if (numberString.charAt(numberString.length - 1) == "%" || options.isPercentage == true)
hasPercent = true;
for (var i=0; i<numberString.length; i++) {
if (valid.indexOf(numberString.charAt(i))>-1)
validText = validText + numberString.charAt(i);
var number = new Number(validText);
if (hasPercent) {
number = number / 100;
var decimalPos = validText.indexOf('.');
if (decimalPos != -1) {
var decimalPoints = validText.length - decimalPos - 1;
number = number.toFixed(decimalPoints + 2);
} else {
number = number.toFixed(validText.length - 1);
return number;
jQuery.fn.parseNumber.defaults = {
locale: "us",
decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown: false,
isPercentage: false,
isFullLocale: false
jQuery.fn.formatNumber.defaults = {
format: "#,###.00",
locale: "us",
decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown: false,
nanForceZero: true,
round: true,
isFullLocale: false
Number.prototype.toFixed = function(precision) {
return jQuery._roundNumber(this, precision);
jQuery._roundNumber = function(number, decimalPlaces) {
var power = Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces || 0);
var value = String(Math.round(number * power) / power);
// ensure the decimal places are there
if (decimalPlaces > 0) {
var dp = value.indexOf(".");
if (dp == -1) {
value += '.';
dp = 0;
} else {
dp = value.length - (dp + 1);
while (dp < decimalPlaces) {
value += '0';
return value;