require_once 'include/dba/dba_driver.php';
* @brief PDO based database driver.
class dba_pdo extends dba_driver {
public $driver_dbtype = null;
private string $server_version = '';
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see dba_driver::connect()
function connect($server, $scheme, $port, $user, $pass, $db, $db_charset) {
$this->driver_dbtype = $scheme;
if(strpbrk($server,':;')) {
$dsn = $this->driver_dbtype . ':unix_socket=' . trim($server, ':;');
else {
$dsn = $this->driver_dbtype . ':host=' . $server . (intval($port) ? ';port=' . $port : '');
$dsn .= ';dbname=' . $db;
if ($this->driver_dbtype === 'mysql') {
$dsn .= ';charset=' . $db_charset;
else {
$dsn .= ";options='--client_encoding=" . $db_charset . "'";
try {
$this->db = new PDO($dsn,$user,$pass);
$this->server_version = $this->db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION);
catch(PDOException $e) {
if(file_exists('dbfail.out')) {
file_put_contents('dbfail.out', datetime_convert() . "\nConnect: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
return false;
if($this->driver_dbtype === 'pgsql')
$this->q("SET standard_conforming_strings = 'off'; SET backslash_quote = 'on';");
$this->connected = true;
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see dba_driver::q()
* @return bool|array|PDOStatement
* - \b false if not connected or PDOException occured on query
* - \b array with results on a SELECT query
* - \b PDOStatement on a non SELECT SQL query
function q($sql) {
if((! $this->db) || (! $this->connected))
return false;
if($this->driver_dbtype === 'pgsql') {
if(substr(rtrim($sql),-1,1) !== ';') {
$sql .= ';';
$result = false;
$this->error = '';
$select = stripos($sql, 'select') === 0 || stripos($sql, 'returning ') > 0;
try {
$result = $this->db->query($sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
catch(PDOException $e) {
$this->error = $e->getMessage();
if($this->error) {
db_logger('dba_pdo: ERROR: ' . printable($sql) . "\n" . $this->error, LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_ERR);
if(file_exists('dbfail.out')) {
file_put_contents('dbfail.out', datetime_convert() . "\n" . printable($sql) . "\n" . $this->error . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
if(!($select)) {
if($this->debug) {
db_logger('dba_pdo: DEBUG: ' . printable($sql) . ' returns ' . (($result) ? 'true' : 'false'), LOGGER_NORMAL,(($result) ? LOG_INFO : LOG_ERR));
return $result;
$r = array();
if($result) {
foreach($result as $x) {
$r[] = $x;
if($this->debug) {
db_logger('dba_pdo: DEBUG: ' . printable($sql) . ' returned ' . count($r) . ' results.', LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_INFO);
if(intval($this->debug) > 1) {
db_logger('dba_pdo: ' . printable(print_r($r,true)), LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_INFO);
return (($this->error) ? false : $r);
* Insert a row into a table.
* The `$data` argument is an array of key/value pairs of the columns to
* insert, where the key is the column name. Values are automatically
* escaped if needed, and should be provided unescaped to this function.
* @note it is the callers responsibility to ensure that only valid
* column names are passed as keys in the array.
* The inserted row will be returned.
* @param string $table The table to insert the row into.
* @param array $data The data to insert as an array of column name => value pairs.
* @param string $idcol The column name for the primary key of the table. We need to
* specify this since we don't have a consistent naming of primary
* id for tables.
* @return array|bool The complete record as read back from the database, or false if we
* could not fetch it.
public function insert(string $table, array $data, string $idcol): array|bool {
$keys = array_keys($data);
$values = array_map(
fn ($v) => is_numeric($v) ? $v : "'" . dbesc($v) . "'",
$query = "INSERT INTO {$table} ("
. implode(', ', $keys) . ') VALUES ('
. implode(', ', $values) . ')';
// MySQL is the only supported DB that don't support the returning
// clause. Since the driver type is 'mysql' also for MariaDB, we need
// to check the actual server version to be sure we only exclude actual
// MySQL systems.
if ($this->driver_dbtype !== 'mysql' || stripos($this->server_version, 'mariadb') !== false) {
$query .= ' RETURNING *';
$res = $this->q($query);
if (is_a($res, PDOStatement::class)) {
// Calling PDO::lastInsertId should be safe here.
// The last inserted id is kept for each connection, so we're not risking
// a race condition wrt inserts by other requests that happen simultaneously.
$id = $this->db->lastInsertId($table);
$res = $this->q("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE {$idcol} = {$id}");
if (is_a($res, PDOStatement::class)) {
db_logger('dba_pdo: PDOStatement returned, did not expect that.');
return false;
if (is_array($res)) {
// Since we should never have more than one result, unwrap the array
// so we only have the resulting row.
$res = $res[0];
return $res;
* Update an existing row in a table.
* The `$data` argument is an array of key/value pairs of the columns to
* update, where the key is the column name. Values are automatically
* escaped if needed, and should be provided unescaped to this function.
* @note it is the callers responsibility to ensure that only valid
* column names are passed as keys in the array.
* The row to be updated is identified by `$idcol` and `$idval` as the
* column name and value respectively. This should normally be the unique
* id column of the table, but can in theory be any column with a unique
* value that identifies a specific row.
* @param string $table The table to update.
* @param array $data The columns to update as key => value pairs.
* @param string $idcol The name of the id column to check $idval against.
* @param mixed $idval The id of the row to update.
* @return bool True if the update succeeded, false otherwise.
public function update(string $table, array $data, string $idcol, mixed $idval): bool {
$set_statements = [];
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
$set_statements[] = "set {$k}=" . (is_numeric($v) ? $v : "'" . dbesc($v) . "'");
$query = "UPDATE {$table} "
. implode(', ', $set_statements)
. " WHERE {$idcol} = {$idval}";
$res = $this->q($query);
return is_a($res, PDOStatement::class);
function escape($str) {
if($this->db && $this->connected) {
return substr(substr(@$this->db->quote($str),1),0,-1);
function close() {
$this->db = null;
$this->connected = false;
function concat($fld,$sep) {
if($this->driver_dbtype === 'pgsql') {
return 'string_agg(' . $fld . ',\'' . $sep . '\')';
else {
return 'GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ' . $fld . ' SEPARATOR \'' . $sep . '\')';
function use_index($str) {
if($this->driver_dbtype === 'pgsql') {
return '';
else {
return 'USE INDEX( ' . $str . ')';
function str_to_date($str) {
if($this->driver_dbtype === 'pgsql') {
return "TO_TIMESTAMP($str, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')";
else {
return "STR_TO_DATE($str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')";
function quote_interval($txt) {
if($this->driver_dbtype === 'pgsql') {
return "'$txt'";
else {
return $txt;
// These two functions assume that postgres standard_conforming_strings is set to off;
// which we perform during DB open.
function escapebin($str) {
if($this->driver_dbtype === 'pgsql') {
return "\\\\x" . bin2hex($str);
else {
return $this->escape($str);
function unescapebin($str) {
if($this->driver_dbtype === 'pgsql') {
if(gettype($str) === 'resource') {
$str = stream_get_contents($str);
if(substr($str,0,2) === '\\x') {
$str = hex2bin(substr($str,2));
return $str;
function getdriver() {
return 'pdo';